HEAVEN'S JOY, OR, HEAVEN BEGUN UPON Earth. Wherein there is discovered more plainly than ever formerly. The happy and surpassing glorious estate of a justified Person, or a Saint on Earth. Also that greater happiness at the day of judgement. And a small taste of that greatest and most glorious Estate prepared for us in the highest Heavens. Also the Writer will be ready to defend what is here written against all opposers whatsoever. PHILIP. 4.13. I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me. LONDON. Printed by T. C. and B. A. for john Harrison; and are to be sold in Pater-Noster-Row, at the sign of the Golden Anchor. 1616. TO THE READER. Beloved Reader if thou be desirous of Novelties, here's News worth thy hearing. It is the Report of the Situation, the Beauty, and comeliness of a Citizen of New Jerusalem: which I shall show thee the rather I do attempt it because of the slanders that generation of Hypocrites do cast upon this City. They do tell thee faintly, that here is much good to be found: but when thou hearest their uncertain relation, and viewest their tottered Habit, and considerest their leanness, and how much they are distracted; it makes thee much to question the truth of their Report. They tell thee they are inhabitants of it. And if thou question further of the qualities of those Citizens: Thou shalt hear them say, they all are Peacemakers, joyful, Holy, Wise, bold, Rich, and Humble people. But when thou takest a view of their Pride, seest their Poverty, perceivest their fears, observest their folly, knowest their filthiness, considerest their heaviness, and are acquainted with their contentions, This I say, makes thee to question the truth of their report. Wherefore in hope of thy desire to get this Possession, I was emboldened to rehearse, what by experience I know, and by diligent trial I understand of that Royal City. Thou shalt have nothing here but words of truth and soberness, and that which thou thyself shall find written in the Book of Life. And because there are many inhabitants of this City, that being but newly entered, are scarce acquainted with the Glory, Majesty, the Content, Riches, Wisdom, and safety it affords: I have desired to impart to such what they may find, if they proceed in the course they have well begun. And I do the rather endeavour it, that as men are helped by reading to discover counterfeit travelers: so men may be assisted to find out the false brags, and vain boastings these Hypocrites do make: and howbeit I know some of them will learn by this Book, the more craftily to deceive, and will be able better to colour their estate to others: yet knowing also that Heaven shall reveal such iniquity, and the God of vengeance will take vengeance of the abuse of such pains. I commend it to the protection of that most Powerful God, and rest yet a while. Faults escaped in Printing. Pag. 3. marg. b 4. 16. line 23. earth. p. 9 f Ps. 38. p. 11. m Heb. 10.18. p. 13. t 57 19 p. 15. l. 7. an, un. p. 16. a 1. 8. p. 17. l. 4. Heads. p. 22. s Phil. p. 26. l. 22. learn that p. 27. l. 1. were redeemed. p. 31. l. 23. soul p. 41. l. 4. is evident. p. 47. c Mat. 26. p. 48. d. Rom. 10.10. p. 50. l. 3. this caused. p. 61. l. 23. blot out all. p. 63. l. 4. translated. p. 98. c Isa. p. 90. l. 19 willing, but by. p. 98. l. 17. store. p. 99 l. 9 As if. p. 103. l. 27. forth for trouble p. 119. i Ps. 16. p. 122 l. 1. them. p. 127. l. 11. b john 14.3. p. 154. l. 17. as blessed. p. 159. l. 5. for God read good. If it be not well pointed the next Impression may help that. There is a little Book called Christ's Kingdom discovered, which is worth thy reading. HEAVEN'S JOY, OR, HEAVEN BEGUN UPON Earth. THis small Treatise of Hell being fitted for the press, it was thought fit by the learned examiner, that it should not pass alone, but that as much at least of Heaven should be added to it: that as the reader should be driven by judgements, so he might also be drawn by Mercies, to turn unto God by true & unfeigned Repentance. Now therefore that what is expected, may be performed: here shall also be observed, the same order (as near as may be) that was before observed. As first, that there is a Heaven, or place of Blessedness. Secondly, what this Heaven is? Thirdly, where it is and shall be? Fourthly, for whom it is prepared? Lastly, how long it shall continue? And first, That there is a Heaven. This albeit none can deny, when they do behold the glorious firmament, so wonderfully adorned and beautified, with a bright and great light for the Day, a glorious, though less light for the Night; so trimmed and decked with a many of glittering Stars, each differing from other in Glory: this cannot but enforce all wise men, to conceive of a higher place, and far more excellent, than this is: yet because nothing doth so well satisfy the Conscience, as the wholesome words of our Lord jesus Christ, let us see it made evident by plain Scriptures: as where it is written, That Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. a Heb. 9.24. Also at the last day it is written, that the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven. b 1. Thes. 4. Also where we read, that the Apostles looked up steadfastly toward heaven, at our Lord's Ascension: it is written. That two men stood by them in white apparel, which also said; ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? This same jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner, as you have seen him go into Heaven. c Act. 1.10.11. Also the Saints that are persecuted on each, are willed to Rejoice, and to be exceeding glad, yea, to leap for joy because their reward is great in Heaven. d Mat. 5.11.12. Luck. 6.23. Again it is written, Tha● joy shall be in Heaven, over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, that need no repentance. e Luc. 15.7. Also we read that in the resurrection. They neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the Angels of God in Heaven. f Mat. 22.30. And this shall suffice to prove that there is a Heaven. Now to show what this Heaven is? This is the great difficulty which doth amaze all that shall endeavour to express it: hear they all come short, this is that which is so surpassing Glorious, and so Excellent, as that no heart can conceive, nor tongue express, much less any pen describe, or set forth the wonderful and unsearchable excellency thereof: as it is evident by that the Apostle speaking out of the Prophet, of the beginnings of it even here: saith, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. g Is. 64.4. 1. Cor. 2.9. If these lesser be so far out of the reach, especially of natural men, how impossible is it for any so to express those greater, that natural men (who are thereby to be drawn to Repentance) should conceive of it in any wise as it is, and as it shall be clearly seen of such as are spiritual, at the last Day: yet because the beginnings of it are here, even upon Earth, and they that will ever see, and enjoy the fullness of it hereafter, must be acquainted with the Beginnings here: as it is written, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. h Io. 3.36. Also, he that heareth my word (saith Christ) and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life; and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death to life. i Io. 5.24. And on the contrary, he that believeth not on the Son, shall not see Life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. k Io. 3.36. Therefore here shallbe first showed somewhat concerning those beginnings, which the sons and daughters of the Almighty do enjoy even here: Secondly, those Scriptures which concern the excellent Glory hereafter, shall be laid down: and that blessedness looked for, at least pointed at. And that as much as we enjoy hear may the better appear, and we may sensibly perceive how good the Lord is, and how blessed they are that trust in him: even while they sojourn on Earth. That this may the more set forth the loving kindness of the Lord, and the wonderful change that such have made, as are once translated from death to life; such as have once overcome; and have their part in the first Resurrection. We will first take a view, of what we are by nature since Adam's fall, and then shall be showed, what we do become by Grace. By Nature we are all dead: l 1. Cor. 15.22. Accursed, m Deut. 27.26. the wrath of God abideth on us, n joh. 3.36. there is none of us righteous, no not one: There is none that understandeth, none that searcheth after God: we are all gone out of the way, we are altogether become unprofitable; there is none that doth good, no not one: we are all guilty of condemnation before God. o Rom. 3.10.11, 19 We are dead in sins and trespasses, we all walk according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the Spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience. Among whom we all have our conversation in the lusts of the flesh, and fulfilling the desires of the flesh, and of the mind, and are by Nature the children of wrath, as well as others; we are without Christ, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers from the covenant of Promise, having no hope, and without God in the world; p Ephes. v. 12. we are unwise, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice, and envy, hateful, and hating one another: q Tit. 3.3. We are in the snare of the Devil, taken captive by him at his will: r 2. Tim. 2.26. We yield our members servants to uncleanness; and to iniquity unto iniquity: a Rom. 6.19 we are wretched, miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: b Reu. 3.17. we are firebrands in the fire, c Zach. 3.2. jude. 23. we are cast out into the open field, polluted in our blood: d Ezec. 16.5.6. we are lost, e Luc. 19.10 stinking, corrupt, and very loathsome. f psa. 31.5.7 This, and much more than this, is our misery by Nature; but here, behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God g 1. Io. 3.1. ? Oh, consider I pray you, the wonderful change that we have made. And that we may truly taste the goodness of our God, even to all his; in this life, here shall be laid open, some few of those many benefits, inward & outward; which we do enjoy while we are yet upon earth. The first is Peace and rest: Peace. yea such Peace as passeth all understanding h phillip 4.7. : and such Rest as is not to be expressed: For where as by Nature by reason of our Gild, we are at great unrest, and have no Peace: but are at much disquiet, yea we are therefore compared, and that fitly to the troubled Sea that cannot rest i Is. 57.20. . As job truly saith of himself, I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet, yet trouble came. Yea, when we say our bed shall comfort us, our couch shall ease our complaint, than such are scared with dreams, and terrified with visions, so that their souls many times choose strangling & death rather than life k job. . Yea, as Mariners in a tempest they are tossed up and down, sometimes they mount up to the heaven, and they go down again to the depths: so that their souls are melted because of Trouble. They reel too and fro, and stagger like drunken men: and are at their wit's end. But when crying to God in such trouble, they are indeed delivered out of such distress: when the storm is once become a calm, and the waves are still: then such are glad, because they be at Rest, when they are brought to the desired Haven l psal. 107.26.27. . Here is now a wonderful change, when men have once gotten the victory by the blood of the Lamb m Heb. 10.28.19. 1. Cor. 15.57. : when once we have overcome by Faith in Christ n 1. joh. 5.4. . Then followeth such Peace, such Rest, as cannot by any means be expressed: as it is written, We being justified by Faith, have Peace with God through our Lord jesus Christ o Rom. 5.1. . Also, this is plainly spoken by the Prophet Isaiah, thus: The work of righteousness shall be Peace: and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance for ever. And my people shall dwell in a Peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places p Isa. 32.17.18. . Also the Apostle plainly affirmeth, that such as have believed do enter into Rest q Heb. 4.3. not shall hereafter, but do. This our Lord noteth, where he speaketh of this faith, he saith: That many shall come from the East, and West, and North, and South, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, in the kingdom of God r 〈◊〉. 8.11 L●c. 13.28.29. . By sitting down, is noted unto us this Rest or Quietness. As a man greatly is refreshed when he can have a convenient place to sit down, especially at the end of his journey: so are the children of God at quiet when they sit down on the top of this glorious mountain, which with great difficulty they have climbed. This is that Rest which the Prophet Isaiah speaketh of, where speaking of Christ's kingdoms flourishing, he saith; In that day there shall be a root of jesse, which shall stand up for an ensign to the people: to it shall the Gentiles seek, and the Rest shall be glorious s Isa. 11.10. . And the same Prophet in another place ●aith thus, from the Lord, Behold I ●reate the fruit of the lips Peace, Peace to him that is a far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord, and I will heal him t Isa. 57.13. . Also speaking of the Church: The Lord by that Prophet saith thus: Behold I will extend Peace to her like a River u Isa. 66.12. . And this is that Peace which our blessed Redeemer speaketh of, where he saith: Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you, let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid x Io. 14.27. . Here this Peace is directly opposed to the fears and terrors, the trouble and disquiet of such as have it not. Hence it is that such as hearken to wisdom are promised to dwell safely, and to be quiet from fear of evil, yea this is manifest in David, when he had once overcome he could say, Return to thy Rest, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. And turning him to the Lord, he saith, Thou hast delivered my soul from Death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling y psal. 116, 7.8. . In this comfortable estate was Hezechiah when Isaiah comes unto him, with terrible tidings, and that from the Lord, telling him: That the days come that all that was in his house, & that which his fathers had laid up in store unto this day should be carried away into Babylon, and that the Lord had said, that nothing should be left. And that his sons which should issue from him, and which he should beget, they should take away, and they should be eunuchs in the Palace of the king of Babylon. At this terrible and dreadful tidings, he is not disquieted, but he doth manifest his peaceable, ●nd most comfortable estate, yea ●●t he had obtained this Peace and ●●st; the inseparable companions ●r effects of righteousness: by his loving, amiable, & most temperate answer, where he saith, Good is the word of the Lord which thou hast spoken: And to this he added. Is it not good if Peace and Truth be in my days z 2. Kin. . And is not this and unspeakable benefit to have such a blessed change wrought, to have such surpassing Peace and Rest, in this Life! If there were no more but this, it is worth all the pains we suffer, and all the afflictions we undergo; and yet men are so overcome with doubtings, and vnbe●efe, that they struggle not for this Rest, and surely the Reason is, because ●hey believe not the Scriptures. To this Peace which passeth all understanding, is added joy, which is unspeakable, and full of Glory a 1. pet. 18. . Th● is that joy of the holy Ghost tha● blessed and glorious Comforter, joy.. a● it is written, The kingdom of Go● is not Meat and Drink, but Righteousness and Peace, and joy of th● holy Ghost b Rom. 14.17. . The difference between this, and the joy of Hypocrites, is known by these. The joy o● Hypocrites is very short, and it dot● vanish at length, and come to nothing: as it is written, The triumphing of the wicked is short, and th● joy of the Hypocrite but for a moment. Though his excellency mount v● to the Heavens, and his head reac● unto the Clouds: yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung, and the● which have seen him shall say wher● is he? He shall fly away as a dream and shall not be found: yea he shall b● chased away as a vision of the night c job. But the joy