TAILOR'S TRAVELS AND CIRCULAR PERAMBULATION, through, and by more than thirty times twelve Signs of the Zodiac, of the Famous Cities of London and Westminster. With the Honour and Worthiness of the Vine, the Vintage, the Wine, and the Vintoner; with an Alphabetical Description, of all the Tavern Signs in the Cities, Suburbs, and Liberties aforesaid, and significant Epigrams upon the said several Signs. Written by JOHN TAYLOR. LONDON, Printed by A. M. 1636. THE PREFACE TO the READER. Gentlemen and others (of what Sex, Estate, Condition, Calling, Degree, Quality, Art, Mystery, Craft, Trade, Science, Function, or Occupation soever) Greeting and friendly Salutations. First, I most humbly and thankfully remember my thanks to all such as have formerly taken my Labours in such good part, as I have felt their liking in their loving Bounty. Secondly, I do express my Gratitude to as many as have accepted my Books at my hands, although some of them have not, and many of them could not Requite me. And thirdly, I do request as many as do receive this small Pamphlet to take into their Consideration, that I do expect they shall pay me for it. I am sure there hath been within these 30. years more than 200. Impressions of Books in my Name; For though I have ●…ot written above 80. yet some of them hath been ●…rinted 10. or 12. times over, 1500. or 20●…0. eve●…y time. Amongst which number of Pamphlets, I ●…m sure, that (first and last) I have given free●…y for nothing (never expecting any thing but ●…hankes) above 30000. Books, (besides those ●…hat I have been Rewarded for:) But so it is ●…ow (my good Friends) that Age, and some Charge ●…rging me to make trial of your Loves, only for ●…his one small Toy or Trifle; And though it may ●…eeme a Trifle to you, it was a Travel to me in the ●…ollecting and Writing: All which, with my ●…elfe, I leave to be considered upon your receiving ●…f the Second Part, which I am at as busy as a Bee; always Remaining yours Here and There Or Any Where JOHN TAYLOR. TAILOR'S TRAVELS through more than thirty times twelve Signs. AS the Sun, in his Celestial Pro gross, doth with perpetual motion pass through the twelv●… Signs of the Zodiac, and every year doth begirt the large Cir cumference of his Heavenly Sphere; yet it i●… to be noted, that twelve Signs only, and n●… more but twelve, are each one in his monthly course, the places of his Perambulation, an●… circular Travel. And as a Zany or Counterfeit, will (fo●… sports sake) in a pleasant way, imitate an Activ●… Nimble Tumbler in his feats of Activity So I, in Imitation of the Sun, have in on●… Month progressed through London, Westminster, with the Suburbs, and the Burrow of Southwark; not as the Sun doth through twelve, but near thirty times twelve Signs. I have found Aries and Taurus in Rams and Ramshead, Bulls, and Bulheads; for Gemini I have made shift with the Sign of Adam and Ev●… in Tothill-street at Westminster, with all other double Signs, as Rose and Crown, Castle and Mitre, the Man in the Moon, the Crosskeys, or any such signs wherein two several things are depicted, they serve me in my Course for Gemini. Cancer (or the Crab) was hardest for me to find out; nor did I much search for it; for in my Horizon it appeared not, except in the crabbed frown of a woman's face, or in the Rump or later end of a dear Reckoning. For Leo, I have found more than a Den of Lions, Or, Argent, and Gules, Alias, Golden, Whi●…e e●…nd Red. Virgo, or the Maidenhead Sign, was hard, or scarce to be found near a Taverne-Bush; but at last, Bush-lane afforded me one, which is as the Phoenix of Arabia, alone, there being no more of that sign within the Hemisphere of the City. Libra was generally metamophosed in every Tavern, from weights to measures, except at the Bar, where Gold was weighed to a grain; it is said that Astrea, or justice, fled from the Earth, and was turned into the equal, or Septembers Equinoctial Sign of Libra. The Sign Scorpio (or the Serpent) I conjecture to be transformed into green Dragons; which Sign I have often passed through in my peregrination. For Sagitarius, I was forced to make use of the sign of the Archer, near Finsbury-fields, or Grubstreet end. Capricornus, is said to be a Sign in the Heavenly Firmament, containing twenty stars; but if the Goat in West-smithfield had not furnished me, I had been quite destitute of entertainment at Capricorn. The Sign of the Fountain was my flowing (and sometimes overflowing) Aquarius. In stead of Pisces, I was glad to make my journey to the Dolphin and Mermaids. Thus having declared my painful passage through twelve sorts of Signs, I proceed further to speak of some other Signs. A Catalogue of such Signs, as the Author hath passed by and through. I have passed by and through Vrsa Major, at the Bridge-foot in Southwark, and I have visited Vrsa Minor, in more places than one; I have found the Dog-days in the depth of Winter, both at Westminster, and elsewhere. I have been in conjunction near the Dragon's