1 1 L C S H A N D L C C U P D A T E S LC Headings and Classification from September – November 2021 compiled by Anna Appleman The new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publica- tion. Items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 09 (September 17), 10 (October 15), and 11b (November 12). SUBJECT HEADINGS 150 Afghan War, 2001---Religious aspects--Christianity CHANGE HEADING 150 Afghan War, 2001-2021--Religious aspects--Christianity [sp2019000969] 150 Afghan War, 2001---Religious aspects--Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland CHANGE HEAD- ING 150 Afghan War, 2001-2021--Religious aspects--Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland [sp2019000970] 150 Alliances--Religious aspects [sp2021003796] 150 Baptism [May Subd Geog] ADD GEOG [sp 85011718 ] 450 UF Baptismal immersion ADD FIELD 550 RT Sponsors ADD FIELD 150 Baptism--Reaffirmation of covenant [sp 85011724 ] 550 RT Confirmation DELETE FIELD 150 Benediction [May Subd Geog] ADD GEOG [sp 85013121 ] 053 BV197.B5 DELETE FIELD 053 BX2048.B5 (Catholic Church) DELETE FIELD 053 BV197.B5 (Christian liturgy) ADD FIELD 550 BT Blessing and cursing ADD FIELD 110 Bhim ki Chauri (India) [sp2021006975] 410 UF Bheem Chauri (India) 410 UF Bheem ki Chauri (India) 410 UF Bhim ka Chauri (India) 410 UF Bhim ke Chauri (India) 410 UF Bhimchauri (India) 550 BT Hindu temples--India Anna Appleman is Cataloging Librarian at Columbia Theological Seminary. 1 2 T C B : T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N R E L I G I O N & T H E O L O G Y • V O L . 3 0 , N O . 1 : J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 2 150 Bible plays, Czech [May Subd Geog] [sp2021007007] 450 UF Czech Bible plays 550 BT Czech drama 150 Buddhist rock-cut temples [May Subd Geog] [sp2021005713] 550 BT Buddhist temples 550 BT Rock-cut temples 151 Chiapas (Mexico)--History--Peasant Uprising, 1994---Religious aspects [sp2021008125] 151 Chiapas (Mexico)--History--Peasant Uprising, 1994---Religious aspects--Catholic Church [sp2021006863] 150 Church and the world--Catholic Church [sp2021006982] 053 BX1795.W68 150 Church camps--Russkaia͡ pravoslavnaia͡ ts͡erkovʹ [sp2021008108] 150 Church membership [May Subd Geog] [sp 85025649 ] 550 RT Confirmation DELETE FIELD 150 Confirmation [May Subd Geog] ADD GEOG [sp 85030947 ] 053 BV815 DELETE FIELD 053 BX (By denomination) DELETE FIELD 053 BV815 (Christianity (General)) ADD FIELD 550 RT Baptism--Reaffirmation of covenant DELETE FIELD 550 RT Church membership DELETE FIELD 550 BT Sponsors ADD FIELD 680 Here are entered general works on Christian religious confirmation. Works on the liturgy of confirmation are entered under Confirmation (Liturgy). ADD FIELD 681 Note under Confirmation (Liturgy) ADD FIELD 150 Confirmation (Liturgy) [sp 85030952 ] 680 Here are entered works on the liturgy of confirmation. General works on Christian religious confirmation are entered under Confirmation. ADD FIELD 681 Note under Confirmation ADD FIELD 150 COVID-19 (Disease)--Religious aspects--Christianity [sp2021005645] 150 Dice--Religious aspects [sp2021005488] 150 Dice--Religious aspects--Buddhism [sp2021005490] 150 Gems--Religious aspects--Buddhism [sp2021005654] 1 3 L C S H A N D L C C U P D A T E S 150 Sauk Indians--Religion CHANGE HEADING 150 Sauk Indians (Algonquian)--Religion [sp 85117718 ] 150 Shiite poetry, Turkish [May Subd Geog] [sp2021006778] 450 UF Turkish Shiite poetry 550 BT Turkish poetry 150 Social change--Religious aspects--Church in the Province of the West Indies [sp2021007079] 150 Sponsors [May Subd Geog] [sp 85126856 ] 053 BV1478 ADD FIELD 550 BT Baptism DELETE FIELD 550 BT Confirmation DELETE FIELD 550 BT Persons ADD FIELD 550 RT Baptism ADD FIELD 550 RT Confirmation ADD FIELD 680 Here are entered works on persons who sponsor those being baptized or confirmed. ADD FIELD 150 Witchcraft in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2021006773] 550 BT Motion pictures 150 Witchcraft on television [Not Subd Geog] [sp2021006774] 550 BT Television CLASSIFICATION NUMBERS CLASS BF Occult sciences Magic (White and Black). Shamanism. Hermetics. Necromancy Special topics, A-Z BF1623.G47 Gesture CLASS BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism Religion Religion in relation to other subjects History and principles of religions [BL65.A762] Arts see NX180.R4 1 4 T C B : T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N R E L I G I O N & T H E O L O G Y • V O L . 3 0 , N O . 1 : J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 2 CLASS BQ Buddhism Doctrinal and systematic Buddhism Special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, A-Z BQ4570.D59 Divination BQ4570.G46 Gems CLASS BS The Bible General Texts and versions Modern texts and versions Non-European languages African languages, A-Z BS325.N59 Nkoya TABLE BS5 CLASS BT Doctrinal Theology God Other special, A-Z BT180.C67 Corporeality of God Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. Mariology Miracles. Apparitions. Shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. Special Other, A-Z BT8643.L58 Gozo Island (Malta). Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Ta' Pinu CLASS BX Christian denominations Catholic Church Other special topics, A-Z [BX1795.C52] Church and world see BX1795.W68 BX1795.W68 World, Church, and the Biography and portraits Individual Saints, A-Z 1 5 L C S H A N D L C C U P D A T E S BX4700.N45 Newman, John Henry, Saint, 1801-1890 Other, A-Z Newman, John Henry, Cardinal CANCEL (BX4705.N5) Newman, John Henry, Cardinal see BX4700.N45 Other Protestant denominations BX7017 Church of Christ in Thailand TABLE BX3 BX8080.5 Luz del Mundo CLASS DS History of Asia Israel (Palestine). The Jews Special topics Jewish diaspora By region or country Other regions or countries, A-Z DS135.K67 Korea Including Korea (South) Korea Ethnography Individual elements in the population, A-Z [DS904.6.J32] Jews see DS135.K67 CLASS PC Romance philology and languages Romanian Literature Collections Poetry Special. By form or subject, A-Z PC834.5.C48 Christmas 1 6 T C B : T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N R E L I G I O N & T H E O L O G Y • V O L . 3 0 , N O . 1 : J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 2 CLASS PR English literature History of English literature By period Modern Renaissance and Reformation. 16th century Special topics, A-Z PR418.O77 Orpheus (Greek mythological character) CLASS PS American literature Collections of American literature Special classes of authors, A-Z PS508.M87 Muslim authors CLASS Z Subject bibliography Theology and religion Religions (non-Christian) Special, A-Z Z7835.M58 Mithraism