Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 24, No 1 • November 2015 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views (of the ATLA Technical Services Section) LC GENRE/FORM TERMS FOR RELIGIOUS MATERIALS PROJECT The project concluded in October with the following announcement from LC: Forty-five genre/form terms to describe religious materials were approved on October 2, 2015. The religion genre/ form project was a collaboration of PSD and the American Theological Library Association, which coordinated with the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Catholic Library Association, and the Council on East Asian Libraries. PSD thanks all those who worked to develop the list of terms, which includes terms pertinent to several religious traditions. The Library of Congress’ Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access directorate, which catalogs most of the religious materials acquired for the Library’s general collections, has not yet determined its schedule for implementing the genre/form terms for religious works. The date will be announced when it is available. Submitted by Erica Treesh, Database Manager for Religion Complete (ATLA RDB) American Theological Library Association PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES RDA Serials Cataloging Update ALCTS Learn how serials cataloging practices have evolved since the CONSER program approved the use of RDA for cataloging serials. An overview of resources used to support serials cataloging will also be provided. December 8, 2015 $43-$129 Data Visualization for the Rest of Us: Webinar via OCLC WebJunction A Beginner's Guide Discover how to turn library statistics into compelling visuals that effectively tell the story of your library and department. December 15, 2015 FREE Ontologies and Linked Data Library Juice Academy Detailed instruction on SKOS, OWL, MADs/METS/MODS, and the Open Linked Data movement. Strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be covered along with hands-on ontology creation using Open Source tools. December 1-30, 2015 $175 Easy Patron Surveys Library Juice Academy Participants will learn procedures, techniques, tips, and tricks for designing and implementing effective patron surveys as well as how to analyze and communicate the results of those surveys. January 4-29, 2015 $175 Introduction to XML Library Juice Academy An introduction to XML and the basic tools for working with XML documents. XML Document Type Definitions (DTD's), Schemas, XPath, XSL stylesheets, and XQuery be discussed and students will explore several Library of Congress standards such as Dublin Core, MARCXML, and MODS.