1-1 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 Section One: New and Changed Subject Headings and Genre/Form Terms Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The subject headings and genre/form terms in this list were selected from the monthly Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Approved Lists. LC’s Policy and Standards Division posts these lists on the Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions web site at: http://www.loc.gov/aba/cataloging/subject/weeklylists/. The new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Headings in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 LCSH list numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 ( July 17, August 17, September 21, October 19). New genre/form terms were selected from list numbers 10, 16, and 18 (October 19, September 14, and September 8, respectively). Note that this listing includes LC-PSD’s recently developed list of genre/form terms for religious works, approved on September 8, 2015. The following conventions are used, as in previous lists: Subject headings are in alphabetical order. Those without the instruction [May Subd Geog] are not to be further divided by place. The number in square brackets is the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for that heading’s authority record (not the ARN/Authority Record Number). All lines begin with their MARC tag. Most headings are followed by other MARC fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: UF = Used For BT = Broader Term RT = Related Term SA = See Also Relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. Submitted by Ann Heinrichs Metadata/Cataloging Librarian The Paul Bechtold Library Catholic Theological Union 5401 S. Cornell Ave. Chicago, IL 60615 aheinrichs@ctu.edu 773-371-5462 1-2 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1• November 2015 Section 1 Subject Headings 150 Catalogers [May Subd Geog] [sp 85020815 ] 450 UF Cataloging librarians ADD FIELD 150 Credit (Islamic law) [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001231] 550 BT Islamic law 150 Deluge (Islam) [sp2015001582] 450 UF Flood (Islam) 150 Feminist haggadot [sp2015000307] 550 BT Haggadot 150 Fiction--Muslim authors [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000923] 550 BT Muslim authors 150 Haggadot, Kibbutz CHANGE HEADING 150 Kibbutz haggadot [sp 85058257 ] 450 UF Haggadot, Kibbutz [Former heading] 550 BT Haggadot 150 Haggadot, Secular CHANGE HEADING 150 Secular haggadot [sp 85058258 ] 450 UF Haggadot, Secular [Former heading] 550 BT Haggadot 150 Honor killings--Religious aspects [sp2014000047] 150 Honor killings--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2014000048] 150 Krishna (Hindu deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85073290 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)no2015096049 150 Lutheran high schools [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001844] 550 BT High schools 550 BT Lutheran Church—Education 150 Religious pluralism in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2015000685] 550 BT Motion pictures 150 Saint Nicholas’ Day [May Subd Geog] [sp 85116604 ] 550 RT Santa Claus DELETE FIELD 150 Santa Claus CANCEL HEADING [sp 85117361 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)no2015039717 150 Solar eclipses--Religious aspects--Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] [sp2015001575] 1-3 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 150 Undoer of Knots, Our Lady [Not Subd Geog] [sp2015001071] 053 BT660.U64 450 UF Desatadora de Nudos, María 450 UF Desatadora dos Nós, Maria 450 UF Desatanudos, María 450 UF Desatanudos, Nuestra Señora 450 UF Knotenlöserin, Maria 450 UF María, la que Desata los Nudos 450 UF María Desatadora de Nudos 450 UF Maria Desatadora dos Nós 450 UF María Desatanudos 450 UF Maria Knotenlöserin 450 UF Mary, Undoer of Knots 450 UF Mary, Untier of Knots 450 UF Mary Who Unties Knots 450 UF Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós 450 UF Nuestra Señora Desatadanudos 450 UF Our Lady, Undoer of Knots 450 UF Our Lady, Untier of Knots 450 UF Untier of Knots, Our Lady 550 BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Devotion to Genre/Form Terms 155 Apocryphal works [gp2015026025] 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that are excluded from the sacred canon of a religion, denomination, sect, etc., e.g., the apocryphal gospels; the Tripiṭaka apocryphal works. 681 Example under Religious materials 155 Apologetic writings [gp2015026027] 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that explain a religion, denomination, sect, etc., and defend it from external criticism. 