¶ The right and true understanding of the Supper of the Lord and the use thereof faithfully gathered out of the holy Scriptures worthily to be embraced of all Christian people. Perused & allowed by diverse godly learned men to the comfort of all the true congregation of Christ. ¶ Beati qui ad cenam nuptiarum agni vocati sunt. Apo. xix ¶ To the most puesaunt & mighty Prince Edward the vi by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head: your most humble & obedient Servant Thomas Lancaster heartily wyshith all grace and peace from god with long Reign, honour, health and prosperity. GRace be with your Majesty and peace from god our father & from our Lord jesus christ Amen. And it please your Majesty for this cause have I dedicate this my simple labour unto your grace. first because I perceive that god hath called your Majesty to be apreferrer of his holy and blessed word as by another josias which Lord of power prosper your most excellent Majesty in all your divine affairs & godly enterprises Secondarily because there is found many divers sects under Christ's name at this present, as Papists Lutherians, Swynglians, Anabaptestes, Laudians with other more, like as there was among the jews, as Hasbutri Hemero. Baptista, Essei, Saducei Pharesei. etc. And every one of them bostid them of the lords word, & would be christian's, although that the most part of these fore-rehearsed sects, hath not reaceavyd neither word nor spirit nor no christian learning, & therefore are they so ready to persecute them that hath the word spirit & life, but what helps it, it hath been thus from the beginning, that the spiritual chyldryn of God must suffer of the fleshly, as able of Cain, Isaac of Ishmael, jacob of Esau and the spiritual children of Israel of the fleshly. For before it pleased God to restore in to this Realm (by your graces most noble father, and now by your majesty) the Gospel & joyful tidings of his dearly beloved son our saviour jesus christ, infidelity as chief Ruler reyngned in our hearts, Hypocrisy as a vain glorious Empress bear dominion, superstition, idolatry, false sects, men's traditions, confidens reposed in men's inventions, Pilgrimages, offerings, Bulls, Pardons, Dispensations, Masses, merchandise for merits and works, bieng & selling of the divine misteres, with other abhomenable baggage more, was crept into the great disquietness of this your holy Catholic Church of England, but without doubt they shall no longer prevail for the day of the Lord is at hand which shall break Satan's heed and destroy both him and all his ministers with the breath of his mouth. For he will no longer suffer this great wickedness and abomination, he will be known for the God and saviour alone he is the Lord which alone willbe exalted and all Idols shallbe utterly bronken in pieces. isaiah ii He is that God, which will no longer suffer his glory to be given to other. He is that laver which will expulse the darkness of men's traditions, that fight with his infallible verity, & bring in the glorious light of his most holy word. To be short he will overthrow all the idols the obscure his glory, and set up his blessed name to be praised for ever and ever Amen. Of this his holy will have we experyens even at this time in which it hath pleased him to send us your Majesty his dearly beloved servant our most virtuous lawful and godly king to overthorowe (not apart) but all antichrists kingdom, by your divine policy and godly enterprises. So that the great whore of Babylon, Apo. xvii. the mother of all Hordome and abominations of the earth. Hath lost her chief glory and renown. And is now become so vile, that she is made the habitation of devils, & the Hold of all fowl spirits, Apo. xviii. isaiah xii jore. xv Apo. xiiii. ps. xiiii iiii Psa. i. xvi & A cage of all unclean and hateful Birds, so that no man now will once by any of her marchandes. And without doubt the time is (by god's providence and your graces) that Babylon hath in this realm such a fall, that it shall not after this time at any time be repaired. For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, which is faithful in all his words, and whose truth abideth for ever and ever, neither can this Prophecy of christ by made frustrate by any human policy. Every plant that my heavenvly father hath not planted shallbe pluck up by the roots, Math. xv. whoso rejoiceth not to hear these things: yea who triumphs not to see them. Blessed are we your subiets to whom it hath chanced not only to here these things joyfully, but also to see them so plentifully put in ure by your Majesty, so that all your faithful subjects being no papists do faithfully rejoice. And although, we be occasioned divers way to give god immortal thanks for divers gifts, yet we think that we are most highly bound to be thankful for the restitution of his holy word in this your graces days. And woe worth them that be unthankful to him in this behalf, & disobedient to your Majesty, except they repent and amend. Wherefore I desire your Majesty for the love of god that your grace read it and judge it with the lords word, & cause it to be judged of them that are godly learned, & not of suspected Papists. And if they can confute it I will gladly be learned. But & I have the truth and not they. I desire your grace for the tender mercy of god, and as ye will answer afore god at the day of judgement that ye will protect & defend it according to your office, & that your loving subjects because of weakness of the flesh be not compelled to come from Christ to Antichrist, from truth to falsed, from everlasting life to everlasting death. I know well and it please your Majesty that theridamas shallbe kycking against the prick, Esay xl notwithstanding I pass not, the truth may no longer be hid, i Pet. i Esay. xiiii jude. i the truth may not come to nowght because of the lie, god's word remains everlasting. Was the good Angels worse because of Lucifer's prind, what hindereth it the xi apostles that judas was a traitor every man shall bear his own burthyne, the father shall not bear that unrightwiseness of his son, nor the son the unrightwiseness of his father. But the soul that sinneth shall die. Was the pure clean learning of the xii Apostles worse that the their was so many damnable sects in their time under Christ'S name? which sects were no less than vii The first learned circumcision, the second that there was no resurrection, The third as Philetus and Himeneus that the Resurrection was all past. The fourth that the day of the Lord is at hand. The fyrte the Nicholaitans which hath had their wife's in comen. The sixth the Ebionytes that denied the Godhead of christ. The seventh the corinthians which learned such abominable things, against which ii last sects saint johan did write his gospel and his epistles. Now seeing this inestemable benefit of god's word is so bounteously given unto us. Let us your poor subjects all together consent with one mind to conserve & maintain this most precious jewel that we lose it not hereafter through our own negligences. Let us not hinder your majesties procedings in that ye go about to repair and build again the Temple of our Lord God, but rather further it that you may have a prosperous success, & bring your labour to a fortunate end. In consideration whereof all though I am no fit person to be a workman in this behalf, yet verily I desire with all my heart that this bvilding may go forward. And I wish to the labourres that are under your Majesty, all prosperous & fortunate things, that they may bring their work to perfectness. And although I can not greatly further there godly labours, yet will I not hinder them, but help them to the uttremost of my power in all things. Let them bring Cedar tres Silver, Gold, Pearl and precious stones to the building. And garnishing of this Temple. I will again with the poor widow in the Gospel of Luke, Luce. xii. bring into the treasure house two Mites, that is for my part, gather the stones, fetch the tember and make the mortar, or do such small things as my little strenghes shallbe able to bear and suffer. And to th'intent that your majesty may have an experience of my good will toward the building of the temple. Behold at this time I give unto your majesty this my book that I would so gladly were put in print if it were lysenced, wherein is declared the right institution and use of the supper of our Lord. And likewise desclosing the abbomynable idolatry and false using of it. And to the intent that both the persecuter and slanderer of god's word, may know upon what ground that the right congregation of jesus christ the dearly beloved bride, that holy christian church the lyttyl flock, to the which it pleased the father to give that kingdom, and to th'intent that your grace may know which of all these for rehearsed sects is found upright in the learning of jesus christ. For I say unto you in christ jesus. Like as there was one Adam and Eva, one Noah and one Ark, one Isaac and one Rebecca, one house of