AN HELP FOR young people, Preparing them for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. By W. L. B. D. LONDN, Printed by T. H. for Nathaniel Butter at the Pied Bull, near St. Augustine's Gate. 1640. Directions for the weak and ignorant Reader. YOu first directed and taught me, how to teach you; I learned from you, not from my Books, what questions to instruct you in, by observing your misconceits of the first & necessary grounds of faith, and accordingly I have framed this short Catechism: Many other points are needful for you, as to understand the Creed, because else you cannot believe it: and the ten Commandments, else you cannot know your sins, nor your duties: and also the Lords Prayer, else you cannot tell how to pray: But for help herein, I refer you to some short Catechism, where these Heads are expounded. Now that you may profit by this take these directions: 1. Learn by heart the places of Scripture brought for proofs, and ponder them in thy mind, till thou understandest how they prove the point for which they are alleged. This will help thy understanding; for it is not enough to say the words, unless thou understand the matter. 2. Observe by the order of the parts, how and in what order God doth save men by Christ and be you sure to go that way. 3. Observe that the Covenant of Life and Peace in Christ, and justification by faith do go before the use of the Sacrament, as the Grant or conveyance of Land, doth before the sealing: and therefore you must first be in covenant with God, ere you can have right to, or benefit by the Sacrament 4. For the great duty of examining yourselves, do thus: Lay the sign of trial before thee, and then ask thy conscience, Is it thus and thus with my soul? For example for trial of thy faith and repentance, put thyself to the question: How long have I had faith? Have I indeed been wrought upon by the word of God? What change do I find in myself since I was a believer? Spread all thy sins before thee, and then demand, Soul how do I like of this or that sin? Do I make conscience of it? or am I willing to enjoy it longer? to make excuses, and find pretences for the practising of it? So for obedience and charity, examine thyself thus; Do I desire and endeavour to know, and do Gods will in all things? Or am I willing to hid mine eyes from this or that daty, and to shift it off? Do I love the godly because they be godly? Or can I sco●ne, mock, and despite them? Deal faithfully with thy poor soul in this duty of examination and trial remembering that before the act of receiving, thou dost confess thy sins, and profess before God and that Congregation, that the remembrance of them is grievous unto thee, and the burden intolerable: do not now dissemble with God and men: be sure of this, that if thou bring not grace, the Sacrament will put none into thee. He that comes a juaas, shall go a judas: he that comes an unbeliever, or ignorant, or impenitent, shall go away so as he came, may in worse case than he came. 5. And lastly, Labour for distinct knowledge in matters of salvation, content not thyself with ungreauded conjectures, as I think so, and I hope so. Build not on the sand, but be thou an hearer and a doer of the word, so shalt thou be able to day hold on eternal life. Amen. An help for young People preparing for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. Of Christ, and how he seveth us. Q. HOW do you hope to be saved? A. By jesus Christ. Q. Who is jesus Christ? A. The second person in the blessed Trinity, who in the fullness of Time took our nature and became man for our Redemption: Gal. 4.4. Ro. 1.3.4. joh. 1.14. Mat. 16.16. joh. 6.69. Q. What hath he done to save you? A. He died to save me from my sins Ro. 4. 25.1. Cor. 15.3. Es. 53.5. Col. 1.20. Q. Must you else have died and suffered God's wrath? A. Yes; for death is the wages of sin, and all that are sinners be under the Curse. Gal. 3.10. Ro 6.23. Q. How can the death of another save you? A. Yes, Because Christ is our surety, appointed of God to bear our sins, and therefore what he did and suffered in our Name, it is as well as if we had done it ourselves. Heb. 7.22. Es. 42.6. Es. 53.6. Gal. 3.1.3. Gal. 4.4.5. 2. Cor. 5.21. 1 Pet. 2.24 Q. God's justice then must be satisfied for every sin? A. Yes: God punisheth the sins of the Elect in the person o● Christ, But the sins of others that do not believe in their own persons. joh. 16.9. joh. 11.50. joh. 8.24. Q. How doth Christ God's justice for us? A. Because he answered the law for us: Gal. 4.4, 5 Ro. 10.3. Q. How did he answer the law for u●● A. By bearing the punishment which the law threatened for sin, and fulfiling the obedience which the law required of us. Ro 5.19 Gal. 3.13 Ro. 5.9. Q. How cometh the death of Christ to be so available? A. Because it was the suffering and obedience of him that is God: Act. 20.28. 