¶ A Godly and short Treatise upon the lords Prayer, the xii. Articles of the Christian faith, and the ten Commandments. Printed in London at the three Cranes in the vintry, by Thomas Dawson, for George Bishop, 1580. ¶ Prayer is a lifting up of the heart unto God. The lords Prayer. The lords prayer hath six petitions. The three first concern GOD: The three last, us. Our Father which art in heaven. Two things must be considered of us, when we bend ourselves to prayer: First, God's love contained in these words, Our Father: Secondly, God's power contained in these words, Which art in heaven. God is our father, because we are his children. If this be true, how is Christ the only son of GOD? both are true: Christ is God's son by nature: joh. cap. 1. ver. 14. we by adoption. Rom. chap. 8. ver. 15. Galat. cap. 4. ver. 6. That which was his by nature, is ours by grace. We pray unto God in the name of Christ alone, for God is our father by the means of Christ. If it be so, then Christ is the alone Mediator of intecession. 1. Tim. chap. 2. ver. 5. Rom. cap 8. ver. 34. Heb. chap. 7. ver. 25. So are Angels and dead Saints barred from this office. The sacrifice of Christ's death and continual intercession are necessarily linked together, they are two parts of Christ's Priesthood. Heb. 5. & 7. Chapters. If we grant Angels or dead Saints to be Intercessors, we give unto them the glory of Christ's Priesthood. We have all one father, therefore unity is required among us. Math. cap. 5. ver. 23.24. Ephesi. chap 4. ver. Unity I mean, in Christ. Rom. chap. 15. ver. 5. Philip. chap. 4 ver. 2. For without Christ it is accursed. Better is godly discord then wicked concord. GOD is our Father, we ought not therefore too despair of his mercy. Our sins I confess, do throw us down to Hell. Esay. chap. 59 ver. 2. Rom. chap. 6. ver. 23. Though they be grievous and many, yet God's mercy is above all. Esay chap. 1. ver. 18. Ezech. cap 18. ver. 23. The earthly father cannot but be good to his ungracious child, if he return from his lewdness. Luke. chap. 15. ver. God's mercy is more exceeding. Esay. cap. 49. ve. 14.16. 1. Timoth. chap. 1. ver. If it be compared with the other, it is as a great Sea unto a little River. God's power is set forth in these words, Which art in heaven, whereby is meant that all things whatsoever are under the government of the eternal God, and that all things are ordered by his Providence. Psalm 115. ver. 3. Though God be in heaven he is not there shut up. Such thoughts must be far from us: for the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him. 2. Chronicles, chapt. 2. ver. 6. GOD by this speech is exempted from being a Creature, and we are taught not too think basely of so mighty a GOD, for he is higher than all the world. 1 Hallowed be thy name. We desire that God's name may be famous and reverenced in all the earth, if it is to be reverenced, then must we never speak or think of God without great reverence: it is too be wished that all were thus affected: but if none were, God abideth faithful, he cannot deny himself. 2. Timoth, cap. 2. ver. 13. 2 Thy kingdom come. We desire that the lusts of our flesh, wicked thoughts, and such like may be subdued, & that God's spirit may rule in our hearts. This is brought to pass, partly by the word preached, partly by the holy spirit: who if he touch not our hearts, as the word doth pierce our ears, the word is a shut book. Esay. chap. 29. ver. 11. and as a sealed letter unto us. We do well in praying daily, Thy kingdom come, for it is increased by continual goings forward even in the best men. Philip. chap. 3. ver. 12. Colossi. chap. 1. ver. 9.10. We are all in a race and short of the macke, whilst we are in the flesh, we must go from faith too faith, and from virtue to virtue, Proverb. cap. 4. ver. 18. Ephesians chap. 4. ver. 15. There must be no standing ●●il: not to go forward in a godly life is to go backward. 3 Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. The will of God is of two sorts. The first secret: the second revealed in his word. None can withstand Gods secret will. Esay. chap. 46. ver. 10. Rom. cap. 9 ver. 19 his revealed will is meant in this place: so that this is the meaning: we desire that all creatures may be obedient to Gods will revealed in his word without muttering or resistance. The Angels do execute his wil Psalm. 