A THEATER OF THE PLANETARY HOURS FOR ALL DAYS OF THE YEAR. Wherein may be gathered from the earth, under the Celestial influences, diverse sorts of herbs, roots, leaves, barks, flowers, fruits, seeds, stones, animals, etc. for the use of Physic: whereby both suddenly, and happily infirmities may be Cured. The evils too are set down, that happen, and are caused by the seven Planets: The friendship and hatred betwixt them: the Sun rising; and to find the determinate hour of it. A work not only curious and delightful, but likewise necessary for Physicians, and all curious spirits. Composed by George Simotta a Grecian, of Constantinople, Spagirick Physician, to Monsieur, brother to his Majesty of France. Translated out of Greek, into French, and now into English, fitted to our Calculation. Printed at London by August. Matthewes, and are to be sold by GEORGE BAKER, near Charing Cross, at the Sign of the White Lyon. 1631. TO THE RIGHT Worshipful Sir ROBERT AETON, Secretary to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. SJR: I Here presume to present you with a small thing, which stands in need of a Patron of such worth as yourself, considering that both this time and place, are so much given to callumniate, censure, and deprave, even the best of Works of what nature so ever. I crave your worthy Patronage, in respect it is a Stranger lately come from France, put into this English habit by one which was sometime yours, and sent thus into public view by him, that by your daily and frequent favours you have made your, though unworthy Servant, GEORGE BAKER. A THEATER OF THE PLANETARY HOURS FOR ALL THE DAYS OF THE YEAR. HIs divine Majesty out of the inevacuable source of his uncreated wisdom, by his infinite providence, in the Creation of this great universe, did establish all the creatures for his glory, and the benefit of men. In so much that the earth, his foot stool, embellished with so many beautiful creatures, doth abound in plants, herbs, trees, seeds, barks, woods, gums, ivices, metals, minerals, and demy-mineralls, All, as Moses saith in the first of his Genesis, ijs subinde ad propulsandos morbos uteretur ab Adam propagata soboles, That Adam's progeny might use them to preserve health: And the living creatures in so many several kinds have peopled the Sea, filled the air, and inhabited the earth under the government of men, to whom, as to their Sovereigns, they ought to be as subjected: and the heavens, replenished with a thousand glittering lights, the cover of this lower world, by their motions and light, being governed by the commandment of the supreme mover, send down their powers on men, by intelligences moving; the opinions of sacred Theologians, as Richardus in his second book, Art. 3. quest. 3. and also Saint Bonaventure, and Saint Thomas, who will, that the highest or Empyreal heaven, doth infuse some effects into our lower earth. It is most certain that the supreme Creator hath ordained the heavens, as all the other creatures, not only for men's present benefit, but for that to come; that if the heavens did not infuse on us, it were enough to destroy that most great principle of our Religion. And Damas'. in his 3. book, Chap. 22. saith in this behalf, Impossibile est aliquam substantiam expertem esse naturali operatione, usui hominum conference, ergo etc. It is impossible, that any substance can be void of some natural operation, conducing to the profit of men, therefore etc. The Theologians gather from the heavens three sorts of influences appropriated to the three faculties of our immortal soul: The starry heaven, with all the first and wand'ring stars, pour their influences into the Vegetative; the Empyreal into the Reasonable; and the Crystalline, or first mover, infuse into the Sensitive; nevertheless, none of these influences can force our liberty, although the heavens send them the one by their motions, the others by their light, and the others by their virtue: So the Empyreal heaven, without moving its self, sendeth down its virtue here below, notwithstanding that it be distant from us so fare, that, according to