Israel, one jerusalem, & one Temple. So is there one christ and one congregation, which congregation hath one Gospel, one faith, one baptism, & one Supper, one upright way & walking to everylasting life, according to the declaration of god's word. And all they that hath not these things afore rehearsed. Namely Gospel faith, Baptism, Supper, way and waylking, he is no member in the congregation of god, two. john i here profiteth neither name nor fame, we must be found inwardly and outwardly in the learning of jesus Christ or we have no god. It could not help Israel that they ware Abraham's childeryn & had not the deeds of Abram, Iohn. viii therefore examine this supper, & ye shall find it the right supper of jesus christ that everlasting word, jacob i Math. xvi Exo. i nineteen. that word of truth, the word of grace, the saffemakinge word, that word that is unpossible to be overcome. Yea the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, it is the two edged sword that cometh out of the mouth of the lord it is the sword of the spirit, and with it shall he smite the heathen. Therefore our hope and trust is in your Majesty for the building again of this temple that is in decay, & that ye will not be like unto these mortherars of saints that hath been in time passed, which hath not streven against flesh and blood, but against him whose eyes is a flame of fire, and in rightwiseness doth he judge and make battle, which is Crowned with many Crowns, & his name no man knoweth, but he himself, and his vesture is depte in blood, and his name is called the word of God, Apo. nineteen Psalm. two. which ruleth the heathen with arode of Iron, and treadeth the wine, fat of fersenes and wrath of almighty God, and hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of all kings and Lord of all Lords. Therefore I desire your grace that ye examine with the lords word this my poor book. And by the help of god your grace shall find nothing sought for, but the praise of jesus christ, the which he himself hath brought out of Heaven, learned with his blessed mouth and sealed with his precious blood. Therefore my desire is to almighty god the preservation of your majesty, and that he will preserve in you that new and clean heart and keep open the eyes of your understanding that ye may avoid the ungodly counsels of the shaven nation that hath brought this church in such ruin that your grace hath much to do to repair it again. I need not to recite their facts nor their names to your grace, ye know them well enough they have pricked at the kings prevaye chamber. The lord be blessed that hath sent us such a godly king & gracious governor to deliver us, from them that murder jesus christ in his members out of the power of death & tyrants hands, I will not say that they are prevaye traitors, but this is true they are privy Idolaters, besides this rewmour runneth into all lands, that they have caused the kings majesty the deed is (of whose soul the lord have mercy) to make such laws that no man might have nor rade the Gospel but men of certain degrees and that poor men should be occupied with fables, what can be more blasphemy against god and his anointed jesus, then to deprive his members of his godly word, which laws (blessed be god) is by your majesty abolished. These antichrists have always defended their cause with the sword. But christ jesus with meekness and with his holy word. O bloody wrath and wryched tyranny which goeth above the wrath of all unreasonable creatures. For the fierce Lion, the raging Bear, and the griping ping wolf, is ever one of them at peace in there generation. But these blood thrusty Dogs never faciate, which should be made like unto the Image of God, which is borne with out teeth, nails & horn, with feeble tender flesh without wit speech or might, which can neither go nor stand, which alonely must live by the help of the poor mother, in a token that he is a creature of peace, he is so full of males so full of blood, that no man can think nor write. O how wide are the popish desiples divided from our masters learning, & example them which hath sought nothing in this life & learning save peace, saying my peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, the son of man is not come to destroy the soul, but to save that which was lost O thou excellent prince turn thou unto the wisdom of God, which sayeth. O turn you unto my creation, lo I will express my mind unto you, & make you understand my words, set your affection upon righteousness ye that be judges of the earth. Be wise now therefore (o ye kings) be learned ye that are judges of the earth, set your lust upon wisdom that ye may reign for evermore. Pro. i Sapi. i. Psal. two. Sapi. vi. And remember whereto ye are called namely to punish evil doears, as thieves & murderers, horehunters & breakers of wedlock in all kinds, wytches, buggers Raveshers of women, mourtherars, extorcyners, stretrobers', to depose all false & blind learners, let them be of what sect or name soever he or they be, with there antichrists learning, beastly living, blaspheming & sclandering the almighty majesty of god christ jesus, & the holy ghost & the everlasting safemaking word the holy gospel of jesus Christ. To these things are ye called, as it is manifestly learned in all the holy scriptures, Exo. xviii. and. xxiii.ii. Pa. xiv. Roma. xiii i. Petre. two as in Exo xviii. xxiii.ii. pa. nineteen. Ro. xiii. i. pe. two. such princes hath been. Ezecheas joseas, David, josaphat, zoroba, bell & yet more, which always used the office according to the declaration of gods word. They have done always their hole diligens to rule the land in the fear of God, & hath rooted out all false Prophets, and priests with there altars and Idols. They have soughe the law of the Lord. The right offering & Cerymones which the Lord had delivered unto the children of Israel by Moses. Deut. vi The fear of God was in their hearts. The book of the law in their hands, thereafter have they lived. judged the folk & prased the Lord that hath called them to such an office, they have submitted themselves with all their hole hearts, and hath given the Glory unto the God of there fathers, Abram, Isac, and jacob. Like as David did playing dancing before the lords Ark, and was girded with a linen Ephode, so that he was reproved of his wife Michol. What hath he answered I will play before the Lord, two. Reg. vi. and will yet be more vile than so, and willbe meek hearted meek in mine own sight. O thou excellent Prince believe the Gospel of jesus christ, fear the strong punishment of God, love righteousness, do right to widows and fatherless. judge right between neighbour & neighbour, fear no man's countenance, despice no man's sympelnes, punish with discretion all evil doings, let learned men preach Gods word in your land, that God hath given unto you, and let them live by you, which the Lord hath called and chosen. So shall your seat remain for evermore. The Lord guide your heart to the love of god and to the patient wyghting for christ Amen. Sapi. vi. Pro. xxix. two. tessa. iii. By your poor servant Thomas Lancaster. ¶ To the (right) Congregation of God of which your grace is supreme head next immediately under God. MY dearly beloved in christ jesus, I learn with christ jesus, and that out chosen vessel saint Paul that all they that are baptized thorough the holy ghost, and is become one body that is one congregation of God, Ephe. v. or holy church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, builded upon the foundation of the Apostles & Prophets, jesus Christ himself being the head corner stone in whom whatsoever building is coupled together it groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord in whom ye also are builded together to be an habitation of God throw the holy ghost, Ephe. two. gathered out of jews and Greeks men and women free and bond. Yea I say gathered out of all the children of God, which is strewed in all the hole world and is become a true bride of jesus christ. Gala. iii. These I say that are thus borne from above out of God the father which new birth must be alonely throw the fruitful seed that is God's word. For our first birth which is out of our first father Adam is hole blind deaf without understanding in godly knowledge, e. Cor. iiiii ja. i. i Pet. i Ro. viii earthily minded whose end is death. Therefore if we will be partakers of the lords table, we must be borne anew out of the fruitful seed of god's word they are converted and changed out of infidelity to fidelite out of earthly into heavenly out of flesh into spirit out of unrighteousness into righteousness out of evil into good, yea out of the earthly Adam into the heavenly Adam which is Ch●yst jesus. Ro. viii These are like fashioned unto the shape of jesus christ, i Io. two Hebre. iii. Io. i Phili. two. which is the first be gotten among many brethren and walks as he hath walked, these are the right brethren of jesus christ borne with him from above out of god the father and is