AU G U S T 202 1: VO L . 2 9, N O. 3 I S S N 15 4 8 - 8 49 7 JOURNAL INFORMATION Theology Cataloging Bulletin (TCB), a publi- cation of Atla, is published in January, April, August, and October. It contains information about new and changed Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Library of Con- gress Classification (LCC) numbers compiled from the Library of Congress’s monthly lists, upcoming training opportunities, bibliogra- phies of recently published articles, and other information of interest to religion/theology catalogers. Each issue also contains a column entitled "Perspectives & Practices," which is a first-person narrative of an experience, proj- ect, or training of interest to the technical ser- vices community. TCB is an open access journal published un- der a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCom- mercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0 International). Content that is produced by the Library of Congress and reprinted in TCB is in the public domain as a work of the federal government. Authors of the "Perspectives & Practices" col- umn retain copyright to their work and grant to Atla the exclusive first publication, display, and distribution rights in the work. All other content is copyright Atla subject to the Cre- ative Commons license. Cover image: This issue's image is the work of our own Cindy Snell, and is released with the rest of our content under the terms above. EDITORIAL BOARD Cynthia Snell, Columbia International Univer- sity, Editor-in-Chief Anna Appleman, Columbia Theological Semi- nary, Contributing Editor Christa M. Strickler, Wheaton College, Contributing Editor SUBMISSION INFORMATION Submissions should be according to the guide- lines and instructions. Contact the editorial board for any questions about submissions to the News or Perspectives & Practices columns. PUBLISHER INFORMATION © Atla 200 S. Wacker Drive Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60606-6701