❧ A blazing Star or burning Beacon, seen the 10. of October last (and yet continuing) set on fire by God's providence, to call all sinners to earnest & speedy repentance. Written by Francis Shakelton, Minister and preacher of the word of God. ¶ I will show wonders in heaven and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. joel. 2, 30. ¶ Imprinted at London by John Kyngston, for Henry Kirkham, and are to be sold, at the sign of the black boy, adjoining to the little Northdore of saint Paul. 1580. To the right Honourable sir Thomas Bromley knight, lord Chancellor of England, and one of her majesties most honourable privy Council, long life and health, with increase of honour, and all manner of spiritual blessings. IT may be deemed in the judgement of the world, a great presumption in me (right Honourable) thus unadvisedly to adventure the discourse of this late blazing Star, which appeared the x. day of October last 1580. whereof very small (or rather no account at all) is made among the vulgar sort, for that it hath not altogether such splendent brightness, and glistering radiation, as some other Comets heretofore have had. I know (I say) I shallbe lanced with the bitter reproofs and Zoilous reprehensions of certain fine mouthed mates, who look for finer phrases, and more mellow and sugared sentences, than my poor skill or ability will afford. My only drift herein (right Honourable) is to dissuade the world, from freezing in the dregs of their sins, by admonisheing them of the final dissolution of the Engine of this world, and second coming of Christ in the clouds, which by many manifest and inevitable reasons I gather, can not be far of. In respect whereof, according to the duty of my profession, I exhort all men to awake out of their sleep by earnest repentance, which is the perfect and plain path way to avert Gods just plagues, deservedly threatened unto us. The artificial description of which Star, together with his appearance, motion, colour, continuance, matter, form, signification, and effect, as I by the advise of some right skilful in the Mathematics, have (by the way) superficially touched: So do I leave the fuller delineation thereof to them, who professedly dwell in the same Art, (Astronomy I mean) & are best able to yield their learned resolutions. My profession drawing me an other way, requireth an other manner of method, which as I have here to my poor skill discovered: So am I with all humility, most dutifully to crave your honours pardon, for the acceptance thereof at my hands, till it shall please God to enable me with other opportunity, to prefer unto your lordships censure, some other work of greater moment & importance. Till then, always I shall humbly beseech the Almighty, long to preserve your good Lordship with honour, health and all felicity to his Divine will and pleasure. Amen. Your honours most humble, Francis Shakelton. ¶ Jn hanc Francisci Shakeltonj Cometologiam, Ogdoastichon. ECce Shakeltonj non parva volumine parvo Commoda, Brutigenis hexapla certa suis. Eia agè lector: in hoc forsan reperire libello Multa potes, tibi quae vix aliunde patent. tibi & ut patriae prodesset amicus amicae, Participem tersi te facit esse styli. Tu tantùm grates memor esto rependere dignas, Sic fructum studij demetet ipse sui. Thomas Newton, Cestreshyrius. SO often as there hath been at any time seen eclipses of the Son or the Moon, either any Comette, or blazing Star in any part of the Heaven: Those that are Christians, have forthwith been taught by Christ himself to lift up their heads, Luke. 21.28. knowing that their redemption draweth nigh (that is to say) Christians are admonished thereby, that the day of judgement is at hand: When they shall see the Son of man coming in the Clouds with power and great glory, to judge the quick and the dead, and to give to every man according to his deeds, that they have done in their bodies, be they good or evil. 2. Pet. 3.10. Whose coming shallbe (as Peter saith) as a thief in the night: In the which day, the Heaven shall pass away with a noise, and the Elements shall melt with heat, and the earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up (which is as much to say) that all the world shall be consumed, according to the saying of our Saviour Christ: Math. 24.35. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Arist. lib. de caelo. & lib. 8. Phis. Yet notwithstanding I am not ignorant, how that Aristotle the Prince of all those Philosophers (which the Latinistes do call (Peripatetici) doth labour very earnestly to prove that the world is eternal: meaning thereby that it hath no beginning neither shall it have any ending. Of this opinion is Galenus also (that most expert Physician of Pergamus a city of Asia) who lived in those days that Marcus and Commodus were Emperors, Galenus. and dreaming also of the perpetuity and continuance of the world, saith after this manner: Semper ita stetit, sic igitur perdurabit. Moreover Manilius writeth thus: Manilius. Non alium videre patres, alumne ne potes aspicient? (that is to say) our Fathers have seen no other world, and shall our Nephews see any other? etc. Moreover you shall understand, that among the Latinistes, Pliny. Pliny doth also maintain this opinion, affirming Mundum esse aeternum, immensum, neque genitum, neque interiturum unquam. Auerrois. lib. 1. de caelo. And in like manner, Auerrois a follower and imitator of Aristotle, doth tread so right in his masters steps, that in his first book De caelo, Idem super. 8. Phis. Arist. he disputeth earnestly against those, who do acknowledge that the world was created etc. Declaring also the same thing in his Commentaries, where he doth expound and defend the argument of his Master Aristotle concerning the eternity, and perpetuity of the world. I am not unmindful also of those words which Peter doth allege in the person of the ungodly and wicked worldlings, 2. Pet. 3.4. saying: Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers died, all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation. But ye shall understand, that all these profane and wicked reasons, and Heathnishe and unfruitful questions, shall be confuted orderly God willing in their places, by the authority of the holy Scriptures. Know ye therefore first dear Christians, that almighty GOD himself doth teach us, by his holy Prophets and Apostles: but most specially by his only begotten Son ( Hebr. ●. 2. whom he hath made heir of all things) that the world was created of nothing, and shall return into nothing again. And therefore we must not only believe it, Read. Gene. 14.19. cap. 20.11. cap. 31.17 but also defend the same to be so, as he hath undoubtedly spoken it. And to the end that out of many testimonies, a few may be recited, the Prophet Moses being a lively witness of this matter, hath described the work of the creation of the world after this manner, saying: Nehem. 9.6. job. 2.9. Gene. 1.1. In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth, etc. The Prophets also following Moses, & maintaining the same truth: do affirm God to be the creator of heaven and earth Especially David saying. Psal. 89.11. The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine, thou hast laid the foundation of the world, and all that therein is. Thou haste created the North and the South etc. And again: Psal. 102.25. Thou hast aforetime laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, Read more of this. Psal. 115.16. Psal. 135.6. but thou shalt endure, even they shall all wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture thou shalt change them, and they shallbe changed, but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail, etc. And as the Prophets have made mention of the creation of the world, jere. 27.5. and cap. 32.17. Amos. 4.13. Esay. 43.5. ca● 45.12. Zacharie. 12 Acts. 4.24. cap. 24.15. Apoc. 10.6.8. Gene. 7. vers● ● 24. Luke. 17.26. so have they made rehearsal of the consummation of the same. Especially Moses in the deluge (or the universal flood) doth very notably describe unto us, the type or figure of the consummation of the world. And therefore our Saviour Christ, alluding unto the same general destruction by his Evangelist Luke saith. That as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. The eat, they drank, the married wives, and gave in marriage, unto the day that Noah went into the Ark. And the flood came and destroyed them all: Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. But in the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it reigned fire and Brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. After these ensamples shall it be in the day when the Son of man shallbe revealed, etc. And therefore Christ saith, that the harvest is th'end of the world. Math. 13.39 Cap. 28 20. And in like manner: Behold I am with you alway until the end of the world. Rom. 8.21.22. 