Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 4 • August 2014 3-2 Section 3 text. Scholars are interested in each printing since any change in wording or typos can be significant. Perhaps in our secular society that is no longer meaningful. The proposal also calls for eliminating the Alternative option for facsimile reproductions in RDA Authorized Access Point Representing an Expression of a Religious Work. This means that catalogers will record only the date of the original publication of that text of the Bible. If the text is a facsimile of a 1535 edition of the Bible, the only Bible authorized access point will include the 1535 date. There will not be an entry to indicate that this is a 2010 printing of that facsimile. Submitted by Judy Knop, Metadata Curator American Theological Library Association NEWS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Rudimentary RDA. Part 1, What RDA is and Webinar provided by OCLC When it Will Happen (TMQ) This two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of RDA to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. We will explain: what RDA is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. Available 24/7 FREE Library 2.0 Conference Conference "The fourth annual Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and free to attend." Proposals are currently being accepted for this is a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and research to a worldwide audience. October 2-8, 2014 FREE Integrating Researcher Identifiers into OCLC Researchers University and Library Systems Karen Smith-Yoshimura and Micah Altman address the challenges of incorporating authoritative research identifiers into databases and systems that use name authorities. Slides and draft: YouTube presentation: Just for Copy Cats, Part 1, Background Material Webinar A series of short webcasts that explain the basics of copy cataloging: what it is and how we do it, useful elements of the bibliographic record, and search strategies. For beginning catalogers. Available 24/7 FREE MARC21 In Your Library Webinar A series of mini-courses that introduce MARC21 and how it works in a library automation system, what MARC records are, and how to tie in the MARC standards with AACR2 Available 24/7 FREE Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 4 • August 2014 3-3 Section 3 Introduction to Cataloging Online This course is designed for non-catalogers, catalogers needing a refresher, and librarians who have new responsibilities for cataloging an introduction to the tools and techniques of cataloging, including RDA, MARC, LCC, Dewey, and LCSH with practical, hands-on training. October 6-31, 2014 $175 Cataloger's Desktop New User Interface Training Webinar A new interface is coming to Cataloger's Desktop and the Library of Congress has prepared a series of webinar's available for learning how to use the interface. August 25-September 2, 2014 FREE Submitted by Leslie Engelson, Metadata Librarian Murray State University