Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 3 • May 2016 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section) RICHARD LAMMERT NAMED NEW ATLA FUNNELS COORDINATOR Richard Lammert was named the Funnels Coordinator to replace Judy Knop, who is retiring at the end of June 2016. Currently the program consists of two funnels: NACO and CONSER. Richard will coordinate the overall program, communicate with the Library of Congress and take the lead for the NACO funnel. Michael Bradford will be the lead for the CONSER funnel. Adding a SACO funnel as well as a series component to the NACO funnel under consideration. If those programs develop, leads will be named to coordinate participation. NEW PARTICIPANTS ADDED TO THE NACO FUNNEL Interest in participating in the NACO funnel continues to grow. Recently, one new participant was added to the nine new members added in October 2015. The total number of participants in the NACO program now stands at 36, with 22 participants currently active and one awaiting training. During FY2015 (Oct. 1, 2014-Sept. 30, 2015), ATLA funnel members created 449 new name authority records, changed 683 existing authority records, authenticated 284 serial records, and upgraded 195 existing serial records to CONSER full status. Submitted by Judy Knop, Member Programs Librarian, NACO/CONSER Funnel Coordinator American Theological Library Association PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Ontologies and Linked Data Library Juice Academy Focus on SKOS, OWL, MADs/METS/MODS, and the Open Linked Data movement. Strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be discussed. Hands-on ontologies creation will be facilitated with open source tools. June 6-July 1, 2016 $175 We Can Do It, You Can Too! Metadata Automation For Everyone ALCTS Virtual Preconference Presentations include on workflows and automation tools to aid in metadata transformation, repurposing EAD or MARC, reconciliation through Open Refine, and clean-up of legacy data. June 7-8, 2016 $43-206 The SPARQL Fundamentals I - the Semantic Web In Action Library Juice Academy Understand how semantic data is used, accessed, and disseminated on the web. Study how semantic systems are implemented. Learn how to write SPARQL queries against RDF triplestores. July 4-29, 2016 $175 Managing Your Workload: How to Prioritize American Management Assoc. Learn how to take control of your workload using practical tips and techniques such as evaluating tasks for validity, urgency, and importance. Identify delaying tactics and what gets in the way of productivity. Develop a proactive instead of reactive mindset. July 7, 2016 $149