1. Cor. 10.11. Read more Rom. 8.21.22. etc. And again. All these things were written to admonish us, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Apoc. 21.1. 2. Pet. 3.13. Out of all these testimonies, which I have hitherto alleged (that in the mean season I may omit that, which is written of a new heaven, and a new earth, this may be concluded. viz. That whatsoever God by his holy Prophets and saints, hath revealed unto the world, must of necessity be just and true: But he hath taught us (by their ministery) that the world was not only created by God, but also shall he consumed by him: Therefore we must believe that the world had a beginning, and shall have an ending. But that I may omit many other reasons, Aug. in 28. quest. in vet. Testam. that I could allege for the maintenance of the same thing. I will only allege the arguments that Augustine useth in his 28 question of the new Testament, whose words are these (to the utter confutation of all those that do affirm, that the world is eternal.) The words of S. August. Res aeterna diversitatem abhorret, cum sit nec tactu, nec visu capienda. etc. (That is to say) That thing which is everlasting, doth abhor all contrariety, because it can neither be felt, nor seen (seeing that it is without a body.) But the world is subject to passions, because that water doth strive against fire, and fire (if it do abound) doth overcome the water. And for as much as the earth is cold and dry, and may be burned, because it is Res coporalis: therefore it is a foul absurditte to affirm, that the world is eternal. etc. But letting these things pass, it shall manifestly be proved that this world shall perish and pass away, if we do but consider the parts whereof it doth consist, for do we not see the earth to be changed and corrupted? Sometimes by the inundation of waters? Sometimes by fires? And by the heat of the Sun? And do we not see that some parts of the same do wax old, and wear away even for very age? Do we not in some places also read, that mountains have fallen down, by reason of earth quakes? And Rocks have been cracked, and broken so in pieces, that by the means thereof, certain Rivers have been (as it were drunk up, or else, have had recourse an other way? Also have ye not read, that the seas have rebounded back, & overwhelmed whole Cities, and utterly drowned whole Provinces? And what are these strange alterations else, but evident arguments that the world shall one day have an end? Nay I do say moreover, that if we will give credit to the Mathematics, that constitution of the celestial world, is not the same that it hath been in times passed, for so much as the Sun, is not so far distant from us now, as it hath been heretofore. So that some do affirm, that the distance between the Son and the earth (which is the centre of the world) is less now, by the fourth part almost, than it was in the time when Ptolomeus lived. Where hence they do conjecture and gather, that the sun (at this day) is nearer unto us by 9976. German miles than it was before. Wherefore, if there be so great alteration in the superior world, what shall we say of the inferior? Let this therefore be a forcible argument to prove, that the world shall have an end: for so much as it doth wax old, and every part thereof doth feel some debility and weakness. For there is less virtue in plants & herbs then ever was before: And more feeble strength in every living creature then ever was before. And less age in men then ever was before. It remaineth therefore (of necessity) that shortly there shall be an end and consummation of the world, because it is (as it were) subject to old age, and therefore feeble in every part. But it is not sufficient for me to affirm that there shallbe an end, but I must also prove the manner of the end of the world, which shall be by fire: according as it is written 2. Peter. 3.7. 1. Cor. 7.31. The heavens and the earth which are now, are kept by the same word in store, and reserved unto fire against the day of judgement, and of the destruction of ungodly men. But if ye do demand of me, how the heaven that now is and the earth shallbe burned with fire? The answer is easily made that it shallbe Secundum formam, non secundum essentiam. (As the Philosophers and the Divines do affirm. According to the saying of Paul. Praeterit sigura huius mundi. 1. Cor. 7.31. Whereunto I might add the judgement of Heathen writers, which shallbe very profitable to be considered of those that are conversant in the reading of ovid. ovid. lib. 1. metamorp. lib. 1. Metamorpho. where (speaking of jupiter) he saith thus. Esse quoque in fatis reminiscitur affore tempus, Quo mare, quo rellus, correptaque regia coeli, Ardeat, & mundi moles operofa laboret, Of the same thing read Lucan also lib. i. Who doth as it were appoint a certain hour, wherein all the world shallbe consumed and brought to nothing, saying: Sic cum compage soluta. Saecula tot mundi suprema coegerit hora, Antiquum repetens iterum chaos, oina mistress, Sydera syderibus concurrent ignea pontum Astra petent etc. Whereunto I do refer that which Peter doth set down unto us, saying: 2. Pet. 3.20. The heavens shall pass away with a noise, and the Elements shall melt with heat, and the earth with the works that are therein, shallbe burnt up by sire (as hath been before declared.) Vbi figura mundi praeterit non natura. For which cause the master of the Sentences doth affirm, Magister sententia. lib. 4. dist. 47. that the qualities of the corruptible elements, which were sometimes agreeable unto our corruptible bodies, should be burnt up utterly in the general consummation. And the substance of those Elements shall have the same qualities, which through a marvelous mutation, shall agree with immortal bodies. This sentence was borrowed out of Augustine lib. xx. cap. xuj. de civitate Dei. August. lib. 20 cap. 16. de civitate dei. And seeing that we have proceeded thus far, I think it not to be much amiss for me, to speak somewhat of the time when this day of Doom, or general consummation of the world shallbe. Know ye therefore, that the Mathematics do dream of a great year, after the which all the Stars shall return, Ad sua principia. And then they say, that the end of the world should immediately follow. And their opinion is, that heaven and earth shallbe burned, when all the Stars which do now observe, divers and sundry courses, shall meet together in the sign Cancer. Even as Berosus that Chaldaean Astronomer doth affirm, that the first age (in the days of Noah) was drowned, when all the Stars had their concourse and meeting together, in the sign called Capricornus. Nay there have been some in this our age, that have gone about to appoint a certain year, when this day should be. (As Hosiander and Stiphelius did) but they were deceived, Hosiander Stiphelius. by the erroneous spirit of the anabaptists, inspired into them by Satan, who is altogether delighted in lies, & erroneous opinions thereby (if it were possible) intending to deceive all those, that thirst after the simple truth, which is only found in the sacred Scriptures, wherein there is no mention made at all of the duration, or the continuance of the world. I know also that there be certain, which do divide the world into six ages The first from Adam unto Noe. The second from Noah unto Abraham: The third from Abraham unto David: The fowreth from David unto the transmigration into Babylon: The fift from the transmigration unto Christ. And the sixth and last from the Incarnation of Christ unto the end of the world. Wherefore they allege, that seeing that age wherein now we live, is the last age, it may be very fitly called aetas decrepita, a crooked age. Seeing that the Evangelist John doth term it the last hour, 1. Ihon. 1.18. but yet nevertheless, how long that age (or hour) shall endure, is kept from the knowledge of all men. I am not ignorant, yet notwithstanding, how some (being moved thereunto through certain weak and feeble conjectures) have (as it were) appointed out the time of the day of judgement, and end of the world: Bringing forth the Oracle of Elias, which they borrow from