of the Saints is everlasting, as it is written: The Redeemed of the Lord shall return, and ●ome with singing to Zion; everlasting joy shall be upon their Herds: they shall obtain joy, and gladness, and sorrow, and sighing shall fly away. d Is. 35.10. Isa. 51.11. It shall never be taken from them, as it is written; I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, ●nd your joy no man taketh from you. e Io. 16.22. This continually increaseth: as it is written, that our Lord saith to his Disciples. As my Father hath loved me, so have I loved you, continue ye in my Love. These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your ●oy might be full. f Io. 15.9.11. And this is the ●irst difference, between the joy of Hypocrites, and our joy.. Theirs is short or momentany, ours everlasting; ●heirs is taken from them, ours never; ●heirs vanisheth, ours increaseth. A second difference is, that the joy of the Hypocrite is not accompanied with Peace, and Rest, for these are always the effects of Righteousness. And we know, that, there is no Peace to the wicked: for the Lord hath spoken it. g Is. 48.22. And who knows not that an Hypocrite, is a wicked man in the highest degree. But the joy of the righteous, is always accompanied with Peace, and Rest; as it is evident, where Righteousness, and Peace, and joy of the holy Ghost, are joined together as inseparable companions, and that very often in Scriptures, as where it is written, The Kingdom of God, is not meat and drink, but Righteousness, and Peace, and joy of the holy Ghost. h Rom. 14.17. As if it should have been said in more plain words, it is not the observation of meats, and drinks, and such other outward things, that discovers us to be of the Kingdom of Christ, but it is Righteousness, and Peace, and joy of the holy Ghost: these are indeed the things that makes us manifest to ourselves, and others to be Christ's subjects; also the same Apostle saith to the same Saints, Now the God of hope fill you with all joy, and Peace in believing. i Rom. 15.13 Lo hear joy, and Peace, are joined together in true believers. Also we being justified by Faith, have Peace with God, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. k Rom. 5.1.2 Also in that excellent Psalm. Then are they glad, because they be at quiet, and so he bringeth them to their desired haven. Hear is also gladness, and rest. Also the Prophet Isaiah speaking of the Church, saith, Thus saith the Lord, behold I will extend Peace to her like a River, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck, and be borne upon her sides, and dandled upon her knees: as one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you, and ye shall be comforted in jerusalem; And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb. m Is. Here is Peace, and joy, to the Saints. And this is another manifest difference, between the joy of the Hypocrite, and of the child of God. Though the Hypocrite triumph and rejoice, yet he is never at quiet. But the child of God hath also Peace, and Rest. A third difference is this, the joy of the Hypocrite lifts him up: as before, Though his excellency mount up to the Heavens, and his head reach unto the Clouds. n job. 20.6. This doth plainly show the exaltation of Hypocrites in their rejoicing and triumph: yea these are so exalted that they despise others: which our blessed Lord observed, and discovered by a parable, where it is written, That he spoke this parable to certain men which trusted in themselves, that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the Temple to Pray, the one a Pharisee, the other a Publican; The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I thank thee that I am not as other men are. o Luc. Thus do Hypocrites exalt themselves, and are lifted up with Capernaum to Heaven, though they shall come down to Hell. p Mat. 11.23. He is so carried away with the Love of himself, that he basely accounteth of other. But the joy of the Saints, is never severed from meekness and lowliness. q Gal. 5.22.23. They are all clothed with humility. r 1. Pet. 5.5. For these have learned not to rejoice in themselves, but in the Lord, as it is written, Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice, let your Moderation be known unto all men: the Lord is at hand; yea the same mind is in them which was also in Christ jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God; but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto Death, even to the Death of the Cross s Phil. 4.4.5 . So those that rejoice with exceeding great joy, when they saw that the Lamb had prevailed to open the Book with seven seals, we read that they fell down before the Lamb t Revel. 5.8. . And this is another manifest difference, between the Hypocrites joy, and the joy of the Saints. The Hypocrites joy makes him proud, and lifts him up; and causeth him to despise others. The joy of the Saints doth humble him, yea cast him down before the Lord: and is always accompanied with Humility. A fourth difference is this: That the joy of the Hypocrite holds not out in persecution, as it is plain, where it is written: Those on the Rock are such, which when they hear, receive the word with joy, and these have no root, which for a while believe; and in time of Temptation fall away. u Luc. 8.13. But Matthew writeth thus, He that receiveth the seed in stony places, the same is he which heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it, yet hath he no root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when Tribulation, or Affliction ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended a Mat. 13.20.27. . Whereas the joy of the child of God, that is indeed justified by Faith in the blood of Christ: doth increase in tribulation, yea even in the greatest trials, such do glory: as it is written, We glory in Tribulation b Rom. 5.3 . And james also biddeth us, To account it all joy, when we fall into divers Temptations c jam. 1.2. . Also Peter speaketh of this joy, where speaking of manifold Temptations, yet we rejoice greatly in them all, in the consideration of the lively Hope, and never fading inheritance which we believe is laid up for us, and shall be revealed in the last time d 1. Pet. 1.5.6 . We are as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing e 2. Cor. 6.10 . This appeareth plainly in the examples of such Redeemed ones; As the blessed Apostles when they were beaten, departed from the Counsel, rejoicing, that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ's name f Act. 5.41. . So Paul and Silas, when they were cruelly beaten, and had received many stripes, and were cast into prison, yea thrust into the inner prison, and their feet made fast in the stocks, yet at midnight they prayed, and sang praises unto God so loud, that the prisoners heard them. g Act. Thus having laid down some differences, between the joy of Hypocrites, and of the Saints, as that their joy is but for a moment, ours is everlasting: their joy doth exalt, and lift them up; ours doth humble, and cast us down: theirs is severed from Peace, and Rest; ours accompanied with them both: theirs fails them, when tribulation cometh; ours holds out, nay which is more, increaseth: in the most sharp and fiery Trials. And by this the false joy of the Hypocrite being discovered, the true joy of the Saints is clearly seen. Which joy doth so comfort them, as that it is truly said of them. That the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the dwellings of the Righteous. h Ps. 118.15. These are ever singing, & making melody in their hearts unto the lord Speaking to themselves in Psalms, and Hymns, and spiritual songs, i Ephes. 5.19 singing with Grace in their hearts unto the Lord k Col. 3.16. . So we read of the hundred forty & four thousand that were with the Lamb on mount Zion: that they had the voices of harpers, harping with haps, and they sang (as it were) a new song before the Throne, and before the four Beasts, and the Elders: and no man could hear that song, but the hundred forty and ●ure thousand which were never redeemed from the Earth l Revel. . Also ●hen the Lamb had taken the ●ooke out of the hand of him that ●te upon the Throne, having also prevailed to open the seven seals ●hereof, we read that the four ●eastes, and the four and twenty elders, fell down before the Lamb, ●auing every one of them haps ●nd golden Vials full of Odours, which are the Prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the Book, ●nd to open the Seals thereof: for thou vast slain, and hast Redeemed us, ●o God; by thy blood, out of every ●indred, and tongue, and people, and nation: And hast made us unto our God, Kings and Priests; and we shall reign on earth m Reu. 5.8. . Also john saith, I saw as it were a Sea of Glass, mingled with fire, and them that had got the victory, over the Beast, and over his Image, and over his mark● and over the number of his Nam● stand on the Sea of Glass; having the haps of God. And they sing th● Song of Moses, the servant of God and the song of the Lamb, saying Great and marvelous are thy work Lord God Almighty, Just and true are thy ways; thou King of Saints who shall not fear thee, O Lord, an● glorify thy Name? for thou only ar● holy, for all nations shall come, an● worship before thee, for thy judgements are manifest n Reu. . Here is a Tas● of the inward Comforts of Gods redeemed once, yea a beginning of that Fullness which they have abiding for them in the Heavens: whereas such as are out of Christ, albeit, Their way seem right unto them, yet the ends thereof are the ways of death: yea in laughter their hearts are sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness o Prou. 14.12.13. . For as the crackling of thorns under a Pot, 〈◊〉 is the laughter of a Fool p Eccl. 7.6. . And ●he Prophet Isaiah tells us, that ●uch as take their own courses ●o comfort themselves, and do not ●rust in the name of the Lord, and ●tay upon their God: that the end of such solace shall be sorrow, in ●hese words; Behold all ye that kindle a Fire, that compass about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and the sparks that ye have kindled. This ye shall have of mine hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow q Is. 50.11. . And so you have these two sweet and comfortable fruits of the Spirit, Peace, and joy; with which the children of God are marvelously cheered in this Life. To these may be added Love; this Love is not the Love of the world, nor of men or Angels, but the Love of Christ, or of God th● Father, by Christ: through the assistance of the holy Ghost. This Love we read of where it is written, That the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, by the holy Ghost, which is given unto us r Rom. 5.5. . Also, we love him because he loved us first s 1. Io. 4.19. . This Love of Christ doth ravish the soul, and makes it to mount on high, yea, to be above in heavenly Meditations. As it appeareth by the Song, which for the excellency is termed the Song of Songs: where there shineth out the unspeakable Love of Christ, and the Church: and of the loving speeches the Church useth, we find these amongst many: Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy Love is better than wine. Also, Draw me, and we will run after thee, the King hath brought me into his Chambers, we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy Love more than wine, the upright Love thee a Cant. 1.2.4. . Also as the Apple tree, among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved amongst the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet unto my Taste. He brought me unto the banqueting house and his banner over me was Love. Stay me with Flagons, comfort me with Apples, for I am sick of Loueh. b Can. Also, by night upon my Bed; I sought him whom my soul loveth; I sought him, but I found him not; I will rise now and go about the City, in the Streets, and in the broad ways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him but I found him not, The watchmen that go about the City found me, to whom I said, saw ye him whom my solve loveth? It was but a little that I passed from them, bu● I found him whom my soul loveth: held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my Mother's house, and into the chamber, of her that conceived me c Can. . Her● is the wonderful Love of the Spouse to Christ: yea we see her soul loveth him, yea she is sick of Love And this is a notable representation of the Love of every child o● God, to God; they are even sick o● love. As is evident in the example of Paul where he writeth thus, I am in a straight betwixt two, having a desire to departed, & to be with Christ, which is far better. (Nevertheless) to abide in the flesh, is more needful for you d Phil. 1.23.24. . Also where he speaketh in the behalf of all the Saints he saith: We know, that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building with God, an house not made with hands eternal ●n the heavens. For in this we groan earnestly, desiring te be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. If so be that being clothed, we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this Tabernacle do groan, being burdened; Not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. Now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. Therefore we are always confident, knowing that whilst we are at home in the Body, we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by Faith, and not by sight. We are confident I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord e 2. Cor. . This also appeareth evidently, where the same Apostle writeth thus. Our selves which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groans within ourselves, waiting for th● Adoption, that is the Redemption of the Body f Rom. 8.23. . Here is the Love wherewith the souls of the children of God are ravished, with a desire to see God face, to face: a● it is written. g 1. Cor. 13 12. Now we see through a Glass darkly, but then face to face And this none conceive of, bu● such as feel it. And this is not al● that may be said of this Love, bu● as it maketh us desire to be ever with the Lord, so it doth also exceedingly help us, to perform the will of God upon Earth. For such as do thus Love God, they are content to do his will, yea his Law is within their Hearts. And howsoever formerly they have been much grieved with the burden of the Law, now it is the joy, and Rejoicing of their hearts, to do the will of God, as it is plain, where it is written, This is the Love of God, that we keep his Commandments, and his Commandments are not grievous h 1 Io. 5.3. . Also David could say: That the Law of the Lord was more to be desired then Gold: yea, than much fine Gold: sweeter also than the honey, and the honey comb i Psa. 19.7.10. . Also, The Law of thy mouth is better to me then thousands of Gold and Silver k Ps. 119.72. . Also, How sweet are thy words to my taste, yea sweeter than honey unto my mouth l Vers. 103. . Also, I love thy Commandments above Gold, yea above fine Gold m psa. 119.127. . This we see clearly to appear in the example of Abraham, who being once justified by Faith in Christ, deferred not to do the will of God: but speedily, even the same day he performed what God commanded, as it is written. And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were borne in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of Abraham's house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin, the self same day, as God had said unto him a Gen. 17.23 . This is twice repeated to stir us to take the more special notice of Abraham's willing obedience, and ready performance of God's Commandment. Thus in the self same day, was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son, and all the men of his house b Vers. 26.27. . And a little after that when God appeared unto him, he ran to meet him, and vouchsafed to be feasted of him, it is written: that he hastened into the Tent, and willed Sarah quickly to make ready. c Cham 18.2. And he ran to the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it ●o a young man, that hasted to dress it d Vers. 5.6.7 . And a little after that, when Sarah desired, that he should ●ast out the bondwoman and her son, it was grievous to him: yea, very grievous, because of his son Ishmael. But as soon as the Lord bid