key: cord-0005199-84qxlwcu authors: nan title: List of references date: 1989 journal: Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/bf00031603 sha: b0d104287506c30c0412948e1382239a35229089 doc_id: 5199 cord_uid: 84qxlwcu nan 1109. Schroder, P., 1987. Size selection of latex beads by blackfly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae) in the laboratory. 144: 163-171. Partitionmg of the food ration of marine cihates between prco-and nanoplankton Water quality studies on Buckin A disciminant an a? am Canal (Madras, India) -ysis Seasonal size distribution of developmental stages of subantarctic copepod On the taxonomy of the genus Me adiaptomus f cription o including the desa new species (Copepoda, CaIanoida) from India EstevaI phenology of an Acanthocyclops (Crustacea, Copepoda) in a Colorado tarn with remarks on the vemalisrobustus complex The cyclopoid co Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) from the Amazon Basin The distribution of species of the genus Thermocyclops Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in the western hemisphere, with description of T. parvus, new species The relationship between the digestive e T es in arctic char, Salvelinus aIpinus (Sahnoni ae, Osteichthyes) and its ability to survive in extreme environments Photographic demonstration of the annual nature of a varve type common in N. Swedish lake sediments Concentration and annual accumulation values of heavy metals in lake sediments: Their significance in studies of the history of heavy metal pollution Consequences of redox conditions on the distribution of cations in a meromictic oligotrophic lake Prehminary observations on the copepods of Tudor Creek Experimental mani-P ulations of the phytoplankton periodicity in lar e imnetic enclosures in BleIham Tarn VagiIe macrofauna and the hydroographic environment of the Saco River Estuary and adjacent waters of the Gulf of Maine Interactions between sediment contaminants and benthic organisms Production and nutritional quality of the rotifer Bruchionus plicatilis fed marine Chlorella sp. at different cell densities Interpreting long-term changes in benthic community structure: a new protocol Ecology of bdehoids: how to be successfuII Paleoiimnology of mid-elevation lakes in the Kenya Rift Valley Patterns of temporal variation in Lake Titicaca. A high altitude tropical lake. I. Background, chemical processes, and primary pro f hysical and uction The challenge confronting industrial microagriculture: high photosynthetic efficiency in large-scale reactors The ultrastructure of the so-called olfactory setae on the antennula of Da hnia magna Straus (Crustacea, Cladocera) Notogaeanemertes folzae en.n., sp.n., % an additional ecologically restricted oplonemertean from New Zealand Effects of rainstorms on heterotrophic bacterial activity in a hypertrophic African lake Heterotrophic bacterial activity and primary production in a hypertrophic African lake Effects of physmaI disturbance and canopy cover on attached diatom community structure in an Idaho stream Post-encounter v&era-bihty of some rotifer prey types to predation by the copepod Acanthocyclops robustus The variability of setae of Pristina longiseta Naididae) Description de trois especes nouvehes d'ohgochetes aquatiques du Pays Basque (Espagne) Midwater biomass profiles over the Madeira Abyssai Plain and the contribution of copepods Ecological implications of the reproductive biology of symbiotic nemerteans Chydorus atcticus n. sp., a new cladoceran crustacean (Chydoridae: Chydorinae) from the North Atlantic Arctic and Subarctic areas Increased viviparity of marine parasites at high latitudes Differences in species diversity of Monogenea between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans Gill monogenea of deepwater and surface fish in southeastern Austraha The effects of heavy metals pohution of the upper Arkansas River on the distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates Day/night differences in the grazing impact of marine copepods Seasonal aspects of the invertebrate fauna of three species of plants and rock surfaces in a small stream PaIeolinmology of a small ohgotrophic lake on WoIin Island On the interstitial cladocera of the River Ter (Catalonia, NE Spain), with a description of the male of Alona phreatica Sediments as a source for contaminants Flagellate grazing on bacteria in a small dystrophic lake