the tradition of the Hebrews, whereunto many do give very great credit. And these fellows do affirm: That the world shall endure 6000. years: and they do also divide those years after this manner. Affirming that 2000 years, should be consumed, before the time that almighty God gave the law to Moses, & to the rest of the children of Israel. They acknowledge also that the other two thousand years should be spent under the time of the Law. And the last 2000 years should be expired in the Kingdom of Christ. And they add moreover that these two last 2000 years, shall not be fully finished, the sins of the world, should be so abundantly increased, and should appear so abominable in the sight of God. I can not forget but that there are other some also, who have feigned, that the world shall endure six days, even as it was created in six days. But for so long time as it shall endure, they do give to every day a thousand years (which cometh all to one reckoning as before). As though the Prophet David would have it to be so? Psal. 90.4. when he saith: for a thousand years in thy sight, are as yesterday when it is paste, etc. Other some also are found, who do think that the mystical body of Christ (that is to say his Church) shall live the space of 33. years upon the earth, because Christ himself lived so long in the world after he had taken his humane body of the Virgin Marie: but they do add to every year fifty lacking one, to make the years of jubelaei. But all these things are but the foolish inventions, and dreams of mortal men. And (without all doubt) it is a miserable, and most lamentable case, that we having so many plain, and manifest, and comfortable testimonies in the holy Scriptures, concerning Faith, Hope, and Charity, and other Godly and Christian offices and duties: wherein there is no obscurity or darkness at all, that we do altogether neglect I say, and despise them as matters not worthy the talking of, and with so great diligence and pains (I will not say superstition) will seem to prosecute and busy our heads about such unfruitful questions, as are no whit appertaining to our Salvation. But such is the wretchedness, and curiosity of our age and tyme. That as the Apostle saith: 1. Tim. 6.4. Every man is puffed, albeit he know nothing in deed at all, but doteth about questions and strife of words, whereof cometh envy, strife railings, evil surmisings, vain disputations of men endued with corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, etc. Let us therefore answer this question (concerning the time when the world shallbe consumed) with Augustine, and conclude after this manner (viz) that this is altogether a vain, frivolous, and unfuitfull question. For if it were convenient, and meet for us to know the time, who might more better instruct us in this point, than our Saviour Christ himself? who made answer unto his Disciples (when they used this question in his presence, saying unto him. Acts. 1.6. Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them: It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power, etc. This answer which they did receive of Christ, a man would think would suffice any Christian, seeing Christ his own Disciples, did neither inquire of the hour, the day, or the year, but simply proposed their question of the time, unto whom Christ made an excellent answer, as is afore declared. Agreeable unto which place is the testimony of Christ jesus himself, saying Of that day and of that hour knoweth no man, Math. 24.36. Math. 13.32. no not the Angels that are in heaven, (neither yet the son of man) but the Father only. And again Paul saith. 1. Thess. 5.1. Of the times and seasons brethren I have no need that I do write unto you: for you your selves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall come even as a Thief in the night. For when they shall say peace and safety, then shall come upon them sudden destruction: as the travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But ye brethren are not in darkness, that that day should come upon you as it were a Thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day, we are not of the night, neither of the darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober, etc. For it is in vain for us to go about to make a computation of those years, which are remaining in this world or to appoint the day, or hour, year, or time when it shallbe consumed? Seeing it is not our parts and duties to know, and search these things: as we have heard out of the mouth of the truth himself Christ jesus. Wherefore albeit the Devil our common adversary, doth labour by all means to fill our heads, with infinite and unprofitable questions (setting a side all such as are necessary for our salvation) yet let us that are Christians, prepare ourselves to watchfulness, and Christian meditation and prayers: so often as we do hear any mention of the day of judgement, for fear least when Christ our Master cometh, he find us sleeping, etc. Let us therefore stay, and rest our selves here, not seeking curiously into the secrets of almighty God, against his Divine will and pleasure. And yet notwithstanding, to the end we may be persuaded of the certainty thereof, and of Christ's godly care and brotherly love and affection, showed towards us: He hath left behind him some thing in the word of GOD, concerning this matter, which is necessary for our comfort, and instruction. Math. 24.22. First, that those days shallbe shortened for the elects sake. Whereby he doth give us to understand, that the number of those years shall not be accomplished, and fulfilled, which otherwise were appointed, until the consummation of the world. Secondly the same Christ, hath added, thus much for our learning, that seeing it is not expedient for us, to know the time of the consummation of the world: yet notwithstanding, there should appear certain signs and tokens of the same, by the course whereof we may easily conjecture of the events following. Whereby our Saviour Christ hath declared, not only his singular love which he beareth towards us: but also showeth how much he doth tender our salvation, in that he doth send signs and tokens, in heaven and in Earth, as the forerunners of his second coming unto judgement. Whereof some are partly known of us, because they are familiar unto our senses: and some of them also are unwonted and strange, so that we may truly say, that it pleaseth almighty God, by such monsters of Nature, to admonish us of our duties, and obedience, which we own unto his divine Majesty. For as when we see the body of man (which is the prison of the soul) to be subject to many infirmities: As namely, when we see the hair of a man's head, to begin to shed and fall away, or else to wax white: the eyes to wax bleared, and dim of sight: The stomach to be weak, and unapt to digestion: the ears to be deaf, the tongue to falter: The knees to be ready to bow under a man: and all the members and parts of man, to be feeble and brought into subjection (as it were) through Biles, and Ulcers, and other diseases whatsoever, that are incident to the Nature of man: and at the present sight thereof we can say, that those signs do presage, that death is imminent, and not far of from that man: And in like manner, as when we see the tiles of any edifice or buiding to be broken, the walls to begin to totter, the roof to be ready to fall down, the posts and principal timber to begin to shrink out of their joints, the foundation to be rotten, etc. Forthwith we can say that the same house, is ready to decay and come to utter ruin, for lack of a good tenant, or Landlord that should keep the same in due reparation: Even so can not we choose, but confess, that all these late horrible, and monstruous monsters of Nature (I speak as well of men, as of bruit beasts) which are daily seen in this our age: Besides the manifold strange tokens, and unwonted signs, which are oftentimes evidently seen in the Son, and in the Moon, and in the Stars, and in all the host of Heaven: Are (as you would say) the Ulcers, and Biles, nay I may say plainly, the blains of the whole world: and do very notably prognosticate, and foreshow unto us, the universal dissolution, and destruction of the same. No less than the Star that stood over Jerusalem like unto a Sword, (and also the strange Comet which endured for the space of a whole year: the Devil in the figure and shape of a man: An army of soldiers seen in the clouds, marching about the city, with a number of horsemen