A PEARL FOR A PRINCE, OR A PRINCELY PEARL. As it was delivered in two SERMONS, By JOHN TRASKE. MATT. 7.6. Give not that which is holy unto the Dogs, neither cast ye your Pearls before Swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. 1. COR. 1.25. The foolishness of God is wiser than Men: and the weakness of God is stronger than Men. LONDON, Printed by William Stansby for Matthew Lownes. 1615. To all that desire the sincere Milk of the WORD, Grace and Peace be multiplied. I Have sent you here a Princely Pearl, as a help to supply your many wants: the price is very small, the commodity may prove exceeding great: to those that purchasing, pray: having prayed, read; and having read, receive: that which the word approves. I desire no more, the word requires 〈◊〉 less. But in reading this, or any other such: beware no conceit of the man prevail more, than the truth of the matter: lest thou make Man a God, and God an Idol: but be sure thou search the Scriptures diligently, whether these things be so, for the neglect of this is the cause of many fearful errors, and of much gross ignorance. Wherefore having once read it over, at the second reading, try every Scripture whether they be pertinent, thus shalt thou reap much benefit, and this short Sermon will prove a large Volume unto thee. And knowing that if thou be one of those little ones, for whose sake I penned it, thou shalt have cause to praise God for it, and that thou wilt continue to help with fervent prayer, that the Gospel may have free course, and be glorified, as also desiring thee not slightly to consider of this advise in thy course of reading men's writings, as thou tenderest thy soul's escape, the rocks of so many dangerous errors, as are now abroad, especially in writing. I r●st Mar. 30. 1615. Yours that be the Lords, JOHN TRASKE. A PEARL For a Prince. MARK. 16.16. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved, but he that believeth not, shall be damned. THis Chapter containeth three principal parts. In the first we have the resurrection of our blessed Saviour witnessed by women, by an Angel, by three several apparitions: In the second we have the Apostles Mission in their great embassage; In the third Christ's glorious Ascension into Heaven. In the second part there are four principal point● observable. First, To whom the Apostles were sent. Secondly, What to do. Thirdly, The effects of their labour. Fourthly, The signs that should follow in those that did believe. The two first are contained in the fifteenth verse. The last in the seventeenth and eighteenth. The third is my text. Where we see the twofold effect of preaching laid down in two Propositions: The first containing a Promise, the second a Threat. In the promise we may observe two things: First, to whom it is made? Secondly, what it is? As if it should have said in more words thus, He (that is) whosoever, be he, jew or Grecian, young or old, bond or free, rich or poor, man or woman that believeth (that is) that understandeth, and understanding assenteth to, and assenting, apply to himself the message that you bring, and is baptised, (that is) that doth manifest the truth of his faith by the use of the means for the confirmation of the same, or doth observe conscionably those things that I command (Baptism being a part for the whole) or is indeed (not only with outward water) baptised into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, is truly baptised by the new birth of the water of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost, is made conformable to his death, and doth know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings. Such be they, of what nation, condition, sex, or age soever: shall be saved, that is, shall assuredly receive all the good things that do concern soul and body, this life, and that which is to come; Grace here, and Glory hereafter. And thus the instructions do naturally arise. First, from that the promise is made indefinitely, to every one: he that believeth. The doctrine is, Doct. 1 That all the Privileges and Promises that appertain to believers, do indifferently stretch to every one aswell as to any one. The truth of this may appear by many testimonies of Scripture, of which sort are these following: a Io. 1.12. But as many as received him, to them gave he the privilege to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed in his name. And b Io. 3.16. So God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. In the first, you see, as many as, twice repeated: in the later, whosoever, which extendeth to all. The reason is, to show God's equality and his impartial dealing with the sons of men: which Peter took notice of, where he said: c Act. 10.34. Of a truth, I perceive that God is no accepter of persons, but in every nation, such as fear him, and work righteousness, are accepted with him. Seeing then that the promises of God do belong to all, aswell as to any believer: We may learn, to be d Ephes. 5.1 followers of God, as dear children. The Magistrate may hence learn, to judge impartially, to execute judgement, without respect of persons, to deal uprightly, between the rich, and poor, the bond, and free. Hereby he shall draw e jam. 4 8 near to God, and be most like him: he is no respecter of persons, he not only offereth, but bestoweth salvation upon all sorts indifferently. Let such call to mind that worthy example of good jehosaphat, who said to the judges, * 2. Chron. 169. Take heed what you do: for you judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgement: Wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of Persons, nor taking of gifts. The Minister hath hence an Instruction to invite all to the Supper of the Lamb. Christ saith, Mat. 11.28 Io. 7.37 Come unto me all yet that travel, and are heavy laden. And again, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. Revel. 