key: cord-0000119-zzkkm496 authors: Knoester, Hendrika; Grootenhuis, Martha A.; Bos, Albert P. title: Outcome of paediatric intensive care survivors date: 2007-09-07 journal: Eur J Pediatr DOI: 10.1007/s00431-007-0573-1 sha: c4cbc868c6aa292decf1296da0f74eb496cca7ac doc_id: 119 cord_uid: zzkkm496 The development of paediatric intensive care has contributed to the improved survival of critically ill children. Physical and psychological sequelae and consequences for quality of life (QoL) in survivors might be significant, as has been determined in adult intensive care unit (ICU) survivors. Awareness of sequelae due to the original illness and its treatment may result in changes in treatment and support during and after the acute phase. To determine the current knowledge on physical and psychological sequelae and the quality of life in survivors of paediatric intensive care, we undertook a computerised comprehensive search of online databases for studies reporting sequelae in survivors of paediatric intensive care. Studies reporting sequelae in paediatric survivors of cardiothoracic surgery and trauma were excluded, as were studies reporting only mortality. All other studies reporting aspects of physical and psychological sequelae were analysed. Twenty-seven studies consisting of 3,444 survivors met the selection criteria. Distinct physical and psychological sequelae in patients have been determined and seemed to interfere with quality of life. Psychological sequelae in parents seem to be common. Small numbers, methodological limitations and quantitative and qualitative heterogeneity hamper the interpretation of data. We conclude that paediatric intensive care survivors and their parents have physical and psychological sequelae affecting quality of life. Further well-designed prospective studies evaluating sequelae of the original illness and its treatment are warranted. the quality of life (QoL) in survivors and in their families are important outcome measures. Historically, outcome research in paediatrics is either based on an age-specific approach, such as follow-up studies of premature infants [41, 72, 73] , or on a more disease-oriented approach, such as follow-up studies in survivors of cardiothoracic surgery or trauma [15, 55, 64, 70] . These studies have shown substantial physical, psychological and neurocognitive sequelae, interfering with daily life and normal development. In addition, effects on parents and siblings have been shown [26] . Evaluative research of adult intensive care survivors showed the effect of intensive care treatment per se. Irrespective of the underlying illnesses, sequelae on all domains with effects on QoL were found [2, 19, 58, 75] . In multi-disciplinary paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) populations, reports on outcome are scarce [24, 25] . Based on these observations, we believe that follow-up research of paediatric intensive care survivors and their families is needed to evaluate: (1) physical sequelae and their impact during growth and development; (2) psychological sequelae in patients and their families and their impact on the QoL of patients and family members; and (3) the need for treatment and support after discharge. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the available literature concerning the different domains of QoL (i.e. physical, psychological and social functioning) in children surviving paediatric intensive care, including the effect on parents, and to suggest directions for future follow-up research. To identify studies eligible for this review, we searched Medline , EMBASE (1974 EMBASE ( -2006 , CINAHL (1982 CINAHL ( -2006 , pre-CINAHL and the Cochrane Library (2006) in March 2006. In the search strategy, all terms mapped to the appropriate MeSH/EMTREE subject headings and "exploded" were used; among them were: paediatric intensive care unit (PICU), septic shock, respiratory insufficiency, meningococcal disease, central venous catheterisation, intubation, physical and psychological sequelae, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), QoL, health status and long-term outcome. Functional health is defined as an individual's ability to perform normal daily activities, to fulfil usual roles and to maintain health and well-being. QoL is defined as an individual's perception of their position in life, in the context of the culture and value systems and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns [1] . Health-related QoL (HRQoL) is defined as QoL in which a dimension of personal judgement over one's health and disease is added [21] . Studies were selected for review if they met two inclusion criteria: (1) study of a representative population of PICU survivors (defined as a population consisting of medical and/or surgical PICU patients <18 years old) and (2) evaluation of physical sequelae, measurement of QoL or functional health >30 days after PICU discharge. Because of the limited number of studies, the measurement tools did not need to be standardised. Studies with a retrospective and prospective design were included. Excluded were: (1) studies