and chariotts: with this voice that was heard in the Temple, saying: Let us go hence. Besides other evident and ugly shapes, etc.) did foreshow and Prognosticate unto the jews, the destruction that should come upon the City of Jerusalem, and the Inhabitants thereof. Who contemned not only these demonstrations of their destruction (that was imminent): but also like blind and senseless beasts, would not give credit unto those words, which Christ himself, (while he was conversant in the earth) did utter against Jerusalem. Who when he was come near unto it, Luke. 19.41. he beheld it, and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst, even known at the least in this thy day, those things which belong unto thy peace. But now are they hid from thine eyes, for the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee: and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side: And shall make thee even with the ground, and the children which are in thee: and they shall not leave in thee, a stone upon a stone, because thou knewest not the season of thy visitation. All which things came to pass forty years just after the passion of Christ, Anno dni 73. who, in his life time, (through his Divine power) foresaw those things, should happen which he foreshowed, in that Prophecy. And with weeping tears, (as the Evangelist Luke doth witness) he bewailed their grievous misery. josephus lib. 6. cap. 11. de bello judaico And therefore, our Saviour Christ, did not without just cause upbraid the jews, for their impenitency, and hardness of heart, and unbelief when he saith unto them: O Jerusalem, Math. 23.37. Jerusalem, which killest the Prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as the Hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings, and ye would not? Behold therefore your habitation shallbe left unto you desolate, etc. And in deed it came so to pass, for according to the saying of Christ, there was so great distress within the land of juda: and God's wrath was so heavy over the people of Jerusalem, that they were led captive into all Nations and were trodden down under the feet of the Gentiles, etc. Luke. 21.24. And what other thing was this I pray you but a grievous ruin and destruction of the jews? Being also a lively figure of the consummation of the whole world: which I am certainly persuaded is not far of. For as our Saviour Christ, before Jerusalem was besieged, and destroyed, Luke 21.20. did use these words unto the jews: When ye see Jerusalem besieged with soldiers, then understand, that the desolation thereof is near, (and it came so to pass. Luke. 21.20. ) Even so let us be persuaded that if those signs, which Christ hath showed, should go before, his second coming to judgement: have manifestly appeared, in the sight of all men, and can not be denied, but that they are already fulfilled: there remaineth nothing then, but that we should look for the son of man to come in the clouds, with power and great glory. Let us therefore, consider the number of the signs, which are mentioned in the holy Scriptures, which are called either, signa precedentia, vel concomitantia mundi interitum (that is) either signs going before, or else the signs that shallbe joined with the consummation of the world. Concerning the which signs: Read that place where Christ his Disciples came unto him a part, Math. 24.3. saying. Tell us when these things shallbe, and what sign shallbe of thy coming, and of the end of the world? Unto whom jesus made answer, Verse. 4. and said: take heed that no man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying: I am Christ, and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet: For Nation, shall arise against Nation, & Realm against Realm and there shallbe Famine, and Pestilence, and earthquakes, in divers places. Now if we will examine our own selves, and rip up our own hearts, we can not deny, but that these things have been already fulfilled, which Christ hath here forespoken: call therefore to remembrance that where as Christ saith: first, that many shall come, in my name, saying: I am Christ, etc.) How that in the third year of the reign of the Queen's Majesty, Anno. 1561. the tenth day of April, one William Geffray was whipped from the Marshalsea in South work, to Bedlam: for that he professed one John Moor to be Christ our Saviour. And you shall find that the same John Moor also, was whipped, until he had confessed, Christ to be in heaven, and himself to be a sinful man. As touching the rumour of wars, and the rising of Nation against Nation: and Realm against Realm, the greetious invasion, and daily siege, that the Turk maketh against Christendom, the bloody broils between the king of Spain, and the Estates of the low Countries, the bloody battle fought between the King of Portugal, and Amole Moluco King of Fess, Anno. 1578. August 4. and divers other worthy personages. The preparation of the Pope into Ireland, the Civil wars and late bloody Massacres made in France, also the present wars between England and the rebels of Ireland, can witness, that these signs are also come to pass already. Concerning Famine, think upon the dearth of Corn that was in the fifth year of Queen Marie, when Wheat was sold for four Marks the quarter, and people were driven to eat bread made of Acorns, but especially (which is the greatest dearth of all) call to mind, the Famine of the word of God, which could not then be preached, but in corners, so that the people had well near perished, for want of Spiritual food. As touching the Pestilence, whether that hath not reigned in many places of the world of late: call to mind the year of the Lord God 1563. wherein from the first of januarie 1562. until the last of December following, there died of the plague within the City of London, and liberties thereof 20146. As the Chronicles do witness. That I may omit to speak of the Pestilence that was since in other places of the realm, as namely in Norwitch, Rye. etc. Also of the plague that is now in Paris, where there dieth 3000. in a week. And that in the mean while also I say nothing, of that grievous plague, that hath reigned in Italy, and Spain, and else where, etc. Moreover, I need not (I hope) to make any proof, whether there hath been any yearthquakes already, in sundry places of the world? Seeing that I (am persuaded) that the remembrance of the late yearthquake, which happened the sixth of April last 1580. is not yet quite forgotten, of those that fear GOD, and thirst after his coming. Which earthquake seemed to be universal, or at the least, to be perceived and felt, at that very time, in the most part of Christendom, which is miraculous, and wonderful. These things therefore which our Saviour Christ hath foreshowed to be the foreronners, of his second coming, are truly verified, and fulfilled already, so that he is altogether blind, who will not see, and (for the most part) bereft of his senses, who neither can, nor will understand the same. But to proceed (notwithstanding all this, Math. 24.8. which hitherto hath been spoken.) Christ doth affirm moreover, that all these are but the beginning of sorrows. For than shall they deliver you (saith he) up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and you shallbe hated, of all nations, for my name's sake: which thing hath been already verified in the late persecution, of faithful Christians, in Queen Mary's days. And since that time in France, and Spain, and other places, there hath been thereof, to much experience, if the will of GOD had been otherwise. Verse. 