Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 23, No 3 • May 2015 2-1 Section 2 Section Two: LC Classification Additions and Changes, B-BX Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The entries in this list were selected from the monthly Library of Congress Classification (LCC) Approved Lists. LC’s Policy and Standards Division posts these lists on the Library of Congress Cataloging and Acquisitions web site at: http:// Items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 LCC list numbers 2 (February 16) and 3 (March 16). The full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. Numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in Classification Web browse screens. They are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. The class letters (B, BS, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. This list also includes selected changes and additions outside the B-BX classes relating to religious topics or library science. Please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: Ann Heinrichs Metadata/Cataloging Librarian The Paul Bechtold Library Catholic Theological Union 5401 S. Cornell Ave. Chicago, IL 60615 773-371-5462 Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 23, No 3 • May 2015 2-2 Section 2 Class BJ Ethics Special topics Other special topics in ethics, A-Z BJ1500.T73 Transgression Class BL Religions. Mythology. Rationalism Religion History and principles of religions Asian. Oriental By region or country Southeast Asia By region or country Thailand By ethnic group, A-Z BL2078.H66 Hmong African By ethnic group, etc., A-Z BL2480.H29 Hanya Class BM Judaism Dogmatic Judaism Other topics, A-Z BM645.D47 Depression, Mental [BM645.M382] Mental depression, see BM645.D47 Class BP Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc. Islam Sacred books Qurʼan. Koran Works about the Qurʼan Special topics, A-Z BP134.R54 Rhetoric Topics (not otherwise provided for), A-Z BP190.5.C45 Cell phones BP190.5.N45 Neighborliness Bahai Faith Special topics, A-Z BP388.P65 Politics BP388.T54 Theological anthropology Class BS The Bible General Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 23, No 3 • May 2015 2-3 Section 2 Texts and versions Modern texts and versions Non-European languages Asian languages, A-Z BS315.A94 Azerbaijani TABLE BS5 Class BX Christian denominations Orthodox Eastern Church Church year Fasts and feast days Special days, A-Z BX376.5.P44 Pentecost Class KBP Islamic law. Sharīʻah. Fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش Observances and practice of Islam Special subjects, A-Z KBP184.9.V65 Voice Schools of thought. Islamic legal schools. Madhāhib. بهاذم Schools and authors affiliated with a particular school Sunnī schools Mālikī. Mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا Individual authors, A-Z KBP320.I264 Ibn Rushd, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1058-1126. دشر نبا، TABLE K4 دمحا نب دمحم KBP320.T55 Tilimsānī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1310 or 1311-1369? TABLE K4 دمحأ نب دمحم ،يناسملتلا Furūʻ al-fiqh. Substantive law. Branches of law. هقفلا عورف Professions Individual professions Other professions, A-Z KBP3521.T73 Translating and interpreting. Translators Class KKY [KKY4994.2] Vatican City. Stato Pontificio CANCEL KKY7001-7099 Vatican City. Stato Pontificio TABLE KJ-KKZ3 Class here works on the municipal law of Vatican City. Class works on its constitutional law and international status in KBU4064-4097. Class works on the former Papal States in KKH6741-6749 see KBU4064-4074 CANCEL