THE CONDVIT of Comfort. Containing sundry comfortable Prayers, to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. By Abr. Fleming. The fifth Jmpression. Printed at London by A. M. and are to be sold by Fr. Grove at his shop without Newgate. 1624. To the Christian Reader. TO avoid all doubt of deceit( Christian Reader) which might be thought to lie lurking under this glorious title, The Conduit of Comfort, we will make an Anatomy of this Encheridion, or Manuel, opening the very body, & laying out the bowels thereof before the eyes of thy judgement. Note therefore every member, for thy full satisfaction, as followeth. The Anatomy of this Manuel. The Conduit of Comfort. The Contemplation of a Christian. The Lord's Prayer expounded by Sentence, and Example. The Common Creed expounded by Sentence, and Example. The Ten Commandments. expounded by Sentence, and Example. The Appurtenances to this Conduit. The Cistern is Conscience. The Pipe is Peace. The Lock is Love.. The Key is Knowledge. THE CONDVIT OF COMFORT. A Morning Prayer for a Family MOst gracious God, and omnipotent Father, which dost from the Throne of thy grace behold all the wickedness of mortal Men; pardon we beseech thee our most lamentable and grievous sins, and wash them away by the precious blood of thy most blessed Son Christ jesus, who died to save us sinful men, of which sort we are the most miserable and wicked. We give thee most hearty thanks( O Lord) that thou hast brought us safe to the beginning of this day, and raised us from the sin of Sloth and Ignorance; and grant( O Lord) that we may so spend this day that it may be most to thy glory, & the comfort of our own Souls; give us grace most heavenly Father, that we may follow our vocations whereunto thou hast called us, and that we may do always those things which may be righteous in thy sight; Grant these our humble petitions most heavenly Father, & all things necessary for us, for thy dear Son's sake Christ jesus, to whom with thee and the blessed Trinity, be all Honour and Glory both now and for ever more, Amen. An Evening Prayer for a Family. OH Everlasting Lord God, and merciful Father, we thy poor and wretched Creatures from the bottom of our hearts, give thee most humble and hearty thanks, that of thy mercy thou hast vouchsafed to nourish us with thy goodness, & by thy power preserved us from all dangers and perils that might have befallen us this day, yea and at all times of our life heretofore: We most humbly beseech thee in the merits of thy Sonn Christ jesus our blessed Lord and Saviour, not to respect our unworthiness, but in his grave to bury our misdeeds which we either wittingly or ignorantly have done. Especially those sins which this day we have committed against thy divine Majesty, either in thought, word or deed. O Lord be merciful unto us, and forgive us the evil that we have committed, and supply the good which we have omitted; Lord restore what we have lost, lighten our darkness, and alter the whole course of our minds, that nothing may be wanting in us to the setting forth of thy praise. We beseech thee( O Lord) according to thy goodness, to defend us this night from all perils and dangers: keep us from fearful dreams and vain cogitations: preserve our bodies from eternal death, and our souls from everlasting damnation. Grant these things O Lord, and all other thy graces requisite for us, even for thy Son Christ jesus sake: In whose name we conclude this our unworthy prayer, in that form of prayer which he in his Gospel hath taught us saying, Our Father, etc. A Prayer for the obtaining of Grace. In this wicked world, O Christ whiles I live, To govern and guide me, thy spirit of grace give. WOrship, Praise, Honour, Glory, & Majesty, be given unto thee, O God, my Creator; to thee, O Christ, my Redeemer, and to thee, O holy Ghost, my Sanctifier; for all the blessings of thy grace most plentifully poured upon me: for my election, my Creation, my Redemption, my sanctification, and for all other thy good gifts and benefits: beseeching thee( O sweet Saviour,) that as by thy bitter death and passion, the power of sin was suppressed, the concupiscence of the flesh subdued, the wickedness of the world assuaged, and the maliciousness of Satan quenched; so it would please thee to overshadow me with the Shield of thy favour, that I a painful pilgrim, and weary wanderer in the world, may pass my pilgrimage in peace of conscience: comforting me with the hope of thy promises, which will't & canst refresh the fainting soul, and restore it when it is attainted with any dangerous disease. O Christ, my Physician, so prepare the thoughts of my heart unto thee, that I may be swallowed up in the contemplation of Heaven, and heavenly joys, not regarding the vanities of this world, which are but baits and snares to entangle us, and to make us loathsome in thy sight. Give me grace( O thou Son of David) to live in the world, as ready to leave the world. Let the world continue as thou didst make it, even a servant for the maintenance of men: and not a sovereign to rule and have them at commandment. And because thy Kingdom, O Christ, is not of this world, give me( I beseech thee) such a renewed heart, such a sanctified soul such a godly desire, and such an earnest endeavour to do thy will, that I contemning this wicked world, with all the transitory pleasures of the same, may reign with thee in thy kingdom, purchased for the faithful, even by thy precious Blood, Death & Passion: Grant this, O Christ, my Mediator, at the appointed time of thy good will and pleasure. Amen. A Prayer for thankfulness to God for his gifts. For Wisdom and Wealth, with other gifts more, Lord, give me the grace To thank thee therefore. IEsus Christ, thou which art the Wisdom of thy Father, I thy poor creature sometimes a slave to sin, and a firebrand of Hell: but now a child of election and grace,( as I hope and constantly believe,) give thee hearty thanks for thy goodness, diverse and sundry ways testified unto me. And because it hath pleased thee to be so bountiful, as to endue me with Wisdom, whereas thou mightest have made me a senseless and unreasonable creature; beside that, blessed me with worldly wealth: I beseech thee, be so gracious unto me, as to show me the way how to use this Wisdom to thy glory, and the comfort of other: not boasting therein, because it is thy free gift: nor abusing it, because it is thy blessing. Also( O sweet Saviour, and Son of the eternal God) because wealth without thee, is but wretchedness: riches, poverty, and all earthly pleasures, but mere miseries: I beseech thee, to shine into my heart with the bright beams of thy Spirit, that I may like a faithful Steward, not only dispose and lay out the talon, which thou hast lent me: but also increase the same: making thy glory the mark whereat to direct all my doings: and thy word the rule to keep me within the compass of thy will. O Christ hear me, O hear me sweet Saviour,) which art the Well of life, whereof whosoever tasteth, he shall never see Death: Hear me, O gracious Redeemer, and let me feel inwardly the fruits of my faithful prayer, Amen. A Prayer for Love, and Unity with all men. To live in love, all men among, Give grace, O Christ, to old and young LOrd jesus, thou Pattern of true and unfeigned love: yea, of love leading to life everlasting▪ without whom there can be no love or concord among men: I beseech thee, to hear the prayer of me thy poor servant: and that which I ask in spirit, vouchsafe to give me of thy free mercy. And because love is the fulfilling of the Law, and the seal of salvation to the consciences of all Christians. Furthermore, for so much as thou hast commanded us to do good to all men, which cannot be, unless love be the lamp to give us light: I beseech thee, to fill my heart with that love; yea, to pour that love abundantly into the hearts of all, both old and young, that we may first and principally love Almighty God the Father: thee, O Christ the Son, and the holy Ghost, with such a love as is loath to turn the favour of God into displeasure, his gentleness into rigour, his mercy into judgement, and his forbearance into vengeance. Secondly, to love my Sovereign Prince, whom I am bound in conscience to obey: to love my superiors, to love mine equals, to love mine inferiors, to love mine enemies: Finally, to love all, and hate none, that by this means I may dwell in God the Fountain of love: who of mere love for the salvation of the soul of man, sent thee( O my Saviour) into the world to suffer death up on the cross, even in the face of his enemies and persecutors. Grant this, O Christ, to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost, be all praise and glory for evermore, Amen. A Prayer for the hearing and true understanding of the word of God. To hear thy word, and live therein, Us to renew, O Lord begin. LIghten my heart, O Lord GOD, with the lamp of thy holy and blessed word, which is the weapon of every true Christian soldier, and the sword of the spirit, to cut off all the temptations of the Devil, the world, and the flesh, if it be used according to thy will, O Lord which art the giver and author of the same. And for so much, O Lord, as thy word is the rule, whereby we are bound to direct all our doings: and the square, whereat to frame the whole course of our life: I beseech thee, to circumcise my heart, that all carnal cogitations and thoughts expelled and driven out, I may betake myself wholly unto the reading, hearing, studying, & following of thy word, which is the food of our souls: the comfortable bread, which killeth hunger and the pleasant drink, which quencheth thirst: not the hunger & thirst of the body, against the which, it hath pleased thee to provide most healthful remedies: but the hunger and thirst of the soul, which are no way else assuaged, but by the virtue and heavenly working of thy word. This word, O Lord, vouchsafe to make flourish and fruitifie in us, that thereby we may been won to the worshipping of thee, in true fear, unfeigned faith, and perfect holiness of life, through jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen. A Prayer to God for forgiveness of manifold and grievous sins. My heart unclean, Lord circumcise: And make my soul thy sacrifice. IN sin, O Lord, was my conception, in sin my education, in sin the whole course of my life. Nothing is clean and unspotted in me: nothing is sound, nothing perfect, nothing holy, nothing sanctified. I am full of sin and iniquity, my thoughts & desires are attainted with sin: my labours and handy works are defiled with wickedness, my words and communications are tempered with the leaven of iniquity: my hart is corrupt & putrified; there is nothing sound in me, but all mine entrails are infected, and poisoned with sin, the high way to everlasting shame, death, and condemnation. O miserable wretch that I am, to whom shall I run for succour: To whom shall I make my sorrows known: Before whom shall I pour my plaints: Art not thou the Samaritan, which with the oil of mercy souplest my festered wounds: Art not thou the good Sephearde, which bringest home the straying Sheep to the sheepfold: Art not thou the good Captain, which fightest in defence of thy Soldiers: O, yes Lord, thou art even he: and doubtless, had not the oil of thy mercy healed my filthy Botches: had not thy hand fetched me home to the flock: had not thy love and grace over shadowed me in danger, I had rotten in my filthiness; I had perished in my wandering, and I had been utterly overthrown in combat. O Lord my God, circumcise my heart, and cleanse it from all evil thoughts, devices, imaginations, & consents to sin. Sanctify my soul, renew my spirit, and garnish me with the garment of regeneration, that I may become a sweet smelling sacrifice before thee a sacrifice of acceptable incense, a sacrifice of holiness, & righteousness: so shall I praise thee in the assembly of the just, & extol thy glorious name among thy people. Amen. A Prayer for to be settled in the Truth. Thy Truth send down, Lord from above, And give me grace the same to love. ACcording to thy loving kindness, O Christ, hear the prayers of thy servant; & that request which Hope inboldeneth me to make, vouchsafe in mercy to grant. And because the Devil is the father of all falsehood and lying; and thou the fountain of all truth and righteousness; as thou sayest of thyself; I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: therefore I beseech thee( O gracious God & Saviour) to plant in me the Truth; without the which, all entrance into heavenly joy is stopped up: & to banish out of my heart,( which by nature is a nest of wickedness) all manner of sin, resisting the Truth. And for so much as Truth is a pearl of price, and a jewel of great value to the godly, the ornament of the faithful, and the treasure of the true Christian: therefore I beseech thee, O Christ, give me grace, to thirst after truth, & to hunger after the taste of that heavenly food: that my desiring soul may be succoured, & my longing heart refreshed even with the fullness of the same. And whereas by nature we are bondslaves of sin, and by that means utter enemies of truth: we beseech thee notwithstanding, to make us partakers of mercy, and not of judgement: remembering that thy death and bloodshed paid the price of redemption for all mankind. Thou God of truth, hear my prayer, and let the suit of me thy poor Servant, come before thy presence: and that which I have asked with boldness, vouchsafe to grant of thy special goodness, Amen. A Prayer to lead our life according to the will of God. To do thy will, teach me, O Lord, And let my life thereto accord. MOst mighty, most just most merciful, most loving, most tender & dear Father; forsomuch as there is no way to heaven, but by doing thy will: we say with humbleness of heart, as jesus ●hrist thy Son, and my sweet Saviour hath taught: Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in Coelo, & in Terra; Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven And, because it is thy will, that we should walk in holiness and righteousness before thee, all the days of our life; we beseech thee, to be the Schoolmaster of our Souls and Spirits, that thy Wisdom instructing and teaching us, to make a difference between good and bad, we may follow the one, and forsake the other: considering, that the doers of thy will, and not the knowers of the same, shall be partakers of the promises of life and salvation. For thy Son jesus Christ's sake, my only Saviour and Redeemer, grant this request( O most gracious God, both unto me, and to all thy people. Amen. A Prayer to fast, and abstain from sin. To fast from Sin, is Christian's joy: My heart thereto, O Lord employ. LOrd God, maker of heaven & earth, judge of the quick and the dead; thou that by wisdom seest all things, and by thy providence orderest all creatures; we beseech thee, to cast thine eyes of care and compassion upon us miserable sinners, who from the day of our birth, have lived in wantonness, and all kind of wickedness, thereby kindling thy wrath and justice against us to our confusion. O let us yet at length, have our eyes opened, and see the brightness of thy glory, which the blindness of our minds, will not suffer us to behold. Let us not pamper ourselves in security, living out of rule, and abandoning all godliness; which is a kind of surfeiting in iniquity, and overcharging our hearts with heaps of abominations: but let us become new Scholars in the School of Christianity, walking warily, redeeming the time, loving light, and detesting darkness. O Lord, vouchsafe