22.17. And the Spirit and the Bride say. Come And let him that is athirst, come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And whosoever will, Isay 55.1 let him take the water of Life, freely. So Isaiah, Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. jam. 2.1 All may learn, not to have the Faith of our Lord jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, with respect of Persons. Secondly, this reproveth the practice of those Magistrates, that regard men's persons in judgement, favouring some for their riches, and oppressing others that are but of mean estate. Herein they differ from God, and do manifestly discover themselves not yet to be his. Also such Ministers are reproved as flatter the rich, and fawn upon the mighty, but scorn the weak, and despise the poor. These swarm in all parts where the Gospel is preached: Not only amongst those of Babel's side, but also even here amongst us. Yea those that are so conversant about Touch not, Taste not, Handle not, these that would be reformers of others, are herein most irreformed themselves. Oh, fearful is the condition of such: surely the Lord never sent them; or if they say he did, they must prove it, by that they have such a commission, as Christ himself never had. He professeth himself to be sent a Isay 61.1 to the poor: and he rejoiceth, that b Mat. 11.5 The poor received the Gospel: c verse 25 that babes understood that which the rich and wise were ignorant of. d Io. 7.49. The people of least esteem were his chief followers. Here also by this, are discovered the dark courses of such as, dare impudently to affirm, that women have no souls: and that servants, are of no esteem with God; or that children, shall be damned. Albeit the very naming such things, is grievous to an honest heart: yet we will a little touch these, for satisfaction of any poor ignorant soul. Such might read of e 1. Pet. 3.5.6 Sara, that she is termed a holy woman, yea, the mother of faithful women: Of Priscilla, famous for knowledge and practice, for f Act. 18.26. knowledge, able to instruct learned Apollo's, for g Ro. 16.3 practise, ready to lay down her life for Paul. There is also an elect Lady, and her elect Sister, & many other women, whose names are registered in the Book of Life. For servants, besides the Apostles mention of servants, where he writeth to none but Saints, Onesimus being a servant, Phile. 16. hath such a title given him, as no reprobate ever had As for children, it is evident also in the Gospel, by our saviours behaviour toward them, his speeches of them, Mar. 9.36 Act. 2.38 his promises to them and such as they are; that it is without controversy, Heb. 8.11 they are within the Covenant, and the promise extends even as far as them also. To conclude this point, Paul professeth himself, A debtor both to Greeks', Rom. 1.14 and to the Barbarians, both to the wise, and to the unwise. And the Holy Ghost hath testified, that in Christ there is neither jew, Col. 3.11 nor Greek, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. Lastly, this serveth for the comfort of all that either desire Christ, or already have obtained the possession of him. It is as a shield, for the one, and a great encouragement, for the other, when Satan shall labour to discourage, or affright. Desirest thou to come to Christ? and doth Satan tell thee, it belongeth not to thee, and that because of thy nation, age, or condition? Thou mayst boldly tell him, that God invites all, therefore thee, aswell as another. Art thou in Christ? and would Satan cause thee to doubt of any thing that concerns the life to come, or distrust for this life? Thou mayest boldly say, The promises run indifferently to all believers: Thou art a believer: therefore to thee. Thus having concluded the first point, That the promises of God do stretch to every believer as well as to any, We see in the next place from the restraint, He that believeth: Doct. 2 That the Promises of God do extend to none but those that are believers. So we see in the forecited Scriptures. Io. 1.12 But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become the sons of God. To them, and to none but them. Ro. 1.16 So also in another place, The Gospel of Christ, is the Power of God unto salvation, Io. 3.16. to every one that believeth. And, So God loved the World, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting Life. Whosoever, is the extent: Whosoever believeth, the restraint. The reason hereof is, Without Faith it is impossible to please God. In Christ alone, Heb. 11.6 Mat. 3.17 God is well pleased. Hence it was, that Paul spoke such excellent things of Faith, and so highly prized it, Phil. 3.8 Thus he esteemed all things but dung, that he might win Christ, and be found in him, Verse 9 not having his own righteousness, which was of the Law, but the righteousness which is of Faith. And hence it is, Heb. 11.101. that Faith hath so excellent titles and effects mentioned in holy Scripture. Seeing then that the promises of God are restrained only to believers: As thou desirest comfort by the promises of God, so must thou be diligent in this search or inquisition. Neither is it any ground of Comfort, that a man say, I have Faith: or, I do believe: as many presumptuously affirm. For some there are that believe the Scriptures, to be true. jam. 2.19 The Devils do this, and more, they tremble. And it were fearful to affirm, that they have right to the promises of God. Yea, it may be, these have attained such outward reformation, that they are ready to censure all that are not so forward, of Profaneness, and all