THE Restitution of King Nabuchadnezzer. DAN. 4. Verses. 31. 32. 33. 34. By Henry Smith. Printed by Thomas Scarleti 1591., Daniel. 4. 31. 31 And at the end of those days, I Nabuchadnezzer lift up mine eyes to heaven, and my understanding was restored to me, and I gave thanks to the most high, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose power is an everlasting power, and his kingdom is from generation to generation, 32 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing, & according to his will he worketh in the army of heaven, & in the inhabitant of the earth, & none can stay his hand, nor say unto him, what dost thou. 33 At the same time was my understanding restored to me, & I returned to the honour of my kingdom, my glory, & my beauty was restored to me, and my counsellors and my princes sought unto me, and I was established in my kingdom, and my glory was augmented towards me. 34 Now therefore I Nabuchadnezzer, praise, and extol, and magnify the king of heaven, whose works are all truth, and his ways judgement, and those that walk in pride, he is able to abase. NOw we are come to his Restitution. First Nabuchadnezzer was humbled, as God humbleth his enemies: now he is humbled, as God humbleth his Children: that although he hath more honour than he had before, yet he is not proud of it, as he was, but crieth with the Prophet, Not unto me Psa● Lord, not unto me, but unto thy name give the honour. So he which said, not only in heart, but almost with his mouth too, There is no God, now Ps● with heart and mouth honoureth none but God. His pride, and fall, Daniel declareth: when he came to his restitution, he maketh Nabuchadnezzer to speak with himself, and give thanks in his own person, like a witness brought in to testify the truth of this wonderful story. When the Prophet had showed how this king vaunted, and how he was debased for it, presently after he had spoken, he calleth in as it were the king himself to witness his report, and he declareth how he was raised again, like a man, which having received grace of a Prince or great parsonage, is brought in before him, to give thanks for his favour received, and then he is dismissed. In these verses two things show themselves at first view: Nabuchadneezzers' restitution, and his thankfulness. In his restitution, first he showeth the time when he was restored in these words: At the end of those days. Then he showeth the manner how he was restored, in these words: I Nabuchadnezzer, lift mine eyes to heaven, & mine understanding was restored unto me, and my Councillors sought unto me, & my glory was augmented more than it was. In his thankfulness, first he extolleth gods power, in setting him up and pulling him down, and raising him again: then he commendeth God's truth and justice, which deserveth to be praised for his judgement as much as his mercy, as if he rejoiced that God made him like a beast, that he may die like a man, At the end of those days. As the time of his pride was noted, when he walked in his palace, to show how pride groweth out of building, and wealth, and apparel, & such roots, so he noted the time of his fall, when the words were in his mouth, to show that he was punished for his pride and arrogancy, that he might know where to begin his conversion, and abate his pride, and when he had taken away the cause, than God would take away the punishment: so likewise he noteth the time of his restitution, At the end of those days: That is, after seven years were expired, to show how long the sickness of pride is in curing, and to show how everything was fulfilled, as it was prophesied, even unto the point of time: for it was told him by Daniel, and by his dream, that he should be like a beast seven years. Therefore Nabuchadnezzer is prompt, as it were to confess the truth, & saith as the Prophet saith, At the end of those days: That is, at the end of seven years, I was restored again to my understanding and honour, as Daniel foretold me. Yet an other note is set upon this, lest we should think, that God regarded only the season, and think seven years punishment enough for such a sinner: he saith not barely that his understanding and honour were restored to him, when seven years were ended, but that they were restored unto him, when he began to lift up his eyes unto heaven, to show that his blessing came from above, and that he which had humbled him, had restored him again: as if he would say unto all that are cast down with sicknesses, or poverty, or infamy, or any trouble in body orminde: he which hath humbled you, will raise you, as he hath done me, but you must look up to heaven, & lift up your hearts unto him, and then