THE UNMASKING OF THE POLLITIQVE ATHEIST. By I. H. Bachelor of Divinity. AT LONDON Printed for Ralph Howell, dwelling in Paul's Churchyard near the great North door, at the Sign of the White Horse. 1602. To the Reader. TO render thee a reason (Christian reader) of publishing this short Treatise: It is in a word the contrary to Isocrates answer unto a question out of time, saying; Quae ego novi, temporis huius non sunt, quae verò exigit tempus hoc, ego nescio: Those things which I know, belong not unto this time, and those which appertain unto this time, I know not. But we say, the things which belong unto this time, woeful experience hath made us for to know, and the things which we know, the misery of this time commands us to report. For are not these the days whereof our Saviour Christ, and his Apostles so long ago foreprophecied, wherein charity should wax cold, Math. 24. 2. Thes. 2. 2. Tim. 3. and faith should so ●●●appeare, wherein men should be slide backs from Christ, and Apostates from his true religion, wherein they should be lovers of themselves, covetous, cursed speakers, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, true-breakers, false accusers, despisers of them that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of good, having a show of godliness, but have denied the power thereof: yea wherein men are become, users, neuter, Temporisers, Athists. And the principal cause hereof must needs be the corrupt nature of man bending too too much unto Papistry. For compare these times with the days of yore, when Papistry swayed the sceptre, and you shall see the effects of both times to be alike. About the year 363. at what time the world began to decline; Anthony saw in a dream, as it were Hogs, which trod under the feet their altars: & waking said, that the Church shallbe once again spoiled and dispersed by whoremongers, adulterers, and monstrous men, which prophesy Melancthon noteth to be against the lecherous and voluptuous life of Priests and Monks. This prophesy began to take effect about the year 604. when papistry did prevail, the Popedom flourish, and true doctrine lost her purity. For about the year 688. Theodore Archbishop of Ravenna was greatly hated of the Clergy, because he seek to keeps them in good manners. But to come unto the time wherein Papistry did rage and show her full forces, Anno. 1126. Anno. 1140. Hugo Cardinal. postil. in S. lohan. which was about 100 years after Christ, and then shall you find Hugo of Saxon mightily complaining against disorders. Barnard calling the Prelates, pilate's, and the Church men ministers of Antichrist: yea that all the university of Christians did conspire against Christ. Anno. 1157. Now was john of Saresburie Bishop of Chartres constrained to write a book entitled Obiurgatorium, pertaining to chiding, rebuking, and finding fault, so greatly was he moved with the wickedness of those times: wherein the Popes did succeed rather Romulus in murders and Parricides, Speculum. than S. Peter in feeding the flock: as Pope Adrian the fourth oftentimes confessed. Now began Peter de Blois to call the Pope's officials hellish Harpies, and the clergy Syria, Edom, Anno. 1240. Calves of Bethel, Idols of Egypt, the fat of Samaria, Priests of Baal, and earnestly exhorteth to departed out of Babylon. Then complained Peter de Vinea of the insatiable covetousness of the Pope, and the filthiness of the Clergy. Guillame le Orfeince proved the Pope to be Antichrist, Rome Babylon, Anno. 1260. and the Prelates the members of Antichrist. Now was there a book found De pericu'is made of the dangers of the world. Now stood up Peter Casiodorus vexing his soul for the wickedness of those times. So did Mathias Parisiensis, john Wicleffe, john Hus, Anno. 1306. Anno. 1370.1405, etc. Bridenbachius. and many others, to behold the uniquitie of those days, wherein recessit lex à sacerdotibus, à principibus justitia, consilium à senioribus, à populo fides, etc. The Law departed from the Priest, Justice from the Prince, counsel from the Senator, faith from the people● love from parents, reverence from subjects, charity from Prelates, religion from Monks, honesty from young men, piety from teachers study from scholars, equity from judges, concord from Citizens, fear from servants, and fellowship from the country, truth from the Merchant, virtue from the Noble, chastity from the Virgin, humility from the widow, loyalty from the married, and patience from the poor. Were these then and such like the effects of Papistry in former ages, and shall we behold them again to enter upon the world, and not labour to remove the cause? God forbidden. The consideration therefore of these lamentable times hath wrong from me this brief Treatise. Wherein thou mayest behold the very map of Papistry: a doctrine turning the truth of God into a lie, and religion into superstition: persuading men to all ungodliness, and yet overshadowing all with the show of religion: Arming the subject against the Prince, See the Spanish Proclamation in Ireland. and yet defend it by the beastly Bull of Popish excommunication. Sowing sedition and treasons in the land, yet dare appear unto the Lords of the council as men blameless and religious, as did that Machievillian Turkish practiser (as the Priests of his own profession do term him) Parsons that juggling jesuite: whereas they mean nothing else, but the utter subversion of religion and the state, as plainly appeareth by the works of Sir Francis Hastings and D. Sutliue. Thus are they well practised in Machiavel, Lip●●us de duplici conco●dia. turning religion into policy: Imitating seditious Clodius, Qui cum esset religionis non hostis solum, sed etiam contemptor, tamen sceleribus, quae in tribunatu patravit, religionem et auspicia fuit ausus praetexere: who, albeit he were not only an enemy to religion, but also a despiser and contemner of the same, yet he pretended religion in behalf of all the villainies he committed in his Tribuneship. Way then the end of this short Treatise, and let us be more thankful unto God for the riches of his revealed truth. First it unmaskes the Politicians, that suit religion after the fashion of their policy. Secondly it forewarns and so forearmes thee against these popish charms that now fly about the land, least unwittingly thou be enchanted with them. Thirdly it gives thee a taste what benefits thou shalt receive by entertaining Papistry, namely heresy, policy, superstition, Atheism, and all ungodliness. Fourthly it desciphers unto thee the envious, murdering, and cruel nature of a right Papist, that hangs his whole religion upon the Pope's sleeve, Lipsiusubi prius. namely to be such, qui adiiciunt culos saepe ad hanc patriam, quam è faucibus ereptam dolent, qui vexillum purpuratae Romanae belluae (O Deus immortalis avert quaeso hoc omen) in media defixuros se minitantur, qui non praedam sed vitam, non servitutem, sed sanguinem concupiscunt: quibus nullus ludus iucundior est, quàm cruor, quàm caedes, quàm ante oculos trucidatio innocentium. Which often cast their eyes upon this our country, which they greatly sorrow is by God's aid delivered from their swallow, in the midst whereof (which God forbidden) they threaten one day to display the banner, and set up the Ensign of the purple Romish beast, who desire not our good, but our blood, neither thirst after our livings only, but also our lives: in whose eyes there is no play so pleasant, as to behold massacres, hear of murders, & see the slaughters of silly innocents. Lastly, it arms thee with truth by unfolding of the contrary, which truth God grant us to embrace to his glory, our health, and the country's good, which God no doubt gins to visit for the sins thereof, but especially for the sin of Apostasy, backsliding, and forsaking the true religion, Note the Eclipse of the moon, Novemb. 29. 1601. and of the sun Decemb. 14. Yea too other Eclipses of the moon are to happen this year. Thunder and lightning very common this Christmas. Socrat. hist. 3. to uphold the kingdom of Satan, and maintain the doctrine of Antichrist: which grievous sin (especially after so long sun shine of the Gospel) the Sun blusheth to look upon, and the Moon is ashamed to behold. The heavens roar and thunder to consider, and the air findeth forth his arrows and threateneth with his lightning to wound from heaven all such as with the Apostate julian revolt from their profession, and undermine the faith of Christ. Yea the Earth, An earthquake 1601. Decemb. 24. the stable earth gins now to quaver, and to shake, as being overburdened with our sins, and too weak to bear the weight of our iniquities, especially to support this sin, Histor. Tripart. lib. 4. cap. 10. this heavy sin of Apostasy and irreligion, giving us warning before it open, as sometime it did Antioch ready to receive the heresy of Arius, that if we leave not off betimes to welcome Antichrist, and to entertain his armio of heresy and Atheism, it will one day swallow us up quick for conspiring with the enemies of Christ, Num. 16. as sometimes it did Corath, Dathan, and Abiram. God grant that other men's harms may teach us to beware. I. H. The unmasking of the politic Atheist. BLindfolded Gentilism could espy Atheism in Diagoras, Cicero de nat. dear. lib. 1. Damas'. lib. 1. orthodox fid. cap. 3. and Theodorus, because they denied there was a God, the knowledge of whom is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 engrafted and bred in us by nature. Rescius Wright etc. But quicksighted Papism, can descry Atheism in the true Christian, because he defies the Popes whom Christ and his Apostles have taught us to be Antichrist. O that the Papist could as well discern his Lady Envy, that quickens his sight, and his Lord Satan that lends him light, then would he blame the jews sight, and his own eyes, 7. john. 20. the one for seeing a devil in Christ the head, and the other for beholding devilish Atheism in the Christian his member. Yea than would they see that Satan is the master builder of their Church, Tuscul. quaest. 1. Cicero et de Nat. dear. lib. 1. 1. Rom. Act. 14 Acts. 17. joh. 5. Ephes. 2. and Atheism the chief foundation of their kingdom. For what is Papisme? a denying there is a God? No, seeing no Barbarian (excepting some few) was so barbarous, howbeit, not exempted from Atheism. What then doth Papisme acknowledge a Godhead, but deny the persons? Not so neither, for they confess Moses and the Prophets, and cry templum domini, templum domini, we, and none but we are the Church. How then can they confess God, and yet deny God? Yea, why not, as well as Antichrist, 2. Thessaly. 2. Aug. Ciu. 23, & 19 that sits in the Temple and Church of God, and yet the greatest enemy of his Christ? For the profession of the Church serves him but for a vail to cover his papism, and for a vizard to colour his Atheism: seeing he both denies and defies Christ, his Gospel, and the Godhead, by his doctrine, worship, and living, so erroneous, superstitious, and ungodly: for what is the kingdom of Popery, but heresy, seeing heretics are armies of Antichrist? And what is the sea of Rome, Chrysost. hom. 49. in Math. but an huge Ocean of heresies? wherein Simon, and all heretics do take their pleasure and repast. Here is Monkish popery in imitation of Simonian Idolatry, worshipping the Images of Francis and Clara. Here in domo Dei presbyteri et Episcopi vendentes sunt. Roiard hom. Ser. 2. post dom. Latare. Both Priests and prelates make the house of God an house of merchandise. Hear are Cardinals buying the Popedom, and Pope's selling Christ and Christendom. Gyrolan Catena. Yea, here are the pains of Purgatory to be bought off for money, and the pleasures of Paradise to be purchased for coin. Howbeit the Pope challengeth place authoritate Dei, by God's authority. Fie fowlemouthd Florinian to usurp the kingdom of the son, Bulla ●●i quinti in Eliz. and yet to challenge it as from the Father. Here may ye see Midwives baptizing, Aug. haeres. 66. and a woman executing the office of the Popedom, and are not they most fearful foes to the Pepucians? Rom. char. part 2. s●ct. 18. But will you know their wars against Novatius? They debar Ministers from honourable marriages, Bellar. de bapt. lib 1. cap. 7. and compel them to perish in dishonourable lust: which was one among the grievances that the Germans exhibited to Cardinal Campeius, Epiphan haeres. 79. that their Bishops and Officials did not only suffer Priests for their money to have concubines, Theod. fab. haeres. lib. 3. but compelled chaste Priests to pay their tribute, that so it might be lawful for them to live as they list. Rhem. Acts. 21. sect. 1. O say not so, this is a chaste generation. For those that were their wives before orders, Aug. haeres. 87. shall be their wives still, but their husbands shall not have access unto them: a crew of faithful Abellians. Oecolamp. Fox pag. 861. And call you this a chaste generation that condemn men for marriage? witness Petrus Sponglerus in the year 1525. Rhen. Anor. 1. Cor. 7. sect. 8. that call marriage the worst sort of incontinency: that say Priesthood is profaned by it: that dare affirm that those that are in carne, Greg. mar. discou●●. sect 1 deo placere non possunt: that married persons cannot please God, Siricius. Epist. add Him: Tarac. that forbidden priests marriages, lest they should defile the sacrament: and because it is written sancti estote: be ye holy. Aqui. add 3. part. q. 53. art. 3 As if that were no holy thing, that was instituted by an holy author, Innocent. dist. 81. cap. propos. blessed by an holy God, ordained at an holy time, celebrated in an holy place, and performed unto holy persons, as were Adam and Eva before their fall. 2. Gen. 74. 