that are more forward, of singularity. These promise to themselves, that Abraham is their Father. There they do begin, as did those that were taxed for it by john Baptist. Luc. 3.8. Of such believers, I do not speak. For the difference between such and Infidels, is but this: Infidels not believing at all, are sure of condemnation: and these believing as they do, Luc. 12.48. of a greater condemnation. Therefore not standing on the definition of Faith, we will rather consider of the ground where it is sown, and of the companions that it hath. The ground where Faith is sown, is an humbled soul, a wounded spirit. Isay 66.2 jam. 4 6. or rend heart; to such God giveth the grace of Faith, as are so prepared for it; Mat. 5.6 Zach. such as hunger and thirst for it; such as mourn for it, to such, and to none but such, doth he open a fountain for sin, and for uncleanness. Hereby than thou mayst examine thyself: Hast thou sought to God with fear and trembling, Act. 16.19. Act. 2.37 as the jailor did? Hast thou come with a pricked Conscience and cried, What must I do to be saved? Mat. 9.12 Mat. 11.28 Hast thou felt thy soul sick with sin? Hast thou been pressed down with the burden thereof? Hath thine heart melted within thee, and thine eyes gushed out with teares, for thy sins? This wounded spirit, this sick soul, this rend heart, this burdened Conscience, this is indeed the ground where GOD doth sow Righteousness, Hos. 10.12. Psa. 126.5. this is the man that shall reap in Mercy. They only that thus sowin tears, shall reap enjoy. Thus much of the ground where Faith is sown. Now of the companions that it hath; of these there are very many, of which I will name some, especially those which are inseparable, or peculiar to true believers. The first which I will name, is peace: That Peace which passeth all understanding. Rom. 5.1. Phillip 4.7. This may be illustrated by a quiet calm, after a great tempest, or a swo●●e sleep, after a sharp sit of an ague. The second is joy. Rom. 14.17 Rom. 15.13 1. Pet. 1.8. The joy of the Holy Ghost. This is that which Peter calleth, joy unspeakable and full of glory. This doth swallow all other joys, even as the Sea doth swallow all other waters. This may be illustrated by safety, after great danger, or by great plenty, after much penury or want. Gal. 5.6. 1. Tim. 1.5. Mat. 12.37. The third is Love out of a pure Heart. This extendeth to God, to our Neighbour. This Love is expressed by our pliableness to do his will, 1. Io. 5.3. For this is the love of God, that we keep his Commandments, and his Commandments are not grievous. To our Neighbours, To all; but especially to the household of Faith. Gal. 6.10. 1. Pet. 1.22 1. Io. 3.16. To God's children: This Love is fervent: yea so fervent, as that we can lay down our lives for them. Mat. This Love stretcheth even to Enemies. This can no Reprobate ever have. A fourth may be boldness: To confess Christ before men. Prou. 18.1. The righteous are bold as a Lion. Ro. 10.10. Dan. 3.17.18. Dan. 6.10. Act. 21.13. Act. 4.19.20. Heb. 11.37. Rom. 5.3. Heb. 10.36. Rom. 8.17. jam. 5.11. Herald 12.1.2. Phil. 1.23. This is an inseparable companion of true Faith. This was in Daniel, in the three children, in Paul, in the other Apostles, in all the blessed Saints who have died for the testimony of jesus. A fifth Patience to bear the Cross, to endure tribulation, to suffer with Christ. This was evident in job, who is therefore proposed to believers as a Pattern thereof. But our perfect pattern is Christ jesus, who endured the Cross. A sixth, a desire to be ever with the Lord, to see him face to face. 2. Cor. 5.2. An earnest groaning to be clothed upon with our house, which is from Heaven, to be unburdened of this body of death, Rom. 8.13. and that as God is become the Father of our spirits, so he would become the Father of bodies and spirits, That our vile bodies may be changed, Phil. 3.21. and fashioned like unto the glorious body of our Lord jesus Christ. A seventh, is a holy waiting for the time of our dissolution, which may be termed Hope, Rom. 8.24.25. job. 14.14. and is so called by the Holy Ghost: We are saved by hope: and If we hope for that we see not, we do with patience wait for it These are the Companions of true saving Faith, & within the compass of one of these all the rest may be couched. Hereby thou mayst try thyself. Hast thou been troubled, and terrified with the sight of thy sins? Isay 57.19. Is. Mat. 5.4. 1. Tim. 1.13. Psal. 119.103. Mat. 10.42 Psal. 16.3. 1. Io. 5.1. And art thou now at Peace? Hast thou mourned? And dost thou rejoice? Hast thou hated God in his Word, in his Prophets, or poor children? And dost thou delight in his Law, receive his Prophets, because they are his Prophets; delight in the Saints, because they are his children? Hast thou been greedy of revenge, ●nd ready to requite evil with evil? And dost thou love thine enemies, bless them that curse thee, Mat. 5.44. do good to them that hate thee, pray for them which despitefully use thee, & persecute thee? Rom. 12.21 In a word, canst thou now desire, to overcome their evil with good? Hast thou blushed to be seen at a Sermon, or reading the word, or in the company of the poor Saints, or hast thou withdrawn thyself from the performance of any duty for fear of persecution? Act. 21.13. Act. 5. ●9. H●st. 4.16. And dost thou now resolve to do whatsoever God commands, and to suffer for not doing, that which he forbids? Hast thou been impatient in crosses and ready to murmur? and art thou now able with alacrity to hear any thing, especially for the name of Christ? Hast thou feared death, and trembled at the time of dissolution? And is the day of death (now in thy esteem) better than the day that thou wast borne? Eccles. 