your understanding, and comfort, and peace, and health, and wealth, and liberty, and good name and all, shall return unto you again, like jobes' ●ob. 42. sheep, and camels, and oxen, in greater number than he had before, as all the blessings of God returned to Nabuchadnezzer, when he looked up to heaven: lo they shall come back like a river upon you, when your eyes can go by these vanities, and look upon him which looketh upon you, or else seven and seven years shall pass over you, & you shallbe never the better, but worse and worse, like Saul, which was ●. Sa. 31 4 vexed more and more, till he had killed himself. Therefore as the jews looked up to the brazen serpent, which was a figure of jesus Num. 21 8 Christ, when they would be healed: so all which would recover that they have lost, or obtain that which they want, Nabuchadnezzer doth teach them here to lift up their eyes to heaven, from whence, saith Christ, cometh every blessing of man. At the end of those days, I Nabuchadnezzer lift up mine eyes to heaven. Like a man which is wakened out of a long trance, now he began to stir and lift up his eyes. When the heart is lift up, it will lift up the eyes, and the hands, and the voice and all, to heaven. He which never looked up to heaven, so long as his comfort was upon the earth, now his mind is changed, his looks, and gestures, and speeches, and all are changed with it, as though God would show a visible difference between the spiritual and the carnal, even in their gate, and looks, and gestures, as there is between a child and an old man. The spiritual minds are heavenly minds, and look up, because their joy is above. The carnal minds are earthly minds, and look down like beasts, because their treasure is beneath. As the serpent grovels upon the ground, so doth the serpent's seed, and hath not so much as the Genes. 3. 14. countenance of grace. Therefore by lifting up his eyes to heaven, is signified, that the time was come which the Lord had set down that he should be like a beast, until he had well learned that lesson: That the most high beareth rule over the kingdoms of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. Therefore Nabuchannezzer doth show that he had learned this lesson: for he looked not up to heaven, to behold the sun, or the moon, or the stars, like an Astronomer: but thinking how he had set himself against heaven, from whence came all his honour, in a godly shame and holy anger towards himself, he turneth his face from earth to heaven, to magnify him that had humbled him so, that contemned him, that advanced him so. Now he talketh no more of his palace, nor his power, nor his majesty, though it be greater than it was: but he looketh above his own palace, up to another palace, from whence that terrible voice came down unto him, Thy kingdom is departed from thee: which expresseth his contrite heart, and wounded spirit, how many passions batled within, as if he should chide himself, and say, O unthankful man, my power descended from above, and I ever looked upon the earth, mine honour came down from heaven, and I never lift up mine eyes before: Go up my eyes, and my heart, and my voice, and mine hands, how long will ye poor upon the earth, like a beast? so he lifted up his eyes unto heaven. After he had lift up his eyes, he beginneth to pray, and gave praise and thanks unto God: which showeth that he did not only lift up his eyes, but his heart too. For unless we can say with David, I lift up mine heart, it is in vain to lift up Psal. 15 1 hands, or eyes, or voice, as the hypocrites do, because he that is a spirit, requireth the spirit. Therefore Mary saith, Mine heart doth magnify joh. 4. 24 the Lord. As for the infidels and idolaters, they have no heart service, but their religion is like an occupation which is done with the body: for when we read of the sacrifice or prayers of Idolaters, we do not find that they lift up their hearts to their idols, but their hands 1. Kin. 18 28 or eyes, or voice, as the Baalites roared to Baal, as the mariners cried jonas. 1 5 Act. 19 28 to their sea oods: as the Ephesians shouted to Diana: but the lifting up of their heart, the hearty service is always appropriate to God, which saith, My son give me thy heart. Therefore Pro. 23. 