Frensshe Cy commence la table De cest prouffytable doctrine Pour trower tout par ordene Ce que on vouldra aprendre Premierment l'invocation de la trinity Comment on doit chescun saluer Les meubles aval la mayson les noms des chars & de beestis Et doysiaulz prives & sawages Les noms des poyssons de mer Et des poyssons des Ryviers Les noms de compenaiges. Les noms des fruis darbres. Les noms des pluiseurs a●bres Les noms des potages Les noms des communs bewrages La merchandise des draps Des diverses villes et feasts Les merchandises des laines. Les noms des cuyrs et des peauls Les noms des apotecaires Les noms des Oils Des coleurs des paintres Les noms de ●●rasseries▪ Des aluns et da 〈…〉 tres tainctures. Les noms des tous metauls Les noms des merceries Les noms des pluiseurs grains Des prelates de saint eglyse. Du pape cardinaulz evesques Archevesqnes abbes et officiaulx. Des moynes et gens de lordene De lempereur roys et roynes. Des ducs counts et princes Barons chevaliers escuyers Les noms dhommes et des femmes Et des mestiers selon lordre de a. b. c. Les grandes feasts et terms de lan. Des or feures tisseranns & foulous Tondeurs pigneresses fileresses Des lormiers et armurers. Des tailliers & vieswariers. Des taincturiers & drappiers. Des boulengiers & cordewaniers. Des escripuains & arceniers Des moulniers & bouchiers Des poissonners & teliers Des chandeliers & libraries Des gauntiers & corbelliers Des painturers & usuriers Des conureurs de tieulles & destrain Des charpentiers & feultriers Des chavetiers et boursiers. Des cousturiers et especiers Des coultiers et hosteliers. Des touriers et cweliers Des mesuriers et messengers Des chartons et changiers Des monnoyers et pastesiers. Des jongleurs & teneurs. Des vairriers et serruriers Des gorliers et huchiers. Des parcenniers Et les parolles que chescun Pourra apprendre pour aler Dun pays au ville a aultre Et plus aultres raisins. Que seroyent trop lungs. De mettre en cest table. En la fin de cest doctrine. Trowerers la manner. Pour aprendre acompter. Par liures par soulz par deniers. Vostre recepte et vostre mice Raportes tout en somme Faittes diligence daprendre Fuyes oyseusete petyz et grandes Car tous vices en sonnt sourdans Tresbonne doctrine Pour aprendre Briefment fransoys & engloys. oV nom du pere. Et du filz Et du saint esperite Veul commencier. Et ordonner ung liure. Par le quel on pourra Roysonnablement entendre Fransoys et engloys Du tant come cest escript. Pourra contenir et estendre Car il ne peult tout comprendre Mais ce quon ny trowera. Declare en cestui Pourra on trower ailleurs En aultres liures Mais sachies pour voir Que es lignes de cest aucteur Sount plus de parolles et de raisins comprinses et de responses Que en moult daultres liures Qui ceste liure vouldra aprendre. Bien pourra entreprendre Merchandises don pays a lautre Et cognoistre maintes denrees Que lui seroient bon achetes. Ou vendues pour rich devenir. Aprendes ce liure diligement grand profit y gyst vrayement oR scaves quil affiert Quill ait du tout une party. Quand vous alles par les rues Et vous encountres aulcuns Que vous cognossies On quilz soyent de vostre cognoissance Soyes ysnel et apparaillies De luy ou deulx premier saluer. Sil est ou sils sonnt hommes de valeur Ostes vostre chappron Pour dames & damoysellies. Se ilz ostent leur chaperon Sy le remettes de vous mains En tell manner Les was saluer Sire dieu vous guard Cest le plus brief. Que on pvise dire Aux gens en saluant Ou en aultres usages Sire vous soyes bien venus. Vous dame ou damoyselle Vous soyes la bien venu Sire dieu