103. ver. 20. We must do the like so near as we can. 4 give us this day our daily bread. By Bread are understanded all things necessary for this life, as meat, drink, and such like. 2. kings chap. 6. ver. 22.23. It is called our bread, not because of right it is due unto us, but because by Gods good will it is appointed for our use. Psalm 145. ver. 15.16. If we will be fed of the Lord, we must abstain from other men's goods, and be content with our own, Proverb. chap. 5. ver. 15. Gen. chap. 3. ver. 19.2. Thess. cap. 3. ver. 12. The word daily signifieth such provision as may godly be come by, though it be never so homely, it taketh away all desire of delicates. I neither do nor dare condemn great fare, dainty provision, and such like. God's gifts do serve not only for necessity, but also for pleasure, Psalm 104. ver. 15. we may use them I say for pleasure, we may not abuse them: They which think otherwise, do think amiss. These words this day, do take away distrustful care for the time to come, which is condemned by jesus Christ. Math. chap. 6. ver. rich men have Sellers full of Oil. Garners full of Wheat, what need they to ask? they have enough already. I grant they have great store: but all is nothing without God's blessing. If the staff of bread be broken: levit. chap. 26. ver. 26. Ezech. chap. 9 ver. 16. If God blow upon our corn: Aggeus chap. 1. ver. 9 It will do us no good. Man liveth not by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Deut chap. 8. ver. 3. We pray for bread: notwithstanding our prayers, it is God's gift. Psa. 145. ver. 15.16. If the least things be Gods gifts, then eternal life much more. Rom. chap 6. ver. 23. And forgive us our trespasses. By Trespasses are meant sins. Sin is threache of God's Law. 1. john chap. 3 ver. 4. Either in word, deed, or thought. None are free from sin. Proverb. cap. 24. ver. 16. Luke chap. 1. ver. 47. 1. john. cap. ver. 8.10. All have need of pardon: for all desire forgiveness of their sins. If God's children have need to be pardoned, they are none of gods which say they need not forgiveness of sins. As we forgive them that trespass against us. Injuries done unto us must be forgiven & forgoutten. Gen. chap. 50. ver. 21. Col. cap. 3. ver. 13 If we be reviled in word, or evil entreated indeed we must neither be hard to forgive, nor hasty to revenge, we must forgive an hundred pence, if we will be forgiven ten thousand talents. Mat. cap. 18. ver. 35. Our forgiving of other is not the cause why we are pardoned. God's mercy is the cause. Ephesi. cap. 2. ver. 45. but it is a certain argument that God hath, and will forgive us, if we can find in our hearts unfeignedly to forgive other. Mat. cap. 6. ver. 14. 5 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. That is to say, Deliver us from evil, that we be not carried into temptation. By temptation are meant all evil motions, which do allure us to sin. By evil, I understand the Devilliso that this is the meaning of this petition: though evil motions (O Lord) do continually assault us and fight against our souls, yet assist us mightily with thy grace, that we never be overwhelmed of them. We desire God's defence against our enemy, & we have great need so to do. The Devil is mighty: Ephesi. cap. 6. ver. 12. We weak, and not able of ourselves too withstand him. Ephesi. 6. ver. 11. Colos. chap. 1. ver. 11. But in Christ we overcome: for stronger is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. 1. john. cap. 4. ver. 4. If we needed not God's aid, this prayer were in vain. We are taught in this petition, that God leadeth some into temptation. Esay. cap. 6 ver. 10 Rom. cap. 1. ver 24. The words are plain. And lead us not into temptation. It seemeth strange that God should lead into temptation. It is strange, I confess, to man's reason, but Gods doing is above our reason. His judgements are always just, though they be often secret: and God then leadeth into temptation, when he punisheth one sin by another: & when by taking away his spirit, and ditection he leaveth man to himself. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. We may be bold too ask, and sure to obtain at God's hands our godly desires, for his kingdom, power, and glory cannot be taken from him. God's kingdom is mighty glorious & everlasting. Earthly Princes if they be compared with God are nothing, and their kingdoms last but a while. Wicked men had not need to wage battle against the Lord, they fight in vain and hurt themselves most. Dan. cap. 4. ver. 32. God's kingdom will be aloft, do what they can. Dan. cap. 4. ver 31. Ephe. cap. 1. ver. 21. God give us grace to be & to continue his children, that we may have a crown of glory in his everlasting kingdom for his Christ's sake. Amen. Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. james, chap. 5. ver. 13. ¶ Faith is the gift of God. Philip. Cap. 1. ver. 29. Faith is an assured knowledge of God's fatherly goodwill unto us by jesus Christ, and a trust in the same good will, which hath joined with it an earnest care to live a godly life. The Articles of our Faith. I Believe in God, etc. To believe in God, is to put our whole trust & affiance in god. We must apply this belief every man to himself, otherwise it will not profit us. The plaster, if it be not laid to the wound, will never heal the sore. The just man shall live by his own faith. Rom. cap. 1. ver. 17. The father almighty etc. God is almighty, because allthings are under his government, and are ruled not by chance, but by his heavenly providence. Dan. cap 4, ver. 32. Mat. cap. 10. ver. 29.30. Ephe. cap. 1. ver. 11. If it were not thus, Satan and the wicked, who can do nothing without God's sufferance, job. cap. 1. ver. 2. would easily overthrow us. Maker of heaven and earth. By heaven and earth are meant all creatures whatsoever and wheresoever they be. Apoc. cap. 10. ver. 6. When we confess God to be maker of all creatures, we do not deny that he hath care of preserving them in their estate. Heb. cap. 1. ver. 3. That were in deed the high way to overthrow his providence: and such thoughts do not become the children of God. AND in jesus Christ. etc. The Son of GOD is called jesus, because he saveth his people from their sins. Math. cap. 1. ver. 21. His name is according to his office. He is called Christ, because he was anointed with the gifts of the holy Ghost, not by measure as we are, Ephe. cap. 4. ver. 7. But without measure. john. cap. 3. ver. 34. That he might power on us great store of heavenly graces. Our poverty is great, but by jesus Christ we are contimally enriched: his Storehouse cannot be emptied and his Fountain can never be dried up. The Son of GOD was anointed a Prophet, to open unto us the will of God and the glad tidings of the Gospel. Luke cap. 4. ver. 18. He was moynted a Priest too redeem us from eternal death by the Sacrifice of his own body, offered once, not often, by himself, not by others. Heb. cap. 9 ver. 26.28. And to make continual intercession for us miserable sinners. Heb. cap 7. ver. 25. He was anointed a king to govern us by his word, which is his Sceptre, and by his Spirit, which is the earnest of our inheritance. His only Son our Lord. Christ is our lord, because we are not our own but his. We are his, because we are bought with a price. 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver. 20. Not with silver and gold, but with his precious blood, 1. Pet. chap. 1. ver. 18.19. We have good cause too love Christ: For he bought us dearly. Act. cap. 20. ver. 28. Apocal. cap. 5. ver. 9 We must honour and fear him: For he is our Lord. Malach. cap. 1. ver. 6. Which was conceived by the Holy Ghost. If Christ had been conceived by man, he had not been void of sin: john chap. 3. ver. 6. job, cap. 25. ver. 5.6 and therefore unfit to deliver us from sin. Heb cap. 7. ver. 26. Born of the Virgin Mary. Christ was like unto us in all things, only sin except. Heb. cap. 4. ver. 15. He took our nature upon him. Heb. cap. 2. ver. 14. It is happy for us that he did so: for by this means the Devil that had power of death, is destroyed, and we are reconciled unto the favour of God. Heb. cap. 2. ver. 14.17 Suffered under Pontius Pilate. Christ's life upon the earth did not much differ from death: but a little before and at his death, barbarbarous cruelty was practised. Math. chap. 27. ver. he was innocent by the judgement of Pilate, but most unjustly condemned by that wicked hypocrite. Math. cap. 27. ver. 24. Christ was free from sin: 1. john cap. 3. ver. 5. and therefore suffered not for his, but for our sins. Rom. chap. 4. ver. 25. 