tail. I have played the Man in the Moon; I have passed through a Baker's dozen of Suns, besides the seven Stars, for my further perambulation, through and by Angels, Kings and Queen's Heads, Crowns, Ankers, Antelops, Cities, Bells, Castles, Boars, Crosses, Crosskeys, Cats and Cardinals, Hats, Eagles, Fleeces, Falcons, Chequers, Hoops, Cranes, Christopher and Dunston, Globes, Griphons', Saint john, George and Gartar, Field-gate, Turnstile, and Flowerdelice, Harts, Horns, Harrows, and Horse-shoes, Katherine Wheel, Grasshopper, Lamb, Kings, Queens, and Princes Arms, Saint Martin, Mouth and Mitre, Pauls-head, Bishops-head, Nags-heads, Pie, Pelican, Blow and Peacock, A Navy of Ships, A Brood of Swans, sweet Roses, kind Salutations, Tractable Tuns, An honest Shepherd, A Windmill, good Wrestlers, a fair Vineyard, A plentiful Vintage, and three Taverns only with Bushes without a Thief. All which, you that have leisure may find, and when you have found, you may read at your pleasure. Furthermore, it is to be noted, that as in the Firmament there are not so many fixed, as wand'ring stars: And oftentimes the most part (or all of them) are darkened and involved round with Clouds, Vapours, Mists, and Fogs; so that they are obscured from our sight. So in this lower Circle of my passage, I have found Suns, Moons and Stars, in their bright and shining lustre (as it were to day) but upon the sudden some of my Suns have been eclipsed, with a Cloud of Debts; bad Customers (or small Custom) hath brought some of my Moons from the full, to an unrecoverable Wane; too much belief in bad Paymasters hath obscured, now and then a star; and many other of my lesser stars have been too often shipwrecked, with running on a Rock of Chaulk, or too much scoring. Amongst all these Changes and Mutabilities, I would have the Reader to note, that all those Signs which are in this following Book nominated, were at the writing hereof in Preterpluperfect being, shining and adorning our Terrestrial Hemisphere with most hopeful, resplendent, refulgent, and translucent Luster. But if any planetary Influence hath with malevolent aspect, cast a fog of Obscurity, or perpetual Extinction upon any of my Signs, let no man blame me (the Author) for I plead not guilty, either to the Retrogradation, or Declination of any of them; for I have, and do love all the worthy Company of Vintoners; that I desire they may ever be like the latter end of a Scrivener's Bond (In full Force and Virtue.) The antiquity of Wine is recorded memorably by sacred & profane Historians, and vines have been planted, and vineyards allowed here in England by the Permission of the Emperor Probus, at such time as the Romans had the Government here. And there was a Record (and I think is yet) in Windsor Castle, of an yearly account of the Charges for the planting Vines in the little Park there; and of the making of Wines in many places of this Land; and that Grapes grew so plenteously, that some of the Wines served for the King's household, the rest were sold for the King's profit: And that the Tithe of those Vines and Wines were paid to the Abbot of Walthamstow, who was then Parson of Old and New Windsor: And in the reign of King john, Wine was so plenty, that it was sold for twenty Shillings the Tun, which is but one penny the Gallon: And it was so cheap in the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, that (much of it being ●…rought out of France) it was given to the Mar●…iners (for their freight) that brought it. We are commonly entertained with Wine ●…t Christen, Weddings, and Burials, so that Wine ushers us into the world, and kindly accompanies us all our life, & after death brings ●…s to our graves. Thousands of people do live ●…y it, as the Planters of Vines, the Keepers of Vineyards, Wine-Merchants, Vintoners, M●…iners, Cooper's, Lighter-men, Wharfenge●… Shipwrights, Carpenters, Goldsmiths, Pe●… terers, & Carmen: Besides, the great charge 〈◊〉 Cranedge and Cellarage; And which is not 〈◊〉 be forgotten, Customs and Imposts. Thus much shall suffife to speak of Wine●… Now for the Honour of Vintoners, I find the●… have been many worthy and Honourable me●… of them; for in Anno, 1271, the fifty six year of the Reign of King Henry the third, on john Adrian, Vintoner, was Lord Maior o●… London. In the eighth year of King Edwa●… the third's Reign, 1334, one Reignold at th●… Conduit was Lord Maior: In the fifteen●… year of the same King, one john of Oxfor●… was Lord Maior. In the one and thirty year of Edward the third, 1356, Sir Henry Picar●… Vintoner, was Lord Maior; who for a perp●… tuall Honourable Memory of this City's wo●…●…hinesse; and for a Brooch, Jewel, or famo●… Ornament to the Right Worshipful Comp●… of Vintoners, the said Sir Henry Picard di●… feast four Kings in one day with most sum●… tuous Magnificence, namely, Edward the thir●… ●…ing of England, john, King of France, David, ●…ing of Scotland, and William, King of Cypress, ●…ith Edward the Black Prince of Wales, the ●…aulphin of France, with many other Princes, ●…ukes and Peers, as may be read in Stowes●…d ●…d Howes Chronicle, and in the Survey of ●…ondon. In the year 1558, Sir john Stody, ●…intoner, was Lord Mayor of London. In the ●…are 1395, the nineteenth year of King Ri●…ard the second, Sir William Moor, Vintoner, ●…as likewise in that Honourable Office. In the ●…neteenth year of the Reign of King Henry 〈◊〉 eight, 1527, Sir james Spencer, Vintoner, ●…as Lord Mayor of London. And in the year ●…94, in the five and thirty year of the Reign Queen Elizabeth, Sir Cuthbert Buckle, Vin●…ner, did Nobly serve in that Honourable Of●…ce of London's Mayoralty. Besides, I find that 〈◊〉 the seventeenth year of Queen Elizabeth, ●…laster Henry Prannell, Vi●…toner, was one of 〈◊〉 Sheriffs of London. As concerning Pious and Charitable works ●…ne by this famous Company, and by their ●…ives, or Widows, he that list's to read the ●…rvay of London, shall find the memorable Records of (not only those before named) b●… of Master Stephen Skidmore, Master Richa●… jacob, Mistress Sibbella jacob, with many other which for brevity's sake, I omit. And thus I dedicate myself and this m●… Labour to that Right Worthy, and Ampl●… Company, requesting them, and as many 〈◊〉 loves them, to take nothing in ill part, becau●… I know there was not any thing ill meant. An●… now I proceed to my Alphabetical and Ep●… grammatical Peregrination. A Angel in Long Acre. Angel in Shoreditch. Angel at the Tower Gate. Angel near the Gatehouse at Westminster. Epigram. Celestial sure these Angels are not yet, Nor fiends infernal from the hellish Pit: Though Sinners made them, they are clean from Sin; Yet are they hanged, to show good Wine's within. Anchor in West Smithfield. Anchor in East Smithfield. Anchor and Ship in the Minories. ●…ker in St. Olaves, at Bermondsey street end. Epigram. Some men have found these Ankers very able, To More them safe and fast without a Cable: A man may Load himself, and Sleep, and Ride, Free from Storms, Tempests, Pirates, Wind and Tide. Adam and Eve at Westminster in Tuthill street. Epigram. Our Parents first (as I think) ne'er drank Wine, And yet for Wine their Figures are a Sign: As they forbidden were the Fruit to taste, So we forbidden are, good Wine to waste. Antelope in West Smithfield. Epigram. The Antelop's a rare Beast, seldom seen, Nor hath it often in our Kingdom been: A foreign Beast, a Sign, shows foreign Wine For you, or me, or any Friends of mine. Andrew's Cross in Fetter lane near Holborn. Epigram. Saint Andrew's Argent Cross in th'Azure field Is ancient, and a noble Christian shield: there's French and Spanish, to cheer heart and brain, From the most Christian Cath'like, France and Spain. Antwerp behind the Royal Exchange Epigram. Antwerp, is Englished, Throw thy hand Away, Rather than God, or King, to disobey: At Antwerp Tavern meet shake hands, be merry, there's Claret, White, Canary, and good Sherry. Archer near Finsbery Fields, or Grubstreet end. Epigram. This Sign doth show the worthiest exercise Is Shooting, and it shows unto our eyes, When Archers in the field have won the Upshot, They may come to this Archer and be Cupshot. B. Bishops-head in Chancery Lane. Bell within Temple Barr. Bell without Bishopsgate Bell in Saint Nicholas Lane, through into Canning street. Bell at Saint Thomas in Southwark Bell at Westminster in King's street. Bell in Distar Lane Bell in Newgate Market Bell Savage Bell in the Strand. Epigram. These Bells are never told with Rope in Steeple, Yet there's odd jangling, amongst odd kind of people, And the●… 9 B●…at once are daily Rung With 2. strange Clappers, Pewter and the Tongue. Bull head in Towerstreet Bull head in East-smithfield Bull head in Cheapside Bull head in the Borough of Southwark Bull head without Bishopsgate. Epigram. These Bull Heads ne'er had Bodies I am sure, 'Tis strange Heads without Bodies should endure: Yet 'tis not strange; for though the Sign be dead, The Cellars foot below, holds up the Head. Bull-blacke in the Palace at Westminster Bull-blacke in the Burrow of Southwark Bull-red in Thames street near Coleharbour Bull-red in Saint john's street. Epigram. These Bulls were never Calves, nor came of Kine, Yet at all seasons they do yield good Wine, But those that suck these Bulls more than they ought, Are Walthams' Calves, much better fed than taught. Bear in the Palace at Westminster Bear and Dolphin in Tower street Bear near Fleetbridge Bear at the Bridgefoote in the Borough of Southwark. Epigram. No Ravenous, Savage, Cruel Bears are these, But Gentle, Mild, Delighting still to please: And yet they have a Trick to By't all such As Madly use their Company too much. Boar's head in West-Smithfield Boars head behind the Exchange Boars head in Eastcheap Boars head at Cripplegate Boars head in Old Fish-street. Epigram. He that will lay a wager sure shall win, These Boar's Heads shows that Hogsheads are within He that doth doubt let him the Cellar try, And 'tis much marvel if he come up dry, C. Crown in West-Smithfield. Epigram. Within this Crown hath many Crwnes been spent, Good Wine, Attendance good, and good Content: There's Liquor of the best, from France and Spain, Which makes this Crown full weight above a Grain. Castle without Newgate Castle in Paternoster Row Castle in Cornhill Castle near Paul's Chain Castle behind Saint Clements near the Strand Castle in Fleetstreet Castle in Bredstreet Castle in Woodstreet Castle in White Chapple. Epigram. 