vous doinst bon iour Dame bon iour vous doinst nostre sire Compaignon ou amye Vous soies le bien venus Que faictes vous comment vous est Bien que bien vous aies Ou aves este si longement je ne vous vey piecha jay East longement horse du pays En quel pays Sire ce seroit Trop a racompter. Mais sil vous playst aulcune choose Que ie puisse fair Commands le moy come a celuy Qui volentiers le feroit. Sire grand mercy De vous courtoyses parolles Et de vostre bonne volente. Dieu le vous mire Dieu le me laisse deseruyr Sachies certaineint Que vous ne yestes Point engaignies Car ce vous feroye ie. Pour vous et pour les vostres A dieu vous comande je prenge congee a vous. Respondes ainsi Nostre sire vous conduyse. A dieu soyes vous comandes Dieu vous ait en sa seinte guard. Allez a dieu Salves moy la dame Ou la damoyselle De vostre mayson Ou de vostre hostel Vostre femme vous enfans Vostre mary Vostre fyltz et vous filles Toute vostre maisnye Si me recomandes A mon seigneur A mes damoyseauls A ma dame A ma damoyselle A vostre pere et a vostre mere A vostre tayon et a vostre taye. A vostre uncle et a vostre aunt. A vostre cousins et a vostre cosynes A vous cousins germains A vostre nepheux & a vostre nieces. Qui sont enfans de vostre frere Ou de vostre soeur. Vous friar vous soeurs Ne loublies my je le vous feray voulentiers A dieu vous command Or alles a dieu Cy finent les salutations Et les responses oR mestoet avant parler Daultres choses necessaires Cest a savoyr des besongnes Que on use aval le maison De quoy on ne peult synon De la maison premiers diray. En adventure se besoing est La maison bien ordonne Doybt estre bien fenestree De pluiseurs fenestres Par quoy il ait grand clarte Il y affiert aux chambres Solliers greniers qVi vin veult maintenier. Conuient avoir chielliers Et une base chambre. Pour prendre aisement Ores vous convient avoir lits Lyts des plums Pour les pours suz gesir Lyts de bourre Sarges tapites Kieultes points. Pour les lits cowrir Cowertoyrs ainsi. Bankers qui sont beaulx Dessoubs le lite ung calys Estrain dedens. Bancs chairs Lesons sells. Pots de kewre chaudrons Chaudiers paiels. Bachins lavoirs Pots de terre Cannes de terre Pour aller all ewe Ces choses trouueres vous. En le potterye Se vous aves de quoy Faittes que vous ayes Ouurages destain Pots de stain et cans Cannes de deux lots Cannes don sestier Lotz et demi lotz Pints et demi pints Vng lot est appelle En ancun am ung quart Ce sont les mesures. Que ye scay nommer Mais les bouteilles Destain de boz de cuir True on de toutes manieres Or vous convient avoir. Platteaux destain Escuyelles sausserons. Sallieres trenchores Ces choses trouueres. De boz et de terre Cowercles de kewer. De terre et de far Or apres ung esculier. La on met dedens. Les devantdittes choses. Les louches de boz. Les louches dargent Metton la on veult. En plus seure guard Le louche de pot entour le feu Trepiet pour asseoir sus. Sur laistre appertient Laigne ou tourbes Deux brandeurs de fer Ung estenelle ung greyl Vng grauwet Coutieaulx pour taillier. Ce quon vouldra Ung couttel de poree Pour taillier la poree Hanaps dargent Hanaps dorees Coupes door Hanaps a pies Ces choses met. En vostre huche ou escrijn Vos joyaulx en vostre forchier Que on ne les emble Plente des linchieux Nappes touwailles Pour fair a nous aulx Et saulses parmy le stamine Vous convient avoir Vng mortier ung pestiel A la perch pendent voz vestures Manteaulx sourcorps Heuques clocques Cottes pourpoints. Vestures fourrures Vestures diver et deste Les oreilliers sur le lite Sur le queverchief. Chemises brays. A