26 Nabuchad. lifted up his heart to God, showing that he had learned the lesson God gave him 7. years to study, that the most high beareth rule over the kingdoms of men. Now God thinketh the time long enough, and as he reform the ground after the flood, with fruits, and herbs, and flowers again: so he reform Nabuchadnezzer with an understanding, and beauty, and honour again, as if he repent himself and said, I will drown the earth no more, I will Gen. 8 21 change Nabuchadnezzer no more: now he knoweth there is a king above him, he shallbe a king again: now he seeks my honour, I will give him honour: now he magnifieth him, that debased him, I will return to exalt him. So the voice which thundered from heaven: Thy kingdom is departed from thee, soundeth again, Thy kingdom is returned to thee. For it was not told him, that he should be like a beast until he died, but until he knew That the most high beareth rule over the kingdoms of men. Therefore when he knew this, nothing could stay him from his kingdom, no more than they could stay him in his kingdom before. Thus the displeasure of God is but an Interim, until we know some thing that we should know, and then Nabuchadnezzer shall be king again, than the sick man shall be whole again, than the bond man shall be free again: his mercies Psa. 136 1, 2. 6 are called Everlasting, because they endure for ever, but his anger is compared to the clouds, because it lasteth but a season: whom he loveth, he loveth to the end, but whom he scourgeth, he scourgeth till they repent, as Ezechias was sick until he wept, Nabuchadnezzer was banished but till he repent. Now the first cure of this king's restitution, was of his mind: Mine understanding, saith he, was restored unto me, which he repeateth again in the 33. verse: Mine understanding was restored unto me, to show what an inestimable gift our understanding and reason is, whereby we differ from beasts, for which we cannot be thankful enough. Therefore he records it twice, as though his heart did slow with gladness, and his tongue could not choose but speak often of it: as a man thinketh and speaketh of that which he loveth, Mine understanding was restored unto me: that which was first taken away, came first again, which so soon as it was gone, he was counted a man no more, but a beast, as David Psal. 23. 9 saith, Like horse and mule, which have no understanding, accounting them which are void of understanding, no better than a horse or mule. Therefore they which have left their understanding at the Taverns, (as many here have done sometime) and they which understand not yet what is the book of God, are but horse and mule, though they bear the visors of men. After he had said, Mine understanding was restored unto me, he annexeth also, Mine honour was restored unto me, and so he grew to be a king again. As he was wont to put on one rob after another when he was king: so when God would make him king again, first he putteth upon him the rob of understanding, as it were the foundation ofaking: like the princely spirit which came upon Saul, and when he had a princely heart, than God 1. Sa. 10 9 gave him a princely power, and proclaimed like a voice from heaven, Nabuchadnezzer king of Babel. So gloriously he rose again like the sun, with a triumph of his restitution, and welcome of his subjects: like the shout that went before king Solomon, God save king Solomon, It doth not appear, that 2. Kin. 1 34 his nobles and subjects were converted like himself, to receive him to his kingdom again, because he repent, or because it was Gods will: but because it was Gods will, they could not resist it, but fulfilled his ordinance, as the wicked do those things which are foretold that they should do, and never think how they are moved to it, nor which way it cometh to pass, no more than the Raven knew, who had sent her to feed 1. Kin. 17 4 Elias, she did as God commanded her, but she knew not that God had commanded her: so they do as God enforceth them, but they know not how God enforceth them. One would think, when Nabuchadnezzer was a king, that God could never have made him like a beast, and when he was like a beast, one would think, that God could never have made him like a king: for who would suffer a beast to rule over them, unless they were beasts themselves. We will not have this man to rule over us, say the jews (such stomachs are in men, that they will hardly abide any man to rule over them) Therefore it is strange that these men should receive one that had been seven years a beast: it is even as if one should lie seven years in the grave, and after come again to challenge his goods, and lands, & house, and money, from them that have taken possession, and count it their own: he should have a cold suit of it I think, unless it were some few that loved him in his life, he might go again to his grave, for a house to dwell in. So no body looketh now for Nabuchadnezzer to come out of the wilderness, he was the unlikest man in the world to be king after such a change. But see what God can do, though all be against it, he which made a king like a beast, raised a king of a beast. Mine understanding (saith Nabuchadnezzer) was restored unto me, and more than that, Mine honour was restored unto me: and more than that, I was established in mine honour: and more than that, Mine honour was augmented more than it was, when I was so proud of it. As God turned his heart: so he turned the heart of his nobles and people, that they received him for their king again, and reverenced him, for all his former disgrace, for which they contemned him before as a beast: here a wise man may stand and wonder, like Elizeus, when his master was rapt to heaven: for as though a ●. Kin. 11 11. 