Beda in his book, De imagine mundi, from the earth to the firmament, there are three hundreth thousand, one hundreth and twenty five leagues. And from that, to the Empyreal heaven, are, ten hundreth millions of leagues: But to say truth (if it be not by revelation from God) no certain measure can be determined. I conclude, A majore ad minus, from the greater to the lesser, that, since the influences do descend from such a height, by a more strong reason may they come from the heavens, that are near us; all which influences are not in the heavens by their nature, but by their effects, as the Astrologians say: If Saturn be cold, the cause proceedeth from his motion, which is slow, and lingering, and for that he is so fare distant from us, and doth not end his course but in thirty years, according to the same Beda: Now, the other planets, that are of more speedy motion, and do (as it were) with a swift, and rapid course, and in little time, make their Revolution, are hot, and dry; as Sol, and Mars: But what availeth it us to bring so fare fetched reasons? Since that, so near us, these effects are declared unto us so evidently, in the four elements, in the living creatures, in the plants, in the sea, in the air, in cutting, sawing, gathering, grafting, and over all the creatures: So that if man know not the reason of these things, he ought to seek it in the miracles of nature. To the end then, that every one may the better know, how to make use of these operations, even in matter of Physic, they must choose the days, the hours, the plants, under such favourable aspects, and agreeable influences of the Stars, as can, by their agreeable virtue, give health unto the sick; for the Planets and fixed Stars, do cause all infirmities: wherefore they must choose the Planet, that is enemy to that Planet that brought forth that evil; and so, by the contrary effect, put it away and dissolve it. Wherefore Arnauld of Villeneufe, in his book, De simplicibus Medicina, saith these words, Ad hoc ut ipsae herbae, flores, radices, & semina, habeant singularem virtutem, & proprietatem ad morbos tollendos, sunt Colligenda secundum diversa signa Zodiaci, quia citius & foelicius operantur in morbis. Moreover, that the very herbs, flowers, roots, and seeds, may have a singular virtue, and quality to remove diseases, they are to be gathered according to the several signs of the Zodiac, because so they do more speedily and successfully work on diseases. For which cause, first, I have thought good to set down the Planets in order, and the infirmities that are caused by them. Secondly, the certain hour of the Sun's rising every day in the year, to the end that you may easily find out the hour wherein you are to gather or take the plants, stones, or animals, to cure your infirmities. Thirdly, I have set down too, the unequal Planetary hour, as well of the day as of the night, whereby you may know certainly what Planet shall govern. Fourthly, you have in like order, the friendship, and enmity of the Planets; which are enemies amongst them; that you may the more easily find the Planet, enemy to it that shall cause the disease, and in the same hour that is governed by it, the infirmity may be cured. Lastly, the cures of all usual diseases are set down. CHAP. I. What the infirmities and diseases are, which are caused by every of the Planets. SAturne governing, doth cause all cold diseases, as the Gout in the feet, Leprosy, the Scab, the Palsy, Quartane Agues, the Dropsy, Catarrhs, Diffluxions on the Lungs, Consumptions, Coughs, and the like cold and Melancholic infirmities. jupiter causeth the Cramp, stupidness, inflammation of the liver, the headache, pains in the shoulders, the Squinance, Apoplexy, the Cardiaca passio or heart sickness, the bloody flux, and the like. Mars causeth burning Fevers, Impostumes, tertian, quotidian, and intermitting Agues, Saint Antony's fires, Carbuncles, Fistulas, dissenteries, and the like hot diseases. Sol causeth defluxions and rheums that fall on the eyes, coldness of the stomach, and lyver, swound, red choler, the Catarrh, blisters on the