Variation in the carbon content of two Asplanchna species The components of feeding behavior m rotifers A geographical survey of littoral crustacea in Norway and their use in paleolimnology Some ecological aspects of aquatic ohgochaetes in the Lower Pearl River (People's Republic of China) Ecological survey of the aquatic oligochaetes in the Lower Pearl River (People's Republic of China) A harvesting strategy for Iridaea laminarioides in central Chile Production of Chilean Graciltia: problems and perspectives The li id biochemistry of calanoid copepods The occurrence of oligochaetes in lake chains receiving pulp mill waste and their relation to eutrophicatron on the trophic scale New species of the genus Zygnemopsis (Zygnematales, Chlorophyceae) from India New records of freshwater rotifers (Rotrfera) from Indian waters Field assessment of the quality of phytoplanktonic food available to Daphnia and Bosmina St&es on the decomposition of drii seaweed from the northeast Brazilian coastal reefs A small dredge for sampling aquatic macrophytes A handy impact corer for sampling lake surface sediment Elemental composition of the sub-aquatic liverwort Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) in relation to heavy metal contamination Studies on the distribution and metabolism of Drhodoic acid in algae Distribution patterns of blackfly (Diptera: Simuhidae) associations in two Irish rover systems Up er Pleistocene and Holocene lakes in the An N all d, Saudi Arabia The possibility of predator avoidance by Lake Michigan zooplankton Prey preference and utilization by Mesostoma lingua (Turbeharia, Rhabdocoela) at a low arctic site Breeding system of Daphniopsis ephemeralis: adaptations to a transient environment Further nutritional studies on the marine rotifer Encentmm linnhei Effects of floods on epilithon and benthic macroinvertebrate populations in an unstable New Zealand river Brachionus calyciflorus PaIIas as agent for the removal of E. coli in sewage ponds Observations on the deep-water flora of Bermuda A method for subsam benthtc macroinvertebrates by wei CaIculating net annual accumulation rates of sediment components exemplified by pollen Engelberts & IL Hock Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems: The Vestfold HiIIs in context Biometric variation in three strains of Brachionus plicatilis as a direct response to abiotic variables Bacterioplanktonic biomass and production in the river Meuse (Belgium) Protein polymorphism in six species of the genus Calanus Introductory lecture at the international symposium 'Phosphorus in Freshwater Ecosystems Successful preservation of Daphnia for chemical and physical analysis Indian Brachionidae ~~ot$on& Monogononta) and their distribution On species of genus Lepadella (Eurotatoria: Monogononta: Colurehidae) from North-Eastern India, with remarks on Indian taxa Studies on decomposition of hvo species of Salvina Growth and production in wild and cultured stocks of Chondrus crispus Relative abundance of macroinvertebrates found in habitats associated with backwater area confhtences in Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River Characteristics of softwater streams in Rhode Island. II. Composition and seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities Characteristics of softwater streams in Rhode Island. III. Distribution of macrophytic vegetation in a smah drainage basin Distribution of stream macroalgae in south-central Alaska Trophic interactions within pelagic microbial communitres: Indications of feedback regulation of carbon flow Inter-and intraspecific variations in limb morphology of some south-east Australian cladocerans: Implications for particle capture The Rotifera of impoundments in Southeastern Australia Temporal variation in abundance of the egg predator Curcinonemertes epialti (Nemertea on egg mortality of its host, h and its effect t e shore crab, Hemigrapsus oregonensis Planktonic copepods of the Bras d'Or Lakes system Analysis of factors controhing res onses microcosm to organic loa cp of an aquatic mg A pond for edible Spirulina production and its hydraulic studies. 