155 Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (Music) [gp2015026068] 555 BT Event music 555 BT Sacred music 155 Breviaries [gp2015026078] 455 UF Divine Office (Breviaries) 455 UF Hours, Liturgy of the 455 UF Liturgy of the Hours 555 BT Liturgical books 155 Call documents [gp2015026028] 555 BT Records (Documents) 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for official documents that outline the circumstances, mutual obligations, and terms of a minister’s call to service. 155 Catechisms [gp2015026029] 1-4 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1• November 2015 Section 1 555 BT Instructional and educational works 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that provide comprehensive instruction on doctrines and are often structured in question-and-answer form. 155 Chirographa (Personal correspondence) [gp2015026030] 455 UF Chirographi (Personal correspondence) 455 UF Chirographs (Personal correspondence) 455 UF Letters, Papal 455 UF Papal letters 555 BT Personal correspondence 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for the personal letters written by the Roman Catholic pope. 155 Christmas sermons [gp2015026084] 555 BT Sermons 155 Church covenants [gp2015026055] 455 UF Covenants, Church 555 BT Contracts 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for solemn agreements among members of a church to maintain its faith and discipline. 155 Church orders [gp2015026054] 555 BT Administrative regulations 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for regulations and directions on church governance that are decreed according to ecclesiastical or scriptural authority. 155 Creeds [gp2015026031] 455 UF Confessions of faith 455 UF Faith, Confessions of 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for concise authorized statements of religious doctrine within religions or denominations. 155 Devotional literature [gp2015026057] 455 UF Devotional exercises 455 UF Devotions 455 UF Forty hours’ devotions 455 UF Marian devotions 455 UF Spiritual exercises 555 BT Instructional and educational works 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for religious materials that are intended to be used as aids for private study, prayer, and reflection. 155 Funeral sermons [gp2015026085] 555 BT Sermons 1-5 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 155 Hagiographies [gp2015026032] 455 UF Hagiologies 555 BT Biographies 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for biographies of saints, religious figures, and deities that focus on their lives as exemplars of the faith. Calendars or lists of martyrs that may contain some biographical information are entered under Martyrologies. 681 Note under Martyrologies 155 Harmonies (Reference works) [gp2015026034] 555 BT Reference works 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that list parallel texts or passages for the purpose of showing agreement among them. 155 Ijāzah [gp2015026035] 555 BT Records (Documents) 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for the license of a Muslim scholar to teach one or more works, which may include a detailed record of the scholar’s intellectual lineage. 155 Koans [gp2015026036] 555 BT Religious materials 555 RT Meditations 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for paradoxes used in Zen Buddhism as instruments of meditation to encourage sudden intuitive enlightenment rather than dependence upon reason. 155 Lectionaries [gp2015026038] 455 UF Evangelaries 455 UF Evangelistaries 555 BT Pericopes 555 RT Sacred works 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of passages from sacred works that are arranged according to the liturgical calendar and are intended to be read during public worship. 155 Litanies [gp2015026087] 555 BT Liturgical books 555 BT Prayers 155 Liturgical books [gp2015026039] 455 UF Agenda (Liturgical books) 455 UF Altar books 455 UF Benedictionals 455 UF Collects (Prayers) 455 UF Communion liturgies 455 UF Eucharist, Liturgy of the 455 UF Liturgies and rituals 455 UF Liturgy of the Eucharist 455 UF Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper 455 UF Lord’s Supper, Liturgy of the 455 UF Menologion 455 UF Offertories 455 UF Ordinals (Liturgical books) 1-6 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1• November 2015 Section 1 455 UF Responses (Liturgies) 455 UF Rituals and liturgies 455 UF Sacramentaries 455 UF Service books (Liturgical books) 555 BT Handbooks and manuals 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for prescribed forms of religious worship and ritual. 155 Mandalas [gp2015026040] 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for geometric figures that represent the cosmos in Buddhism and Hinduism. 