him, it is written, that he rose up early in the morning to perform it e Chap. . And a little after we read, that this Father of the Faithful, when he was tried by a wonderful strange Commandment, that is to offer up his son Isaac for a offering: yea his only son, whom he loved so tenderly: it is written, That he rose up early in the morning, and performed cheerfully what the Lord commanded f Chap. & 10.11. . So David will run the ways of God's commandments, when his heart is once enlarged g ps. 119.32 . For the Love of Christ constraineth them h 2. Cor. 5.14. . And this is not the least part of the Saints happiness upon Earth: that they are no longer under a Schoolmaster i Gal. 3.25. , or a Law commanding: k 1. Tim. 1.9 but they having the Spirit of Christ, have liberty: yea, a glorious Liberty, which is not the least taste of Heaven upon Earth l 2. Cor. 3.17 18. Rom. 8.21. . To this Peace, joy, and Love of Christ, may be added, Hope of the Glory of God. Hope. This is not the least privilege that we have, that this is that which continueth our Peace, increaseth our joy, and holdeth us fast to this Love of Cod, and this delight to do his will. By this we are preserved and kept from wavering, or being tossed up and down with every wind of Temptation. This bears us up that we are not destroyed, and that we sink not under the hard stripes of grievous assaults of the Devil, and ●he world, that lay on load upon us. This keepeth us from the ●hame of reproaches, which are ordinarily cast upon God's children. This Hope of the Glory of God, we find where we read it thus written, we that have access, or entrance by Faith in Christ, into this Grace, wherein we stand, do rejoice in the Hope of the Glory of God m Rom. 5.2. . Hereby we are preserved and kept, even all our life time, while we wait for our adoption: even the redemption of our bodies. That as God is the Father only of Spirits here; So he may become the Father of Bodies and Spirits; for this time these waiting are kept by Hope, as it is written, We ourselves, groan within ourselves: waiting for the adoption, that is, the Redemption of our Body: for we are saved by Hope n Rom. 8.23.24. . By this we are stayed from being beaten up and down, and being driven hither and thither by every Wind, and Tide, and therefore it is called the Anchor of the soul, where it is written, We have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the Hope set before us, which Hope, we have as an Anchor of the Soul, both sure and steadfast o Heb. 6.18.19. . By this also we are defended, and are helped to wrestle with Principalities and Powers, and with the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness: or rather wicked spirits, which are in heavenly, or high places. And for this purpose, together with the Girdle of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the shoes of the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, the shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit; together with these we are also commanded to take the Helmet of Salvation p Eph. 6.17. . And that his Helmet (which is not the least ●art of the spiritual armour) is Hope, as evident where it is written: Let us who are of the Day, be sober, putting on the Breastplate of Faith, and Love: and for an Helmet, the Hope of Salvation q 1. Thes. 5.8. . By this we have the shame of reproaches, and disgraces: of afflictions, and persecutions taken away. And therefore the Apostle saith, Tribulation worketh Patience: and Patience, Experience: and Experience, Hope; and Hope maketh not ashamed r Rom. . And this is one of our inward privileges, even this Hope: whereby we are preserved and stayed from fleeting hither and thither. Defended against the violence of those with whom we combat in Christ's behalf: and hereby the shame of all our afflictions and reproaches is clean taken away. To this Peace, and joy, this perfect Love and blessed Hope, may be added Boldness: which doth much cheer the children of God, and that they are bold, is evident: By these Scriptures, and Examples. As it is written; The Righteous are bold as a Lion a prou. 28.1. . Here you see is a wonderful boldness expressed by that it is compared to the Boldness of a Lion, as it is also written of the righteous: That five of them shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of them shall put ten thousand to flight b Leu. 26.8 . Also such as are wise, One of them shall chase a thousand, and two of them, shall put ten thousand to flight c Deut. 32.29.30. . And therefore when the Lord would fit josuah for the performance of that great work, he bids him to be strong & of a good ●ourage, three several times d josuah. . And David could say, that he would not ●e afraid of ten thousands of people, ●hat have set themselves against him round abaut, when the Lord was ●nce become his shield e ps. 3.3.6. . Also he saith The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do unto me: All nations compassed me about, but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them f psa. 118.6.10. . It was jeremies' complaint, that there were none valiant for the Truth upon the earth g jer. 9.3. . The Apostles did manifest this Boldness, when they were called before the Council, and commanded not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of jesus. But Peter and john answered and said unto them: Whether it be right in the sight of God, to hearken to you more than to God, judge ye. For, we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. And when they came to their own company, and had reported all that the chief Priests and Elders had done unto them, they joined all with one accord in Prayer to God, especially for boldness to speak the word, and received from the Lord gifts of the holy Ghost, so that they spoke the word of God with Boldness h Ast . So we read of Paul that he spoke boldly in the Synagogue at Ephesus for the space of 3. months, disputing and persuading things pertaining to the kingdom of God i Act. 19.8. . Also he exhorteth the Ephesians to pray for him that utterance may be given, that he may open his mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel k Ephes. 6.19 . This boldness appeared in Steven, who being full of faith and power, spoke boldly to the adversaries, applying his speech so closely to their consciences, that they were cut at the heart, ●nd gnashed on him with their ●eeth; yea, they stoned him with stones that he died l Act. . This boldness ●s evident also in Paul, when as there went many Prophecies of him concerning his handling at jerusalem, and all his loving friends with tears entreated him not to go thither. But his answer was, what mean ye to weep, and to break my heart, for I am ready not to be bound only, but to die at jerusalem, for the name of the Lord jesus m Act. 1.12.13. . This boldness or confidence is an inseparable effect of faith in Christ, and where it is not, there is not any faith in Christ at all, as it is evident where it is written, We are always confident. For we walk by faith and not by sight, we are confident I say: and that this is faith in Christ, the words following do make plain; The Love of Chris● constraineth us, and God hath reconciled us to himself by jesus Christ▪ Again, the same Apostle writeth thus; That unto Principalities an● Powers, in heavenly Places is mad● known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God. According to the eternal purpose, which he purposed in Christ jesus our Lord. In whom we have boldness, and access with confidence by the faith of him o Eph. . Here is boldness and confidence as before joined with faith in Christ. Also such as have believed the Gospel and are entered into rest, such do come boldly to the throne of Grace p Heb. 4.16. . Add to this where it is written. That where remission of sin is, there is no more offering for sin, but such have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jesus q Herald 10.22 . So that you see that boldness is an inseparable companion of faith in Christ. And therefore such only are the lambs warriors as are called, and chosen, and faithful r Revel. 17.14. . Observe, men may be chosen to salvation, and not yet called nor faithful, so was Paul when he consented to Stephen's death s Act. 7.58. the 8.1. . Also, they may be called, and neither chosen nor faithful, as it is written, Many are called but few chosen t Mat. 20.16. . So were judas and Demas called, but neither chosen, and so not faithful. So were the Apostles before the holy Ghost was given unto them, or before that power from on high was received a Lu. 24.49 . Witness their running from Christ at his apprehension b joh. 16.30 31.32. . And Peter's denial of him three several times with cursings and swearing c Mat. . Now than we may safely conclude, that such only are the bold Soldiers of the Lamb as are called, and chosen, and faithful: as were all the Apostles and Disciples, when they had once received the holy Ghost, and as Paul could with comfort testify of himself. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith. So these only shall be able to testify: and every of these shall be able to testify the same. So that it is now most evident, that such as do indeed believe with the heart to Righteousness, do also confess with the mouth unto Salvation d Rom. 19 . And such as believe in Christ shall not be ashamed e Ver. 11. . And Paul could say, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth f Rom. 1.16. . Yea every such believer can hazard his life for Christ's sake: as it is written, Whosoever will lose his life for my sake and the Gospels: the same shall save it. And there is added, whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the Glory of the Father with the holy Angels. g Mar. 8.35.38. Neither are the Saints terrified by their Adversaries, which is to them an evident token of Perdition: but to themselves of salvation, and that of God: for unto such it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake h Phil. 1.28 29. . The contrary to this, is in men before justification, as it is plain where it is written. The wicked fly when none pursueth. i Prou. 28.1 Also we have not received the Spirit of bondage to fear again k Rom. 8.15 . Where we plainly see, that before justification, we have that Spirit of Bondage. This made the jailor to tremble ˡ: and Paul to be astonished, and to tremble, when he was smitten to the Earth m Act. 9.6. . And caused this Cornelius to be afraid of the Angels n Act. 10 4. . This is evident, where it is written: That the curse, or the wrath of God abideth on such as do not yet believe in Christ o Io. 3.36. . And part of that curse, is fear and astonishment: as it is written, I will appoint over you terror; p Levit. 26.19 and ye shall flee when none pursueth you q Vers. 7.36.37. . Also God saith to the disobedient: I will give thee a Trembling heart; and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee, and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have no assurance of thy Life: in the morning thou shalt say, would God it were Even: and at Even thou shalt say, would God it were Morning; for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt Fear r Deut: . And it is also said, that men remaining so fearful, shall have their portion with whoremongers, the abominable, and murderers, & sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars: in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second Death s Revel. 21.8. . And thus you have seen the wonderful Blessedness, which such as are once justified by Faith in Christ, have obtained by this Boldness and Courage, even here in this life. To these may be added their Freedom from the reigning power of Sin, Freedom. which is not the least Privilege, and doth wonderfully increase their Peace, nourish their joy, kindle their Love, strengthen their Hope, and a●de unto their Boldness. This, this may be rightly termed: a Glorious Liberty, t Rom. 8.2.21. and a Freedom indeed u 2. Cor. 3.17.18. Io. 8.36. . This is that for which Paul gave thanks, even when a little before he hath spoken of his wretched Body: yet proceedeth thus. I thank God thorough jesus Christ our Lord: So then with the mind, I myself serve the Law of God, but with the flesh the Law of Sin u Rom. 7.24.25. . This Freedom shineth out clearly, where it is written: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty x 2. Cor. 3.17. . Also where the Spirit of Christ is, it doth free such from the dominion of Sin, as appeareth by these words of Paul. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ jesus, hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death y Rom 8.2. . That is the power of the Spirit of Christ hath freed me from the power of sin and death. Again the same Apostle affirmeth. That where Sin abounded, Grace did much more abound. That as sin had reigned unto Death; even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life, through jesus Christ our Lord z Rom. 5.20 21. . Also in the very next Chapter, the same blessed Apostle answereth an objection that might hence arise amongst such as pervert the truth thus. If Grace doth the more abound, where sin hath most abounded? then let us continue in sin, and multiply Transgression: that Grace may the more abound a Rom. 6.1. . To this devilish objection the Apostle answereth in that whole Chapter very plainly & largely, and addeth Reason, to Reason: yea very strong and invincible Reasons are brought in place; First, he doth show his detestation of such conclusions, and how far it is from the Saints so to conclude, in these words. Far be it from us to admit of this b Rom. 8.8. . And he draweth a Reason from the impossibility of any such thing. How shall we that are dead to Sin, live any longer therein a Rom. 6.2. . As if he would say, as it is impossible for dead men to perform any thing: so impossible is it for us to bring any sin forth to perfection b jam. 1.15 . Then he draws us to consider of Gods proceeding, in bringing us to Christ: that is, As many of us as are now in Christ, were first baptised into his death. That is, were slain or killed by the Power of Repentance; For here is a twofold baptism spoken of: one, A Baptism into the death of Christ, Another, a Baptism into Christ c Rom. 6 3. Heb. 6.2. Mat. 3.11. Io. 1.33. . The first, giving Sin his deadly wound, or killing us to Sin; the other quickening us, or making us alive to Righteousness. After this it is added, that we are not only dead, but buried by the first Baptism into death: that is by Repentance, all the glory, and beauty of our flesh is taken away d Is. 40 6 7 1. Pet. 1.24. , that being raised by Faith in Christ's blood, we should walk in newness of life e Rom. 6.4. . Now this Newness of Life, notes to us this Freedom from our old course of sinning. As it is a little after, He that is dead is freed from Sin f verse 7. . That is, from the service of Sin g vers. 6. . Now that it may yet more plainly appear, there is added the continuance of this glorious Liberty, or blessed Freedom from Sinnes-seruice, thus: Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him, Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more: death hath no more dominion over him; For in that he died, he died unto Sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves dead indeed unto Sin, or truly dead: but alive indeed, or truly alive to God through jesus Christ i vers. . Hear doth manifestly appear this Freedom from Sin, and so also from death, even in the same manner, in respect of continuance & truth, as Christ is freed, as it is evident by that it is said, Likewise; as also it is clearly made manifest, that when once the spirit of life begins our Liberty, we are never after that enthralled, or brought into Bondage. Besides these, that Scripture is exceeding full stuffed, with forcible and strong Reasons, even to the end of that Chapter: as only to touch them, k vers. 12. Let not Sin reign. For Sin shall not have dominion over you l vers. 14. : ye were the servants of Sin m verse 17. . Being made Free from Sin, ye became servants of Righteousness n vers. 18. , When ye were the servants of Sin, ye were Free from Righteousness o vers. 20. . But now being made Free from Sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life p vers. 22. . And that this Freedom from Sinnes-seruitude or Bondage, may yet more clearly appear: consider that where it is written. If Christ be in you, the body is dead for Sin, but the Spirit is Life, for Righteousness q Rom. 8.10 . Also, walk in the spirit, and ye shlal not fulfil the lusts of the flesh r Gal. 5.16 . And they that are Christ's, have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts s Gal. 5.24 . Also if any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature? And such an one can truly say, and with comfort: yea great boldness and confidence; I live no more, but Christ jesus liveth in me t 2. Cor. 5.7. . Of this Freedom Paul gloried, where it is written: I am the least of all the Apostles, that am not meet to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God. But by the Grace of God, I am what I am, and his Grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain. But I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the Grace of God which was with me u 1. Cor. 15.9.10. . Also he writeth thus of himself; I thank Christ jesus who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the Ministry, who was before a Blasphemer, and a Persecuter, and Injurious x 1. Tim. . But I obtained Mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the Grace of God was exceeding abundant, with Faith and Love, which is in Christ jesus. Here you see Paul proposing, or setting forth himself as an example of one, that had obtained this Freedom which every justified one, hath also obtained: as it is evident in David's example, who could say of himself, when once he had gotten this Freedom, or Liberty. Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling y ps. 116.8. , Also o Lord, thou hast loosed my Bonds z vers. 16. . But some will here object. O B. Do not the Children of God Sin, after they are once justified by Faith in Christ? What say you then to that where it is written. If we say that we have no Sin, we deceive ourselves a 1. Io. 1.8. ? Also in many things we offend all b jam. 3.2. , Also there is not a just man upon earth that doth good, and sinneth not c B●●le. 7.20. . And many more Scriptures to the same purpose. I answer, ANS. That there is great difference between having sin, and sinning; between sinning altogether against purpose, and sinning with delight, and consent of heart: between failing in the performance of good, and doing that which is absolutely evil: between reigning and dwelling. So that these Scriptures are thus to be reconciled. The Saints after justification have sin dwelling, not reigning in them, and hence it is, that in every good Purpose they fail much in their performance, and give offence to God, and many times to their brethren. And therefore they are taught daily to forgive their brethren a Luc. 17.3 4. . And daily to ask forgiveness of God, in the name of jesus Christ b Mat. . Yet all this doth not prove that which some would urge out of these, and such like places, that they commit sin, and this is most evident: for if they should commit, than were they still the servants of sin, as it is written, Whosoever committeth Sin, is the servant of ●in c joh. 8.34. . Such an one is a transgressor of the Law d 1. joh. 3.1. , he abideth not in Christ, neither did ever see him, or know him e Ver. 6. . Such an one is of the devil, neither is it possible for him that is borne of God to commit sin f Ver. 8.9. . For wheresoever the Son of God dwelleth and abideth, he doth manifest his abode there, by destroying the works of the devil g Ver. 5. with 8. . And howsoever it is objected that Paul doth cry out of his Body, and confesseth that he cannot do the good he would, but the evil which he would not, yet observe the same words, and he shall answer for himself. Thus, Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I, that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me h Rom. 7.20 , not that reigneth in me, but dwelleth in me. Thus Paul hath freed himself from committing sin. So that then he is thus to be understood, that he is thus to be understood, that he● could perform nothing, so perfectly as he would. And this made him groan under his Tabernacle i 2. Cor. 8. Rom. 7.24. , and cry out, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body o● Death. So that the Saints Freedom from the reigning power of Sin, remains firm and unshaken, and it is most manifest, that where Christ hath once cast out the strong man, he as the stronger takes possession never to be dispossessed k Lu. 11.21 22. joh. 10.29. joh. 8.35. . And this is not the least benefit that the Children of God do enjoy in this life, and for which they praise God, as it is written, God be thanked, ye were the servants of Sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart the form of doctrine which was delivered you l Rom. 6.17. . Also, the same Apostle writing to the Colossians, gives thanks unto the Father, who hath made them meet to ●e partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, and had delivered them from the Power of Darkness, and translate them into the kingdom of his dear Son m Col. 1.12 13. . And this freedom for which they continually praise God, and which they most comfortably enjoy, cometh by embracing the Truth, as it is written, The Truth shall make you free n joh. 8.32. . Whereas before they are overcome of sin and it is evident they are sins-slaves or bondmen, as it is written: Of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought into Bondage. And Paul tells us plainly, that as he himself, so all of us were by nature servants to divers lusts and pleasures o Tit. 3.3. . And this is one of the most excellentest benefits that we here enjoy, and the want of this is accompanied with the want of all the Rest that have been before, or shall hereafter be mentioned. Add to this the unsearchable Wisdom, Wisdom. which the Saints do enjoy even here; such, as Christ is become their Wisdom p 1. Cor. 1.30. . These are Wise indeed: and how can it be but such should be Wise? for whom God layeth up sound Wisdom, and who may at any time when they want it, go to God and have it for the ask: as it is written, If any of you lack Wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not: and it shall be given him q jam. 1.5. . This is not that earthly, sensual, and devilish Wisdom, which is accompanied with bitter envying and strife. But this is the Wisdom from above, that is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy, and good fruits, without Partiality, without Hypocrisy, yea such as have it will show out of a good conversation, his works with meekness of wisdom r jam. : This was one of the Reasons that Moses used to provoke the people of Israel to obedience: showing them, That it should be their wisdom, and understanding, in the sight of the Nations, which shall hear all these Statutes, and say: Surely this great Nation, is a wise, and understanding people s Deut. 4.6. . This was the wisdom, that made joseph famous in Pharaohs Court, and exalted him to be Ruler over all Egypt. As it appeareth; by Pharaohs speech; can we find such a man as this, in whom is the Spirit of God t Gen. 41.38 . And Pharaoh said unto joseph, Forasmuch as God hath showed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise. Thou shalt be over my house, and according to thy word, shall all my people be ruled u Vers. 39 . And we read, that the Lord layeth up sound wisdom for the Righteous u Prou. 2.6. : yea, as before he is their treasurer. This wisdom appeareth in Elihu, where he reproveth job, and his three friends, and checketh them sharply for their gross ignorance: As it is written of him, I said: Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom: But there is a spirit in man, and the Inspiration of the Almighty, giveth understanding. Great men are not always Wise, neither do the aged understand judgement. a job. And a little after he saith, Wherefore job hear my speeches; I pray thee, and hark to all my words. My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart, & my lips shall utter knowledge clearly b job. . This wisdom was in David, as it is evident where he saith; O how I love thy Law, it is my Meditation all the Day. Thou (o Lord) through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine Enemies: for they are ever with me, (that is, thy commandments are ever with me.) I have more Understanding than all my Teachers, for thy testimonies are my Meditation. I understand more than the Ancients, because I keep thy Precepts c ps. 119.97 98.99.100. . Also it is said of Steven, that his Adversaries were not able to resist the Wisdom, and Spirit by which he spoke d Act. 6.10. . Yea the Saints are said to be so Wise, as that their mouths are as wells of Life e Prou. 10.11 . Their Tongues as choice silver f Vers. 20. . Their mouths bring forth Wisdom g Vers. 31. . Their lips know what is acceptable h Vers. 32. . Their lips g Vers. 31. feed many i Vers. 21. . Their fruit is a Tree of Life k Pro. 11.30 . They are all as well watered gardens, and as springs of water, whose waters fail not l Is. 58.11. . Yea, our Lord hath said, That such as drink of the water that he shall give him: whosoever it be, shall never thirst; but the water that he shall give him, shall be in him a well of water, springing up into Everlasting Life m Io. 4.13.14. . Also he hath said, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow Rivers of water of Life n Io. 7.37.38. . This he spoke of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive. And how can it be, but they should be Wise? that are become so familiar with God, as to be called his friends, as was Abraham o Is. 41.8. iam. 2.23. , of whom God said, shall I hide from Abraham the thing I do? For I know him p Gen. 17.18.19. . And speaking of believers, he saith: ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. I shall no more call you servants, (that is, when once you do indeed believe in me,) For the servant knoweth not what his Lord doth, but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you. q Io. 15.14.15. . And surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the Prophets r Amos. 3.7. . Add to this, The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will show them his Covenant s ps. 25.14. . Yea, these have the mind of Christ. As it is written of Paul, My speech and my preaching, was not with enticing words of man's Wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit, and Power. Howbeit we speak Wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the Wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, which come to nought. But we speak the Wisdom of God in a Mystery, even the hidden Wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our Glory. Yea eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath revealed to us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God: Yea he that is spiritual discerneth all things, yet he himself is discerned of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ s 1. Cor. . Lo here as in a glass, the wonderful Wisdom of a Child of God, in whom Christ dwelleth; whereas, before he walked in darkness, and knew not whither he went, because that darkness had blinded his eyes t 1. Io. 2.11. . He was held captive under the Power of it u Col. 1.13. Act. 26.18. . He was foolish and ignorant, even as a beast u ps. 73.22. . Yea Isaiah saith, that the Ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass his masters Crib w Is. 1.3. . But rebellious People do not know, they do not consider. And jeremiah tells us, that wicked men are brutish in knowledge x jer. 10.8.14. . And Solomon terms them, Prating fools y Pro. 10.8.10. , and simple ones z Pro. 1.22. . And the Wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness a 1. Cor. 3.19. . Thus the inward Privileges which at this time shall be touched, being dispatched: in the next place, the outward benefits are to be handled. These are also manifold, whither we respect the near communion of the Saints, the glorious service of Angels, the wonderful reconciliation of all the creatures, the abundance of all things necessary for the body to ourselves, and children, and the certain continuance of all this blessedness. All these with many more, as clearly shine forth in Scripture, as the former from within: Howsoever the last, which is the certainty of the continuance of such a blessed estate, pertaineth to both outward and inward benefits. And first of the Communion of Saints. Communion of Saints. This is not the least benefit that they enjoy upon Earth, nor the least taste of heavens happiness, here begun, to know that we have near fellowship, and true familiarity with all the Saints in the world: though we never saw them face, to face: nor ever so much as heard of them by name. This was used as one help to comfort Elijah in his distress, when he complained: That he only was left, and they sought his life, to take it away. He received an answer; That God had left him seven thousand in Israel, all the Knees which had not bowed unto Baal, & every mouth, which hath not kissed him. a 1. King. 19 14.18. And it is no small comfort to the children of God, to know that albeit they live where they have but little fellowship, with God's children, yet are they not destitute of their fellowship: but do enjoy the help of the effectual fervent prayers of all the Saints in the world b jam. 5.16. . Howbeit the enjoying of their sweet Communion, face to face: and that in great multitudes, in times of Peace: as in the Apostles time, when they continued daily with one accord together, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness, and singleness of heart, Praising God c Act. 2.46.47. . This sweet Communion of the Saints, face to face: and their bold familiarity in the service and worship of God, is a most glorious privilege, and an excellent Benefit. e This Beauty and comeliness, in these exercises of Prayer and Prophecy and breaking Bread: is noted where Christ saith of this his Spouse. Thou art beautiful, O my Love, as Tirzah, comely as jerusalem, terrible as an Army with Banners. Also in the same place. Who is she that looketh forth as the Morning, Fair as the Moon, clear as the Sun, terrible as an Army with Banners. d Cant. 6.4.10. Me thinks, I hear Christ also speaking of such an assembly; Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse: thou hast ravished my heart, with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck e Cant. 4.9. . And if Christ himself be ravished with Comfort, much more are the Saints: who have been sometimes oppressed with sorrow, & horror: because that they saw themselves unworthy of being present at such glorious and beautiful assemblies, by reason of their sins: when these do see, and know themselves so blessed, as that they are now by Grace, become the Sons and Daughters of God, than they rejoice and say with john, Behold what manner of Love the Father hath showed unto us, that we should be called the Sons of God f 1. Io. 3.1. . That he should separate us to be the Sons and Daughters of the Lord Almighty g 2. Cor. 6.18. . That we should have Fellowship, not only with the Father, and the Son, but such unspeakable comfort amongst the Saints in Light h 1. Io. 1.3.7. Col. 1.12.13. . And surely the comfort of such Communion is set forth plainly, where it is written: The Ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion: with Songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing, shall flee away i 1. Is. 35.10. . Yea this is that feast spoken of, where it is written: And on this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people; a feast of fat things, a feast of Wine on the Lees, of fat things full of Marrow, of wine on the Lees well refined. And he will destroy in this Mountain the face of the covering: cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all Nations k Is. 25.6.7. . Also to this purpose is that where it is written of the Church. Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee, as I live saith the Lord, thou shalt surely thee with them all, as with an ornament: and bind them on thee as a Bride doth. Thus saith the Lord God: behold I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people, and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And Kings l Is. shall be thy nursing Fathers, & Queens thy nursing Mothers. Also, Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice: with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye, to eye: when the Lord shall bring again Zion. Break forth into joy, sing together ye wast places of jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed jerusalem a Is. 52.8.9. . Also, Thou shalt see and flow together, and thine heart shall fear and be inlardged, because the abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee b Is. 60.5. . Also, Rejoice ye with jerusalem, and be glad with her all ye that love her rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn for her: That ye may suck and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations: that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her Glory. For thus saith the Lord, Behold I will extend Peace to her like a River, and the glory of the Gentiles, like a flowing stream, then shall ye suck, and be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you, and ye shall be comforted in jerusalem. And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like an herb c Heb. . And how can they but rejoice in such assemblies, who do love one another not in word, and in tongue: but in deed and truth d 1. Io. 3.18. . Yea, their love is fervent Love, out of pure hearts e 1. Pet. 1.22 : yea such is the fervency of their love, as that they cannot only be content to part with goods, but they can willingly lay down their lives one for another. f 1. Io. 3.16. This we see plainly in that example of Aquila and Priscilla g Rom. 16.3.4. : who laid down their own necks for Paul's life. These are one another's Keepers h Gen. 4.9. . They do watch over one another i Heb. 13.17 , exhorting one another k Heh. 3.13 , and provoking to love, and to good works l Heb. 10.24 . And to this end they do not only rejoice in great assemblies in times of Peace, as before, but even in the hottest times of the most bloody persecution, they cannot be withholden, but will come together though it cost them their Lives m Act. 20.24. : witness their often meetings in the time of the Apostles n Act. 4.12.17. . Yea, though they were drawn and haled out by violence before Magistrates o jam. 2.6. : yea they rejoice at the very sight one of another, and receive one another with fear and trembling p 2. Cor. 7.15.16. : they are ready to perform the basest offices one for another, as to wash one another's feet q Io. 13.14.15. . And the rather, because of the high esteem they have one of another, when they consider one another, not as the sons and daughters of an earthly King, which would procure an high esteem, if it were but so; but they consider one another, as the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty r 1. Cor. 6.18 Io. 1.12.13. : yea when they understand themselves to be no less than heirs with God, and coheirs with Christ, this is that which doth knit them together, and makes them to think, that all they do one for another, to be too too little s Rom. 8.17. . What should be more spoken? great is the comfort that God's children have one from another, and the sweet Communion amongst the Saints, is not to be expressed. And how can it be? but such as are Subjects of one Kingdom s Revel. 15.3 , Citizens of one City t Eph. 3.14. , Servants of one Family u Eph. 3.14.15. , Sons and Daughters of one Father, ●nd Mother w Gal. 4.26 L●. ; Branches of one vine, lively stones of one building x 1. Pet. 2. ● , members of one body, y 1. Cor. 12.27. yea one body & one Spirit z Rom. 12.5 Eph: 4.4. . How is it possible but such should be nearly linked together ●n Love, & have so especial familiarity amongst themselves, and be marvelous comfortable one to another? And therefore these may be justly called: A chosen genera●ion, a Royal Priesthood, an holy Nation, a peculiar people: a 1. Pet. 2.9 seeing by his Love, they do show forth the praises of him who hath called them out of Darkness, Guard of Angels. into his marvelous Light. And this is not the least beginning of Heaven upon Earth: nor the least taste of that unspeakable comfort the Saints shall en●oy at the right hand of God in the Heavens for evermore. Add to ●●is the comforts we have by the service of the blessed spirits, the Angels b Heb. 1.14. . Who do encamp round about such as fear God, to deliver them from evil c Psal. 34.7 . These blessed and loving Spirits, do always behold the face of God, as ready executioners of his vengeance upon any such as dare to offend the Saints: as it is written. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones which believe in me, for I say unto you (saith our Lord) that their Angels in Heaven do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven a Mat. 18.10. . This assistance of Angels is evident, plentifully in holy scripture, as where it is written. The Chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of Angels: The Lord is among them as in Sinai, in the holy Place b Ps. 68.17. . Now that these Chariots do attend God's children, and are their host, as jacob calls them, where before his grea● distress these met him, and when he saw them, he said: This is God's host c Gen. 32.1.2. , or that host wherewith God defendeth his children, as it is evident by that example of Elisha, who when his servant had gone forth in the morning and seen a great host of the Syrians compassing Dothan, with horses and chariots, and said unto him: Alas my master, how shall we do? Elisha answered: Fear not, for they that be with us, are more than they that be with them. As if he would have said, if thou didst see how we are guarded with horses, and chariots of greater power than those. Thou wouldst not be afraid as thou art. But his servant not understanding any such safety that they had, Elisha prayed unto the Lord and said, Lord I pray thee open his ●yes that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold the Mountain was full of horses, and Chariots of Fire, round about Elisha d 2. King. 6.16.17. . Here it is evident, that the servants and children of God are always attended with a powerful host, for if we do but consider of this history, it will appear, that by this is noted the safe estate, not of Elisha alone, but of all the Saints of God. As first, it is evident by two things that Dothan was compassed about with hills; one was, that the young man saw them compassing the City c Ver. 15. . Against this, some may say, that it was more likely that it was upon a hill, but this reason itself will convince, for then one man could see but part of the Army, on what side soever of the hill he should stand, but the next thing makes it plain, where it is said, They came down unto him d Ver. 18. . By this it is clear that Dothan stood in a valley, and was compassed round with hills: and therefore it must be, not a bodily, but a spiritual Mountain, upon which that young man saw his master, as another thing makes more manifest, which is, the opening of his eyes, which were open before in an ordinary manner, for he was not blinded that could discover an Army of men, and so we have here the spiritual saftetie of Elisha, and so of all the children of God, to whom God's Angels are an host compassing them about continually. For so it is also expressly written, That we are come to Mount Zion, to an innumerable company of Angels e Heb. 12.22.23. . So we see that Eliah in his distress was fed by an Angel f 1. King. 19.5.7. , Daniel comforted by an Angel, g Dan. 9.21 , The three children kept by an Angel h Dan. 3.28 . And the readiness of that Angel at the prayer of Isaiah, and Hezekiah, when they cried to Heeven i 2. Chr. 32.20. . That Angel speedily, even in one night slew an hundred, fourscore and five thousand, all mighty men of valour: Leaders, and Captains k 2. King. 19.35. 2. Chro. 32.21. . Here you see the readiness of these blessed and powerful spirits to protect, or defend God's children, and to execute vengeance upon their adversaries, and this is not our least benefit, that we here enjoy, and no small beginning, but a very great taste of the powers of the world to come. These are not alone, but we may add the Love of the Creatures, Creatures love. yea of all the Creation to the children of God; Their unwillingness to hurt them, and their readiness to do them good. The reason is, it was God's ordinance at first in man's innocency: to him was given the Lordship of them all, as it is plain, God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air, and over every liling thing that moveth upon the earth l Gen. 1.28. . Now albeit this was lost by our disobedience in Adam: yea, we were deprived of any good: yet we being again recovered by Christ, these are also recovered to us. This appeareth plainly by the Scriptures thus, when Adam had sinned, then began the whole creation, to groan under the burden thereof, as it is written: unto Adam God said, Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the Tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat thereof, Cursed is the ground for thy sake: in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy Life m Gen. 3.17 18. . Thorns also and Thistles shall it bring forth to thee a Gen. 3.17.18. . Also when Cain had killed his Brother, this was a part of his Curse: when thou tillest thy ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength b Gen. 4.12 . Also it is written: that God turneth rivers into a wilderness, and water springs into a dry ground. A fruitful Land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein c ps. 107.33 34 . Also the old world was drowned for the wickedness of mana. d Gen. 6.12.13. & 8. 2●. And Sodom and Gomorrah with those other Cities were burnt for the sins of the inhabitants e Gen. 19.15 . Contrariwise the Earth hath been blessed, and the habitations of the Saints preserved for their Sakes. Witness that blessing, with which Isaac his field was blessed in a year of famine: he sowed and received an hundredfold in the same year f Gen. 26.12. . And for joseph's sake, all that was in the Egyptians house, and in the field: the blessing of the Lord was upon it g Gen. 39.5 And so it is also written, that when men shall have repent, and partake by Faith in the blood of Christ, of the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God: The Creatures shall rejoice with them in these words, They shall go out with joy, and be led forth with Peace: The Mountains and the Hills shall break forth before them into singing, and all the Trees of the Field shall clap their hands h Is. 55.12. . And amongst other blessings that the Church is promised when she shall be glorious even on earth: this is one, that they shall build houses and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them i Is. 65.21. . So spoke our Lord of Zacharias, This day is salvation come to this House, for so much as he is also the Son of Abraham k Luc. 19.9. . This is very manifest, if we consider the blessings, and the Curses promised, and denounced to and against the obedient, and disobedient l Lovit. 26. Deut. 28. . So that hence we may now truly conclude, That the earnest expectation of the Creature, waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God. For the Creature was made subject to vanity, not willing, by reason of him who hath subjecteth the same in hope: Because the Creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God. For we know that the whole Creation groaneth, and travaileth in pain together until now m Rom. 8.19 20.21.22. . And it is evident that the creatures are freed from bondage, when God's children are made manifest, to be such: as it is plain by this one Scripture, if there were no more. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel n Pro. 12.10. . But all this being but a passage to this Love of the Creatures to us; when we are once reconciled to God, and the restitution of them to their former liberty, we will come yet to that which shall manifestly discover this, as where it is written. That the man whom God chasteneth, whom he maketh sore, and bindeth up: whom he woundeth, and his hands make whole: Such an one shall be delivered in six troubles, and in seven none evil shall touch him: He shall not be afraid of the Beasts of the Earth; for he shall be in league with the stones of the Field, and the beasts of the Field shall be at Peace with him o job. 5.17.23. . Also where God speaks of reconciling a people to himself, we have the same thing set forth thus, That Day I will make a covenant for them with the Beasts of the Field, and with the fowls of Heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground, and I will break the Bow, and the Sword, and the Battle out of the Earth, and I will make them to lie down safely; And I will betrothe thee unto me for ever, Yea I will betrothe thee unto me in Righteousness, and in judgement, in loving kindness, and in mercies, I will even betrothe thee unto me in Faithfulness, and thou shalt know the Lord. And it shall come to pass in that Day I will hear saith the Lord, I will hear the Heavens, and they shall hear the Earth: And the Earth shall hear the Corn, and the Wine, and the Oil, and they shall hear jezreel p Hos. 2.18.22. . Also we have the express promise of God, where it is written: Thus saith the Lord that created thee o jacob, and he that form thee o Israel: fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine: when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burnt, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee: For I am the Lord thy God, the holy one of Israel thy Saviour a Is. . Also, behold I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work, and I have created the water to destroy. No weapon that is form against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shalt condemn b Is. 54.16. . Of this league between Gods reconciled children, and the Creatures, there are many examples found in Scriptures, yea such as God hath but respected outwardly, have received this privilege. As of the readiness to fight for God's children, and take part with such as God hath favoured: as the readiness of the sea and the wind, to make way for the children of Israel, to pass thorough as on dry land c Ex. 14.21 . And of the earth, how ready was it to open her mouth, d Num. 16.32.33. and to swallow up Corah Dathan, and Abiram, and all their rebellious company, who were Moses adversaries. Also how ready was the fire, to consume 250. more of that proud Conspiracy e ver. 35. . How ready was the Sun and Moon to stay their course, till joshua and the people of Israel had avenged themselves on their enemies f Ios. 10.13. . Also that glorious Song of Deborah. They fought from Heaven, the Stars in their courses fought against Sisera g judge. 5.20. . How readily did the Ravens bring flesh and bread morning and evening to refresh Elijah h 1. King. 17.6. ? How readily came those Bears to tear the children, that mocked Elisha i 2. King. 2.24. . Also how readily did that fire descend from Heaven, to consume those two proud Captains, and their fifties k 2. King. 1.10.12. . How readily did the fire drown those valiant men, that undertook the casting of the three Children into the fiery furnace l Dan. 3.22. ? Also how speedily did those Lions even break all the bones in pieces of daniel's enemies, ere they came at the ground. On the contrary we see their unwillingness to touch Daniel for hurt m Dan. 6.22.25. . And of the three children Shadrach, Meshach. and Abednego. That freedom from the fire, is wonderful: of whom we read: That when they came forth out of the midst of the fire, And the Princess, Governor, Captains, and the King's counsellors being gathered together saw them, upon whose bodies the fire had no Power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them n Dan. 3.26 27. . And of Daniel it is recorded, That where he was taken out of the Lion's den, no manner of hurt was found upon him because, he believed in his God o Dan. 6.23. . And thus you have the Love of the creatures and the certainty of their reconciliation ●o the Children of God, when ●●nce they themselves are reconciled. For if they have been so ordered before their reconciliation ●hat they have not touched them ●or hurt, but have fought for them, ●ow much more when they are reconciled, and made manifest indeed, to be the Sons and Daughters of the Lord Almighty. And ●urely this is no small outward benefit, neither is it slightly to be pas●ed over, as many use, but seriously ●o be weighed and considered of, ●hat the praise of that may be rendered unto the giver thereof, as well ●s for the rest. Another outward Benefit which ●uch enjoy is the Abundance of ●ll good things for the body, Abundance o● outward riches. and ●hat to themselves and their children. That this may appear plainly, let us consider of such Scriptures as do make it manifest, as where it is written: Godliness is profitable unto all things p 1. Tim. 4.8 : Also, Godliness with contentment is great gain q 1. Tim. 6.6. . Again, we find it an express promise to believers, or such as yield willing obedience to God's Commandments. That they shall have Rain in due season and their Land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. And their threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and their vintage shall reach unto the sowing time, and they shall eat their bread, to the full, and they shall eat old stone, and bring forth the old, because of the new a Levit. 