15W Patterns of vegetation surroundin springs in Goshen Bay Food resource utihzation Mer a! artitioning of fifteen fish species at Bukit Reservorr Acidity status and phytoplankton species richness, standing cro nity composition m Adirondac A. lakes in relation to acidity, trophic status and related water quality characteristics Primary productivity and related parameters in three different types of inland waters in Sri Lanka Movements of some indigenous riverine fish in Sri Lanka The seasonahty of monsoonal primary productivity in Sri Lanka Spring development of a Chlam abmonas smah K po ulation in Lake Nimeton, a umic forest ake in southern Finland Evaluation and use of a diffusioncontrolled sampler for determining chemical and dissolved oxygen gradients at the sediment-water intersurface Effect of light intensity on the f owth of Azolla pinnata R. Brown at Ranchi, In ia Symbiotic algal nitrogenase activity and heterocyst frequency in seven A&la s tion Taxonomic studies on marine triclads (TurbeIIaria, Tricladida, Maricola) Great Lake Manitoulirn Georgian Bay and the North Channel Geology and environmental significance of sediment distributions in an area of the submerged Niagara escarpment The effect of commercial and recreational traffic on the resus I! ension of sediment in Navigation Pool 9 of t e Upper Mississippi River Lake Glubokoe (Moscow region, Eastern Europe), general characteristics History of zoocenosis of Lake Glubokoe according to ammal remains in the bottom sediments The basic features of the biocenosis of Lake Glubokoe (Moscow region, Eastern Europe) with a Iist of the animals and plants recorded Cladocera (Crustacea) from Nicaragua Experimental measurement of resource competition between lanktonic microalgae and macroalgae (seaweeds P in mesocosms simulating the Confidence intervals for the simiIarity between algal cormnunities Ultrastructural studies on the early cuticuhu metamorphosis of adult female Lemaeocera branchialis (L.) (Copepoda, Permehidae) Is the Turbeharia polyphyletic Frontal organs in the Acoelomorpha (Turbeharia): Ultrastrucure and phylogenetic sigmficance Ecology of Naididae (Ohgochaeta) from an aIkaIine bog stream: life history patterns and community structure The macro-invertebrate communities of temporary pools in an intermittent stream in tropical Queensland Life histories, abundance and distribution of some macroinvertebrates from a South Carolina, USA coastal plain stream Seasonal variation in the die1 vertical distribution of the migratory alga C phyceae) in a sm 3 tomonas murssonii (Crypto-, highly humic lake Insect emergence from a shallow southern West German lake, with special reference to the parasitic hostassociated water mite larvae Sex, popuiation dynamics and resting egg production in rotifers Fertilization and male fertility in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis Environmental cues used in the upstream orientation by Parameletus chehfer and P. minor (Ephemeroptera) nymphs, an experimental study Changes in distribution and behaviour of two congeneric mayflies in a boreal river and its seasonal tributaries Spirobolbolaimus bathyaiis, gen.nov., s .nov. 8, (Nematoda, M$o\-rdae) from the Me 'terranean (CaIvr) Benthos of Lake Glubokoe The periodicity of phytoplankton in Lake Constance Bodensee) in !f comparison to other deep lakes o central Europe Some size relationships in phytoflagehate motility Pelagic food web processes in an ohgotrophic lake Soluble reactive phosphorus release from bryozoan dominated periphyton A field the parasite Nosema herpobdellae Conet (Microspora) in Erpobdella octoculata (L.) (Hirudinea) Re ation of bluef een algal buoyancy and P b oom formation by 'ght, inorganic nitrogen, C02, and trophic level interactions Plankton community structure and size spectra in the Geor 'an Bay and North Channel ecosystems Effects of water quah ?: and season on diatom community structure in t e Trace elements composition of Pistia stratiotes L The role of plankton biomass in controlling fluctuations of suspended matter in Lake Constance A six-year study of abundance and voltinism of Chironomidae (Diptera) in an Illinois cooling reservoir Combined influences of particulate and dissolved factors in the toxicitv of Microcvstis aeruninosa ~Nl$CS!