nes all the days of our life, rendering unto thee 〈…〉 Majesty. And for so much as (O most gracious God and loving Father) thou hast seen it good now at length tostirre up thy chosen servant Elizabeth our Queen and Governor to raise her force and strength, as well by land as by Sea, to withstand foreign enemies and outlandish power, which have a determination to invade thy servants which profess thy word and Gospel, prevent now (O Lord we beseech thee) the cruel devise of Amon, stay the rage of Holophernus, break the counsel of Achitophel, and confound our enemies: guide her highness with thy truth, preserve her with thy power, defend her with thy Shield, assist her with thy Angel, bless her with victory, sanctify her with thy Spirit, save her with thy mercy, and Crown her at length with thy glory: (O Lord) be evermore present and precedent with her most honourable Counsel, send courage to the nobility, grant sincerity of doctrine and purity of life to the spirituality, duty and faithfulness to the Commonalty, happy success and prosperous victory, to this noble Realm of England. Be favourable and gracious O Lord to this thy English Zion, behold in the bowels of thy mercy our Navy on Sea, guard, guide, protect and defend the right honourable the Lord high Admiral of England, the vice-admiral, with all honourable & worshipful personages, Captains, Masters, Officers, Sailors, and Soldiers now employed, whether on the Western or South Seas, show thy mercy and favour upon all persons, of what estate, degree, or calling soever they be, that have charge, rule, or bear any authority in Marine causes, serving under her Majesty for the defence of this Realm: let not furious storms, winds, or tempests hurt them, nor surging Seas harm them, let not Papists amaze them, nor foreign enemies fear them: but thou Lord of hosts encourage their hearts, enable their hands, endue them with valour, grant them safely to return with glorious victory. Be thou their Captain, their leader and their guide: plead thou their cause with them that strive with them, and fight thou against all such as fight against them. Also O Lord we thy Servants humbly beseech thee, to bless and prosper not only our Sea causes, but also all our land service, her majesties most honourable General, Marshal, Captains, Officers, and English Soldiers whatsoever, strengthen them with courage and manliness, that they may suppress the sleights of Antichrist, with all the force and power of foreign enemies, and papistical practices, that dare presume to attempt any harm or hurt to her royal Majesty, their honours, her English People, or to this noble Realm of England: so shall we sing forth the songs of glory in our great congregations unto thee, and declare to our posterity these things among the wonders that thou hast done of old, namely how thou hast girded us about with might to battle, and how thou hast subdued under us, them that rose against us, and how thou hast given us the necks of our enemies to their destruction, and to our great comfort and consolation, we saying evermore, he that is mighty hath magnified us, and holy is his name. To whom with the Son and the holy Ghost, three Persons in Trinity, one God in might and Majesty, be all lawd, praise, honour, and glory, now and evermore, Amen. Rob. H. Imprinted at London by Edward Allde for Hency Car. 1588.