tout le braieul Quand vous estes desuestues. On true fourrures Desturiens daigneaulx Plichons de lieures et de conins. Mettes en le tresoier Vostre pain vostre fourmage Vostre bure vostre viande Et aultres companages Le relief de la table. Faictes quil y aist du seele Et des voires. cy fine le tierce chapitle oR intends peties & grands. je vous dirai maintenant. Dune aultre matter La quele ie commence Se vous estes maries Et vous aves femme. Et vous ayes mary Se vous maintenes paisiblemen Que vous voisins ne disent. De vous force que bien Ce feroit virgoingne Se vous aves pere & mere Si les honnoures tousiours. Faictes leur honneur Deportes les. Car selon le commandement Et counsel de cathon Les doit on honnourer Car il didst en son liure. honour pere & mere. Se vous aves enfans Si les chastoyes de la verge. Et les instrues De tons meurs Le temps quilz soient jofnes Les enuoyes a lescole Aprendre lire et escripre. quilz ne resambloient bestes Soyes debonnair Enuers touttes gens Enuers vous seruans Penses quilz soyent Aussi bons come vous Ne les despites point Comandes eux ur volente En tele manner Margote prengne de largent Va a le boucherye Sy achates de lechar cell respondera. Quelles chars voules vous. Voules vous chars de porc A le verde saulsse Char du buef salle Serra bonne a la moustard La Fresh aux aulx Se mieulx ames Char de mouton ou daigniel De genise ou de viel soit rosty ou au browet je lachateray voulentiers Nenuil mais achatte Char de bachon ou de chieverel Si nous bargaigne De la venison Soyt de porc sengler Soyt de serf ou de bisse Sy latourne au noir poiure Quand tu larras achatte Va en la poillaillerie Achatte de poullettis une poll & deux pouchins Mais null chappon Ne nul coc napportes Ne ploviuer. Wydecos roussignoulz Moussons masanges Auwes annettes Coulons pivions Butoirs tourterolles Lymoges pertris. Alouwes paons Chuynes cignes Vieses gelines. iE suy malade Tell char me greveroit. je ne be poroye digerer Sire vous men aves Biaucop plus nommes Que ien cuide achatter Vous estes si tenres Vous pourries maisement. Menger char de chevaulx De tors de muletz De poutrains de iuments Encores sont aultres bestes Dont on na cure de mengier Loups reynards fovines. Olifans lupars catz Sings asnes chiens Ourse mengue on bien Si faitton chieures. On ne mengue point Aigles griffons Espreviers faucons Oistoirs escouffles. Des bestes venimeuses Serpens lasartz scorpions Mouches veers Qui de ces veers sera morse Il luy fauldra triacle Se ce non il en moroit Or apres oars des poissons. dEs poissons poez oyer Les noms daulcuns Non mie de trestouts. Car ie ne les scaroye. Comment trestous cognoistre Ainsi ne fonnt les mariners. Premiers des poissons de mer De la mer vous viennent Balainnes porc de merchant Cabellau plays esclefins. Sugles rays Merbens esparlens rogues Maqueriaulx mulets. bresmes aloses esturgeon Fresez herencs congres Herencs sorees daultre poissons. De rivieres mengies Carpres angui●les. Lues becques becquets' tenques perques Roches creviches Loqurs goviuons Saulmon de pluiseurs manners Saulmon de la meuse Saulmon de scoche. Garnars oystres moules Qui plus en scet plus en nomme Car ie ne scay de plus parler oR nommons les compenages. Et ce q 〈…〉 n fait. Premierment laict et bure Fromages dengletere. Fromages de champagne De brye de berghes De vaches de brebies Fromage de chieveres. Oefs de gelynes dauwe Oefs dannettes De laict et doefs Faitton flans De laict bouly a le flower Faitton rastons Et de chars pastees De craisme faitton bure De laict de brebis. Faitton gaufres Wasteletz rastons Furent