Matrice, and such other infirmities on the lower parts. Venus causeth the Scab, the French Pox, the Lienterick Flux, Passions and Suffocations of the Matrice, and all other diseases of the like nature. Mercurius causeth hoarseness, all passions of the senses, the falling sickness, common impediments of the tongue, and its passions, obstructions of the Gall, and all melancholic evils. Luna causeth the Palsy, the Colic, the terms, the Dropsy, Phlegmatic impostumes, and all the infirmities that proceed from the obstruction of the veins. Now, to cure any of these infirmities infallibly, and not as some Physicians proceed, Saluo semper iure calculi, keeping still a just account, it is requisite to make use of Astrology, & the aspects of the stars and of their influences, and that is to be understood in cura regulari, in a regular cure, and not coactâ practicâ, by forced practice Wherefore in such a case, as Hip. in his fourth book Aphor. 1. willeth us, Medicari in valdè acutis morbis cadem die si materia turgeat, tardari in his malum est, To use remedies in very sharp diseases on the first day, if the matter abound; Delays in these are dangerous. Yet Menardus in his Epistles in the like case saith, That, potiùs lotium inspiciendum quàm astra, The urine is rather to be looked into then the stars. But that is to be understood, for letting of blood, and purging the body. But as concerning other local or topical remedies, it is requisite to observe the Planetary hours. And for this purpose, we must consider by what Planet the infirmity is caused, then take the herb, or flower, seeds, roots, or such other things, in such an hour as shall be governed by the Planet, that is enemy to the causer of the evil: Quia contraria contrarijs curantur. Contraries are cured by their contraries. Now, for to know the certain hour of such a Planet, you shall mark at what hour of that day the Sun shall rise, attributing ever the first hour of the Su●en-rising, to the Planet that bears the name of that day: As, on Sunday the first hour shall be the hour of Sol or the Sun: On Monday the first hour, shall be the hour of Luna or the Moon: On Tues. the first hour, shall be the hour of Mars: On Wed. Mercury governeth the first hour: On Thurs'. jupiter: Friday's first hour Venus ruleth: And on the first of Saturday Saturn. After the certain knowledge of the Planet, that governeth the first hour of the Sunrising on every day, you must follow the natural order of the Planets, attributing still the succeeding Planet to every succeeding hour. The natural order of the Planets is this, Saturnus, jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercurius, Luna. The Planet governor of each day in the week, is as followeth: The days of the week, The Planet gover. Sunday, Sol, Monday, Luna, Tuesday, Mars, Wednesday, Mercurius, Thursday, jupiter, Friday, Venus, Saturday. Saturnus. The days whereon it is dangerous to let blood. january. 11. 14. 16. 21. 26. 30. February. 26. 27. 28. March. 26. 27. 28. April. 15. 17. 25. May. 17. 25. 30. june. 18. july. 23. 26. August. 28. 30. September. 25. 28. October. 16. 26. Novemb. 25. 26. Decem. 16. 17. 21. The days whereon Physic being taken, doth not purge the body. january. 19 27. February. 14. 26. March. 13. 23. April. 10. May. 7. 17. june. 04. 12. july. 17. 20. August. 14. 18. September. 10. 17. October. 8. 16. November. 5. 12. December. 2. 10. The days whereon Physic provoketh Vomiting. january. 1. 18. 24. February. 14. 28. March. 13. 22. April. 10. May. 7. 17. june. 4. 11. july. 17. 20. August. 6. 7. 24. September. 7. 23. October. 1. 18. 27. November. 15. December. 4. 13. CHAP. II. At what hour the Sun riseth in every day of the year. FIrst must be understood, that in every hour are 60. minutes. Now for to declare this more briefly, you have here set down the certain hour wherein on the 10. 