+;~) to the rdtifer Brachi&s calyc$loms Perceptions, paradigms and ethics: A perspective on the social context of environmental issues Growth-limiting quantities and accumulation of molybdenum in Anabaena oscilkuioides (Cyanobacteria) A model for the estimation of convective exchange in the littoral region of a shallow lake during cooling Steinlechner, R, 1987. Identification of immature tub&ids (Oligochaeta) of Lake Constance and its infhtence on the evaluation of species distribution Contribution to the taxonomy and distrtbution of Qclops abyssomm Sars (Crustacea, Copepoda) in several lakes and ponds of central Italy The potential for population growth of Ascomorpha ecaudis The leading question: In situ structures of thought The leading question: A paper related to a project on economics and environment Un Copepode Siphonostomatoide abyssal nouveau de I'Ocean Indien Copepods associated with reef corals: a comparison between the Atlantic and the Pacific Stygofauna of the Canary Islands Five new bogidiellid Amphipoda from Spain -the first freshwater records in the Iberian Peninsula Algal picoplankton production and contribution to food-webs in oligotrophic British Columbia lakes Micronutrient and phosphorus Iinutation of phytoplankton abundance m Gem Lake Reproduction de I'Omble de fontaine, Salvelinus fontinabs (Mitchill), dans des lacs de different pH Resistance et viabihte des gametes d'Omble de fonmine, Salvelinus fontinalis, a differrents pH Sur I'accumulation de nickel et de cobalt par les characees Life history of a lacustrine ostracod Intraspecific variability of Brachionus phcatilis Comments on the antarctic Rotifera Polymorphism in Oersfedia dorsalis (AbiIgaard, 1806) revisited Introduction and cage culture of exotic carps and their impact on fish harvested in Lake Begnas Primary reduction of phytoplankton and standing crops o P zooplankton and zoobenthos in hypertrophic Lake Teganuma Vertical distribution in and isolation of bacteria from Lake Vanda: an Antarctic lake The seasonahty of phytoplankton in African lakes Variation in karyotypes of Dugesia ja onica japonica (Turbeharia) from Daphnia curvirostis Eyimann in Japanese high mountain waters (Cladocera: Daphnirdae) An evaluation of factors affecting vertical distribution amon recruits of Calanus jinmarchicus in three a jacent highcf altitude localities Contaminated sediments in the Elbe estuary: Ecological and economic problems for the Port of Hamburg Partitioning of trace metals in sediments: Relationship wrth bioavailabihty Comparative carbon-specific ingestion rates of phytoplankton by Acartia tonsa, Centropages verificatus and Eucalanus pileatus grazing on natural phytoplankton assemblages in the plume of the Missrssip River northern Gulf of Mexico continental she 68 1R i The C:N:P ratio of phytoplankton determines the relative amounts of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus released during aerobic decomposition The effect of water temperature, current velocity and suspended solids on the distribution, growth and seasonality of Lemanea phyta Response of harpacticoid copepods to habitat structure at a deep-sea site Epiphytic diatoms of the inshore marine area near Davis Station Variations in underwater vocalizations of Weddel seals (Leptonychotes weddelli) at the Vestfold HiIIs as a measure of breeding population discreteness Embryology of the Turbeharia and its phylogenetic significance Ecological effects of in situ sediment contaminants A protocol for the selection of process-oriented remedial options to control in situ sediment contaminants Distribution and comosition f3 of the surficial sediments of Georgian ay and North Channel Ecological effects of in situ sediment contamiuants Temporal fluctuations in grane size, organic materials and iron concentrations in intertidal surface sediment of What are the major interactions Effects of mineral turbidity on freshwater plankton communities: Three exploratory tank experiments of factoral design Isolation and characterization of hydrogenase from Spirulina platensis Die1 drift of Chironomidae larvae in a pristine Idaho mountain stream Secchi disk-chloro relationships in a lake with highly variable hyll plankton biomass Production and pathways of freshly produced organic matter within the pelagic zone Distinction between Ii P t-mediated and light-independent variations in p ytoplankton production rates Crustacean zooplankton assemblages in freshwaters of tropical Australia The behavioural responses and tolerance of freshwater bentic cyclopoid copepods to hypoxia and anoxia The distribution and abundance of benthrc cyclopoid copepods in Esthwaite Water The benthrc phase of the life cycle of Pampenaeus longirvstis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) along the Mediterranean coast of Israel Recent research on Spirulina in Italy