1-1 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 Section One: New and Changed Headings Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The headings in this list were selected from the monthly Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Approved Lists. LC’s Policy and Standards Division posts these lists on the Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions web site at: http://www.loc.gov/aba/cataloging/subject/weeklylists/. The new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2016 LCSH list numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 ( July 18, August 15, September 19, and October 17). One new demographic group term is listed here as well, selected from list number 7 ( July 18). The Library of Congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT). To support use of the LCDGT, the Policy and Standards Division has published the draft Demographic Group Terms Manual, available in PDF form at http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/freelcdgt.html. The Manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. Instruction sheet L 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (MARC Authority Records for LC Demographic Group Terms, http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/L405.pdf ). Guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in L 550 (Religion Category, http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/L550.pdf ). Full MARC 21 authority records for the LCDGT vocabulary in MARC UTF-8 format are available at http:// classificationweb.net/LCDGT/. This page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. One new genre/form term is also listed in this issue. It, too, was selected from list number 7 ( July 18). The following conventions are used, as in previous lists: All headings are in alphabetical order. Subject headings without the instruction [May Subd Geog] are not to be further divided by place. The number in square brackets is the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for that heading’s authority record (not the ARN/Authority Record Number). LCCNs for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. All lines begin with their MARC tag. Most headings are followed by other MARC fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: UF = Used For BT = Broader Term RT = Related Term SA = See Also Submitted by Ann Heinrichs Metadata/Cataloging Librarian The Paul Bechtold Library Catholic Theological Union 5401 S. Cornell Ave. Chicago, IL 60615 aheinrichs@ctu.edu 773-371-5462 1-2 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 Subject Headings 150 Ashkenazic cooking [Not Subd Geog] [sp2016001613] 053 TX724.2.A75 550 BT Jewish cooking 150 Berit shalom (Welcoming ceremony) [sp2015001827] 053 BM706.5 450 UF Alternative bris (Welcoming ceremony) 450 UF Alternative brit (Welcoming ceremony) 450 UF Brit ben (Welcoming ceremony) 450 UF Brit chayim (Welcoming ceremony) 450 UF Brit shalom (Welcoming ceremony) 450 UF Brit tikkun (Welcoming ceremony) 550 BT Judaism--Customs and practices 150 Bo-doṅ-pa (Sect) CHANGE HEADING 150 Bo-dong-pa (Sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp2011004694] 450 UF Bo-doṅ-pa (Sect) [Former heading] 450 UF Bodongpa (Sect) 550 BT Buddhist sects 150 Catalogers [May Subd Geog] [sp 85020815 ] 450 UF Catalogue librarians ADD FIELD 150 Ceremonial objects--Papua New Guinea [sp2016001339] 150 Church architecture--Mudéjar influences [sp2016001902] 550 BT Mudéjares 150 Entrepreneurship--Religious aspects [sp2016001464] 150 Entrepreneurship--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2016001461] 150 Excellence in the Qurʼan [sp2016000388] 053 BP134.E98 150 Gope boards [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001336] 450 UF Ancestor boards 450 UF Spirit boards (Gope boards) 550 BT Ceremonial objects--Papua New Guinea 550 BT Wood-carving, Papuan 150 Healing of the woman with the flow of blood (Miracle) in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2016001528] 450 UF Haemorrhoissa motif 150 Holocaust survivors in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2016001404] 150 Informers ( Jewish law) [sp2016001020] 053 KBM2025 1-3 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 450 UF Mesirah ( Jewish law) 450 UF Moserim ( Jewish law) 550 BT Jewish law 150 International law ( Jewish law) [Not Subd Geog] [sp2016001744] 053 KBM524.15 550 BT Jewish law 150 Islamic law [May Subd Geog] [sp 85068454 ] 450 UF Shariʻah (Islamic law) ADD FIELD 150 Jewish authors [May Subd Geog] [sp 85070257 ] 550 BT Jewish literature DELETE FIELD 150 Jewish authors, Oriental CHANGE HEADING 150 Mizrahi authors [May Subd Geog] [sp 85070258 ] 450 UF Jewish authors, Oriental [Former heading] 450 UF Oriental Jewish authors 550 BT Authors 150 Jewish novelists [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001679] 550 