10. More over he saith: And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one an other, and shall hate one an other. And hath there not been many offences both given and taken? Yea oftentimes more offence taken, than occasion hath been given? Was there ever the like treasons, and treacherous conspiracies, committed in any age, As hath been in these our days? And was there ever more bitter hatred showed betwixt one and other, then is at this present? I am persuaded the like enmity between party and party was never seen, as is in this our age? otherwise there would not be so many brabbling matters set abroach almost in every Court in England as there be. etc. Moreover Christ showeth that many false Prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many: for proof whereof, what say you to the swarms of anabaptists, which do sow their devilish doctrine almost in every place in the world? And is not this verified also think you? Of the secret revelation of H. N. and of the devilish darnel, and cursed doctrine of David George, and Christopher victual, and divers others the chiefest Pillars of the family of Love? Whose books of damnable heresies, directly against diverse of the most principal Articles of the christian faith: are scattered abroad in many places of this realm to the great disturbance, and breach of that unity of faith, which ought to be kept in the bond of peace. But thanks be given unto God, the Queen's Majesty, by her grave and learned Counsel, hath taken such order, that not only all such books shallbe called in again: throughout the whole Realm, but also that the Sectaries themselves shall be attached, and committed to close prison, there to remain till either, they shallbe purged and cleared of their heresies, by recantation: or else by the Laws of the Realm, to suffer the just sentence of condemnation for their demerits: and to be condemned as heretics. The heresies which they maintain, as they are infinite in number: so are they also full of blasphemy. 1 As namely, they affirm that they do live so perfectly, that they sin not. 2 Also that who soever is one of their congregation, is either as perfect as Christ, or else a very Devil. 3 thirdly, they deny with Arrius, that Christ is equal with the Father, in the power and substance of the Godhead: grounding that opinion out of this place of the Scripture, where Christ saith: Ihon. 14.27. My Father is greater than I Not considering that Christ saith in an other place. I and my Father are one, etc. Ihon. 10.30. 4 They do affirm, that the Resurrection is passed already with Hymeneus and Philetus: Which concerning the truth have erred, 2. Tim. 2.18. and do destroy the faith of certain. 5 They do refuse to suffer persecution for their Religion: because they say that their bodies are the temples of the holy Ghost: wherein they do deny the words of Christ who saith: Math. 5.10. Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. etc. These with an infinite number of other gross errors, do this devilish family of Love maintain in their blasphemous books, which I do omit for brevities sake. Only have I given the world a taste of a few of their opinions, that by the consideration thereof, all men may may take heed of the rest of their Pharisaical Leuine, and damnable doctrine, which is set abroach in their seditious Books first made in the dutch tongue, in the name of H. N. and lately translated into English, have been secretly brought over from beyond the Seas into the Realm. The titles whereof are called evangelium Regni▪ or a joyful Message of the Kingdom. Documentall sentences. The Prophecy of love. A publishing of the peace upon earth, and divers others, which (for avoiding of tediousness) I will not recite at this present. Math. 24. verse. 12. And furthermore Christ saith, ver. 12. that because iniquity shallbe increased, the love of many shallbe cold, but he that endureth to the end shallbe saved. Was there ever I pray you more iniquity? Did sin and transgression so abundantly reign every where, as it doth at this present? Was Christian love and brotherly fellowship, more cold at any time then now? No truly: Such wickedness at this day is reigning generally, upon the face of the earth, that if it were not for the elects sake, that these wretched days should be shortened, it were not possible that any flesh should be saved. But to conclude, our Saviour Christ addeth verse 14. Math. 24.14. That this Gospel of the kingdom, shallbe preached through the whole world, for a witness unto all Nations, and then shall the end come. Now (I hope) that there is no man so impudent, that will deny these Prophecies of Christ, to be already fulfilled. For so much as the Gospel hath been so universally, and plentifully preached throughout the world, that there is none who can excuse himself in the day of the lord, and say that he hath not heard the sound of his Gospel preached, and published unto him by those, which are appointed to be the stewards of such holy mysteries: but rather they must needs confess, that great hath been the multitude of the Preachers, etc. What reason can there be alleged to the contrary then, but that the consummation of the world is imminent? Seeing that Christ who is the truth, the way, and the life hath spoken it. Of whom it is written, Math. 17.5. that a voice came out of a Cloud saying: This is that my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear him. Hereunto I do add that, which is written by the Apostle Paul. 2. Thes. 2.1. Now we beseech you brethren, by the coming of our Lord jesus Christ, and by our assembling unto him. That you be not suddenly moved from your mind, nor troubled neither, by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it were from us, as though the day of Christ were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means. For the day shall not come, except there come a departing first (that is to say Apostasy, or a denial of the Christian faith) and that the man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition, which is an adversary, and exalteth himself against all that is called God, or that is worshipped, etc. Well, all these signs ye see, have been already passed, and we can not deny, but that we have seen, and yet do daily see an infinite number of Antichristes, which deny the manifest and undoubted truth, and fall to Popery, and all abominable Idolatry: so that the day of the Lord can not be far of, but must needs be at hand. Moreover I beseech you, hearken what Christ saith (speaking of certain signs which shall go before the coming of Christ to judgement. Luke. 21.25. ) There shall be signs then (saith he) in the Son, and in the Moon, and in the stars: And again, Math. 24. ●9. immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the Sun be darkened, and the Moon shall not give her light: and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shallbe shaken. Esay. 13.9. The Prophet Esay also saith thus, Behold the day of the lord cometh cruel, with wrath, and fierce to anger: to lay the land waste, and he shall destroy the sinners out of it. For the stars of heaven; and the planets thereof shall not give their light, the Son shallbe darkened in his going forth, & the Moon shall not cause her light to shine. Of this read more ezechiel 32.7. Daniel 7.13. 1. Cor. 15.2. etc. jol. 2.31. Also the Prophet joel saith: that the Son shallbe turned into darkness, and the Moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the lord come. By all which sundry testimonies is signified, that all the creatures of God, as well in heaven above, as in the earth beneath, whether it be the Son, the Moon, or the Stars: or any part of the host of heaven above, or the earth beneath: (shallbe (as it were summons, to summon the whole world, unto Christ's tribunal feat of judgement. Which kind of Summons, the ungodly & impenitent sinners, shall every day, contemn more and more, until the very judgement day. Before which time both heaven & earth (notwithstanding) shall after a sort, resemble the countenance of an angry judge, the rather, to stir up all wicked sinners, to repent their ungodly lives, and to turn unto the Lord: Being moved thereunto, by these and such like signs, and tokens of God's wrath, which shall evidently appear, unto all the whole world, before the end, and consummation of the same, (as hath been before declared): And then shall they see the Son of man come in a Cloud, with power and great glory. Wherefore, let us diligently call to our remembrance, whether any of these forenamed signs be passed, yea or no- (that is to say) whether there have been, many and very often Eclipses, of the Son: and likewise of the Moon or whether the Stars, have seemed to fall from heaven? Or the powers of heaven, have been at any time moved, or shaken, yea, or no? It can not be denied, but that there hath been of late years, more wonderful and strange sights seen, both in the Son, and in the Moon, and in the stars (clean against the order of nature) then ever was seen, in any age here tofore. Have we not read of two Moons that shined at one time, in the seventh year of king Henry the first? Did ye never hear tell, of those five Moons that shined at once in the second year of king Henry the seventh? Have ye not found in the Chronicles, how that the Son hath appeared, as red as blood, and so continued the space of six hours the last day of October, in the fifteen year of King Edward the second? But