12 snuff had been taken from the ground, and set up again in the candlestick, and shined brighter than it did before: so the king was raised from the dust, and set in the throne: even now no man cared for him, and now no man durst displease him: then was fulfilled that which Solomon saith: When the ways of a man please the Lord, he ●rou. 16 7 will make all his enemies at peace with him: so when Nabuchadnezzer pleased the Lord, God gave him grace with men, and his glory was augmented. My glory (saith Nabuchadnezzer) was augmented to me: that is, he received not only his kingdom, and power, and honour again, but he received usury of them for his seven years banishment: they have been put out seven years to the bank for him, to receive more when he came again. So when he sought his own honour, honour departed from him, his palace could not hold it, his treasures could not redeem it, his guard could not stay it, but pride chased it away, whilst he followed after it: but when he sought God's honour, and cared not for his own, than his honour was increased, according to that, I will honour him, which honoureth me. What encouragement is this for all Nabuchadnezzar's to seek the honour of God, seeing he hath so linked his honour with their honour, that they cannot seek God's honour, but they shall find their own honour. Therefore what would Nabuchadnezzer say to our Nabuchadnezzar's, who think it against their honours, if they should seek Christ's honour, and that if his kingdom went up, their kingdom should go down: like Herod, who thought he could not be king, if Christ should reign: and the pharisees, which thought they should be despised, if Christ were regarded. If nabuchadnezzer's honour came to him, for the honour which he gave to God, how long will their honour last, which eat & drink, give & take, bid and forbidden, set up, and pull down, favour, and wrong, and do all they do to honour themselves, as Nabuchadnezzer built Babel: until that voice thunder from heaven: Thy kingdom is departed from thee: thy office is departed from thee: thy life is departed from thee. Some have exalted themselves like Nabuchadnezzer, & are not fallen yet: some mounted up, and are fallen already. Some are fallen lower & lower like Babylon, but they are not yet at the ground. They have ruled like beasts, longer than he, & yet look not up to heaven, that they may be changed. Thus Nabuchadnezzer is welcome to his throne again. Now he hath received grace, let us examine his thankfulness. If you mark every thing in his order, you shall see a marvelous consequence observed both in his fall, & restitution. When he looked on his palace, he waxed proud, when he waxed proud, than God threatened him, when he was threatened, than God banished him: when he was banished, than he lift up his eyes to heaven: when he lift up his eyes to heaven, than his understanding came unto him, than he gave thanks to God, showing us the use of our understanding, why God hath given reason unto man: videlicet, to serve him, and praise him upon earth: as Nabuchadnezzer worshipped God, so soon as he came to his understanding: so, so soon as we come to years of discretion, and begin to understand, we should begin a new life, and serve him whom all creatures do serve with us, or else our understanding is vain, and we are like beasts still. For by this Nabuchadnezzer shows, that he had understanding, and was like a man, because he gave praise unto God, and was moved in heart to worship him which made him, according to that definition which David maketh of understanding. Psal. 111 10. They which observe them, have a good understanding. They which observe the commandements, have a good understanding, not they which speak of the commandments, nor they which writ of the commandments, nor they which preach of the commandments, but they which keep the commandments, have a good understanding, the rest have a false understanding, a vain understanding, an understanding like the Scribes and pharisees, which was enough to condemn them, but