2. Cor. chap. 5. ver. 21. If any say, that notwithstanding Christ's death, sin doth still remain even in the faithful: 1. john. 1. ver. 8. he may be answered, that sin doth bite, but not devour them. The shield of faith may be wounded, but it cannot be stricken through. Was crucified. The death of the cross was most grievous of all other deaths: it was accursed by Gods own mouth. Deut. chap. 21 ver. 23. Christ did abide the death of the cross. Philip. cap. 2. ver. 8. He was made a curse to redeem us from the curse of the law. Galat. chap. 2. ver. 13. so that we may be now assured that Satan's head is broken. Gen. chap. 3. ver. 15. and that the hand writing which was against us, is put out by jesus Christ, and fastened to his cross. Col. cap. 2. ver. 14. Dead. God's justice could not be satisfied for our sins, but by the death of the Son of God. Heb. cap. 2. ver. 9.17. It was therefore necessary for us that he should die the death. If any marvel why we die, when Christ hath died for us, they may be answered that death is grievous, but not deadly too God's Children: that it dwelleth in them, but hath not dominion over them: and that they die, but do pass by the death of the body, as by a gate of eternal life. 2. Cor. cap. 5. ver. 1.2. Philip. cap. 1. ver. 23. Seeing therefore that the loss of this short and transitory life, is the high way and entrance into God's kingdom, we must not be afraid to die, when our loving God doth call us, unless we make greater account of earth then of heaven, and of the company of men then of God and his Angels. And buried. Christ was buried by an honourable Counsellor joseph of Aramathia, who begged his body of Pilate. Mark. chap. 15. vers. 43. His burial is mentioned too assure us that he died indeed. He descended into Hell (that is to say) He suffered the torments of Hell, and did abide the most bitter sorrows of death, Acts. chap. 2. ver. 24. As if he had been forsaken of GOD his father. Matth. chap. 27. ver. 46. All this was for our cause. Esay. chap. 63. ver. 4.5. When we are in great torment, and grief for our sins, when we are even at the brink of despair, than it will be a notable shield to bear of all grievous assaults, too remember that our Saviour Christ went down into Hell, to deliver us from the torments thereof. This lesson if it ●e surely learned and settled in our hearts, will heal a wounded conscience, will tayse us up from the gates of Hell, and will in our greatest distress be very sweet ●nto us. Christ did not descend into hell, to fetch from thence the godly patriarchs, and other which died well before his coming in the flesh: that is a wicked dream, and hath neither ground to stand on, nor ●ight to show it by in God's Book, for they were never there. Ecclesiast. chap. 12. ver. 7. 1. Cor. chap. 10. ver. 3.4. The third day he rose again from the dead. Christ's enemies did what they could to keep him down: they laid a stone upon his grave, they sealed the stone, they made the grave sure with a watch: Mat. 27. ver 65.66. but all was in vain, for Christ rose the third day from death. Math. chap. 28. ver. 6.7. Christ's resurrection was great loss unto Satan, it swallowed up death, and broke in pieces the bonds of the devil: Coll. cap, 2. ver. 15. It is gainful to us, for thereby we have a sure pledge of our resurrection: 1. Cor. cap. 15. ver. 20.21.22. and are made partakers of the righteousness of Christ. Rom. cap. 4. ver. 25. He ascended into heaven. Christ's ascending into heaven is manifestly proved in the Scriptures: Mark. cap. 16. ver. 19 Act. cap. 1. ver. 9 Heb. cap. ver. 14. He ascended into heaven to prepare us a place. john. cap. 14. ver. 2. and to pray continually for us unto God his father. Rom. ca 8. ver. 34. Seeing that Christ is our Attorney and pleadeth for us, we may go boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy & find grace to help us in time of need. Heb. cap. ver. 16. If Christ be in heaven bodily, as we are plainly taught in God's book by S. Peter & by S. Paul: Act. cap. 3. ver. 21. Phil. chap. 3. ver. 20. Heb. cap. 9 ver. 24. Then he neither is nor can be bodily in many places at once. It is true that Christ promised his Apostles, & in them other, that he would be with them unto the end of the world. Mat. cap. 28. ver. 20. But he meant by the virtue of his spirit: joh. cap. 14. ver. 18. in which sense S. Paul saith that Christ ascended above all heavens too fulfil all things. Ephe. cap. 4. ver. 10. And sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty. God is a spirit: joh. cap. 4. ver. 24. He hath neither hands, eyes, arms, ears, nor such like as some have imagined. I grant the Scripture giveth eyes, arms, ears, etc., unto God, not that he hath such, but to help our weakness by such manner of speeches. Christ is said to sit at the right hand of God, because he is above all rule and power, and might, and dominion and every name that is named, not in this world only, but also in the world to come. Ephe. chap. 1. ver. 21.22. Seeing that jesus Christ is of so great power, God's children may assure themselves of a singular defence, and the wicked may reckon of a grievous overthrow. From thence shall he come to judge the quick and the dead. Christ when he was on the earth was most unjustly judged: but in the great day he shall sit in judgement, and all the world shall appear before his Majesty. 