SHORT QVESTIONS AND ANswers, plainly opening and explaining both the nature and also the use of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper. Very profitable for all those who desire to know the nature and use of the said Sacraments. By Richard Preston, Preacher of the Word of God at Rushden in Northhampton shire. LONDON, Printed by N. O. for john Bellamine, and are to be sold at the South entrance of the Royal Exchange. 1621. To his loving and careful Mother, M. B. COnsidering with myself (most dear and loving mother) the great care that is committed unto the Governors of Families (namely) not only to provide things necessary for the well-being of the (a) 1. Tim. 5.8. bodies of their Families, both children and servants, Deut. 11.19. but also to teach and instruct them in the knowledge of God his will, and the right communication with him, in the particular parts of his worship and service: the performance of which thing maketh the 〈◊〉 be both (*) Pro. 31.15.30. commended of the people of God, and also approved of God himself. Ester 4.16. Gen. 18.19 And also considering, that in regard of the great employments of my Father, by which he is necessarily withheld from a constant abiding with his Family: In which respect, the greater both care and pains lieth upon yourself. I have therefore (as a help to you in the weightiest of those your charges) here sent unto you certain Questions and Answers, opening and explaining both the nature and also the use of both the Sacraments of Christ his Institution, entreating you in the absence of my Father (*) 1. Cor. 14.35. (for in his presence you remain as a learner, not an instructor) you would make it your practice to instruct your Family in the knowledge of them. I hope I shall not need to allege 〈…〉 to persuade you to the performance of this duty, for that which resteth as a reason in all our actions, taketh place in this also (namely) the will of him, whose will ought to be a law to us in all things. * Deut. 11.19. Secondly, if any soul perish for want of the discharge of your duty, God will require their blood at your hands. (*) Ez. 33.8 Gal. 6.10. Thirdly, that general rule taketh place in this thing: Do good to all; If good, what greater than to help them to the knowledge of the means of salvation? if to all, then especially to those whose souls in a special manner you have the charge of. For the Author of them, he is a neighbour Minister in your country, in whose praise I spare to speak, his works sufficiently testify of him. Thus loath too long to keep you from the perusal and practice of this ensuing Catechism, I earnestly crave both your blessing, and prayers unto the Lord for me, and the rest of us whom the Lord hath made you a means of our being: that he also would give us here an assurance, and hereafter a possession of an eternal blissful and glorious well-being: unto whose gracious protection I commit you, and in whom I ever rest Your dutiful and obedient son during life, I. B. Questions very profitable to all them that would know, and learn the nature, and use of the Sacraments. Question. WHat is a Sacrament? Ans. It is a visible sign of an invisible grace, or an outward Element apppointed of God to confirm our faith of his promises. Quest. Of how many parts doth a Sacrament consist? Ans. Of two parts, that is to say, of the Element, and the Word. Quest. How many Sacraments are there? Ans. Two: Baptism and the Lords Supper. Quest. Why sayest ' thou there be but two Sacraments, when we have been, formerly taught, that there are seven? Ans. Because Christ in the New Testament left no more to be used in his Church: as for Matrimony, Order, Confirmation, Penance, and extreme Unction; they are no Sacraments, but the Lords Ordinances for their several ends. Quest. What is Baptism? Ans. It is the dipping in, or sprinkling, or washing of an Infant in water. Quest. What is the outward Element in Baptism? Ans. Water. Quest. What doth water signify? Ans. The blood of Christ, and reacheth us that as water washeth away the spots, and filthiness of the body: So the blood of Christ doth purge, and cleanse our souls from all filthy, and deadly sins. 1. joh. 107. Quest. To whom doth Baptism appertain? Ans. To the Sons of the Covenant, and to all believers. Act. 8.36.37. Mat. 16.16. Quest. Why should Infants be baptised, who by reason of the imperfection of their age cannot believe? Ans. Though Infants have no power to believe, or to confess their belief, yet they have faith imputed unto them for the promise sake, because they be the seed of the faithful. Gen. 17.6.7. Quest. What if Infants die before they be baptised? Ans. God's promise is not in vain unto them for default of the Sacrament; for the Spirit of God is not so bound to the water, that it cannot work where the water wanteth, or that it must be always there where the water is sprinkled: True believers, old or young, are not saved, because they are outwardly washed with water, but because they be God's children by election through grace: Ep. 2.5.8. Ro. 11.5.6. Q. May not Baptism be neglected? Ans. No, but with all reverence it ought to be embraced: he that neglecteth it, neglecteth the Author of it. Quest. What is the use of it? Ans. First, it is an evident testimony that God the Father in his Son Christ hath freely for given us all our sins. Secondly, it putteth us in mind, that forasmuch as we are become the Soldiers of Christ, we ought, 1. To fight against all the enemies of salvation. 2. To mortify all unclean lusts. 