like mindid as he, these are the new Eva, the clean chaste bride of jesus Christ flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones. Ephe. v. Gala. v. Colo. three Ro. vi. These crucify the flesh with lust & desire these have rightly buried their sins with him in Baptism and are risen with him in a new life these are uprightly baptized throw the holy ghost with all the true members of Christ in that undefiled body of jesus christ that is his congregacio, i Cor. xii Gala. iii. these are they that have put one christ and print him out in their living. These seeks nothing in all there thoughts words and works, but the praise of god and the salvation of their brethren, Math. v. they love them that hates them, they do good for evil, they pray for them that persecute them they are trodden out of all fleshly lust and desires as covetousness pride, uncleanlynes whoredom backbiting slandering, envy, murder, theft, gluttony, false holiness, and all Idolatry. There meditation is day and night in the law of the Lord they rejoice in good and are sad in evil. They render not evil for evil, but much more good for evil, they seek not there own profit, but that is, there neighbours profect both in soul and body. They give meat to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, herber the herberles deliver prisoners, they viset the sick comfort the comfortless, they instruct them that go astray, yea they set there lives for there brethren like as our Saviour jesus christ the Prophets and Apostles have done there thoughts are chaste, their words are truth and with salt be sprinkle, ye that is ye, and nay is nay, all their works are done in the fear of god. To such a congregation, is licenced to have the Communion of our Saviour jesus Christ's body and blood as here after shallbe declared. i Cor. xi. The Lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take ye and eat this is my body which is broken for you, Mat. xxvi Mar, xiiii Luke. xxiii this do ye in the remembrance of me, after the same manner also took he the cup when supper was done saying this cup is the new Testament in my blood, this do ye as often as ye drink it in remembrance of me, and they have drunk all here of. These are the word with which christ hath instituted his holy supper, with which words, the learned of the world have wonderfully fought, and with in few years have shed much innocent blood for it, when they counted themselves wise, they became fools, for the pryncipallest in this they have not touched, Ro. i. namely what people that it belongeth unto. We have not one title that commands us that we should dispute of it, but that we should be diligent, that we might be found worthy, to be partakers of the declaration and benefit, that is received in it, as S. Paul teacheth let every man examine himself and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. etc. Cor, xi Wherefore we are constrained, to say goodnyght to all high disputation, where throw division cometh desiring the lord always that we might be found worthy receivers of it according to the lords commandment. ¶ This holy supper, hath our saviour jesus christ left behind him under, Luk. xxii. bread and wine saying take and eat, this is my body which is given for you, this do in the remembrance of me. In which holy Supper is declared, unto us. first the unsearchable favour and love of our lord jesus Christ, which is come in this world, not to condemn the world, but that the world throw him might be saved. Io. iii. O wonderful love of god he hath sent no Angel no Patriarch nor prophet, Ro. viii. he is come himself in the simulitude of sinful flesh. Ye he which knew no sin made himself to be sin for us, that we by his means should be that righteousness which before god is allowed, not that christ is any such sin (that be far) He was that Lamb without spot which did do sin, two. Cor. v. Exo. xii. i. pet. two. neither was there guile found in his mouth, Esay. liii. but he was that frewilling offering for sin as Esay as sayeth he was wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickedness, he is offered, for so it hath pleased him, therefore is he called sin that is an offering for sin. O almyghtiful god, who can keep in secret, the unmeasurable grace & mercy declared upon us, Ro. viii miserable sinners but must break out and confess the afore the whole world, with mouth and work, life and soul, Saint Paul teacheth that god spared not his own son, Ro. v but gave him for us all, yea whylle we were yet sinners and ungodly. Christ died for us the righteous for the unrighteous, ye the undefiled offer lame is brent throw the glowing fire of love upon the jebett of the cross yea the creature of all creatures, is broken from above to beneath, yea he that is farer than the children of men hath neither beauty nor favour he is despised and abhorred of all men yea he is such a man as full of sorrow, Psal. lv. and as one that hath good experience of infirmities, yea he is reckoned among the transgressors, the innocent must bear the hole salt of Adam, as the Prophet sayeth. I paid them the thing that I never took. All this hath our saviour declared unto us not throw our deserving but as saint Paul learneth the kindness and love of our saviour god to man ward appeared not by the deeds of righteousness which we wrought, but according to his mercy he saved us, Esay. l, iii. for there was no grace, Psal. xl. ix nor mercy, nor no remission of sins by the father, unto the time that our saviour jesus christ had taken upon him the sins of the world. Titus iii For as by one man's disobedience many became sinners, so by the obedient of one shall many be made righteous. Now for asmuch as when he was in the shape of God, Roma. v Phelip ii made himself of no reputation goen out of himself, and where he was immortal, is be come mortal taking upon him the shape of a servant, to the intent that he might serve us all and was found in his apperell as a man very flesh and blood and in all things like unto his brethren, Luke ii johan i Hebre. two. Phelip ii saving sin, he humbled himself and became obedient unto his father unto death, even the death of the Cross, throw which death it pleased the father, that in him should all fullness dwell and by him to reconcile all things to himself and to set at peace by him throw the blood of his Cross, both things in heaven and things in earth and is become an offering and sacrifice of sweet savour to god his dearly beloved father. Colo i. This is fruitfully declared unto us in this holy Supper namely throw that bread that flesh that he hath given for us, Ephe. vi. Mar. xiiii and throw the Cup that blood which he shed for many, for the remission of sins, and shall be unto us a remembrance till he come. Now because that it is a comen use that a token of remembrance hath the name of the thing that is remembered by it. Luke xxii Therefore hath christ called the bread his body, and the wine his blood, not that he is in substance in bread and wine, i Cor. two. Exod. xii. but that we should remember him there by. Likewise as the Easter Lamb was called the passing by, and yet was it not in itself the very passing by, but a token of remembrance of the passing by. saying now that the Earster lamb hath the name of the thing that the Israelites remembered by it, and whereby they might everlastingly keep in remembrance the benefits of god therefore it is convenient that christ called the bread his body and the vine his blood, because that we should remember thereby his death and passion yea the only sacrifice of his body which he hath suffered to be broken, and his blood to be shed for us, not ●hat the material body of christ is in the bread nor his blood in the vine. Yet nevertheless is the supper of our Lord a partaking spiritually of the body and blood of christ, i Colo x. as Saint Paul saith is not the cup of thanks giving wherewith we give thanks a pertakinge of the blood of christ; and the bread that we break; is it not the partaking of the body of christ and to the intent that this may the more plainly appear unto your understanding, ye shall see the comparison betwex the paschal Lamb and our sacrament. The Paschal Lamb was instituted and eaten the night before the children of Israel were delivered from egypt. Likewise was the sacrament instituted and eaten the night before we were delivered from our sins. The Paschal Lamb was a very lamb in deed, and so the sacrament is very bread in deed. The Pascal Lamb was called the passing by of the Lord, which destroyed the power of Pharaoh, and delivered them. The Sacrament is called the body of the Lord which destroyed the power of the devil & delivered us. The children of Israel were but once delivered from egypt notwithstanding they did eat every year the Lamb to keep the deed in perpetual remembrance, even so christ bought & redeemed us but once for all, although the sacrament thereof be daily broken among us to keep the benefit in continual memory. As many as did eat the paschal lamb in