'tis oftentimes no Hazard or Adventure, These Peaceful C●…les q●…tly to Enter: They are not built for Defence, or Offence, Yet all the Manhood is, in Going thence. Cross White in Whitecrosse street Cross Red in Redcrosse street Cross Tavern near Charing Crosse. Epigram. When men are overpressed with Cares and Losses, They may find speedy Comfort in these Crosses: But such as bear no Crosses thither, then Small Reason, 'tis, they should be welcome men. Cross Keys in Bedford Berry, alias, Covent Garden Cross Keys in the Strand, near York, or Buckingham house Cross Keys in Holborn. Epigram. These Keys were never made to open Locks, Yet they may be the means to open the Stocks: For he that drinks, swears, roars, fights, spews and reels Hang such a Rascal, lay him by the heels. Cat in Long Lane. Epigram. Who scratcheth worst the Broker, or the Cat, Good honest Reader, prithee tell me that: The Broker scratches till a man be stripped, For nothing every day the Cat is whipped. Cardinal's Hat without Newgate Cardinals Hat in Cornhill. Epigram. The Cardinals hurt least, being far away, And sure their Hats will do less hurt than they: We are much better pleased, with the bare Sign, Then with the Hat, or Cardinal; There's good Wine Chequer in White Chapel Chequer in the Strand. Epigram. The Chequer square, doth many squares contain, And good square dealing there doth still remain; Provided that you to the Chequer bring Th'Exchequer Coin, the stamp of Queen or King. The Christopher at Clerkenwell, at Turnbull street end. Epigram. I Read that Christopher once used the Trade, A mighty dangerous River o'er to wade: And having left the Water, 'tis thought meet To set him up for Wine in Turnbull street. The Cooper's hoop in Leadenhal street near Limestreet. Epigram. Good Wine doth need no Bush, the Proverb says, And I have known that house three thousand days stoop. Without a Sign or Bush; only a Hoop Shows there's good Wine will make a strong man The Crane at Hoxton in the Parish of St leonard's Shoreditch. 3 Cranes in the Vintage 3 Cranes in the Poultry 3 Cranes in the Strand near the Savoy Gate 3 Cranes in the Old Bayly 3 Cr nes in Chancery Lane 3 Cranes in Saint Olaves street 3 Cranes in the Borough of Southwark. Epigram. The Cranes heaved Wine (from Water) to the Cart, The Ca●… to th●…ie Cranes, these Cranes to the Quart, And other Measures, Thus is Wine divided, And the divisions good, if not Misguided. 3 Cups in Holborn. D. The Green Dragon in Chepeside Dragon in Paul's Churchyard. Dragon in White Chapel Dragon on St lambert's hill, and in Thames street, Dragon and Mermaid in Thames street, at the foot of Paul's hill Dragon in Southwark, near Saint Giorge's Church Dragon in Drury Lane Dragon in White Friars. Epigram. These Dragons only bite and sting all such As do immod'ratly haunt them too much: But those that use them well, from them shall find joy to the Heart, and comfort to the Mind. Dog at Westminster Dog in Drury Lane Dog at Creed Lane end, near Ludgate Dog within Newgate Dog in Chancery Lane. Epigram. These Dogs are very Tame, and free from Spite. And yet sometimes they dare their Masters bite: Exceeding Gentle, being not abused, They bite when they are over-roughly used. Dolphin in Thames street near Dowgate Dolphin in Oldfish street. Epigram. By Nature (as some famous Writers tell) The Dolphin doth love Man and Music well: And at these Dolphin's men may at their pleasure, Have Wine and Music, both in Time and Measure. St. Dunstane. Epigram. The Devil with Roarers in the house may Roar, The whilst good Dunston guards & keeps the door; But sure Apollo did with Bacchus join, That there's kind Entertainment and good Wine. E. Spread Eagle in Gray's Inn Lane Eagle in Cow Lane. Epigram. The Eagles eye upon the Sun dares stare, If other Birds do so, they blinded are: And men unto those Eagles Nests may come Clear sighted, yet want sight ere they get home. F. Fountain in Fleetstreet Fountain in East-Smithfield Fountain in Fanchurchstreet Fountain in the Old Bayly Fountain in the Strand near the Savoy Fountain in Saint Anne's Lane veer Aldersgate. Epigram. These Fountains are not Proud, like many a knave, That brags of goodness, yet no Goodness have: The Fountains promise Water, yet afford Good Wine, and so are better than their Word. Fleece in Bedford-Berry, Alias, the Covent Garden Fleece in Little Britain Fleece in Cornhill, near Birchin Lane end. Epigram. In peace a Man may piecemeal venture Pieces, Spend Time and Coin, yet never win those