7.1. dost thou long for it, Act. 3.19. and thirst after it, as for the time of refreshing? A●● ●5. 18. Hast thou foolishly desired the day of the Lord in thy desperate passions? And canst thou now wait with Patience for the time of thy dissolution? Then mayst thou take comfort to thy soul, that all the promises of God do belong to thee, be thy nation, estate, s●x, or age, what it will. But if thou find no such change, but that thou art the same thou wert ever, as thou wast borne, so thou hast lived, and excepting a little swimming knowledge in thy brain, and cold performance of outward duties, thou findest no such singular thing? Mat. 5 47. Do not then deceive thyself, thou art not that believer, of the which I speak: to whom the promises d●e belong. Now having an eye to the text, again we will see what more will arise. He that believeth, and to baptised. Not to speak her●, of the substance of Baptism, which is chief aimed at: but of the sign, which is also included. Though the former might well serve for the confutation of Papist, who ascribe as much to the sign, as to the truth: most foolishly affirming, that those that die without the sign, 〈◊〉 ●. 1. Cor. 1 2. 〈…〉. 1. 3●. 〈…〉 5. 2●.2. are dam●ed as also of the Anabaptist, who deny children the sign, though they can by no means deny them the substance: for that were to cross the whole Book of God. Both these doting too much upon the bare letter and order of the words; whereby they show their Ignorance of the Scriptures, Mat. 22.19 Isay 65.23. & of the power and love of God to his and their seed: but leaving this at this time, seeing Faith and Baptism are joined together. Hence I do collect this point of instruction: Doct. 3 That true Faith, and the diligent use of the means for confirmation thereof, are inseparable. Wheresoever the one is in truth, there is also the other. This may appear by that the Apostle writing to the Saints, at Colossa: and having proved unto them their effectual calling, he willeth them, as the a Col. 3.11.12. Elect of God, to put on the bowels of tender mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, long suffering: as if he would say, Because ye are the Elect of God, therefore put on these things: for those that are the Elect of God, cannot after their effectual calling, be separate from these. So again the same Apostle writing to those at Thessalonica, bids them not sleep as others, but b 1. Thes. 5.7. to watch and be sober: for God hath not appointed you to wrath, (saith he) but to obtain salvation by jesus Christ. As if he should say, Those that God hath ordained to eternal life, they watch, they are sober. So writing to c Phil. 1.6. Philippi, and being confident of their salvation, he yet presseth them to obedience, and d Phil. 2.12 to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. And Peter also having proved the truth of the regeneration of those Saints, to whom he writeth, presseth them to e 1. Pet. 2.2 desire the sincere milk of the word, that they might grow thereby. The reasons of this may be many: but I will only urge one, which is this, That whereby our assurance is made known unto us, the knowledge of it doth not take away, but establish. But it is made known unto us, by the use of the means for the increase thereof: Therefore the knowledge of God's assured love doth not take away, but establish the use of the means. So that it remains firm, That true faith and outward obedience can be no more separated, than the light and the Sun, or heat and the fire. This being so, it may help to stop Satan's mouth in his Instruments, who will not stick to call in question, the truth of the doctrine of Predestination, and of the assurance of the savour of God, in this life. For say they, If this be true, that God hath predestinated us to the obtaining of eternal life, do what evil we can, we shall be saved; or if we are predestinated to death, do what good we can, we must be damned. These suppose they have reasoned wisely, this wisdom being so pleasing to the flesh. They never consider that Scriptures are plain against them, clearly showing us, that he that ordained to the end, ordained to the means whereby the end is attained. As the Apostle plainly showeth, where he saith, We are bound to give thanks always to God for you, 2. The. 2.13 brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the Truth. And again, As many as were ordained to eternal life, A●t. 13.18. believed. Neither do such wretches consider, into what blasphemy they break, by questioning the truth, because their carnal reason cann●t reach it. But if they would but hearken to arguments drawn from their reas●n, it might serve to convince them. They will grant, if a man will go a journey, he must go the way that leadeth to the end of that journey; If he will be warm in Winter, he must make use of the fire, of wa●me clothes, or some bodily exercise: if then they be so wise in things of this life, why should they not understand this also? That he that ordained men for glory, 2. Thes. 4.3. Willed also then holiness here, created them to good works, redeemed them, Lu. 1 68.75 that they might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of their life, ●●t. 2.14. that they should be zealous of good works, called them not to uncleanness, but to holiness. 1. The●. 4.7. 1. Pet. 1.1. And as Peter saith, He elected them to obedience. As for example: God decreed, and told Rebecca so: Gen. 25.23 That Esau should serve jacob. Yet he also decreed, that Rebecca should use the means for jacobs' escape, G●●. 