3. To die unto sin: and 4. To arise new men, bearing the image of Christ, and fashioning ourselves after his example. Rom. Gal. 3.27. Col. 2.12. & 3.1. Quest. How is the other Sacrament called? Ans. The Lord's Supper. Quest. Why is it called a Supper? Ans. Because it was instituted, and eaten at night. Quest. Hath it no other name? Ans. Yes, it is called the Lords Table, a Communion, the Eucharist, or thanksgiving, etc. 1. Cor. 10.16.21. Quest. Is it not called the Sacrament of the Altar? Ans. No, I find no such name given to it in the whole book of God: The Papists use that name, that their daily sacrifice of the Mass might find credit. Quest. But tell me, what is the Lords Supper? Ans. It is an heavenly banquet, wherein all the faithful do spiritually through faith, both eat the body of Christ, and drink his blood, unto the confirmation of their faith, the comfort of their conscience, and the salvation of their souls. Quest. Who is the Author of this Sacrament? Ans. jesus Christ: Mat. 1. Cor. 11.23.24. etc. Quest. When did he institute this Supper? Ans. Presently after the eating of the Passeover, and a little before his death. Quest. What are the outward elements in this Supper? Ans. Bread, and wine. Quest. How do they differ from ordinary bread and wine? Ans. They differ not in substance, but in use and quality: Common bread, and common wine are appointed of the Lord for the alone nourishment of the body: but this holy bread, and wine are appointed to be signs of the body and blood of Christ, whereby our souls are nourished. Quest. What is the Analogy between the signs, and the things signified? Ans. It standeth in feeding, nourishing, comforting, refreshing, in union, and communion. Quest. Show it more plainly. Ans. As the bread and wine do feed, nourish, comfort, and refresh our bodies: So the body, and blood of Christ (with the merits of his passion,) do spiritually feed, nourish comfort, and refresh our hungry souls. joh. Quest. Show me our union with Christ in this Sacrament. Ans. As that which we eat and drink, is turned to flesh & blood, and incorporate into us: So our eating, and drinking this banquet by faith, doth transform us (as it were) into Christ, and maketh us flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone. joh. 6.56. Eph. 5.30. Quest. Show me our Communion with our brethren. Ans. As many corns, and grapes are united into one loaf, and one wine, even so we as many members, are united into one mystical body, whereof Christ is the head. Quest. Tell me, why are there two Elements in the Lord's Supper, and but one in Baptism? Ans. Because Christ in Baptism is set before us as a laver, and water is sufficient to wash away filthiness from our bodies: But in the Lord's Supper he is set before us as heavenly food: wherein bread without wine is not sufficient. For as meat alone doth not nourish the body, but there is required drink. So to the nourishment of our souls it is not enough spiritually by faith to eat the bread, but we must also drink the wine. Quest. Is wine as necessary as bread to this Supper? Ans. Yes, altogether as necessary; and therefore much do the Papists wrong Christians, that withhold the cup from them. Quest. What be the Sacramental rites? Ans. They be either such things, as concern the Minister, namely to bless, break, power, give; or the people, as to take, eate, drink. Quest. What do these rites signify? Ans. They signify spiritual things. To bless, signifieth the duty of the Minister, whereby he calleth upon God by prayer, that these outward Elements might be consecrated, and set apart to an holy use. The breaking of the bread, and pouring of the wine, signifieth the breaking of the body, and the shedding of the blood of Christ. The giving of the signs doth signify the voluntary gift of Christ, that he made himself a freewill Offering to take away the sins of his people. To take, signifieth our apprehension of Christ by faith: and to eate and drink, our union with him, and fellowship with our brethren. Quest. What do you gather from hence? Ans. First, that we are most vile sinners, Pro. 20.9. 1. joh. 1.10. Secondly, that we deserve the intolerable torments of hell fire everlastingly, Rom. 6.23. Ep. 2.2.3 Thirdly, the great love of God in sending his Son to take upon him our nature, and to dye for us, to our redemption. joh. 3.16. 1. joh. 4.10. Lastly, the great love of Christ and his humility to humble himself unto the cursed death of the Cross, and torments of hell for our salvation. Phil. Quest. Having gone thus with you, I pray you tell me whether we do really eat and drink the body and blood of Christ in this Supper? Ans. No: for first, that is against the nature of a Sacrament, it cannot be both the sign, and the thing signified. Secondly, it were to deny the Ascension, and intercession of Christ, and to affirm that the Resurrection is past. Thirdly, it were to make the body of Christ but a fantasy, and the form of a body. Fourthly, it were to make Christ's body a monstrous body, and to be in many places at one time. Fiftly, this Sacrament would be a Sacrifice. Sixtly, than the damned reprobates should eat Christ's flesh, and be saved, joh. 6.54. Seventhly, it were to deny that Christ took flesh of the Virgin, if bread and wine do become his flesh; or else to say, he had a mixed body; either of which is blasphemy, Mat. 1.23. Rom. 1.3. Eightly, it were to affirm, that Christ's body is dead, which is abominable; and how could it be eaten unless it be dead? etc. Quest. But Christ said, This is my body, therefore the bread is his body. Not so: Our Saviour calleth himself a Vine, a Door, a Rock; he is also compared to a thief, to a daystar. Is Christ therefore a Vine, a Door, a Rock, a thief, and a Daystar? No, it is an absurd conclusion. So he calleth bread his body, not that it is his body, but a Sacrament and figure of his body. Quest. How is Christ present in the Sacrament? A. Not bodily, but spiritually by grace, Mat. 18.20. joh. 14.16. Quest. To whom must this Sacrament be administered? Ans. To such as can examine themselues, 1. Cor. 11.28. 