13 Heb. 4. which the holy scripture calleth honourable unto all men: and the sacred Paphnutius, Zozem. lib. 1. c. 23. Enemies 10 marriage were Tatian, Martionists, Eustachians, Montanists, Priscilia●s●s, justin, Peneus, Eusebius, Epiphanius, Alphonsus de castro, etc. Ang. haeres. 25. with all the Nicen council in the year 315. confessed and acknowledged concubitum cum propria uxore caslitatem esse, Copulation with a man's own wife to be chastity. Why then O you Tatian Papists and Eucratites exclude you coniugio utentem married persons from your order? why embrace you Cainisme forbidding him to be consecrated Bishop, Hierom ad Oceanurr. that marrieth another after his first wife be dead? quam haeresin sequitur Romana ecclesia. Erasmus. Why then ye sacred Friars, and chaste Carthusians, do you contemn that honourable calling? as if a married woman do come within your cloister, it must be washed and cleansed after her with holy water. Euseb. lib. 5. c. 18. Alex. pope. 3. ad Epis Exon. de spont. c. Com. And why clap you hands rather with Montanus teaching the dissolution of marriage: then with God, that forbids to separate that, which he hath conjoined? yea and with the Nicolaitans, 2. Apoc. 6. had rather use promiscua venere, vagis libidinibus, Sodomia, quàm legitima uxore: whoredom, Epiphan. rom. 7. lib. 1. hear. 25. fornication, Sodomy, then lawful wedlock, 1. Timot. 4 albeit the one be commanded, and the other forbidden: but that ye prefer the doctrine of devils, before the word of God, Antichrist before Christ, and false Atheism before true religion. For did not Christ make marriage the Image of his holy conjunction with his church, and gave Peter the primacy of order among the Apostles that was a married man? Aug. quaesli. 27. ex utreque mixtu. Bellar. lib. 1. de cler. c. 18. And Bellarmine confesseth there is no scripture that forbiddeth Ministers marriage. Epist. ad Philadelph. Yea reverend Ignatius wished to be found worthy to walk in the steps of the saints, namely of Abraham, Isaac, jacob, joseph, Isaias, Peter, Paul and others 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that lived in holy marriage. And protesteth that if any professor do call lawful wedlock and procreation of children 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: a defiling distaining or filthiness, Can. 12. & 13. dist. 3. quoni●m. that he hath dwelling in him the dragon that fowl Apostate. Vliricus Epis. Aeneas. Silvius in sua Germania. The lawfulness of which calling was proved out of the word of God in the council of Nice, and confirmed by the Synod of Constantinople. Yea Gregory himself, 1. Rom. 23. 1. joh. 5.25. beholding more than 600. children's heads drawn out of a Fishpond, with blubbered cheeks condemned his decree of single life, Aug. doct. Christ. 3. cap. 7. Hierom ad Ripar. presbyt. saying: melius est nubere quàm urere: and melius est nubere, quam mortis occasionem praebere: It is better to marry then to buine, yea it is better to marry then to give occasion of murder and destruction. Go now ye Papists to school unto the Prophets, where having learden to discern between the spirit of Christ and the Dragon, tell me how far you are from Atheism. Do you not pray unto relics, and say unto the cross salve sancta crux: all hail holy cross, and unto the Napkin Sancte sudari or apro nobis, et sudarium Christi libert nos a pesti et morte tristi, o holy Napkin pray for us, deliver us from the pestilence and evil death. If Atheism had not possessed you, Sutliu us de eccl. Cath. Their silken garments kept at Rome are of the Italian fashion. how dare you call your cozening trash, sacred & holy relics? Else must Peter & the sanits be monsters, Iosepth & Mary be Italians, & Christ borne out of Bethleem. Howbeit the Valentinians were heretics that worshipped the cross: and do not the papists so? the Carpocratians were heretics, Irenaeus lib. 1 Aug. heres. 7. etc. so was Marceline too, they for worshipping the Images of jesus, and she of jesus and Paul: and do not the Papists so? Bell●r. lib. 1. c. 13. de sanct. beat. The Collyridians were heretics for worshipping the Virgin Mary: and do not the papists so? yea must not every country, city, town, Epiphan. li. 3. haerel. 79. Lactant. de vero cult. cap. 17. village, company, trade, occupation, and person, have their Saint to worship by popish institution? And were not the Angelici heretics, because they worshipped the Angels? Iraeneus lib. 2 c. 59 Aug. haer. 39 Rhen. Annot. Apoc. 3 yet the papists defend and maintain the self same adoration against the scripture. Would you know where to find Pelagianisme? then have recourse to popery. That will teach you a man may be perfect in this life, Aug. haer. 88 and keep all the commandments, as was Franciscus that kept the Gospel at an inch, Rhem. 5. joh. 5 sect. 1. lib. Cō●ormitat. non transgressus unam apicem aut iotam: and failed not in any title: in whom were all the virtues of all the Saints in all the Bible vnitiuè et coniunctiuè, Con. Trid. ses. 6. cap. 18. Conc. Trid. ses. 5. cap. 1. de pecc. orig. gathered together and abiding. That will tell you there remains no original sin in the faithful, Rhen. Annot. Rom. 6.8.12 Sixius 4. ccc. Trid. cateches. Rom. that concupiscence in the regenerate is no sin, nor against the commandment. Rhen. Annot. Luk. 5.1. 2. Cor. 5.10. That the Virgin Mary was conceived without sin; that righteousness may be obtained by the law. And that some are so just in this life, Lyranns li. 3 cap. 19 Hiero●. adveri. Pelag. lib. 2. Ephes. 2.3. as they need no repentance: let Hierom, Augustine, yea Christ and his Apostles affirm, and prove the contrary never so sound. But it may be that these Catharists will lend some ear unto their popish pillars. 4. Heb. 3. Galat. Aug. haeres. 38. If so, who accused the schoolmen your famous founders of Pellagiànisme, as men opposite to the constant currant of the Fathers? even your faithful Roffensis, who convicted Pighius your gallant Champion of Pellagianisme? even your valiant Dominicus Soto: yet Ruardus Tapperu● leaning upon that broken staff the Tridentine council, ●. Rom. Soto de nar. & great. lib. 1. cap. 9 Tom. 2. art. 8. Con●. Trid. sess. 5. c 7. Lusitan Liriens. de quad. just. lib. 1. c. 7. et cap. 25. Protoc. Fran●. art. ●. Conc. Tried sess. 5. ●●ct. 5. doth all besmear and mud himself in this heresy: But for all his Lovinian Deaneship, Lirensis, a man of his own stamp, is bold to brand both him, and confessor Soto with Pellagianisme. Which infection hath so festered in the entrails of papistry, as sometime it breathes out Anabaptisme, Aug. haer. 69. & count lit. Petil. sometimes leslenning the crime of original sin, and sometimes denying it to be sin at all. Now including the Church within the bounds of papistry; Theod. hist. lib. 1. cap. 19 & then excluding all that follow not the Pope. Sometimes flying, 6. Math. 1. Tim. 4. Aug. haer. 46 Euscb. hist. 15. cap. 16. & 17. etc. & resisting the authority of the Magistrate, and sometimes denying him any meddling or dealing with Church affairs: yea sometimes having their stabbers, poisoners, & privy murderers: as they had of the Prince of Condy, the Duke of Saxony, joanna of Navarre, and many other. O return ye Prince murdering, & people killing Atheists, consider your teaching, which Christ calls hypocrisy, and Saint Paul the doctrine of devils. You think to merit heaven by abstaining with the Manichie from flesh, milk, Blondus. Plotinà. Eckius. Aug. count Faust. man.. lib. 19 ca 22. cheese & eggs, & fear you not to merit hell by soothing men in murder and adultery? If Montanus made laws in compelling men to fast, you will maintain with fire Theolesphorus Lent, Calixtus Embring days, Leos Friday, and Gregory's Saturday. Philip Cominaeus. Let the Manichees swear never so fast per creature as by the creatures: you will not be wanting to the Saints. Yea no oath must be so dear and holy as that, which is used by the bones and renliques of the dead. Notwithstanding if you in very truth defy that masked Atheism, Aug. haer. 50. Rhem. Anot. Acies. 17.29. Theo. baeret. fab. lib. 4. why defend you the heresy of the Anthropomorphites, painting God in your churches like an aged man? But indeed Nestorius his practice is your best Apology, Qui magis christianus videbatur quàm erat: you will make show of that you never mean. Aug. haeres. 68 Even your jesuits that carry the name of jesus, will seldom practise the works of Christ. It may be you affect with Nestorius a kind of gravity, and dissemble continency with a wan countenance, and a pale look, but the more closely to insinuate yourselves into Lady's companies, and women's closets. For you are devoted men: barefoot ●lagellants and Franciscants, your ●●ownes shaven, cowls grey, Biel. sup. 4. dist. 16. q. 4. prop. 1. Aug. haeres. 57 and girdles must be full of knots: you will observe your canonical hours but not labour in any case, lest you should transgress the precepts of the Euchites. To eat flesh and be married an horrible thing among Carthusians: to touch money were to defile the Minorits: and to have possessions were to transgress the constitutions of Benedictus and Dominicus: yea and not to follow the Apostate julian, Oreg. Nazin. orat. 1. cor. Agrip. de van. scient. albeit they carry the bag with judas. If they vow, Epiphan. haeres. 61. it must not be broken be it never so ungodly, and unlawful: put case they vow virginity, Thom. 1. quod liber. q. 15. Isid●r. Holco●. ●n sap. cap. 2. lcct. 24. Rhem. Amot. 1. Cor. 7.28. and cannot keep it, to marry were to dissent from the Apostolic heretic, without a dispensation from the Pope, for he only may dispense with marriage. M●yr. in. cron. Fland. It is no sin to make stews of their Nunneries, and dens for Sodomy of their Monasteries. Sabell. volater Polydor. And although they reveal it in confession, yet iura periura secretum prodere noli: they have learned a trick or two of Priscilianisme, Arno●d. Bri●iens. Grunth. lib. 3. Stibilius. be it murder or treason, yea against the Pope himself, they must not disclose it. But if it come to pass, Aug. haeres. 70. Caictam tom. 1. ●●act. 2. we confute these Atheistical conceits from the word of God, they can appeal to counterfeit traditions, Aug. haeres. 70. and call them unwritten verities, Rhem. Annot. 1 chef. 2. ●cct. 2. and with the Prisclianist equal Apocrypha with scripture: and for a shift make more words of God than the Bible. For if the Pastors teach it, Deut. 4.2. & 1●. 32. Prou. 30.6. Apoc. 22.18. be it ●euer so beside the scripture, yet it is to be taken for the word of God, and if Christ the son of God his Prophets & Apostles interdict & forbid such scripture coining, and seal it with a searefull curese: then can the Pope create a new Christ, saying: qui creavit me dedit mihi creare se: & he that made me without myself, Gal. Biel. lcct. 4. in expol. can. missae. is made of me be myself. Wherefore if they destroy his natural body, 6. john. borne of the Virgin Mary, they can make him another body created by the Priest, else you might esteem them as blockish as the gross Capernaites, that supposed the flesh, bone, and blood of Christ, as he was borne of the Virgin should be torn in pieces with their teeth. And why not (saith their Angelical Master) is not hoc, Aquin. part. 3. q. 75. art. 5. quod conficimus, corpus ex virgine: which is made in the consecration the body that was borne of the virgin Mary? No saith Harding, it is no visible and mortal body, but a glorified, immortal, impassable, & spiritual body. It is Corpus (saith Biell) tale non tantum, Biel. lib. 4. dist. 11. q. 1. quia non est in sacrament quantum: a body but without quantity: Not so (saith Gardiner) the parts be distinct one from another. Gard. lib. 3. Yea saith Bellarmine, Bellar. lib. 3. de Eucharist. cap. 7. the body of Christ is in the sacrament, with all his parts and dimensions. Alex. Halespert. 4. q. 25. memb. 1 Glost. can. qui bene non custodiunt de concep. dist. 2. Bellar. lib. 3. cap. 24. For (saith Hales) if a Dog or Hog chance to eat it, traijcitur in ventrem, it passeth into their belly. Not so saith Bellarmine, but if a Mouse do chance to eat it, it ceaseth to be Christ his body. And good reason saith Caietan, Caiet. tom. 2. tract. 2. cap. 3. for spiritualiter, et non percipiendo, sed credendo sumitur corpus Christi: Christ his body is eaten spiritually by faith, not carnally with the mouth. What then is it which nourisheth he body? Harding. apoll. The accidents saith Harling. For the accidents saith Bellarmine, are eaten with the teeth: But where then is Christ his body? In heaven saith Bellarmine, Bellar. 3. de Euchar. cap. 22. and at the same time on earth. Fie, fie, what a stir is here contradictions, impossibilities, untrothes, Bellar. lib. 3. cap. 4. against reason, religion, & the scripture, without any smack of Atheism. Very like that Atheism must be packing from Rome, where Antichrist sways the sceptre, being opposite to Christ, an enemy to the Gospel and an adversary to true religion. What? Apoc. 17. Aug. civit. 