oublies. ●E fruit oars nommer Poires pommes prounes Cherises fourdines Moures freses noix Pesques nesples Figes roisin Amandes dades less noms des arbres. Porrier pommier cherisier Pesquier figier mourier Nesplier pronnier chesne Fresne gaucquier Oliuier. Saulx espinier palmier Desoubz ces arbres Sont herbs sovef flairans Il ya roses vermeilles blances Mente confite et grain Fleurdelyts ouppe. Et hays es prets. Es boys sont les verdures Grouseillers grouselles. Les true on sowent En gardens sur les mottes Ens es preets est herbs Dont on fait faing Sy a des cardons et ortyes. Encore sont en les gardens Rogues coulles et blanches. Porions oignons. Betes cherfeul persin Saulge ysope timon Laittues porcelain Querson gelouffre Naneaulx aulx feneulle Espinces' borages Ce sont les pottages Poys feves Garnee quon fait de bled Chaudel pour les malades. Gruwel et porrees Ce sonnt les buuraiges. Vin de rin et dausay Vin de bean & de gerinole. Vin fransoys et de spayne Muskadel & bastard Vin dosoye et de garnate Vin de gascoyne Maluesye romenye Vin cuit vin gregois hippocras & clarey sont fait De vin & bonnes espices Blanc vin vin mermeil. Miel mies Seruoise dangletere Ser●oise dalemayne. Sydre est fait de pommes Boulie est faitte D●auwe & de levain. Et de tercheul Fontaine boit on bien. Liauwe boivent les bestes Sy bue on les toilles dAultres choses sanns attendre. Endementiers quill me sowient Vous veul deviser et aprendre Se vous voules bergaignier Draps ou aultres marchandisses. Sy alles a le hall Qui est ou marchiet Symontes les degretz La trouueres les draps. Draps mesles Rogue drape ou vert Bleu asuret Gaune vermilion Entrepers moret Royet esquiekeliet say blanch & bleu. Escarlate en grain Sy poes commencier. Par tele salutation come il est en premier chapitle Dame que faittes vous laulne. De ces draps Ou que vault le drape entier Embrief parler combien laulne Sire reason. je vous en feray reason Vous lairs au bon marshy. Voir pour cattle Dame il convient gaignier. Guards que ien paiera. Quatre soulz de laulne. Silius vous playst Ce ne seroit mie sens. Pour tant vouldroie ie avoir. Bonne escarlate Vous aves droit Se vous puisses Mais jay encore tel. Qui nest mie du meillour Que ie ne donroye point Pour sept souldz. je vous en croy bien Mais ce nest my drape. De tant dargent Ce scaves vous bien Ce que vous en laires Le sera vendre Sire que vault il. Dame il me vauldroit Bien treis souls Cest mal offert Ou trop demand Encores ameroie mieulx. Quill fust dor in vostre escrin Damoiselle vous ne perderes ja croix Mais dittes acertes Comment ie lauray Sanns riens laissier. je be vous donray a ung mot Certes se vous le aves Vous en paieres chinq souls De tant daulnes Que vous en prenderes Car ie new lairay riens Dame que vaudroit dont Lungs parolles Tailles pour moy une pair de robes Combien en tailleray ie Tant que vous quidies Que mestier most. Pour ung sourcote Pour ung cotte Pour une heucque Pour une pair de chausses Sire il vous en fauldra Bien quinse aulness. De par dieu tailles les De quelle largesse est il De deulx aulness et demye Cest bonne largesse Tai les a lautre deboute Cest tout ung par mon alme Mais ie le feroy volentiers. Dame messures bien Sire ie ne men confesseray ia De ce que ie vous detenray Dame ce scay ie bien Si ie ne vous creusse je vis appelle le messureur. Sire sil vous playst On lappellera Nenuil voir dame. je me tieng bien Content de vous. Car il me semble Que vous manes bien fait Plores le de par dieu Non feray sauue le vostre grace je veul que vous messures Dame puis que ie me tieng Plainement content Et