1 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S LC Headings from September 2020–October 2020 Lists compiled by Christa M. Strickler The new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publica- tion. Items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 9 (September 18) and 10 (October 16). SUBJECT HEADINGS 150 144,000 (Biblical figures) [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020005934] 450 UF 144,000 Sealed (Biblical figures) 450 UF One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand (Biblical figures) 450 UF One Hundred Forty-four Thousand (Biblical figures) 450 UF Sealed Ones (Biblical figures) 150 Aging in rabbinical literature [sp2020006310] 053 BM496.9.A43 550 BT Rabbinical literature 150 Akṣobhya (Buddhist deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85003077 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)n 2020240490 150 Benedictine universities and colleges [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006766] 450 UF Benedictine Catholic universities and colleges 450 UF Benedictine colleges 550 BT Catholic universities and colleges 150 Cave monasteries--India [sp2020008071] 150 Chhatris (Architecture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006689] 450 UF Chatris (Architecture) 550 BT Hindu architecture 550 BT Islamic architecture 550 BT Pavilions 150 Child sexual abuse by clergy in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020006708] 150 Corruption--Religious aspects [sp2020006019] 150 Corruption--Religious aspects--Christianity [sp2020006020] Christa M. Strickler is Associate Professor of Library Science at Wheaton College. 2 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 9 , N O . 1 : J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 150 COVID-19 (Disease)--Religious aspects [sp2020006567] 150 COVID-19 (Disease)--Religious aspects--Islam [sp2020006568] 150 Disasters (Islamic law) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020007372] 550 BT Islamic law 150 Ecotheology--Catholic Church [sp2020006764] 150 Elections--Religious aspects--Hinduism [sp2020006778] 053 BL1215.E44 150 Experience (Religion) in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020005456] 053 PN1995.9.R4 550 BT Motion pictures 151 Ghor as-Safi Site (Jordan) [sp2020006002] 451 UF Gawr as-Safi Site (Jordan) 451 UF Ghawr as Safi Site (Jordan) 451 UF Ghor Al-Safi Site (Jordan) 451 UF Ghor es-Safi Site (Jordan) 451 UF Zoar Site (Jordan) 451 UF Zoara Site (Jordan) 551 BT Jordan--Antiquities 781 Jordan--Ghor as-Safi Site 150 Halal food industry [May Subd Geog] [sp2006008710] 053 HD9334 ADD FIELD 150 Hamsa (Mythical bird) [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020005881] 450 UF Hansa (Mythical bird) 450 UF Raj Hansa (Mythical bird) 550 BT Animals, Mythical 550 BT Hindu mythology 150 Hamsa (Mythical bird) in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020005882] 150 Harkis in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020006571] 3 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S 150 Jagatīs (Architecture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006652] 450 UF Chaukīs (Architecture) 450 UF Chowkhīs (Architecture) 550 BT Buddhist architecture 550 BT Hindu architecture 550 BT Jaina architecture 550 BT Plinths 150 Jesuit universities and colleges [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000012] 450 UF Jesuit colleges ADD FIELD 150 Jews in mass media [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020006743] 053 P94.5.J48-P94.5.J482 550 BT Mass media 680 Here are entered works on the depiction of Jews in mass media. 151 Karla Caves (India) [sp2020008062] 451 UF Karla Cells (India) 451 UF Karle Caves (India) 451 UF Karli Caves (India) 550 BT Buddhist cave temples--India 550 BT Cave monasteries--India 550 BT Caves--India 551 BT India--Antiquities 781 India--Karla Caves 150 Library linked data CANCEL HEADING [sp2019102475] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the sub- ject heading Linked data (DLC)sh2013002090 150 Linked data [May Subd Geog] [sp2013002090] 450 UF Library linked data [Former heading] ADD FIELD 150 Material culture--Religious aspects--Hinduism [sp2019103262] 150 Muslims--Education [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008351] 550 RT Pesantrens (Islamic schools) ADD FIELD 150 Old age in rabbinical literature [sp2020006311] 550 BT Rabbinical literature 4 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 9 , N O . 1 : J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1 150 Pesantrens (Islamic schools) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006777] 450 UF Dayahs 450 UF Pondok pesantrens 450 UF Pondoks (Islamic schools) 450 UF Rangkangs (Islamic schools) 550 BT Islamic religious education 550 BT Schools 550 RT Muslims--Education 151 Philippines--History--Religious aspects [sp2020008157] 151 Philippines--History--Religious aspects--Catholic Church [sp2020006763] 150 Philosophy libraries--Collection development [May Subd Geog] [sp2020008016] 550 BT Collection development (Libraries) 150 Pīṭhas (Architecture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006653] 450 UF Jagatīpīthās (Architecture) 450 UF Pīṭhikās (Architecture) 550 BT Hindu architecture 550 BT Jaina architecture 550 BT Pedestals 550 BT Plinths 150 Relic books [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006686] 450 UF Heiltumsbücher 550 BT Catalogs 550 BT Devotional literature 550 BT Illustrated books 150 Religious literature, Ladino [May Subd Geog] [sp2020008054] 450 UF Ladino religious literature 550 BT Ladino literature 150 Vietnamese American Buddhists [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006330] 450 UF Buddhists, Vietnamese American 550 BT Buddhists--United States 150 Viharas (Architecture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006772] 450 UF Vihans (Architecture) 450 UF Vihares (Architecture) 450 UF Wihans (Architecture) 550 BT Buddhist architecture 5 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S 150 Women saints in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020006676] GENRE/FORM TERMS 155 Christian fiction [gp2020026050] 455 UF Christian stories 555 BT Religious fiction 680 Fiction that promotes Christian teachings or exemplifies a Christian way of life.