to be mindful of us thy creatures, and of thine own glory, which art our Creator. Teach us to fast aright, not superstitiously, in abstaining from this or that kind of meat, using a vain order in diet, and differences of meats: but as thine holy ones have in times past, fasted the true Fast, which thou in thy Word requirest: so grant, I beseech thee, that I, and all people, may fast after the same fashion: to fast from sin & wickedness, that the flesh may be brought into subjection, and the spirit quickened. Grant this, O Lord, for thy Son's sake, jesus Christ my Redeemer and Saviour. Amen. A Prayer for grace to forsake evil, and to follow that which is good. From Heaven▪ O God, send us thy grace, Ill to forsake, and good t'embrace. Almighty God, I beseech thee to give me true understanding & knowledge, not only to confess thee a most merciful Father, but also an upright judge; favouring thy children, which live within the compass of thy Commandments: and punishing offenders, which run headlong into all mischief, not once looking back to the written Tables of the law. And, because it standeth not with the frailty of man, to fulfil the sum of the law; upon the breach whereof, condemnation doth ensue: we beseech thee, to enrich our hearts with the treasure of thy Grace, that we waxing wealthy therewith, may be able to withstand all the assaults of Satan, our subtle adversary. Moreover, good GOD, forsomuch as this Grace of thine, is the badge of thy fatherly affection; and guideth the thoughts, the words, & the deeds of every Christian: we beseech thee, to shield us with the same, that we may follow, and stand steadfastly in that, which is acceptable in thy sight; renouncing the Devil, and his works of darkness: and betaking ourselves body and soul, to the healthful guiding of thy grace. Amen. A Prayer for the assistance of the Holy Ghost. Th'assistance of the Holy Ghost, Sweet jesus spread in every Coast. MOst comfortable Saviour, most victorious Captain, most triumphant Redeemer, most merciful Mediator, jesus Christ, thou beloved Son of the eternal God spread abroad the brightness of thy Majesty, to the consolation of all people. And, forsomuch as without thee, the whole world is nothing else but a solitary Wilderness, destitute of faith, hope, charity, love, gentleness, compassion, forbearance, and all other works of Christianity: we beseech thee, to be a gracious God, as thou art an omnipotent God; that where thy power is seen, thy mercy may likewise be perceived. Let not thy creatures continue in ignorance of thee their Saviour, but so assist them with the present aid of thy comforting Spirit and the holy Ghost, that they may see in what byways of destruction & dangers they traverse. Let thy holy Ghost be their lodesman, let the holy Ghost be their teacher, let the holy Ghost be their right hand, and their left: let the holy Ghost be to them all in all; that they being thus inspired, & filled with the power of thy sanctifying Spirit, may feel in themselves a spiritual inclination & working, all desires of the flesh being cut off, & cast away: and may also be received into thy sheepfold, & be reckoned among the number of the faithful. Grant this, O Christ, thou tender Saviour of our souls. Amen. A Prayer against Wrath and Malice. From hateful heart, and fraught with ire: Save us, O Lord, we thee desire. Bountiful God, which hast given us commandment to love all men, and to hate none: to be angry, but not to sin: to be displeased a little, but not to let the Sun set upon our wrath: we beseech thee, to purge our hearts clean from all hatred, from all envy, from all malice, from all uncharitableness, from all untowardness, from all bitterness, from all quarrelling, from all misreporting, from all backbiting, from all revengement seeking: sinally, from all the motions of a wicked spirit. Let love banish hate, let friendliness displace unkindness, let charity remove overthwartness, let forbearance dispossess maliciousness: all which are most shameful sins, and so hateful in thy sight, O God, that he is no Christian, but an Antichristian; no child of bliss, but of Baal, no heir of Heaven, but of Hell; no vessel of election, but of reprobation; no partaker of joy, but of woe; no soldier of the Church, but of the Synagogue, in whom they bear rule. And therefore( most gracious God( root out of our hearts all such weeds of wickedness, that we may become new griftes of righteousness, through jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen. A Prayer for obedience to the keeping of God's Commandments. To live within the rule of Law, keep us, O Lord, in fear & awe. EVerlasting God, whose name is so glorious, that it passeth the capacity of man, to give it due advancement: we beseech thee, of thine infinite goodness, thou sovereign Lawgiver, to arm our hearts with the full furniture of obedience, that we may first and principally fear thee, which art our Creator: and in thee, thy Son our Redeemer: and in both the holy Ghost, our Comforter. This if we do,( as it is not unlike we shall▪ if thy grace govern us) our wills & wits shallbe brought into such subjection, that whatsoever duties earthly Magistrates bind us unto by Law & commandment,( so the same be not to thy dishonour) there shall want no readiness in us to fulfil and accomplish. Vouchsafe therefore( O heavenly Father) to keep us in thy fear, to limit us within the bounds of true obedience, both to thee, O our GOD, and also to our superiors and betters, that whatsoever is required of us in the way of godly submisson and reverence, we murmur not thereat, but do our endeavours therein, with all zeal and earnestness. Amen. A Prayer for true and hearty repentance. Repentance for our foul misdeeds, Grant us, O God, whose grace exceeds. WE wretched outlaws O Lord God, cast our selves along before thy mercy seat, beseeching thee to inspire our minds with perfect wisdom, and to arm us with the true and lively knowledge of thy Law: that both in body, & also in soul, we may walk the way of thy Commandments and Testimonies. So govern us by thy Grace, O God, and so conduct us by thy loving kindness, that being throughly informed, and reform to thy Law, we may be stricken inwardly with a godly fear, and Christian trembling of transgressing thy precepts, which thou hast apppointed unto us, in this dark & palpable time of security, and wickedness,( when all people and nations for the most part stumble at the blocks of their own sins) to be a lantern to lighten our feet, and the day star to direct all our doings. And though we can not of ourselves, ( such is the infirmity of our nature, and weakness of our flesh) but fall into the snares of sin: yet, we humbly beseech thee,( for thy beloved Son's sake jesus Christ our Saviour,) to touch our guilty consciences with the finger of thy grace, that through a sorrowful feeling of them, we may by faith, take sure and fast hold of the staff of thy promises, who made a vow to have mercy on the ssnner, repenting him of his lewd life, and forsaking his iniquity. Grant this, O God, for the comfort of thy chosen, and for thy Son's sake jesus Christ our Mediator, and Advocate, Amen. A prayer to the Lord, to turn his wrathful displeasure away from us. Thy wrath, O Lord, remember not, Though such desert, my sins allot. IVdge me not, O Lord, in the heat of thine indignation: O consume me not in the fury of thy rage. I confess, that mine offences cry out for vengeance, even as a dry & sandy soil gapeth for rain. Howbeit( O most merciful Father) remember thy mercy, and let not sentence pass in judgement to my condemnation: my sins have laid out my lot, even thy vengeance, O Lord, I cannot say the contrary: but thou hast Mercy in store, which pleadeth against justice; so that thy Wrath( I hope) shall not overthrow me, though my wickednesses( like waves) overwhelm my soul. O Lord, hear my prayer, and for the honour of thy name, turn from me the punishments which thou hast denounced against me in judgement. I am a worm, and no man; yea, the offscouring of men, a wretch, and forsaken, an outcast, and an alien from the Common wealth of Israel: my sins have made a separation of thy favour from me: but the death of thy Son hath put out the handwriting, and broken down the partition wall betwixt thee and me. And therefore I come with boldness and confidence to thee, hoping to taste the sweetness of thy Mercy, though I have deserved the sharpness of thy justice.. As thou wilt, O Lord, so be it. Amen. A Prayer for a clear and quiet Conscience. A Conscience clear from all unrest, Grant us, O God: whose name be blest. LEt the light of thy countenance shine upon us,( most merciful Father,) let the comfort of thy spirit drop into our hearts, let thy favour & loving kindness be unto us a pavilion in the warfare of this life. Be thou unto us a gracious God, and a Father inclined to compassion: that whereas the horror of our sins, and their heinousness, together with the manifoldness of our offences, kindleth in us a kind of fear unto death, disquieting our consciences, and raising up within us accusers to give in evidence against us, for the violating & breaking of thy commandments: it would please thee, like a Father, tenderly to deal with us as with thy children, and not like a severe judge to handle us, as guilty persons, giving us over, and leaving us to the spoil of our mortal enemies. Our conscience indeed, layeth daily to our charge, that we have played the backsliders, that we have not kept us within the compass of thy holy precepts, that we have withstood thy heavenly will, and like stubborn rebels, denied thee the honour due unto thy Name: nevertheless( O Lord God) cast us not off into confusion, neither leave us to continual torment, and vexation of conscience for our sins: but look upon us with the eyes of mercy, that the terror of conscience which we feel for sin, may be turned into rest and quietness: lest if it happen otherwise, we be driven( with judas) into desperation: From the which we beseech thee to deliver us, for the honour of thy name( O GOD Almighty, Amen. A Prayer to be Zealous in the hearing of the word of God. To hear thy Word, and love the same, Vouchsafe, O Lord, our hearts to frame. Loving Father & gracious God, forsomuch as thy word is the rule of life, and the high way to happiness, we beseech thee, to kindle in us an earnest desire to hear the same, and that not only with the outward ears of the body, but with the inward ears of the heart: which is the hearing in deed, whereby profit and comfort is gathered. Thy Word is the Sword to cut down sin; thy Word is the weapon which thy Ministers use, to conquer the kingdom of Satan: It is the felicity of the faithful in this life: it is the stumbling block of offence to the wicked: yea, to the uncircumcised Philistine, it is the savour of death unto death: but to the circumcised Israelite, it is the savour of life unto life. Vouchsafe therefore,( O bountiful God) to kindle in me the fire of zeal unto thy word, that I may so esteem and count thereof, as of the chiefest treasure of a Christian in this vale of misery, having mine ears always open to hear it, and my hart ready to receive it: my tongue pliant to speak of it, and my mind earnest to meditate in it: so shall I reap such profit thereby, as thou hast prepared for them that come reverently thereunto. This, and all things needful for this life, grant( O most merciful Father) for thy Son's sake our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. A Prayer for a patient Mind in trouble. In trouble, Lord, to thee we call, A patient Spirit to give us all. IN all afflictions and tribulations( O GOD Father of all mercy and consolation) we beseech thee to look upon us. & in the bowels of compassion to mitigate and assuage our miseries. And as it hath pleased thee of thy fatherly pity, to call us to thee the running River of all refection and comfort; so we beseech thee, even then specially to hear our cries & lamentations, when we lie groaning under the heavy burden of affliction and trouble. Thou hast commanded us, to make our means unto thee, saying; Call upon me in the time of thy trouble, and I will hear thee. O bountiful and gracious God, do therefore with thy servants according to thy word: and as thou art faithful in thy promises; so I humbly beseech thee, that I, among the rest of thy people, may feel and taste the sweetness of thy favour and grace; which is the most sovereign succour that can be, in all necessities and distresses. To thee therefore which art the rich treasure, of all goodness, & the healthful wellspring of all perfect peace, we approach; submitting ourselves before thy face, and craving at thy hands the spirit of patience, wherewith, as with an unpeaceable target being defended, we may constantly abide and wear out any kind of cross and tribulation, waiting the good time of thy pleasure for our deliverance. Amen. A Prayer in time of Prosperity, or Adversity. If Poor, or Rich, O Lord, we be, Teach us to know, all comes from thee. Almighty GOD, Father of our Lord jesus Christ, which madest Heaven and earth, the sea, & all the wonders of the Deep: we confess, that thou art the author of all things, and that upon thee the whole estate of man doth depend: humbly beseeching thee, of thy goodness, to guide us so far with thy grace, that if we see ourselves blessed with the Wealth of this world, which winneth worship and credit among people: or oppressed with poverty, which breedeth contempt and abasement: we may notwithstanding, neither by the one wax proud or insolent: neither yet by the other become mistrustful, or desperate: but referring all to thee, which distributest thy gifts to thine own liking upon the trial of thy servants, we may learn this; that as thou art able to make the rich poor, & the poor rich: so in thee it is, to give every man an inward knowledge and assurance of thy will, whatsoever estate it hath pleased thee to place him, or them in: the which inward knowledge, I beseech thee, power into my spirit, that as well in poverty, as in riches, I may glorify thy name: using my riches as thy blessing, in sign of thy careful providence; and not repining, but well contenting myself with poverty, as thy chastisement, to keep me under awe and obedience: thy will, and not my will, O Lord, be done and fulfilled. Amen. A prayer for patience in time of loss of Goods, or Lands. The loss of Life, of Goods, and Lands, O gracious God, is in thy hands. MOst mighty God, and merciful father▪ from whom all good things do proceed, as tokens of thy kindness: and all punishments for sin▪ as signs of thy displeasure: which givest life, & takest away the same again at thine appointed time: which inrichest thy servants with goods of sundry sorts, and changest their condition in a moment: which blessest thy creatures with Lands and Possessions, and turnest all in an instant, into extreme need and nakedness; as thou didst deal with job. that perfect pattern of patience: We beseech thee, to inspire us with an understanding heart, that we may so live, as willing to die: that we may enjoy our goods, as not grudging to forgo them: and that we may hold us to our Lands, as not loath to lose them; considering, that as they came from thee, so in thee it is to dispose them as thou wilt, either to blessing, or to cursing. O gracious God, let us not grow in forgetfulness of the life to come, by too much loving this present transitory Life, which is but a shadow, a smoke, and a dream. Let us not be drowned in the desires and delights of worldly goods, lest we neglect