to come more nearer to our time have ye not heard, how in the year of the Lord 1543. And the xxxv. year of the reign of king Henry the eight, there chanced four Eclipses, one of the Son (the 24. of januarie) and three of the Moon, which was a marvelous thing to behold. That I may omit to speak of the strange Eclipses of the Son and Moon, these years last paste. But because, I have hitherto spoken sufficiently of signs and tokens, which have been seen in the Son, and in the Moon: for so much as our Saviour Christ, Math. 24.29. doth make mention also, that the Stars shall fall from heaven, I think it most meet and convenient for me, to speak somewhat of blazing Stars: And so much the rather, because at this present so just occasion is offered unto me, by the reason of a blazing Star, which did appear, at the first, in the judgement of those, which are learned Astronomers, in the sign called Pisces, the tenth day of October 1580. and was left in Aquarius, (The motion thereof being retrograde, contrary to the common course of other movable Stars) and yet doth it continue still to be seen, and viewed of all men, albeit it doth not lighten the air with her glimmering beams, and glistering brightness, so much as it did at the first appearing thereof, being set on fire by God's divine council, and providence, that by the sight thereof, we might be advertised of after claps: And so to prepare ourselves, speedily to turn unto God by faithful, and unfeigned repentance, that we may be the more ready, to meet him, in the clouds with joy, at his coming: or else, through the hardness of our heart, which can not repent, justly to suffer, the bitterness of his sharp judgement, and so heap up (as a treasure unto ourselves) wrath, against the day of wrath, and of the declaration of the just judgement of God. Therefore, in the title of this treatise, I do term this Star, which is seen at this present: A blazing star (or a burning Beacon, etc.) set on fire by gods providence to warn the whole world, of dreadful wars, between God and those, that do go on still in wickedness, and will not be touched, and moved to repentance. And I was partly moved, so to name it, for this consideration. For as in England (and in most places of the whole world beside) Beacons are placed upon the stipest and highest hills that may be seen farthest of: & in time of war, and of the invasion of the enemy, into any Nation, are (night and day) watched and set on fire, to signify, and declare unto the inhabitants thereof, that some great peril and danger is nigh: Even so this Comet, is as it were, set on fire in the height of the air, by the Almighty power and providence of our eternal God, to the end that so many as shall behold the same, may be admonished and stirred up, by the consideration thereof, to avoid such afterclaps, (by their faithful repentance) as should otherwise fall upon them, in the just judgement of almighty God. Aristotle. I am not ignorant, how Aristotle, and divers other Philosophers, do define, a blazing Star, to be but an earthly vapour, somewhat thick, and clammy, and fat in substance, which being drawn up, by little and little, from the bowels of the earth, into the upper region of the air (nigh to the Sphere, of the fiery element) is there set on fire, and through heat made thin, till it be clean dissolved, etc. Which opinion of Aristotle, albeit it be thought to be worthy of credit, and subscription in the judgement of most Philosophers (who with one consent, and assent, do agree, that blazing Stars do spring of natural causes) yet notwithstanding all godly divines, for the most part are of this judgement, that the Lord God himself is the original author, and principal worker of this Star (as of all others) making it, an immediate messenger, and minister of his will, according to the time, and place, as it best pleaseth his divine, and eternal majesty. Who seeing that we, be such an obstinate, and stiff-necked people, that we will not be moved to love him: neither in respect of his long sufferance, and loving mercy, showed all ways towards us: neither yet in respect, of that most sweet, and comfortable voice of the Gospel, which hath been preached full xxij years unto us, by his faithful servants, and Ministers: Doth now in his secret council go an other way to work, and by fearful Eclipses of Son, and Moon and by glistering flames of fierrie Comets, and other such like monstrous signs and tokens in the heaven, and in the earth: doth go (I say) about, to enforce and compel us, (against our wills) to be mindful of the latter day, which is not far of: If we will give any credit, to the words of Christ, who immediately after, he had made mention, of the signs which should be seen, in the Son, and in the Moon, and in the Stars: doth forthwith add these words, Cum haec videritis evenire, cognoscite quod prope est regnum dei (That is to say. Math. 24.33. ) When ye see all these things, know that the kingdom of God is near, even at the doors. Luke. 21.28. And again: when these things do begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads: For your redemption draweth near. Behold the Fig tree, and all trees, when they now shoot forth ye (seeing them) know of your own selves, that Summer is near: So likewise ye when ye see all these things come to pass, know you, that the kingdom of God is near. Verily I say unto you: This age shall not pass, till all these things be done: heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. By that which hitherto hath been spoken, you see how almighty God, is not only the creator, and governor of Nature itself, and of all Natural causes, but also, he is such a one, as in the work of this blazing Star, is to be acknowledged and confessed, to be the only efficient cause. And therefore he only (and not the blazing Star) is to be feared, and had in reverence, considering that he is of power able, not only, to chasten us, with temporal punishments, for the amendment of our lives, in this wretched world: But also, in his justice, may condemn us to eternal death and destruction, in the kingdom of darkness, where there is everlasting fire prepared, for the Devil and his angels. For which cause I can not deny, but I must needs confess that (for the most part) blazing Stars are a token and sign of great horror and fear: and do prognosticate of some strange wonder, and do threaten some imminent evil, and mischief, commonly unto that part of the earth, towards the which, they seem to cast their beams most directly. And therefore those Philosophers, which have written of the effects of blazing stars, have found by good experience, that sometimes they do signify drought, and baroness of the earth: which made Augustinus Niphus to witness, that after the appearing of a Comet, Anno domini 1506. (which was about the 22. year of the reign of king Henry the seventh there followed, within two years after, such a drought in Lumberdie, that from the month of januarie, unto November after, there fell no Rain at all in that Country. Sometimes also after the appearing of blazing Stars, there followeth (moste commonly cruel and great winds, and mighty tempests, with hail stones of such a bigness, that through the same many houses are thrown down, and often times are consumed and burned with fire, through the winds: As almost the whole country of scotland, was once wasted by fire the 9 of januarie. 