faith & believed gods word as touching their deliverance from egypt ware as sure thorough faith as they were sure of the lamb by eating it. So as many as do eat this sacrament in faith & believe gods word as touching their deliverance from sin are as sure of their deliverance throw faith as they are sure of the bread by eating it. Now see ye what the pascal lamb was to the israelites, & what the sacrament is unto us. So the saint Paul witnesseth clearly, that the faithful eat the body of christ spyrituallye under the bread and wine, As a bride receiveth her husband with a ring even so receiveth the faithful christ to be his own & everlasting salvation, & where as divers writers will have that the bodily presence should be in the bread is a great misunderstanding of God's word, yea it is agreeable to the Papists or Antichristes' doctrine, which is contrary both to our faith and all hole scripture. Ro. viii. For we believe and holy Scripture beareth witness, that christ, after his resurrection is ascended up into heaven, Ma. xxviii and sitteth upon the right hand of his almighty father, and abideth there as concerning his bodily presence. But speritually hath he promised to abide with us in his word to the end of the world. Mathe. xxviii. Hebru. x And seeing now that our Saviour Christ as concerning his bodily presence abideth at the right hand of his father, so can nor may not the body of christ be in the bread, and again it is against all truth the Christ at one time hath been in many or dyvyrse places as touching his body. Furthermore we daily see what dreadful Idolatry is sprung out of the carnal understanding of this words of christ. This is my body & yet daily springeth to the great abominable slander of the honour of god, so the men worship a piece of breed, for their god which is grown in the ground, broken in the mill, and baked in an yrong, yea and hold that to be there maker. And ye do yet as the Papists lock him in gold and silver, not remembering what Paul & Stephen witnesseth saying. Acts. seven and xvii The most highest will not dwell in Temples that are made with men's hand take heed we have mocked long enough with God and his holy word, Secondarly we are exhorted in this holy supper to the unity love & concord that is in the congregation of god, because that we (though we be many) yet are one bread and one body, i Cor. x. that is one body in Christ jesus like as S. Paul sayeth we many are one body and one bread in as much as we all are partakers of one bread. For like as the members of one body are not in strife one against another but in charitable unite sarueth one another So may there be no strife nor debate in the congregation of God. i Cor. xii They must all speak one thing there must be no dissension among them having one heart, one soul, one mind, & one meaning. i Cor. i There may be no strife in the faith, but that in meekness of mind every man esteem other better than himself to the praise of God and to the aloving and faithful service of all the children of god. Phelip ii For likewise as the outward members of one body will gladly comfort help & serve another, so doth the congregation of god, if one suffer, all suffers with him If one be had in honour all is glad. i Cor. xii. Also every man shall serve his brother both bodily and gostli likewise as our saviour jesus Christ hath served us both with his life and death not only to deal with them, gold, Math. xx. Luke. xxii. silver & land and house Kowe, calf or any such thing, Ephe. iiii. but the bloody labour that we get with our own hands so the no man should only care & take thought for himself and not care nor look upon his brother's lake, but the one must help the other in all things necessary where he can or may, Gala. vi. and no man must seek that, that is his, but every one the others wealth. And likewise as of the grains of corn, can not be baken bread, Philip ii but throw fire, even so can not the congregation be a right spiritual life (whereof paul speaketh) but through bunrning love and charity and so the christian congregation to be one loaf for likewise as many grains are Sown, i Cor. x to the intent that bread should be baken of them so soweth the great father of the household his precious wheat into the acre or ground of this world to the intent that they should become one loaf and also use the supper of the Lord rightly after the words of Paul we many are one bread and one body in as much as we are partakers of one bread, i Cor. x. for as the body is one and hath many members, and all the members of the body though they be many yet are but one body even so is christ. Ye at the body of christ and members one of another. Therefore let every man look well to his vocation. Sa. xii i. Cor. xli. Ephe. iiii. For god hath ordained in the congregation some Prophets, some Apostles and some to believers and hirdes. Let no man boast himself of his birth, learning & riches, for as we are many members in one body and all members have not one office. So we being many, are one body in christ and every man among ourselves one another's members. seeing that we have diverse gifts according to the grace that is given unto us. If any man have the gift of Prophesy, let him have it that it be agreeing to the faith Let him that hath an office wait on his office, Ro. xii let him that teacheth take heed to his doctrine. Let him that exhorteth give attendance to his exhortation. i Pet. iiii. If any man give let him do it with singleness let him that rewleth do it with diligence. If any man show mercy let him do it with cheerfulness, and let love be among you without dyssimulation, i Cor. seven. and every man abide in the same state wherein he is called, no nother wise than to the edifying of the body of christ, which is his congregation. Ephe. iiii And thus is this holy Supper of our Lord. first a remembrance of the death of our Saviour jesus Christ which he suffered for us, i Petre. two throw which death we are all reconciled. Secondarlye it is an instruction of the pure clean & undefiled love, which is among the congregation of god like as I have declared afore as the bread is made of many Corns, and is one bread and as the Wine is made of many Grapes, and yet is one wine so are we many members and but one body, which is christ. My dearly beloved in Christ jesus, let every man see earnestly to, and prove himself according to saint Paul's learning, that he come not to the table of the Lord, because that it hath been so accustomed either throw feigned holiness or desire of worldly honour or disceat, but out of a pure clean and undefiled heart and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup for he that eateth or drynkethe it unworthily eateth & drinketh his own damnation. For all they that will come & sit at the lords Table, Mat. v. vi they must be found faithful merciful, loving, kind, pitiful and obedient, without division without hatred, without pride without covetousness, that wicked eye must be plucked out, that flesh must be mortified, that evil hearing ear stopped, that clattering tongue tamed, that fleshly heart cyrcumsiced your bloody hands cleansed, your belies measured, and your feet compelled with the Lord's word, ye must have afrewilling battle against the devil, Vide quales erunt qui mense erunt perticipes. the world and the flesh, that ye may be able to resist in the evil day, and stand perfect in all things, that is in the will of God, your loins must be girded with truth having on the breast plate of righteousness & having shoes on your feit, that ye may be prepared for the Gospel of peace. He must be well veaponed with the shield of faith wherewith he may quence all the fiery darts of Satan, Ephe. vi. he must have on the helmet of salvation, and be girded with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god, he must be a member serueable and profitable according to his power, he must be minded like unto our saviour jesus christ, as he was what time he keep this holy supper or communion with his dearly beloved brethren. He took bread and wine and gave thanks gave it to his disciples & said, this is my body and my blood which is broken for you herewith declaring his godly love, vide beneficia christi erga nos. favour and mercy upon his dearly beloved brethren, even as though he would say my dearly beloved children, so far hath your love led me, and your favour drawn me, that I have forsaken the dominion of my heavenly father and hath taken upon me to be come your servant to serve you in all things, Ezech. thirty. iiii. Hebre. two. because I say that ye were all as scattered sheep going astray, Psa. xxiii. and that there was no man that sought you, but that ye were all meat to the grypinge, & and ryvenge wolves, and that there was no man to deliver you. Ezech, xvi But that ye were wounded unto death & that there was no man to plaster you. Luke. x. Therefore am I come out of the bosom of my father & become like unto my brother a stranger a servant, a worm and no man, a very scorn of