Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 2-1 Section 2 Section Two: LC Classification Additions and Changes, B-BX and Selected Others Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The entries in this list were selected from the monthly Library of Congress Classification (LCC) Approved Lists. LC’s Policy and Standards Division posts these lists on the Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions web site at: http:// Items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2016 LCC list numbers 4, 5, and 6 (April 18, May 16, and June 20). The full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. Numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in Classification Web browse screens. They are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. The class letters (B, BS, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. This list also includes selected changes and additions outside the B–BX classes relating to religious topics or library science. Please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: Submitted by Ann Heinrichs Metadata/Cataloging Librarian The Paul Bechtold Library Catholic Theological Union 5401 S. Cornell Ave. Chicago, IL 60615 773-371-5462 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 2-2 Section 2 Class BJ Ethics Religious ethics Jewish ethics Special topics, A-Z BJ1286.S43 Self-control BJ1286.Y48 Yetzer hara Class BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism Religion History and principles of religion European. Occidental Classical religion and mythology Special deities and characters of classical mythology, A-Z BL820.V54 Vertumnu Class BM Judaism Sources Rabbinical literature Special topics, A-Z BM496.9.S45 Self-esteem Class BP Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc. Islam Sacred books Qur'an. Koran Works about the Qur'an Special topics, A-Z [BP134.A432] Alcoholic beverages, Drinking of, see BP134.D75 BP134.D75 Drinking of alcoholic beverages Class BS The Bible Old Testament Works about the Old Testament Topics (not otherwise provided for), A-Z BS1199.M436 Mercy BS1199.M87 Murder BS1199.W57 Wisdom New Testament Texts and versions Modern texts and versions of the New Testament English English versions Other versions and revisions, A-Z BS2095.E97-.E972 Expanded Bible TABLE BS2 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 2-3 Section 2 Works about the New Testament Topics (not otherwise provided for), A-Z BS2545.C62 Costume Special parts of the New Testament Epistles Epistles of Paul Topics (not otherwise provided for), A-Z BS2655.T57 Thought and thinking Class BT Doctrinal theology Christology Life of Christ Special topics Public life Miracles Special, A-Z BT367.R38 Raising of the widow's son Miracles. Apparitions. Shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc Special. By place, A-Z BT580.T65 Toledo (Spain) Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. Mariology Miracles. Apparitions. Shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. Special Other, A-Z BT660.P57 Pobreza, Nuestra Señora de la History of specific doctrines and movements. Heresies and schisms By period Early to the Reformation, 1517 Gnosticism (Christian) Nag Hammadi Codices Individual tractates, A-Z BT1392.A95-.A952 Authoritative Teaching TABLE BS8 Class BV Practical theology Practical religion. The Christian life Works of consolation and cheer Works for special classes of persons The sick and crippled Other, A-Z BV4910.6.C47 Cerebrovascular disease patients Class BX Christian denominations Catholic Church Monasticism. Religious orders Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 2-4 Section 2 Individual orders of women BX4524.5 Sociëteit van Jezus, Maria, Jozef TABLE BX18 Other Protestant denominations Mennonites Individual branches of Mennonites BX8129.I53 Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference Class DS History of Asia Israel (Palestine). The Jews Jerusalem Description. Antiquities and exploration Other special places and objects, A-Z DS109.8.Z56 Zion, Mount Class KBP Islamic law. Sharīʻah. Fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش Schools of thought. Islamic legal schools. Madhāhib. بهاذم Unaffiliated authors Early period (1st and 2nd cent. A.H.) Individual authors, A-Z KBP260.I262 Ibn Abī Laylá, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān, 693 or 694- 765 or 766. نمحرلا دبع نبدمحم ،ىليل يبا نبا TABLE K4 Schools and authors affiliated with a particular school Shīʻī schools. Shīʻah. ةعيش Jaʻfarīs. Ithnaʻasharis. نويرشع ءانثالا .نويرفعجلا Individual authors, A-Z KBP370.H55 Ḥillī, Yaḥyá ibn Saʻīd, 1204 or 1205-1291. ديعس نب ىيحي ،يلح TABLE K4 Class M Music Vocal music Sacred vocal music Choral services, etc. M2015 Orthodox CANCEL M2015 Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholic Class N Drawing. Design. Illustration Special subjects (Technique, history and collections) Other subjects, A-Z NC825.G63 Gods, Chinese NC825.T35 Talismans Painting Special subjects of painting Other subjects Miscellaneous, A-Z Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 4 • August 2016 2-5 Section 2 ND1460.A544 Amitābha (Buddhist deity) ND1460.B53 Bhaiṣajyaguru (Buddhist deity) ND1460.M355 Mañjuśrī (Buddhist deity) Class P Indo-Iranian philology and literature Iranian philology and literature New Persian Literature History and criticism By form Poetry Special forms and subjects, A-Z PK6420.H33 Hadith Literature (General) Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special topics, A-Z PN56.H556 Holy Year Characters Individual characters, A-Z PN57.M65 Moses (Biblical leader) Drama Motion pictures Other special topics, A-Z PN1995.9.E25 Ecclesiastical law English literature History of English literature Prose By form Prose fiction. The novel Special topics Other special topics, A-Z PR830.A66 Apocalypse Class Z Libraries Library science. Information science The collections. The books Special collections Special. By subject, A-Z Z688.P59 Poland