BT Novelists 150 Jews, Oriental CHANGE HEADING 150 Mizrahim [May Subd Geog] [sp 85070504 ] 450 UF Afro-Asian Jews 450 UF ʻEdot ha-Mizraḥ 450 UF Edot HaMizrach 450 UF Edot HaMizraḥ 450 UF Jews, Oriental [Former heading] 450 UF Mizrahi Jews 450 UF Oriental Jews 550 BT Jews 150 Jews, Oriental, in literature CHANGE HEADING 150 Mizrahim in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp 94007329 ] 450 UF Jews, Oriental, in literature [Former heading] 150 Liberation theology [May Subd Geog] [sp 85076447 ] 550 RT Philosophy of liberation ADD FIELD 150 Makerspaces in libraries [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001293] 053 Z716.37 550 BT Libraries 150 Medicine in the Hadith [sp2016001551] 053 BP135.8.M43 550 BT Hadith 150 Mizrahi novelists [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001680] 550 BT Novelists 1-4 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 150 Muslim biographers [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000395] 550 BT Biographers 550 BT Muslim authors 150 Mythology, Arakanese [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001355] 450 UF Arakanese mythology 150 Mythology, East Asian [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001176] 053 BL1055 450 UF East Asian mythology 150 Nursing (Islamic law) [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000565] 053 KBP3105 550 BT Islamic law 150 Obscene words--Religious aspects [sp2016001559] 150 Obscene words--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2016001560] 150 Personnel management (Islamic law) [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001968] 550 BT Islamic law 150 Philosophy of liberation [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001347] 450 UF Liberation philosophy 550 BT Philosophy, Latin American 550 RT Liberation theology 680 Here are entered works on the Latin American philosophical movement that combines an emphasis on Latin American intellectual independence with Catholic and Marxist ideas. 150 Political participation--Religious aspects [sp2016001641] 150 Political participation--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2016001642] 150 Priests in rabbinical literature [sp2016001226] 053 BM496.9.P73 550 BT Rabbinical literature 150 Religious occupations [May Subd Geog] [sp2016001351] 550 BT Occupations 150 Rñiṅ-ma-pa lamas CHANGE HEADING 150 Rnying-ma-pa lamas [May Subd Geog] [sp 85114447 ] 450 UF Nyingma lamas 450 UF Rñiṅ-ma-pa lamas [Former heading] 450 UF Rnying-ma-pa priests 550 BT Lamas 150 Rñiṅ-ma-pa (Sect) CHANGE HEADING 150 Rnying-ma-pa (Sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp 85114443 ] 053 BQ7662-BQ7662.9 450 UF Ningmapa (Sect) 1-5 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 450 UF Nying-ma (Sect) [Former heading] 450 UF Nying-ma-pa (Sect) 450 UF Rñiṅ-ma-pa (Sect) [Former heading] 550 BT Buddhist sects 150 Śaṅs-pa (Sect) CHANGE HEADING 150 Shangs-pa (Sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp 85117316 ] 053 BQ7680-BQ7680.9 450 UF Śaṅs-pa (Sect) [Former heading] 550 BT Bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (Sect) 550 BT Buddhist sects 151 Santuario nuragico di Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) [sp2016000751] 451 UF Nuraghic sanctuary of Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) 451 UF Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) 451 UF Santuario di S. Vittoria Site (Italy) 451 UF Santuario di Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) 451 UF Santuario nuragico federale di Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) 451 UF Santuario nuragico Santa Vittoria Site (Italy) 551 BT Italy--Antiquities 781 Italy--Santuario nuragico di Santa Vittoria Site 150 Series (Publications) [May Subd Geog] [sp 85120249 ] 550 RT Monographic series ADD FIELD 680 Here are entered works on publications issued as a sequence of narratives, published separately, often over a considerable period of time, mostly about the same characters and often written by one author. ADD FIELD 150 Sufi literature, Pushto [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000431] 450 UF Pushto Sufi literature 550 BT Pushto literature 150 Technological innovations--Religious aspects [sp2016001465] 150 Technological innovations--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2016001462] 150 Źi-byed-pa (Sect) CHANGE HEADING 150 Zhi-byed-pa (Sect) [May Subd Geog] [sp2012002462] 072 H 1185 450 UF Zhijepa (Sect) 450 UF Źi-byed-pa (Sect) [Former heading] 550 BT Buddhist sects Demographic Group Term 150 Sufis [dp2016060143] 072 rel 550 BT Muslims 1-6 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 25, No 1 • November 2016 Section 1 Genre/Form Term 155 Hagiographical films [gp2016026065] 455 UF Hagiographic films 455 UF Hagiographies (Motion pictures) 455 UF Hagiopics 555 BT Biographical films 555 BT Religious films