men and the outcast of people, wand'ring in this wild wilderness of this world I have sought you in cities & countries, upon mountains & vayelles, miserable have I found you. Dume, Deaf blind Cryple, Poor and naked, my service have I declared upon you, your sins, have I reproved your febelnes, I have borne, yea I have carried you upon my shoulders into my father's house, Luke. x. Re. xvii. Eze. xxiiii joh. wi. I have delivered you out of the mouths of hellish lions, and bears your foul stinking wounds, I have so softly healed the peace of my father, have I declared unto you, your nakedness have I clothed, and your poverty I have helped. I have given unto you feet hearts, eyes, ears, and mouths, to walk to understand, to know, to hear, and to speak the words of everlasting life. I have brought you into the knowledge of all righteousness, I have learned you the will of my heavenly father. And to the intent that ye may know that I am the true messenger of my father, so have I declared it unto you by my great wonders and myraeles See now my dearly beloved children now is my hour come, the longe-time is full ended, now that I can serve serve you no longer, with my life & learning, now will I last of all serve you with my flesh and blood and bitter death, For this cause am I come among you, and leave you this bread and this cup, that whensoever ye shall come together, ye shall use it in the remembrance of me, & say dearly beloved brethren in christ jesus we that are here congregated together in the lords name, Quo animo celebretur coena dominica. this bread & this cup hath our saviour jesus christ left behind him, that we should remember him thereby. O how friendly hath our saviour jesus christ served us both with his life & death, & declaring here in eating this bread & drinking this cup, Tales erimus erga alios qualis christus erga nos. that we should follow his blessed example serving one another like as one member another with prayer, with learning with instructon, with compelling, with reproof, with mercy, with love & all needful necessares as we have found in our saviour jesus christ towered us. Now as we are thus congregated in such a Christian faith unity & obedient, i Cor. xi so have we gods word, and promise a spiritual joy mirth & comfort of the house of Israel, Mat. xxvi so reioses the congregation of God in that beautiful bride knowing well that the broken bread is a partaking of the body of christ and the cup of blessing, a partaking of the blood of christ which is shed for many for the remition of sins. Ecclesia et communio Christiano cum O what glorious banquet is this where in the hungry soul, the inward man recayveth that invisible bread & heavenvly food which is christ jesus. O glorious congregation wherein are no shameful songs nor unprofitable words, save all only brotherly instruction and giving thanks to our saviour jesus christ O glorious congregation where no wanton eyes is casting here & there but all bent to the help and comfort of thy poor brethren. O glorious congregation wherein men use not to drink, dans, nor play, but where men are drunk in the wisdom of god, there shall the soul be ioeful in the holy ghost playing, and dancing afore the Lord. My dearly beloved in christ jesus, ye that are so dearly bought with the precious blood of our saviour jesus christ, wake up leave of it is more than time, fear the lords word, and i'll from the devils table, for this is no supper of the Lord, which the blind unlearned papists have learned and used to this time, no I say it is no supper of our lord, Maximun discrimen intercenam dominicam et cenam Antechristi anam. Cena mund. which is ministered and sold of an antichrists teacher a Sodomitical beggar a babylonysh marchande, the which if he do not repent and amend, is everlastingly cursed and banished from the priests of god. The Supper of our Lord must be ministered of him that is called of a Christian congregation compelled throw the holy ghost to come in to the lords vineyard, or heavenly harvest which is found without fault, according to the declaration of gods word, both in his life and learning. i. Cor v. and vi It is no supper, that is received of drunkards, fornicators worshippers of Images, Gala. v. advouteres, weakling abusers of them selves with the mankind thieves covetous, cursed speakers, murderers, traitors, and shedders of innocent blood. But it is a supper to them the walks afore God, and the world in love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and temporance, which desires to spend there flesh and blood, for the glory of God. It is no supper where men have no other thing but shryveng, fasting knocking, kneeling, becking boving, wessing setting out of the body, In cena domini non externus sed internus requiritus ornatus. with fair clothes, holding up of hands and knocking upon the breast, but to them that is found with a faithful, thankful heart and a clean conscience and unfeigned love. All they that have not this faith, & love and is not bound holly with the bond of love, to his neighbour, serving him in his need, with all diligence & will, and likewise set down at the table of the Lord. I fear me that he shall receive with that Hypocrite judas not life, but everlasting death, and eateth and drinketh the communion of Balial and not of Christ, though he speak with the tongues of men, & Angels and though he could prophesy and understand all secrets, & and all knowledge, Videat sibi quisque qui accedit ad cenam domni. & if he had faith that he could move mountains, and though he bestowed all his goods to feed the poor, and though he gave his body to be burned, and yet had no love, it profiteth nothing, so that he doth not love out of the very ground of his heart, with work & truth which love is the very band of perfectness, Cor. xiii. two. Io. iii. and the chief of all things. Colo. two. Therefore I exhort every man that will be partakers of the lords supper, i Cor. xi. that he rightly prove himself according to Paul's learning For all they the trust unto there own righteousness, Qui confidit in aliquo quam in christo maleidit. or upon the learnings and commandments of men, and not upon righteousness and deserving, and blood of our saviour jesus christ, blessed might he be, and goeth likewise to the table of the lord the eateth his own damnation. Qui adamat tempo ralia plus quam Christiana in dign man ducat. Likewise all they that are baptized and have given themself willingly under the false prophets in heryse & ungodliness, and will not be reform, & likewise go to the table of the lord, they eat their own damnation. Likewise all they that love better transitori things than the glory of God, & his holy word as gold, silver, wife, children, life and living, and goeth to the table of the lord, he eateth his own damnation. Likewise all they that will not give themselves frewylling to the service of their neighbours with all that they have received at the hand of god, viseble and unuyseble, Qui sibi tantum modo vivit et non aliis, judicium sibi manducat. and goeth to the table of the Lord, they eat their own damnation. Like wise he that boasteth himself ogainst his christian brother of his Birth, riches, wisdom beauty, Qui gloriatur in vanis et si ep fun non cognoscito male edit. or any such thing and will not know that he is a stinking carrion, and foul flesh evil & foolish before the eyes of the lord, and goeth to the table of the lord, he eateth his damnation, like wise all they that boast themselves of the name of christ and notwythstandinge lives according to the flesh, as pride, covetousness, advotrye fornication uncleanness wantonness, idolatry witchcraft hatred variance, zeal, wrath, strife, sedition sects, injury, murder drunkenness, gluttony and such like, and doth daily with there cursed & ungodly life, Gala. v. Ephe. v. i Cor. v. Ro. viii crusifye the son of God, and and go likewise to the table of the lord, he eateth his damnation. For all they that commit such things shall not merit the kingdom of god. Apo. xxi apart mali. pellendi sunt a cenra. And therefore are they unworthy to come to the Supper of the Lord, because they have no communion of the body and blood of our saviour jesus christ. No noman may be suffered to come to the holy supper of the lord, let him be of what state or degree soever they be so far forth as his iniquity and sin is manifest and known to the congregation, i Cor. x. which is a communion or congregation of the body and blood of christ. But he must be excommunicated and cut of with god's word, unto the time that he do penance & decleare himself to be obedient to the gospel of our saviour jesus Christ which excommunication is manifest in these Chapters following as in Mat, seven xvi. x.xvi. i Cor. v. vi .. Phi. iii.ii. Tessa. three i. Timoth. vi. two. Timoth. iii. titus. iii.ii. jahn. i. which excommunication, if I live by the help of God I will set out at large. But as for them that are inwardly well and covereth themself outwardly with the shining