2. Cor. 13.5. Quest. What say you of children, fools, madmen, etc. may not they be admitted to this Sacrament? Ans. In no sort: First, because they cannot examine themselues. Secondly, lest they heap upon themselves, the judgements of the Lord, & be guilty of the body and blood of Christ. Quest. What do you think of open sinners, may they be made partakers of this holy Communion? Ans. No: not till they have repent of their sins, and laboured earnestly to be reconciled unto God & their brethren. Quest. It seems that this holy Supper belongs to none but to the faith full and penitent persons. Ans. The fruit and benefit of Christ's Passion belongs only to them, but yet many other besides them partake of this Sacrament. Quest. Do not all that eat the external signs, receive the been fit of Christ's death? Ans. No: for first, all have not faith, Tit. 1.1.2. 1. Thes. 3.2. Secondly, they have not the spirit of Christ, which things should make them worthy receivers of the benefits of Christ's death. Quest. Can the wicked get any harm by eating the Sacramental signs? Ans. Yes verily: For first, they eat and drink their own damnation. Secondly, they are guilty of the body and blood of Christ. 1. Cor. 11.27.29. Quest. When is this Supper to be received? A. Then, when occasion thereof is offered; and necessary it is, that it should be eaten often, 1. Cor. 11.26. Quest. Where should it be eaten? Ans. In the public congregation: where many are met together for that end, 1. Cor. 11.20. Quest. What say you to them that are lame and sick, that cannot come to the house of God; ought they to receive this supper in their private families? Ans. I do not deny but that they may, so be it there be others gathered to them to make up a congregation, who may partake with them. Quest. To whom doth the administration of this Supper belong? Ans. To them who are fit Ministers of the Word. Quest. What say you then to a dumb dog? He is no fit Minister, and therefore his sacrament is no sacrament? Ans. Not so: For first, though he be no fit Minister of God, yet because he is come in the room of a Minister, by the election of the Church, we must not refuse him, nor his Sacrament. 2. Being enabled by the Church to give what he can, though he come never so inordinately to administer this Sacrament, yet he must not be rejected, but we must receive what he can give. Thirdly, we must distinguish between a calling, and the execution of it; for it proves not, he hath no calling, because he executeth it not: as a Magistrate ceaseth not to be a Magistrate, or to want office, because he doth not duly execute it. Quest. How may I communicate with a wicked Minister? Ans. The wickedness of a Minister doth not pollute the Sacrament to a worthy receiver. Quest. Why? Ans. First, a good Minister doth not make it the better to a bad man, therefore not a bad Minister the worse to a good man. Secondly, the efficacy of the Sacrament depends only upon God's promise, and the faith of the believer, not on man's goodness or badness. A message may be as truly delivered by a bad man as a good, and good wax will receive an impression as well by a brazen seal, as a golden one. Quest. But he is a graceless man, and how can he then be a means of conveying grace to me? Ans. Grace is compared to water; now may not water that passeth through a stony channel, which itself is so undisposed, that it cannot have any benefit of it, make a whole garden fruitful? Thus stands the case with a graceless Minister. Quest. But by communicating with him, shall I not communicate in his sin? Ans. No, if you made him not minister, nor allow of his insufficiency, but communicate only in the Lord's ordinance so fare as he is able to administer it. Quest. With whom may I rightly communicate? Ans. With such as are of a godly life and conversation. First, because we profess our selves members, and fellow Christians with them. Secondly, because we desire to be confirmed in that Communion. Thirdly, because our love and zeal may be better stirred up by the prayers, and examples of such. Quest. How may I partake where open sinners are tolerated to receive the Sacrament? Ans. No man's sin can defile another, or make God's promise, or the seal of it, in vain to him, that is no way accessary to it; neither hath it power to hinder him from the Sacrament. Ezek. 18.20, Gal. 6.5. Secondly, Christ entered into the same Temple with wicked persons, and eat the same Passeover with judas, and was undefiled. Luk. 2.22. Lastly, we are not so bound to examine the unworthiness of others, as of ourselves: which maketh the Apostle say, Let a man examine himself, and not another man, 1. Cor. 11, 28. By these reasons we see that the wickedness of another communicant, doth not prejudice him that is rightly prepared. Quest. To conclude, seeing that I have learned of you the nature of this Sacrament, and where, when, of whom, and with whom to receive the same; now I would gladly know of you, to what end & use the Lord jesus instituted this Sacrament? Answer. First, to put us in remembrance of that love, and fellowship which should be among us, being all members of one mystical body. Rom. 12.4.5. 1. Cor. Secondly, to stir us up unto continual thankfulness unto God the Father, for the great benefits we have received of him by the death of his Son. Act. 2.46.47. Lastly, to put us in remembrance that his body was broken, and his blood shed for our redemption. 1. Cor. 11.26. Mat. 26.28. Luke 22.19. FINI●▪