1. Pet. 19.1. Cor. 2.8. Of our need of Christ. Q. DO you stand in need of Christ's righteousness to save you? A. Yes: Because I and all the world are wholly corrupted with sin through Adam's fall, and to become slaves of Satan and guilty of eternal damnation R 3.10. Gen. 6.5. Ro. 5.12.19. Eph. 22 Ro. 10.3. Q. What is sin? A. It is any breaking or swerving from the law of God. Q. How came sin into the world? A. By the first sin of Adam and Eve in eating the forbidden fruit [God made man upright] Gen. 3.6. Ro. 5.12. Q. Are you then a sinner? A. Yes: I was borne in sin: and do daily Break Gods holy laws, being very prone to evil, and untoward to any thing that is good: Ps 51.5. Ro. 7.23. Q. What is the punishment due to sin and sinners? A. The wrath of God, and eternal death in Hell fire. Q. You are delivered from sin & the punishment the of only by Christ, as you said? A. Yes, for his blood cleanseth us from all sin, 1. joh. 1.7. Heb. 9.26. Q. How can that be, seeing you confess that you are still a sinner? A. Yes, though sin remain in me, yet I am cleansed from all sin for two reasons. Q. What the first? A. Because I am made free from the punishment of sin (i) from damnation, being justified by the blood of Christ: Ro. 8.1. Ro. 5.1. Ro. 10.4. Ro. 4.7. Q. Why secondly? A. Because by Christ, we are made free from the power of sin, so that sin doth not reign in us: 2. Co. 5.17.20. Gal. 2.17. Ro. 6.6, 114.1. joh. 3, 8. Ro. 8.2. Of the means to partake of Christ's righteousness. Q. ARe all men thus cleansed and saved by Christ's death? A. No: only they that truly believe and repent of the evil of their do: Es. 1.16. Luke 13.3. Mark 4.17. Luke 24.47. Q. What is faith? A. It is a belief of the Gospel, whereby a sinner truly humbled for sin, doth trust and test upon Christ alone for salvation. Or thus; Faith is the relying of an humbled soul upon the promises of God for salvation by jesus Christ: Eph. 1.13. Es. 50.10. Q. Must the soul be first humbled and pricked for sin before it can go to Christ for salvation? A. Yes: for Christ came to call sinners, and to heals the Broken hearted. Mat. 9.13. Es. 61.1. Luk. 4.18. 1. Tim. 1.15. Q. What promises hath God made to the humbled soul that believeth and resteth on Christ for mercy? A. God hath said, they shall not perish, but have everlasting life. joh. 3.16. Mat. 11.28. Q. Is it enough to believe and no more? A. No, we must also repent, and be converted and turn from our fins: Act. 3.19. Mat. 3.8.10. Mar. Q. What is repentance? A. It is, an earnest displeasure and hatred against sin, whereby we turn from sin to walk with God in newnesle of life: Mat. 3.8, 10.2. Cor. 7.10.11. Q. What promise is there made to them that truly repent? A. God will pardon their sins and remember them no more. Es. 55.7. Es. 1.18. Heb. 10.17. Luke 15.7, 20. Q. Can we not be justified before God by our works of obedience, & good endeavours? A. No, because in many things we fail all: and he that is a breaker of the law cannot be saved by it. Ro. 3.20 Ro 4.5. jam. 3.2. Q. What is the true difference between the Doctrine of the law, and of the Gospel touching salvation? A. The law offereth salvation to them alone, that do fulfil and keep it perfectly in their own persons R●. ●0. 5. Q. How doth the Gospel off●r us salvation? A. By the righteousness of another, (i) of Christ, apprehended and applied to the humbled Soul by a lively faith: Ro 10 9.11. Ro. 4 6.13. Q. Is true faith then void of good works, and of holiness of life? A No: for than it were a dead faith, and it could not profit us, because whosoever is in Christ is a new creature: jam 2.14. 2. Cor. 5.17. john 15.2. Q. What is the meaning then when you say we are justified by faith without works? A. The meaning is, that we are justified by Christ's righteousness only, and that there is no need of our works to be joined with him in that business Rom. Q. It seems then that God doth receive us into his favour out of his mere mercy in Christ alone, Imputing his righteousness unto us, and not our sins? A. It is most true: 2. Cor. 5.21. Rom. 4.5.6. Q. The covenant also of life and peace is made in Christ, to them that believe and repent without the condition of perfect obedience? A. It is so. Rom. 5.6. Gal. 2.17.1. joh. 2.2. Q. This blessed doctrine is taught us in the Gospel, how else is it taught and confirmed to us? A. In the Sacraments. Of the nature and use of the Sacrament, and of our preparation thereunto. Q. HOw many Sacraments be there? A. Two only: Baptism and the supper of the Lord: Q. What is a Sacrament? A. It is a Seal of the righteousness of faith: or a token of the Covenant of peace between God and man. Ro. 4.11. Gen. 17.11. Q. Say the same in other words? A. A Sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual Grace given unto us: as in your Catechism: Q. What is that spiritual Grace, whereof the Sacraments be outward signs and pledges? A. The favour of God doing away our sins in and by Christ Crucified: 1. Cor. 10.16. 