not to save them. Besides every man should try his wisdom: for so soon as understanding cometh to him, as it came to Nabuchadnezzer, it will extort prayer and obedience from him, whether he will or no. Therefore our Nabuchadnezzar's are beasts still, for this is no part of their understanding: but he which can go beyond all in shifts and policies, is counted the wisest man in Court or City. Oh if Nabuchadnezzer had lived in our country, what a Monarch might he be, to what honour, and wealth, and power, might he have risen in a short time, whether he had been a Lawyer, or a Courtier, or a Prelate. Me thinks I see how many fingers would point at him in the streets, as they do at his Apes, and say, there goeth a deep fellow, he hath more wit in his little finger, than the rest hath in the whole body: but we speak to the belly, which hath no ears. Now let us see the parts of this king's confession, that we may see how his thankfulness did answer to his sin, before he had rob God of his honour. Now as though he came to make restitution, he bringeth praise, and thanks, & glory in his mouth: first he advanceth God's power, and saith, That his kingdom, is an everlasting kingdom: under which words he confesseth, that God was above him, because his kingdom was not an everlasting kingdom, but a momentary kingdom: like a spark, which riseth from the fire, and falleth to the fire again: therefore he showeth, what a fool he was to vaunt of his kingdom, as though it were like God's kingdom, which lasteth for ever. Secondly he magnifieth the power of God, & saith, That God doth what he listeth, in heaven and in earth, and nothing can hinder him, nor say unto him, What dost thou? Under which words he confesseth again, that God was above him, because he could not reign as he listed, but when he thought to live at his pleasure, than he was thrust out of the doors, and God said not unto him, What dost thou? but, Thy kingdom is departed from thee. Therefore he showeth, what a fool he was to vaunt of his power, as though it had been like God's power, which could not be checked. Thirdly, he commendeth the justice of God, and saith, That his works were all truth, and his ways were all judgement. Under the which words Nabuchadnezzer confesseth again, that God was above him: for his ways were all errors, and his works were all sins, as the end proved. Therefore he showeth, what a fool he was to vaunt of his works, as though they had been like God's works, which cannot be blamed. Therefore he concludeth, I Nabuchadnezzer, praise, and extol, and magnify the king of heaven. When he lighted on the right string, mark how he harps upon it, and doubles and trebles it, like a bond, which is ratified with many words of like sense, so he ratifieth his bond to God, with many words of like meaning: I will praise, and extol, and magnify the king of heaven, as though he would praise, and more than praise him: So they which love from the heart, & repent from the bottom, praise and praise, pray and pray, give and give, serve and serve, that is, when they have served him, they are ready to serve him again. Hear is a glass for all the children of pride. First look upon Nabuchadnezzer, ye which are great men like Nabuchadnezzer, for thus will God make his examples of great-men, because they should be examples to others. Many wicked men died in jury, and scarce a man was by to see their end: but Herod was stricken before the people, that all might see, because he was a wicked king. There were many in Babel as proud as Nabuchadnezzer, but none but Nabuchadnezzer was made like a beast, because he was a proud king: so God doth stomach sins in those that bear his own person. As princes use to pick out the principal and chief of the rebellion, to make them examples of terror, which were ringleaders in the treason, so doth God bend his shotagainst the captains of his enemies: like the king of Aram, which charged his soldiers, that they should fight against none but against Achab the king. For as 2. Ch. 18 30 Prou. 19 25 Solomon saith: Strike the scorner, and the rest will beware: so justice showed upon a great man, doth terrify many. If we could see but one of the Nabuchadnezzar's of our days so disgraced, it would make all the rest better in their office, and think when they sit in their majesties, as Queen Hester did, that their power is given them to minister justice, and not to do wrong. Paul doth not wish unto Agrippa more wealth, nor more honour, nor more friends, but more religion, which is the greatest want of princes & magistrates, They sit in God's chair, saith David, and are called Gods, but they are not like God, but like Mammon, Psal. 