Mistress Turner's Farewell to all women. Angel (turned Devil) Pride: by thee I fell When here on earth I dwelled to'th pit of Hell: Yet spite of all thy Poisons, I am fair Now in God's eyes, Women by me Beware. Mistress Turner. 1 THou, of all sins the first, of all, the highest, Because thou fellest from Heaven before Man's fall, Who, (when to Happiness thou wert the nighest,) In envy of the best of all, lost all. 2 Woe worth that whorish face of thine, which tempted Me to more Hells than thou hast vain attires, For which my spotted Soul, is not exempted (With out God's mercy) from eternal fires. 3 Shee-divell, (destroyer both of man and Woman, That with thy forcerous Drugs didst catch my Soul: To the last Bar Tribunal, thee I summon, Where I shall stand all white, thou black and foul. 4 Washed are my spots away by Christ's red passion, For I am there whence headlong thou wert thrown: And now I glory in triumphant fashion, That thou art there whether I should have gone: From Heaven thou fellst to Hell, and I being drowned In Sins, got up and now in Heaven sit Crowned. Lady Pride. 1 THou, of all Women worst of all, the basest, Who (when I am of Sins the worst and proudest, And thrown from Heaven me in thy bosom placest; And what thy heart loved best, now railest are loudest. 2 'Tis not thy hate of Pride, makes thee to cry Woe worth my Whorish Face, but 'tis because Thy Pride hath caught her fall, and thou must die, And frighted art with Hell's devouring jaws. 3 Enough it is for me that I have made thee Drunk with my cup: nor care I though thou boast That from eternal fires God's mercy stayed thee; For say thy soul be saved, thy bodies lost. 4 As for thy yellowed Ruffs, fantastic Tires, Paintings, and Poisonings (now by thee abhorred) I laugh to see thee wrap them up in fires, For Pride hath more to bewitch many a Forehead. And though thy soul should climb the highest Sphere, I'll pluck down thousands that shall near come there. Printed for john Trundle.