27.43 from his brother's rage. He had decreed that Paul should witness at Rome, and told him so: Act. 23.11. Yet he also decreed, that he should use the means by his sister's son, to the chief captain, 〈◊〉 17. for to escape the cruel vow of the jews. He decreed that not one o● those should be lost, which were with Paul in the ship. Act. ●7 24.31. Yet he also decreed, that the means should be used for their escape. He decreed to bestow many things on his people: Eze. 36.37. but he also decreed, they should pray for them. And surely, those that remain obstinate, affirming, that if we may be assured never to fall away, than we may commit sin, and live how we will, may have their mouths stopped justly with this; namely, That it is evident, they never were assured of the favour of God, and so consequently, Ephes. 2.12. they are yet without, and are mere strangers to the life of God, and aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel. For such as have this Faith, or this assurance of the Love of God, Heb. 12.28. have also a delight in the Law of God, a desire to hold it fast, by serving God with reverence and godly fear, and do know, that they that are justified, are also sanctified: and that they that are Christ's, Gal. 5.24. have crucified the flesh with the lusts thereof. Let this teach all those that have assurance, to labour for the increase thereof, and to strive unto perfection in knowledge, Heb. 6.1. 2. Cor. 7.1. and perfection in holiness, and not always to look to be fed with milk. For as knowledge doth increase, so doth faith increase, and as faith increaseth, so obedience increaseth. There is no standing at a stay, or sitting idly here, Psa. 128.1. 1. Cor. 9.24. 2. Tim. 4.7. it is a walk, and must be gone; a race, and must be run; a combat, and must be fought. Every plant that is planted here, must flourish more and more. Psal. 92.12. joh. 15.2.3. Revel. 2.19. Every branch must bring forth more fruit. The last works of believers must be more than the first. This may be as a s●urre to such as are almost settled on the ●ees of security, such as formerly have been forward in hearing, and now are almost careless whether they hear or no, and such as have been much in prayer, and meditation: such as have desired conference with Ministers & Saints. But now they are grown almost cold in all these. Oh let such take heed whither they are falling, and labour to recover themselves speedily, lest their lamps go out, Mat. and they be to seek of oil when the Bridegroom comes. Lastly, this doth plainly discover such as scoff at the outside, and are enemies to hearing, prayer, conference and such like, that (say they what they will) they do not yet believe, because wheresoever Faith is (I mean always true Faith) there is outward obedience, and a willing submission to the ordinances of God for the increase of the same. Now if we look again to the Text, we shall find another Doctrine from these words, he that believeth, & is baptised. For seeing (as before hath been proved) that outward obedience and inward truth are inseparable, and seeing the promises are made not to one alone, but to both, if they may be had: and that here is meant not so much the outward sign, as the truth of Baptism: Doct. 4 Hence we may gather this Doctrine, That the sign without the thing signified, the outward show without the inward truth, is of no value. Rom. 2.28.29. So we read, He is not a jew which is a jew without, neither is that Circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a jew, which is one inwardly, which Circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of man, but of God. Jer. 4.4. And jeremy willeth those that before were circumcised, To circumcise themselves to the Lord. E●●. 44.9. So Ez●chiel, No stranger uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, sh●ll enter into my Sanctuary. So that here, those that are uncircumcised in heart, are excluded out of the true Sanctuary, and are accounted strangers. The reason is, God desireth truth in the inward parts, he requireth the heart: Psal. 51.6. Pro. 23.26. He judgeth not the affection by the action, as Man: but the Action by the affection, 2 Cor. 8.12. as God. Seeing it is so, that shows without substances, will not serve turn: let this teach us to make clean the inside first, to give our hearts unto the Lord, to labour for truth in the inward parts: Let us labour for approbation with God, and praise with him. This is that which will cheer our souls, and comfort our spirits, and make us truly merry, when we can say, If I regard wickedness in my heart, Psa. 66.18. the Lord will not hear me; but God hath heard me. This reproves such as slatter themselves with the outward performance of duties. If they be baptised (as they say) & bring their children to outward Baptism; If they assemble themselves outwardly to the hearing of the word, the receiving of the Lords Supper; If by their good Memories they be able to bear in mind the Doctrines delivered, and repeat them to their Families, show much love to Ministers, kindness to professors, such as they themselves are, though in the mean while they feel no Peace with God, or joy in the Holy Ghost: yet here they rest, and do esteem themselves of the best sort of believers Albeit a man may do all this, and be damned. Were there not formerly, That could say, The Temple of the Lord, jer. 7.4. The Temple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord, are these? and others that could say, Isay 65.5. Stand by thyself, come not near me; for I am holier than thou. Were there not that appeared before the Lord, Is. 1.11.15. with a multitude of Sacrifices, and store of long Prayers, stretching out their hands even like unto the children of God? Were there not that fasted, and hung down their heads like a Bulrush for a day? Isay 58.5. Rom. 2.17. Verse 18. Were there not that did rest in the law, and were called jews, and