82. except their names and their crowns. Peradventure there is a David, or a Solomon, or a josua, that is, a few that remember whose person they bear. The rest are like Herod, and Saul, and Nabuchadnezzer, which know not from whom their kingdoms come. Nabuchadnezzer built for his honour, and they build for their honours: he gathered for his wealth, & they gather for their wealth: he sought his pleasure, and they seek after their pleasures: he vaunted of his power, and they vaunt of their power: what did Nabuchadnezzer, that they do not, but repent, which they do not? I cannot wish them beasts to do them good like Nabuchadnezzer, because it is a question whether they be worse than beasts already: but if we could drive them out of their palace, to live in the wilderness, it were a a good riddance, for there they should do less harm. Thus you see why Nabuchadnezzer was made like a beast, that he may die like a man: for he could never learn from whom his kingdom came, or who gave him his name, unless he had been seven years a prentice unto the cross. When he perceived who took his kingdom from him, than he gave his kingdom unto him, and learned his thankfulness in the wilderdernesse. When all the blessings were gone which he should have been thankful for, he thought God was no body, until he became like no body himself: and than who but God, no power but of him, no honour but from him, his first honour came from God, as well as the last, but then he was like a beast, which knoweth not his owner: like a babe, which knoweth not his father: like an Image, which knoweth not his maker. But now he knoweth from whom kingdoms come, and hath learned to say, Thy kingdom, as well as my kingdom: and is like the Elders in the Revelation, which cast down their crowns before the Lamb: such a schoolmaster is affliction, to teach that which prophets & angels cannot teach. For the Prophet and his dream had told him as much before: yet he could never say, The Lord hath given, before he saw the Lord had taken. They say, a friend is never known before he be lost: so when God fled, Nabuchadnezzer followed, but when God called, Nabuchadnezzer contemned when he hath all things, he is unthankful, and when he hath nothing, he beginneth to be thankful. So we must learn God's love, out of God's wrath: spell his goodness, out of his justice. Therefore we preach judgement to you, to make you fly unto mercy: we denounce the law against you, to make you love the Gospel: We show you hell, to make you seek heaven: because we are all like Pharaos' sorcerers. Though we receive never so much, yet we never say, The finger of God hath done this, but when he beginneth to plague us, than we cry, the finger of God hath done this: therefore if we will not be invited, it is good to be compelled. To conclude, he which made Nabuchadnezzer a king, when he was like a beast, is he that makes them rich, which were poor, and he which makes them free, that were bond, and he which makes them beloved, that were hated, and he which makes them wise, that were rude, and he which makes them whole, that were sick, they must stay a time, seven days, or seven weeks, or seven months, or seven years, as Nabuchadnezzer did, when they are ready for it, it will come suddenly, as the Angels came to refresh Christ so soon as he was hungry: yet a little while, yet a little longer, comfort is on foot, and that God which is coming, will come, as the sun which was rising, is risen. For as Nabuchadnezzer said, mine honour is restored to me: so I am sure, many here that have been afflicted may say, my right was restored unto me, my liberty was restored to me, my goods were restored to me, my health was restored to me in less time than nabuchadnezzer's honour was, and what then? Therefore I Nabuchadnezzer praise and extol and magnify the king of heaven. This is the conclusion of all God's benefits. They which do not praise, and extol, and magnify the king of heaven, are worse than Nabuchadnezzer. Therefore letal those which have said in their heart like Nabuchadnezzer, Is not this the house which I have built? Is not this the land which I have purchased? Is not this the money which I have gathered? Are not those the children which I have begotten? Say now with Nabuchadnezzer for all, I praise and extol and magnify the king of heaven, which can take all again as he did from Nabuchadnezzer. Thus have you seen pride and humility, one pulling Nabuchadnezzer out of his throne, the other lifting him unto his throne, whereby they which stand, may take heed lest they fall, and they which are fallen, may learn to rise again. FINIS. Printed by T. S. and are to be sold by William Wright. 1591.