Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 2 • February 2018 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section) NEWS THE FUTURE OF TCB Some exciting changes are coming to the Theology Cataloging Bulletin (TCB). In January 2019, the TCB will become available open access on the same platform on which Theological Librarianship resides. Additionally, the publication schedule will change with the first issue of volume 27 coinciding with its release as an open access publication. The Bulletin will continue to be published quarterly with issues published in January, April, July, and October. Be mindful that the fourth and final issue of volume 26 will be in August of this year. These changes will mean that the publication pattern will shift to a more logical schedule and the content of TCB will be available to anyone. Submitted by Leslie Engelson, Metadata Librarian Waterfield Library, Murray State University Theology Cataloging Bulletin Editor SACO Watch for information about a Webinar later this spring promoting the inauguration of the ATLA SACO funnel. Submitted by Richard Lammert, Technical Services & Systems Librarian Kroemer Library, Concordia Theological Seminary ATLA Funnels Coordinator PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Metadata Design Library Juice Academy Learn the tools of metadata design, design an XML schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. March 5-30, 2018 $175 Library of Congress BIBFRAME Pilot Phase Two ALCTS Understand the initiative and advancements with BIBFRAME. Includes a review of LD4P initiatives, PCC's BIBFRAME Task Group, and RDA's influence on BIBFRAME 2. March 7, 2018 FREE From MARC to BIBFRAME: Linked Data on the Ground ALCTS Six webinars from 2016 that describe the continuing BIBFRAME initiatives taking place at the Library of Congress March 7-May 2, 2018 FREE Fundamentals of Collection Development & Assessment ALCTS Learn tools and techniques to assess both print and electronic collections. March 12-April 20, 2018 $139-$169