18. cap. 22 is the kingdom of Antichrist without a God? why, is the son without the father, the wife without an husband, a lining body without an head, 2. Thessal. 2. and christianity without Christ? but is Popery the kingdom of Antichrist, Rome the Metropolis or chief city of his kingdom, and the Pope the captain general of this army? 2. Thessal. 2. yea if this be that Apostate kingdom, whose Prince is without controlment exalting himself above all that is God, and not regarding the God of his fathers. 11. Dan. But the Pope maketh laws to bind the conscience, and executeth with more severity the breaking of his popish precepts, Dist. 40. si papa. than the transgression of the Lords commandment: He can make new gods: set up Idols, and deny jesus to be Christ. He can counterfeit the Lamb, yet speak like the Dragon: set in the temple, but to undermine Christ: profess religion, but to overthrow the gospel compute the time, describe the place, note the workmen, mark the building, & consider the whole proceeding of his kingdom, and you will say the Pope is Antichrist. 17. Apoc. The place which john calleth Babylon, Tertul. ant. judae Hieror. Esa. 47. Aug. civit. 18. Orol. lib. 18. 3. Blondus. is by the Fathers construed to be Rome, for her situation, her government, her type, her resort, her behaviour, and her citizens: who say, they are the ministers of Christ out serve Antichrist, even the subjects of Romish Babylon, that purple coloured whore. The time: when the impediments are removed, Hieron Esa. 21. Decret. 6. Bar. ●omil. 33. in cant. the Emperors ●eate translated, and the Roman Empire overthrown: at what time the Pope must sit in the Emperor's place, Hieron. prolog. de spiritu. sanct. free from subjection, unives fall Bishop, Christ his vicar, ●ruling with two swords, Apoc. 13. can. nemini. 17. q. 3. can. ne●. 0. q. ●. Greg. Epist. Concil. Carthag. sess. 1. dist. 21. Gratian. can. si●mperator dist. 96. commanding Emperors to kiss his feet, boasting himself to be God, worshipped of men; subjecting powers, disposing kingdoms, superior to general counsels, & free governor of all Christ his church. And now he may dispense with the laws of Christ, altar the Sacraments, and supplant all religion: for neminis est de sedis Apostolicae judicio judicare: his word must go before the Gospel. Dam. 4.2. c. extrau. de maior. & obed. His workmen, massmongers, Can. cunct. 9 q. 3. Can. sunt quidam. 25. Q. can. si papa. dist. 4. jugglers, making wonders, feigning miracles, seducers, jesuits, Friars, Monks, Dominicks, Franciscans, Benedictans, etc. whom thou mayest know saith Hierom, Can. n●minis ●● Q. ●. Math. 24.2. Thessal. 2.2. Timo●. ●. by their names and titles non ecclesiam Christi sed Antichristi esse synagogam: to be the servants of Antichrist. And for their calling (saith Procopius) si neque Moses, Hieron. adverse. Lu●●●●●an. neque ante eum Patriarchae, neque post eum prophetae, neque in nova lege Christus, Abba●. ursper. in paralax. of Procopiu. that thus s●●ke to luli●n the pope's legate in Bohemia. neque Apostol● mendic antium ordinem instituerint, quis dubitet opus esse tenebrarune 〈◊〉 Diaboli? If neither Moses, the patriarchs, the Prophets in the old law, Epist. ad justin coad. justin. in Novel. antent. 131. de quaruor ●anct. council. neither Christ nor his Apostles in the new, ordained and appointed these orders of begging Friars: who can doubt but it is the work of darkness, and of the devil. Yea indeed the whole building is nothing else but the work of Satan: begun by heresy, continued by discord, finished by superstition, and maintained by policy, as false apparitions of saints, Angels, and devils: wonders, relics, motions of Images, and infinite other forgeries whereof their legend maketh mention. Where now is Antichrist, if this be not his kingdom? In the year 1074. Nauclerus. when Hildebrand was Pope, the Priests pronounced him to be Antichrist: qui titulo Christi ageret negotium Antichristi in babylon: who under the title of Christ wrought the works of Antichrist in Babylon: At this time terrible commotions, schisms, lightnings, tempests, earthquakes, etc. and among the rest was seen a fearful Comet, Naucl. Gen. 36 ex johan. Capgravo Anglo. whereof Elmerius a Monk of Malmesbury gave this judgements art thou come, art thou come? unto many mother's hast thou brought woe and sorrow. jacob. Mayor in Chron. I saw thee long before, but now I behold thee more terrible, even the very ruin of this land. And about this time was news brought from Turway to the Emperor at Coleine, of a woman prophesing that Antichrist was then in his full course: which woman suddenly vanished away, and was no more seen. Munster applies the prophesy of Saint Paul concerning Antichrist unto Rome: Greg. lib. 16. Epist. 30. lib. 4. Epist. 36. & 38. & li. 11. Epist. 3. Barnard. Cant. serm. 33. Petrarch resembleth Rome unto Babylon: and Gregory's notes of Antichrist are verified of the Pope. Bernard called the Prelates pilate's: the Ministers the servants of Antichrist: and Archbishop Euerard deciphering by the scripture this man of sin, concludes at the last, the Pope to be that Antichrist: to omit the council of Worms, Sanonarola, Aventine annal. Boior lib. 7. and others. And shall Antichrist bring Apostasy into the church, oppose himself to Christ, Arnoldus Haybalus. Wesselus. boast himself to be God, sergeant the Lamb, but speak like the Dragon, & yet remain without Atheism? Tell me then what is Atheism. O sir, to be a protestant is to be an Atheist: for he defies the Pope, prefers Christ before Antichrist, truth above falsehood, the word before traditions, and God before Satan. Thus you make Atheists as you make heretics: If a man resist the vanity, idolatry, and superstition of your church, Platina in Paulo; 2. presently he is an heretic: to eat flesh on fasting days is heresy: yea to say there be Antipodes, or to speak the word Academia: vel serio, Aventine ubi prius. vel ioco: in sadness or in jest, is heresy. But if thou wilt a very little open thine eyes, Rhem. Annot. Acts. 4. sect. 2. and not be obstinate with the wicked, qui impie agent, nec intelligent: that will do wickedly, and will not understand, Aug. de corrup. & great. cap. 14. thou shalt plainly perceive who is both the heretic and the Atheist. Hieron. in Habuc. 2. The Atheist denies God's providence: and the Papist denies him to have a stroke in all our actions: both against scripture, Lumb. lib. 1. dist. 35. sect. 1. Specul. Pontif. Fathers, and their master Lombard. The Atheist denics God, heaven, hell, and the immortality of the soul: so did not Paulus the third, who being greedy to departed to is world, P. Acsquillu●. Popes. Atheists. Lco 10 Alexan●. 6. Siltrest. ●. Paul. 3. Benedict. 9 john. 13. Clemens. 8. Greg. 7. Specula. pontiff. said: se iam tria, de quibus in omni vita multum dubitasset experiundo cogniturum: primo an esset Deus; deinde an essent inferni aliqua supplicia, et denique an animae essent immortales: that he should now be assured of three things by experience, of which in all his life he stood in doubt: First whether there were a God: then whether there were any torments in hell: and lastly whether the souls were immortal. Neither was john the 23. an Atheist, whom the Synod of Constance deprived of his Popedom, for denying the immortality of the soul: yet both these were Bishops of Rome. Christoph. Marcel. Concil. Later. sect. 4. The Atheist sets up other Gods besides the maker of heaven and earth: and the Papists will have the saints to hear our prayers, and know our thoughts. Extrau. john. 22. cum inter in Gloss. But the Pope must be alter Deus: yea Dominus noster Deus. our Lord God. He may judge the scriptures, make Saints, forgive sins. He hath all power given him both in heaven and earth: He cannot err, Lib. cerens. pontiff. lib. 1. fol. 735. Luitprand, albeit he calleth for aid unto the devil when he plays at Dice, as did Pope john the 13. Baleus. The Atheist makes Christ an Impostor: and Pope Leo the tenth called the Gospel Fabulam Christi: Trid. council. sess. 4. c. 8. Flosc. bear. Franc. conform. vinea. etc. Bern. in Rosar. a tale, and a fable. Yea the Papists make him but a Christ for fashion, when as they set up other mediators, and humane merits. Garat de invoc. sanct. For wherefore came Clara with Francis into the world, but to save all those, Quae eam invocaturae essent: that should pray unto her? do they not call the virgin Mary Commune propitiatorium: the common propitiatory for the whole world, and wrest the scripture from Christ unto the Virgin saying: In te domina sper avi: miserere mei domina: dixit dominus dominae meae: I have hoped in thee O Lady: have mercy upon me O Lady: the Lord said unto my Lady set thou on my right hand? Lady's psalter. etc. And no marvel, for when the devil in a certain maid would not be moved with prayers made unto the Father, I●engrious. Son, and holy Ghost, Bonaventura Ladies psalter. Psal. 41.10. Canisius laying the image of Mary upon the head of the possessed, forthwith the devil cried out: O mulier quid me calcas, & caput meum conteris; o woman why dost thou spurn me and break my head? Wherefore they sing unto her ave maris stella, Hym. Eccles. post psalmos Davidis a G. Genebrardo exornatos. & so forth as followeth in that blasphemous hymn. These are they that can show us a new way to heaven withoùt Christ, and yet be void of Atheism: as by Nicolas, Horae. ad usum Sarum. In pontifical. lib. 1. sect. 7. Vincentius, Gregory, Petronella, Thomas Becket, Agnus dei, Angels, Images, works & indulgences. Who affirmed the Philosophers might be saved without Christ? Andrat. lib. 3. Papists. Scotus prolog. sent. c. unum extr. de maior & obed. Who deprives Christ of his manhood? papists. Yea who disgrades him of all his offices? papists. Who makes new articles of salvation? C. 1. de consuetudi. Gloss. in c. sect. dist. 34. &. c. pres●yt. dist. 82.16. Q. 1. quocunque in gloss. papists. Who can dispense against the Apostles, the new testament, the law of nature, and the law of God? Papists. Yea who denies Christ, his Church, and the Church her Christ? Papists. The Atheist will play of all sides: with Elias worship jehovah, 1. Kings. 18. and and with jezabel offer sacrifice to Baal: with Sidrac, 3. Dan. Meshach, and Abednego honour the God of heaven, & with Nabuchadnezar worship the golden Image. 2. Math. Seek Christ with the wise men, go to worship the child with Herod. In show a Protestant, but in truth a Papist. For who endeavour to reconcile religions, to be mediators between God and Mammon, truth and falsehoods, protestants and papists? false surnamed Catholics. Philast, Brir. Episc. in cant. haeres. Who are those that with Rhetorius affirm all heretics rectè ambulare, et rectè dicere: walk aright, and speak the truth? The treatise made in Paris tending to pacification. That make treatises tending to Pacification, and say, the Popish religion is true as they take the word: and the Hugonites true as they understand the scripture? even professed members of the Roman Church. Is not this to make a fellowship of righteousness, with unrighteousness: a communion of light and darkness; 1. Cor. 6.14. a concord between Christ and Beliall: and religion a composition of heresies? whereas Clemens reports thus of heretics, that Magis impij sunt quàm Indaei, Clemens in Constitution. et magis sine Deo quàm Gentiles: more wicked than the jews, and more without God than the Gentiles. And God speaks thus of the La●dicean Church; because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, it will come to pass that I shall spew thee out of my mouth. 3. Apoc 16. Take heed then of Themistius the Philosopher, that would persuade Valens the Emperor Deo gratam esse sectarum varietatem, ut it a pluribus modis colatur: that God was well pleased with varieties of sects, because by that means he may have more sundry and diverse ways of his worship and service. Homer Odyss. And beware of those changelings, Plin. lib. 8. cap. 30. Aristo●. hist. 9.6 and Chameleons: that can 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dissemble very profoundly: use the shepherds voice with the Hyena, but to destroy the dog, and cast forth sweet savours with the Panther, but to devour the beasts. For they are like the Remora hindering the course of religion; and like those 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 false brethren, ●. Galat. that entered the church of Galatia: yea rather do as the Lord your God commanded you, 5. Deut. 32. and turn not aside to the right hand, nor to the . The Atheist to destroy religion, Apolog. c. 1. sect. 3. will maintain and establish all religions: and the Pope for money will dispense with all religions: yea many religions must be professed in one commonwealth, that conscience may be free, and English catholics may have liberty; 32. Exod. 3. King. 18. yet Moses could not suffer the golden Calf in Israel, nor Elias Baal, and God to be worshipped in one commonwealth; 16. Psal. David would not offer the offerings of blood; 2. Macab. 