puis que bien me souffist Il nest besoing de le remesurer Tien valton si le port Tu auras ung mayll. Or dame combien monte Ce que jay de vous. Sire se vous me baillies Disenoef souls Vous me paieries bien Tant me debues vous. Damoiselle tenez comptez Quelle monnoye Me donnez vous Bonne monnoye Ce sont gros dangletere Telz ya de flaundres Patards et demi patards Les vieulx gros dangletere Qui valent chincque deniers Les noveaulx valent iiij. deniers Vous le debues bien scavoir Qui tant dargent recepues. Vous dittes voir sire. Mais vous ameries mieulx Florins du rin Escutz du roy Royaulx nobles dangletere. Salutz door lions. Viez estrelins deniers Cest tout bonne monneye Mais que ie le piusse doner. Oil vous lez alonerez bien. Dedains la ville Et par tout le pays En touttes denrees. En touttes merchandises Biau sire ie me lo de vous Si que sil vous falloit Aulaine denree Dont ie me mesle Ou que jay entremayns Vous le pourries emporter Sans maille sans denier Sy bien maves pai●t Tresgrand merchis Sachies que mon argent Vous aries devant ung aultre. Ce seroit droit Pour vostre debonairete Pour la courtoysie. Qui est en vous Ce nest my Le derrain argent Que vous ears de moy Comment ce que soit le premier. Car il men fault ale fois. Et as mes compaignons. Draps de maintes manires. De pluiseurs villes De loundres /de euerwik De bristol /de bathon De paris /de roaen. De bruges /de gaund De ypres /de tourney De lylle /de dixmude De menin /de comines De bailloil /de poperinghes. De denremond daloste De saint omer /de valenciens De brouxellis /de malins. De lowain danvers Ainsi ie pense a aller. Silius playst a dieu A le feste de bruges A le feste danvers A le feasts de berghes A le feste de sterebrige. A le feste de salesburye A le feste de seynct bertilmeu Que serra a loundres A le dedication de challons A le foire de cambrige. A le procession de westmonaistre A le procession general Si achatceray des laines Comment donnes vous le poise Que voules vous avoir du clau Que donrai ie de la pierre Que vault la liure. De cest lain daygneaulx Vous responderes Ainsi que est escript ailleurs Encore ne lairoy ie mie. Que ie ne achatte Peaulx de vaches De quoy on fait cuyr De peaulx de chieures ou de bouk Faitton bon cordewan. De peaulx de brebis. Peult estre fait le basenne Si en faitton parcemin. En quoy on escript Or aves oyet. Des draps des laines. Des peaulx et des cuyrs Tout en ung chapitle pOur ce que ie ne suy Especier ne apoticaire. Ne scay mie nommer. Touttes manieres despeces Mais ien nomeray une party. Gingembre galigan. Cubelles saffran Poiure cumin Chucre blanc & brun Fleur de cammelle Anijs grain de paradis. De ces choses faitton confections. Et bonnes pours De quoy on fait Bonnes sausses Et electuaires de medicine Or dirons nous des oils Oil dolive & de semaile Oil doliette & denavette Oil de lingnuyse Oil de chenneve Sy faitton moustarde. je achatteray choses Dont on fait pointures. Asur et vert de spaigne Vermeyllon brezil. Vernis orpiement Encore ie veul emploier Ung somme dargent en sel En voit en harpoit En verde chire En rouge et gaune chire En noir chire De quoy on emplist Les tables En quoy on aprend Les enfans escripre Et du sieu Saing du porc Pour fair pottages. Saing the herencs. On en oint les sorles Se ie treune del alun jen achatteray par balls Car il appertient en la taincture Guades et guarance Mais comment que ie Moy entremelle A fair ce liure Et ie sache une party Comment on nomme les choses Pour ce ie ne scay mie Comment ne pour combien. Que on vent les biens Par measure ou par poix Par quarters ou par