1251. a great Comet of marvelous bigness, having been seen before in scotland for many days. (Anno 1248.) Sometimes they do signify the death and change of Kings and Princes, and the alteration of kingdoms & commonwealths: As may appear Anno 1116. When Chichester was burnt, there was seen a blazing star, & the Moon, not long time after, seemed to be turned into blood: after the which Maude the Queen of England died, & was buried at Westminster Likewise Anno do. 1165. appeared a mighty Comet in scotland, burning out with two long beams. And within forty days after died Malcolmus the iiij. King (by name) of the Scots, as the Chronicle reporteth. Moreover Anno 1214. in the month of March, two Comets of a marvelous bignesses very fearful to behold, appeared in scotland, the one going before, and the other following the Son, in the which year that most happy, and good King William died, after he had reigned forty and nine years. Likewise Anno 1538. appeared a Comet, after the setting of the Son, which was placed in the sign Pisces, and the tail of it looking towards the East, and shortly after died the Duke of Saxon. Also Anno 1539. the sixth day of May appeared a Comet, which endured burning three weeks, and not long time after Isabella the wife of Charles the fift Emperor, died in travail of child, in which year also died George that duke of Saxony. And in the same year, (as some do write) there appeared three Comets in the month of April, after the which the Duke of Cleave died, and also the Bushop of Trent and divers other noble personages. In the year of the Lord 1540, the seventh day of April, happened a great conjunction of the planets, and there appeared also a marvelous Eclipse of the Son, whose beginning was before the Son rising, and did endure in the same Eclipse two whole hours after it was risen. Also there was seen about the same time, a marvelous strange Comet in the even, after the which there followed so great a drought, that Hay, Corn, and all kind of Pulse were very scarce. And the same year the Castle of prague (a noble City in the kingdom of Bohemia,) with the Cathedral Church were burned with fire: and many fearful fires happened in sondedrie places the same tyme. Moreover Anno 1547. in Heluecia in Germany, were seen in the air two hosts of men of war, and two Lions grievously and terribly fighting together, so long that the one seemed to bite of the others head quite. And the year following the x. day of February, was seen in Saxony (a Country also in Germany) a fire from heaven, that fell upon certain Cities, and two hosts of men were seen in the air, running and skirmishing one against an other, besides divers other strange sights, very wonderful to behold. And yet in these days it will not sink into the heads of many, that there may any such strange sight appear in the air, because we can not render a natural reason thereof. And therefore this maketh most men to doubt, whether the last strange sights, which were seen in Rome 1580. januarie 18. and in other places, (the reports whereof are extant in print to be seen) be true or no? Also in the year of our Lord 1551. the 28. day of januarie, there appeared a bloody rod, and sundry fearful fires seen in the air over Lisbon, the chief City of Portugal: and there it reigned blood also, after the which followed such a fearful yearthquake, that about two hundred houses were grievously shaken, and thrown down, through the fall whereof above a thousand persons were slain. And here also I can not forget to speak of that great blazing star, which was to see to, in form of a Broom (or a bundle of rods) which appeared in the year of our Lord 1531. the ninth of September over Mentz, a City in Germany, which did betoken a heavy burden of God's vengeance, not only to the state temporal, but also to Ecclesiastical persons. But to proceed Anno 1551. the 21. of March at Madeburge in Germany, about seven of the clock in the morning seven Rainbows, and three Sons were seen, and in the evening the same day three Moons. Also Anno 1553. was heard a woeful cry, saying: Woe Woe, twice together, besides the sound of Bells, and the noise of Trumpets. And at the same time it happened, that at Duryngia the Trees and Herbs, did not only sweat blood: But fearful noises were heard also every night. After the which Mauricius the Duke of Saxon, fought in battle with Albert of Brandenburge, and at the same time (being smitten with a Bullet) died the third day after the battle. Moreover Anno 1554. the first day of February, in the City of Catalane in France, there appeared a marvelous sight about the Moon, like unto a great fire, arising from the east part, and declining towards the West: and the Moon itself appeared like to a firebrand in sight: And moreover this fire in th'air, did burn with a great noise, and often times did cast forth flames, and sparks of fire: In the like sort as a hot burning Iron, is wont to do, being beaten upon a Smiths handuile. And the 26. day of May following it reigned blood also, not far from the town of Dunckelspuell in Germany. Also there were seen three fair Rainbows, and so many Sons and Moons, and two bloody Crosses. And the 11. day of june following, about five mile's distance from Norinberge, in Germany: there was seen in the Son a bloody rod, and many companies of horsemen justling together in the air, which so did continue, for the space of two hours, in so much that it caused men greatly to fear, that dooms day was at hand: After the which strange sight, Frederick the duke of Saxony, died the same year. And after that, a notable town in Germany, was wasted with fire. Also in the year of the lord 1555. were seen in the City of Duringia, three Sons the tenth day of February. And moreover at Lunemberge was seen in the air, a great company of Soldiers, at the right hand of whom there stood an Angel, holding a fiery sword in his hand, and a child was there seen suddenly, amongst the people, which did earnestly exhort the people generally, unto hearty repentance: Affirming God's judgements to be at hand. And when he had thus exhorted the people, he vanished suddenly out of their sight, and no man could afterwards tell where he was become. And in the same year within the bounds of Polonia, were heard and seen a great company of Dogs barking and fighting together, and many of them were torn in pieces. After the which fight, there followed great wars, and manslaughter, between the inhabitants of Polonia, and the Moscovites. Also in Duringia (the Son shining clear) there appeared in the air, a bright sword like unto a Turkey blade, directing the point toward the South, and the edge towards the East. Moreover Anno 1557. on the ninth day of March, there were seen three Sons, and a very fair Rainbow, and the 17. day of the same month following, there fell fire from heaven. Also in an other place, a fiery Globe was seen: and it reigned blood, in so much that lumps of blood, like to the bigness of a man's hand, did drop from heaven, in the sight of many: and in each drop were seen certain figures, like to men's faces. And upon Saint Laurence day afterwards, the Son appeared all bloody: after the which the French King fought a great battle with Philip King of Spain. And after that saint Quintaines was taken, etc. Also Anno 1558. there appeared a very fearful Comet, which continued burning many weeks. After the appearance of which Comet, was seen a strange sight, and no less fearful to behold. For the 21. of August the day being clear, and the weather calm, (two hours before Noon) the Son being then very clear also, was enclosed, about with a great circle, which was of many colours, like unto a Rainbow, and continued so in sight for four hours and a half, to the great fear and amazement of all such, as beheld the same. And such a fearful sight (as plutarch reporteth) was seen before the death of Caesar. Moreover Anno 1562. Heaven was seen to burn in many places of Germany and a celestial firebrand, shined by night in the air, and stretched from the north unto the south. Also, a great band of soldiers, were seen in the air, which seemed to shed much blood down. And in the month of April following, the Son appeared marvelous bloody, as well at the rising, as at the setting, and continued so for three days together. Also Anno 1564. and in the sixth year of the reign of our gracious Queen Elizabeth, the 7. of October at night, all the north parts of the Element seemed to be covered with flames of fire, proceeding from the north east, and North West, towards the midst of the firmament, where it stayed afterwards for the space of an hour, and so descended West. Also Anno 1572. and the 15. year of the reign of the Queen's most excellent Majesty, the 18. day of November in the morning, a Star was seen Northward, very bright and clear in the constellation of Cassiopeia, and it seemed so strange: as from the beginning of the world, the like was never seen: for in the judgement of the most expert Astronomers, (and such as are most skilful in the Mathematics in this our time and age) that star which did then appear unto our sight, was no Comet, but mere supernatural, directly opposite to the Star, which appeared at the Nativity of our Saviour Christ, and placed in the very intersection of Aequinoctium Terrestre, and therefore may worthily be termed or named a sign, unto the whole earth. As more at large appeareth in a Book, which was written by that worshipful gentleman master Thomas Digges, called Alae, seu Scalae Mathematicae, where the miracle is by demonstrations Mathematical, plainly and most manifestly proved. Unto