6.24 nor Eleazarus dissemble to eat Swine's flesh against the law; The Israelites must have continual war with the Amalekites; 25. Numb. and Phinees was highly commended for killing the Israelite, 21. Genes. that was coupled with a woman of Madian: For there is but one faith, 1. Sam. 5.10. Leu●t. one baptism, one God, one Christ, one Church, Tertul. de caron militis. and she no strumpet to receive all comers: the Lion and the Lamb cannot hoard in one fowlde: Isaac and Ishmael in one house; 1. Cor. 10.2. Chron. 16.2. Chron. 18.1. Cor. 1.13.2. Timot. 4.5 the Ark, and Dagon, in one church; holy and profane fire in one censer; Christ and Antichrist in one temple. Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 62. Socrat. lib. 5. cap. 2. Non bene connénit signo Christi et signo diaboli, castris lucis, et castris tenebrarum: non potest una anima duobus deberi: and ye cannot drink the cup of Christ and of Devils. What provoked God's anger against Solomon, Asa, Amasia, and johosaphat? the permission of more religions in one kingdom: Christ must not be divided, and Timothy must beware of Alexander: Constantine overthrew the temples of the heretics; and jovinian denied to be their Emperor, that were disciples unto julian. 3. Kings. 21. Amb. Epist. 5. Orat. count Auxent. Naboth defended his Vine with his blood; and Ambrose chose rather to die, then to yield one of his churches to the Arrians. But to set up more religions in a kingdom, is to bring peace unto the country? very like, such peace as Simons Horse brought unto Troy: Aeneas sword unto Dido, and Deianira her shirt unto Hercu●s. Brought not the suffering of ●he Arrian great peace unto the world, that had almost everted Christ and christendom? Hiero. Epist. 62 Nihil ●rande est pacem voce pretendere, et ●pere desiruere, verbis somniare con●ordiam, Euseb. hist. 4. cap. 14. re exigere servitutem: Iohn ●he Apostle fled from Cerinthus, Ne balneae ipsae corruant: supposing the place could not long endure, ●hat contained an enemy unto the ●ruth; And Polycarpus would not company with Marrian that was ●rimogenitum diaboli, the child of Satan. May a man carry fire in his ●osome, & not burn his clothes? and walk upon hot coals, and not scorch his feet? may a man suffer the plague in his house, and not infect his family? a Wolf among his Lambs; and not hurt his fowld? and a serpent in the cradle, and not spoil his child? But such is heresy, Cyprian. Epist. 20. and false religion to the church and common● wealth: even a plague that pierce● the heart: an ague that brings deat●● eternal: a fire that burns to destruction: and a serpent that sting● to perdition: and do not these men deserve better of religion than the Atheist, Tertul. depraescript. that wish suc● loss unto Christ, Hieron. Osc 2.7. and hurt unto the Church? Ambrose. Epist. 80. The Atheist pretends religion's but for policy: sometimes with● Herod the more easily to destroye● the infant, he also will go and worship Christ: sometimes with Simon Magus, 2. Math. the better to win credit and profit, ●. Acts. he also must be the great● power of God: sometimes swithe Ananias and Saphyra to conceak● his hypocrisy: and in a word. 5. Acts. with this vizard to cover rebellions, murders, adulteries, & all sorts of villainies. And doth this also ●ouch the Papists? witness their Spanish Inquisition, their holy ●eague; the Parliament of Province; ●he court in France, Acts and Monuments. called the bur●ing chamber; and the blood of holy Martyrs, with the which om●is sere orbis infectus est: almost the whole world hath been lately bestained & besmeared. Here might you see dead men's bones brought to the bar, and there condemned to the fire for heresy; here might you see the mother burning at the stake, the child from her womb flying the fiery flames, At the massacre in Antwerp. yet thrown again into the midst thereof for an heretic. Now might you hear a hideous noise crying occide, trucida, occide trucida, vivat missa, vivat missa, murder, kill, slay, let the Mass live, Faelix Earl o●● Wattenbr. and let all slide. And now might you hear men swear, that they would ride up to the spurs in the blood of the Lutherans. Illyricus. If this be not sufficient to open unto thee their Satanical natures, Apoe. 12. in persecuting the seed of the woman: then attend a little, and tho● shalt apparently behold their wol●uish corpses masking in sheeps' clothing: persuading falsehood for christian truth, Math. ●. Math. 19 Math. 10. and prescribing deadly poison, in lieu of wholesome potions to the slaughter o● many a silly soul. For whereunto belongeth the withholding of the sacred scripture from the hungry people, which are the blessed food and nourishments of their souls, commanded and practised by Christ, the Apostles, and the Primitive church? 5. john. because for soothe the people being kept in ignorance (which they say is the mother of Piety) should not espy their works, Christ. ●om. 9 Epist. ad colloss. thereby to detest their knaveries: whereunto appertains their service in an unknowne-toung, Concil. Trid. fect. 22. cap. 8. and hiding from the people the only way unto salvation, Bellar. lib. 2. de verb. c. 16. which is by Christ? but to show their jewish minds unto Christ, 1. Cor. 14. and their Atheistical conceits unto Christianity. When a jew of Ratisbone converted to the saith, was demanded, why the jews thirsted after the blood of Christians, answered, it was a mystery only known unto the Rabbins, and men of highest place ●● notwithstanding this was their custom, if any of them were ready to make an end of this present life. a Rabbin anointed him with blood, using these or such like words unto him, saying: If he that was promised in the law, and in the Prophets hath truly appeared, Fincelius. lib. 3. de mirac. and if this jesus crucified be the very Messias, then let the blood of that innocent man that died, cleanse thee from thy sins, & help thee to eternal life. And Epiphanius reports thus of the jews of Tiberias, that they would whisper after this sort in a dying man's ear: Believe in jesus of Nazareth, whom ou● Princes crucified, for he shall come to judge thee in the latter day: were the jews adversaries to Christ, and enemies to their conscience, and do not our Papists second them in their Atheism? who teach a man must put his confidence in good works, for they merit eternal life. Acts and Monuments, of the Bishop of Winchester. Howbeit whe● Stephen Gardiner lying on his death bed heard the Bishop of Chichester telling him of God's promises and free justification by the blood of Christ, he said: what my Lord will ye open that gap now? then farewell altogether: to me and such other in my case you may speak it, but open this window to the people, and then farewell altogether. And sir Christopher Blunt had these words at the time of his execution: Bear witness I die a Catholic, Anno. 1600. March. 18. yet so as I hope to be saved only by the death and passion of Christ, and by his merits, not ascribing any thing to my own works: yea and Bellarmine their great Goliath after much withstanding of the truth, at the last gives up his verdict, Bellar. lib. 5. de iustifi●at. c. 7. saying: propter periculum maius gloriae tutissimum est fiduciam totam in sola Dei misericordia et benignitate reponere: for the more assurance of future glory, it is the safest way to put our whole trust and confidence, in the mercy and loving kindness of Almighty God. 17. Luke. 9 Dan. For when we have done all that we can, we are but unprofitable servants, wherefore we pray not in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold mercies. Now let the Papist then speak whether he be that blood desiring or soule-devouring Atheist: Pope Hildebrand, Benno Cardinal. in vita. & gest. Hildebrand. quia diebus per paganos Christum publice persequi non poterat, per falsum Monachum sub habitu Monastico, sub habitu religionis nomen Christi fradulenter subvertere disponebat: because he could not in public conveniently persecute Christ, he sought in secret vnde● the pretence of religion, deceitfully to subvert the name of the anointed. Seneca. The old Romans' professed religion magis admorem, quam adrem: rather for fashion then for truth: and more to satisfy the law, then to be pleasing unto God. Wherefore Pontifex Shevola said, expedit falli in religione civitates, Ang. civitat. 6. c. 10. & lib. 4. cap. 26. quia non nisi homines in metu quodam et officio continendos eandem proponi censendum est: It is expedient that cities should be deceived concerning religion, because it serves to ●o other end, but to keep them in fear, and in their duty. And to what other end belongs the Romish Indulgences and Popish Purgatory, but to keep men in fear, and pick their purses? For who do they place in Purgatory but the rich and wealthy men, by whom they may have profit and advantage by helping them out of prison, Bellar. de purge. lib. 2. cap. 15. & 18. and praying for them that they might have ease? Platina. Yet Harding sometimes called it purgatorij pictas flammas: and Papyraceos parietes: painted flames and paper walls. And Platina recorded, that Pope Boneface and 8. populis et regibus terrorem potius quàm religionem incutere conabatur: endeavoured rather to fear, and terrify kings and people, then to instruct them in religion. joh. Dubrau. hist. Bohem. lib. 13.1. Did not the Pope's Indulgences to the Bohemians, promise plenam condonationem delictorum: full pardon of all their sins, which made john Hussius departed from the sea o● Rome? Huss. And Tetzelius that impudent publisher of that trash, persuaded the people animam in coelum evolare quam primum iactu● nummulus in cista tinuerit: the soul should fly to heaven, so soon as the money gingled in the box, which made Luther forsake the Pope. And good reason, for what is his religion, but the high way to Atheism, seeing no man will fear to sin, that can buy it off with a little money? Taxa cancel. Apost. printed at Paris. 1520. Hath not perjury, fratricide, theft, whoredom, murder, sacrilege, patricide, and every sin his price to be sold in the Pope's shop? Lib. Tax. published at Rome 1475. An absolution for them that carnally know their mother, sister, kinswoman: tantum quinque 13. Rom. Barnard Epist. 42. grossis est taxata: yea any sin may have his pardon for his price. Thus may the Pope not only break the laws of God himself, chrysost in Rom. hom. 23. but likewise dispense with others for the same. He will not be subject to Kings & Princes, nor permit his Priests, Theod. Theoph. Oecumen in Rom. lib. 4. sent. dist. 34. and Monks to obey the word. Yea illa praecepta quaein ●ege Dei de gradibus matrimonialibus lata sunt, Papa iure positivo sive ecclesiastico immutare potest. He may change the law of God, touching degrees of matrimony: and now Emanuel king of Portugal may marry two sisters: and if the king of Naples marry his father's sister, C. acsi Clerici. deiudiei●s. Vu●sleius Gronninges. ●●act. de indulgent. Alexander the sixth can grant a dispensation: if the Priest & clergy men be adulterers Episcopis datur à pontifice dispensandi facultas: the Pope will give the Bishop's power to grant them dispensations: yea Sixtus the 4. gave the whole family of the Cardinal of Saint Luce a dispensation to use Sodomy in june, july, & August. It may be you behold a piece of their Atheistical phisnomy, but will you see it wholly unmasked? Matchiavell that politic Atheist sets it down for a principle: that Princeps, Mach. de princip. cap. 17. quum morte adficere aliquem cup●t, speciosum aliquem pra● textum adhibere debet: The Prince must have always some probable pretence sor his practice, and then he may proceed unto his murders. Dion. in Nerone. Dion. in Caracalla. As had Nero, when he put his Mother to death, and Caracalla, when he killed his brother Seta: The jews making stirs and commotions in Indea and Samaria, josephus lib. 4. de bello judaic. about the time of Nero's Empery pretended religio, and ins●●uta maiorum, religion and statutes of their auncienters to be the cause of their rebellion, whereas indeed they cared for nothing less than for religion. Templum enim, pro cuius gloria pugnarese dicebant, igne consumpserunt, et pertinacia sua urbem et ecclesiam extrema clade devastarunt: for they burned the temple for which they said they took up arms, and by their obstinacy utterly destroyed the city, and the temple. And is not the Pope's pretence religion, when he would achieve any matter, or perform any mischief? for who so fulfils not the Pope's mind, must by and by be an heretic. Volatcran. What translated the Empire of Constantinople? heresy, as the Popes did please to call it. Philip. haeret. Auno. 713. And why was Philip the Emperor denounced to be an heretic? quod ex mandato Dei Idola ex templis sustulisset: because he took Idols out of the Temples, and from the Churches, according to God's commandment. Why was Frederick the second an heretic? for holding the wrong stirrup of the Pope; why was Philip of France an heretic? 