Fleeces: But those that do attempt with Moderation, Shall find the Hazard but a Recreation. Falcon on the Bank side Fanlcon in Rosemary Lane. Epigram. These Falcons to the Lure did never stoop, Nor do they Move, Mute, cast their Gorge, or Droop: Nor ever Mounted to the Sky (past Ken) Yet all their Game is still to pleasure M●…n. Fortune in Drury Lane Fortune in Golding Lane. Epigram. These Fortunes, are themselves nor good, or Ill, Nor (like Dame Fortune) are they Changing still: Yet do they make some Glad, some Sad, some Mad, And are as they are used, Good or Bad. The Flower De Lices in Finch Lane near Cornhill. Epigram. French Flowers doth show there's good French Wine to sell Which he that tries will find, and like it well: But if perchance your palate do disgust it, there's high and mighty Sack, if you dare trust it. The Golden Field-Gate, at the upper end of Holborn. Epigram. All is not Gold that glisters here I say: This Gold Gate hath no Latch, Bolt, Locke, or Kay: Yet at all lawful hours (for lawful Gain) 'tis open, honest Guests to entertain. G. Globe in Fleetstreet Globe in Shoreditch Globe in King street at Westminster. Globe in the Woolstaple at Westminster. The Globe in Thridneedle street Globe in little Eastcheap Globe near Holborn Bars. Criphon in White Chapel. Epigram. As the Celestial Globe is various Mixed With Stars, some more, some Retrograde, some fix●… So in these lesser Globes, men are still Changing, Drunk, Sober, Mad, Sad, Merry, Reeling, Ranging, George in Turnbull street George in St john's street George in Fleet Lane George within Aldgate George in White Friar's Epigram. George is on Horseback Riding Day and Night, And with the Dragon in perpetual fight: Which shows that we should watch against fleshly evil, To ride the World, and Combat with the Devil. Greyhound without Creeplegate Greyhound in Bowlane Greyhound in the Black Friar's Greyhound in Fleetstreet Greyhound in Knightrider street. Greyhound in Southwark, or the upper Ground. Epigram. These Greyhounds ne'er hunt Buck, nor course a Hare Instead of hunting, they still hunted are: And those that hunt them many times are bit, Lamed in the Legs, and Creepled in their Wit.. Goat in Smithfield. Epigram, When sickness doth man of his health deprive, Goat's Milk is wholesome and preservative: And sure this Gore such Liquor doth contain, As can both Glad and Mad, Man's heart and brain. The Garter in Long Acre. Epigram. The Honourable Garter first did Spring From Famous Edward, England's Warlike King: He beat the French, and to requite his pain, French Wine hath ever since beat us again. The Grasshopper in Threedneedle street, near Finch Lane end. Epigram. This Grasshopper is not a skipping Vermin, Whose Glory with the Summer doth extermine: Nor Heat or Cold can change his hue or shape, 'twill live upon the Liquor of the Grape. H. The White Hart near Charing Crosse. Hart in Shoreditch Hart in White Chapel Hart in Smithfield Hart in the Strand Hart in Tothill street at Westminster Hart at Hoxton in St Leonard Shoreditch Parish Hart at Drury Lane end near Holborn Hart without Bishopsgate. Epigram. Although these Hearts do never run away. They'll tyre a Man to hunt them every day: The Game and Chase is good for Recreation, But dangerous to make't an occupation The White Horse in Lombard street Horse in Old Fish street Horse Flying in Woodstreet. Epigram. Quite contrary to other Horses, these Feed not on Grass, Hay, O●…tes, Bread, Beanes, or Pease: The cost is small, their Provender to buy, For all the Charges in the Drink doth lie. The Harrow in Charterhouse Lane Harrow in Gracious street Harrow in Little Woodstreet Epigram. 'Tis not a common use (as most men know) That men should go to Harrow ere they sow: Yet here it is in fashion every day To Harrow first, and Sow when they do pay. The Horshoe in Drury Lane Epigram. He were a cunning man that could declare, Whether this Shoe would best fit Horse or Mare: Those that will know, they may go study there, And catch a Fox, and so be ne'er the near. The Hoop in Thame street, near Saint Magnus' Church Epigram. Here are not taught, Tricks, Sleights or active Feats, No Legerd ' main, or Inggling sharking Cheats: Drink moderate when thy Pensive mind doth droop, Or quickly learn to Tumble in the Hoop. The Heart's Horns and Mitre at the end of Carterlane, near Blackfriars The Horn in Fleetstreet Epigram. He that will whet his wit when it is dull, Drink, for these Cornu copeia's still are full: But if you whet away the Steel, take heed, It will the Megrim and the Staggers breed. I. Saint john's of jerusalem at Clerkenwell Epigram. Knights of Saint john, Knights, Templars, Knights of Rhodes, And Malta's Knights (there now is their Abodes) And at this Place a House was built for them, Then called Saint john's House of jerusalem. The Saint john's Head in Chancery lane john's Head at Milks●… end john's Head near Ludgate. Epigram. He that in all his life ne'er cared for Wine, For Wine his memory is