2. Cor. cap. 5. ver. 10. none shall escape his judgement. Apoc. chap. 20. ver. 12.13. Dead and living shall come before his presence. Acts. chap. 10. ver. 42. 2. Timoth. cap. 4. ver. 1. If any say that death is the house of all flesh: Hebr. chap. 9 ver. 27. And therefore that none shall be alive at Christ's second and glorious appearance, he may be answered, that as they which either have already died, or shall die hereafter before the day of judgement, have and shall put of the Substance of their bodies, so they which shall be alive at that time shall put of, not the Substance of their bodies as the other have, but the Qualities of their bodies: which is no doubt a kind of death: and thus is the place of Saint Paul to be understood We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. 1. Corinth. Chapter. 15. verse. 51. This day of judgement will be a comfortable and joyful day to God his children: Luke chap. 21. verse. 28. Philip chap. 3. ver. 20.21. 1. Thessa. chap. 4. ver. 16.17. for than they shall have full possession, aswell in body as soul, of God's everlasting kingdom. Matthew cap. 25. ver. 34.49. It will be a fearful day to the wicked. 2. Thessalonians chap. 1. verse 7.8.9. For than God's vengeance shall be plentifully powered upon them. apocalypse. chap. 20. ver. 15. Matthew chap. 25. ver. 41.46. I believe in the holy Ghost. By holy ghost I understand the third person of the holy Trinity, proceeding from the father and the son. john cap. 15. ver. 26. who as he is true God: Act cap. 5. ver. 3.4. 1. Cor. cap. 3. ver. 16. so by his inward and heavenly working in our hearts, he assureth us that we are of the number of God's children, Rom. chap. 8. ver. 16. and that we are & shallbe cloched with Christ, as with a precious garment, and have Christ's benefices plentifully and with a full horn powered upon us. The holy Catholic Church, that is to say, I believe that almighty God had from the beginning of the world, hath presently in the world, and shall have until the end of the world his church on the earth. Ezdr. cap. 9 ver. 8. Esay. cap. 29. ver. 18.22. though not alike visible at all times in the eyes of men. Esay. chap. 49. ver. 21, Dan. cap. 7. ver. 21.22. Apoc. chap. 12. ver. 6. The visible Church is the company of those which make profession too serve the true god in Christ The Church is called holy, not because it is without sin, or cannot be dusked with some spot, (for the whole Church prayeth for pardon of their sins) Math. cap. 6. ver. 12. But for that jesus Christ, who is the head of the Church, is holy and that the holiness of the Church is begun in this life. The Church is called Catholic or universal, because it is not tied to any time, persons, or place. Ezech cap. 11. ver. 22.23. Mat. cap. 23. ver 37.38.39. Act. cap. 13. ver. 27.28. but because it is scattered over the face of the world, according to the pleasure of almighty God. This Catholic Church of God standeth not in multitude of persons, Act cap. 19 ver. 27. Apo. cap. 28. ver. 28. but in weight of truth. Ephe. chap. 2. ver. 20 otherwise Christ himself and his Apostles had not been Catholic, for his flock was very little. Luk. ca 12. ver, 33. and the catholic or universal consent of the world stood against it. Acts. cap. 4. ver. 26.27. The communion of Saints. By Saints are mental the faithful wheresoever, sanctified by the holy Ghost: so that this is the meaning of this Article: I believe that there is a communion or fellowship of and amongst the children of God. This communion or fellowship of Saints is first, & especially with jesus Christ, who as he is the only head of the Church: Col. cap. 1. ver. 18. Eph. cap. 4. ver. 15.16. So he giveth life and spiritual gifts to the faithful, who are his members. This communion or fellowship is also amongst the godly themselves, & appeareth evidently by unity of faith, by partaking of the holy Sacraments, & lastly by