the riches of Paradise; which nothing can purchase, but Faith in the blood and death of Christ: let us not wed our wills and wits to Lands and Possessions, which are but momentany maintenances▪ lest in overliking them, we lose the sweet inheritance of the holy land, jerusalem, not built with hands, but glorious and triumphant: whereto bring us, O God, for his sake that bought us, jesus Christ the righteous, Amen. A thanksgiving for Meat, Drink, and Clothing. For Meat and Drink, and Cloth to wear, We praise thy name, O God, with fear. LORD jesus, the Redeemer of all mankind, which vouchsafedst to shed thine own heart Blood upon the Cross, for the salvation of our souls, which else through sin had miserably perished; we praise thee, we magnify thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee, for thy great kindness, for thy tender love, for they zealous affection, and for thine exceeding goodness, in caring for us, in loving us, in tendering us, in sustaining us, in relieving us, and in supplying all our wants and necessities. Thou numbrest all the hairs of our head; and without thy will, they wax not one less. Thou givest us food & nourishment, to comfort and strengthen our bodies. Thou givest us Garments of sundry wearing, both for the safeguard of health, & also for comeliness. Thou givest us Houses to harbour in: & whatsoever we stand in need of, thou of thine abundant grace, pourest the same most plentifully into our bosoms. Thou feedest the young Sparrows, thou cloathest the Lilies of the field, thou garnishest the trees of the Forest with green leaves, thou inrichest the secrets of the earth, and the sea, with precious treasure, & is it like, that thou wilt not have an eye to man, a creature fashioned after thy own image and likeness, for whom all these things were made and created? No, no, thy love is everlasting, and thy mercy exceedeth all measure. They shall lack nothing, that pitch the pavilion of their pilgrimage upon thy Providence: which that we may ever do, and so be blessed with abundance; we beseech thee, give us thy Grace, so shall we laud and magnify thee with heart and voice, for evermore, Amen. A Prayer for aid and help in all extremities and need. Help us, O Lord, in all our needs: And guide our thoughts, our words, and deeds. ALl glory, honour, praise, dominion, & thanks, be given unto thee, O King everlasting, which hast made me a reasonable creature, furnished me with discretion and judgement, endued me with knowledge and understanding, and bestowed upon me benefits of most singular excellency. Like glory and thanks be given unto thee, for thy providence and care for me, vile creeping worm of the earth, who in comparison of thee, am much worse than stinking dung, and filthy offscowring of the earth. Thou daily assistest me, thou continually regardest me, thou evermore defendest me from dangers, both bodily and ghostly: for had not thy hand overshadowed me, I had sunk long since in mine own shame and confusion. And because, Lord, manifold are the calamities belonging to this life, hurtful to the outward man, & noisome to the inner man, I beseech thee stretch out the shield of safety in full breadth over me, that I may walk without fear, not troubled with wicked thoughts, not tempted with evil words, not provoked to deeds of darkness: but keeping my feet in the path of light, looking always to the lamp of thy word, which shineth unto sinners sitting in the shadow of death, and leadeth the righteous and true repentant to life everlasting, Amen. A Prayer against slanderous and evil tongues. From evil Tongues, which poison spit, Vouchsafe, O Lord, thy flock t'acquit. MOst truly spoke thy servant Saint james,( O my sweet Saviour,) that the Tongue being but a little member, was notwithstanding a world of wickedness. Which to be so, thou knowest in thy secret counsel, and thou thyself hadst proof thereof, whiles thou keptst thy standing in the fair of this life. It pleased thee therefore to instruct and teach thine Apostles before hand, what they should be subject unto in time to come: namely, to backbitings, slanders, accursed speeches, taunts, & controlments: yea, to revile, buffet, & imprisonments. For if they spared not the Lord and Master, much less will it sink into their hearts to favour the servants; whom they hate unto the death, for their master's sake. From evil Tongues therefore, O Lord we beseech thee, to save us: not from suffering the bitterness which proceedeth from them; for we are content to taste that which thou hast tasted before us: but from offending in our tongue, which oftentimes woundeth the very soul. O Lord, give us grace, to set a watch before our Tongue, that we trip not in our talk, & hurt not only them, against whom we are maliciously minded; but also ourselves, whom we cannot but greatly annoy, whiles we seek, either in thought, word, or deed, to wreak our wrath upon others, considering that thou hast reserved all vengeance to thine own self. O Lord, be gracious unto us; and as thou art the Shepherd of our souls, feeding us in the sweet pastures of thy grace: so we beseech thee, to keep us from all manner of spiritual diseases: us( we say) which are thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture. Amen. A Prayer for Peace in time of War, or other vexations. In time of War, to pray for Peace, A zeal in us, O Lord increase. BOuntiful Saviour, thou Son of the eternal God, thou God of peace-unitie, and concord: thou that in stead of Peace, plaguest men with War, tumults, and uprors: We beseech thee, to prolong peace & quietness amongst us; not only peace between people and people, but peace of Conscience, that precious peace; which who so wanteth, he is no member of the Commonwealth of Christianity. Not only for this peace of mind, but for the other also of body, we beseech thee, O Lord, frame our hearts aright to pray unto thee: knowing that by Prayer, that thing is obtained at thine hands, which is not else where to be sought. And because thou art the Author of peace, without whom the whole world is set on War: we humbly beseech thee, to prosper that peace, which thou hast planted in all Christian kingdoms, which because thou hast for our sin's sake, taken from us for a time, sending us in place thereof, Wars and Tumults: We give thee thanks notwithstanding, acknowledging the same to be a punishment laid upon us for our sins, and specially for abusing that Peace; the benefit whereof, whiles we might have used to our true comfort, we turned the same( as we feel by due proof at this present) into bitterness. Nevertheless, to thee we come, and before thy face we fall, not only praying for the withdrawing of War, and the restoring of our former Peace: but also beseeching thee, to kindle & increase in us a zeal to pray▪ not only for Peace, but for all other thy good Gifts needful and belonging to this life: to the honour and glory of thy name Amen. A Prayer for deliverance from Foes spiritual and temporal. From fear, and force, of all our Foes: Preserve us Lord, and them depose EVerlasting God, whose right hand is the shield of safeguard to the faithful: we beseech thee, of thine unspeakable goodness, to look upon us, who are encompassed round about with enemies, not only of the body, but also of the soul: Of the body, as with swearers, backbiters, slanderers, fighters, brawlers, quarellers, murderers, &c All which, we that are Christians, account our Foes, insomuch as they are the enemies of Christ thy beloved Son, and sworn adversaries of thy holy Gospel: Of the Soul, as with Satan, sin, the flesh the world, the Devil, Hell, death, and damnation: and that which we through our weakness, cannot fulfil, do thou by thy strength, supply and bring to pass, that we may not only be defended from their force, but that they, and every of them, feeling the weight and greatness of thy power, may lie vanquished under foot, & cease their further assaults: for jesus Christ's sake, our only Saviour and Redeemer, Amen. A prayer of a penitent soul overburdened with sin. A silly soul, to sin in thrall, For mercy, Lord, to thee do call. Wonderful, wise, & exceeding righteous art thou in thy judgements; O God, a punisher of the ungodly, and a just rewarder of the faithful. O look upon me silly soul, overwhelmed with wickedness look upon me, O Lord. and deliver me. For I am in thrall: yea, in thrall am I unto sin, the wages whereof is death. O secure me, secure me: Oh assist me, assist me: Oh save me, save me. Bitterly I complain and am sorry for my misdeeds, heavily I lament for mine iniquities, unfeignedly I repent me of my life wickedly led. Appease thine anger. O God, assuage thy wrath: Oh let me be reconciled unto thee. Cast me not away, whom thou hast created: let not Satan triumph over me, whom thy Son hath redeemed. Be gracious, O be gracious,( most merciful Father) and let the moistening river of thy Mercy, quench the boiling furnace of thy justice, that I being comforted in this life with assured taste of thy clemency, may glorify thy name, with consent of heart and voice; and that by mine example, others may do the like. Grant this, O God, in Christ thy Son, mine only Saviour, Amen. A Prayer to be freed from all Vices. From Vices all defend us, Sweet jesus, and amend us. IEsus Christ, thou immaculate Lamb, which wast slain for the sins of the whole world, that by thy death, we might all be delivered from death yea, from eternal death, due unto us by desert of sin. And because this world is like a Wilderness replenished with wild beasts, or rather Monsters( vices I mean, devilish and damnable, as pride, adultery, flattery, idolatry, blasphemy, disobedience, stubbornness, extortion, usuries, hypocrisy, dissimulation. envy, rancour, malice, murder, lechery, surfeiting, wantonness, and an infinite number of the like hellish rabble) whereto we are daily endangered; insomuch, that oftentimes we are ready to be devoured. Stretch out( O sweet jesus) the arming sword of thy Spirit, cut them off by the waist, that they may have no power to assault us: and after this conquest wrought in us, frame us anew, by the word of regeneration, that our lives being amended, we may( like Sheaves of pure Corn) be bound up, & brought into thy Barn. Hear our Prayers, O Christ, and let our cries come unto thee, for thy name sake, Amen. A Prayer against vain delights, and worldly pleasures. From vain delights, Lord turn mine eyes, And save my soul, in loss which lies. LOrd God, Creator of all things, illuminate my heart with the Lamp of true understanding and knowledge; that although mine outward eyes slumber and sleep in the shadow of death: yet the eyes of my soul may he kept waking in the way of life. Direct me, O Lord in thy fear, & guide me by thy grace: turn mine eyes from all vain delights of this world, preserve me from all the sweet entisments of the flattering flesh; fortify & strengthen me against all the crafty temptations of Satan. And whereas my soul lieth upon loss, & is not like but to be lost, if if be left unto itself I beseech thee( O Father of mercy, & God of all consolation) to take upon thee the safety of the same, that neither Satan my subtle adversary; nor the flesh, the alluring harlot; nor the world, that foul ill favoured monster, may prevail against it: but by thy power may utterly be vanquished put to shame & confusion. Grant this, O God▪ for thy son's sake, jesus Christ my Saviour. Amen. A prayer of a penitent sinner lamenting his former life so ill spent. My life misled▪ I do lament, And of my sins, I me repent. Look on me,( O heavenly Father and gracious God,) with thy favourable countenance, and in the fullness of thine everlasting compassion, comfort me, which am swallowed up with heaviness. And though my Sins surmount in thy sight, the Sands of the Seas; yet I beseech thee, have an eye to thy Son jesus Christ, whom thou didst send into the world, to take upon his shoulders the whole burden of our sins; and by his death, to make satisfaction unto thee for the same. And albeit, O Lord, by my deserts. I am the child of wrath, of death, and condemnation: yet notwithstanding, I beseech thee, O God, give ear unto the voice of my Mediator Christ jesus, who maketh continual intercession unto thee, not only for me, but also for all such as constantly believe in him, & make him the sure ground work of their salvation. Look not Lord upon my deformities, but upon his innocence: not upon mine iniquity, but upon his righteousness: not upon the multitude of my misdeeds, but upon the manifoldness of thy mercies. Remember the bleeding stripes and wounds of thy Son my Saviour, in whom alone, by the increasing of a lively & justifying faith, I am a new creature, regenerate, and made clean; not with Water, but by Grace: thy Mercy, O Father, being the fountain of this Heavenly benefit. O hear the prayer of thy poor servant, and for thy Son's sake jesus Christ grant my petition. Amen. A Prayer of a sorrowful sinner, laying his heart open, praying for a firm faith. My heart, O Lord, wide open I lay, And unto thee, for Faith I pray, I Beseech thee( O Father of endless mercy) to look upon me thy poor creature: poor indeed, and desolate; naked and bare of spiritual riches. I lay my heart wide open before thee, which hath no good thing dwelling in it. Lord, I beseech thee, plough it up with the Plough of thy Spirit, and sow therein the seeds of a true Christian faith, such a faith as may have attending and waiting upon it Hope and Charity, as handmaids. Also, O Lord GOD, I humbly beseech thee, that as thou hast made me thy Steward, and put me in trust with a Talon of thy blessing; namely, Riches, worldly Wealth, & transitory Treasures: so I may be furnished with the instrument which is able to inform me how to employ the same aright, even faith: not an idle faith, barren, and unfruitful; but a busy faith, flowing full of good works; that thereby I may be as a City builded upon an Hill, amiable and beautiful: and like a Lantern of light unto all men, who seeing my good works may glorify thee, O Father: to whom all glory belongeth both in Heaven, and in Earth. Amen. A Prayer desiring mercy and forgiveness. Of thee, O Lord, Mercy I crave, For jesus sake▪ his life which gave. AS thou art a gracious God( O thou judge of Israel,) as thou art faithful in thy promise, and just in thy word: so I beseech thee, deal favourably with me poor sinner, who bend the knees of my heart before thee, craving that with tears; which if I obtain not, alas what shall become of me but death & damnation? In thee is my hope, in thee my trust, in thee my confidence: let me not be ashamed, let me not be forsaken, nor confounded: but for thy son jesus Christ his sake, who suffered a reproachful death, in the face of his sworn and deadly enemies; have mercy upon me, have mercy upon me, upon me miserable soul; on whom unless thou have mercy, Satan with his whole power, is ready to overrun me. In time therefore, O Lord, help me; in time assist me, in time succour me, or else I am a castaway, and the child of reprobation. Let thy mercy stand between my sins and thy judgement: for jesus sake my sweet Saviour, secure me miserable sinner, who never cease crying: O Father, which art in Heaven, O our Father which art in Heaven, have mercy, O have mercy Lord in time. Amen. A Prayer, to be prepared against the hour of death. Lord at my death, the jewel chief, Which I desire, is true belief. MOst mighty God, and merciful Father, as thou hast created and made me of the mould of the earth, and inspired into the gross lump of my body, a living and quickening soul: so, O