made a Sign: Where such as to the Wine their lives do wed, May lose their wit, although they keep their head. K. The King's head in Shoreditch Kings head in Saint john street King's head in Rosemary lane, or King of Sweden Kings head in King street, at Westminster Kings head near Leaden hall King's head within Bishopsgate Kings head without Bishopsgate, near the spital King's head at the end of Canning street, or Walbrooke Kings head in Saint Clement's lane near Lumbardstreet Kings head in Pudding lane King's head in new Fish-street Kings head in old Fish-street Kings head on Tower hill, or near East-Smithfield. King's head in Drury Lane. King of Swedens' Head without Bishopsgate Kings head in the Strand King's head in the Black Friar's Kings head in Fleetstreet, at Chancery Lane end. King's head at Horsey Down King's head in Holborn Kings head near All-hallows in Thamestreet Kings head at the West end of the Covent Garden, or Bedford berry. Epigram. These Painted Signs unto my view doth bring The Royal figure of a Mighty King: The fight whereef, should men to Temperance win, To come as sober out as they went in. The Katherine Wheel at Saint Katherine's Katherine Wheel in Tothill street, at Westminster Epigram. It is a Custom (ere since the beginning) Women (not Men) should use the art of Spinning: But Spinning is not practised with this Wheel, Yet (in short space) 'twill teach a man to Reel: The King's Arms in Saint Martin's lane, or martin's in the Fields Kings Arms in Cateaten street at Jronmonger lane end King's Arms at Milford lane end, near Saint Clements, Strand Kings Arms in the Burrow of Southwark Kings Arms in Holborn Kings Arms in Thridneedle street, near Broadstreet Kings Arms in Saint Martin's Epigram. To the King's Arms, bring the King's Arms I pray, For the King's Arms must all the Reckoning pay: Without the King's Arms, not the King's Arms haunt, he's quite disarmed that doth the King's Arms want. L. The Golden Lion near York-house or Buckingham-house Lion in Lincoln's Fields near the Cockpit Lion at Westminster in King street Lion in Fetter Lane Lion in the Strand Lion in Silver street, near Woodstreet The White Lion at the end of Tower street, near to the Hill Lion in the Crottchet Friar's Lion in Canning street Lion in Chancery Lane Lion at the Mill-bank at Westminster The Red Lion in Shoreditch Lion at Billingsgate Lion in Grass street, or Gracious street Lion near Saint George's Church in Southwark Lion at Saint Olaves Watergate in Southwark. Epigram. These Lions are exceeding mild and tame, Yet oft (in jest) they'll claw a man stark lame: Play with them temperately, or look to find, A Lion in the end will show his kind, The Lamb in Drury Lane Epigram. A harmless Sign of a most fruitful Creature, Yet contrary to Sheep and Lambs by nature: They yield us clothes to wear, and meat to live, And nothing else but drink, this Lamb doth give. M. The half Moon in White Chapel Moon in the Minories Moon in Saint Katherine's Moon in Aldersgate street Moon in the Strand The Man in the Moon in King street, at Westminster Man in the Moon in Che●…pe-side Epigram. Though these are but half Moons, yet to all such They are full Moons, that dare to drink too much: The Moon is ever changing day and night, And he's a Man that stands i'th' Moon upright. The Mouth at Bishopsgate Mouth within Aldersgate. Epigram. These Mouths do (like two Monsters) live on Men, They swallow them, and put them out again: They gape, yet bite not; if they bite, I'm sure They rankle not, myself have tried the cure. The Saint Martin near Charingcross. Epigram. If it be true, some ancient Writers spoke, That Martin to a Beggar gave his Cloak: Those that have Cloaks, let them this Tavern find, And there they and their Cloaks may well be lined. Mermaid in Shoe-lane Mermaid at Billingsgate Mermaid in Cornhill Mermaid in Cheapside Mermaid in Breadstreet Mermaid near Charingcross Mermaid in the Burrow of Southwark Mermaid in Watling street near Bowlane Mermaid in Pater-noster-Row Mermaid at Aldersgate Epigram. This Maid is strange (in shape) to Man's appearing, she's neither Fish, or Flesh, nor good Red-hearing: What is she then? a Sign to represent Fish, Flesh, good Wine, with welcome and content. The Mitre in Saint Stevens Alley at Westminster Mitre near Aldgate Mitre in Loathbury at the end of Bartholmew-lane Mitre in Fenchurch street Mitre at the lower end of Cheapside Mitre in Breadstreet Mitre in Woodstreet Mitre in the Strand, near to Denmark house Mitre and Castle in Fleetstreet Mitre in Saint john street Epigram. These Mitres have no Privilege from Rome, Nor are all Catholics that to them come: No man's Religion here is called in question, Here's Wine to glad the mind, and breed digestion. The Maidenhead in Thames street, or Bush-lane Maidenhead and George in the upper ground in Surrey Maidenhead at Saint Giles in the fields Epigram. Virginity's a Virtue, much Renowned, A Maidenhead once lost, can ne'er be found: But yet these Maidenheads (with little cost) May be both lost and found, and found and lost. N. Nag's head at Clerkenwell Nags head in Saint john's street Nags head at Westminster Nags head at the corner, against Leaden-hall Nag's head in Thames street near the Customhouse Nag's head in Cheap side Nag's head near Bassing hall Nag's head without Temple Bar. Epigram. These headstrong heads all weathers will endure, And where you leave them, you may find them sure: They never kick or fling, yet with a trick They oft make sick men well, and sound men sick. P. The Prince's Arms at Hoxton Princes Arms at Paul's Chain Prince's Arms at Saint Martin's lane Princes Arms near the Church at Westminster Princes Arms near the Bouling Alley at Westminster Princes Arms over against Denmark-house Princes Arms in Holborn Princes Arms in West-Smithfield Epigram. Oft in the Field these Royal Plumes have waved When England's Foes have been both banged & braved: In memory whereof, we ever since Drink Healths toth' Cambrian, or Great Britain's Prince. The Pope's head near Smithfield Pens Pope's head in Moore●…elds Pope's head in Cornhill Pope's head in Chancery lane Epigram. These Pope's heads are no Authors of Debate, Nor Schilmaricks, or ●…oublers of the State: Yet there's good Claret, and Sack Catholic Will make a Mad man Tame, a Tame man strike. The Pie at Aldgate Epigram. This Pie is dumb, yet oft she makes folks chatter Much, to small purpose, quite besides the matter: But temperate men excuse the harmless Pie, The fault is theirs that drink intemperately. The Peacock in Thames street near the old Swan Peacock without Temple Bar Epigram. Though Argus eyes be in the Peacock's tail, A man may drink there till his eyesight fail: But if a man a good Decorum keep, he'll see the clearer, and more sound sleep. The Plough without Aldersgate Epigram. There's many goes to Plough, and do not know Where Corn (upon the ground, or trees) do grow: Beware therefore, and look before thou leap, And Plough and sow no faster than thou Reap. Paul's head at Paul's Chain Epigram. Paul's head an ancient Tavern, in request, Well Customed, loving to each honest Guest: But yet they care not for such Guests at all, As rob and rifle Peter to pay Panl. The Phoenix in Long Acre Epigram. The rare Arabian Bird, expires in fire: Reviving, she's both Young, and Dam, and Sire: Then as the Phoenix is by fire refined, So let the Phoenix liquor clear thy mind. The Pelican in Drury Lane Q. The Queen's head in West-smithfield Queeenes' head in East-smithfield Queen's head again in East-smithfield Queen's head in Queen street Queen's head in the Strand Queen's head in Bishopsgate street Queen's head in Thames street near the Customhouse Queen Elinor's head at Queen hithe Queen's head in Pater-noster-row Queen's head near Holborn Conduit Queen's head in Red-crossstreet Epigram. These Queen's heads like the King's heads are, I see Both are one Sex, both Wood, both Painting be: There is but little difference in the Signs, And sure there is small odds amongst their Wines. The Queen's Arms in the Burrow of Southwark Queen's Arms at the end of Saint Nicholas Shambles Epigram. The Queen's Arms and her Armies were renowned, Eliza's Fame did fill the world's wide Round: Through all her reign, France loved us, Spain did fear us And at her Arms are both their Wines to cheer us. R. The Rose at Fleet-bridge Rose in the Covent Garden, or Bedfordberry Rose in Saint Peter's street at Westminster Rose against Barking Church, at the end of Tower street Rose at the Counter gate in the Poultry Rose in Newgate Market Rose in Shoreditch Rose at Temple Bar Rose in Thames street, near the Tower dock Rose at the upper end of Holborn Epigram. He were a man of Art that had the skill Rose water from these Roses to distil: I know there's good Rose Wine, but for Rose Water I oft have stilled, and still find no such matter. The Ram in Fleetstreet, at Ram Alley end Ram's head in Saint Olaves in Southwark Epigram. At Ram or Ram's head (be it known to all) Are Wines Predominant and Capital, To set a Horse man quite beside the Saddle, And make a ●…ootman's Pericranion Addle. The Sun in Shoreditch Sun in Whitechapel Sun in the Minories Sun in Old Fish-street Sun in Shear lane Sun at Westminster Sun near Mooregate Sun near Cripplegate Sun in Aldersgate street Sun in New Fish-street Sun in Old street Sun in the Strand Sun in Holborn Epigram. The Grape is ripened with bright Phoebus Shine, Which shows that at the Sun there is good wine: Beware of being Sun-burned ere thou go, Drink civilly, make not thy friend thy Foe. Star in the Minories Star at Chick lane end Star at Saint Katherine's Star in Fenchurch street Star in Little Eastcheap Star in Cheapside Star in Coleman street The 7 Stars by Smithfield Bars Epigram. He that by these eight Stars can Calculate, judge of Nativities, and descant Fate: Yet are their Influences good and bad, Some gain wit by them, some lose that they had. The Ship in White-cross street Ship at the