mantel of holiness like as judas did with such shall the congregacon have nothing to do, hipocritas judicabit but let the lord judge them which is a prover & knower of that all hearts, for by him nothing is hid nor forgotten, he is the judge that knows the hearts & minds & shall judge, Rom. viii. i Cor. v. Math. xiii Esay. lxvi. not onli the evil works but also idle words, yea that though and motion of the heart. Therefore let every man examine himself flesh well and so let him eat of the bread. and drink of the cup. i Cor. xi. For he that eateth, and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh his own damnation. Luke xxii Thus hath our saviour jesus christ instituted and ordained his holy supper both in bread and wine to be a remembrance of his death and passion as I have declared afore. i Cor. xi. Ephe. v. Throw which death and passion, he hath declared his great love towards us, and secondly to a renewing of love and clean holding the congregation of god. i Cor. x. And this is the only institution and use of the supper of our Lord jesus christ how he and his Apostles have used it. O merciful God have these ungodly shameless shavelings altered and changed this holy and blessed Supper of our lord into abominable blasphemus idolatry, as I shall declare here after unto you. It is so grievous that I shall declare unto you which shallbe nothing, but the truth, that every Christian hat may tremble and quake at it. Therefore seek with all diligence the truth to the intent that ye may know how pitiful that we and all the world have sinned, against our Lord God in this matter. Antechristi oblatio. first they have converted and chaunued, this holy and Blessed supper, of our Lord with their false learning and authority out of his right use and have learned it to be a daily sacrifice for our sins. This is abominable blasphemy and pitiful blindness that men can not imagine such another. Nota sequentes abhominationes. With this same learning have they driven christ jesus out of his father's stool, out of heaven, and have set in his place an ungodly priest with a peace of bread, with the same learning have they robed christ jesus of his everlasting and perpetual office that is the office of an advocate, and have put it upon a piece of bread and a devils servant which knows not one title right of the word of god With the same learning have they made of no value all the figures and shine of Moses, all the prophicies of the prophittes, all the promises of Angels & all the hole new Testament which alonely speaketh of that only sacrifice for sin, Cur panis ille immolationis (ut vocant) trangatur in tres parts. which is christ jesus with the same learning have they taken upon them all power in heaven earth & hell. Therefore is the breed of the Idols table broken in three pieces, with the first piece pacify the god with the second they pray for the world with the third they deliver the soul that they offer it for, with this same learning are they risen aloft in gold silver in pomp lordliness & honour by the hole world herewith are they climbed up above all princes, & have gotten unto themselves gold, silver, churches cloisters land, sand, & the highes places name & power in all lands, to the intent that every man should give rheum to their holiness, fear there name &, highly praise their glorious office desiring always, the throw this good work which is this daily offering, that they might be comforted in there soul. Throw this means is that abominable Anthichryst gotten into his seat so high that the Empriours' majesty, Medium in quo elevatus est Antechristus. the highest potent upon earth whom god himself commanded to obey must kneel down & kiss his stinking foot, ye this is more fredericus Barborossa that excellent emperor, because he would have letted his knaveri could get no misericordia until the time that Alexander Tertius the prince of the babylon conjures had trodden upon this excellent Emperor in the church door at Venega, thus hath that devilish offering brought in bondage the hole world. But the Lord be blessed, which hath delivered us from this feigned sacrifice, and golden Calf, Esay. l.iii. and hath declared unto us the only high priest over the house of god, which remaineth a priest for ever after the order of Melchisideche, which in the days of his flesh did offer up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him, Hebre. v. that was able to save him from death, and was hard because of his godliness, he hath offered one offering & a sacrifice of sweet savour to God, Ephe. v. he hath saith Saint Paul offered one sacrifice for sins, sat him done for ever on the right hand of God, He. x. and from hence forth tarrieth till his foes be made his footstool, for with one offering hath he made perfect for ever them that are sanctified. This is the only sacrifice with which the father's wrayth is pacified, the generation of Adam delivered heaven, opened and hell shut. Ro. iii. Christus unica propeccatis victima For it pleased the father that in him should alfulnes dwell and by him to reconcile all things to himself and to set at peace by him throw the blood of his cross, both things in heaven and things in earth. i Colo i. ¶ Now come forth all power and might and all ye that are papists with all ye that reckon yourself to be learned, that is in England and is of the papists opinion this word can neither Angel nor Devil break, Hebru. x. namely that with one offering he hath made perfect for ever them that are santcyfyed. My dearly beloved in christ jesus, love your soul and look earnest lie upon the lords words. Know once under what learning sacraments and congregation ye are? what shepherds feed you, what breed that ye break, in what bodiye are bound O ye children how long will prover. i. you love chyldyshnes? how long will ye scorners delight in scorning and the unwise be enemies unto knowledge? two. Cor. vi. Apo. xviii. Luke. ix. How long will you remain in your sins? how long will ye be bound with the chain of infidelity in the bottomless pit. Mat. xi. Come out from among them avoid all false learning exchew all false holiness and let the dead bury the deed, and follow ye after our master Christ, enter into his house and take up upon you his easy yoke and light burden & ye shall find rest in your souls as then may ye boast yourselves of the grace of God the forgiveness of sins, the deserving of our Saviour jesus christ, & everlasting life god give you his grace Amen. Secoundarly, they have taught that the bread is veri flesh, and the wine very blood & that have they gathered out of the words of christ literali spoken wherein he sayeth take & eat this is my body. &c. not marking what christ saith in the vi joh. vi. of john That is to say it is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing, the words which I spoke unto you are spirit & life, for in this place he meaneth of his own flesh & one spirit and he divideth the spirit from the flesh, that they might know throw faith not only the visible part, but also the invisible part that was in him and that the words which he spoke ware not carnal, but spiritual, for what body should have sufficed to be the meat of all the world and even therefore did he make mention of the ascension of the son of man into heaven, that he might with draw them from the bodily ymagination that they might here after learn that the flesh was called heavenvly meat which cometh from above & spiritual meat which he would give, Io. vi for christ the words that I have spoke unto you are spirit & life, john. vi. Here you may see that christ spoke it of his own flesh, and meant plainly that it did nothing profect as the Papists or infidels do understand him. Now all they that will not have the glory of their redemption changed into a piece of bread, but desireth to have the right ministration of the christian table they must be counted and condemned as swarmers, heretics and Sacramentates and not only that but must be Burned, Drawn, Miscrrimus error. Drounned & Hanged. O my dearly beloved in christ jesus is not this amiserable and aboninable heresy, to learn and to make the poor people believe, i Cor. xi. that the everlasting son of God is changed or transubstantiated into a peace of bread and sup of wine, which hath given his body to be broken and his blood to be shed for us in the remission of sins. O beastly, Math. xv. heretics. The scripture sayeth that, that which entereth by the mouth doth not defile a man, for as Christ sayeth it is cast forth into the drawght and by the same reason it followeth, that it doth not sanctify or make a man holy. But the Sacrament entereth in by the mouth, therefore it doth follow that of itself, it doth not sanctify or make holy any man. And of this text should follow two inconveniences if the sacrament were the natural body of christ, first it should follow that the body of christ should not santifye the faithful because it entereth in by the mouth and again it should follow that the body of christ should