Effect of tern erature on selected microbial activities in aero ic fi and anaerobically incubated sediment Macroalgal tion in the Orient Temporal distribution and brooding behaviour of selected benthic species from the shallow marine waters off the Vestfold Hi The inshore marine ecosystem off the Vestfold HiUs The benthic commumtres of the saline lakes Abijata and ShaIa (Ethiopia) Microbial communities colonising nutrient-enriched marine sediment Some rotifers from Republic of Korea A new Rotifer from a coastal lake in Southeastern Brazil: Hexarthra longicomicula n.sp The hosphorus status of sediments in an hypertrop 'c rmpoundment 1 (Hartbeespoort Dam): impiicatrons for eutrophication management Electron microscopy of turbelhnian platyhelminths: a bibliography Bacteria and phosphorus regeneration in lakes. An experimental study Effects of recent acidification on Cladocera in small clear-water lakes studied by means of sedimentary remains Nutrient release from the sediments of development and Tern erature-dependent cr owth 0 P Calanus sinicus (Copepoda: Calanoi a) in the laboratory &Ii&y-temperature tolerance of two closely related triclad s ecies, Du esia and D. polychroa (Turbe lf lugubris aria), in re ation to their f distribution in The Netherlands Four new species from the genus Perepsilonema Lorenzen, 1973 of C ai Nematoda, Epsilonematidae) from the bay vi Macrophyte depth limits in North Island (New Zealand) lakes of differing clarity Substratum preference of the caddrsfly Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen) (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) Aquatic oligochaetes in ditches Neuroendocrine control of gonadogenesis in regenerating Lineus lacteus (Heteronemertea) Prehminary studies on predation by Sphaerodema nepoides Fabricius (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) Phytoplankton po ulation density and volume as indicators of eutrop Yll 'cation in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea Notes on the m"rpholoiY and asexual reproductive processes o sess e peritrichs Variations mensuehes de la structure de communautes benthi ues littorales d'eau deuce en climat froid Microbial communities in southern Victoria Land streams (Antarctica) The effects of low temperature Free-living marine nematodes from the Southern Bight of the North Sea. I. Notes on species of the genera Gonionchus Cobb, 1920, Neochromadora Micoletzky, 1924 and Sabatieria RouvilIe Free living marine nematodes from the Southern Bight of the North Sea Professor Nikolai Y ua: evich Zograf (1852-1920 , the founder of the Hy obiological Station on Lak e Glubokoe Photosynthetic response of Prorocenbum mariae-lebouriae (Dinophyceae to different spectral qualities, irradiances, an d temperatures Pigment and lipid compositions of al al and bacterial communitres in Ace Lake A re-evaluation of marine nematode productivity Molecular markers for marine algal polysaccharides The effects of lake restoration measures on the and phytoplankton variables o f hysical, chemical Lake Bled On the karyolo of Dugesia gonocephalu s.1. (Turbellaria, Tricla x 'da) from Montpeiher Bioassays using Stigeoclonium tenue Kutz. and Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. as testorganisms; a comparative study Occurrence of fungi on submerged pine and teak blocks in Hong Kong coastal waters Effects of surface fouling organisms on the occurrence of fungi on submerged pine blocks in Hong ong coastal waters Characterization of brine shriip Altemiu from Cam Ranh Bay in Central Vietnam Zn uptake by Cladophora giomerata The use of periphyton communities for nutrient removal from polluted streams Classification and ordination of macroinvertebrate assemblages to predict stream acidity in upland Wales The mass cultivation of Spirulina platensis in Brazil Population dynamics of oligochaetes in a high mountain lake The Utricularia-Cyanophyta association and its nitrogen-fixing capacity Associations of dratoms in the surficiai sediments of lakes and peat pools in Atlantic Canada Comparative population dynamics of the rotifers Brachionus angularis and Keratella cochlearis The response of macroinvertebrates to experimental episodes of low pH with different forms of aluminium, during a natural spate Chemical limnology of Georgian Bay and the North Channel between Nuisance biomass levels of periphytic algae in streams Biological bases for management of