Lord I beseech thee, to endue me with such knowledge and understanding: yea, with such an earnest zeal, & burning desire of thy heavenly dwelling, and immortal mansion, that I may loathe this life, which is but a span long: and thirst after death; which is the entrance to endless joy and happiness. Also, O Lord, I most humbly beseech thee, when it shall please thee to visit me with sickness, or otherwise to call me out of this life, that I may feel working in my heart, an unfeigned Faith, and a true Christian Belief, whereby even in the nipping agonies, and pinching passions of death I may lay fast hold upon jesus Christ my Saviour, hoping in him to live, who by his death purchased everlasting life, for all the faithful. O hear my prayer, O God, and let my cry come unto thee, for jesus sake: unto whom, with thee, and the holy Ghost, be all laud, honour and praise, for evermore. Amen. A Prayer to lead our lives according to the law and will of God. Give me, O Lord, a mind and will, To love thy Law, and it fulfil. Loving Lord, and most merciful Father, thou that art righteous in thy works, & just in thy judgements: faithful in thy words, & true in thy promises: make me( I heartily beseech thee) always pliant( like Wax) both in mind and will to love thy Law, and to live after the same. Give my heart the clear light of true Christian knowledge, that I having the eyes of my soul broad waking, may discern between light and darkness, Christ and Beliall, God and the Devil, Hell and Heaven, the Flesh and the Spirit. Guide thou, O Lord, all my goings by thy grace, that all my thoughts may rest upon thee. Govern thou my will, and all mine affections, that they may keep within the limits of thy holy Law and Commandments: that all my endeavour may be directed to the accomplishment and fulfilling of thy Statutes and Ordinances, so far forth as my weakness can wade through the rough waves of this most wicked world. let thy spirit lead me to do those things that please thy divine majesty, that at the last day, when thou shalt sit upon the Rain bow, treading the Clouds of the skies under thy feet, and compassed round about with legions of Angels, Cherubin and Seraphim, armies of Saints, and holy Martyrs, I may be received into the number of the elect, and enter into possession of that inheritance, which neither Gold nor Silver, but the precious Blood of thy beloved Son, my sweet Saviour jesus Christ, bought and purchased: Grant this most merciful Father, for thy mercy's sake, which are unmeasurable: and for thy kindness sake, which is unsearchable, and for thy tender love sake, which is unspeakable, Amen. A Prayer to keep our tongue from speaking ill. From an ill tongue. Lord make me clean: To great and small, good fayrh to mean. ALmighty God, which canst not away with a double heart, and to whom an evil tongue is fowl dishonour; give me grace,( I beseech thee) to speak nothing but that which is true, right, and just; not hurting any with my tongue which thou hast given me to do all men good, and to use as an instrument for the sounding forth of thy praise and glory. And be, cause a lying and an evil Tongue, draweth the soul into death and destruction, put back( I beseech thee) from my lips, all guileful speeches, all deceitful communications, and all lying words. Moreover, because thou. O Lord, art truth itself, and therefore delightest in truth & innocence, give me grace always to enure my tongue unto truth, abhorring all such talk as may offend thy divine Majesty, and diminish the honour due unto thy holy name. Let thy sanctifying Spirit take charge over my heart, that I may do good unto all, and hurt unto none: uttering that with tongue, which I mean in heart, purposing as well in deed as in word, nothing but good faith & true christianity. Grant this, O God, for jesus Christ's sake. Amen. A Prayer to fast, and pray aright. To Fast aright, teach us the way, O Saviour Christ, we humbly pray. MOst bountiful jesus, most sweet jesus, most loving jesus, which by thine example didst teach us to Fast aright, not after the painted fashion of pharisees and Hypocrites; but according to the plain manner of unfeigned Christians: I heartily & humbly beseech thee, to give me grace, to exercise myself in godly Fasting & Prayer that the man of sin, may be subdued and brought under: that my heart may be cleansed from all sin and unrighteousness, that my thoughts and cogitations may be scoured from corruption and filthiness: that my words may not smell of Heathenish unholiness & wickedness; that my deeds may not be leavened with beastly wantonness: but that the course of my whole life, may be seasoned with the savoury salt of sanctification, that whatsoever I think, whatsoever I say, or whatsoever I do, it may carry with it some sign of the true Fast; namely, the fast from sin: unto which fast, whosoever apply themselves, they are sure to be thy children, and are builded upon a steadfast hope, to inherit that place of endless happiness, which thou boughtest with thy precious blood. This fasting( I beseech thee) O sweet Saviour, give me grace to exercise; so shall my sinful flesh be kept in awe, as a servant, and my Spirit shall bear rule over it, and keep it in subjection. This, O Christ, and whatsoever else is necessary, vouchsafe of thy goodness, to grant unto me thy poor creature, who ask it even in zealous and hearty prayer. Amen. A Prayer against wilful sins and snares of Satan. From wilful sin, Lord save us, That Satan may not have us. Be unto us a brazen wale( most merciful Father) against all the assaults of sin, specially preserve us from wilful offences, and from transgressing of very malice, which is a wheting of thy wrath against us, and a kindling of our own confusion, without hope of mercy at thy heavenly hands. O Lord, let us not be so far estranged from obedience, as of set purpose to run into contempt of thy glorious name: let not our hearts become so flinty, as to be void of all feeling of sorrow for sin: yea as to be emboldened to heap sin upon sin, to our utter shame. We know this is Satan's seeking; we are assured this is the Devil's drift, we cannot be ignorant that this is Belsebubs intent, thereby to have us wiped( in thy wrath) out of the Book of life, and so he to have full sway over us, as children of condemnation; But thou, O Lord, art merciful, thou art gracious, thou art careful over us: defend us therefore from all sin, and chiefly from the sin of wilfulness and malice, for the honour of thy name. Amen. A Prayer for the fear of the Lord, and love of his word. Increase in me. O Lord, thy fear, That to thy word, I may give ear. Eternal God, & omnipotent Creator, whose word laid the foundation of the whole world, & furnished the same with all things behooveful for the maintenance of man: we humbly beseech thee, increase in us a loving fear of thee, and thy word: that whatsoever we are enjoined and commanded to do therein, we may rather neglect life, lands, goods; & all precious possessions, then to leave it undone: knowing, that by hearing thy word, we understand thy will; which who so keepeth, they are assured in spirit, to be thy faithful servants▪ So fill us therefore, O God, with this godly fear, that we stopping our ears, and waxing dull against all worldly vanities, may be ravished in heart and mind with the sweetness of thy word, wherein the comfortable promises of life & salvation are contained: that we may exercise ourselves therein day and night: that we may reverently use it, as the healthful food of our souls: that we may bring up our children & servants, in the knowledge of the same: being fully persuaded, that there is nothing in the world comparable thereunto; for it exceedeth all treasure, & when all things are consumed, thy word shall continue in glory, brightness, & perfection. O Lord, hear our prayers, and for the honour of thy name, hear the suits of thy poor servants, even for thy beloved Son his sake▪ jesus Christ our Saviour: unto whom, with thee, and the holy Ghost, one Deity in Trinity, be all laud, honour, praise, dominion, power, glory, and majesty, both now and world without end. Amen. The Contemplation of a Christian. The misery, of every man, Through Satan's guile, by sin began: But Christ vouchsafed man's thrall t'assuage; His power suppressed, old Satan's rage. WHen Sin had blemished the happy estate of our first Parents, their whole race felt the smart of their punishment, and are at this day subject unto misery. Iniquity made a gap for many calamities, sundry kinds of sicknesses, manifold maladies, & infinite tribulations: which we had never tasted, if our first Parents had not offended. Lamentable is our case, by their means: for the Lord of life hath punished their sins in their posterity, by degrees of generaons, throughout many ages. Little hope of health is in ourselves: nay, there is in us no hope of salvation at all: for by the subtlety of Satan, sin got dominion over us, & by sin, death. justly therefore are we subject to so many miseries; & in that we feel the heavy hand of God laying load upon us, it is for our offences, and our disordered life. According as our deserts have been, so GOD hath dealt with us: nay, he hath handled us far better than we deserved; who by nature are the children of wrath and confusion. Most mercifully hath he looked upon us, and of his plentiful compassion, he sent his boloved Son Christ jesus into the world, that he by his bloodshed, might work our releasement. Like reprobates and condemned persons, we had been plunged into the deep pit of hell, had not the death of Christ made full satisfaction for us, & wrought our Redemption. A Lion of the tribe of juda, a branch springing from the stock of jesse, pitying us poor desolate souls, by the virtue of his power suppressed Satan's rage. Marvellous mightily did he vanquish the Devil, our mortal enemy; who intended our destruction and utter overthrow, had not he in time brought our deliverance to pass. Be joyful therefore, all nations, and lift up your heads: extol this Lamb of God; whose innocence took away our iniquity: and whose heaviness, was our happiness. Everlasting praise and thanks be ascribed unto his name, by whose death, we are received to life: yea to eternal life: O praise his glorious name for ever. Amen. Death over us possessed such power. That means he sought, us to devower: But jesus Christ did set us free: To whom all praise and thanks give we. We are justly subject unto death: for death is the reward of sin and iniquity. Iniquity hath changed our order of creation, which was perfect and Angeilcal. Life unto us, through sin, is turned unto death, and the mercy of God into judgement. Lord have mercy upon us; for in us there is no hope of health: for Death hath power over us. Increase of new calamities do light upon us daily; and we see ourselves forsaken. Among our enemies we walk continually, even in the face of the Flesh, the World, and the Devil. Miserable were we, if jesus Christ, with the shield of safety should not overshadow us. Little should we differ from the children of wrath: nay, our case were as comfortless as theirs. A most merciful Saviour, art thou, O Christ; A most merciful Redeemer, and Advocate. Make us thankful unto thee for thy goodness: for thou didst set us free from all misfortune. Blessed be thy name, and great be thy glory, through out all the world, for this thy kindness. Early & late, thou art to be praised: yea, in the assemblies & congregations of the faithful & righteous, thou in thy greatness, O God, shalt be glorified, Amen. The World is vain, and all therein; Yea, man is vile, because of sin: Yet jesus Christ redeemed all, To Death, and Hell that were in thrall. Woo be to this world, for it is as vain as smoke: yea, it is more vain than vanity itself. In riches, there is shame: and in pleasure, there is punishment, because of sin and iniquity. Like a dream is the life of man: his days are but a span long, and his time tarryeth not, Like a Fancy, or a May-game; which hath but an hour's delight & recreation. In the world there is nothing more common than wickedness: in the world there is no goodness. All are bend unto mischief and villainy: the sons of men have set their hearts upon evil. Mighty men, and poor slaves, all have trodden the path of sin: and vanity is in all their ways. Like Sheep without a Shepherd, they are gone astray: and had been lost, if Christ had not holpen. All were in the mouth of Hell gates, and had sunk in their own shame and destruction. Miserably had they perished, if that good shepherd of our souls had not taken upon him our deliverance. Bring Frankincense unto his Altas( O ye people) praise him, who is praise worthy, for his power and magnificence. Enter into his Temple and Sanctuary, sing songs all with one consent to the honour of his name, for all the benefits and goodness, which he hath plentifully bestowed upon us at all times: & let all the faithful answer, and say, Amen. God's providence is wonderful: He shows himself most merciful In all our ways defending us, And by his grace amending us. WIthout th'assistance of God's spirit, miserable were the condition of all mankind: yea, most miserable. In sin we are conceived, in sin we are brought up, and the whole course of our life is full of iniquity. Like a menstruous cloth, so is our conversotion in the sight of God, and his holy Angels. Like a filthy and loathsome Sink, so is our behaviour before the face of the faithful. judgement is more meet for us, than mercy: yet it hath pleased God, to deal with us in mercy. And that doth daily experience testify: for we see manifest proofs of his providence. Meat and clothing, and whatsoever is necessary toward the maintenance of man, he hath given us. Like a Father, he tendereth us, and esteemeth us as Children, begotten a new by free Grace. As a Henue hoovering over her Chickens; so doth he defend us in all our ways, day by day. Mercy is on his right hand: Mercy goeth before him; and upon Mercy, is the seat of his Majesty built. Be glad therefore, and clap your hands, all people: for God is gracious and favourable. Evermore shall his praise been in my mouth; I will talk of his goodness even among mine enemies: yea without ceasing, I will extol and praise his name. Amen. The holy Ghost doth sanctify, Such as in faith doth fructify: The wicked still wax worse & worse, And run into God's heavy curse. WOrship and honour, be given unto God the holy Ghost, by whom we are sancctified unto life everlasting. Infinite is thy working; in holiness he doth renew the flinty heart, & maketh it relent at God's judgements. Lest Satan should triumph over us, therefore hath he vouchsafed to cleanse and purify our spirit. Let us therefore ascribe unto him all honour: for through sanctification, we are made heirs of salvation Iniquity defiled our souls: but through faith increasing in us, we felt an inward reformation. And having our eyes opened, we saw our filthiness; and by the gift of grace became new creatures. Many were the enormities which reigned in us; but the holy Ghost purged us of all, and set us free. Long wandered we in byways of wickedness but are now restored again unto righteousness. As for the ungodly, they have no part of this sanctifying Spirit: but daily wax worse and worse. Much like unto such as GOD hath cursed in his wrath and denounced sentence of death against them. Be glad, O ye just: for you are they whom God loveth, & in whom he magnifieth his own name. Excellent & wonderful in working is God the holy Ghost: who with the Father and the Son, be praised and magnified