26.4.10. . Also in another Place it is written of them thus: If thou shalt hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and do all his Commandments, which I command thee this Day, that the Lord thy God will set ●hee on high, above all the Nati●ns of the Earth, and besides many other blessings there mentioned, ●here are these: The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee ●n the storehouses, and the Lord ●hall make thee hlentious in good●esse in the fruit of thy Body, in ●he fruit of thy cattle, and in the truite of thy ground. The Lord ●hall open to thee his good Trea●ure, the Heaven to give the Rain ●o thy Land in his Season, and to ●lesse all the work of thine Hand, ●nd thou shalt lend unto many Nations, and shalt not borrow b Deut. 28.1.12. . Also it is written, At destruction ●nd famine thou shalt laugh c job. 5.22. . Also, ●o Fear the Lord ye his Saints, for there is no want to them that fear him. The young Lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord, shall want no good thing d ps. 34.9.10. . If such as do but seek the Lord, shall have sufficient without want, how much more will God open his hand even wide to such as have found him, and do walk with him. Also The Lord is a Sun, & shield, the Lord will give grace, & glory, & no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly e ps. 84.11. . Also it is one of the promises made to the Saints by Ezechiel. That God will cause them to dwell in the Cities, and the wastes shallbe builded. And the desolate Land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate, in the sight of all that passed. And they shall say the Land that was desolate is become like the Garden of Eden, and the waist and desolate, and the ruined Cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Add to this that where our blessed Redeemer maketh many such promises, for the incourgement of his Redeemed ones, as where he wills us to take no thought for our lives; what we shall eat, or what we shall drink, nor for our bodies, what we shall put on. Is not the life (saith he) more than Meat, and the Body more than Raiment? Also, if he should say: have I given you the more, and will I deny you the less? Hath your Father given you Life, and will he deny food? Hath he given you Bodies, and will withhold Raiment? Who clotheth lilies, who feedeth Ravens? is it not your Father? and are ye not much better than they? Doth God provide so for the worse, and will he not provide for the better f Mat. 6.25 26.27. ? And where Peter demanded of our Lord, what they should have: urging that they had forsaken all. Our Lord having answered the● with a peculiar promise, addeth also for our instruction: Verily I say unto you, Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, o● fathers, or mothers, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundred fold g Mat. 19.27.29. . Luke writeth, manifold more in this present time h Luc. 18.30. . And Mark hath thu● written. There is no man, that hath left house, or bretrhen, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, and the Gospels: But he shall receive an hundred fold, now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life i Marc. 10 29.30. . Now that these promises do extend, or stretch even to our children, is evident where it is written: I have been young, and now am old, (saith David) yet have I not seen the Righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful and dareth, and his seed is blessed k ps. 37.25.26. . And it is also written. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his Commandments, his seed shall be mighty upon Earth, the generation of the upright shall be blessed l ps. 112.2. . And we read, that blessed is every one that feareth the Lord, and that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thy hands, o well is thee, and happy shalt thou be! Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine, by the walls of thine house, thy children like olive plants, round about thy table. Also it is a promise to the Saints: That they shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth troubles, for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, m Is. 65.23. and their offspring with them. So that you see it most manifest that the children of God shall never want any good thing for themselves or their seed, and how can it be, that they should, seeing they have the promise of God: Yea, of the God of Truth: The God that cannot lie a Deu. 32.4. Tit. 1.2. . Object. But some object that God's children have been destitute, yea that the Ministers of Christ are approved by their patience in distresses and necessities, And that some shall be thrown to hell at the day of judgement, because they have not relieved the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned, and wandering Saints, And Lazarus say they was a beggar. Answ. Note. For the better and more speedy answer of these and all other such objections against such plain Scriptures, as are before set down. Observe always this rule that the the plainst & the most in number are ever to be regarded, and other Scriptures that are more obscure and dark to be suspected, the reason of this rule is, that the word of the Lord is pure and cannot admit diminishing or addition, as it is written, Every word of God is pure, add thou not unto his words lest he reprove thee and thou be found a Liar b Pro. 30.5. . And let God be true and every man a liar c Rom. 3.4. . The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple d Ps. 19.7. . Also, Wisdom saith, Hear, for I will speak of excellent things, and the opening of my lips shall be right things, for my mouth shall speak truth, and wicked is abomination to my lips. All the words of my mouth are in righteousness, and there is no-nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge e Pro. , out of these, this Rule is gathered. That such as have understanding, do know that the Scriptures are not so dark and crooked, and perverse, or froward, as men do make them: neither do they at all cross one another. And therefore the answer is, that that of Lazarus is a parable, noting thus much, that howsoever God's children are esteemed miserable and wretched here, and rich men set light by them: yet hereafter their estate shall be so different as that wicked men would change their minds, if it were possible, but than it will be too late. And in a word: The necessity, distress hunger, thirst, and such like miseries of God's children, are only in seeming. The truth is, they are ever in a marvelous comfortable estate, howsoever their adversaries judge no & according to their judgement of the estate of God's children, shall they be judged at the last day. For they do indeed account them a cursed company of People, worthy of all shame and reproach: They oppress them, draw them before judgement seats, mock them, rend their garments from them, withdraw from them all succour, and do scarce account them worthy of the licking of their dogs: yea, they keep them as much as in them lieth, from the means of life or comfort. And in this sense are they said to be destitute, hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, strangers, in necessity, & distress, in heaviness, sorrowful, poor, yea, most miserable: but here observe the Love of God. These tyrants that shall be damned, and perish eternally at the last day, for handling the Saints thus, and for not stretching out their hands to relieve them f Mat. . These bloody Tyrants that think they do God service, (through their blindness) when they kill the Saints g Io. , and speak hard things against them h Jude 15. . They are deceived, for though the Saints are troubled on every side, yet are they not distressed, though perplexed, yet not in despair, though persecuted, yet not forsaken: cast down, but not destroyed i 2. Cor. 4.8.9. . They are as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing all things k 2. Cor. 6.10. : yea, they take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake l 2. Cor. 12.10. . And when such Tyrants think they are in great heaviness, then do they greatly rejoice m 1. Pet. 1.6. , n Mat. 5.12 yea they are exceeding glad, so that they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of Glory o Luc. 6.23. 1. Pet. 1.7.8. : for they can be abased and they can abound, they have learned in what estate soever therewith to be content: yea they possess the hundredfold gain of godliness a 1. Tim. 6.8. , notwithstanding the, bloodiest persecution of their most raging adversaries: Yea in all, they are more than conquerors, and though they are slain all the day long, and are accounted even as sheep appointed for the slaughter: yet in all this they know God is faithful: and the issue shall be his glory, and their everlasting good b Rom. 8.28 . And so you see clearly that the promises of God are yea, and Amen in Christ jesus; and perverted Scriptures do not darken them a jot, to such as walk by Faith and not by sight c 2. Cor. 5.7 . Continuance. Lastly, that we may truly, (though not fully) see this beginning of Heaven upon Earth, and the excellency of the estate of God's children, even whiles they are yet on Earth: Let us consider what the Scripture speaketh of their safety, and assured continuance, in this condition. Thus the Scripture speaks plainly; They that trust in the Lord shall never be removed, but abide for ever d Ps. 125.1 . Also, he will not suffer thy foot to be moved, and he that keepeth thee, will not sleep e Ps. 121.3 . And having described an inhabitant of Zion, or a justified child of God. The Prophet David affirmeth by the holy Ghost. That he shall never be moved f Ps. 15.5. . Also our Lord himself had said, that whosoever heareth and doth his sayings, is like unto a wise man; which built his house upon a Rock. And the rain descended, and the flood came, and the wind blewe, and it beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a Rock g Mat. 7.24 25. . And Luke writeth his words thus, whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doth them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a Rock, and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it, for it was founded upon a rock h Luc. 6.47 48. . So of the whole Church it is written: upon this Rock will I build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it i Mat. 16.16.18. . Now because in this Scripture we read that he said: Thou art Peter, & upon this Rock. etc. The name Peter signifying a stone: hence there are some would have the Church to be built upon Peter, others upon Peter's confession. Both these are deceived: howbeit the lat-seeme to come somewhat nearer the truth: and their errors especially of the former sort, is as was the errors of those false witnesses: that stood up against Christ, and testified. That if they would destroy the Temple at jerusalem, which was forty and six years in building, he would raise it up again in three days: whereas it is evident, he spoke of the Temple of his Body. So do these apply that to Peter and to Peter's confession, which was but a voice which should be applied to Christ himself, who ●s indeed the Rock, as he is expressly called by Paul, where he writeth thus. Our Fathers did all eat the same spiritual meat: and did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of the spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ l 1. Cor. 10.4. . So also the same blessed Apostle writing of the Saints hath these words: Ye are built upon the foundation of the Prophets, and Apostles, jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone m Eph. 2.20 . Also the same Paul writeth thus, other foundation can no man lay, then that which is laid, which is jesus Christ n 1. Cor. 3.11. . And let us add to all these that of the Prophet Isaiah, where it is thus written. He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly, he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil, he shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the Munitions of Rocks o Is. 33.15.16. . Thus by these it appeareth plainly, that the children of God are so safe, and firm, and their estate is so stable, and unmovable, as that they cannot fall, no not so much as be shaken: for they are built upon the Rock Christ, even the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles. And the gates of hell shall never prevail against it: So that our condition is not fickle, subject to change, or uncertainty, but we are confident, that he that hath begun a good work, will finish it p Phil. 1.6. . Wheresoever he begins it, to the day of the Lord jesus Christ. And our Lord saith: My sheep, hear my voice, and I know them: and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hands, I and my Father are one q Io. . But some object, that men may taste the heavenly gift, Ob. be partakers of the holy Ghost, taste the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come; yea, be so enlightened, that they receive the knowledge of the Truth, and be sanctified by the blood of the Covenant, and yet after all this, fall away, and become adversaries a Heb. Heb. . Yea turn from the holy Commandment b 2. Pet. 2.20.21. . I answer these are said to receive the knowledge of the truth, and afterwards to fall away, and to turn from the holy Commandments, are such as are lifted up with Capernaun, with a seeming blessedness c Mat. 11. 2● . They only think they stand d 1. Cor. 10.12. , the unclean spirit is cast out, but they remain empty swept and garnished e Mat. : they have escaped some corruptions in the world, and cast up their vomit like the dog, but with a purpose to resume it again f 2. Pet. 2.22. . And so their sanctification by the blood of the Covenant, is only seeming sanctification They have no such thing, as it is evident, where it is written. Whosoever hath, to him shall be given: and from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he seemeth to have g Luke. 8.18 Mat. 13.12. the 25.29. . So that it is evident, that whatsoever in this kind may be had and lost, was never truly had, but only in seeming. Thus we have now seen the excellent estate of God's children upon earth, after justification by these inward and outward benefits which have been named. This passing Peace, and glorious joy, this fervent Love, and steadfast Hope, this undaunted Boldness, and freedom from reigning sin, this deep and unsearchable Wisdom, this happy fellowship with the Saints in light, this powerful host of Angels, this perfect League with all the Creatures, this Abundance of all good things for them and their children, this certain Assurance of all such blessedness for ever. Add to these those gracious promises which are also enjoyed even on earth, and more clearly seen in the life to come. That such shall eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. They shall not be hurt of the second death. They shall eat of the hidden Manna, and shall receive a white Stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. They shall have power over the nations. And shall rule them with a Rod of Iron, as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to shivers. Even as Christ received of his Father, they shall receive the morning star. They shall be clothed in white raiment, their names shall not be blotted out of the book of life, but shall be confessed by their Lord before his Father, and before his Angels. They shall be Pillars in the temple of God, and shall go no more out. They shall have the name of God written upon them, and the name of the City of God, new jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven from God, even Christ's new name. Yea such as overcome shall sit with Christ in his Throne h Revel. 