155 Martyrologies [gp2015026033] 555 BT Registers (Lists) 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for calendars or lists of martyrs that may contain some biographical information. Biographies of saints, religious figures, and deities that focus on their lives as exemplars of the faith are entered under Hagiographies. 681 Note under Hagiographies 155 Mashyakhah [gp2015026041] 455 UF Thabt 555 BT Registers (Lists) 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for listings of the names of the immediate teachers of Muslim scholars. 155 Masses [gp2014026926] 555 RT Organ masses ADD FIELD 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical settings of the Mass in its entirety or for the Mass ordinary. Chants of the Mass propers are entered under Propers (Music). DELETE FIELD 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical settings of the Mass in its entirety or for the Mass ordinary. Chants of the Mass propers are entered under Propers (Music). Collections of versets for the organ that replace parts of the Ordinary and Proper of the Mass and are played in alternations with the other portions are entered under Organ masses. ADD FIELD 681 Note under Propers (Music) DELETE FIELD 681 Note under Propers (Music); Organ masses ADD FIELD 155 Marsiyas [gp2014026426] 455 UF Marsiyahs 455 UF Marsiyehs 555 BT Elegies 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for Urdu elegies that generally honor the martyring of the Prophet Muḥammad’s grandson Ḥusayn and his kinsmen in the 7th century Battle of Karbala. 155 Meditations [gp2015026056] 555 BT Devotional literature 555 RT Koans 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for thoughts on spiritual truths intended for use in meditation. 1-7 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 155 Missionary plays [gp2014026436] 455 UF Missionary drama 555 BT Religious drama 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that promote the goals of religious missions. 155 Monastic constitutions [gp2015026042] 455 UF Customaries, Monastic 455 UF Monastic customaries 555 BT Constitutions 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for documents that order the activities and behavior of the members of religious communities. 155 Monastic rules [gp2015026058] 455 UF Rules, Monastic 555 BT Administrative regulations 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for the codes of discipline and conduct prescribed by the founders of religious orders. 155 Morality plays [gp2014026442] 455 UF Morality drama 555 BT Allegories 555 BT Didactic drama 555 BT Religious drama 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for late medieval allegorical plays that teach moral lessons by depicting the battle between good and evil in the human soul. 155 Mystery and miracle plays [gp2014026446] 455 UF Bible-histories (Drama) 455 UF Miracle plays 455 UF Mysteries (Religious drama) 455 UF Mystery and miracle drama 455 UF Pageants (Mystery and miracle plays) 455 UF Rappresentazioni sacre 455 UF Sacre rappresentazioni 555 BT Religious drama 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for medieval religious plays that present biblical stories or stories of miracles performed by saints. 155 Myths [gp2015026043] 455 UF Mythologies 555 BT Folk literature 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for traditional stories that ostensibly explain natural phenomena, beliefs, or practices, and are frequently associated with religious rites and beliefs. 155 Organ masses [gp2015026077] 455 UF Instrumental masses 555 BT Art music 555 BT Sacred music 555 RT Masses 1-8 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1• November 2015 Section 1 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of versets for the organ that replace parts of the Ordinary and Proper of the Mass and are played in alternation with the sung portions. Musical settings of the Mass in its entirety or for the Mass ordinary are entered under Masses. 681 Note under Masses 155 Papal blessings [gp2015026082] 455 UF Blessings, Papal 555 BT Papal documents 155 Papal documents [gp2015026044] 455 UF Briefs, Papal 455 UF Bulls, Papal 455 UF Bullariums 455 UF Decretals 455 UF Motu proprio 455 UF Papal rescripts 455 UF Rescripts, Papal 555 BT Records (Documents) 555 BT Religious materials 155 Papal encyclicals [gp2015026081] 455 UF Encyclicals, Papal 455 UF Letters, Papal 455 UF Papal letters 555 BT Papal documents 555 BT Pastoral letters and charges 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for formal pastoral letters written by the Roman Catholic pope for the entire Church. 