sestiers Par liures ou par demi liures Ou par onches. Par balances ou par tonniaulx Par vassiaulx ou par balls Par sacs ou par quierques Si que chil. Que scavoir le veult Il le pourra demander Aux marchans'. Qui bien le scevent Encore ie nay my Nomme les metaulx Qui seusievent. Fer achier plomb estain Kewre & arain. Or argent choses dorees Chooses dargentees Coroyes a claux dargent. Sainture de soye. A boucle dargent. Boursses owries a leguille Che sont merchandises Eguilles espengles Aloyeres tasses coffins & escriptoires Alesnes graffs Cornets a encre Contiaulx torches. Hwettes de soye Coifs dhommes Pendoyrs de soye Lachets lannieres Soye vermeylle Verde gaune noire soye. De ces soyes Faitton bordures. Chi feray ie fin Et diray des grains. Bled fourment. Soille orge Auaynne vesches. Feves boys De ces choses suy ie lasses Si que ie men reposeray Mais les grandes seigneurs nommeray Les prelates de saint eglise Les princes les grandes seigneurs Premiers des plus haulx Cest de nostre saint pere Le pape de romme Qui demeure a Avignon Qui par droit deuroit estre A grand romme Apres est le empereur Le plus grand seigneur. Lemperesse greigneur dame De tout le monde Elle est royne dallemaygne Le roy de fraunce Est le plus rich roy De treasure qui vist De la la merchant Le roy dangletere apres. Est le plus puissance & rich. Le roy de spayne Le roy darragon Le roy de cecile Le roy de navare Le roy de behaine Le roy de polaine Le roy de dace. Le roy de portingal. Le roy de scoce Le roy de naples Le roy Iherusalem Larchevesque de cauntorbie Larchevesque deverwike. Larchevesque de coloine. De reins de rohen. De magonce de trieris. Levesque de loundres Levesque de wincestre. Levesque de chestre Levesque de lincolne. Levesque de paris. Levesque de senlis Levesque de biawaix. Levesque de liege Levesque de cambray Levesque de terwaen. Mais par deseure eulx. Sont les dousze cardinaulx Par desoubz les evesques Sont les abbees. Les officiaulx Les prevosts les doyens Les pryeurs les gardiens Desoubs tells masters Sont les prebstres Les channonnes sont renteezes On veult dire Que ung abbe de clingny Est le plus rich clercq Qui soit en le monde Apres le pape Grys moysnes sont Del ordene de chistiaulx Saint bernard est lour patron Blancs moynes true on Del ordene de premonstre Noirs moisnes del ordene Saint benoit. Guillemynes Freres mineurs. jacopins chartreurs Carmes Augustins. Prescheurs Bogars Curates chappelains Abbesses Prioresses. Nonnains. Del ordene saint clare. Beghines clergesses Oars viennent les noms Des ducs des counts De duke deuerwik. De duke de lancastre. De duke de bretaigne De duke de guyhenne. De duke de ghelres. De duke de bourgoigne. De duke daustrice Le count darondel Le count de ken●● Le count dessex Lafoy count weruy Le conte de flaundres Le count de clermont De boulougne de saint pol. De hainau de holant. Chastelain de dowres. Viscounte de biaumont. De bourshier de berghes Chevaliers esquires hardyz Messire ernoul de noirs est baverets Et fu connestable de fraunce Messier daspremont Est double banerets Les noms des dames La bonne royne Ducesse contesse princess Pour tells dames Sont les tournoys Les joustemens' Les grandes guerres De quoy les grandes masters D● theology dastronomye nen ont que fair Et sont en repoz Et les masters de medicines Et le cirurgiens' aussi. pOur ce que pluyseurs mots Cherront ou pourront cheoir Qui ne sont point plainement Cy devant escrips. Sy vous escripray Doresenauant Diverses matters De touttes choses Puis de lun puis de lautre Ou quel chapitle je veul conclure Les noms dhommes & des