Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 2 • February 2014 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section Edited by Leslie Engelson LC GENRE/FORM TERMS FOR RELIGIOUS MATERIALS PROJECT There is no news to report. The religion genre/form terms document submitted in August 2012 is still under review. Staff changes at LC have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. Submitted by Erica Treesh, Database Manager for Religion Complete (ATLA RDB®) American Theological Library Association ATLA/CLA/ACL TASKFORCE ON RDA BEST PRACTICES FOR THE FIELD OF RELIGION At the 2013 Annual Conference, the Technical Services Interest Group voted to form a Taskforce to recommend best practices for cataloging in the field of religion. The motion included the suggestion to invite representatives from the Catholic Library Association (CLA), the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL), and the Jewish Library Association ( JLA) to join with us. The following persons have volunteered to serve on this Taskforce: ATLA: Michael Bradford, Harvard Divinity School ( Armin Siedlecki, Pitts Theology Library ( Judy Knop, ATLA (, Chair CLA: Thomas Duszak, Pennsylvania Dept of Education, Bureau of State Library ( Kurt Bodling, George Washington’s Mount Vernon ( Rob Kuzmer, Univ. of Notre Dame ( ACL: Lori Thornton, Carson-Newman Univ. ( Anyone else who wishes to join us is encouraged to do so. Contact me ( If you have suggestions for fields needing a best practice statement, or if you have a best practice to suggest, please contact any member of the Taskforce. Submitted by Judy Knop Chair, Taskforce on Best Practices ATLA NEWS TRAINING PRESENTATIONS, WEBCASTS, AND WEBINARS Rudimentary RDA. Part 1, What RDA is and Webinar provided by OCLC When it Will Happen (TMQ) This two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of RDA to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. We will explain: what RDA is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. Available 24/7 FREE