Iridaea laminarioides Bory in southern Chile Current status and future direction of the bibliography on aquatic Annehda Perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare, Antarctica: physical environment, biology and sedimentation Biochemical markers for measurement of predation effects on the biomass, community structure, nutritional status, and metaboiic activrty of microbial biofilms The reproductive biology of Dendrodoa grossultia (Van Beneden (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) at intertidal and subtid 3 locations on the west coast of Ireland Paruchordeumium amphiurae: a cuckoo copepod Experimental stu&es on the development of Lemaeocera branchialis (Copepoda: Pennehidae): population processes from egg production to maturation on the flatfish host Macroalgal commercialization in the Umted States Ecology of dee water rice-fields in Bangladesh. 1. Physical and c emical environment Water chemistry and algal vegetation of streams in the Asir Mountains Ecolo desh. 2. B of deepwater rice-fields in Bangla-C emistry of sites at Manikganj and Sonargaon Diversity among nemertean egg predators of decapod crustaceans Sedimentary records of carbonaceous particles from fossil fuel combustion Reuter 81 M. Gustafsson, 1986. Neuropeptrdes in free-living and parasitic flatworms (Platyhelminthes) . An immunocytochemical study Syrticoia meditemzneus harpacticoid copepod from the Bay of "d"a& Corsica Assessing the bioaccumulation of contaminants from sediments by fish and other aquatic organisms Phylogenetic relationships of the Temnocephaloidea (Platyhelminthes) The inshore marine fishes of the Vestfold Hills region Spatial heterogeneity and niche differentiation in oceanic zooplankton Vertical distribution and seasonal numerical abundance of the Calanidae in oceanic waters to the south-west of the British Isles The biogeo aphical affinities of the fauna in episodically riled salt lakes: A study of Lake The distribution of Heterotnssocladius oliven' Saether (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lake Michigan Interspecific hybridization between Daphnia hyalina, D. gafatea, and D. cucullata and seasonal abundances of these species and their hybrids Biological processes involved in the cycling of elements between soil or sediments and the aqueous environment Chemical and algal relationships in a salinity series of Ethiopian inland waters A model for short-term the bacterioplankton by substrate and grazing Distribution? abundance, and size of rhabdoids in Dugesra polychroa (Turbellaria: Tricladida) Progress in the genetics and breeding of economic seaweeds in China Ultrastructure and histochemistry of the stomach of Asplanchna sieboldi Geographical variation in dormancy in a copepod: evrdence from population crosses Changes in alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphate uptake in P-hmited phytoplankton, induced by light intensity and spectral quality Changes in alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphate uptake in P-&ted phytoplankton, induced by light intensity and spectral quality Tissue and cell culture of New Zealand Pterocladia and Porphyra species History of the study of Turbellaria in China. Part 1: Ages of Materia Medica and of early expeditions by westerners Hydrochemistry of Lake Glubokoe Preliminary study of the aquatic Oligochaeta of the Changjiang (Yang&) River Method for distinguishing Limnodrilus hojjftneisteti and Limnodrilus claparedeianus (Oiigochaeta, Tubiicidae) and its applicability in Lake Suwa Effects of permethrm on phytoplankton and zooplankton m an enclosure ecosystem in a pond AccumuIation, degradatron and biological effects of iindane on Scenedesmus obliquus Preliminary experiments on the cultivation of the brown alga Laminaria (Phaeophyta) Lamouroux in Brazil Effect of algal diet and tern erature on the embryonic development time of t K e rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in culture Corn osition, density and feedin of crustacean zoop ankalf P ton community in a sh ow Dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen m subalpine Castle Lake Carotenoids from plankton and photos thetic bacteria in sediments as indicators o P trophic changes in Lake Lobsigen during the last 14000 years Evolving water quality in a common carp and blue tilapia high production pond Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fsh fauna of Southern Vietnam