which book I do refer all those that are desirous to be resolved of that Star sufficiently. Moreover in the 17. year of the reign of the Queen's Majesty, the 14. day of November about midnight, divers strange impressions of fire and smoke, were seen in the air, to proceed forth of a black cloud in the North, declining towards the South which continued after that manner, until the next morning. And the next day following, the heavens from all parts did seem to burn, and the flames did meet together over the heads of all those, which beheld the same: and this light burning flame, did seem to arise as it were, round about from the Horizon. Also in the year of our Lord 1577. the tenth day of November at night, there appeared a blazing Star in the firmament with a long stream (or tail) proceeding from the same, and stretching the beams thereof directly towards the east, very wonderful to behold. And the same Comet endured for the space of 99 days, shining every night until eight of the clock, that the same descended: and when the matter thereof was quite dissolved, and her splendent brightness utterly extinguished, in the judgement of those that be expert in the rules of Astronomy, it rested itself near unto the seat of Cassiopeia. The effects of which Star, are better known unto them then unto me. But yet in the mean season, I would not have you unmindful of those boisterous blasts of winds, and terrible tempests, and monstruous Snows: Also the grievous shipwreck, which have happened since in most places of the world, beside the high floods, and wonderful inundations of waters, Morraine of beasts, and baroness of ground, which happened not only in this Realm of England, but in divers other countries, since the appearing of the same Star. That in the mean season I speak nothing, of the great and grievous seditions, and treatourous conspiracies: that have been put in practice in the Regions round about us. And all to bring in Idolatry and Popery into Enlande again (if it were possible) which the all mighty God, by the ministery of our most gracious Prince, and her honourable grave, and wise counsel hath miraculously stayed hitherto. And I hope shall do, if we have grace to be thankful unto God for the same Hitherto ye have heard (dear Christians) how that by common experience, the flowing of waters beyond their bounds, the baroness of the earth, the scarcity of victuals, the Plague and Pestilence, with great winds, and tempests: the alteration of Common wealths, and wars between Nation and Nation: As also the late dreadful yearthquake, with the new and most gentle, and loving remembrance, which the Lord sent afterwards, throughout divers places of Christendom, but especially in England and Spain, etc. And many other calamities, which happened since beside, may truly be named the effects of the former blazing Star, which was seen the tenth of November 1577. etc. And now hath the Lord God kindled an other Star, this last tenth of October 1580. the first appearing whereof (with his continuance) which hath been in Aquarius, hitherto hath been before declared unto you, by the reason of the conference that I have had with those, who are expert in the study of the Mathematics: the proceeding whereof, with his colour, motion, and effects I leave only to their handling, whom I know to be able (and I hope also are willing) to resolve the world fully thereof, when opportunity shall serve. In the mean while (that I may use no longer delay) this may be concluded of a certainty: that it is the good pleasure and purpose of almighty God, (of his inspeakable love and mercy, showed always toward us) that this strange Comet (or blazing Star) should now appear even whilst that we are rocked in the Cradle of sin and security, and are wholly given unto all manner of abomination: to premonish and forewarn us of afterclappes (that is to say) to threaten, and prognosticate condign punishment, to light upon all persons generally, who daily and hourly do (of let purpose and malice, wilfully offend, God's divine Majesty) and do continually wallow and persever in their wicked and abominable sin and transgression. For which cause Almighty God would have as well Prince as people, to look into their former abominable and sinful lives: And when they have considered the horror and loathsomeness thereof, forthwith to frame their hearts, and to prepare their minds, to be earnestly penitent and sorrowful for the same. And whereas before, we can not deny, but that every one of us hath erred and gone astray, and from the highest unto the lowest (yea, from the Priest, to the Prophet,) have been so secure and careless of our duties, that we have wilfully contemned, the judgements of GOD threatened against us, by his faithful Preachers and Ministers: know you therefore (dear Christians) that it is now the good purpose, and divine pleasure of almighty God: (aswell by this burning Comet, which now appeareth: as also, by the late dreadful yearthquake, but most chiefly by that supernatural Star of all others, that was seen in Cassiopeia, with other such strange and wonderful sights and monsters in Nature) to move and stir up all the sort of us (being moste wretched and miserable sinners) to be mindful of the judgement day. And beforehand to examine and rip up, every man his own heart and conscience, and diligently to seek, and search the causes of the wrath of almighty GOD in our own selves by the reason of our manifold and grievous sins: and having found the cause of his heavy displeasure against us, to be in our own rebellious Nature, we ought every one of us to judge ourselves, that we be not judged of the Lord. And albeit some do offend his divine Majesty, more grievously than other some: yet would not our good and gracious God have any of us all, to esteem himself to be free from blame, either void of sin: But rather (as before I have declared) he would have us every one with all expedition, to renounce our former wickedness. And by bowing our selves down before his Tribunal seat, and stooping under the mighty sceptre of his kingdom, he would have us confess, that we have all sinned. And by our faithful repentance, and unfeigned conversion unto his divine Majesty, (in weeping, fasting and mourning) to prevent the sharp sword, and the smart rods and whips which he hath in his just judgement prepared in a readiness, for to whip and punish us withal, if we go onwards in our former rebellion, as we have done heretofore. Therefore let every man, or woman of what condition so ever they be, apply that, which hitherto hath been spoken unto themselves, and know this for an undoubted truth, that albeit we have deserved to be utterly cut of and destroyed, by the sharp sword of God's divine indignation: and albeit these unwonted and strange signs and tokens, which he sendeth daily amongst us (both in the Son and in the Moon, and the Stars, and in all living creatures) be presages of his heavy displeasure, that he hath taken against us, and also notable forewarnynges of a most grievous calamity and destruction, that he shall in equity and righteousness bring upon us, by the reason of our filthy sins: yet notwithstanding, if that we will but even in this the day of his loving and merciful visitation, turn unto him with all our soul: If so be that to day we will hear his voice, and not harden our hearts, &c: If so be (as joel saith) that we will rend our hearts, and not our garments, and turn now unfeignedly unto the Lord: we shall find him so merciful & loving a God, that he will receive us again into his favour. Yea he will be so glad of our conversion, and amendment of life, that he will have compassion upon us (if he see us truly penitent) nay he will fall upon our necks and kiss us, and bring forth the best coat, and put it on us: and put a ring on our hand, and Shoes on our feet, and kill the fat Calf for us, and make us merry, after that he hath received us home unto himself safe and sound: (that is to say) whereas heretofore we were even dead by the reason of sin and wickedness, he will make us alive again, and quicken us by the Resurrection of Christ jesus. And whereas we have hitherto wandered very far, and gone astray like lost Sheep: he of his fatherly kindness and mercy, will bring us home again upon his back unto the sheepfold of his son jesus Christ, who is the chief bishop and Shepherd of our souls, unto whom with the Father, and the holy ghost, three persons and one God be all praise and dominion for ever. AMEN. Finis.