1. Cor. 11.26. Heb. 9.26. Q. How many parts be there of every Sacrament? A. Two: first some outward bodily sign of Christ's own ordaining: secondly and some spiritual Grace or Benefit thereby signified: Q. What is the outward sign in the Lord's supper? A. Bread and wine given and received according to Christ's appointment. Q. What is signified thereby? A. The body and blood of Christ Crucified for our sins. Q. What is the benefit of receiving these signs? A. By them, as by a token and pledge from God himself, the worthy receives is assured that be hath a part and share in Christ's Death, and shall be saved thereby. Q. Do all that come to the Lords Table receive such a pledge of God's favour? A. No: only they that be worthy receivers: [the rest receive meet bread and wine, and so profane God's ordinance, and provoke God's judgements against themselves.] Q. What must we do that we may be worthy receivers? A. We must examine ourselves whether we have first Faith. Secondly, Repentance. Thirdly, New obedience. Fourthly Charity. [For the ignorant and unbelievers, the Impenitent, disobedient and uncharitable persons, be all of them unworthy receivers.] Q. What Faith is required in a worthy Communicant? A. The profession of the true Faith, and the Grace of faith. Q. Why is the profession of Faith required? A. Because He that looks to partake of Christian Privileges, must know and maintain the Articles of Christian religion. Q. Where be the Articles of the Christian Faith contained? A. In the word of God, and more summarily in the Creed. Q. Do you understand the Creed? A. Yes. Q. Why is the understanding of those Articles of faith required? A. Because if we do not understand the meaning of them, we can never believe them. Q. Many understand the Creed and yet are unworthy receivers: How may one be assured that his knowledge is Sound and Saving? A. By two signs of saving knowledge. Q. What is the first? A. It is a Renewing knowledge, it doth not only acquaint me with Gods will and ways, But also it worketh my heart to Obedience of the same. Luk. 7.47. joh. 13.17. Ro. 2.20. Ro. 6.17.2. Cor. 3.18.2. Tim. 3.5. Q. What's the second sign of saving knowledge? A. It is an humbling knowledge, which maketh me more and more to see how vile I am, and how unable to do any thing that is good, and so to seek strength & help from Christ. Phil. 3.7.8. Ro. 7.9. job 42.6. Q. You have said, that faith is the relying and resting of the humbled soul upon Christ alone for salvation, How will you try your faith whether it be sound and lively? A. By two signs. Q. What's the first? A. If it hath been wrought in my heart by hearing and knowledge of the word of God. Ro. 10.4.17. [for if we have always had this faith, as carnal persons say they have had, it is a Counterfeit faith: for naturally we are borne in unbelief, Neither doth faith grow up with our Education, But it is a supernatural gift of God's spirit, wrought in us by the Gospel Eph. 2.8. Ro. 2.27. Gal. 5 6. Ro. 9.8. joh. 3.6. Q. What's a second sign of true faith, whereby it may be known? A. By the fruit of Faith which is to make me walk by the rule of faith (i) the scripture, so that I shall not believe one thing and do the Contrary: [True faith will make one to practise what he believeth: else 'tis a dead faith.] ●am. 2.16.17. Act. 15 9 Q. Why is this Gracy of faith required in a receiver? A. Because by faith we are made partakers of Christ, and of the benefits of his passion, which are set forth to us in the sacrament: [we must bring faith to God's promises, and Gods sacraments.] Heb. 3.14. Gal. 3.26, the second Grace is repentance: He must examine himself in that. Q. How will you know your repentance to be found? A. By two signs. Q. What's the first? A. If I make conscience of every sin, even because it is sin. Luk. 16.10. Act. 24.16. Ps. 119.128. Gen. 39.9. [if we grieve for sin because of shame that is a worldly respect, and therefore a worldly sorrow, But if we grieve for our sins because God is offended, that is a Godly sorrow, because the respect and ground of it is Godly.] Q. What is the second sign of sound repentance? A. Amendment: and forsaking of sin. [for true loathing and in●ard hatred of sin, is accompanied with a leaving of it, else it is but a mock sorrow.] Act. 26.20. joel 2.13. 