relieving one another, either with spiritual graces, Heb cap. 3. ver. 13.1. Thes. chap. 5. ver. 11.14. Which must be used to the comfort and good of others according to our calling, or else with part of those external blessings which the Lord in mercy hath made us stewards of. 2. Cor. cap. 8. ver. 3.11.12. Heb. cap. 13. ver. 16. The forgiveness of sins: (that is to say) I believe that Almighty God hath, doth, and will forgive me and all his children, all our sins committed both before and after baptism, 1. john. cap. 1. ver. 7.1. Pet. cap. 2. vers. 24. how great and many so ever they be. Esay. cap. 1. ver. 18. Mat. cap. 12. ver. 31 not for any work or merit of ours, Luke cap. 17. ver. 10. Esay cap. 43. ver. 25. and chap. 64. ver. 6. but for the death & bloodshed of the immaculate lamb jesus christ 1. Pet. chap. 1. ver. 18.19. Apoc. chap. 1. ver. 5. With whose righteousness because we are clothed, we may assure ourselves that we are delivered from eternal death, which is the stipend and wages of sin, Rom. cap. 6. ver. 23. Almighty god hath and doth bestow many good things daily upon us, for which we are greatly and deeply bound unto his majesty: but this benefit of washing us from our sins in Christ's blood, if it be compared with the other, doth as far pass than, as the Diamond doth the Peeble stone. The resurrection of the body: (that is too say) I believe that all men's bodies, even the self same we carry about us in our life time, and no other than they, as touching the substance, (whether they rot in the Grave, or be any otherwise consumed) shall be raised up again at the last day, and be joined to their souls. job. chap. 19 ver. 26.27.1. Cor. cap 1.5. ver. 52.53. Philip cap. 3. ver. 22. At which time the godly shall have full possession of eternal life, and the wicked of eternal death. john. cap. 5. ver. 28.29. The life everlasting, That is, to say: I believe, that as I have the seed of eternal life already sown in my heart, which is very sweet, and a sure staff to rest on in all miseries of this life whatsoever: so I shall be perfectly happy in the life to come, and shall then & there praise the Lord God without ceasing, and yet without weatinesse. Apoc. cap. 21. ver. 4. If God's children do believe eternal life, than they neither can, nor ought to doubt of the certainty of their salvation: for faith and doubting cannot stand together. 2. Cor. chap. 13. ver. 5. Rom. chap. 8. vers. 14.16.7. The Lord for his mercy sake increase our faith, and give us grace to live always in his fear, that when we shall leave this transitory life, we may have the end of our faith, which is the salvation of our souls purchased unto us by the precious death and bloodshed of our Lord and only Saviour jesus Christ. Amen. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. chap. 11. vers. 6. Sin is a breaking of God's law. 1. john. 3. ver. 4. either in word, thought, or deed. The ten Commandments of almighty God. The first 4. Commandments teach us our duty to God. The 6. last, teach us our duty towards men. 1 THou shalt have no other gods but me. that is, thou shalt put thy trust in god only, & worship him only. Deut. cap. 6. ver. 13. Mat. cap. 4. ver. 10. The Lord cannot abide to have any joined with him. Deu. cap. 6. ver. 14.15. He will either have all or none. Ezec. cap. 20. ver. 39 josua cap. 24. ver. 23.24. They which trust in any other then God alone, do forget the Lord. Psalm. 44. ver: 20. 2 Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven Image, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth: (that is) Thou shalt not make any Image, either to represent god who cannot be seen: Deu. cap. 4. ver. 12.15. Acts. cap. 17. ver. 29. Or to worship God by: Rom. cap. 1. ver. 23.25. for it is against this commandment, Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them, (that is) thou shalt not show so much as outward reverence unto them, no not the bowing of the body, or any part thereof: Exo. cap. 34, ver. 14. 2. Co. cap. 7. ver. 1. Rom. cap. 11. ver. 4. For Images are lying schoolmasters. jer. cap. 10. ver. 8.14.15. Abac. cap. 2. ver. 18. 