Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 3 • May 2018 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section) NEWS SACO If you missed the webinar “Kicking Off the ATLA SACO Funnel” on March 22 (or would like to revisit what was discussed) a recording is now available on ATLA’s On Demand Learning page OnDemandLearning/Pages/default.aspx). Further details about the funnel, including an application to participate, are available on the Library of Congress PCC website (, or you can contact Richard Lammert, ATLA Funnels Coordinator. Submitted by Richard Lammert, Technical Services & Systems Librarian Kroemer Library, Concordia Theological Seminary ATLA Funnels Coordinator PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Using MarcEdit Library Juice Academy Covering both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses, such as regular expressions and creating MARC records from vendor spreadsheet, this course is appropriate for both new and experienced users of MarcEdit. June 4-29, 2018 $175 The Road to Electronic Information Accessibility: How Do We Increase Student Success? ALCTS A two-day virtual preconference the will present a holistic view on meeting both the legal requirements and the students' requirements for success. June 5-6, 2018 $43-$95 E-Book Management for Academic Libraries Library Juice Academy This course covers the different types of method of e-book acquisition and licenses as well as discovery methods. Workflow considerations will also be examined. July 2-27, 2018 $175 Fundamentals of Preservation ALCTS A four-week online course that introduces participants to the principles, polices, and practices of preservations in libraries and archives. Instruction includes standard methods of care and repair and discusses the challenges in preserving digital content. July 30-August 24, 2018 $109-$139 Introduction to XML Library Juice Academy Learn about basic tools for working with XML documents as well as standards used in the library, digital humanities, and publishing communities. August 6-31, 2018 $175 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 3 • May 2018 3-2 Section 3 Submitted by Leslie Engelson, Metadata Librarian Waterfield Library, Murray State University SELECTED ARTICLES FROM CURRENT LIBRARY JOURNALS Arlitsch, Kenning and Carl Grant. "Why So Many Repositories? Examining the Limitations and Possibilities of the Institutional Repositories (IR) Landscape." Journal of Library Administration 58, no. 3 (April 2018): 264-281. Bone, Christine and Brett Lougheed. "Library of Congress Subject Headings Related to Indigenous Peoples: Changing LCSH for Use in a Canadian Archival Context." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 56, no. 1 ( January 2018): 83- 95. Corrado, Edward M. "Discovery Products and the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting." International Information & Library Review 50, no. 1 ( January 2018): 47-53. Ferris, Anna M. "Birth of a Subject Heading." Library Resources & Technical Services 62, no. 1 ( January 2018): 16-27. French, Rebecca B. "Direct Database Access to OCLC Connexion's Local Save File." Code4lib Journal no. 38 (October 18, 2017): 1. Held, Tim. "Curating, Not Weeding." Technical Services Quarterly 35, no. 2 (April 2018): 133-143. Joorabchi, Arash and Abdulhussain E. Mahdi. "Improving the Visibility of Library Resources Via Mapping Library Subject Headings to Wikipedia Articles." Library Hi Tech 36, no. 1 (2018): 57-74. Li, Xiaoli and Michael Colby. "From Vision to Action: One Campus's Experience with the UC CONSER Funnel." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (February 2018): 214-223. Sunny, Sanjeev K. and Mallikarjun Angadi. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Thesauri in Digital Information Retrieval Systems." The Electronic Library 36, no. 1 (2018): 55-70. Taniguchi, Shoichi. "Is BIBFRAME 2.0 a Suitable Schema for Exchanging and Sharing Diverse Descriptive Metadata about Bibliographic Resources?" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 56, no. 1 ( January 2018): 40-61. Thompson, Kelly and Stacie Traill. "Leveraging Python to Improve Ebook Metadata Selection, Ingest, and Management." Code4lib Journal no. 38 (October 18, 2017): 1. Wagstaff, Kiri L. and Geoffrey Z. Liu. "Automated Classification to Improve the Efficiency of Weeding Library Collections." Journal of Academic Librarianship 44, no. 2 (March 2018): 238-247. Walker, Wendy and Teressa Keenan. "Maintaining Digital Collections with Declining Resources, Fewer Staff." Digital Library Perspectives 34, no. 2 (2018): 91-100. Wintermute, Harriet E. and Mary K. Bolin. "Metadata Generators for Backlog Reduction: Metadata Maker Streamlines Cataloging and Facilitates Transition." Technical Services Quarterly 35, no. 2 (April 2018): 144-163. Xu, Amanda, Kirk Hess, and Laura Akerman. "From MARC to BIBFRAME 2.0: Crosswalks." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (February 2018): 224-250. Zuccala, Alesia, et al. "Metric Assessments of Books as Families of Works." Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 69, no. 1 ( January 2018): 146-157. Submitted by Anna Appleman, Cataloger John Bulow Campbell Library, Columbia Theological Seminary