4. Philip. because he would not take v● arms against foreign nations, Betrand. hist. Thol. Guido. Perpin. lib. de haeres. a● the commandment of Pope B●niface the eight. How was Raim●● handled by his holiness, Egiliard. for n●● burning the Albigenses? And w●● not religion his pretence, Palmerius. when ●● exiled Desiderius king of Italy, with wife and children into Lions, there to end his days in misery, and his kingdom made S. Peter's patrim●●ny? Yet it was evident Guisies non religionem sed regionem affectare. Was not religion the pretence of that infamous Masacre of France, of the poisoning of john king of England by a Monk, albeit the king had farmed his crown of the Pope? And is it not a Popish action haeriticis non esse fidem seruandam a man may break his oath, troth, and faith, that is plighted to an heretic? Religion was the pretence, wherefore Henry the third of France was killed by a dissembling Monk Religion was the pretence why an hypocritical Papist shot the Prince of Auris with a Gun, after he had humbly saluted his ●●aiestie. And is not this a Popish Theorem, principi protestanti qui si●em non servat, qui prodit, qui perdit, ●●m non delinquere? It is no sin to forswear, deceive, betray, and murder, a Prince, that is a protestant. Under this pretence two jacobins, with a cross in their hands procured the murdering of more than 4000 Christians in Lisbon, but were publicly burned for it in Ebora, Anno. 1600. at the commandment of Emanuel the king. Under this pretence a Grey Friar named brother Ferdinand dela place persuaded the king of Castille, to put sundry Christians to death calling them Apostates. Under this pretence of religion did Phocas kill Mauritius the Emperor and his children, and was absolved both from murder and treason by Pope Boniface, upon this condition, that as Phocas should be Emperor, Platina in vi●● Bonifac. ●. so the Pope should be Episcoporum princeps and caput ecclesiae: the prince of the Bishops, and head of the Church: and can a Church whose head is the Pope, & not Christ, be without Atheism, Specul. Pontis. A church that hath many heads at one time? Yea and under this pretence did Boniface the eight Dart regna et auferre bestow & take away kingdoms, Platina. and gather, aurum plusquam dici potest, gold without measure: under this pretence the Pope sent Parry, january 3. 1584. to kill our blessed Queen Elizabeth, promising him for his labour pardon of all his sins: and calls it an holy act. Yea under this pretence they sent forth excommunications both against Prince and subject, debarring the one from his dignity, and the other from his duty. Thus Sixtus the 5. excommunicated Henry of Bourbon king of France, the fourth of that name, calling him the pretenced king of Navarre: and Henry Prince of Condy, saying: Nos illos illorun que posteros privamus in perpetuum, etc. We deprive them, Datum Romae apud 5. Marcum. Anno. 1584. 5. idus Septemb. Anno primo nostri pontificatus. & offices etc., and then absolves all their nobles, vassals & subjects of their oaths, allegiance, and duties in pain of excommunication: And siquis hoc attenuare praesumpserit, indignatiovem omnipotentis Dei, et beatorum Petri, ac Pauli Apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum: If any shall presume to diminish any whit hereof, he undergoes the wrath and indignation of almighty God, and of his blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. Yet Pope Clemens the 5. abrogated the decree of Boniface the eight, and freed Phil● king of France from the curs● thereof. And S. Augustine was o● the contrary mind, in his Epistle to Auxilium, Lib. 5. cap. 7. Ernan. con. c. 7. Aug. Epist. 75. how be it not subject to his Popish penalty. Thus Boniface the 8. Martin the 5. julius th● 2. sent many thundering excommunications into France, but the● were all disabled by the Counsel and court of Paris in France. Gratian. c. sihabes 24. q. 3. Thu● dealt Gregory the 9 with Frederick● sending three Bulls to torment him: In the first accusing him of sacrilege, perjury, lying, cruelty, patricide, and all ungodliness. In the second freeing all people, Cities, Extat. apud Auentinum. in Anal. cont. bird. 2. Imperat. Towns iure iurandi religione from their oaths, & commands it to be preached unto the people. In the third, he calls him heretic, beast, with other wild terms, commanding all Christian people, if they will have God ●o tender them, and to have mercy ●pon their souls, not to favour the Emperor, in deed, word, or thought. Yet saith God, thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of the people. 2. Levit. 22. Exod. Thus dealt Gregory the 7. with Henry the 4. most miserably tyrannizing over the silly Emperor, stirring up traitorous Rodolph against his Lord and Master, Antoninus' part. 2. & sending him a golden crown with this inscription. Petra dedit Petro, Benno Cardinal. Petrus Diadama Rodolpho the rock gave the diadem to Peter, and Peter bestowed it upon Rodolph: but it was the overthrow both of the Pope & Rodolph For Zedechias perjury shall not go unpunished, Ezechi. 17.17.18. because he despised the oath. Thus dealt Paulus the 3. with Henry the 8. king of England a prince of happy memory. And his Popish Pool persuaded with Charles the 5. transported his army prepared against the Turk into England against Henry the 8. because the Pope being banished from hence, Cardiral Poole lib. 3. ad Hen. 8. here wa● sparsum semen Turcicum. Turcism● was sowed in the land. Thus de●● Clemens the 5. with Franciscus De●dalus Duke of Venice: But it were a world to rip up all their Bulle● and cruel treasons. Religiosulos, peregrinationum et votorum praetext● obambulantes provincias, Cornel. Agrip. de vanit scient. explorae● secreta, ad omnium proditionum genera extractos esse: their Friars, and walking mates, under pretence of vows and pilgrimages, are fit companions for all treacheries & treasons. And no marvel seeing it is a principle of Papistry: that every oath and vow must be holy unto the Pope; but neither vow, nor oath unto the Prince, but what shall please his Popedom. Neither are these Bulls and Bullmen hurtful only unto Princes, ●ut also full of blasphemies against almighty God: as is evident in the Bull of Pius Sixtus upon the celebration of the jubilee, Ex promonstrens joh. Bal. H. Bulling. Cornel. Agrip. and in the Bull of Gregory the 9 directed to Albert Beham of Bath. Notwithstanding lest I seem to dwell o●uer-long upon this demonstration: I come unto the thundering Bull of Pius Quintus, roaring and breathing out his beastly threats against our gracious Sovereign Queen Elizabeth, thus popishly inscribed. Sententiam declaratoriam contra serenissimam Reginam Anglia ●es ei adhaerentes haereticos. Qua etiam declare antur absoluti omnes sabditi à ●iuramento fidelitatis, Datum. Romae apud sanctum Potium 5. kalend Mart. Anno. 1569. et quocunque alio ●debito, et deinceps obedientes anathemate illaqueantur. A sentence declaratory against the most renowned Queen of England, and all her heretical adherents, absolving all her subjects from their oath of trustiness ●loyaltie, and whatsoever other duty, accursing with a fearful execration all those, that shall yield unto her any service or obedience. Behold the fruits of Romish religion, perjury, treason, disobedience, and wild reviling of the Lords anointed, calling her serva vitiorum: the woman servant of vice and wickedness. And why? because she yoked not herself unto his Popeship: held not his stirrup with Ludouicke. yielded not her neck with Frederick: nor gave him homage paying a hundred marks a year with Richard: therefore she is a pretenced Queen, Anno. 1569. and must be excommunicated, cursed, disherited, and what not. Now must D. Morton stir up the English Catholics to rebellion, and raise commotions in the Noth now must auricular confession cast the anchor of conspiracy: and the traitorous jesuits lay their bloody hands upon the lords anointed a faithful progeny issuing from a murdering spanish soldier Ignatius de Laiola. Concil. Chalceden. Niceph. 13. c. 34. Yet thus dealt not the primitive Church with Constantius, and Anastasius, albeit both attached of heresy, the one with Eutichisme, and the other with Arrianisme. But what think our modern Papists, of this Antichristian Bull? First they demand An catholici non teneantur virtute Bullae contra eam arma sumere, These & many more Articles of the same sort were found and taken in the search for David Engle field in York eshire● & recorded there in the memories of the coū● cell: entitled Admetus consolationem & instructionem Anglorum catholicorum & confessariorum. eam deponere, incarcerare, vel occidere data opertun●●ate et victoriae consequendae probabilitate, etc. Whether the Catholics are not bound by the ver●ue of that Bull to take up arms against her Majesty, to depose, imprison or kilher, if opportunity serve, or if there be any probability of the victory: unto which is answered: non teneri nisi, etc. They are not simply bound thereunto by the virtue of the Bull, except the matter be so handled, as they may be assured of the victory: and in that case, all are bound to do their uttermost for the common good of faith and religion. Secondly they demand An stante Bulla in virtute privatus possit eam● occidere: whether it be lawful for a private man to kill her by the virtue of the Bull: To which it is answered: It is lawful out of doubt, Papists are no traitors. if he be sure by that means to deliver the kingdom from oppression. Thirdly An Catholici, etc. whether the Catholic may take an oath that Elizabeth is the true Queen of England. To this after some demur is answered, albeit they must not swear falsely: yet they may hide, and cover the truth with any kind of equivocation or doubling, especially if the demands be not according to law, Bulla quatenus spectat ad favorem religionis & catholicorum efficax & integrum man●●. or before a lawful judge: As if it be demanded whether she be the true Queen, it is enough for their oath if they understand it, that so indeed the common people take her, or her adherents or after any other sort. Fourthly An Catholici, etc. Whether the Catholics for all their oath may by the virtue of the Bull take up arms against her Majesty upon any opportunity: whereunto they answer, Basil. Yet God accepts of the oath according to his meaning that gives the oath, or as he understands it to whom we swear. they may do it in the case of religion: yea although there were no Bull, yet it is lawful to overthrow & thrust a tyrant from the throne. Lastly (to omit the rest) An princeps ant regina ipsa excommunicata, etc. Whether the Queen being excommunicated and denounced an heretic, she be also deprived of the right & title of the kingdom, & the people freed from their oath & allegiances To which is answered affirmatively, Yet all the Papists in the world are not able to convince her Grace of any heresy or tyranny. adding moreover, that the Queen of England not only because she is a heretic and a tyrant, but also because she rules with the hurt, loss, damage, and disturbance of the whole Church of England, may be lawfully thrown from her kingdom, had there been no bull published against her. Behold how they make the laws of God of none effect: Periurare, fallere, dissimulare: to forswear, Mach. come. 2. cap. 13. dissemble, and deceive is a commandment of their good Lord Machiavelli: If they be summoned before heretics, sophisticè jurare et sophisticè respondere: to swear deceitfully and to answer Sophistically is authorized by their Canons. Int. qu●●st. ad tribunal. judicis pertinentes Q. 2. quomodo respond. in tribunali haeret. Indeed the heretics called Henriciani and Apostolici, juramenta nec licita probarunt, nec peier are dubitarunt, neither allowed baths as lawful, nor made any question to break them, or to be forsworn. 2. Luke. Christ bids us endure with patience: the Pope commands to resist with violence. 1. pet. 3.2. 3. Colo●. 2. Titus. jude. S. Peter saith honour the king: be subject saith S. Paul, and speak not evil of those that are in authority is the concord of the scripture: curse not the king saith the wiseman: pray for kings saith the Apostle, 10. Eccles. 1. Timoth. 1. 1. Tim. 2. 2. Math. and give to Caesar that which is Caesar's saith Christ. Colimus imperatorem ut hominem à Deo secundum, we reverence the Emperor as one next unto God saith Tertullian. Tertul. ad Scap. Tertul. Apol. Christians prayed for the Emperor in the primitive Church, and were no rebels: yea it was the poesy of the Elder Church malumus occidi quàm occidere, we had rather be killed, then kill. Aug. de morib. eccles. catho. lib. 1. c. 30. Catholica ecclesia docet populos ut se subdant regibus: the catholic Church teacheth the people to be subject unto Kings: and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Can. Apost. 83. If any revile the King, or dishonour the Magistrate, if he be a Clergyman, he must be deposed, or if a lay man, excommunicated. Constantinus, Valens, Valentinian the younger, Anastasius, justinian, Her aclius, justinian the fourth were heretical Princes, & julian was an Apostate, yet the church of Christ endured, Aug. in Psal. 124. served and obeyed them: milites Christiani, seruierunt Imper atori infideli. David would neither kill Saul, nor suffer any of his soldiers to lay their hands upon the Lords anointed. 1 Sam. 16. 1. Sam. 22. 1. Sam. 24. 