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (that is) thou shalt neither swear often and vainly: Mat chap. 5. ver. 34.37. jam. chap. 5. ver. 12. Much less blasphemously in thy common talk: levit. cap. 34. ver. 15.16. Neither forswear thyself: Math. cap. 5. ver. 33. Neither consent unto them, which offend in this or any other wicked sort. Eph. cap. 5. ver. 11.12. But because the name of God is holy Psa. 103. ver. 1. Thou shalt not defile it, but use it with great reverence. levit. chap. 19 ver. 12. Is it lawful to swear at all? it is, for the testifying of a truth, whereby either God's glory is promoted: 1. Reg. cap. 22. ver. 14. or controversies ended amongst our neighbours. Gen. cap. 31. ver. 53. Heb cap. 6. ver. 16. Is it lawful too swear by Saints, or any other creature? No, we must swear by God alone. Deut. cap. 6. ver. 13. Esay. cap. 45. ver. 23. And that in the cases before remembered: for a lawful oath is a part of God's worship. Esay. cap. 19 ver. 18. jerem. cap. 12. ver. 16. 4 Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day: (that is) thou shalt spend that day in hearing gods most holy word, in common prayers and such like, to God's glory and thine own comfort. Is it not lawful to have some other set days for common and Christian assemblies? yes, no doubt, if superstition (that is to say) the esteeming of one day more holy than another be absent, & the Lord god sincerely honoured. But the lords day which we call the Sunday, is especially appointed, because of our weakness by God's church in steed of the jews Sabbath. Acts. chap. 20. ver. 7. 1. Cor. cap. 16. ver. 2. They which absent themselves from Christian meetings, where God is truly served, either wilfully as God's enemies do, or for dispatch of business (which may be well deferred) as worldlings do, are guilty, the one sort of contemning God and his Church, both which are highly to be esteemed. Mat. cap. 18. ver. 20. 1. Tim. chap. 3. ver. 15. Ephe. chap. 5. ver. 27. the other of preferring their greedy desires, before the Lords unspeakable mercies. Mat. cap. 22. ver. 2.3.5. The second Table. 5 Honour thy Father and thy mother: (that is) give reverence to thy father and mother. levit. chap. 19 ver. 3. Gen. cap. 46. ver. 29. Col. chap. 3. ver. 20. and help them: if, and wherein they have need, as thou art able. Gen chap. 45. ver. 9.10.11. 1. Sam. chap. 22. ver. 3.4. And be always humble and obedient unto them in the lord Ephe. cap. 6 ver. 1. but never against the Lord, Luke chap. 14. ver. 26. Must we honour none but our Fathers and Mothers? Yes, all those must be honoured, whom God hath any ways set over us: as the Magistrate, Rom. cap. 13. ver. 1. Tit. cap. 3. ver. 1. 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver. 13.14. The Minister of God's word, Heb. ca 13. ver. 17. 1. Thess. cap. 5. ver. 12.13. 1. Tim. cap. 5. ver. 17. our bodily masters: 1. Tim. cap. 6. ver. 1. Ephe. cap. 6 ver. 5. and such like: But yet ever in, and never against the Lord. 6 Thou shalt not kill: (that is) thou shalt neither use any violence thyself, nor be author, or consenting that any be used by other against thy neighbour. Levi. cap 19 ver. 16. Thou shalt neither be are hatred or malice against him. Math. cap. 5. verse. 22. 1. john. chap. 3. verse. 15. Thou shalt neither secretly nor openly take away his good name. Psalm. 101. ver. 5. jam. chap. 4. ver. 11. Thou shalt use thy neighbour lovingly both in word and deed, 1. joh. cap. 3. ver. 18. And thou must do good even unto thy enemy. Exod. cap. 23. ver. 4.5. Math. cap. 5. ver. 44. Rom. chap. 12. ver. 20. Is it not lawful to put notable offenders to death? it is: not for private men, whose hands the Lord hath bound: Gen. chap. 9 ver. 6. Matth. cap. 26. ver. 52. But for the Magistrates, whom God hath armed with the sword. Prou. cap. 20. ver. 26. Psal. 101 ver. 8 Rom. chap. 13. ver. 4. If the Magistrate condemn us unjustly, must we obey? we must even to the abiding of death. 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver. 23. But yet commit our cause to God, who judgeth justly. 2. Chronic. chap. 24. ver. 22. 1. Pet. chap. 2. ver. 23. Rom. cap. 12. ver. 19 And think ourselves happy that we suffer for righteousness sake. Mat. cap. 5. ver. 10. & 16. for 25. 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver. 19 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery, (that is) thou shalt keep thy mind free from lusting after strange flesh. Matthew. chap. 5. ver. 28. 