20. and 30. day of every month the Sun doth rise. And if you would know the certain minute of every the unexpressed days; divide the intermitted minutes proportionably to every of the days that are not mentioned. january. Hours. Minutes. The 10. day the Sun riseth at 7 50 The 20. etc. at 7 37 The 30. etc. at 7 22 February. The 10. etc. at 7 54 The 20. etc. at 6 42 The 30. etc. at 6 24 March. The 10. day the Sun riseth at 6 0 The 20. etc. at 5 42 The 30. etc. at 5 24 April. The 10. etc. at 5 0 The 20. etc. at 4 44 The 30. etc. at 4 48 May. The 10. etc. at 4 10 The 20. etc. at 3 58 The 30. etc. at 3 51 june. The 10. etc. at 3 47 The 20. etc. at 3 48 The 30. etc. at 3 53 july. The 10. etc. at 4 6 The 20. etc. at 4 19 The 30. etc. at 4 33 August. The 10. etc. at 4 55 The 20. etc. at 5 12 The 30. etc. at 5 30 September. The 10. day the Sun riseth at 5 54 The 20. etc. at 6 12 The 30. etc. at 6 30 October. The 10. etc. at 6 54 The 20. etc. at 7 11 The 30. etc. at 7 27 November. The 10. etc. at 7 50 The 20. etc. at 8 2 The 30. etc. at 8 9 December. The 10. etc. at 8 13 The 20. etc. at 8 11 The 30. etc. at 8 5 CHAP. III. The unequal Planetary hours of the day and night, Calculated according to the Ephimerides. The hours of the day. Sunday. Sol,1 Venus,2 Mercu. 3 Lun. 4 Satur. 5 jupiter. 6 Mars,7 Sol,8 Venus,9 Mer. 10 Lun. 11 Saturn. 12 Monday. Luna,1 Satur. 2 jupiter,3 Mars,4 Sol,5 Venus. 6 Mercu. 7 Lun. 8 Saturn. 9 jupiter,10 Mars,11 Sol. 12 Tuesday. Mars. 1 Sol. 2 Venus. 3 Mercu. 4 Luna. 5 Satur. 6 jupit. 7 Mars. 8 Sol. 9 Venus. 10 Mercu. 11 Luna. 12 Wednesday. Mercu. 1 Lun. 2 Saturn. 3 jupiter. 4 Mars. 5 Sol. 6 Venus. 7 Mercu. 8 Lun. 9 Satur. 10 jupit. 11 Mars. 12 Thursday. jupit. 1 Mars. 2 Sol. 3 Venus. 4 Mercu. 5 Luna. 6 Saturn. 7 jupit. 8 Mars. 9 Sol. 10 Venus. 11 Mercu. 12 Friday. Venus. 1 Mercu. 2 Lun. 3 Satur. 4 jupit. 5 Mars. 6 Sol. 7 Venus. 8 Mercu. 9 Luna. 10 Satur. 11 jupit. 12 Saturday. Saturn. 1 jupit. 2 Mars. 3 Sol. 4 Venus. 5 Mercu. 6 Luna. 7 Satur. 8 jupiter. 9 Mars. 10 Sol. 11 Venus. 12 The hours of the night. Sunday. jupit. 1 Mars. 2 Sol. 3 Venus. 4 Mercu. 5 Luna. 6 Satur. 7 jupit. 8 Mars. 9 Sol. 10 Venus. 11 Mercu. 12 Monday. Venus. 1 Mercu. 2 Lun. 3 Satur. 4 jupit. 5 Mars. 6 Sol. 7 Venus. 8 Mercu. 9 Luna. 10 Satur. 11 jupit. 12 Tuesday. Saturn. 1 jupit. 2 Mars. 3 Sol. 4 Venus. 5 Mercu. 6 Luna. 7 Satur. 8 jupiter. 9 Mars. 10 Sol. 11 Venus. 12 Wednesday. Sol,1 Venus,2 Mercu. 3 Lun. 4 Satur. 5 jupiter. 6 Mars. 7 Sol. 8 Venus. 9 Mercu. 10 Luna. 11 Satur. 12 Thursday. Luna,1 Satur. 2 jupiter,3 Mars,4 Sol,5 Venus. 6 Mercu. 7 Lun. 8 Saturn. 9 jupiter,10 Mars,11 Sol. 12 Friday. Mars,1 Sol,2 Venus,3 Mer. 4 Lun. 5 Saturn. 6 jupit. 7 Mars. 8 Sol. 9 Venus. 10 Mercu. 11 Luna. 12 Saturday. Mercu. 1 Lun. 2 Saturn. 3 jupiter. 4 Mars. 5 Sol. 6 Venus. 7 Mercu. 8 Lun. 9 Satur. 10. jupit. 11 Mars. 12 CHAP. FOUR Which are friendly Planets one to another. Solemnising is a friend to jupiter and Venus. Luna is friendly to jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Mars is a friend to Venus. Mercury is friendly to jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. jupiter is friendly to Sol, Luna, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. The Planets that are enemies one to another. Sol is enemy to Mars, Mercury, and Luna. Luna is enemy to Mars and Mercurius. Mars is enemy to Luna, Mercury, and Saturn: but most to Sol and jupiter. Mercury is enemy to Sol, Luna, and Mars. jupiter is enemy to Mars. Venus is enemy to Saturn. Excellent and approved Secrets; with the manner how, and when they are to be taken, and made, under the Influences of the Stars, whereby the following infirmities may in very short time be cured. 1. Against the headache. IVpiter causeth this evil: Take the herb called Psilio or Fleabane, in the hour of Mars his enemy; stamp it, and mingle it with vinegar, and apply it to the forehead. 