1. Sam. 26. Aug. count lit. Perili. lib. 2. cap. 48. Ecce Saul non habebat innocentiam, et tamen habebat sanctitatem non vitae fed unctionis: Yet David was a man of God. At●●naricus king of Goths, when he came to visit Theodosius the Emperor said: sine dubio Deus terrenus est Imperator, Bawl us Diacon de gest. Rom. lib. 1. contra quem quicunque manus levare missus fuerit ipse sui sanguinis reus extitit: out of doubt the Emperor is another God on earth, against whom who so shall seem to list up his hands, is guilty of his own blood and destruction. Yet Athanaricus was an heathen. D. Allen lib. of the defence of Catholics 8. john. Walden Cont. Wicleu●stas lib. 2. 5. Prou. 17. Deut. 1. Sam. 9 1. King. 12. 1. King. 17. But the jesuits both against the scripture, nature, religion, and all antiquity allow the murdering of Princes: an evident sign who is their father. The Papists say kings reign by the Pope: but the scripture saith they rule by God. And he that resistes the king withstands the ordinance of God. jeroboham was an Idolater, yet none of the Prophe●● persuaded any of the people to kill him. Ahab was an Idolater, yet Elias seeks no insurrection. jeremy under Zedechias, Daniel under Nabuchodonoser, Christ under Pilate, john under Herod, Paul under Faelix, and Peter under Nero line, yet move not the people to rebellion. But the Papists have been the authors almost of all the wars eversions, and dissensions, that have happened for the space of 700. years in disturbed Christendom. Gregory the second, Gregory the third, and Leo the third made Italy decline from their sovereign Emperor. Adrian the first set the Frenchmen against the lombards, and maintained Pippins rebellions against king Childerick. Were they not Popes that set the French & Germans at odds, that held war themselves against Henry the 4. & the 5. Frederick the first, and the second Ludouick Bavarus: and suggested others to do the like? Were they not Popes that disturbed Naples & Arragon? sowed discord between France and Spain, the Greeks' and Normans: England & France: France and Germany: Prince and people? Hist. Flor. lib. 1. Guiccard. lib. 1. Machi. hist. Flor. lib. 1. Insomuch as Machavell could note the Roman Church to be the cause of all the calamities of Italy. What should I here relate the hurly-burlies raised and increased by julius the second? the slaughters caused by Innocentius the third, Of Nice, and Go●stantinopl. Synod. Carthag. can. 6.2 q. 2. c. placuit. c. 36. Gratian. ●●st. 22. ●●renouintes. Tonstal burned English testaments at Paul's cross. and Nicholas the third? these may give us a taste, that their whole religion is but politic Atheism. It were worth the noting to mark how they corrupt the scriptures: suppress the truth, deprave the ancient counsels: falsify Synods, change the Canons, set up fictions, displace antiquities; forge novelties; falsify laws; feign authors; pervert tables; burn bills; set some of the fathers upon the rack, & thrust the rest into purgatory. Witness one for many: Bellarmine their chief champion, whose policy is sometime to change the state of the cause at his pleasure: sometime to trouble the whole order with new distinctions on the words: Now to give one and the same author yea one and the same book both the liking and the lie, Index expurgatorius. as it shall be for him, or against him: then to turn the affirmative sentences of the fathers into Negatives, Abraham. Sculteti. Epist. nucupator. and their negatives into affirmatives: otherwhiles to quote half a speech and period for the whole: and then again to bring in counterfeits among the father's coin: yea and to prefer the barbarous translations of the Latins (if they serve his turn) before the purity of the Grecian copies, that make not for him. And it is no policy to keep their novices from reading the book of protestants? Concil. Trid. or was it not foxlike cruelty to condemn William Tolwin for an heretic, being master of arts, because he had books of Frith, and Ridley, Melanthon, and the confession of the Germans, Anno. 1541. compelling him to recant it at Paul's cross? Bellar. lib. de Rom. pontific. 2. & 3. And now men must build their faith upon the Pope's mouth, for he cannot ere. Yet Liberius was an Arrian: Acasias' 2 Novatian: Honorius 2 Monothelite. Silvester the 2. john the 18. Gratian. 2. dist. 19 Platina. Luitprand. john the 19 john the 20. Bennet the 8. Bennet the 9 Gregory the 7. were necromancers. john the 13. maintained open stews. Boniface the 8. was found guilty of heresy, murder, Fascie. tempo Theod. a Nieen lib 3. cap. 9 Abbas Vrsperg. Simony: and john the 14. was convicted of heresy by the counsel of Constance. Howbeit the Papists would not believe the scriptures, no not Christum natum, passum etc. Benno Cardinal. that Chrst was borne, suffered, rose, neither the resurrection, life everlasting, the trinity, no nor that there was a God, Nisipropter ecclesiae authoritatem, but for the authority of their Church: and yet the church depends upon the Pope, Stapleton lib. 1. 10. sect. 3. etc. 2 sect. 6. etc. 2.13. sect. 12. qui plerumque tantum in se fidei habet, quantum Turcarum imperator, who for the most part hath as much faith and religion in him, Whittach. count Staplet. oc author. sact. script. lib. 1. cap. 2. as their great Turk. And I pray you what more high way can there be unto Atheism, then to build faith scriptures, church, and all upon the Pope, in whom is nothing but a mass of heresy, and infidelity? No marvel now, if the canon of the scripture be so uncertain among the Papists, seeing the Pope may detract, & add unto it what he list. If the third council of Carthage decree upon a canon, Trid. council. sess. 4. cap. 2. yet may the council of Trident add unto it Baruch and Ecclesiasticus: by the privilege of his Popeship Rhenatus Bcnedictus upon commission may add the 3. Lib. 1. cap. 8. stromar. & 4. books of Esdras to the Canon. And his papacy may put in more into the canon, then either the Fathers, Concil. Laod. c. 84. Origin. Gelasius. Nazianz. Hieron in prolog. Galiato. Athanas. in synops. sacr. script. or the Laodicean council: and for the interpretations of the scriptures, if the Romists interpret it, it must stand for the word of God, be it never so false and ridiculous. But can the Papists deride their religion? How think you? what did Hildebrand the Pope when he asked council of the devil? Hosius de express. verbo Dei. or the Bishops & the sacrificing Priests, demanding Satan's judgement & policy touching the ruin of the Florentines, signo dato hostiam, Benno Cardinal. id est deum suum igni inijciunt: when they received a discontented sign, Volater. lib. 5. Georg. they threw their host, that is their God into the fire. Boniface the 8. because Procherus took part with the Gibellines, Harding. Confut. Apol. Anglic. which were his adversaries, said unto him upon Ash-wednesday the solemn day of ashes: memento homo quod Gibellinus es, Concil. Later sess. 10. sub. Leone. 10. et cum Gibellinis in terram reverteris. Remember man (not that thou art ashes) but that thou art of the stock, and faction of the Gibellines, Nauclerus Ann. 677 Agathon in the first general Council at Constantinople. and that with the Gibellines thou shalt return unto the earth, and forthwith he threw ashes in his face. Do they not defend whoredom, taking tribute à meretricibus of stews and harlots? do they not defend usury, and call them montes pietatis rocks and mountains of piety and devotion? And was not johannes de Casa an arch Prelate, that wrote a Book in the commendation of Sodomy? Sinon caste tamen caute. To omit their baptizing of Bells, and their other fopperies: are not these sufficient to show, what house they come of? Agrippa●duers. Louani●ns. did not Ecchius call marriage beastliness, and yet himself had three bastards, the same year he disputed thereof at Lipsia? But these chaste patrons do not forswear fornication, adultery and uncleanness, but only lawful wedlock, and honest marriage. Ross. lib. de ●ust. reip Christ. Imp. eap 5. If I should tell you what small conscience these Papists make of railing, slandering, Hard. in defence. Apol. lying & blaspheming, their Atheism would be over plain and palpable. Who so shall read Alanus: Bristol: Stapleton: Rishton: Hamilton, Bellar. praefat. 2● controu. de Christ. Bozius, Vlenberge, Verstergan, Ecchius, Cocleus: Stapilus: Bolsecus: Bellarmine, Rhemmist. vbiq●. Harding, and the Rhemish testament: where they call the protestants, Turks, Pagans, Monsters, miracles, Gerion's, Briareans, Minotaurs, Centaurs, liars, impudent, foolish, shameless, ignorant, witless, jewish, Staple. in Whittak. & de jewello ●u●e. 9 heathenish, blasphemous, villains, harlots, madmen, thieves, cobblers, cananites, apostates, heretics, devils, lechers, tinkers, tapsters, fiddlers, pipers, that they make no account of the articles of their faith, Bellar. denotis Eccles. lib. 4. cap. 8. and such like, may easily discern in them the spirit of the dragon and of Atheism. They make no bones to belly religious and good men (so they might colour their religion) as you may see by these two examples in steed of many. They writ that Caluin calling upon the devil, blaspheming & swearing gave up the ghost, cursing the day when he began to apply himself to study and writing: yea that in his life time he had forsaken the Church of God, Cyprian. and betaken himself to papism: but mendacia di● non fallunt: lies last not long: For Caluin answering for himself saith: fallitur Diabolus cum tota su● caterua, Calu. in Epist. instit. Christi●. si me putidis suis mendacijs obruendo, hacindignitate fractiorem ve● magis lentum fore putat: quia Deum prosua immensa bonitate daturum mthiconsido, ut in cursu sanctae suae vocationis aequabili tolerantia perseverem: the devil is deceived with all his army, if overcharging me with their stinking lies he thinks by this indignity to weaken and discourage me: because I trust that God of his goodness will so enable me as I shall persevere in the course of his holy calling, with the same pains, and patience. And of Beza they set out many copies in print, that himself at his death did turn Papist & with him the whole church of Geneva in this sort. Theod Reza. a ●●oan Gui●. Stuck●u●● Sac. The●log. in eccles. Tiguri●. profess. Epist. & pastorum ac profess. Geneuens responsioon put●diss. & impudentiss. Commentum Monachorum sacr. nomen jesu ementium de The●dori Bez●● obi●u ci●●dem ac totius Ecclesi● Genauen●ad p●o ●uum defectionem. Theodorus Beza ut semortivicinun sensit, coram pleno senatu Genevensi palinodiam cecinit, hortans et per dei amorem eundem senatum totumque populum Gen●uensem rogans, ut si cohaeredes Christi in aeterna vita esse velint relicto errore Caluinismi, ad catholicae s●dis obseruanti●m et religionem toto pectore sese converterent, etc. which Beza himself surviving convicted of falsehood, & the whole Church of Geneva writing in their own & his behalf proved to be a detestable slander & shambles lying fiction. And are they less liberal of their blasphemies that say we are able to do more than we ought, yea plusquam river a facere teneamur, Bellar. lib. 2. de Monach. cap. 13 more than we are bound to do by the law of God. And if we cannot keep the law of God Deus esset omni tyranno ini quior et crudelior: then were God more cruel and unjust than any tyrant. Naziacez. Notwithstanding 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: not to sin is above the reach of man. Rhen. 1. Tim. ●. Aquin. supple. 25. q. art. 1. And what Papist can love the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength, that make the Pope equal to God and his Christ? Papa et Christus faciunt unum consistorium the Pope and Christ make one consistory. That say Francis did as much as Christ imo plura fecit quam Christus: yea he did more than Christ. Pomormitan. lib. confirmitat. That call the scriptures dumb, Defence. Apol. jewel. dead, and Inkhorn divinity, yea & deny there is any jot of divinity in them, que nos ad credendum: that can bind us by religion to believe them. Pigh. 3. de eccl. Eckius. Is not this the very top of Atheism, to deny the scriptures to be the word of God? Andrad. lib. 3. defence. council. Trid. For this cause they have printed books of the insufficiency of the scriptures, & the uncertainty of the same. Ecchius. Enchir. de author. eccle. resp. 3. de object. haeret. And now they must not be Authentic nisi ecclesiae authoritate unless the Church authorise them. For omnis quae nunc est scripturarum authoritas, ab ecclesiae authoritate dependet necessario: all the authority, which now the scripture hath, depends necessarily upon the authority of the church. Pighsus lib. 1. de H● rarch. Eccles. cap. 2. No neither should they be canonical, nor be of any force among the Papists nisi nos ecclesiae doceret authoritas: but for the authority of their Church: yea tantum valent, Hossius. lib. 3. de author. scrip. quantum Aesopi fabulae: but for the testimony of their Church, they would esteem no more of the scriptures, than they do of Aesop's fables. Hossius. lib. 2. cont. Bren●●n. No marvel then if they make David a Ballad maker, and equal fables, Canons, Epistles, Extravagants, Constitutions, and traditions with the scripture or if they make new scriptures as Nowm evangelium, Hosius lib. de verbo Le●. the new gospel, Andrad lib. 2. Lindan lib. 1. c. 4. & 5. dist. 15. Sancta Roma. our Lady's Psalter, the legends of Martyrs: new sacraments, prefer traditions above the scripture and make traditions the foundation of the scriptures. Scripturae authoritas evanescit penitus, nisieam traditio in sundamentum stabiliat, whereas no Turk, joh. Cuspian de Saracenis. or Saracen dare change one jot of Mahomet's law: the Papists dare change the law of God: take the cup from the people, decreed by Pope john the 23, Baptista. Pane. c●us. in the counsel of Constance: mingle water with wine, & ad salt, spittle, oil, exorcisms, & what not unto baptism. Yet the scripture permits none to know above that which is written, Bellar. lib. 1. de baptism. c. 2. & 27. 