1-1 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 1 • November 2017 Section 1 Section One: New and Changed Headings Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The headings in this list were selected from the monthly Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Approved Lists. LC’s Policy and Standards Division posts these lists on the Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions web site at: http://www.loc.gov/aba/cataloging/subject/weeklylists/. The new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2017 list numbers 07 ( July 17), 08 (August 21), and 09 (September 15). The new genre/form term listed here came from 2017 list number 08, and the new demographic group term is from 2017 list number 07. Demographic group terms belong to a new vocabulary the Library of Congress is developing, entitled Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). To support use of the LCDGT, the Policy and Standards Division has published the draft Demographic Group Terms Manual, available in PDF form at http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/freelcdgt. html. The Manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. Instruction sheet L 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (MARC Authority Records for LC Demographic Group Terms, http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/L405.pdf ). Guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in L 550 (Religion Category, http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/L550.pdf ). Full MARC 21 authority records for the LCDGT vocabulary in MARC UTF-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/LCDGT/. This page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. The following conventions are used, as in previous lists: All headings are in alphabetical order. Subject headings without the instruction [May Subd Geog] are not to be further divided by place. The number in square brackets is the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for that heading’s authority record (not the ARN/Authority Record Number). LCCNs for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. All lines begin with their MARC tag. Most headings are followed by other MARC fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: UF = Used For BT = Broader Term RT = Related Term SA = See Also Submitted by Ann Heinrichs Metadata/Cataloging Librarian The Paul Bechtold Library Catholic Theological Union 5401 S. Cornell Ave. Chicago, IL 60615 aheinrichs@ctu.edu 773-371-5462 1-2 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 1 • November 2017 Section 1 Subject Headings 150 Agni (Hindu deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85002225 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)n 2017240192 150 Agni (Hindu deity)--Cult CANCEL HEADING [sp2007008186] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading Agni (Hindu deity)--Cult, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 Agnicayana (Hindu rite) [sp 85002226 ] 550 BT Agni (Hindu deity) DELETE FIELD 150 Agnihotra (Hindu rite) [sp 85002227 ] 550 BT Agni (Hindu deity) DELETE FIELD 150 Balarāma (Hindu deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85011144 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading Balarāma (Hindu deity) (DLC)n 2017241998 150 Balarāma (Hindu deity) in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp2006005815] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading Balarāma (Hindu deity)--In literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 Bon painting [May Subd Geog] [sp2017003016] 450 UF Painting, Bon 150 Christian shrines--Korea (South) [sp2017003989] 150 Evil in art CANCEL HEADING [sp2010002599] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading Good and evil in art (DLC)sh 85055877 150 Evil in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp 85046022 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading Good and evil in literature (DLC)sh 94004490 150 Evil in motion pictures CANCEL HEADING [sp 88000810 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading Good and evil in motion pictures (DLC)sh2013002286 150 Fashion--Religious aspects [sp2017004044] 150 Fashion--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2017004046] 150 Ghosts--Religious aspects [sp2017004132] 150 Ghosts--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2017004131] 150 Good and evil in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp 85055877 ] 450 UF Evil in art [Former heading] ADD FIELD 1-3 