femmes Selon lordre del a. b. c. Les noms des mestiers. Sy come vous poes oyer ●Dam amain cham mon cheval tantost. Se luy metz la sell et le frain. je chevaucheray ●a jay promise a estre. A ung parliament Ou a ung annyuersaire. Regard sil est ferres Des quatre piets Se il nelest Si le main ferrer Abraham cest faict ●enes montes Chaustes vous housiaux Vous esperons. Puis vous desiunes Ainchois que vous departs. Adryan ou en ales vous Se vous alles mon chemyn je vous tenroye company. Si en serroye moult joyeulx Alart or en alons Sans arrester Se nous voulons venir. Ainssi come nous Et les aultres avons inholder Abel ou vendt on. Le meillour vin de cest ville Dictes le nous Nous vous en prions Andrieu le meillour venton A la rue des lombars. Car ie lay assay Cest dung plain tonniel Au pris de viij. deniers. En le premier tavern Que vous trouueres Andrieu va querre Vng quart et demi Et te fais bien mesurer Si bwerons ung trait Nous desiunerous des trips De la foye du poumon Vng piet du buef. Ung piet du pork Ung teste daux Se nous desiunerous Et bwerous becq a becq Ancel mets la table Et les estaulx Lave les voirs Respaulme la hanap Dresce a manger Taille du pain. Lave le mortier Et le pestiel Fay nous des aulx Nous en aarons toute iour Plus chault en nous members Arnoul verses du vin Et nous donnes a boire. Non feray ie poyle des aulx. Alles ainchois laver Vous bewries bien a temps Aubin est a le port Mais alhuys Va se le laisse ens. je croy quil maporte Ce quil me doit Anthone est ung preudhomme Il se lief touts les nuyts Pour oyer matins Il ne me chault De son matin lever Ou de son dormier Ne de son veiller Augustin ou estu Il est a lescole Il sen ala a prime Il revendra a tierce Non fera nue a mydy Or viegne a none je vouldroye quil demourast jusques as vespres. Voire visques a complye. Et sil demourast. jusques a matines Ou iusques a mynuyt Et sil ne revenist iamais je ny acompteroye gaires Adrien parles a moy Combien de moys sont en lan. Quells sont ils janiver Feurier Mars Apuril May jung Iullet Aougst Septembre Octobre Novembre Decembre. aGnes not meschyne Scet bien nommer Toutes les grandes feasts Et les terms de lan. Damoiselle nommes les. Non feray se dieu mait Agathe les nommera De par dieu puis quainsi soit. A noel a pasques A lascension a la pentechoste La trinity a la saint jehan Le iour de saint pier. A le saint remy Le iour de tous sains A le saint martin. A le saint xpōfre. A nostre dame en march. A le chandeber A la nostre dame my aoust Au quaremieu Le iour de pasques flory Le iour de lan Les iour des trois roix Le peneuse sepmaine An demi an Le iour du sacrament Le procession deuerwik Le procession de couentre Les pardons de zion Seront au commencement daust Appoline venes boire Non feray saulue vostre grace Encore buuray ie Car ie ne refuse point Le hanap Ce serroit villonnie Anastase aves mengiet. Encore dine ie A nuyt soupperay ie Vous aves bien vo temps Qui si longement Estes en solas Dennuy de meschance Me veul garder De duel de maise adventure Mais toudis viure en joy Sera mon deduit Amand vostre serouge. A plus bell amye Que vous nays Et mieulx aprise Que ie nen scay null Elle est bell et sage. Si quills pourroient avoir. Asses des biens ensamlbe Amelberge est bien plaisante Dieu luy doinst boneur Ves le cy ou elle vient Ves moy cy voirement Que dittes vous de moy Nous ne disons de vous Sinon que bien Albert de haesbrouk Venes vous de la ville Oil sire sil vous playst Quelles nowelles Nous apportes vous Bonnes & lelles Car on didst Que paix serra Entre les deux roys. Et leurs royalmes Ou trieves pour