for ever. Amen. It is not wealth, to have at will, That can us keep, and save from ill: Gods grace it is which worketh that: Let us rejoice, therefore thereat. WHat is the Wealth of this world, but Wind? and what Riches, but the shadow of Smoke? In Wealth to trust, is to trust to a broken reed: and in Riches to boast, is to boast in a thing of naught. Lay wealth to the grace of God, and what is it? Even filthy Dung, and a worse thing. Lay Riches to God's Grace, and what are they? Even painted shows of transitory vanities. In Wealth therefore glory not; for there is in it, no power to preserve from the evil day. And of Riches brag not, for in them is no hope of health in the dangerous time of trouble. Make the grace of God, the perfect joy of thy heart, and trust thereunto, as unto a Brazen wall. Look for safety from thence, in the perilous season: for the grace of God is a strong refuge. Arm thy soul therewith, as with Iron-plate Armour: so shall the assaults of thy adversaries do thee no harm. Make thy move unto the Almighty in the time of tribulation: & he shall furnish thee with his grace. Be thankful unto him, when thou hast received it: and show not thyself in any case unkind. Every day praise him for his goodness, and extol his greatness among the multitude: for he is good and gracious to his chosen: O magnify and praise him all people. Amen. To love to live, in peace and ease, The Lord of life, doth much displease: Let such as lack, and comfort crave. Thy helping hand, in hazard have. WHen God hath blessed thee with abundance of Benefits▪ so use them as God may be well pleased. In peace pamper not thy self: for that is the way to minister cause of courage and loftiness to the flesh. Look unto the Lord, who hath given thee these good gifts: and become not slothful with ease. Life cometh from the Lord: and whatsoever belongeth thereunto, it proceedeth from his goodness. In prosperity, be mindful of adversity: and let not the plenty of thy peace make thee proud. A Father of the fatherless, show thyself in necessity: & shut not up the sluices of mercy against the poor. Make not thy Money thy God: and hoard it not up for thine own profit only, not regarding others need. Let not the poor lie comfortless: let not them starve and perish, whom it is in thee to help. Apply thyself to works of mercy: and stretch out thy hand to them that are needy and succourless. Move not God( who gave thee these gifts) to wrath; lest in his anger, he turn all to thy shame. Beware therefore, and let Wisdom rule thee in thy ways: so shalt thou not offend, or do amiss. Extol thy Creator, and say, that he is gracious & merciful: a loving God, and a most bountiful Father unto his Children. Amen. Look ere thou leap, and use thine eyes: Else shalt thou show, thyself unwise; The simple sort, with council aid: Thus ought thy talon out be laid. Wisdom is the blessing of God, and it is much more excellent than Gold, Silver, or precious Stones. In time of necessity, it is a present remedy, and a sufficient refuge in peril and ieobadie. Little availeth worldly policy, where this Wisdom wanteth: O happy is he, whom God hath armed therewith. Leave riches, forsake honour, set pleasure at naught to come to the enjoying of this preacious treasure, Immortality followeth this wisdom: and such as have it are sure to grow in estimation and fame. Ask it of him, who is the Well of Wisdom, from whom it cometh, even the Lord God Almighty. Make not thy boast thereof, neither apply it to thy private profit: but extend the same to the succour of the simple. Learn this lesson, That it is but lent unto thee of the Lord: thou art the Steward thereof but for a time. Abuse it not, lest it turn to thine own confusion: for as it is the gift of God, so will be he honoured therein. Make it not an instrument of folly, lest God overthrow thee in the vanity of thine own mind. Be a counsellor to the unlearned, and teach the idiot understanding: so shalt thou glorify GOD in thy wisdom. Enterprise nothing unadvisedly: in all thy beginnings, proceedings, and end, remember God. Amen. If thou be poor, hold thee content, It is a cross▪ which God hath sent Remember job, a man most just, From stately seat, cast down to dust▪ WIth thine estate not to be contented, it is to repine and murmur at the appointment and ordinance of God. In poverty be not desperate: but fix all thy hope upon the rock of God's providence: for he is faithful. Lament thy sin, and been sorry for the same: consider also with thyself, that poverty is God's chastisement. Let not poverty therefore so pull thee down, that thou shouldest thereupon mistrust the Lord God to be merciful. It is a cross laid upon thee in this life, to keep thee in subjection, and to make thee know thine own estate. A happy child art thou, that canst reform thyself, and amend that which is amiss in thee, by his fatherly correction. Mark the example of job, a man so just, so faithful, & so righteous, that the Devil of Hell could not prevail against him. Look upon him, how he was tormented, how he was brought low, being sometimes placed in exceeding great prosperity. All the blessings of God, belonging to this life, he had them in abundance: yet all turned into need and beggary. Miserable was his estate yea, most vile and filthy, in the face of the world: yet God cast upon him a careful eye. Be mindful of these things; for profit ensueth thereupon: and in thy poverty arso learn to be patient and meek. End not thy days in despair as the wicked do: seek not by unpatience & violence, to prevent God's appoynment: tarry the time which thy Creator hath ordained; it is thine, mine, and all our duties, to yield our wills to Gods will. wait his leisure therefore whose name be praised for evermore. Amen. Love every man, owe no man grudge: God sits above, as sovereign judge: He seeth all things, above, below: And every where an eye doth throw, WRath is the way to vengeance: a foul and devilish vice disallowed of God, and horrible among men. It is a Fire which consumeth, a Canker which eateth, a Mouth which fretteth: the mark whereat it shooteth, is Mischief. Let not thy heart lie open thereunto, lest the Devil thereby getting entrance, possess thee, and carry thee headlong into confusion. Lay apart all occasions of grudge; hate no man, love all men: knowing this, That Love is the fulfilling of God's law. judge ill of none, think well of all: for God reserveth judgement and vengeance, unto himself. Against thine enemies use not violence: but rather in charity( as thou art commanded) use forbearance. Make the best of that which is amiss, for therein thou shalt show thyself meek: howbeit, wink not at wickedness. Look up unto Heaven, and think upon him that sits above▪ seeing and marking the thoughts & deeds of all men. All things are manifest unto him; yea, whatsoever we do in corners, he seeth as plainly as at noon day. Mock not thyself therefore with thine own imaginations, neither be thou seduced in the vanity of thine own fantasies·s Be not forgetful of him, who uttered this voice: Heaven is my seat, and the Earth my footstool. Everlasting praise be ascribed unto his name glory, majesty, and power, belongeth unto him, for evermore. Amen. In that we have, the world at will, And take delight, to follow ill; Neglecting God in holy word: Against our souls, we whet a sword WHat doth it profit a man to be Lord over the whole World, and yet to be the servant and slave of sin. It is even as if we should mingle poison with sweet dainties, & in tasting them, to swellowe down our own death. Let not thy mind therefore, be drowned in the vain delights of this world: but use them as they are made, even with modesty. Lay not inwait for them, to enjoy them with excess: lest they turn thee to destruction & utter undoing. In the Rich man, view a pattern of wantonness: who forgetting mercy, felt the heat of God's heavy judgement. Amidest the scorching flames, he lay crying without comfort; because he abused the benefits of God's creation. Making them instruments to serve his beastly appetites, neglecting in the mean time, all deeds of Christian charity. Let not us be so ravished with worldly pleasures▪ that we forgetting GOD, should disherit ourselves of th'heavenly inheritance. As the rich man did, who in the midst of his banqueting viands, and pleasant melody despised the poor. Most mortal enemies to ourselves are we in so doing: and stopping our ears at the word of God, we wove our own woe, Because the word of life, through our default, is made unto us the sword of death, which doth strike down to hell. Eternal God, and most merciful Father, illuminate our understandings, inspire us with heavenly knowledge, lighten our wits, and give us grace to be spiritually minded, that we may use thy gifts, blessings and benefits, to the glory of thy name. Amen. A day there is, when all shall rise, Out of their Graves, in wondrous wise: The elect of God, long for that day: Come, come, O Christ, come soon, we say. WRetched were we, if there were not an other World, besides this wicked World, transitory and corruptible. In a miserable case were we, if the children of God,( whom we hope ourselves to be) waited in vain for another world. Lamentable were our lot; yea, accursed our condition, if our happiness were not the life to come: Look we in waist for the coming of our Christ? No, no; he will come at the sound of the last Trump from Heaven. In majesty will he come, to judge the whole world, and to give general sentence against the wicked and unrighteous. All shall rise out of their graves, and shall see him with their bodily eyes: the just to their joy, the ungodly to their pain. Many legions of Angels shall attended upon him, and shall show the brightness of his glory, majesty, and celestial power. Lord jesus; thy chosen children long to see that day: yea, they labour and are in travail, until that day of comfort come. Abridge & shorten these troublesome times, wherein thy children are set at naught, and hasten the day of their resurrection. Make speed, sweet jesus, come quickly, that the kingdom of Satan may be overthrown, and the powers infernal suppresed. Be mindful of thy faithful flock, which wander up and down in this wilderness, like Lambs among venomous wolves. End the days of this our mortality, and let us hear that sweet voice: Come ye blessed, possess the Kingdom, prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Amen, Amen. The Seven Petitions of the Lords Prayer, with a brief exposition thereof, drawn out of holy Scripture. Our Father, which art in Heaven. Doubtless thou art our Father: Although Abraham be ignorant of us,( or would refuse us, to be his children,) and Israel know us not: yet thou, O Lord, art our Father, and our Redeemer: thy name is for ever. Esay. 63.16. There is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God & Father of all, which is above all, in power,( & through all) by his providence,) & in us all, ( by his grace,) Ephes. 4.5.6. The Lord is in his holy palace, the Lords throne is in the heaven, his eyes will consider the poor, and his eyelids will try the children of men. Psal. 11.4. The heaurn is my throne and the earth is my footstool, ( such is the greatness of God's Majesty,) Esaie. 66.1.. But our conversation is in Heaven,( in mind and affection,) from whence also we look for the Saviour, even the Lord jesus Christ. Philip. 3.22. 1. Hallowed be thy name Our help is in the name of the Lord, which hath made Heaven and Earth. Psal. 124.8. The Lords name be praised from the rising of the Sun, to the going down of the same. Psal. 113.3. Kings of the earth, and all people; Princes and all judges of the World: Young men, and Maids: also, Old men, and Children, let them praise the name of the Lord; for his name only is to be exalted, and his praise above the earth & the heavens. Psal. 2. Thy Kingdom come, THe kingdom of God is not meat nor drink; but righteousness & peace, and joy in the holy Ghost. Rom. 14.17. But rather seek ye after the kingdom of God, & all these things,( which are but accessaries, and common as well to the wicked, as the godly,) shallbe ministered unto you. Luke. 12.31 Fear not little flock, for it is your Father's pleasure to give you the kingdom, ( which is the chiefest thing that can be given.( Luke. 12.32 In my Father's house are many dwelling places: I go to prepare a place for you, ( So that there is not only a place for Christ, but for all that are his.) John. 14.2. 3. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, IN the roll of the book it is written of me, I desired to do thy good will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my hart Psal 40.7.8 That servant that knew his Master's will & prepa: read not himself, neither did according to his will, shallbe beaten with many stripes. Luk. 12 47. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification: and that ye should abstain from fornication,( And dedicate yourselves wholly to God) that every one of you should know, how to possess his vessel in holiness and honour: ( His body that is profaned by such filthiness.) 1. Thes 4.3, 4. And fashion not your selves like unto this world, but be ye changed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good will of GOD, and acceptable, and perfect. ( Whatsoever is not agreeable to God's will, is evil, displeasant, & unperfect.) Rom. 12.2. Wherefore, be ye not unwise, but understand what, the will of the Lord is. Ephes. 5.17. 4. Give us this day our daily bread. BEhold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him,( he worketh that in mercy, which man by no means can compass,) and upon them that trust in his mercy: to deliver their soul from death, and to preserve them in famine. Psal. 33, 18.19. The eyes of all weight upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season: thou openest thine hand, and fillest all things living with thy good pleasure. ( God's providence stretcheth both to man and beast.) Psal. 145.15. Man shall not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD. ( The order that God hath ordained to maintain his creatures by, is here meant) Deut. 8.3. Matth 4.4. The chief thing of life, is water & bread, & clothing, & lodging to cover thy shame. Eccles. 29.23. Two things have I required of thee: deny me them not before I die. Remove far from me vanity & lies, give me not poverty nor riches: feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full, & deny thee, and say: Who is the Lord?( For Riches make men forget their Maker.) Or lest I be poor, and steal, & take the name of my God in vain Prou. When we have food and raiment, let us therewith be content. 1. Tim. 6.8. 5. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done to thee:( for man ought not to seek vengeance,) so shall thy sins be forgiven thee also when thou prayest. Should a man bear hatred against a man, and desire forgiveness of the Lord: He will show no mercy to a man which is like himself, and will he ask forgiveness of his own sins: Eccles. judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. Give, and it shall be given unto you, a good measure, pressed down, shaked together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For, with what measure you meat, with the same shall men meat unto you again. Luke. 6.37.38. Love's your enemies, do well to them which hate you. Luke. 6.27. There shall be judgement merciless, to him that showeth no mercy: and mercy rejoiceth against judgement: ( and feareth it not.) jam. 2.13. 