1. Cor. chap. 6. ver. 20 And thy body and every part thereof, free from all wantonness: whether it be the committing of any whorish and filthy deed: 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver. 18.19.20. Heb. cap. 13. ver. 4. or corrupt talk: 1. Cor. cap. 15. ver 33. Ephe. cap. 4, ver. 29. Or light behaviour. job. ca 31. ver. 1. They which have not the gift of continency may and aught to marry: 1. Cor. chap. 7. ver. 2.9. Heb cap. 13. ver. 4. But they must join with such as fear God. Gen. cap. 24. ver. 3.2. Cor. cap. 6. ver. 14.15. And with the consent of their parents. Gen. cap. 34. ver 4.1. Cor. cap. 7. ver. 37. 8 Thou shalt not steal (that is) thou shalt be so far of from committing theft, which the Prince's laws do punish with death, that thou shalt neither by usury, Ezech. cap. 18. ver. 8.13. Psal. 15. ver. 5. colour of law, 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver. 9.10. by enclosures of commons, whereby the poor either are, or aught to be relieved. Mich. chap. 2. ver. 1.2.3. Deut. chap. 5. ver. 21. or by any means whatsoever defraud or oppress any man in any matter. 1. Thes. 5. ver. 6. If thou have sinned in any of these sorts (thou must make restitution: Nehe. ca 5. ver. 11.12.13. Eze. ca 33. ver. 15. & steal no more, but labour rather with thy hands in the thing which is good, that thou mayst have to give to him that needeth. Eph. chap. 4 ver. 28. If false dealing must not be used in things that appertain to this life: levit. chap. 19 ver. 11. much less are God's people, to be spoiled of the food of their souls, either by corrupting the word of life, or making merchandise thereof 2. Cor. chap. 2. ver. 17. and chap. 4. ver 2. 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness. against thy neighbour: (that is) thou shalt not put thy hand with the wicked, to be a false witness, Exod. chap. 22. ver. 1 either by word or oath: thou shalt not by receiving or reporting a lie, Exod. cap. 23. ver. 1. either impair thy neighbours good name. Psal. 15. ver. 3. Prou. cap. 22. ver. 1. or diminish the least part of his goods, much less endanger his life: Thou halt not misconstrue his words as the wicked do. Matth. chap. 16. ver. 6. Act. chap. 6. ver. 13.14. But thou shalt cast of lying, and speak truth unto thy neighbour, Ephe. chap. 4. ver, 25. plainly, but yet lovingly rebuking him, and not suffering him to sin. levit. chap. 19 ver. 17. Mat. cap. 18. ver. 15. As it is great wickedness to bear false witness any way, or to any end: so is it very lawful to witness a truth, either for the increase of God's glory, the ending of controversies amongst our neighbours, or for the safety of our Prince & Country. To refuse too witness or utter the truth in these cases, either by word or oath, is too be wicked and false witnesses. 10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his Ox, nor his Ass, nor any thing that is his. (that is) thou shalt be so far from doing the least wrong unto thy neighbour, in any of thy outward doings, that thou shalt not once think or desire to hurt him any way. Zac. cap. 8. ver. 17. God's law doth not only bind our bodies, & every part thereof to obedience, but our minds also: it is therefore spiritual. Rom. cap. ver. 14. God's law doth forbid all unlawful concupiscence: therefore unlawful concupiscence, though it burst not out into outward act, is sin, Rom. cap. 7. ver. 7. CAn any of God's children keep gods commandments perfectly in this life? no, not one of them, only jesus Christ excepted, who was free from sin. 2. Cor. chap. 5. ver. 21. 1. Pet: cap. 2. ver. 22. not one of them I say either was, is, or shallbe able to keep God's commandments in this life. SEeing that none can keep gods commandments in this life: why will the Lord have them so exactly and severely preached? I answer, that we seeing in the law as in a glass, what grievous sinners we are, and how by our corrupt nature we do incline, yea rather are carried headlong to sin, Rom. cap. 3. ver. 20. &. cap. 7. ver. 8. might have feeling of, & be sorry for our sins, and so be led by the law, as by a schoolmaster to jesus christ: that we might be made righteous by faith in him. Galat. chap. 3. ver. 24. by whose stripes we are healed. 1. Pet. ca 2. ver. 24. The Lord possess our hearts with his holy spirit, that we may be careful too please, and afraid to displease him. The Lord forgive us all our sins, even for his great mercy's sake. Amen. OH that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. Psal. 119. ver. 5. Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy Law. ver. 18. I am a stranger upon earth: hide not thy commandments from me. vers. 19 Make me to understand the way of thy precepts, and I will meditate in the wonderful works. verse. 27. FINIS.