made their boast of God, Verse 19 and knew his will, and approved the things that were more excellent, being instructed out of the Law, being also confident that they themselves were guides of the blind, Verse ●0. lights of them which were in darkness, instructors of the foolish, teachers of babes, having the form of knowledge, and of truth in the Law. And yet these holy ones (as they thought themselves) were threatened vengeance for their hypocrisy. They were they that trusted in lying words & counterfeit shows, a smoke they were in God's nose, abhorred and accursed in all their courses. They were they that caused the Name of God to be blasphemed, even in their fasts, finding their own pleasures, and exacting all their labours, fasting for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness, as those Scriptures do manifest. Luk. 13.24. Mat. 25.11.12. Mat. Are there not some that shall seek to enter, and not get in: that shall cry earnestly, and knock aloud, and be sent away: that shall be able to say, they have cast out devils, and done many great works, and yet rejected? 2. Tim. 3.5. Are there not others, that have the form of godliness, and yet must be separated from? what shall we say to this then? Surely as we began: It is not the sign, but the thing signified; not the show, Mat. 23.25. Luk. 11.39. but the substance; not the making clean of the outside, but the inside; not the form, but the power of godliness that is available. Now never could our Saviour more justly say in his time: Woe be to Scribes, & Pharisees Hypocrites▪ then we may at this day say the like of outside christian's (if I m●y so say) I do not mean those only that are openly profane, whose sins are written in their foreheads: but those especially, that have a strict outside of godliness. Col. 2.21. England doth swarm with Pharisees: such as are conversant about Touch not, Taste not, 2. Pet. 2. Handle no●. Such as having voluntary humility, and pretended sincerity, do despise government, and speak evil of dignities. Presumptuous they are, and self-willed, and speaking evil of the things they understand not, they creep into houses, 2. Tim. 3. and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, and as jannes' and jambres withstood Moses, so do these men resist the Truth, men of corrupt minds, of no judgement concerning the Faith. These are they that take advantage of weak consciences, seizing on them as their own, by cumbering them with outward things, and by telling them, here is Christ, M●●. 24.23 26. or there is Christ; when if the truth were known, they never yet had Christ themselves: yet hereby they draw Disciples after them, and therehence suck they no small advantage. Of such I dare say, that notwithstanding their outward flourish, Mal. 21.31 yet Publicans and Harlots shall enter into the Kingdom of GOD before them. Yea, that open profane ones are sooner drawn to sincerity, Pro. 26.12. than these, and apt to receive instruction. So wise are they in their own eyes, Pro. 30.12. and prudent in their own sight, that there is more hope of Fools then of them; yea, jer. that there is more humanity and greater love amongst those whom they term profane, then amongst themselves. Here let none so forget the former Doctrine, to mistake me, as if I did oppose myself against all outward show. No, far be it from me, to think that the inside can be clean, and the outside filthy: howsoever I say, there are a multitude of such as seem to such as themselves are, to be clean without, who are notwithstanding foul within. To conclude then, begin to make clean the inside, and then all is clean. Get true faith, and outward obedience will certainly follow. But if thou get never so much of outward constitution as thou thinkest, and remain foul within, Thy hatred being covered with deceit, shall certainly be discovered in the whole Congregation. Pro. 26.26. Job And thus much of the first point, to whom the promise is made. Now we are come to the promise itself; Shall be saved. The promise is salvation, which containeth all the good things that concern soul or body, this life or that to come, as it is written, 1. Tim. 4.8. Godliness is profitable to all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. Psal. 84.11. And, The Lord will give grace and glory. Doct. 5 Hence ariseth this Doctrine, That all good things that do concern this Life, or that which is to come, are of right due to those that do believe: or, That those that do believe, and are indeed baptised, or made conformable to Christ's death, and do feel the power of his resurrection in themselves, such may challenge as their proper right, and claim as their heritage, all the good things that do concern this life, or that which is to come. 1. Cor. 3.21. This the Apostle affirmeth plainly, where he saith, All things are yours, whether Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the World, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come, all are yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is Gods. The reason is, God hath promised, and he cannot but perform. Deut. 32.4. Tit. 1.2. He is the God of Truth, Righteous in all his ways: The God that cannot lie. Another may be this, He hath given the greater, and cannot deny the lesser, as it is written, Rom. 8.32. He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all: how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Will any man give Gold, and deny Dust? Will a man give his Life, and deny his Goods? or will a man give goods, and not afford good looks, nor a good word? The consideration of this may cheer up the hearts of those that are believers; Esay 25.6. Gen. 18.25. Exod. 32.11.12. Neh. 1.8.9. Dan. Act. Heb. 13.8. Isay 59.1. here is a Feast for them of fat things, full of Marrow, of Wine on the Lees well refined. So that believers may challenge God's promises as boldly, as ever Abraham, Moses, Nehemiah, Daniel, The Church in the Apostles time, or any of the Saints ever did. The Lord is jehovah, the same for ever: His hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. Dost thou then want wisdom? Thou mayst ask it of God. Prou. 2.6.7. He is the giver of wisdom, out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up wisdom for the Righteous. Here you see, God setteth forth himself as his children's treasurer. 