6. And lead us not into temptation. BE sober and watch; for your adversary the Devil, as a roaring Lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1. Pet. 5.8. In whom the God of this world,( even Satan,) hath blinded the minds, that is, of infidels, that the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, which is the image of God,( in respect of his office,) should not shine unto them. 2. Cor. 4.4. Whensoever a man heareth the word of the kingdom, and vnderstandeth it not, the evil one cometh.( even the Devil,) and taketh away that, which was sown in his hart. Mat. 13, 19 The Prince that ruleth in the air, even the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Ephes. 2.2. Love not the world,( as it is adversary to God:) neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him, etc. 1. john. We know that we are of God, & the whole world lieth in wickedness,( all men, as of themselves, lie as it were busied in evil.) 1. john. 15.19. Know ye not that the amity of the world, is the enmity of god? Whosoever therefore, will be a friend of the world, maketh himself the enemy of God. jam. 4.4. For all that is borne of God, overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world; even our faith. Who is it that overcometh the world, but he which believeth that jesus is the son of GOD: 1. john. 5.4.5. That the righteousness of the law,( that, which the law requireth,) might be fulfilled in us, which walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit: For they that are after the flesh, savour the things of the flesh,( their will, understanding, reason, wit, & all, is fleshly.) The wisdom of the flesh is death, it is enmity against God: They that are in the flesh, can not please God. Rom. 8·4 7. But deliver us from evil. Amen. Help us, O GOD, of our salvation,( seeing we have none other Saviour,) for the glory of thy name, and deliver us. Psal. 69.8. In the day of my trouble, I will call upon thee, for thou hearest me. Psal. 86.7. There shall none evil come unto thee. He shall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways: they shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Because he hath loved me,( God's protection promised,) therefore will I deliver him, I will exalt him, because he hath( known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will hear him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliver him, and glorify him. etc. Psal. etc. O Lord, give us grace to learn this, and live thereafter, Amen. The belief of a Christian, commonly called the Apostles Creed; divided into twelve Articles and expounded. 1. I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, is Lord only. Deut. 6.4. Blessed be GOD, even the Father of our Lord jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort. 2. Cor. 1.3. Thou Lord in the beginning haste established th'earth, and the heavens are the works of thine hands. Psal. 102.25. Heb. 1.10. Have we not all one Father: Hath not one GOD made us: Malach. 2.10. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Psal▪ 33.6. 2. And in jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord. THere is but one GOD, which is the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him: And one Lord jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 1. Cor. 8 6. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, Christ with us, and we with ourselves,) & the blood of jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all our sins. 1. joh. 1.7. Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have redemption, through his blood, that is, the forgiveness of sins. Colos. 1.13.14. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Math. 3.17. 3. Which was conceived by the holy Ghost, borne of the Virgin Mary. But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, & made under the Law( or subject to the law,) that he might redeem them which were under the Law; that we might receive the adoption of the sons Galat. 4.4.5. And the Word was made flesh,( Christ was form, and made man, by the operation of the holy Ghost, without the working of man,) and dwelled among us, and we saw the glory thereof, as the glory of the only begotten son of the Father, full of grace and truth. joh. 1.14. The holy Ghost shall come upon thee,( This was spoken to Mary,) and the power of the most high shall overshadow thee:) it shall be a secret operation of the holy Ghost:) therefore also, that holy thing which shall be borne of thee, shall be called, the Son of God. ( He must be without sin, which must take away sin.) Luke 1.35. Behold, a Virgin shallbe with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call his name Emanuel, which is by interpretation, God with us. Matth. 1.23. Esaie 7.14.. When Marie was betrothed to joseph, before they came together,( before he took her home to him,) she was found with Child by the holy Ghost. Math. 1.18. 4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, buried, and descended into Hell. FOr Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow his steps. Who his own self bore our sins in his body, on the tree, that we being delivered from sin, should live in righteousness, by whose stripes we are healed. 1. Pet. 2.21.24. They scourged jesus, they stripped him, they put upon him a Scarlet robe,( to deride and mock him, because he called himself a King,) they gave him Vinegar to drink, mingled with Gall,( to open his veins, & so to hasten his death: this was given him hanging upon the cross,) they crucified him between two théeues, they cast lots for the parting of his garments they set a scornful writing over his head, they reviled him, & ceased not, till he gave up the Ghost- Matth. 27.26, 28, 29, 30, 34 35, 37, 50. So joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean Linen cloth, and put it in his new Tomb,( Christ's burying doth so much the more verify his death and resurrection,) which he had hewn in a rock, and rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. Matth. 27.59 60. I know that ye seek jesus, which was crucified: he is not here, for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord was laid. etc. Matth. 28.5.6. God made him to be sin for us, which knew no sin,( a sacrifice for sin,) that we should be made the righteousness of God in him, ( By inputation, when we shall be clad with Christ's righteousness.) 2. Cor. 5.21. He destroyed, through death, him that had the power of death, that is the Devil: and that he might deliver all them, which for fear of death,( and God's anger,) were all their life time subject to bondage. Heb. 2.14.15. Christ hath abolished death, & brought life and immortality to light, through the Gospel. 2. Tim. 1.10. Death is swallowed up in victory, O death, where is thy sting: O grave, where is thy victory: 1 Cor. 15.55. 5. And the third day he rose again from the dead. IEsus Christ was delivered to death for our sins, and is risen again for our justification, ( to accomplish and make perfect our justification▪) Rom. 4.25. Go quickly; and tell his Disciples that he is risen from the dead: and behold he goeth before you into Galilee, there ye shall see him: lo, I have told you. ( The Angel assureth the women, that come to see Christ's Sepulchre, of his resurrection.) Math. 28.7. Mark. 16.6.7. Luke. 24.6. Joh 1, 20.1. Act 1.21.22. But now Christ is risen from the dead, & was made the first fruits of them that steeped: ( by his resurrection, being the first, we are all assured of our resurrection.) 1 Cor. 15.20. Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will rise it up again. ( This he meant of his body, which should die, and did rise again the third day after his death.) john. 2.19.21. First of all, I delivered unto you that which I received,( or, learned by God's word,) how that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, rose again the third day, and was seen of Cephas then of the twelve,( though judas wanted, yet they were so called still:) after that, of more than five hundred brethren at once, etc. 1. Cor.▪ 6. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. ANd it came to pass, that as he blessed them, he departed from them and was carried up into heaven. Luke. 24.51. So, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received into Heaven, and sat at the right hand of God. Mark. 16.19. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up,( whereby they knew certainly whither he went,) for a cloud took him up out of their sight, Act. 1.9. It is Christ which is dead: yea or rather, which is risen again, who is also at the right hand of God, and maketh request for us. Rom. 8.34. 7. From thence he shall come again to judge the quick and the dead. THis jesus: which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come, as ye have seen him go into heaven: ( even the true Redeemer, to gather us unto him.) Acts. 1.11. And when the Son of man cometh in his glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then shall he fit upon the throne of his glory. Math. 25.31. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory. Mark. 13.26. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth near. ( The effect of that redemption shall appear, which jesus Christ hath purchased.) Luk. 21.27.28. 8. I believe in the holy Ghost. Go therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and the Son, & the holy Ghost. Matth. 28.19. But the Comforter, which is the holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, which I have told you. john 14.26. This holy Ghost, is called sometime, The spirit of truth, proceeding from the Father, ( because he worketh the truth in us.) john. 14.17 &. 15.26. some time, the Spirit of the Father, speaking in his Ministers. Matth. 10.20. sometime, the Spirit of the Son. Rom. 8.9. sometime the good Spirit. Psal. 143.10. sometime, an holy Ointment. 1. john. 2.20. sometime, a Comforter. john. 14.16. & 15.26. & 16.7. sometime, the earnest of our Inheritance, ( The holy Ghost is the gage or pledge of our second redemption, which shall be at the possession of our inheritance in heaved.( Ephes. 1.14 sometime, the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. 2. Cor. 1.22. No man can say, that jesus is the Lord, but by the holy Ghost 1. Cor. 12.3. 9 The holy Catholic Church the Communion of Saints. CHrist loved his Church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify it, and cleanse it, by the washing of water, through the word,( Baptism is a token of the Church's consecration,) that he might make it unto himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle,( because it is covered and clad with his righteousness and holiness,) that it should be holy, and without blame. Ephes. 5.27. I am the Rose of the field, and the Lily of the valleys: like a Lily among the thorns, so is my Love among the daughters, etc.( Christ preferreth his Church above all other things) Cant. 2.1.2 For other foundation can no man lay, then that which is laid, which is jesus Christ. 1. Cor. 3.11. Know ye not, that ye are the temple of God, & that the spirit of God dwelleth in you: 1. Cor. 3.16. In this Church are many members, but one body in Christ Rom. 12.4.5. 1 Cor. 6.15. Let us follow the truth in love: and in all things grow up into him, which is the head that is Christ. Christ being head o● his Church. nourisheth his members, and joineth them together by joints, etc.( Ephe. 4.15. Christ is the head of the body of the Church Col. 1.18. Now rejoice I in my sufferings for you,( or your commodity,) and fulfil the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh,( for Christ suffereth daily in his members, as partaker of their infirmities and therefore a revenger of their injuries,) for his body sake, which is the Church, Coloss. 1.24.( the edification of the Church is here meant.) There are many members, but one body. 1. Cor. 12 20. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members for your part. ( For all Churches dispersed throughout the world, are diverse, members of one body.) 1. Cor. 12.27. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace; as we see in all the Churches of the Saints. 1. Cor. 14.33 10 The forgiveness of sins. WHose sins so ever ye remit, they are remitted: and whose sins soever ye retain, they are retained. john. 20.23. He that shall believe, and be baptised shall be saved: but he that will not believe shall be damned. Luk. 16.16 It behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise again from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. Luk. 24.46.47. And GOD saw their works, that they turned from their evil ways:( the fruits of their repentance proceeding of faith, planted by the Prophets preaching to the people of Niniveth:) and God repent of the evil that he had said, that he would do unto them, and he did it not. jonah. 3.10. Stand in the ways, and behold, and ask for the old way,( wherein the patriarchs and prophets walked, directed by the word of God, signifying, that there is no true way, but that which God prescribeth,) which is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. jerem. 6.16. 11. The resurrection of the body. FOr since by Man came death, by Man came also the resurrection of the dead. 1. Cor. 15.21. Behold, I show you a secret thing, We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall blow, and the dead shall be raised up incorruptible, & we shall be changed.( When the Lord cometh to judgement, some of the Saints shall be alive, whom he will change, even as if they were dead; so that this change shall be to them in stead of death. 1. Cor. 15.51.52. The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of Th'archangel and with the trumpet of God, & the dead in Christ shall rise first Then shall we which live, & remain,( even we which are alive, or shall be then found living,) be brought up with them also in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air▪ and so shall we be ever with the lord ( In this sudden taking up, there shall be a kind of change of the qualities of our body; which shallbe as a kind of death.) 1. Thes. 16.17. And he shall send his Angels, with a great sound of a trumpet▪ and they shall gather together his elect, from the four winds, and from the one end of the heaven unto the other, etc. Matth▪ 24.31. And though after my skin, Worms destroy my body, yet shall I see God in my flesh: whom I my self shall see, and mine eyes shall behold▪ and none other for me, though my reins are consumed within me.( jobs full hope, that both soul and body should enjoy the presence of God, in the last resurrection. job. 19.26.27. I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. ( The words of Martha to jesus, concerning dead Lazarus. The error of the Sadduces, ( men marvelous quidditive) concerning the resurrection, is here confuted.) john. 11.14. 12. And the life everlasting, Amen. I Am the resurrection, and the life,( Christ restoreth us from death, to give us everlasting life,) he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth, and believeth in me, shall never die. john 11.25.26. I am the living bread,( which give life to the world,) which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I give you, is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. john. 9.51. Thou hast the words of eternal life.( Then without Christ, there is but death: for his word only leadeth us to life. Joh. 6.68. This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth in him, should have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. john. 6.40 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth in him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death unto life. john. The hour shall come, in the which, all that are in the graves, shall hear his voice, and they shall come forth, that have done good, unto the resurrection of life: but they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of condemnation. john 5.8.29. Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think to have eternal life. joh. 5.39 If thou knewest the gift of God,( Christ meant himself, who was sent of his Father, to convert the woman of Samaria,) and who is he that saith unto thee, Give me drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee Water of life. ( which is the love of God in his Son, poured into our hearts by the holy Ghost, unto everlasting life.) john. 4.10. Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him,( even spiritual grace) shall never be more a thirst,( shall never be dried up, destitute, or forsaken:) but the water that I shall give him▪ shall be in him a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. joh. 4.14. Come ye blessed of my Father,( for our salvation cometh of the blessing and favour of God,) inherit ye the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world. ( Note the certainty of our predestination to salvation. Matth. 25.34. And these shall go into everlasting pain,( which followeth men's fantasies, neglecting the will of God, and his commandments,) and the righteous into life eternal. Math. 25.46. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth, shall awake,( all shall rise at the general resurrection,) some to everlasting life, & some to shame and perpetual contempt. Dan. 12.2. And they shall come forth that have done good unto the resurrection of life: but they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of condemnation. john. 5.29. For the Lamb,) jesus Christ our Mediator and Redeemer,( Which is in the midst of the throne,( being very God,) shall govern them, & lead them unto the lively Fountains of waters. He shall give them everlasting life.) Apo. 7.17. O Lord give us grace, to believe this, and to live thereafter. Amen. The ten Commandments of Almighty God, called: The two Tables of the Law. The first Table. 1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have none other Gods but me. Hear, O Israel. The LORD our God, is the only Lord: Thou shalt therefore love the Lord thy God, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,( or thought,) and with all thy strength. Mark. 12.29.30 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, & him only shalt thou serve. Math. 4.10. Luk, 4.14. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have none other Gods before my face ( God bindeth us to serve him lonely, without superstition, or idolatry.) Deu. 5.6.7. I am the Lord your God, ye shall keep my Sabbathes, and reverence my Sanctuary: I am the lord Levit. 26.1.2. Come, let us worship, and fall down before the Lord our maker ( We must wholly give ourselves to the service of GOD.) Psa. 95.6. All the Gods of the people, are Idols: but the Lord made the Heavens. ( Idols therefore, or whatsoever made not the Heavens, are not God.) Psal. 96.6, 2. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath nor in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them: For I the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, and visit the sin of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation, of them that hate me; and show mercy unto thousands, in them that love me, & keep my commandments. NO man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son of God, which is in the bosom of the Father,( he is most dear and straight joined to his Father, not only in love, but also in nature and union.) he hath delivered him. ( God was made visible, as it were, in Christ) john. 1.18. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and truth,) God being of a spiritual nature, requireth aspirituall service, and agreeable to his nature. joh. 4.24. For somuch then, as we are the generation of God we ought not to think, that the Godhead is like unto Gold, or Silver, or Stone, graven by art, and the invention of man. Act. 17.29. The worshipping of Idols, which ought not to be named, in the beginning, and the cause, and the end of all evil. Sapi. 14 26 The inventing of Idols, was the beginning of whoredom: and the finding of them, is the corruption of life. Sapien. 14.12. Better therefore is the just man, that hath none Idols: for he shall be far from reproof. Baruc. 6.72 Confounded be all they that serve graven Images, & that glory in Idols: worship him all ye Gods. ( Let all that is of estimation in the world, fall down before the lord) Psal. 97.7, Thou shalt make thee no gods of Metal. Exo. 34.17 Babes, keep yourselves from Idols. ( From every form and fashion of thing, which is set up for any devotion to worship God.) 1. john. 5.29. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guilt less, that taketh his name in vain. Ye have heard how it was said to them of old time. Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform thine oaths to the Lord. But I say unto you, Swear not at all, neither by heaven,( all superfluous oaths are debarred,) for it is the Throne of God: nor yet by the Earth, for it is his Footstool: neither by Jerusalem, for it is the City of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thine head, because thou canst not make one Hair white or black: But let your communication be, Yea yea: Nay, nay:( let simplicity and truth, be in your words; and than ye shall not be so light, & ready to swear:) For whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil.( when one speaketh otherwise, than he thinketh in heart, it cometh of an evil conscience, and of the Devil.( Matth. This is the curse that goeth forth over all the whole earth. etc. And every one that sweareth,( he that transgresseth the first Table, and serveth not God aright, but abuseth God's name) shall be cut off, as well on this side, as on that: I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of Hosts, and it shall enter, etc. into the house of him that falsely sweareth by my name; and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it, with the timber thereof, & stones thereof, Zach. 4.3.4. Accustom not thyself to swearing,( for in it there are many falls:) neither take up for a custom, the naming of the holy one( for, thou shalt not be unpunished for such things.) For, as a servant which is oft punished, cannot be without some scar: so he that sweareth, and nameth God continually, shall not be faultless, etc.( Read the Chapter, it is notable.) Eccles. 4 Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day Six days shalt thou labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it, thou shalt do no manner of work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, the manservant, & thy maydseruant thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days, the Lord made Heaven, and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. IT is lawful to do well,( or do a good deed,) on the Sbbath day Matth. 12 12. The Sabbath was made for Man, and not Man for the Sabbath: wherefore the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath. Mar. 2.27.28. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath,( If thou refrain thyself from thy wicked works,) from doing thy will on my Holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, to consecrat it, as glorious to the Lord and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways nor seeking thine own will, nor speaking a vain word: then shalt thou delight in the Lord, and I will cause thee to mount upon the high places of the earth,( I will advance thee, & make thee honourable,( and feed thee with the heritage of jacob thy Father,( and bless thee with plenty of all things, to thy full contentation:) for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Esai. 58.13.14. Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded. Since God permitteth six days to our labours, we ought willingly to dedicate the seaventh, to serve him wholly. The keeping of the Sabbath, consisteth not in our selves, but it cometh from above, even from God the author of the Sabbath.) Deut. 5.12. The second Table 5. Honour thy Father, and thy Mother that thy days may be long in the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee HOnour thy Father, and Mother:( And) He that cursoth Father, or Mother let him die, ( without any hope of pardon) Mat. 15 4. Mark 7.10. Honour thy Father, and Mother,( which is the first Commandment, with promise,) that it may be well, with thee, & that thou mayst live long on earth.( The Promise is conditional, for if we neglect the duty to us enjoined, we make the Promise void, and of none effect, Ephes. 6.23. The Lord will have the Father honoured of the Children,( for he hath so commanded,) and hath confirmed the authority of the Mother, over the Children, Who so honoureth his Father, his sins shall be forgiven him; and he shall abstain from them, and shall have his daily desires,( God will be so gracious unto him, and so guide him, that he shall not do amiss:) And he that honoureth his Mother, is like one that gathereth treasure. Eccle. 3.2.34 6. Thou shalt do no murder. Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; for whosoever killeth, shall be culpaple of judgement,( or subject to punishment:) but I say unto you. Whosoever is angry with his brother unadvisedly, shall be culpable of judgement,( for God knowing his secret malice, will punish him.) And whosoever saith unto his brother, Raca,( Idle brain, a biword spoken in contempt, and despite,) shall be worthy to by punished by the Council,( by judges thereto apppointed.) And whosoever shall say, Fool, shall be worthy to be punished with hell fire, Matth. 5 21.22. Love's your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which hurt you, and persecute you: and unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other, ( Rather endure more injury, than revenge yourselves.) Luk. 7. Thou shalt not commit Adultery Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not commit Adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a Woman, to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. ( Chastity is required both in body and mind.) Math. 5.27.28. Flee Fornication. Every sin that a man doth, is without the body: but he that committeth Fornication sinneth against his own body. ( He more polluteth & defileth his own body, than he that committeth any other sin.) 1. Cor. 6.18. Know ye not, that your bodies are the members of Christ: shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an Harlot: God forbid. 1. Cor. 6.15. Marriage is honourable,( and a remedy ordained of God, against incontinency,) among all, and the bed undefiled but: Whoremongers and Adulterers, God will judge. Heb. 13.4 8. Thou shalt not Steal. THou knowest the Commandments: Thou shalt not steal Mat. 10.19 Why rather suffer ye not wrong: Nay, ye yourselves do wrong, and that to your brethren:( hatred grudges, wrongful dealings, and desires of revenge, etc. are forbidden.) Know ye not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God: Be not deceived; neither adulrerers nor théeues, etc. shall inherit the kingdom of God: and such were some of you etc. 1. Cor. 6 7 8.9.10 Let him that stole, steal no more; but let him rather labour, and work with his hands, the thing which is good that he may have to give unto him that needeth Ephes. 4 28. 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. THese six things doth the Lord hate: yea, his soul abhorreth seven. 1. The haughty Eyes: 2. a lying Tongue: 3. Hands that shed innocent blood: 4 an Heart that imagineth wicked enterprises: 5. feet that be swift in running to mischief, ( that is, affections which carry a man away in such sort, that he can not tell what he doth.) 6. a False witness: 7. him that raiseth up Contentions among brethren, ( or neighbours.) Prou. 6.16.17 Wherefore, cast off lying, and speak every man truth unto his neighbour; for we are members one of another Ephes. 4.25. A wicked witness mocketh at judgement, and the mouth of the wicked, swalloweth up iniquity. ( Taketh a pleasure, and delighteth therein. as gluttons and drunkards, in delicate meats and drinks) Pro. 19.28. A false witness shall not be unpunished: and he that speaketh lies, shall perish. Prou. 19.9. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing, that is his. Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, even so do to them: for this is the law and the Prophets. ( The whole Law and the Scriptures, set forth and commend charity unto us.) Matth. 6.12 Luke. 6.31. Tob 4.15 To love a man's neighbour as himself, is more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices. ( Than all the ceremonies of the Law, wherein Hypocrites put great holiness.) Mark. 12.31.33. Let your conversation be without covetousness, & be content with those things that ye have Heb. 13 5. Godliness is great gain, if a man be content with that he hath. ( Religion is the true riches( 1. Tim. 6.6 A foolish man's foot is soon in his neighbour's house: but a man of experience is ashamed to look in. Eccles. 21.22. Follow not thy lusts, but turn thee from thine own appetites: for if thou givest thy soul her desires it shall make thine enemies that envy thee, to laugh thee to scorn. Eccle. 18.30 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. ( The mind first ministereth evil motions, whereby man's will is enticed: thence burst forth the lusts, by them the body is provoked, and the body by his actions doth solicit the mind, therefore we are commanded, at the least to rule our bodies.) Rom. 6.12. Sat not at all with another man's wife, neither lie with her upon the bed, nor banquet with her, lest thine heart incline unto her, and so through thy desire, fall into destruction. Eccl. 9 11. Give me thy vineyard, that I may make me a garden of herbs thereof, etc. ( Achabs' inordinate lust, after Naboths' inheritance, sharply punished.) 