be cast out in to the draft which is abominable Wherefore it must needs follow that the Sacrament can not be his natural body. Therefore believe God's word it is john. vi. the spirit that quicknethe, the flesh profiteth nothing meaning to eat it with his tethe, the words that I speak unto you are spirit and life, and if it be so that ye do not believe this, Filius dei non editur carnaliter nec digeritur. yet believe that the everlasting soon of god which is with the father can not be eaten with men's teeth nor consumed in no belly, much les be devoured with fire, worms, mice, rats and Apes, which is openly known in this visible bread used in many places, But where the congregation of god is gathered together in his name, with true faith true love & obedience and with right ministration according to the declaration of god's word, there is delivered unto the outward man bread and wine but the invisible man receiveth throw the promise of christ, that invisible bread and Drink which is the flesh and Similt ꝓsimili pascitur. blood of our saviour jesus christ which men can neither eat bit nor consume for like will with like be feed the visible man is feed with visible meat namely bread and wine & the invisible spirit, is feed with invisible meat which is christ jesus Therefore remaineth bread bread, & wine wine, for if it ware otherwise so ware that spiritual man feed with palpable and visible bread & wine, & so ware that visible creature namely bread and wine changed in the spiritual and invisible soon of god the which is not nor can not be as it is manifest afore our eyes and shall remain everlasting. O Lord have mercy upon us for we are more foolish and have lose understanding than the gentles have had from the beginning. For they have worshipped for god the son, Moon, and Stars, which do declare power and might in all waxing creatures. They have I say honoured open Serpents and Dragons with other creatures which had power might and a living spirit in them, but we which boast ourselves of the name of christ prays to and worships a piece of bread, and a sup of wine, for the son of God which hath shed his blood upon the cross for the redemption of all mankind. O abominable blasphemy that the body & blood of the son of God, that Lord jesus christ should be converted & changed into such a wayke & feeble Idol yea into such an Idol which can neither speak nor feel, hear, see, go nor understand, yea which must vanish away for age, with all the creatures upon earth, which I say must be kepped, carried looked, of men like unto the gods of Babylon. Baru. seven. No my dearly beloved, no the son of God will not be like unto that Fabulose prothens he will not nor he may not be shoot up in a house chamber, gold, nor silver Reed I pray the vii and the xvii of the Acts. Esay lxvi Acts. seven. Esay. lx. vi iii. Re. seven. the heaven is his seat, and earth is his fotstole. And David sayeth, will god in very deed dwell with men on the earth behold heaven, and heaven above all heavens do not contain thee, how much less the house which I have builded, all power is given unto him in heaven and earth, yea he hath set him on his right hand in heavenvly things above all rule and power and might, two. pata. vi Mat. xviii and dominion in heaven and earth, he hath cast all things under his blessed feet, he hath exalted him one high, and given him a name which is above at names that in the name of jesus, Ephe. i philip. two. every knee should bone both things in heaven, and things in earth and all tongues should confess that jesus christ is the Lord, he is ascended up into heaven and shall not come again fleshy unto the time that he shall divide the sheep from the goats. Math. xxv Therefore I say unto you again he can not be eaten with teeth nor concived in no belly. It is impossible that this inward man which is profitable afore the lord that he can eat or drink any outward meat or drink, Externus externo internus interno pastiturcibo. namely bread and vine as I have declared before. But in the right supper of our Lord where we are congregated together in the lords name with a faith that is full of good works, & a love unfeigned desiring to leave and die according to the lords pleasure, there is dealt out to my hunger soul and thirsty conscience the invisible flesh and blood of our saviour jesus christ, and my inviseble man that is my soul receiveth it and eateth it. My dearly beloved this is the right table and cup of our lord jesus christ. i Cor. xi. But the other which the most part of the world useth is the table and cup of the devil. Cor. x. I would not sayeth saint Paul that you should be partakers of the table of devils. i Cor. x. For like as these above rehearsed have the communion of the body and blood of christ, so hath likewise the other the communion of the antichrist Idol and the devils table. And if it be so that we use and eat with them their sacrifice and bread, so declare we our selves to be with them one body and congregation, for thorough the eating of the bread and drinking of the cup declare we how we are with them one bread and one body. O miserable body that hath neither God, nor christ, nor Sprite, nor Life, nor Light, nor word, nor Truth, nor Prayer, nor no manner of promise. I spoke here of the fleshly arrogant frewyllinge sinners. But the simple that fears God seeketh the truth and hath it not, them shall the Lord judge according to his godly will and mercy. O miserable body which is everlastingly dead afore the eyes of the lord, for in the is found all the innocent blood that is shed upon earth, from Abelles' time unto this day, Apo. xxii. xviii. who dare apere before the stool of God with such an ungodly dark wrath full disfigured Lecherous, bloody body. ¶ O lord keep and defend all thy poor servants and true hearts from such a body. But this lies hide from the eyes of the world they are Drunken so full with the wine of the whore of Babylon. They know well that the scripture will have used and holden a supper, but what supper, that is not known unto them, It is to the flesh to painful straight and narrow, that supper that our saviour Christ have left & learned Therefore have they chosen & made themselves a Supper which they receive, with a beautiful body and an unclean soul of one which hath confessed them, which is more beastly and devilish in all his life than they themselves are. Yea they have advanced this Dinner so high because of great peril that the congregation must received but in one kind namely bread and no wine. But if it were the Supper of our Lord, it must be ministered and used under both the kinds. Therefore declare they it not to be the right Supper of our Lord jesus Christ but it is and shall remain the right Supper of antichrist, yea I say they have advanced it so high, that the self bread must be very flesh and the wine very blood, yea that is the unfaithful people's nature because they do not know the inviseble god of heaven, nor the pour of the scriptures. Therefore must they have a visible god, with which they commit fornication and use all abomination against our saviour jesus christ. Out of this unclean stinking fountain that is this learning, is flowed out all infidelity and idolatry, which is used with this bread as locking it up, carrying it about lefting it up, praying to it, seaking it indyvers places, sensing it, doing godly honour and reverence to it, of the which there is no title nor letter that can be found in all the holy scriptures. Ye it is said unto this bread, Exo. xxxiii thou art he which hath delivered us upon the jebet of the cross Like as the children of Israel said to the golden Calf, this is he that hath delivered us out of the land of egypt. Awake up and see the well afore you, ye that boost and bear the name of christ, ye have sit long enough in much darkness, become wise, and give prays & glory unto the Lord God of heaven, to the intent that it come not upon you, as it came upon the children of Israel in the wilderness because of there infidelity, idolatry, and disobedience. All though that the Lord delivered them out of the power of Pharo by his strong hand and straytched out arm, two Cor. x what helped it them, verily nothing, likewise it helps us nothing that we are redeemed with the read blood of our saviour jesus christ out of the devils power and might so far forth as we make ourselves boundmen again thorough our infidelity, Hebre. iii. jude. i. idolatry disobedience & fleshly living. Therdly they learn that this self bread or sacrament like as they name it, is given and received for the remission of synsines, my dearly beloved where christ jesus, and his holy word is not, there is nothing, ubi Christus non est ibi nihil sanum. but blindness, infidilytye vain hope distrust and an unquiet consiens, We know well there must be a mediator for our sins, but the right mediator christ jesus we will not know. Therefore have we elected and chosen out so many satisfactions for our sins, so many that no man can think nor write, as