in homogeneous PICU populations (e.g. survivors of cardiothoracic surgery and trauma) reporting diagnosis-related outcome in particular but not intensive care treatment as such, and (2) studies evaluating mortality only. Eligible studies and quality of the studies Twenty-seven studies were found in which one or more aspects of long-term sequelae in PICU survivors and/or their families were described. The patient characteristics, populations, measurement tools and outcomes are described in Tables 1 and 2 . The quality criteria are described in Table 3 . None of the studies met all of the quality criteria. In studies describing the same outcome aspect, differences in study population, follow-up time and measurement tools make the comparison and synthesis of results difficult. Physical and neuro-cognitive sequelae (Table 1) In 12 studies that included in total 340 patients, aspects of physical and neuro-cognitive sequelae were evaluated. Neurological evaluation was conducted in five studies including 275 survivors. The majority of the children were neurologically normal. In the remaining children, disabilities such as hearing loss, coordination, cognition and developmental problems turned out to be severe [23, 35, 43, 53, 59] . Pulmonary evaluation was conducted in six studies including 65 patients [6, 14, 22, 30, 48, 74] . Restrictive and obstructive disease and hypoxaemia during exercise was found. Cardiac evaluation was conducted in two studies including 23 survivors [22, 74] . No abnormalities were found, except for left ventricular hypertrophy in one child. Renal evaluation was conducted in one study including 12 survivors [62] . In two children, glomerular filtration was impaired, one had hypertension and one had proteinuria. Psychological sequelae (Table 2) Various questionnaires were used. Cut-off points for the diagnosis of PTSD differed between studies but all of them showed high scores for PTSD in children and parents. Psychological evaluation of children was conducted in five studies including 202 children [40, [50] [51] [52] 61] . Symptoms of PTSD were found in 11 of 74 evaluated children. In one study, a relation was found between invasive procedures and high scores [52] . Psychological evaluation of parents was conducted in six studies including parents of 547 children [4, 8, 20, 40, 50, 61] . Symptoms of PTSD were found in 72 of 295 evaluated parents. In some studies, a relation was found between high scores and illness severity as perceived by parents [4, 50, 61] . In one study, these high scores decreased over time [8] . Functional health and QoL (Tables 1 and 2) Evaluation of functional health was conducted in three studies including 821 children [9, 12, 44] . The majority of the children seemed to have normal functional health; the remainder was found to be seriously impaired. Evaluation of QoL was conducted in four studies including 1,664 children [27, 38, 47, 65] . QoL was evaluated using three different questionnaires. In the majority of children, the QoL was normal or equal to the QoL before PICU admission. In all studies, some of the children had poor QoL. Only 27 studies consisting of 3,444 PICU survivors met our inclusion criteria. The small numbers, heterogeneity of the 4 yes yes yes yes no 6 no no yes yes no 8 no no yes yes yes 9 no yes yes no no 12 yes yes yes yes no 14 yes yes yes yes no 20 yes yes yes yes no 22 no no no yes no 23 no no yes yes yes 27 yes studied populations and the used measurement tools, the frequent use of non-validated measurement tools and the various aspects of outcomes studied make aggregation of the data and, therefore, strong conclusive statements difficult. The reviewed studies report distinct physical sequelae, including neurological abnormalities in PICU survivors. Standardised neurological examination of PICU survivors was validated in 1994 but very few studies have been carried out since [24, 25] . As neurological problems have a great impact on daily life, standardised evaluation and adequate support and rehabilitation seem to be relevant, similar to in NICU survivors [11, 46, 56] . Follow-up studies evaluating lung function in children are hampered by the small incidence of severe respiratory insufficiency in children [49] . In adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), the recovery of lung function is shown during the first year and physical limitations seem to be partly dependent on lung function [34, 58] . In infants and children, post-natal lung growth may contribute to the improvement of lung function after critical illness. In addition to lung function, the long-term effect of small airway disease should be evaluated, for instance, in children with respiratory syncitial virus infection. Data on the structured evaluation of cardiac and renal function in paediatric and adult ICU survivors is not available. In young children, septic shock and the need for vasoactive support of the circulation may interact with the developing myocardium and may have persistent effects on cardiac growth and function [10, 67, 77] . Complications of intensive care procedures per