2. Cor. 10.11. Q. Why is this Grace required in a Communicant? A. Because God promiseth nothing to a wicked man, and therefore the sacrament cannot seal nor assure him of any mercy in Christ. Ro. 25. Mat. 3.7.8. Q. What is the Third Grace required in a worthy receiver? A. Care to walk in New obedience. (i) to abstain from evil, and exercise ourselves in that which is Good. Ro. 12.9. Es. 1.16. Q. Why is new obedience required? A. Because if we say, we have fellowship with Christ and walk in darkness, we do but deceive ourselves. 1. joh. 1.6. 1. joh. 3.10. Q. What is the sign of true obedience? A. Sincerity (i) when without doubling of deceit, without dispensing or pretences for sin, we walk upright in the Commandments of God. Ps. 32.2.1. Cro. 28.9.1. Cro. 12.33. [It is a spirit without guile, we must not hid our eyes from any part of God's will or of our duty.] Ps. 1 19.80. Q. What is the fourth Grace required in a worthy receiver? A. Christian love and Charity, especially towards all them that love and fear God. 1. Co. 5.8. Q. What is the first sign of Christian love? A. If we love the Children of God because they be the Children of God, and fear Him. 1. joh. 5.1. 1. joh. 3.12.14. Mat. 10.41. Q. What is the second sign? A. To do our brother no wrong but good if we can. Ro. 13.10.1. Cor. 1.5. Q. What's a Third sign? A. If he hath wronged us to forgive him. Eph. 4.32. Mat. 6.14.15. Q. What is a fourth sign? A. A fellow-feeling of our Brother's weal and woe [(i) if we can rejoice at the good that befalls our Neighbour, in his wealth, credit, gifts, preferment, and graces, as if they had happened to ourselves; and on the other side, if we can heart'ly be sorry for the disgraces and losses which befall our brethren.] Pro. 24 18. job 31.29.30. [especially if we can rejoice and grieve for such good and evils as befall them for Christ's sake, Name and cause.] Q. Why is such love required in a Communicant? A. Because we are members of one Head Christ jesus: and are all partakers of one Bread, one Hope, one Faith, and therefore should be of one mind and of one heart. Act. 4.32. joh. 13.35. Q. What if after examination we find not these graces to be in ourselves? A. They that be void of these graces cannot be worthy receivers, But if we find them to be in us in truth and sincerity, though not in that measure we desire, we may and aught to come to the Lords Table. Q. By what means doth God work these Graces in our hearts? A. By the word preached and heard with an honest heart: by which also they are daily increased. Ro. 14.10. Other General questions. Q. What is the estate of man by Creation? A. An holy and happy estate: for man was at the first made like unto God in holiness and righteousness, in goodness and immortality. He was free from sin and misery. Q. What is the estate of all men through the fall of Adam? A. An estate of sin and misery, for we are all of us originally very sinful and miserable, Being enemies to all Goodness, and prone to all evil, and so the objects of God's wrath, and heirs of hell fire. Q. What is the state of them that be renewed by Christ? A. It is an estate of holiness and righteousness, which is begun here in the kingdom of Grace, and shall be finished in the kingdom of Glory. [They that are Christ's, are renewed in knowledge and holiness according to that Image wherein Adam at the first was created, and they are acquitted from the guilt and punishment of sin by the Blood and Intercession of Christ and finally, they are entitled to an estate of Glory and Immortality with God in Heaven for evermore.] Q. How must we serve God here in this life? A. According to his word, and not according to our own fancies and devises. Q. How must we pray to God A. Only in the Name and mediation of jesus Christ, praying for such things as are agreeable to Gods will to give us. Q. How shall I know that? A. By the word of God which showeth us what things God hath promised, and commanded and forbidden. Q. How else may I know what things I may beg of God in prayer? A. By the Lord's prayer, wherein Christ hath taught us what to pray for, so that whatsoever we have need to pray for, or aught to pray for, it is contained in those Petitions. FINIS.