Postern gate near the Tower Ship at Saint Katherine's Ship at Bermondsey house, or the Arms of Bristol Ship in the Duke's place near London Wall Ship near Saint Mary Axe Ship behind the Exchange Ship in Long Alley, near Moor Fields Ship in Bishopsgate street Ship in Fenchurch street Ship near Little Eastcheap at Rood lane end Ship in Thames street, at Trinity lane end Ship behind Old Fish-street Ship in the Old Bailie Ship in the Strand Ship on the Bankside Epigram. Here is a Fleet of Ships, ne'er crossed the Main, To bring Commodities from France or Spain: They ne'er feared Tempest, Pirate, Rock, or Wrack, Yet are well fraight with French wine and good Sack. The Swan in White-cross street Swan in New Fish-street Swan at Westminster Swan at Dowgate Swan in Knightrider street Swan in Old Fish-street Swan in the Strand Swan at Saint Giles in the Fields Swan in Holborn Epigram: These are strange Swans that neither swim or sink, And all their maintenance is only drink: And I in lofty Verse his praise will sing, That can but pluck a Feather from their wing. The Shepherd in East-smithfield The Salutation in Tower street Salutation near Billingsgate Salutation near Mooregate, or London Wa●…l Salutation in the Strand Salutation in Montague Close, in Southwark Salutation in Holborn Epigram. When men do meet, and courteously Salute, They at the Salutation may dispute: Some for their profit, some for their love or pleasure, Whilst all their wine is in and out of Measure. T. The 3 Tuns at Guild Hall gate 3 Tuns in Newgate Market 3 Tuns in Grass-street, or Gracious street 3 Tuns near Charingcross 3 Tuns in ●…eetstreet 3 Tuns in Paul's Churchyard 3 Tuns in Smithfield 3 Tuns in Petticoat Lane 3 Tuns at the Tower Hill 3 Tuns at Westminster 3 Tuns at Saint Mary Hill, near Billingsgate 3 Tuns at Garlic hithe 3 Tuns in the Burrow of Southwark 3 Tuns at the lower end of Great Woodstreet 3 Tuns near Holborn Bridge 3 Tuns on the Bankside The Tun near the Banke-end in Southwark The Tun in Thames street, against the Customhouse Epigram. These Tuns proclaim there's Tuns of Wine below, Go in and welcome, try, and you shall know: There shall you see a plenteous Spring that runs From Pipes, Butts, Hogsheads, from the liberal Tuns. Turnstile in Holborn Epigram. A Turnstile is a Bar to keep out Beast●…, Which oft times hath more reason than the Guests: When Wine makes men the Rules of Reason pass, They're far inferior to Ox, Horse, or Ass. A Tavern with a Bush and no Sign, under the new Burse Tavern with a Bush and no Sign, in Milford lane Two Taverns in the Tower of London Epigram. Where no Sign is, 'tis no ill Sign to me, Where no Sign is, 'tis no good Sign to see: But though the Signs are neither good nor bad, There's Win●…, Good, Bad, Indifferent, to be had. V. The Vineyard in Queen's street Vintage near the 3 Grains in the Vintrey Epigram. The Vineyard doth the iu●…ods Grapes produce, The Vintage Presseth, and makes Wine their juice: If these yield no good Wine, I must say still, The Vineyard's Barren, and the Vintage iii. Venice, the Sign near Saint Clements without Temple-bar Epigram. The City Venice (Strong and Opulent) Famed from the Orient, to the Occident: And sure the Sign of such a Noble City Affords good Wine, or else the more's the pity. W. The two Wrestlers in Lincoln's Inn Fields Epigram. Wrestling is held a Manly exercise, A Game Olympic, both for Praise and Prize: But he that is most Skilful, Strong or Tall, And Wraftles with the Wine, shall surely Fall. The White Horse in Nicholas Shambles The Windemill in Loathbury Epigram. No Meal-mouthed Miller keeps this Mill I know, And let the wind blow either high or low, he's kindly taking Toll, and at his Mill Is Wine exceeding good, and Welcome still. Besides these Taverns before mentioned, there are four Houses in London that do sell Rhennish Wine, inhabited only by Dutchmen; namely, THe Stilliyard. The Swan in Thames street The Swan in Crooked lane The Sun at Saint Mary Hill Epigram. Here's the bright Crystal rincing Rhennish Drink, The salt dried Neats-tongue, and Westphalia skink: The Pickled Herring, and th' Anchovea rare: And (if you please) Potarbo, or Caviar. They deal in Deale wine, and their deal's Just; And though their Faith be good, they seldom Trust. THus (Gentle Reader) I have ran a Course That would have tired (per haps have killed) a Horse: For if the winged Pegasus (like Me) Had watered been, h'had had no eyes to see: Or if Bucephalus had trotted so, He had been lamed and foundered long ago. Yet is my Task not done, for I must Play A Second Part before I have my Pay: Which Second Part shall to your view declare The Taverns in ten Shires, and where they are; Within what County, in what Town, what Sign, Or else (if not what Sign) who sells the Wine. The Cou●…ties are, Brave Berkshire, Hampshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Hartford, Middlesex, and Sussex; With Buckingham and Oxford; these are they Which in my Second Part I must display. FINIS.