1. Kin. 3.9. Solomon asked wisdom and was not denied. And james extendeth this to all the Saints: jam. 1.5.6. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Pro. 3.33. Pro. 10.22. Psal. 112.3. Dost thou want riches? Thou hast the blessing of the Lord. This only maketh rich. And it is written, That wealth and riches are in the house of him that feareth the Lord. Mat. 19.29 And it is also written, That whosoever forsaketh Houses, Mat. 10.30. or Lands for Christ's name sake, for the Gospel's sake, or the Kingdom of God, Luk. 18.19. shall receive even in this Life manifold, yea an hundred sold more, even in this present time. Mat. 10.30 Is it friends thou dost desire? Thou hast the promise of Fathers, and Mothers, Brethren, jam. 5.16. Sisters, and Children. What greater friends than such? The prayers of one of them being more available for thee, than the power of a whole Kingdom against thee. These will lay down their lives for thee. Their love is fervent love. 1. joh. 3.16. 1. Pet. 1.22 2. Sa. 20.17 Even as was the love of jonathan to David, Who loved him even as his own soul: And as the love of Aquila and Priscilla to Paul, who were ready, and did in effect lay down their own necks for Paul's life. Rom. 16.4. This is that we find written in the Proverbs of Solomon. There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Pro. 18.24. Is Honour desirable? What more honourable, joh. 1.12. Ps. 149. vlt. then of a son of a Mortal Man, to become the son of the Immortal God? Such honour have all the Saints. And who have been more honourable than the Children of God? As joseph, Mardochey, Daniel, and the rest? Is safety a good thing? Isa. 54. vlt. This is thine heritage, and thou mayst therefore claim it as thy proper right, as the servants of God have done. Psal. 91.4. Let thy truth (O Lord) be my shield and buckler. Thy defence is, A wall of Fire, The munition of Rocks, A guard of Angels, Psal. 68.17. Zach. 2.5. Isay 33.16. as Chariots of Fire, and Horses of Fire doth compass thee round about. Is Peace pleasant unto thee? Thy Habitation is Peaceable. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all mine holy Mountain. Isay 6.9. No Lion or ravenous beast doth walk in that way. Isay 35.8.9 Isay 9.6. Nah. 1.15. Thy Prince is a Prince of Peace: All those that are his Ambassadors, are glad tidings bringers. Thy own feet are shod with the shoes of Peace: Ephe. 6.15. Mat. 5.9. All thy Companions are Peacemakers. God hath promised to extend Peace like a River to those that dwell in Zion. Isay 66.12. Delightest thou in many followers or servants, Psal. 91.11. Psal. 34.7. to wait on thy person? God hath given his Angels charge of thee. The Angels do encamp about thee wheresoever thou art: Heb. 1.14. They are ministering Spirits, sent forth for the good of them that shall be saved. And it is written, Mat. 18.10 Take heed that ye offend not one of these little ones that believe in me, saith Christ; for I say unto you, Their Angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven. Is victory over adversaries a good thing? Rom. 8 37. 1. Pet. 5.8. Gal. 5.24. 1 joh. 5 4. Believers are more than Conquerors. By Faith the Devil is resisted, the flesh crucified, and the World overcome. Is mirth desired by thee? What greater joy, Rom. 14.17 than the joy of the Holy Ghost? This will make thee to eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart, Eccles. 9.7. when thou art once a believer: for then, and not till then shalt thou know, that God accepteth thy works. This joy is termed, joy unspeakable, and full of glory. 2. Pet. 1.8. Is long life a blessing in thy judgement? Thou hast a promise to live long, Psal. Psal. 128.6. Psal. 84.11. and see good days, if thou be a believer, yea, to see thy children's children. So that there is no good thing to be withholden from believers. Let this not only comfort, but instruct thee against Satan's fiery assaults. Doth he persuade thee thou art foolish? Thou mayst reply, Christ is thy wisdom. 1. Cor. 1.30. Doth he upbraid thee with thy poverty? Answer him, Thou possessest all things, 2 Cor. 6.10. jam. 2.5. and art able to make many rich. Tells he thee, Thou art friendless? Ephe. 2.19. Mar. 10.30 1. Cor. 12.26. Oppose against this, The promise of friends, as dear as Fathers, Mothers or Children: And that thou hast all the Saints in the World thy friends. Doth he object? That thou art base & despised? Answer, It is a great, yea, 1. Io. 3.1. the greatest honour, to be a child of God. Doth he affright thee with danger? 2. Kin. 6.16. 1. Chron. 32 7.8. Tell ●im. Thou hast more with thee then against he. Would he amaze thee with many troubles? Phil. 4.7. Io. 14.27. Io. 10.33. Rom. 8.28. Say, That thou hast Peace within, that cheers thee, and that trouble without shall not hurt thee: All things working together for good to them that fear and love God. Would he have it grieve thee, that thou art not waited on as others are? joh. 5.22.23. Hos. 2.18. Hest. 6.11. Da. 6.18.23 Thou mayst tell him, that Angels are thy servants, and all the Creatures are at thy command: yea, Kings shall stoop to thee, if it be good for thee. Would he make thee doubt of an overthrow in any doubtful combat? 