2 Revel. . And all these are yet but small tastes, and very little beginnings of that infinite blessedness, which is prepared for the Saints hereafter. Yea, albeit if these duly weighed they be exceeding great, yet by comparison, as erst before, so say I now again: They are but as a very small drop of a whole river, a handful of sand, that is on the sea shore, the dust of the balance, or a small point of the compass of Heaven, if we respect that inconceivable glorious condition that abideth for them in Heaven. This may appear something plainly unto us, if we take a view of the Scriptures, which do concern that Estate, which are these. In God's presence there is fullness of joy, and at his right hand pleasures for evermore i ps. 11.11. . Everlasting life k Ma. 19.29 . They shall be as the Angels in heaven l Mat. 22.38 . They shall have a great reward in heaven m Mat. 5.12 . They shall shine forth as the Sun in the kingdom of their Father n Mat. 13.43. . They shall behold Christ's glory o Io. 1.24. . They shall have eternal life p Rom. 2.7. . An exceeding, q 2. Cor. 4.17. and eternal weight of glory q 2. Cor. 4 17. . Their vile bodies shall be fashioned like unto his glorious body r Phil. 3.21 1. Thes. 4.17 . They shall be ever with the Lord s 1. Cor. 9.27. . They shall have an incorruptible Crowns. A Crown of Righteousness t 2. Tim. 4.8. . An inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that fadeth not away, is reserved in heaven for them v 1. pet. 1.4. . They shall have the Crown of life u jam. 1.12. . When he shall appear they shall be like him, for they shall see him as he is w 1. Io. 3.2. . They shall have heavenly bodies, yea incorruptible, glorious, powerful, and spiritual, for they shall bear the Image of the Lord of heaven y. Add to all this, that they shall inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the worlda. And is not this wonderful blessedness, which is reserved to be revealed in the last times ᵇ? What should be more said to express it, and we are plainly taught that it doth not yet appear, what we shall be c 1. Io. 3.2. : Yet by these Scriptures we may take a view a far off, and see as in a glass darkly the infinite glory, and most happy condition, which shall then be enjoyed: by these we may know in part, the excellency of our condition then: how vile and base soever, it is esteemed in this Life. As to live everlastingly in such a Paradise of Pleasures; to be at God's right hand, to enjoy his presence, and in his presence perfect joy.. It is a great privilege to stand before an earthly Prince, and to solace ourselves familiarly with the Kings of this world. Oh what then will the estate be, to such as shall stand before the King of Kings: and Lord of Lords: nay which is more, shall be feasted by him; yea, and he himself shall gird himself, and serve thee d Luc. 12.37. . Oh happy are the people that be in such a case, yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord jehovah. Can the Queen of Sheba say to Solomon, happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants which stand before thee continually, and hear thy wisdom e 2. Chron. 9.7. . What shall we say that do not only hear a report of such a glorious King, and such happy servants: nay more such a loving Father, and such blessed children: but we know it to be truth, yea the one half of it: nay the least jot of it, not one part of many 100000. can possibly be discovered. Is it a small thing said David to be a king's son in law, is it a smalthing may it be truly said to be as the Angels in Heaven: to receive that infinite reward: to shine as the Sun in God's Kingdom eternally? were Salomons servants happy that heard his Wisdom, and saw his Glory? and shall not those be happy that shall behold the glory and majesty of Christ: and that eternally; yea enjoy themselves an exceeding weight of Glory, when they shall be fashioned like unto Christ jesus himself: and bear his image: having Spiritual, powerful, Glorious, Incorruptible, and Heavenly Bodies: crowned as Kings, and possessing a perpetual Kingdom prepared from eternity for them to inherit; yea, me thinks I clearly see as great a difference between the best estate, of the most happy man upon earth, and this estate in Heaven, reserved for the Saints: as there is between, Similitude. a man alone in the midst of a mighty storm, beaten upon with tempestuous winds in a very dark night, far from any succour, terrified with terrible thunderings, and scorching flashes of fearful lightnings: yea compassed round with Devils. And another man in the midst of a strong City, in a fair house with great lighes in a bright day, well attended on by comely waiters, in the company of his beloved friends, at a royal table well furnished with all sorts of dainties, having a most melodious Harmony of the best Music: being in perfect health of body, and of a sound mind. Here is great difference between these two conditions: yet is the estate of men on earth, and the Saints in heaven far more different: yea the estate of Gods own dear ones is so different here, and hereafter: that when they have gotten all the privileges before mentioned, Similitude. yet they differ far more than a child in his mother's womb yet unborn, and a man in his perfect age, and full strength: & yet great is the difference between these, if we consider the weakness of the one, the strength of the other; the ignorance of the one, and the knowledge of the other, the darkness with which the one is compassed and enclosed; and the light with which the other is comforted the solitariness of the one, and the multitudes of companies the other enjoyeth? Oh blessed estate, happy life, glorious condition, for which we wait; It is no wonder then that the Saints groan for it, and wonderfully desire it f 2. Cor. 5.1.2. Rom. 8.23. . Yea hereby we see that all the hardness they endure, the tribulation they go through, the afflictions, and persecutions, and fiery trials they pass, the shame and torment they suffer: all the distresses, necessities, stripes, imprisonments, tumults, labours, watchings, fastings: may be termed justly light and momentany, in comparison of this exceeding and eternal weight of Glory, which Gods children shall obtain. To conclude, let us with all sobriety praise God, that such an estate is prepared for us: and not pry too far, what estate it is, or shall be? For secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed to us and to our children for ever a Deut. 29.29. . Now followeth to be showed, where these Pleasures, and this fullness of joy, with all that hath been mentioned, and more than can possibly be expressed: where or in what place this shall be enjoyed? This is very evident by the Scriptures, that it shall be above the Heavens which our eyes do behold, and not upon Earth: as some do dream; and that it shall be above, let us consider these Scriptures, which as so many witnesses do all testify this Truth: That whereas our Lord said to his Disciples. I go to prepare a place for you: and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself: that where I am, there ye may be also b 1. job. 14.3. . Also, this is witnessed by our Lords glorious Ascension, where it is written. After the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into Heaven, and sat at the right hand of God c Mar: 16.19. . Also, it came to pass while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into Heaven d Luc: 24.51. . Add to this, That when many were gathered together while they beheld, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight e Act: 1.9. . Also it is written: That the heavens must receive Christ, until the time of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Prophets since the world began f Act. 3.20.21. . Also, Stephen's glorious vision, when being full of the holy Ghost he looked up into heaven, and saw the glory of God and jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, behold I see the heavens opened, and the son of man standing at the right hand of God g Act. 7.55.56. . By these Scriptures and many more it is evident, that our Lord ascended up from earth to heaven. And he hath said that where he is we shall also be, as it appeareth where it is written, that he saith, Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me, where I am, that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me. h Io. 17.24. Also, The dead in Christ shall arise first, than we also which are alive, and remain, shall be caught up together with them into the clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air, & so we shallbe ever with the Lord. i 1. Thess: 4.17. Also our Lord said unto the thief on the Cross; To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. k Lu: 23.43 This Paradise (Paul speaketh of) & termeth it also the Third Heaven, or place of Blessedness, as it is written, where he saith, I know a man in Christ, about fourteen years ago, whether in the Body, I cannot tell, or whether out of the Body, I cannot tell God knoweth, such a one caught up into the third Heaven. And I know such a man, whether in the body, or out of the body, God knoweth, how that he was caught up into Paradise. l 2. Cor. So Eliah went up by a whirlwind into Heaven. m 2. Kings, 2.11. And let us call to mind the saying of our Lord to Marie, when she drew near to him, at his Resurrection, jesus saith unto her, Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my Brethren, and say unto them: I ascend to my Father, & to your Father to my God, and your God. n Io. 20.17. This is most plain, where the Church groans, desiring to be clothed upon with her house, which is from Heaven. o 2. Cor. 5. Also, our Conversation is in Heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour, the Lord jesus Christ p Phil. 3.21 And so by these Scriptures it is most manifest, that the Haven of eternal happiness, and fullness o● joy, is not on Earth, but in the glorious Heavens: yea, above the Firmament, which we behold, and that al● conceits of men of corrupt minds that Heaven shall be enjoyed on Earth, are to be rejected, as most false and Devilish. Now it followeth in order, to be showed, for whom it is ordained? This the Scriptures do make manifest, as it appeareth where it is written. That Grace ●nd Glory is given to such as walk uprightly a Psal. 84.11 . Also, the Righteous ●hall shine forth at the sun in the kingdom of their Father b Mat. 13.43. . Such ●s are washed with the washing of regeneration, and renewed by the holy ●host c Tit. 3.5. . Such as repent and believe in Christ, as it is written; Re●ent, and be converted, that your sins ●ay be blotted out, when the time of refreshing shall come from the pre●ence of the Lord d Act. 3.19. . Such as are Merciful, as it is written: Then ●hall the King say to them, on his ●ight hand, come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared ●or you, from the foundation of the ●orld; For I was an hungered, and ●ee gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ●ee gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, an● ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye● visited me: I was in prison, and ye● came unto me. Then shall the Righ●●teous answer him, saying: Whe●● saw we thee a stranger, and took● thee in: or naked, and clothed thee or when saw we thee sick, or in pri●son, and came unto thee? And th● King shall answer, and say vnt● them: Verily I say unto you, in a●●much as you have done it to one of th● least, of these my brethren, ye hau● done it to me. And these shall go into eternal life e Mat. 25.34.40. Vers. 46. . The poor of th● world, as it is written. Blessed be ye● poor, for yours is the Kingdom o● God f Luc. 6.20. . But more plainly, jame hath written thus: Hearken my be●loued brethren, hath not God chose● the poor of this world, rich in Fait● and heirs of the Kingdom which he● hath promised to them that love him g jam. 2.5. And Paul writeth plainly of this ●n these words. Brethren you see ●our calling, how that not many wise ●en after the flesh, not many mighty, ●ot many noble are called. But God ●ath chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise: and God hath chosen the weak things of ●he world, to confound the things which are mighty. And base things ●f the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen: and things which are not, to bring to nought ●hings which are h 1. Cor. 1. 26.2.2●. . Such as are ●ated and reproached, persecuted, and afflicted here: for these ●s everlasting life ordained, as ●t appeareth plainly, where it is written. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake, rejoice in that day, an● leap for joy: for behold your reward is great in Heaven i Luc. 6.22.23. . Also, blesse● are they which are persecuted fo● Righteousness sake, for theirs is th● Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are ye● when men shall revile and persecute you, and shall say all manner of eui● against you, falsely for my sake (sait● the Lord Christ) rejoice and be ex●ceeding glad, for great is your reward in Heaven k Matt. . Also james, Blesse● is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receiu● the Crown of Life which the Lor● hath promised to them that love him l jam. 1.12. ● And to this Peter assenteth, whe● he writeth thus, Blessed be the Go● and Father of our Lord jesus Chris● which according to his abundant me●●cy hath begotten us again to a live hope, by the resurrection of jesus fro● the Dead: to an inheritance incorrup●tible and undefiled, th●●●deth not away, reserved in Heaven for you, wherein ye greatly rejoice; Though now for a season ye are in heaviness, through manifold temptations m 1. Pet. . Also, It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you: and to you which are troubled, rest with us n 2. Thes. 2.5.7. . When the Lord jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels. Thus it is plain, that Everlasting life is prepared for the righteous or upright, the regenerate, or such as have repent and do believe in Christ, the merciful, the poor, the foolish, weak, and despised, the hated, reproached, scorned, persecuted, and troubled ones. Such in a word, as the world knoweth not, but do basely esteem and account as the offscouring of the earth. These being rich in Faith, are those th● shall enjoy Eternal Happiness in the Heavens. Object. But some may say you seem hereby to exclude all rich, and mighty ones, out of this Blessedness. Answ: far be it. For than should be condemned, the generation of the Just: and the Scriptures teach, that we pray for Kings, and all that are in Authority, o 1. Tim. 2.1 and that because God will have all men to be saved. p v. 4. That is, not the whole world of men created, as some pervert it to their own destruction: but men of all Degrees, Kings, as well as meaner people, as the Scriptures do make it plainly to appear, and plentifully do confirm it, that fewest great and mighty ones, yea, very few of them shall be saved. q Matt: 19.23.24. Psal: Thus this glorious Estate of the Saints here and hereafter, being manifest, and for whom it is prepa, red? we shall see in the last place, how long it shall continue. This the Scriptures do clearly show to be for ever, yea, to be Everlasting, as GOD is everlasting. For so we find, That their Fullness of joy in God's presence, and the pleasures at his right hand, are for evermore. a psal. 16.11 Also, the Righteous is an everlasting Foundation. b pro. 10.25. And our Lord himself saith, that such as follow him in the Regeneration, and every one that forsaketh aught for his Names sake, shall receive in this present, an hundred fold more with persecutions, and shall inherit Everlasting life. c Mat: 19.29. Also he saith again. That at the last day, b Luc: 18.30. the Righteous shall go away into eternal life. d Matt. 25.46. Also, whosoever believeth in Christ shall have everlasting life. e Io: Also, the Apostle tells us, That our light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work for us a far more exceeding & eternal wait of Glory. f 2. Cor. 4.17.18. Also, the same Apo: saith, We shall be ever with the lord g 1. Thess. 