2. Against Frenzies or sharp Fevers. These diseases are caused by Mars: Take therefore in the hour of Luna, Mercury, Saturn, Sol, or jupiter his enemies, the milk of any beast, except that of Goats; boil it, and with the skin that swims above it, bathe all your head. 3. To cure the Falling sickness. Mercury doth cause this evil: Wherefore in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, you must get a Wolf, and kill it in any of the aforesaid hours; take the lights of it, and boil them in red wine, adding thereto some Aromatic spices, and when they are sufficiently boiled, give them the Patient to eat, and he shall be well. 4. Against weaknesses and dimness in the eyes. Sol is the Author of these infirmities: Take in the hour of Mars, his enemy, the herb called Euphragia, or Eyebright, beaten to powder, and mingle it with the yelk of an egg, or wine, and lay it on the eyes. 5. To cure the waterings and fluxes in the eyes. Sol is the cause of this evil: Take therefore in the hour of Mars, his enemy, the slimy and gummy substance of the Snail, with which you shall mingle, Myrrh, Aloes, and Mastic, and then apply it to the temples of the head. 6. To take away Carnosities in the nose. Saturn doth cause this evil: To cure which, in the hour of Mars his enemy, you must take the herb Dragon, and press out the juice of it, and mingle it with the milk of wild Fennel, and any sort of Gall, that ye may most conveniently come by: Then the powder of Nettleseede, Southernwood, Hellebore, and Cypress: mingle all together, and let them be often snuffed up into the nose, and it will infallibly cure it. 7. Against bleeding at the nose. Saturn causeth this infirmity: Take in the hour of Mars his enemy, Balausti, or Pomegranate buds, and stamp them to powder, and mingle them with the white of an egg, and apply it to the nostrils. 8. Against pains and bushes in the ears. Mercury causeth these: Take in the hour of Sol, or Mars, his enemies, the flower of the Ivy; boil it in oil, and pour it in the ears, and it taketh away those pains. 9 Against deafness, and bussings in the ears. Mercury is Author hereof: Therefore in the hour of Sol or Mars his enemies, take a Hare, kill it, and wash the gall of it, with which ye shall mingle the powder of black Hellebore; put it in the ears, and it cureth those infirmities. 10. To take away Blisters and hacks on the lips. Mercury doth likewise cause these evils: Take therefore in the hour of Sol or Mars his enemies, Litarge of silver, Myrrh, Ginger, of each an equal quantity; beat them into very fine powder, then with Virgin Wax, Honey, and ordinary Oil, you shall make an Ointment; spread it on any fine cloth, and apply it to the lips. 11. To ease the pain of the . This evil too is caused by Mercury: Take in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, two grains of the seed of Acace, of Opium, joschtamum, of each two drachmas, mix them with wine, and role them up like Pills: hold one of these betwixt your teeth, and it will quickly assuage the pain. 12. To make hollow or pained teeth to fall of themselves. Mercury is the causer of these: Take in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, the branches of wild Olives, boil them in verjuice till it become as thick as honey; apply it to the tainted tooth, and it will cause it fall. 13. To strengthen the teeth. This infirmity is caused by Mercury: Take in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, the skins of Pomegranates, Ireos, burned Salt, of each two parts, of Gall two parts, of Myrrh one part; let them boil in wine, with which wash your teeth often. 14. To facilitate the growth of teeth in young children without danger of death. This evil is caused of Mercury: Take in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars his enemies, a Hare, kill it, take out the brains of it, boil them, and rub the teeth often with them. 15. The Squinance. jupiter is Author of this evil: Take a Viper strangle it with a double thread, and in the hour of Mars his enemy bathe it in Rats blood, which will cause the body of it to rise, then apply it to the neck, and it will cure it. 16. To stop blood. Saturn causeth this evil: Take in the hour of Mars or Venus his enemies, Pomegranate buds, Hypocistis, and Verbascum or Mullet, stamp them, and press out the juice of them, and (as occasion shall require) administer to the Patiented a spoonful at a time, well mingled with Sugar. 