se, (e.g. vascular complications due to intra-vascular catheters and side-effects of ototoxic drugs and sedatives) are not evaluated [5, 18, 32, 33, 45, 54, 57, 63] . One can assume the exact incidence of physical sequelae to be higher than has been reported so far. In the reviewed studies, psychological sequelae have been established in 10-14% of survivors and their parents. The comparison of findings is hampered due to different measurement tools and cut-off points for the diagnosis of PTSD and various follow-up intervals. Risk factors accounting for hampered psychological outcome could be diverse (severity of illness, being removed from one's child, having been witness to the accident, mental health, family functioning, social support, coping strategies and lack of information from the medical team) [17, 26, 29, 31] . Psychological support to improve coping strategies and prevent over-protection might improve psychological out-come in children and parents [3, 28] . Further research is essential to establish the appropriate time and extent of the psychological support needed. Cognitive sequelae have rarely been studied in the reviewed studies. Adequate neuro-cognitive evaluation is both expensive and time-consuming. Studies in neonatal ICU survivors show substantial cognitive dysfunction with great impact on daily life [7] . Consequently, early intervention, education and rehabilitation are expected to improve daily life [11, 46] . A majority of PICU survivors seem to have unchanged functional health and good QoL. In the reviewed studies, functional health is evaluated by telephone interviews [27, 38, 47, 65] . In most of these studies, the physician rather than the child or its parents evaluates functional health. Ideal (HR)QoL questionnaires should measure all aspects of QoL and preferably be filled in by the children themselves. Proxy investigation of functional health and (HR) QoL (in children <6-8 years of age) is second best [36, 37, 39, 66] . Besides, the pre-morbid state is probably an important factor which is difficult to assess [16] . The reviewed studies have a number of methodological limitations. Heterogeneity is the most important one. Consensus on all aspects of follow-up research is essential for well-founded conclusions. For example, structured and standardised evaluation of: (1) organ system function with a validated tool such as the Paediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) score [13, 42, 60, 71] ; (2) neurocognitive function; (3) complications of PICU treatment; and (4) (HR)QoL are warranted. Multi-centre studies as proposed by the Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) with a uniform approach will provide answers either in general PICU cohorts or in disease-oriented study groups [76] . In conclusion, this review indicates that PICU survivors and their parents may have substantial physical and psychological sequelae interacting with QoL. Because of longer life expectancy, longer follow-up time is warranted, emphasising the consequences for health care in children. We believe that paediatric intensivists and psychologists should be involved as core members of follow-up teams. World Health Organization (WHO) (1979) The first ten years of the World Health Organization Surviving intensive care: a report from the 2002 Brussels Roundtable Brief report: parental perceptions of child vulnerability in children with chronic illness Traumatic stress in parents of children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit Incidence and risk factors of catheter-related deep vein thrombosis in a pediatric intensive care unit: a prospective study Long-term assessment of pulmonary function tests in pediatric survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome Cognitive and behavioral outcomes of school-aged children who were born preterm: a meta-analysis Long-term effects of pediatric intensive care unit hospitalization on families with young children Serial neurologic examinations after near drowning and outcome Myocardial injury in meningococcus-induced purpura fulminans in children Early intervention in low-birth-weight premature infants. Results through age 5 years from the Infant Health and Development Program Long-term outcome of children after intensive care Alternative outcome measures for pediatric clinical sepsis trials Respiratory sequelae after acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in children with meningococcal septic shock Long-term outcomes of seriously injured children: a study using the Child Health Questionnaire A prospective study and review of pre-morbid characteristics in children with traumatic brain injury A child's admission to hospital: a qualitative study examining the experiences of parents Withdrawal from lorazepam in critically ill children Quality of life in adult survivors of critical illness: a systematic review of the literature Long-term psychological distress in parents of child survivors of severe meningococcal disease Quality-of-life measures in chronic diseases of childhood Long-term sequelae in children surviving adult respiratory distress