2. Cor. 10 4. Rom. 8.38. Thou art now sure of the conquest. Is it a sorrowful thing (saith he) to be a believer? Isay 51.11. Thou now well knowest, that here is abundance of joy. Would he sear thee with sudden death? Phil. 1.21. Christ is with thee to live, and to die is gain. But thou hast the promise of length of days, Ephes. 6.2.3 if it shall be good for thee. Thus which way soever Satan seeketh to wind in his poisoned sting, or to throw in his fiery dart, thou hast armour to defend thyself. Yea for thy further instruction know that if the contrary to these be good for thee at any time, thou shalt be sure of the same. As for sharpness of wisdom, thou mayst have dullness of spirit, for a time to humble thee: For riches, thou shalt have poverty to instruct thee: For friends, Enemies to stir thee to prayer: For honour, disgrace to purge thee: For safety, thou mayst seem to be in danger, to try thy boldness: For Peace thou shalt have trouble, to exercise thy Patience: For attendants, thou shalt have desolation to work contentation in all estates. For victory, thou shalt have some foils, to prove thy constancy: For joy, thou shalt have Sorrow, to increase thy thankfulness, when joy shall return and to make thee temperate: For long life, thou shalt have a speedy death, to free thee from misery, and to bring thee to Glory. Neither is this all; Heb. 11.13. but we may look further yet; Believers can see a far off: They see things to come, as if they were present, not so much looking at temporal, as eternal things. 2. Cor. 4.18. And this is that which doth put life into the souls of believers, when they consider of their estate at the resurrection of the just. Would it not comfort a man that were in a doubtful combat in the judgement of others, if he were himself sure of victory; or one that were in Prison, though straightly kept, if he were sure of freedom after a few days? And verily such is our condition; though we are scorned, persecuted, slandered, imprisoned, buffeted, slain, here: yet it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble his, 2. The. 1.6.7 and to those that are troubled, rest. That is, God hath promised, and he will perform his promise of certain deliverance, to them that are his. Wherefore such may challenge this issue, as of right to them appertaining. It is our heritage, Christ hath purchased this for us, as well as the rest, and we shall assuredly receive it. So that we may lay claim to our right of coming gloriously at the last day, with the judge of the whole Earth, when he shall come in his own glory, Mat. 25.31 in his Father's Glory, and the glory of his holy Angels. It is the right (even then) of believers, to be caught up, 1. Thes. 4.17 Mat. 13.43. 2 Th. 1.8 9 and to meet Christ in the Air, and to come gloriously, even as so many bright Suns, to be admired with him. And this is not all: for than shall we be as so many judges, to judge men and Angels, 2. Cor. 6.2. when it shall be said unto them, Go ye cursed, into the fire eternal, Mat. 25 41. prepared for the Devil and his Angels. For so it is written, The Saints shall judge the World. And again in the same Chapter, The Saints shall judge Angels. 1. Cor. 6.3. And in an other place, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints, Jude 14.15 to execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. And yet this is not all: for after that, we shall be ever with the Lord, We shall be as the Angels in heaven, Mat 22.30 reve. 2.10. Matt. 5.12. 2. Cor. 4.17. Psal. 16.11. we shall receive that crown of life, that great reward, that exceeding surpassing and eternal weight of Glory, that fullness of joy, those pleasures at Gods right hand for evermore. This may we also challenge at God's hands, by virtue of his promise in this Scripture which is the Text, and of Christ's intercession in another, where it is thus written, Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me, Io. 17.24. be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me. A man would think it were a good thing to be a believer, if all this be true: and surely either this is true, or the Scriptures are false, which were blasphemy to say. Rom. 3.4. Let God then be true, and every man a liar. And let the consideration of this stir up every one to seek diligently for the favour of God. Luk. 10.42. Get this one necessary thing: Get Christ, and get all: In this life, Wisdom, Riches, Friends, Honour, Safety, Peace, Attendants, Victory, joy, Long-life. At the day of judgement, we shall come gloriously and triumphantly, with the judge of the whole earth: Angels and Men shall tremble at our Glory, and admire our excellency. They that have judged us, shall be judged by us. After the day of judgement, we shall possess that Kingdom peaceably, into the which we have here entered violently, and for which we have fought valiantly. We shall see God face to face: We shall have knowledge without ignorance: Love without Hatred: joy without Sorrow: Light without Darkness: Beauty without Deformity: Strength without weakness: Plenty without Want: Health without Sickness: Honour without Disgrace: Peace without Trouble: Courage without Fear: Safety without Danger: Life without death: All good without any evil. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, Isay 54.17. and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. FINIS. If thou wilt now follow me, to find the truth: it must be in the last, and most excellent translation of the Bible: commonly called the new translation. PSAL. 115.1. Not unto us, but unto the name of the Lord give glory. Errata. Faults escaped, pag. 2. l●●e 13. should have been said, pag. 3. line 3. read Christ's death.