1. Kin. etc. If mine heart hath been deceived by a woman,( to lust after her,) or, if I have laid wait at the door of my neighbour, let my wife grind unto another man and let other men bow down upon her. To abuse her. job. 31.9.10 The leprosy therefore of Naaman, shall cleave unto thee, & to thy séed for ever. ( To be an example to all such, as by whose covetousness, God's word might be slandered,) because Gehazi was the servant of Elisha the Prophet, named in Scripture, The man of God.) 2. King. 5.27. Lord have mercy upon us and by the operation of thy holy Spirit, incline our hearts to keep these Laws Amen. The necessary appurtenances belonging to this Conduit. The Cistern to this Conduit. A Cistern to this Conduit, of Comfort must have, The water thence flowing, unsoyled to save. Of this unprovided, no Christian should be, The nature and virtue thereof, if they see; And therefore neglect not, so precious a thing: Which( beside other benefits) God's blessing doth bring. A Cistern is, required here, To keep this Conduit-water clear. For precious Pearls, and Ointment sweet, Must places have, for them most meet. Have care to keep thy Conscience clean, This is the Cistern which I mean. It must be swept, it must be scowrd, Before this water in be poured. Pure wine which hath, a fragrant in all, Into a Pot, not savouring well The Wine will change, the virtue gone, This hurt doth follow thereupon: Even so a Conscience. soiled with sin. Corrupt and cankered all within, With devilish thoughts ungodly lusts, Vile avarice, in wealth which trusts: Neglecting God, the well of wealth, And unto his. the horn of health. A Conscience stained, and blemished thus: If we perceive to lodge in us, The grace of God, eclipsed is, So that we must, needs do amiss. For le● us learn, and bear away, Our conscience doth our deeds bewray: And layeth load, with heave and shove, At us before: the Lord above. And as in Courts, where judges sit. The custom is. not to acquit, Vh'offender of his foul offence, Except there come in evidence: And make his cau●e, upright and good, Discharged is he, truth understood: Even so it fares, with every one, whose sins to such, excess is grown, That in themselves, their conscience sits, And Serpent like, against them spits. Ten thousand thousand sore complaints. And with sharp torments, them attains. Thus doth their conscience them arraine, And to confess, doth them constrain, All such misdeeds, as they have done: So that into God's curse they run: Which threatens death and hell to such, As of this world have made so much, That truth contemned, lies under foot: The plants thereof, rend up by root, God's word, and will, is set at nought. An evil conscience, this hath wrought: A conscience void of Gods good grace: Not hell itself, so ill a place, This is the worm. which ever gnaws The corrosive salve, which sharply draws: This is the fire which fiercely burns And all our joys, to torments turns. In such a place, no rest can dwell And why? it is a very Hell O well are they, that live upright, Pleasing the Lord, with all their mi Keeping his law, hearing his word, ( To cut down sin, the spiritual sword.) For why? all such. shall feel within, A conscience clear, from spots of sin: And purified. it may presume, The fragrant flowers. and sweet perfume, Of godly prayer, unto the Lord, To sacrifice, with hearty accord. This is the Cistern, ( mark it well) Of dregs or leeze, which must not smell: For if it do, this Conduit spout, No drop of comfort, yieldeth out, A conscience pure, therefore possess, And things amiss, with speed redress, Lest this sweet Conduit: being shut, From hope of comfort thou be put. In sum, if thou God's child wilt be, And wouldst that prayer, should comfort thee. Prepare thy heart, thy mind apply: Thy conscience seek to sanctify. Amend thy life, embrace that's good, And fire thy faith on Christ's blood: Then shall thy prayers sweetly smell, Before the Lord, and like him well: And thou shalt have thy hearts desire, And unto hope of health aspire. Which grant, O God, unto us all: To whom by faith, for grace we call. That we may pray; and praying please Thy Godhead, and thy wrath appease, O people we, thrice happy then: Grant this O God, Amen, Amen The Pipe to this Conduit. A Pipe to this Conduit, by level is laid, where through pleasant liquor of life is conuaid: This Pipe, and the Cistern. are joined in one: Both must be embraced, or both let alone; Which that with re●oycing each christian may do, Th'almighty by prayer, must be sued unto, THe Pipe is peace, more worth than Gold: A jewel for no riches sold. It is not peace twi●t King and King, ( Although this be a precious thing:) For where in peace, Kings wear the Crown There all dissension is cast down: There people live in hearty love There is no cause, to fend and prove, Their high estates such duty have, As their degrees and callings crave: Th'inferior knows, and understands, What their superiors state demands: The base to the better bows, And service due, likewise allows. There is no grudge, there is no strife. Where people pass in peace their life. The seeds which we in soil do sow. Spring up, and spread, increase and grow. Unto our charge, we have an eye, Our labours do our lacks supply. We worship God. His name we fear, And to our Prince true hearts we bear. Among ourselves in love we live These are the fruits, which peace doth give But yet the peace which doth surmount All precious things that we can count, It is not peace, 'twixt man and man: Which no long time▪ continue can: It is that peace, which bringeth bliss: Their precious peace, perpetual is. The author of This peace, is God: Who for our sins, with us was odd, For as we know, through Adam's fall, To God his wrath, We were in thrall: So that hereby this gain we got, Even death for life, ( ah hellish lot:) Our own misdeeds deserveth death: And God, who giveth life and breath, Suppressing peace, became our foe: And from the heavens aloft, did throw His thunderbolts of fearful threats, And in his heat, his sword he wheats: Even warrior like, to strike us down, ( For man doth melt when God doth frown.) Thus with the Lord, we were at odds, Ours was the smart the vengeance Gods: Which whiles it did endure and last, All hope of peace. was gone and passed: Till he from heaven beholding us, With wretchedness enclosed thus: Provided in this heavy case, T'amend our state, by his good grace: This he vouchaft to bring to pass: ( A wondrous work of his it was:) From mercy seat, he sent his Son, At whose corruption. peace begunn. God did ordain, that Christ should die, Upon a Cross reared up on high: By loss of life, to purchase peace. True Christian comfort, to increase: Among the jews betrayed, he fell: One of the twelve, presumed to sell. For thirty pence, his Master's life: The loss whereof, abolished strife. The jews did lay on him their hands, His limbs and joints they bound with hands: They scoffed and mocked him too too bad: Their wish and will on him they laid: Upon the Cross he made his end, His soul to God he did commend. This sacrifice God highly pleased, And this his rigorous rage appeased. here reconcilement first began, And peace was made 'twixt God and man. The price of this most perfect peace. Which Christian comfort doth increase: Declares thereof the dignity: This peace remains immortally This peace confirmed 'twixt God and us, And true atonement sealed thus; That through this Pipe of peace, may spout, And pleasantly in streams run out, Such comfort as in thee do devil, Which are the fountain and the well, The Conduit and, the lively spring, Of every good and healthful thing. Thus( Lord) if thou vouchsafe to work: Ingratitude, which loves to lurk Whithin our hearts them to possess, Shall banished be by thankfulness, and we shall praise jehovah then. Grant this, O God, Amen, Amen. The Lock to this Conduit. A Lock to this Conduit, of right doth belong, Provided of purpose, substantial and strong. Of this Lock 'tis needful, Christ's sheep to have skill, That opening this Conduit, their hearts they might fill, With true joy and gladness, with peace and with rest, And all kind of comfort, that we can request. FIrst love the Lord. who form thee. And like himself created thee. Love jesus Christ, who thee redeemed: So precious he thy soul esteemed. Love him, whose love with loss of life, 'twixt God and us, cut of the strife. Love him above all earthly treasure: And lone with love, most kindly measure, Love thou his Saints, and holy ones. As of his Church, the lively stones: Whose head is he, his members they: Who hates his Saints, do him betray· Love thou God's word, his Gospel hear, Therein of life are rivers clear: It is the pearl whereby was wrought A wonder worthy, daily thought. love unto all thy neighbours bear. And let thy love shine every where: To all and some, to friend and foe: To them that seek thine overthrow. Love all hate none; to christ commands: Herein the Law consists and stands. Love's Strangers well, no gaudge them bear, Remembering once, we strangers were. Though Denizens now by God's good grace▪ His love restored us to this place. Love's virtuous life, and goodness seek, And like to Christ, learn to be meek. Love's lowliness, and spit at pride, God's spirit in such, will not abide, Love to forgive. and to forbear: This is a sign of Christian fear. Thy brother's fault, though worthy blame Dissemble thou and hide his shame. Thus armed with love, thou mayst be hold. Sin, Satan, Death, our enemies old Shall not have power to do thee harm, God is thy help, he is thine arm: This is the Lock. which thou and I, And every one, ( before we die) Ought set upon our hearts and minds, Where treasure lie, of sundry kinds. Which Lock if we, do seek to have, It is not Death. nor yet the grave, Thou shalt abridge our heavenly bliss, In Christ our Conduit, kept it is. Of all therefore, this is the sum, If to this Conduit we will come: And thence fetch comfort at our need. ( This is) if we to pray proceed: And ask of God, the things we want, Beseeching him the same to grant: For jesus sake, his only Son. By love this work must be begun. Which if we have, then sure we may Before the Lord, approach and pray: For otherwise, all that we do, Is sin and death belongs thereto. This lock of love. O grant us then, Sweet Saviour Christ. Amen, Amen. The Key to this Conduit A Key to this Conduit, of Comfort pertains. Whose use and due service, whosoever disdains, Aloof from this Conduit themselves let them keep, Christ is not their Shepherd, nor they of his Sheep. This Key therefore learn we, to use, and possess: Our Shepherd Christ jesus, then may we confess. FIrst, ●now thyself but flesh and blood. Nay, nay; but art thou half so good? Know rather this, thou art but dust, From Earth thou cam'st, to Earth thou must. Know thine estate by Adam's fall, Exiled from life, to death in thrall: To sin a slave, to Hell a pray: Know this, and cast all pride away, Know'st thou thyself a blast of wind, And hearst about a lofty wind? Know'st thou thy state to be but nought, Thy life a thread but slightly wrought, And settest up the Peacock's plume, As though nothing should thee consume? This knowledge but fond and vain, A better knowledge doth remain: A knowledge which from God proceeds This knowledge guides our thoughts and deeds: This knowledge shows ( as in a Glass) That sin in us had brought to pass, Eternal death. and endless pain In Hell where damned souls remaine· This knowledge, learns us likewise this: That albeit we did amiss. And kindled Gods consuming ire: Yet Christ his blood hath quenched that fire: So that this knowledge marked well, May be supposed to excel All earthly things. which pass away, As Flowers in h●ate of Summer's day, This knowledge, leads us to the Lord, And makes our wills, with his t'accord Know God aright, know Christ his son: Know thou the thing he will have done: Know him that made the heaven and earth, A●d fed thee since thy day of birth: Know him that gi●es thee in thy need, Convenient Victuals,, thee to feed: Know him in Christ, his Son first ●orne, The saviour of our souls forlorn: Know God the Father only wise, Know him in heart. with faithful eyes: Know him, whom heaven and earth obey, Whose word ordained both night and day: The world, and all. that is therein, Are lessons where we may begin, To learn to know him as he is: The God of peace, and endless bliss: None other knowledge is required: By this, great numbers have aspired Unto the top of joyful state: Such knowledge never comes too late. Know that to stand in fear and awe, Are means and ways, to keep the Law. This knowledge is the very Kay, Without the which, we can not pray: No comfort can, this Conduit give: Look for no liquor, whiles we live, Unless this Key, of Knowledge come. That is( in brief, to show the sum,) Except we know the Lord of Host, And Christ his Sonn. and th'holy Ghost: Ourselves, our wants, and daily need: And pray, in hope that we shall speed▪ Our prayers turn to little good. ( Let this be learnt, and understood.) True knowledge, Lord, Give us therefore: Which is the Key, to open the door Of perfect Prayer, gushing out, With comforts sweet, like to a Spout, Beginning at the Conduit head: ( For at the Fountain it is feed.) This Knowledge, grant us, jesus, then, Say people all, Amen. Amen. The Sum, or Conclusion. Possess a good Conscience, in running thy race: Seek peace and atonement, with God's divine grace: Let Love be the jewel, and joy of thy heart: And Knowledge instruct thee, to learn what thou art: Then enter God's Temple, and there humbly pray, In hope what thou cravest, to carry away. Amen. FJNIS. Grace's to be said before and after Meat. Before Meat O Lord God heavenly Father, Creator and feeder of all living creatures, we humbly and heartily thank thee for these thy creatures as pledges of thy favour, for the nourishing of our bodies, beseeching thee to sanctify them unto us, and us unto thyself, that we receiving them as from thee, our souls may also be nourished and fed with spiritual Manna from Heaven. Amen. After Meat. We thank thee, O Lord God Almighty, for satisfying and feeding us with thy blessing at this, & all other times: sanctify and bless us, we beseech thee, with thy holy spirit: & grant that we being refreshed with these thy cretures, may follow our lawful vocation in thy fear and true obedience, that when soever we die, we may die in thy favour. Amen. Before Meat. Bless these thy gifts, most gracious God. From whom all goodness springs: Make clean our hearts, And feed our souls With good and needful things: A thankful heart renew in us, According to thy will: Above our strength, Lord prove us not, But save us from all ill. Amen. After Meat. We thank thee, most gracious God, for this thy feeding our thirsty Bodies: so vouchsafe to feed our silly souls with the bread of eternal life: that after this life ended, we may ascend where Christ is gone before us. Amen. FJNIS. The chief Points, or summary Contents of this Book. FIrst, a Prayer for Morning and Evening. A Prayer▪ A Prayer for the obtaining of Grace. For thankfulness to God for his graces & gifts. For love & unity with all men. For the hearing, & true Understanding of the word of God. To God for forgiveness of manifold & grievous sins. To be settled in the truth. To lead our life according to the will of God. To fast, and abstain from sin. For grace to forsake evil & to follow that which is good. For the assistance of the holy Ghost. Against wrath & malice For obedience to the keeping of God's commandments. For true & hearty repentance To the Lord, to turn his wrathful displeasure away from us. For a clear and quiet conscience. To be zealous in the hearing of the word of God. For a patient mind in trouble. In time of prosperity, or adversity. For patience in time of los of goods or lands A thanks giving for meat, dainke, & clothing. For aid & help in all extremities & need. Against slanderous & evil tongues. For peace in time of War, or other vexation. For deliverance from foes spiritual & temporal. Of a penitent soul over turned with sin. To be f●eed from all vices. Against vain delights & worldly pleasures. Of a penitent sinner, lamenting his former life so ill spent. Of a sorrowful sinner, laying his heart open, praying for a firm faith. Desiring mercy & forgiveness. To be prepared against the hour of death To lead our lives according to the Law, and will of God. To keep our tongue from speaking ill. To fast & pray aright. Against wilful sins & snares of Satan. For fear of the Lord, and love of his word. The Contemplation of a sinner. The seven Petitions of the Lords prayer, with a brief exposition thereof, drawn out of holy Scripture. The Belief of a Christian, commonly called, The Apostles Creed; divided into twelve Articles, and expounded. The ten Commandments of Almighty God▪ called; The two Tables of the Law, expounded by sentences and examples. The necessary appurtenances belonging to this Conduit: and first, of the Cistern to this Conduit is Conscience. The Pipe to this Conduit of comfort, is Peace. The Lock to this Conduit of Comfort, is Love.. The Key to this Conduit of Comfort, is Knowledge. Godly Graces to be said before, and after meat. FINIS.