155 Parashiyot ha-shavua [gp2015026046] 455 UF Torah portions, Weekly 455 UF Weekly Torah portions 555 BT Excerpts 555 BT Religious materials 555 RT Sacred works 155 Passion plays [gp2014026472] 555 BT Bible plays 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that present the trial, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 155 Pastoral letters and charges [gp2015026047] 455 UF Pastoral charges and letters 555 BT Business correspondence 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for official letters by a bishop, pastor, moderator, or chairperson to the members of his or her diocese or congregation within some Christian traditions. 155 Pericopes [gp2015026037] 1-9 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 555 BT Excerpts 555 RT Sacred works 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for passages from sacred works. 155 Pilgrimage guides [gp2015026048] 555 BT Guidebooks 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that describe the location, objects of veneration, and devotional practices related to one or more religious sites. 155 Prayers [gp2015026049] 455 UF Altar prayers 455 UF Bedtime prayers 455 UF Collects (Prayers) 455 UF Dead, Prayers for the 455 UF Grace before meals 455 UF Novenas 455 UF Pastoral prayers 455 UF Peace, Prayers for 455 UF Prayer books 455 UF Prayers for peace 455 UF Prayers for the dead 555 BT Religious materials 155 Prophecies [gp2015026059] 455 UF Omens 555 BT Informational works 155 Psalms [gp2015026079] 555 BT Religious poetry 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for sacred songs originally contained in the Book of Psalms. Collections of psalms arranged for devotional or liturgical use are entered under Psalters. 681 Note under Psalters 155 Psalters [gp2015026080] 555 BT Devotional literature 555 BT Liturgical books 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of psalms arranged for devotional or liturgical use. Sacred songs originally contained in the Book of Psalms are entered under Psalms. 681 Note under Psalms 155 Purim plays [gp2014026494] 455 UF Purim drama 455 UF Purim Spiels 455 UF Purimspielen 455 UF Purimspiels 455 UF Purimshpiln 555 BT Bible plays 555 BT Folk drama 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that depict Old Testament characters and are associated with the Jewish holiday of Purim. 1-10 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1• November 2015 Section 1 155 Qur’an stories [gp2014026498] 455 UF Koran stories 455 UF Koranic stories 455 UF Qur’anic stories 455 UF Stories, Koran 455 UF Stories, Koranic 455 UF Stories, Qur’an 455 UF Stories, Qur’anic 555 BT Literature 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of Qur’anic texts in story form. 155 Religious comics [gp2014026500] 555 BT Comics (Graphic works) 155 Religious fiction [gp2014026502] 555 BT Fiction 155 Religious inventories [gp2015026050] 455 UF Inventories, Religious 555 BT Catalogs 555 BT Religious materials 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that list and describe the permanent collections of books and/or objects belonging to a religious site or printing house. 155 Religious materials [gp2015026026] 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of religious materials that are composed of multiple genres and/or forms to which more specific headings such as Apocryphal works cannot be applied. 155 Rosaries (Prayer books) [gp2015026083] 555 BT Devotional literature 555 BT Prayers 155 Sacred music [gp2014027062] 555 BT Religious materials ADD FIELD 155 Sacred works [gp2015026045] 455 UF Sacred books 455 UF Sacred scriptures 455 UF Scriptures 555 BT Religious materials 555 BT Parashiyot ha-shavua 555 BT Pericopes 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that are considered sacred by a religion or denomination. 155 Sermons [gp2015026051] 455 UF Homilies 455 UF Postils 555 BT Discursive works 555 BT Religious materials 1-11 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 Section 1 155 Service books (Music) [gp2014027085] 555 BT Religious materials ADD FIELD 155 Spirit writings [gp2015026052] 555 BT Discursive works 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for automatic writing said to have been produced under the influence of spirits. 155 Taʻziyah [gp2014026567] 455 UF Passion plays, Shiite 455 UF Shiite passion plays 455 UF Taʻzia 455 UF Taʻziya 455 UF Taʻzieh 455 UF Taziyeh 555 BT Religious drama 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for Shiite passion plays that reenact the martyrdom of the Prophet Muḥammad’s grandson Ḥusayn. 155 Thanksgiving Day sermons [gp2015026086] 555 BT Sermons 155 Tracts (Ephemera) [gp2015026053] 455 UF Leaflets (Tracts) 455 UF Pamphlets (Tracts) 555 BT Ephemera 555 BT Instructional and educational works 680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for pamphlets, leaflets, etc., that contain religious exhortations, doctrinal discussions, or proselytizing appeals, and that are often issued by religious or political groups.