1. Corinth. 4. 1. Galathians. 3. Romans. no not an Angel from heaven: for every man is a liar, but God is true. And so is the Pope (saith the Papist) for he is a God. What now remains, if God sent us the scriptures for a rule for our salvation, but to believe they be both true & sufficient for us, or else to imagine that God in them either could not, would not o● durst not reveal the truth unto us, which is gross Atheism once to suppose. Indeed the old heretics endeavouring to deface womankind, & condemn wedlock, Clemens. Alex. lib. 3. storm. alleged testimonies ex quodam evangelio Apocripho secundum Aegiptios: out of a certain Apocryphal gospel, according to the Egyptians: & from the gospel of S. james. The Manickes held the scriptures to be corrupt: helvidius was persuaded that the Greek copies were false, Aug. lib. 1. de mor. cap. 29. yea the heretics, not daring to stand to the Canonical scriptures, used Apocrypha as the gospel of the Hebrews: the gospel of Eva: the gospel of Philip, the gospel of Nicodemus; the gospel of perfection: the questions of our Lady the more and the less: the revelation of Adam and so forth: many of these had the disciples of Marrion: And Tatian from the four Evangelists compounded a diatesseron as a ovitesssence for his followers. Concil. Trid. sess. 4. decr. 2. Bellar. lib. 2. descript. cap. 2. & de verbo De lib. 2. cap. 10. The Papists not behind with any, hold the hebrew text to be corrupt, and therefore a athorize only the latin: how be it Isodorus Clarius saith: that in the latin, Isid. Epist. ad lector ante ver fionem bibliorun. and common interpretation there be innumerable faults, whereof he amended 8 thousand in his translation: notwithstanding for all his pains, his translation was condemned by the Spanish inquisition. For Apocrypha they have protevangelium Iacobi● the Gospel of james, the liturgy of james: the Gospel of Nicodemus Prochorus his history of john the Evangelist: the Epistles of Martialis: Abdias of the lives of the Apostles, and (to omit all the rest) nowm evangelium Cyrilli cuiusdam monachi Carmelitae a new gospel of a certain Camelite Monk named Cyrillus, the sum whereof is deum patrem sub lege, etc. Lib. de Poe●ir. cap. 8. Math. God the ●ather reigned in the time of the law: God the son in the time of grace, but now the 4. begging orders being erected, the holy Ghost is authorized in his kingdom, Parisiens'. Thom. Crantiprat. and shall so continue to the end of the world, & who so will be ●●ued, must of necessity believe this gospel & yet many withstood as Gulielme de sancto amore: Guid. Bonatus who writ a book against it: But Manfred king of Sicily was excommunicated by the Pope, Fasci●. tempor●●. joh. Hu●●. tom. 2. because he detested this gospel: Gerardus Saragellus was burned at Parma for refusing it. Thus they disable the word of God to set up their own inventions: which how it may be without Atheism I rest to be instructed by the politic Papist. Greg. Epist. 3. lib. 11. Seculius 2. Tuessal. 2. Gregory and Sedulius pointing out unto us Antichrist, affirm Antichristum judacias ceremonias revocaturun that antichrist should call again the jewish ceremonies. But the Papists have replenished the church both with judaisme and Gentilism, Euscb. lib. 5. cap. 14.15.19. etc. yet Blastus was counted an heretic, quod latenter vult judaismum introducere: because he laboured underhand to bring judaisme into the Church of Rome. Tertul. lib. de prescript. haeret. And saith Thomas of Aquin, Gentilitatis ritus repudiabatur tanquam omnino illicitus, et a Deo semper prohibitus. Ritus autem legis cessabat tanquam impletus per Christi passionem, Tho. Aqui. 1.2. Q. 103. Art. 4. utpote a Deo in figure am Christi constitutus: the rites & ceremonies of the Gentiles were rejected & refused, as altogether unlawful, Boemus. Aubanus de gent. mor. & for ever forbidden of God: but the ceremonies of the law did cease, as being fulfilled by the passion of Christ, Guicciard. funeral 1. Blondus ●●ium. Mantuan. fast. Belethus. Aug. de confess. evang. 1. ●●. 1●. being ordained of God to be a figure of Christ. Notwithstanding the Papists have borrowed of both, worshipping God after another manner than he had prescribed: & not serving Christ according to the knowledge of the truth. Lactan. lib. 5. cap. 10. 1. Sam. 5. 22. Numb. 1. King. 11. 1. King. 13. 2. King. 5. 5. john. 23.15. Math. 9 The Egyptians served God under the shapes of beasts: the Philistines under the shape of Dagon a Fish; the Grecians of a man; the Chaldeans had their Baal; the Sidonians had their Ashteroth; Amonites, Moloch; Syrians, Rimnon, and so forth: yea thus did the jews, Arrians, Mahometists worship God otherwise then he had revealed in his word. For they honoured not the Son, as they did the Father; but served him, Lactan. de fall. relig. lib. 2. c. 20 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Yet the Papist serves & represents God in an Idol, and many ways like the jews & Heathens doth dishonour him. Aug. in Psa. 113. 1. Romans. Plato m●haed. Virgil. Aeneid. 1 For the Gentile could say, nonipsa timemus, sed eos ad quorum imaginem ficta, et quorum nominibus consecrata sunt: we neither fear nor worship the Image, Plu●arch. de s●ra viudict. but the thing represented by the Image: And yet S. Paul saith, that the Gentile turned the truth of God into a lie: namely the glory of the incorruptible God, into the similitude of a corruptible man. Boemus de Gent. mor. lib. 1. ●. 5. The Heathens prayed to the dead, as Aeneas to Anchises: so do the Papists. The heathens made a Purgatory so do the Papists. Bellar. de cleria. lib. 1. cap. 19 dist. 82. The Heathens had shaven crowns, turnings in the altars, sacrifising, pompous solemnities, adorations, musical measures, Pol. Virg. lib. 5. cap. 4. etc. and so have the Papists: their Priests must be single because the legal Priests did separate themselves from their wives in their course of sacrifice: wherefore Siricius will forbid Priests marriages: and Gregory the 9 will take it clean away. Clemens. Alex. lib. 3. storm. Howbeit (saith Clemens) the heretics took occasion to forbid priests marriages ex Ethnicorum exemplis, from the example of the Heathens. Thus they took examples ab Hieraophntis Atheniensibus from the Athenian expounders, Hi●●on. lib. 2. cont. joviman. who lost their strength with drinking Hemlock: & under pretence of purity, excluded lawful wedlock from their idolatrous sacrifices, saying: absistat à sacris Eusch. de praep. Cui tulis hesterna gaudia nocte Venus. evang. 18. Of this heresy were sometime the Essens, borrowing their kind of life from Pythagoras rules, the first chapter whereof was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Adamites. the contemot of marriage. Some think their prohibitions came from the gospel of S. james, others from the example of Adam, Guido per●iū. lib. de Haeresib. that knew not his wife before his fall: other from Abdias the Babylonian writing of the Acts of the Apostles: but howsoever Mantuam sets this brand upon them. Romulidun leges quaesunt conubia contra. Esse malas vere prohibent, etc. That those Romish laws are full of impiety and ungodliness. Belsar. de Monach. lib. 1. c. 5. If the Nazurites and Rechabites had their vows, the Papists will run in debt unto them for their Monks, & votaries: If Moses and Elias fast forty days, Rhem. in Math. 4. sect. 2. they must needs afford the Papists the time of Lent from their examples: Paul the first will lend unto it a lenten service: and Gregory upon his Popish liberality will add 4. days unto it: yet he will take away Milk, Polyd. Virg. lib. 6. cap. 6. 5. Numb. 19 Numb. Cheese, Butter, Eggs; And if the papists have need of consecrated oil, Bellar. de cultu. sanct. 3. lib. ca ●. salt, water, ashes, they must come a begging to the jews. Sigebert. Volater. Polyd. lib. 5. cap. 9 Innocentius, and Foelix the fourth will bestow it kindly upon the sick. But Silvester will have the Bishop's anointed after the manner of the Levitical Priests. Bellar. de sacra. confir. lib. 2. c. 8. And if the law prescribe anointings, the Papists will be bold to borrow it. Levit. 4. & Damasus will have the crossing with Chrism upon the brow at baptism: yea if the jews had their sacrifices for sin, the Popes will have their Mass, Bellar. de missa lib. 2. cap. 2. Platina. lib. 8. & 9 or else they will run upon the score: yea here the Pope will show his liberality: Gregory will give unto it the Antiphonae and 9 times Kyrieleison. Yea if needs be, whatsoever Celestine, Sixtus, Innocentius the first, Sergius the first, Gelasius, Leo and others have begun, he will alter, and change, saying: sancti Patres non statim omnia ad decorum officij pertinentia videre potuerunt, H●st. Lornbard, de tribus varie● tatibus missa. sed diversi diversa ordinaverunt: the holy fathers could not see all that was needful for so high a service as the Mass, whence grew a controversy, whether the Ambrosian, or the Gregorian service were to be preferred. But down went the Ambrosian in the time of Charles the great, with fire and faggot both for it, and the upholders thereof. And the first Latin Mass was sung at the sixth Synod of Constantinople in the year 656. the true number of antichrist. Sanguine miss●. Cr●uit. Bale in Centuar. cap. 8 ●. Apo●. 1. Sergius bestowed upon it agnus dei ● others the worshipping of the host at Elevation as also the carriage of it with lights and other superstitions unto the sick others borrowed massing garments from the attrying of the priests in the old law: Stephanus ordained altars after the manner of the jews: Silvester bestowed both linen Albes and corporals, Rellar. de Missa lib. 2. cap. 15. Poly. lib. 6. c. 12 Platina. yet Sixtus will not have the Priest to wear his robes but in an holy place. If salomon's Temple be all gorgeous, they will adorn their Churches, with images, Bellar. de missa. lib. 2 cap. 6. Polyd. li. 6. c. 13. Crosses, Gold etc., because of his example. If Constantine in the year 707. give leave for Images to be painted in S. Peter's porch at Rome: Gregory the third in the year 731. will have them to be worshipped. Lenit. 13. And because the Levitical Priests had the discerning of the leprous persons: the Popish Priests must have auricular confession, Bellar. de paeni●. lib. 3. c. 3. yea it must be a sacrament, et sine hac non patere viam ad caelum and without this, Lombard lib. 4 dist. 17. there must be no way whereby to enter into heaven: yet Gratian doubted of it: Augustine wrought against it: & in the church 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Innocent. 3. in come. lat. c. 21. defending the unity of essence, it was altogether abrogated. Gratian. dist 1. de paenit. But least the Papist should be less superstitious, than either jew or Gentile: Leo the third appointed the burning of Frankincense, Aug. confess. 10 cap. 3. after the manner both of jews and Gentiles: Silvester ordained the feast of Petri ad Vincula; Hist. Tripart. lib. 9 cap. 35. Polyd. li. 5. c. 10 Poly. lib. 6. c. 8. Sigebert volat. Extrau●gan. Vigilius the feast of Candlemas: Honorius the feast of the exaltation of the cross: Vrbanus the 4. Corpus Christi day. Sixtus the fourth the days of the presentation, Poly. de In. lib. 6. cap. 8. Platina. Sabell. and conception of our Lady, of Saint Anne, and of joseph. john the eighteenth the feast of all souls. And Gregory the 4. the feast of all Saints, Boniface bestowed upon the Saints fasting evens. Polydor. 6. c. 4. Sergius shrines. Gregory veneration. Leo hymns, jacob. Bergo. mens. john the 22. a saints bell to be tolled thrice every day, Platina. Naucler. whereat the hearers should straight ways crouch down and say the Auae Maria. Polyd. 6. ca 12. Platina. Polyd. li. 6. c. 11 Gratian. Isidor. Volat. Platina. Savel. Sigebret. Polyd. lib. 6. cap. 2. Foelix consecrated altars, and Boniface bestowed both church & altars on thieves for sanctuaries. Innocentius must have the Pax carried about on festival days to be kissed: Vrbanus the communion cup to be of gold. Zozimus the Paschal taper on Easter even to be hallowed Vitellian organs, and instruments in the church. Celestine the Psalms to be sung after the order of Antiphones. Leo Mass for the dead. Pelagius & Vrbanus canonical hours. Gregory large processions: Leo petty processions; Greg. 4. Epist. cap. 88 and Agapetus must have those processions to go round about the church every Sunday. Polyd. li. 6. c. 11. Greg. 4. Epist. cap. ●8. Polyd. 