17. To help infirmities of the stomach. These are caused by Sol: You shall take in the hour of Mars, Mercury or Luna his enemies, the herb called Balm, and Pimpernell, and eat fasting such quantity of them, as you shall please; for even whilst you do it, it comforts the stomach, openeth obstructions, and strengtheneth the weakness of the heart. 18. To take away pains in the stomach. Sol causeth these pains; Wherefore in the hour of Mars, Mercury, or Luna, his enemies, Take a Hen, kill it, and take out the little thin skin that is in the little belly of it, make it into powder, and give it to be drunk with wine. An excellent remedy. 19 To cure inflamed livers. This evil is bred under jupiter: Take in the hour of Mars his enemy, the herb of the starry Thistle, press out the juice, and give half a glass full to be drunk at a time, and it will work an admirable effect. 20. Against the Dropsy. Saturn causeth this evil: Take in the hour of Mars or Venus, his enemies, a Pheasant, kill it, and give the diseased person two glass fulls of the blood of it to drink, and it will undoubtedly cure him. 21. To cure the yellow jaundize. Mercury doth cause this disease: Take in the hour of Sol, Luna, or Mars, his enemies, the seed of Rosemary, make it into powder, and mingle it with the juice of Pentasilion or Cinquefoyle, to what quantity shall please you, and it will cure it. 22. To help obstructions, and hardness in the Milt or Spleen. This disease doth Luna cause: Wherefore in the hour of Mars or Mercury her enemies, you shall take Bole Armoniac, dissolved in Vinegar, and drink the weight of two drachmas of it at a time. 23. The stone in the kidneys. Saturn causeth this evil: Take in the hour of Mars, or Venus his enemies, Pellitory of the wall, and give the juice thereof to be drunk with wine: it purgeth the kidneys, and will break the stone. 24. To help the difficulty in making of water. Luna causeth this infirmity: Wherefore in the hour of Mars or Mercury her enemies, take the leaves and seeds of Trifolie, and the seed of Southernwood; boil them in water, to which decoction add a Spanish fly, without head, feet, or wings, beaten into powder, a culously full whereof being drunk, doth miraspoone provoke Urine. 25. The stone in the bladder. Luna doth cause this disease: Take therefore in the hour of Mars or Mercury her enemies, some Scorpions, put them in a new earthen pot, that hath a narrow mouth, and set it in an Oven that is not too hot the space of six hours; then take them out, and stamp them small; and take one drachma at a time. 26. To ease the pain of the Colic. Luna causeth this evil: In the hour of Mars or Mercury her enemies, take the sprigs, and fruit of the Bay tree, beat them into powder, and give the Patient two drachmas of it to be drunk in Hippocras, and in effect it will take away the pain. 27. The Bloudie-Flux or dysentery. This evil being caused by Luna, you must take in the hour of Mars or Mercury her enemies, Pomegranate buds, and Hypocistis, made into powder, and give two drachmas thereof to be drunk in red wine, or Pome-Citerne water. Probatum est. 28. Against difficulties in Child bearing. Venus' being the causer of these impediments, in the hour of Saturn her enemy, you must take sweet Basill, beat it into powder, and give it to be drunk with good wine, and she will be delivered instantly. 29. To provoke the terms and secondine, or afterbirth. Luna causeth this infirmity: Therefore in the hour of Mars, or Mercury her enemies, take agrimony, stamp it with the seeds of of Mountain Smallage, and administer two drachmas thereof to be drunk in maidenhair water, and their desire shall be accomplished. 30. To stop the immoderate Flux of the terms, and to contract the mouth of the Matrice. This evil being caused by Venus, you must in the hour of Saturn, her enemy, take the middle skin of the Chestnut, the skin of a Pomegranate, pound them all very small, and in the wine of Quinces, administer one drachma to be drunk, as often as occasions shall require. 