A prayer, and also a thanksgiving unto God, for his great mercy, in giving, and preserving our Noble Queen Elizabeth, to live and reign over us, to his honour and glory, and our comfort in Christ jesus, to be sung the xvii. day of November 1577. Made by I Pit, minister. I exhort that supplications, prayers, and intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for Kings, and for all that be in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1. Tim. 2. Chap. 1, 2, verses. Sing this as the four score and one Psalm. Psal. 81.1. BE light, and glad, in God rejoice, which is our strength and aid, with joyful, and most pleasant hearts, let it be forth now said: Deutr. 6.4. Esa. 33.22. Thou art our Lord, thou art our King, thou art our only stay, to thee will we give laud and praise, and further let us say. 1. Chro. 29.13 Esay. 2.17. psalm. 145.8.9 10. etc. psal. 144.10. We praise thee God, we knowledge thee, the only Lord to be, for thy great mercy on us showed, as this day we may see: To thee we cry, and also give, most high thanks, laud and praise, for thy good gifts, which we receive, both now and all our days. psal. 99.9. Esay. 6.3. Apoc. 4.8. psal. 144.10. psal. 145.3.4. O Holy, holy, holy Lord, shallbe our daily song, for thy good gifts, bestowed on us, this nineteen years now long, And for our Queen Elizabeth, which so long time hath been, through thy good providence O Lord, our good & gracious Queen. psal. 148.11.12 The company of high and low, do praise thy holy name, both young and old, both rich & poor, with heart do even the same: psal. 145.14. joh. 14.6. Acknowledging, thy majesty, to be the only stay, through Christ our Lord & Saviour, our light, our truth, our way. joh. 14.16.17. joh. 15.26.27. joh. & 13. verses. dan. 9.5. and 19 psal. 65.3. The holy ghost our comforter, doth teach us all in deed, how we should walk in thy true fear, and call on thee in need: For that our sins most grievous are, and do deserve thine ire, we pray thee pardon us each one, thy mercy we require. 1. Timoth. 2.1.2. And grant our Queen Elizabeth, with us long time to reign, this land to keep, full long in peace, and gospel to maintain: In true obedience of the same, together we may live, deut. 5.32.33. psal. 61.6. with long life and most perfect joy, O Lord unto her give. 2. kin. and 7. 2. chr. and. 9 2. mac. 4.4.5. and. 6. And give unto her council grace, through working of this spirit, in gospels lore, and common wealth, to have a great delight: The same to bring in perfit state, and so the same to stay, against all wicked perverse men, good Lord grant this we pray. Psalm. and 29. Daniel. 6.24. Psalm. 97.12. Lord help thy servants which do cry, and call to thee for aid, that enemies thence be put to flight, and wicked men dismayed: And let us all, most joyfully, with hearts triumph and say, thy Name be blessed now, O Lord, for this most joyful day. Psalm. 69.30. Psalm. 34.3. Psal. 103.1.2. judit. 15.9.10 Dani. 6.21. We magnify thee every one, and will do while we live, for thy great mercy showed on us, for this gift thou didst give: Elizabeth our noble Queen, which as this day took place, in Royal seat this Realm to guide, Lord bless and keep her grace. 2. Kings. 19.19. judith. 13.4.5. Ester. and 10. Psal. and 50. Psal. 98.3. From foreign foes, O Lord her keep, and enemies at home, from feigned friends, and traitorous hearts, preserve her Lord alone: For thou only art her defence, in thee doth she whole trust, save and keep her, O Lord therefore, for thy mercy's most just. Psal. 11.1. Psalm. 10.10. nehem. 2.3. Daniel. 6.21. O Lord our trust and confidence, we do repose in thee, for thou dost never fail them Lord, that do put trust in thee: With faithful hearts, we do now pray, that thou wilt so maintain, our gracious Queen Elizabeth, long over us to reign. Luk. 2.14. mat. 28.19. Then shall we sing with joyful hearts, All glory be to thee, the Father, Son, and holy Ghost, which be in persons three: As it hath been in all the time, that hath been heretofore, as it is now, and so shallbe, hence forth for evermore. Amen. 1. Thessalonians the u Chap. 16, 17, and 18 verses. Rejoice ever. Pray continually. In all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ jesus towards you. FINIS. Imprinted by Christopher Barkar. Allowed by authority.