6. cap. 11. Volat. Platina. Martin. Carsu. jan. Hugo. Floria cens. Ptolom Lucens. Godfrid. Behold how they worship God after their own fantasies, putting thereunto canonical hours, Matins, Mass, Procession, Sensing, Saints, holidays, compleine, Litanies, Invocations, Images, Dirges for the dead, Ladies Psalters, baptized Bells, Beads, Altars, Viterbius. Anronius Plor●t john Ru●us. Guliel. Durand. in rat. diuino●. Organs, Songs, Wax, lights, Banners, relics, crosses, holy water, and foreign tongues. Yea oil, cream, spittle, unctions, shavings, ashes, watchings, pageants, vows, pilgrimages, fastings, and a world of fenceless ceremonies. Is not this to change the worship of God into idolatry, superstition, humane inventions, men's commandments, and utterly to abolish it? Bethen enim quae prius vocabatur domus Dei, Hieron in Osea lib. 1. cap. 4. postquam vittuli in ea positi sunt, Bethaven ere at, id est domus inutilis, et domus Idoli: For Bethel that before was called the house of God, after the Calves were placed in it, was Bethaven the house of Idols; then what can the church of Rome be, but Bethaven, that sets up the worshipping of Angels; Invocation of the dead, adoration of the cross, of Images, of relics, of the bread in the sacrament, with all those superstitious ceremonies, Guliel. Whita. adverse. Staplet. praefat. ad lectorem. & many more before recounted. But let the whole religion of Papistry be a profession of a coloured Atheism, a good life will mend all: modo habeant bonos motus rationi nature all convenientes, Scotus prolog. sent. q. 12. caveantque eaquae ratio natur alis mala et fugienda esse docet: If they neither be baptized, not have any Church, or teaching, yet they may be saved, if they carry a good mind, have an honest intent, and walk according to the laws of nature, and reason, as the Papists do. For they, Barnard de. consid. ad Eugen. lib. 4. Barnard. in serm. 33. ante omnia sapientes sunt ut faciant mala, bonum autem facere nesciunt, blandissimi asimplicissimi dissimulatores, et maligdulatores, mordacissimi detractores, nissimi proditores: are wise to do evil, but know not how to do good, most fawning flatterers, biting slanderers, Holcot. in Sap. Lect. 183. deep dissemblers, & malicious traitors: Priests of Baal, Dagon, Priapus, Hieron. praefat. Didym. de spiri. tu sancto. Bernard. in cant. 33. & in conuer●. sancti Paul. serm. 1. Angels of hell. Senatus pharisaeorum, Coloni purpuratae meretricis: Babylonians, pharisees, inhabitants of the purple coloured whore, servants of Antichrist: persecutors of Christ and his Church: sick from the sole of the foot, to the crown of the head: roaring Lions, and devouring Wolves. Many go unto Rome some what good, but return very bad. Eugenius ascendit jericho, incidit in latrones: Eugenius was fetched to Rome to be Pope, Hieron. in Soph. 5. he went up to jericho, but he fell among thieves. Grego. hom. 17 in Ezechi. Hieron. in jer. 2. Proh pudor hos toler are potest ecclesia porcos, Duntaxat ventri, veneri, somnoque vacantes: O shame, can any Church still suffer Papistry, Bernard. Epist. 147. That nought regards but belly, sleep and venery? When Nertarius began to set abroach auricular confession at Constantinople, Palinge●. lib. 9 in Sagittario. a certain Gentlewoman being confessed of a Priest, and enjoined to fast, Zoz●n. hist. trip. lib. 9. c●.35 pray in the Church, was in the time of her penance ravished by an holy Deacon, which took great pains in the sanctuary to observe the vow of chastity: whereupon at the people's exclamations it was there again dissolved. Cyprian. Epist. 11. Pope john the 13. was begotten by john the 12. of an arrant strumpet; Luitprand. lib. 2 cap. 13. & john the 10. was borne of fornication, begotten by Pope Sergius, johan. Textot. Henricus Agrip. upon an whore called Marozia: yea Peter Lombard Master of sentences: Peter Comester Master of histories & the Monk Gratian compiler o● the laws, Volate. were borne betwixt an holy Nun & a Priest. johan Textor in office Philip the holy Abbot of Vallisolet, and archbishop of His●alis in Spain, kept Christian his brother Alphonsus' wife himself: still living. Petrus Mendosa Cardinal of Valens had two bastards by Elizabeth wife to Ferdinand. Boccace. Pogghius. Some one ghostly father hath corrupted in his time a 100 Nuns & Maidens: some 200. some more, some less. Agrippa reporteth of a Bishop, Agrip. de incertitud. scient. cap. 64. that boasted at his table, that he had in his diocese eleven thousand priests, which pain yearly a French crown for whores keeping, besides occupying with other men's wives. Hildebrand, that withstrained the marriage of Priests, was himself a Necromancer, a murderer, a suppresser of princes, & kept Maude the Duchess of Lothary both in the days of her husband Gozilon, Lambard Shaffan. in Cronicis & also after his death, leading her about with him in his Coach. Ranulph in polycron. lib. 7. cap. 13. At what time johannes de Cremona the Pope's Legate a latere came from Rome unto England to forbid priests wives, Guliel. Maulmesbuty. Flo●. hist. he was taken himself with a whore the night following. Benno Cardinalis saith, that the finishing of the thousand years, Henry Huntingdon. lib. 7. Benno Card. in vita Hildebrand. when the Dragon should be loosed, was in Pontificatu Sergij secundi in the Popedom of Sergius the second, whom a devil strangled upon a compact between him, and the Pope, as he was saying Mass in the open sight of all men. Au●ntinc. pag. 584. Neither was it without cause, that the Germans called Hildebrand Hellebr and a fire brand of hell. But why do I insist in these petty matters? Agripp. de Lenocin. & crat. ad Lovaniens. did not Pope Sixtus build a stews at Rome, which bring in yearly twenty thousand Ducats? yea what should Boniface the 7. Sylvester the 2. Bennet the 9 Gregory the 7. Gregory the 9 Innocentius the eight? Luitprand. li. 6. cap. 6. and. 7. did not Sixtus the fourth make a stews at Rome, appointing it both for Masculine and Feminine: & john the twelve made a stews of his palace, Platina in vita Marcel. and drank a carouse to the devil. He that will know more let him search Platina, Mantuan and others, Mantuan Eclog. 5. Faster. 2. Sil●. 1. and he shall find enough to make his ears to tingle. Budaeus speaking of the French Bishops saith, Budaeus Annot. prior. i●lege●. de leg. pag. 121. they were more like hogs than men prae morum turpitudine et inscitia: Petrarch calleth the church of Rome scholam errorum: the temple of heresies, deflecting from the worship of God, Petrarch. cant. 106.107.108. unto the worship of Bacchus and Venus: yea he calleth it Babylonia, and impudent harlot where verit as is dementia, abstinentia rusticitas, pudicitia probrum, bonorum hostis, malorum hospes: truth is madenes, abstinence clownery, shamefastness dishonesty, it is an host for the wicked, an enemy to the godly. And from thence comes all the mischief in the world. Vinon. Labyt. tract. 5. cap. 3●. Theodorus a Niem recording the Schism between Vrban the 6. and Clement, relates of nothing but wars, seditions, murders, contentions, lusts and ambitions: and speaking of the Nuns & Monks from the testimony of Gregory the 12. he calleth them ebrios, concubinarios, homicidas, Gualther Mapefius in Rhythnius. drunkards, lechers, murderers, with many other terms befitting rather devils than men. Some call their prelate's Haeredes Luciferi, heirs of Lucifer: others say their monasteries praeter Penelopes sponsos, Nebulones, Stiblinus in Cornupedia. Alcinoosque neminem h●die educunt: nourish none but wantoness, Briden brach. in ●uae peregr. histor. knaves, whores, & ribbaldes. Some compare their officers to pilate's sleeping on the sea: to dogs that cannot bark, to watchmen without their trumpets. O tempor a, O mores: Gaude matter Roma et quia per malitiam hominum, non per tuam religionem orbem vicisti: rejoice Ô Rome, Abbas urspergen. de Innocens. 3. & Bonifac. 8. because thou hast vanquished the world, not by thy religion, but by the wickedness of thy people. Brigit Anno. 1370. Thy Priests have turned Gods ten commandments into one precept, dap●cuniam give, Onuphrlus. give, Paulus the 4. set up vs●ry: lulius the 3. was an extortioner, and Pius the 4. prayed upon the church, Fascic. tempot Luitprand. Flatina. Vigilius, john the 11. Constantius the 2. john the 12. Benedict the 5. john the 19 Benedict the 9 Silvester the 3. Gregory the 6. john the 18. Damasus the 2. Gregory the 7. Boniface the eight, Guicciard. lib. 1 and who not either by the devil, deceit, favour, force, or money attained the Popedom. Here bawaes, cooks, horsekeepers, children, and all for money, were preferred to Ecclesiastical dignities. Aureum spccul. in Antilogia. Here Paradise and Purgatory, justice, & judgement, & all for money. Theod. a Nien, lib. 1. cap. 68. ● lib. 2. cap. 3. Boniface the 9 in a short time got for pardons out of one kingdom an 100 thousand Florins. O Roma, laetare super iniquitates filiorum hominum: o Rome rejoice over iniquity, Abbas Vrsperges. Th. Beck. epist. ad Archi●p. Mogunt. for it is thy harvest. Yea their holy Saint and servant Becket could thus report of Rome, factam essem meretricem et prostitutam esse pro mercede, that she made herself a common harlot for money. How long might I dwell upon their surfeiting and drunkenness. Guicciard. lib. 1. & lib. 5. Innocentius the 8. totum se voluptatibus et otio tradidit, betook himself to pleasure and idleness. But Alexander the 6. was much more brutish: for nullum habuit religionis sensum: he had no sense of religion. Onuphrius. Sanazarius. Author are all to bepestered with the gluttony, Guicciard lib. 7. & lib. 14. Platina. lechery, Sodomy, and incest of julius the 2. Leo the 10. Paulus the 3. Sixtus the 4. Paulus the 2. Pius the 4. john the 12. Gregory the 7. Sergius the 3. & other: in such sort as Luiprand calleth the Lateran palace prostibulum meretricum, Agrip. de Lenocin, & de vanit. scient. a common stews: famous are the murders and discords of Gregory the 7. john the 11. in poisoning their predecessors, Onuphrius Epi. Othon. imperat. ad johan. papam Luitprand. lib. 6. cap. 6. Stephaous, Formosus, Romanus, Sergius and the rest. Not to rip up their cruelty even unto the dead: as to Wickleffe, Bucer, Paulus Phagius, Henry the fourth, the Admiral of France, Benno Cardin. Cornel. Agrip. Platina. Popes unto Popes, and many others. The whole world is witness of their pride, in their triple crown, Ganymedes, Musicians, Bernard. lib. 4. de consid. & in cant. serm. 33. stately Palaces, purple, gold, scarlet, sceptres, coronations & pomp, Rings, Bracelets, Chains, jewels, Smaragdes, Adamantes, sapphires, Lib. 1. ceremon. ponufic. sect. 3. c. p. 3. Chrysolites, Jaspers, and Unions, toes kissed, stirrups held by Empetors, yea and if they list, they must ride upon the shoulders of the Emperors: O tempus pessimum in quo defecit sanctus, Vita Clement. 9 et diminuta sunt veritates, à filijs hominum: o time, Guicciard. li. 11. Platina in Paul. 2. the worst of all times, wherein the good man is perished, Paseis. temporum I● Mar. 2. Adrian 3. Stephan. 5. Platina in vita Dyonisii primi. and truth is departed from the sons of men's unto which times nile vel superbiae Luxuriae, pompae addi potest: neither pride, pomp, or riotousness, can more be added. (Begin saith one of the Father's Tidentine) a sanctu● ario Dei si ullus iam pudor, etc. at the sanctuary of God, if there be any shame, honesty, In Sunod. Trid. sess. ●. or virtue to be found: ut merito possit mundus spelunca latronum dicior: so that the world may be well called a den of thieves, Palingen. lib. 6. wherein men with brazen faces, & impure mouths say, non est Deus, In Synod. Trid. fess. 1. there is no God. Whose beastly manners are so ill, & conversation so brutish, as they have forsaken God, Apoc. 18. & betaken themselves unto the Epicuir; o then come out of her my people vivere qui recte cupitis discedite Roma omnia cum licet non licet esse bonum; 〈◊〉. Silu. 1. for blessed is the man that delights in the law of the Lord, Psal. 1.1. ●. & walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor leads his life like he sinners & ungodly. Wherefore seeing that papistry is a religion commixed & compounded of error & heresies: seeing it is an Apostate church, and the kingdom of Antichrist: seeing it refuseth Christ to be the head thereof, & accepteth the Pope in his place & room: seeing it is a monster having sometimes 2. sometimes 3. sometimes 4. heads at once: seeing it denies the ancient & true God, & sets up new & false god, in his stead: seeing it divesteth christ of all his offices, & bestows them upon fancies, & usurping flatteries; seeing it removes Christ the true foundation, and builds itself upon Sodomites, Magicians, Atheists and the devils servants: seeing it is an using, a Neuter, and a temporizing church; seeing it is corrupt and too too rotten in the groundwork of religion: seeing it makes religion an art of subtle policy: seeing it makes Christ a deep deceiver, and impostor: seeing it undermines the simple; and condemns the soul: seeing it makes a jest and play of her Papistical profession and religion: seeing it denies the holy scriptures to be the word of God, and coins new scriptures to her popish fancy and devise: seeing it teacheth villainy and all ungodliness: seeing it is an enemy to the good and monstrous murderer of the Saints: seeing it sets up judaisme, Ethnicisme, and foul Idolatry: seeing it makes no account of God himself, nor of his worship, and holy service: seeing both heads and members are unsound, unsanorie, and most impure, both in doctrine, manners, and in all good living, we conclude that Papism is a masked Atheism. FINIS.