4.17. Therefore it is termed an incoorruptible crown. h 1 Cor. 9.25. And an Inheritance that fadeth not i 1 Pet. 1.4. . Also, a Crown of Life k jam. 1.12 . By all these and many more it appeareth evidently that the Blessed, and most happy condition of the Saints is eternal, or everlasting, Incorruptible, it never fadeth, but abideth for evermore: Yea, it may be said of this for the unspeakable comfort of all the Godly, the poor hated, despised, scorned, reproached, and persecuted members of Christ jesus, that their momenta●y, or light afflictions, shall be recompensed with long and exceeding large continuance of happiness in the Heavens: yea, their happiness, and Comfort there shall have no end. But when so many thousand years are passed and gone away as there are Stars in the Firmament, drops of water in the Sea, sands on the Sea shore, grasses on the earth, Leaves in Summer, ha●●es on the Bodies of living Creatures: yea, when an hundred thousand times so many shall be passed away and gone over, yet the end of the wonderful joys, and the Pleasures which the Righteous shall possess, is as far, as it was at the beginning. Is it even so that there is a Heaven, that is of old prepared for the godly? and is it so lasting and perpetual? is the blessedness so exceeding great? shall this excellent and most glorious estate be enjoyed for evermore? Then may God's adopted sons, and his dear children; yea every redeemed one, may thus solace and comfort himself. Happy day! blessed hour! yea thrice happy time! that ever I was borne! blessed be the God that created me, the parents that brought me up, the earth that hath borne me, the other creatures with which I have been nourished to this end; But a thousand times more blessed those times that mine eyes were opened, mine heart turned, and my sins pardoned. What thanks shall I return to the Lord for such mercy, such unspeakable loving kindness! Alas in what case are my poor brethren and sisters which were created in the same Image, but either live in such Countries where they utterly are deprived of all such means of Salvation as I have had; or else living in this land where it is: do utterly neglect, or wilfully reject it: oh that they did but know what Peace I feel, what rest I have obtained; whereas they cannot deny but they are tossed up and down, as a ship with waves in a terrible storm: yea they know not where to rest them, so that they are at their wit's end, not knowing what to do, or which way to turn them. Oh that they would hearken and hear that they might take the same course which I have taken, to obtain this sweet Peace, and blessed Rest. Neither have I only such Rest and Peace, but also my joy is unspeakable, and glorious. I have formerly walked in seeming good ways, and have kindled fires, and compassed myself with sparks; but even in laughing my heart was sorrowful, and the end of that mirth was heaviness. But since I have received the assurance of the Love of God in Christ, I have been so comforted, for the most part, that I have been constrained to break forth into singing: yea, the high praises of God have been in my Mouth, and I have sung a loud upon my bed, yea night and day I have had Melody in my Heart: and albeit this hath sometimes been less then at other times; yet when I have searched myself duly and found out the cause: and have sought it again diligently, by fasting, watching, and prayer: it hath returned with great advantage. And besides this, I am so ravished with the Love of Christ, that I can truly say, my soul loveth him: yea, I account all things dung, yea filthy and loathsome. I desire so much to be with him which is best of all: yea many times I do groan earnestly in this Tabernacle: willing to be absent from it, and to be present with the Lord: Oh how easy is his yoke unto me now, and how light his burden, his Commandments are no longer grievous, but they are become the joy, and rejoicing of my heart; whereas sometimes I was obstinate, and rebellious, and only what I did, was compelled by the terrors of God which made me afraid: and when I was reproved for swearing, lying, breaking of the Saboth, neglecting utterly the worship of God, and such like, it makes me to blush in secret: when I do but think of my folly, and ignorance, with these I also am stayed to depend upon God in all trials, and to wait for an issue: yea, I can bear any thing through the sweet Hope, and blessed expectation of a good end which the Lord will make: yea, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, because I can wait for the Salvation that it bringeth. Besides these, I have such wonderful Boldness, as cannot be expressed with Pen, whereas before the shaking of a leaf, would put me in fear: and great men would affright me with their high words. But now I fear them not, for I know they shall die and fade as grass: neither can the greatest oppressor touch one hair of my head for hurt. As for death, it is swallowed up in victory by my Lord jesus Christ. And whereas formerly I was led violently to the committing of sin, and lust did reign in me: yea sin had dominion over me, and I like a base Captive, bound hand and foot, not able to resist, did yield the service of my members to sin: yea had not God in his abundant mercy holden me, I had broken forth into all foul sins. But here behold the wonderful mercy of God and unspeakable loving kindness! I have gotten the victory through our Lord jesus Christ. Yea I can with comfort say; O Death where is thy sting! Yea, I live no more, but Christ jesus liveth in me. The strong man is cast out, and the stronger hath taken possession never to be dispossessed. I am now his Freeman, he hath resisted the Devil, crucified the flesh, and overcome the world for me. Yea, old things are passed away, and all things are become new, and I know myself to be in Christ, by that I am a new creature. And when I take a view of my Folly, and ignorance, how brutish I have been, it doth even cover me with blushing, and shame: and when withal I do call to mind, what abundance of wisdom I have obtained since Christ became my wisdom, yea when I consider God's wonderful liberality, in opening to me his treasury of wisdom and knowledge: and bidding me ask what I will: this doth many times amaze me, and wonderfully astonish me, that so vile a person as I am, should be trusted with Treasures of such value, and Pearls of such price: I do think thus with myself, what am I? that I should be so regarded, as that my mouth should be made a Well of Life? my lips should know what is acceptable, that they should feed many: and that other should seek the Law at my mouth? That such Wisdom and Spirit should be given me, that all mine adversaries should not be able to gainsay, or resist; oh blessed be my God for evermore! oh let my tongue never cease to sound forth his praises, and to tell of his loving kindness from day to day. And when I look without me, me thinks the Communion of Saints doth ravish me, the fervent Love, which we have amongst ourselves, whereas I was once a companion of Murderers: such I mean, as unadvisedly would break out into anger, wrath and rage, disclose secrets, break covenants, carry tales to shed blood, amongst whom, though I sometimes blessed myself, yet was my condition fearful, for I could expect nothing but death every day, such was the uncertainty of any staidness in their familiarity. But now I am a Companion of the Sons of Peace: All my Familiars are Peacemakers, we are one an others Keepers, Many wholesome exhortations, Loving instructions, and Amiable reprooffes, do pass between us. Many are the fervent Prayers, we put up one for another: yea, all that we have, we account not our own, in one another's necessity. Our Love is not in word, and in Tongue, but in deed, and in Truth It is continually increased, and doth daily Flourish: Oh what comfort is it to meet in great Assemblies, in the time of Peace; to hear the Word! break Bread together! and to join in hearty prayers and praises to our loving Father! Also, I now do plainly see, that we have more with us, then against us; For I was wont to consider of the multitude of wicked men in the world, and how they bandy themselves, and conspire against the Saints, but now I see their attempts are exceeding weak: for we have our Seat on high, and are compassed round, with a Wall of Fire: yea, the Angels of God, as Chariots of Fire, and Horses of Fire, do compass us round continually: Yea, they also behold our Father's face in Heaven, ready to execute vengeance on our adversaries, and to bear us in their hands, that we hurt not our foot against a stone. Besides all this, the Creatures were at enmity with me, the Sun, Moon, and Stars, in their courses, the Earth would have swallowed, the Water drowned, the Fire consumed me: yea, the Wind would have thrown down Trees, and Houses upon me: the very stones of the Field were at odds with me, the Beasts, Fowls, and creeping things at variance. The Corn, Wine, and Oil, these did (as it were) disdain or refuse to yield me strength: whereas now on the contrary, the sweet Familiarity which is between us, is exceeding great. The Sun will not hurt me by day, nor the Moon by night: the Heavens, do as it were smile upon me: the Fire warms me: the water yields me moisture: the Earth habitation: the Air, refreshing: What shall I say? Me thinks, I see the Fire coming from Heaven: the Water preparing, the Earth opening wide her mouth: the Air threatening: yea, all the Creatures mustering themselves: and in continual readiness, to execute vengeance upon such, as shall ever dare to touch me for hurt. And all these are accompanied with abundance, of all necessaries for myself and my children: and whereas before I was in continual want, in the midst of plenty: and ever caring for more, though I had enough: Now have I abundance of all things with gteat Contentment: that hundred fold gain by Godliness, yea, I can truly say, I can be abased, and I can abound, I have learned in what estate so ever, therewith to be content. Yea, I know that I shall never want any thing that is good: neither shall my children beg their bread. And when to this I can add the sure continuance of this estate, and do know that I shall never be removed, neither is my estate subject to Change: but I shall increase, not decrease: grow, not die: go forwards, not backwards, flourish, decay; and that I am in Christ, as stable, firm, and unmovable, as God is stable, firm, and unmovable, this doth so ravish me with comfort, that it draws tears from mine eyes, I cannot but rejoice exceedingly. And yet further, when I think on my estate to come, at that day, which will be a dreadful day to the wicked. I find that all this which I have called to mind is very little, yea scarce a handful of the whole sand of the Sea, in comparison of that blessedness then to be received. Then when our glorious Lord, the Lord of Glory, shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an Archangel, and which the Trump of God: when he shall come most gloriously, in his own Glory, his father's Glory, and the Glory of all his holy and mighty Angels: attended with ten thousands of his Saints in flaming fire to be glorified in them. When he shall sit upon the throne of his Glory, and all nations shall be gathered before him, and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd divideth his sheep from the Goats: and having set the sheep on his right hand; then shall this King of Glory, say unto them on his right hand: Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, from the foundations of the world, Then shall I with the rest of Gods redeemed once, pass away with great triumph, and in a glorious manner, enter those heavenly Mansions, to take possession of my everlasting habitation. There, I shall see God face, to face: Yea I shall know him, even as I am known: Then shall I be like him, for I shall see him, as he is. And when this my corruptible body hath put on Incorruption: and this Mortal bopy hath put on immortality: then shall be fully and perfectly brought to pass, for me and all the elect, that which before was truly believed. That death is swallowed up in victory. And will not this be a wonderful and most glorious estate! when I shall shine forth as the Sun in his greatest glitter: and most glorious brightness? when I shall be as the Angels in Heaven, always beholding the face God, Where I shall have no companions but glorified Saints, and blessed patriarchs, holy Prophets, glorious Apostles, triumphing Martyrs, chaste Virgins, loving Angels! Where I shall have plenty without want, health without sickness, honour without disgrace, peace without trouble, strength without weakness, courage without fear, love without hatred, joy without sorrow, light without darkness, beauty without deformity, safety without danger; knowledge without ignorance, life without death, all good without any evil: Yea this blessedness is so great, that the more I conceive of it, the shorter I come to comprehend it. Yea if it were possible that the glory and excellency of the meanest Saint in heaven, were to be known unto the Sons of men, it would ravish them so, as that there would remain no spirit in them: so wonderfully would it astonish and amaze them, oh how blessed then is my condition! may a child of God say; That of one so poor, I shall be so enriched: of base, I should become so honourable; of despised, so respected: of deformed, so beautiful, so oppressed, persecuted, and afflicted: so free, so glorious and triumphant a Conqueror! And am not I then in a most blessed condition, hath not God dealt richly with me? by whose spirit I am persuaded firmly of such Happiness; of which I have already tasted abundantly? yea my present condition, if there were no other, I would not exchange with the Crowns of all the Kings in the world: so bountifully hath God dealt with me, yet I must confess, that the time was I could not conceive of Happiness, at all, in this Life: which now I so plentifully enjoy, and so surely hold, as that I know all the powers of Hell shall never prevail against me: oh how hard a thing was it to me in former times, in blind times of my Ignorance: to be moved to Repentance, it was exceeding harsh unto me: but now blessed be God, I am so well acquainted with the rich inheritance of the Saints in light, that if Repentance were again to be taken up, though it were a thousand tlmes more difficult than it was, yet could I undergo it, for the happiness which I do already enjoy: how much more for that fullness of happiness, which I shall enjoy in the Heavens? Neither do I any longer marvel as I have done; why the Saints have so willingly undergone such sharp and fiery trials as they have done: yea, have gloried in them, and accounted it all joy when they have fallen into divers trials; or, why the Prophets, and Apostles, and other Preachers of Righteousness, before and since have cried so earnestly for Repentance: and do daily provoke to repent, and turn unto God; For surely they have known, and do know perfectly, that such a blessed condition will follow, not only in this Life, but in that which is to come. And to conclude, let me be heard amongst my Countrymen. Stick not at Repentance, what if it fill your hearts with sorrow, your head with care, your eyes with tears, your chambers with complaints, yet I know, and you shall find a recompense even here: yea, and a full reward hereafter. The Lord open our eyes that we may see, and our ears that we may hear, and our hearts that we may understand; for certainly this is truth which is here laid down, for the God of truth hath spoken it in his own words. And so desiring a blessing upon your reading: as I found upon myself writing; in that God made me an able Minister of the truth, & ● faithful disposer of what I know, ●d do yet understand: for your ●d, and desiring that the Church ●y be built up, & the gospel flourish, that Satan may be disadvantaged, our adversaries converted, truth maintained, love every where increased. I do end, ascribing to our God all glory, honour, power praise, thanksgiving, might, majesty, wisdom, riches and dominion by jesus Christ now and for evermore. FINIS.