Pardons holy water holy fire, holy salt, holy bread, holy palm holy wax, holy bones, holy cottes, fasting, shryvinge massing,, pilgrimage with other abominable baggage more, which is to long to rehearse, ye & the dinner of antichrist and that only mediator jesus christ will we not. Truly we are like unto a seyke feeble, fante wounded man that goeth and giveth his money to one that is not expert in his science which can not give neither wholesome drink nor lay no good plaster, which destroys more than he edifyes. And notwithstanding, there is declared unto us one expeart doctor which will neither take gifts nor rewards, for he is of himself rich enough and that he doth, he doth it of friendly favour and love, seeketh them at their houses, binds up there wounds, healeth them and that freely, but we will not have him, we have more delight in destruction, then in salvation. Who shall have compassion or lament over such a seek man. It is in like case with this unfaithful generation of man, they feyle many times great pains and smart, & runnet here and there to them, which destroyeth more and more, with there false venomous medicines. It cost them moche money, they suffer much smart, and yet are they never made hole of their diseaces. And that only everlasting rich perfect doctor and medicine our saviour jesus Christ which is so abundantly declared unto us of all patriarchs Prophets, Angels, apostles, ye and of the father self, him will we not have, which is come out of pure love and favour, to all them that are wounded and evil healed, and offers his service and hath brought with him a costly precious salve that is good for all sores, that is his precious read blood that he for us and for all the sins of the world hath shed upon the cross for our redemption, we will not have him, we put him away from us with foot and hand, Touth and Nail, ye we have shoot him away from us with our horns and will not that jesus christ should reign over us. Who shall have compassion in the day of vengeance upon our disobedynt hard necked miserable dampened souls I say unto you in Christ jesus believe it, and you will rone where ye will, seek what mean, that ye will, ye shall find no nother in all the hole scriptures, whither ye be sick or hole strong or wayke that shall profect you afore the Lord, save only that that I have declared unto you that is christ jesus or else aware all the holy scriptures false and stark lies. Reed I pray you Esay the Prophet I am, Esay. xliii even I am the onli god and Lord and besides me there is no saviour, I am he only that for my own selves sake do away thy offences and forget, thy sins, Esay. liii. he only hath taken on him out infirmytyes and borne our pains ye the lord hath heaped together upon him the iniquiti of us all, Psal. lxix. he paid the thing that he never had. The Angel said to joseph call his name jesus, for he shall save his people from there sins. Math. i This is my blood the which is of the new Testament, Mat. xxvi that is shed for many, for the remission of sins. Behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sins of the world for he made him to be sin for, two. Cor. v Io. i us which knew no sin, that we by his means should be that righteousness which before god is allowed he hath borne our sins in his body on the tree, i. Peter. two i. Io. i Apoca. i. Heb. three i Io. two. the blood of jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin He hath saith saint john loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood which blood of the mediator of the new Testament speaketh better than the blood of Abel If any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus Christ the righteous, and he it is that obtaineth grace for our sins. Not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the hole world. My dearly belowed brethren, if there were any other advocate or mediator, than this christ, i Timo. two how shameful had all the holy scriptures lied, and how pitifully had saint Paul deceived us where he sayeth, there is one god & one mediator between good and man, even the man christ jesus which gave himself a ransom for all men. If it be so that throw sickness any other means wherein thou dost trust to have remission of sins by let it be so lordly, so holy so beautiful as it will▪ save only that mediator which is given us of god that is Christ jesus, so forsakes thou the death of our lord which he hath suffered for thee, and thou deniest the most holiest and precious blood that he hath shed fore the. For all they that are not content with this only mediator, but seeketh after other, he curseth gods word, he rents in pieces the gospel of jesus christ, and utterly denieth that christ is the right Messiah lord and Master, and saviour of the world, and that he is come from the father. My dearly beloved in Christ jesus all they that seek any other strange means without god's word over such lamenteth the Lord, jere. two. by the mouth of the prophet jeremy, my people have done two evils, they have forsaken me, the well of the vater of syfe, and digged them pits that can hold no water. This hath always been the the end of all false learning to forsake christ jesus whose righteousness profeteth alonely before the Lord, to the intent that we would lift up our own imagination, and righteousness to pray & do reverence unto it as unto a new christ. My dearly beloved here have I breffly set you forth the right learning of the supper of our Lord jesus christ how it should be ministered in the congregation of God, according to the lords word, here have ye a confutation of subtle persuasions & arguments of the members of antichrist wherewith they maintain their meletyde otherwise called their dinner, for which cause much righteous & innocent blood is shed without pity or mercy in many places of the world, and all by the means of these spiritual couniurers of egypt. Exod. ix. Exod. ix. The priests of the mountains servants of Ball and the prophets jezebel, the destroyers of the vineyard of the Lord, two. Reg. nineteen the defylers of the holy earth. Sodom blind watchers & doom dogs, the treaders down of the right pasture and the troublers of the clear water, jere. xii. and xiii Esa. v. vi. Eze. xxxiiii Math. seven Mat. xxiii john. x. false prophets & gripping wolves Acts twenty The destrovers of widows & fatherless, thieves and murderers, enemies of the cross of christ whose end is danmation whose god is there belly and glory to there shame which are worldly minded. Philip. iii They are false masters and fathers of sects having cursed children, wells with out water, two. Pet. two dry clouds wand'ring Stars, Trees without fruit, at gathering time withered, twice deed and plucked up by the totes, They are the raging waves of the Sea, foaming out there own shame to whom is reserved the mist of Darkness for ever, jude. i i. Io. two the right and true Antichristes', Apoca. ix these are the abominable locusts which are come out of the bottomless pit, to hurt all them, that have not the mark of God in therefore hedes. Somma those are they that are cursed and damned everlastingly from the presence of god Luke. vi. except they repent and amend not that I judge them that be far from me for I know there stands written judge not les thou be judged, condemn not les thou be condemned, but they are judged by the everlasting word of the Lord, the which can neither lie nor be disseaved like as our Saviour jesus Christ sayeth, Io. xii. i Cor. v. vi I judge you not but it is the word that I have spoken that judgeth you. If thou do the works that Paul speaketh of, thou shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If thou do them not so thou art not judged of any man, but of God's word. Now my dear beloved lay these ii one against another, God's learning and man's learning, the truth and the lie, christ and antichrist, weigh it, measure it tell it, with the lords word, and I trust in the Lord that ye shall find nothing, that I have here declared, but the right true word and will of our saviour jesus christ. My dearly beloved be thankful unto the almighty majesty of god throw our Lord jesus christ that it hath pleased him to let shine unto us the light of the holy Gospel which hath be keeped from us so many hundredth year in the dark night of infidelity. ¶ Therefore take it now up as jerymye sayeth while it shineth and tarry not lest it be converted and changed into a deadly darkness, read it right, it is gods word, amend your living, serve your neighbour with all diligence, fear God and be obedient unto his holy word so shall thou remain in everlasting life. Amen. ⸫ Thomas Lancaster. i Cor. two. For another foundation can no man lay than it that is lay, which is jesus christ. Praised be the Lord God. Mark. viii Whosoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the son of man be a shamed when he cometh in the glory of his father with the holy Angels. Ma. xxiiii He that endureth to the end the same shallbe saved. ¶ Imprynded at Londone by johan Turk.