Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 1 • November 2013 3-1 Section 3 Section Three: News and Views of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section Edited by Leslie Engelson LC GENRE/FORM TERMS FOR RELIGIOUS MATERIALS PROJECT Janis Young at LC reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted in August 2012 is still under review. Staff changes at LC have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. She has begun to gather some notes and suggestions. Project participants will be notified when they are ready for our review. Submitted by Erica Treesh, Database Manager for Religion Complete (ATLA RDB®) American Theological Library Association NEWS TRAINING PRESENTATIONS, WEBCASTS, AND WEBINARS RDA webinars: Managing E-Resources Cataloging: Impact and Insight, August 21, 2013. In this webinar, we are going to focus on managing the cataloging activities for all types of e-resources a typical academic/research library will acquire, which will be divided into two different workflow namely cataloging and loading. We will cover aspects including the collab- oration with other units in the library especially the Acquisition's E-resources group and collection managers, how to motivate staff, what tools can help, and most important, how to prepare oneself to be a good manager for e-resources cataloging. AACR2…Meet RDA Webinar provided by MCLS Cataloging with RDA (Resource Description & Access) is similar to cataloging with AACR2...and then again it's not! In this 2-hour webinar, key differences between AACR2 and RDA will be identified and shown through examples. Some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. Nov. 22, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (EST) $119.00 Copy Cataloging of Digital Resources (Virtual/Internet Resources and Video Games) Using RDA Webinar provided by MCLS This workshop will be online for 3 - 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. All forms of digital resources such as web- sites. eBooks, eSerials, and downloadable audio books, music, and video files as well as physical media such as video games, CD-ROMs and other computer disks will be addressed. December 4-6, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (EST) $199.00 RDA Cataloging: Basic Music Scores Webinar provided by Minitex For the experienced cataloger, this webinar will compare the similarities and differences between cataloging music scores (both print and electronic) between AACR2 and RDA. Exercises will help the viewer build the foundation necessary to quickly review RDA records. Theology Cataloging Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 1 • November 2013 3-2 Section 3 December 10, 2013 10:00 am-1:15 pm (CST) $125.00 Copy Cataloging of Sound Recordings Using RDA Webinar provided by MCLS This workshop will be online for 3 - 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. The workshop teaches participants how to catalog sound recordings such as CDs, MP3s, and cassettes, both musical and nonmusical. December 18-20, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (EST) $199.00 Other Resources: Linked Data for Libraries YouTube Video provided by OCLC A short introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data, how it works, and some benefits it brings to libraries. Euclid: EdUcational Curriculum for the Usage of LInked Data EUCLID is a European project facilitating professional training for data practitioners, who aim to use Linked Data in their daily work. EUCLID delivers a curriculum implemented as a combination of living learning materials and activities (eBook series, webinars, face‐to‐face training), validated by the user community through continuous feedback. SELECTED ARTICLES FROM CURRENT LIBRARY JOURNALS Aalberg, Trond, and Maja Žumer. “The Value of MARC Data, or, Challenges of FRBRisation.” Journal of Documentation 69, no. 6 (2013): 851-872. Ashman, Allen B. “A Brief Look at How RDA Is Being Used to Catalog Electronic Theses and Dissertations.” Kentucky Libraries 77, no. 3 (2013): 16-23. Cole, Timothy W., Myung-Ja Han, William Fletcher Weathers, and Eric Joyner. “Library Marc Records into Linked Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities.” In “Linked Data, Semantic Web and Libraries.” Special Issue, Journal of Library Metadata 13, no. 2-3 (2013) : 163-196. Desale, Sanjay K., and Rajendra M. Kumbhar. “Research on Automatic Classification of Documents in Library Environment: A Literature Review.” Knowledge Organization 40, no. 5 (2013): 295-304. Fu, Ping, and Moira Fitzgerald. “A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Integrated Library System on Staffing Models in Academic Libraries.” Information Technology & Libraries 32, no. 3 (2013): 47-58. Hider, Philip, and Ying-Hsang Liu. “The Use of RDA Elements in Support of FRBR User Tasks.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 857-872. Johnston, Clinton. “Capture and Release: Cataloguing Cultural Heritage at Marrickville Library and History Services.” Australian Library Journal 62, no. 3 (2013): 218-223. Klein, Maximilian, and Alex Kyrios. “VIAFbot and the Integration of Library Data on Wikipedia.” Code4Lib Journal 22 (14 Oct. 2013): n. pag. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. < >