syndrome Neurodevelopmental outcome in meningococcal disease: a case-control study Assessing the outcome of pediatric intensive care Outcome evaluations as measures of quality in pediatric intensive care Family carers of ICU survivors: a survey of the burden they experience Long-term survival and state of health after paediatric intensive care Perceived vulnerability: a comparison of parents and children Parental coping with the diagnosis of childhood cancer: gender effects, dissimilarity within couples, and quality of life Timing of recovery of lung function after severe hypoxemic respiratory failure in children Adjustment and coping by parents of children with cancer: a review of the literature Acquired total (grade 4) subglottic stenosis in children Hearing loss in critical care: an unappreciated phenomenon One-year outcomes in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome One-year survival and neurological outcome after pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation Quality of life: patients and doctors don't always agree: a meta-analysis A difference in perception of quality of life in chronically ill children was found between parents and pediatricians Follow up of survival and quality of life in children after intensive care How well do parents know their children? Implications for proxy reporting of child healthrelated quality of life Psychiatric adjustment following meningococcal disease treated on a PICU Health status and health-related quality of life in a population-based sample of neonatal intensive care unit graduates Validation of the paediatric logistic organ dysfunction (PELOD) score: prospective, observational, multicentre study Long-term outcome of paediatric cardiorespiratory arrest in Spain Survival and functional outcome of children requiring mechanical ventilation during therapy for acute bacterial meningitis Central venous line-related thrombosis in children: association with central venous line location and insertion technique Early intervention in low birth weight premature infants: results at 18 years of age for the Infant Health and Development Program Quality of life of survivors of pediatric intensive care Exercise-induced oxygen desaturation as a late complication of meningococcal septic shock syndrome Effect of mechanical ventilator weaning protocols on respiratory outcomes in infants and children: a randomized controlled trial Psychiatric outcome following paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission: a cohort study Children's psychological responses after critical illness and exposure to invasive technology Identifying children at high risk for psychological sequelae after pediatric intensive care unit hospitalization Neurodevelopmental outcome of young pediatric intensive care survivors of serious brain injury Ototoxic drugs and sensorineural hearing loss following severe neonatal respiratory failure Determinants of the quality of life of patients with congenital heart disease After hospital: working with schools and families to support the long term needs of children with brain injuries Stress doses of hydrocortisone, traumatic memories, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients after cardiac surgery: a randomized study Pulmonary function and healthrelated quality of life in a sample of long-term survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome Outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac or respiratory arrest in children Statistical evaluation of ventilator-free days as an efficacy measure in clinical trials of treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome Short-term psychiatric adjustment of children and their parents following meningococcal disease Long-term outcome of meningococcal sepsisassociated acute renal failure Adverse responses: sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blocking agents in critically ill children A prospective study on paediatric traffic injuries: health-related quality of life and post-traumatic stress The functional outcome and quality of life of children after admission to an intensive care unit The proxy problem: child report versus parent report in health-related quality of life research A myocardial cytotoxic process is involved in the cardiac dysfunction of meningococcal septic shock Mortality in severe meningococcal disease Differences in pediatric ICU mortality risk over time Psychosocial functioning of the adult with congenital heart disease: a 20-33 years follow-up Endpoints in sepsis trials: more than just 28-day mortality? Longitudinal multicenter follow-up of high-risk infants: why, who, when, and what to assess Looking back in time: outcome of a national cohort of very preterm infants born in The Netherlands in 1983 Respiratory and cardiac function in children after acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Long-term survival from intensive care: a review Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network (CPCCRN) Gene deletion of dopamine β-hydroxylase and α1-adrenoceptors demonstrates involvement of catecholamines in vascular remodeling