31. To help chaps in the feet. Sol causeth this: Take therefore in the hour of Mars, Mercury, or Luna his enemies, Cypris Nuts beat into powder, then mingle them with the juice of some sprigs, of the same tree, whilst they are green, which being applied playster-wayes, taketh away all chaps in the feet. 32. To cure the Hemoroides. Luna Causing this evil: In the hour of Mars or Mercury, her enemies, Swine's bread must be laid to the fundament, and it cureth them. 33. To help all pains in the joints. Saturn being the prime cause of these infirmities; In the hour of Mars or Venus his enemies, the diseased must take a Hen of four years old, kill it, and fill it full of Wormwood, and let it boil in three quarts of water, till the half thereof be consumed away, and with the remainder let him anoint the places affected. 34. Tertian Agues. Mars doth cause this Fever; wherefore in the hour of Luna, Mercury, Saturn, Sol, and jupiter his enemies, take the herb called Century, made in powder, whereof you shall give the quantity of two drachmas to be drunk fasting, in wine. 35. Quartane Agues. This Fever is caused of Saturn: take therefore in the hour of Mars or Venus his enemies, Myrrh, and Castoreum, of each a drachma, made into powder, and give it to be drunk fasting with wine. 36. To take away all marks of the small Pox. These Mars doth cause, wherefore in the hour of Luna, Mercury, Saturn, or jupiter, his enemies, you must take Lytarge, the roots of dry reeds, the meal of Chick Peason, the meal of Rice, and old Garlic, stamp all together, and mingle them with the oil of sweet Almonds, Sheep's suet melted; wherewith anoint your face, and let it remain so all night, and in the morning wash it off with warm water. 37. To cure the King's evil. Luna doth cause this evil: Take in the hour of Mars or Mercury, Caper roots, stamp them, and apply them plaister-wayes to the place affected. 38. To heal all wounds. Mars being the causer of these evils; you must take in the hour of Luna, Mercury, Saturn, or jupiter, the herb Savine beat into powder, which being mingled with honey, and applied to the wounds, will heal them. 39 To cure the Scab and Leprosy. These evils Saturn doth cause; wherefore in the hour of Mars or Venus his enemies, take Ivy, boil it, make a Bath of it, and bathe your whole body in it, and it taketh away the infirmity. 40. To take away all Corns on the feet. Saturn causing these evils; Take in the hour of Mars or Venus his enemies, the bark of the Willow tree, burn it, and mingle the ashes thereof with very strong Vinegar, which plaster you shall lay on your Corns, and it will eat them out by the root. 41. For Cankers. Mars causeth this evil, wherefore in the hour of Luna, Saturn, or jupiter: take the branches of white Sage, and the roots of Dragon, press out their juice, and mingle them with honey, and apply them to the evil. 42. Against Fistulas. Mars being the causer hereof; take in any of the hours aforesaid of his enemies, the Flower de lis root, make it into powder, mingle it with the powder of burned Oyster shells, and Swine's seam, and apply it to the Fistula. 43. A preservative against the Gout in the feet. Saturn is causer of this evil: Take therefore in the hour of Mars or Venus the herb called Fetherfewle, stamp it, and mingle it with the yolk of an egg, and fried in the fashion of a tansy, which being eaten fasting, doth most surely preserve from the Gout in the feet. To know whether one that is sick shall live or die. Divers are the judgements that some men give, whether a sick person shall live or die; But I will here set down a present infallible sign, whereby every one may be assured, and give certain judgement of it. Take a Nettle, and lay it in the Urine of the diseased person, immediately after he shall have made water, so that the water be pure from any other minglings with it; Then let the Nettle remain therein the space of 24. hours; and thereafter if the Nettle be found dry and withered, it is a sign of death; but if it continue green, it is a sign of life. An admirable Secret to preserve us always in health, often used by Charles the fifth. Take in the hour of Sol, who is Author of life, four branches of Rue, nine juniper seeds, a Walnut, a dry Fig, and a little salt, pound all together in a Mortar, and every other morning eat a little of it fasting. FINIS.