Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 2 • February 2017 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Metadata for Data Resources Library Juice Academy This course is designed to help librarians develop skills to design and execute a strategy for resource description of data resources. MARC elements that related to data resources as well as the Data Documentation Initiative will be discussed. March 6-31, 2017 $175 Trends in Library Automation Library Juice Academy Explore the evolution of integrated library system software from client-based to Software-as-a Service (SaaS) cloud based. Discussion will cover how the current market of library services platform automation tools as well as open source options. March 6-31, 2017 $175 Mastering Excel® Formulas and Functions American Management Assn. Learn how to use what-if capability and cross-reference and summarize data in order to solve a variety of data analysis problems. March 23, 2017 $199 Essential Management Skills for Introverts American Management Assn. This webinar offers practical tips for raising your visibility, managing your energy, and communicating confidently. Learn how to use strengths such as listening, researching, and building one-on-one relationships to advance your initiatives. April 27, 2017 $199 Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Acquisitions ALA An overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. The topics of product trials, licensing, purchasing methods, and pricing models will also be covered. April 29-May 19 $109-$139 Submitted by Leslie Engelson, Metadata Librarian Waterfield Library, Murray State University CC:DA REPORT The CC:DA met in two sessions during the ALA Midwinter meeting in Atlanta, January 19-24, 2017. In addition to brief reports from the chair, the Library of Congress Representative and the PCC liaison, the main topics were presentations by Kathy Glennan, the ALA representative to the RDA Steering Committee on RDA developments and on the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) and a report by James Hennelly, Director of ALA Digital Reference on the 3R Project (RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign). All three presentations were inter-related and touched on common themes. Below is a summary of the major points. Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 2 • February 2017 3-2 Section 3 While there have been ongoing revisions to RDA since its initial release in 2010, a major restructuring and redesign of RDA (3R) is planned for April 2018. To this end, there will be a freeze to any changes and revisions of RDA beginning in April 2017 until the completion of the 3R project. It is still undecided what the new product will be called (not RDA 2.0, rather a new Expression of RDA), but it is clear that the 3R project will entail more than a major revision of content and will be comprehensive with the primary goals of clarification and streamlining. The changes will be largely conceptual in nature, affecting the theoretical framework of RDA and the navigability of the toolkit, but are not expected to have a major impact on rules or on the day-to-day operations of cataloging. 1. Adoption of IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) • intended to be the new conceptual framework for RDA, taking the place of FRBR/FRAD • greater emphasis on relationships • more appropriate model for BIBFRAME/Linked Data 2. Synchronization of the Open Metadata Registry (OMR) and RDA • currently both are maintained separately and kept in sync manually • going forward, changes will be made only in the OMR and imported into RDA 3. Creation of a North American RDA Committee (NARDAC) • address issues that are of specific relevance to U.S. and Canadian libraries • serve as a conduit between regional RDA users and RSC regarding RDA development • members will represent ALA, CCC, and LC 4. Changes to Relationship Designators • scope notes, examples, and restrictions • secondary definitions will be removed or moved to the level of a primary definition ˏ “… a halogen (chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine)…” -> “… chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine…” 5. Clarifying language • in definitions and instructions “resource” will be replaced with the specific entity term • “person, family, or corporate body” will be replaced with “agent” • omit definite and indefinite articles from the preferred label of new RDA elements 6. Toolkit structure and accessibility • responsive design (emphasis on tablets) • data conversion to DITA format (allow for creation of unique “views” of RDA content • 3 views of RDA content ˏ Workflow view ˏ Elements view ˏ Policy Statement view • improved user-created content tools (ability to personalize display) • integrates display of RDA instructions with related documents (examples, policy statements, etc.) For more information see: • 3R: • LRM: • OMR: Submitted by Armin Siedlecki, Head of Cataloging Pitts Theology Library, Emory University ATLA SACO FUNNEL UPDATE The Professional Development Committee is working with Gillian Harrison Cain, Director of Member Programs, to prepare a webinar this spring to update everyone on the ATLA funnel projects, providing especially an update on the SACO program at ATLA. This webinar will pick up and continue the discussion of creating an ATLA SACO funnel, the basic idea of which