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 1 • November 2017 Section 1 150 Good and evil in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp 94004490 ] 450 UF Evil in literature [Former heading] ADD FIELD 450 UF Good in literature [Former heading] ADD FIELD 150 Good and evil in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2013002286] 450 UF Evil in motion pictures [Former heading] ADD FIELD 150 Good in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp 85055888 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading Good and evil in literature (DLC)sh 94004490 150 Holocaust denial [May Subd Geog] [sp 96009499 ] 450 UF Denial, Holocaust DELETE FIELD 550 BT Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) DELETE FIELD 550 BT Denialism ADD FIELD 150 Holy cards [May Subd Geog] [sp 85061562 ] 450 UF Devotional pictures DELETE FIELD 450 UF Cards, Mass ADD FIELD 450 UF Cards, Prayer ADD FIELD 450 UF Cards, Sunday school ADD FIELD 450 UF Devotional pictures (Holy cards) ADD FIELD 450 UF Mass cards ADD FIELD 450 UF Pictures, Devotional (Holy cards) ADD FIELD 450 UF Prayer cards ADD FIELD 150 Holy cards in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2017003769] 150 Hymns, Umbu-Ungu [May Subd Geog] [sp2017003596] 450 UF Umbu-Ungu hymns 150 Incense burners and containers--China [sp2017003457] 150 Incense burners and containers--China--History [sp2017003458] 150 Incense burners and containers--China--History--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1912 [sp2017003460] 150 Islamic shrines--Kazakhstan [sp2017004143] 100 Jesus Christ--Stature [sp2017003583] 500 BT Jesus Christ--Physical appearance 150 Jo-naṅ-pa lamas CHANGE HEADING 150 Jo-nang-pa lamas [May Subd Geog] [sp2007003400] 450 UF Jo-nang-pa priests 450 UF Jo-naṅ-pa lamas [Former heading] 550 BT Sa-skya-pa lamas 150 Jo-naṅ-pa (Sect) CHANGE HEADING 150 Jo-nang-pa (Sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp 85070566 ] 053 BQ7674 450 UF Jo-naṅ-pa (Sect) [Former heading] 550 BT Sa-skya-pa (Sect) 1-4 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 1 • November 2017 Section 1 150 Jongmyo jerye [sp2017000458] 450 UF Chongmyo cherye 450 UF Chongmyo taeje 450 UF Grand Ancestral Rite 450 UF Jongmyo daeje 450 UF Royal Ancestral Rite 550 BT Confucianism--Rituals 550 BT Kings and rulers--Religious aspects 150 Libraries and authors [May Subd Geog] [sp2017003919] 053 Z711.92.A98 450 UF Authors and libraries 450 UF Libraries--Services to authors 450 UF Library services to authors 450 UF Public libraries--Services to authors 550 BT Authors 150 Mormon returned missionaries [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001344] 550 BT Returned missionaries 150 Neology ( Jewish sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp2017003589] 450 UF Congressionals ( Jewish sect) 450 UF Neologism ( Jewish sect) 550 BT Reform Judaism 150 Pawnbroking--Religious aspects [sp2017003303] 150 Pawnbroking--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2017003778] 150 Reducing diets--Religious aspects [sp2017003763] 150 Reducing diets--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2017003764] 150 Returned missionaries [May Subd Geog] [sp2017003619] 450 UF Ex-missionaries 450 UF Former missionaries 450 UF Returning missionaries 550 BT Missionaries 150 Sabbath [sp 85116177 ] 450 UF Shabbat ADD FIELD 150 Sustainable development--Religious aspects--Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] [sp2016002855] 150 Tanggogae Sun'gyo Sŏngji (Seoul, Korea) [sp2017003513] 450 UF Danggogae Martyrs' Shrine (Seoul, Korea) 550 BT Christian shrines--Korea (South) 781 Korea (South)--Tanggogae Sun'gyo Sŏngji 150 Transgenderism--Religious aspects CHANGE HEADING 150 Gender nonconformity--Religious aspects [sp2007003727] 1-5 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 26, No 1 • November 2017 Section 1 150 Transgenderism--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] CHANGE HEADING 150 Gender nonconformity--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2007003728] 150 Transvestism--Religious aspects CHANGE HEADING 150 Cross-dressing--Religious aspects [sp 97005599 ] 150 Transvestism--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] CHANGE HEADING 150 Cross-dressing--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp 97005588 ] Genre/Form Terms 155 Hymn concertatos [gp2017026077] 555 BT Arrangements (Music) 555 BT Hymns Demographic Group Terms 150 Jerusalemites [dp2016060173] 072 nat 450 UF Maqdisīyūn 450 UF Yerushalmim 550 BT Asians