trois ans Sire de cell bouche. Puyssies' vin boire. bAudewins le cousin charles. Est marshal de fraunce. Il me disoit Quill sera respite. Entre les engloys Et les escochoys Il en a eubt letters Benoit le vylain Est lieutenant. Du bailly damiens Et de la prevostie. Il est mes parens Et ie be sien Si men puis vaunter Bernard est le clocque sounce. Pour aller a leewre Vous vousts dire Le clocque des owriers Non say vrayement Mais le clocque du iour Oil tresgrand pieche Boneface fais du feu. Fais boullir lencre. Si mets plus de galls Et plus de substance Et mowele qui narde. Berthelmieu demores cy. Auecaues nous huymais Nous vous donrous De ce que nous a vous Et de ce que dieu nous a pressed. Si vous fera on Vng biau lied Vous ne aures pies Que nous mesines Bertran ce seroit asses Car se il ny avoyt Fors que du pain Et bonne ceruoyse Il me souffiroit. Si come a chescun Doit souffire Barnabe alles vous enter Nous ne avous cure De vostre company. Ne vous couroucies point Car sacies tout a plain Que vostre company Nest bonne ne bell Basilles que vous couste. Mon menage Que vous, vous plaindes de moy Plaigne ou ne plaigne point je naray iamais. Company avecq vous. Tant come ie vive Ou la vie ou corpse auray Brixe va ou four Pour les pastees Sacque horse lespaude. De lespoye tout chault car il est asses rostis Et le drechies par escuelles Sire les pastees sont venus Le roast est drechye. Beatrix le lavendier Venra cy apres mengier Se lie baillies les line draps Elle les buera nettement Berte escures les pots country ces haulz iours. En le chambre par tout cOlard li or feure Me doit fair Ma chainture une couroye clauwe dargent peasant quarant deniers Et ung triaclier Cyprien le tisseran Ma promise a tystre mon drape Demain ou apres demain Quand y fu le file port. Higher devant hire Anthan devaut anthan Ne leust on my tissu Pour autant come a iourdhuy Ne si hastivement. Colard lie foulon Scet bien fouler drape Si veul ie qiul le soul Encore est il moult dangereux. Conrad li tondeurs Le doit tondre Il prend del aulne quatre mites Puis que les tondeurs Euront leur franchise. Katherine la pigneresse Furio cy arain pour argent Elle iura par sa foye Quelle ne pigna oncques. Lain si bien Pour ce luy payera on bien Cecile la fyleresse. Vint avecques elle Elle prise moult vostre fylet. Qui fu filee a le keneule. Mais le fill Quon fila au rouwet A tant de neuds Que cest merueille a veoir Colombe le boysteuse Sen ala tenchant de cy Pour ce que ie Le vouloye baysier neantmoins navoye ie talon Et elle me mauldist. Et ie le remauldis Clement & clemence son fillaistre Tencierent ensamble Elle didst que oncques parastre ne marastre furent bons. Elle luy reprowa quil avoit trowe Luytant a ung valleton Clare la aueugle Va pour son pain. Aulmosne y est bien employ Car au temps quelle veoit. Elle eust enuys demand Si que cest pite de elle Clarisse la ●sbourysse Scet bien son mestier. Tresquand le a elle apries Draps esbourier Que demands vous. Elle eu fu berchie Elle a bien a fair Quelle gaigne moult. Car elle est moult gloutee dAuid le lormier Est ung bon owrier De fair sells Frains & esperons Et ce quil y affiert. Denis le fourbisseur A de moy ung espee. De tresbon taillant Ung couttel a point Ung espee Quill me doit fourbier Damian le armoyer Me vendra unes plates Vng bachinnet. Vng haubergon. Ung gorgiere Gauns de far Donace le pourpointier A parfaicte mon pourpainte Et mon paltocque eVstaes le taillieur A tant de taillier Pour la bonne diligence Quill faict a peuple De liurer leurs vestures Au iour quil a promise Pour ce il ne cease Nuyt ne iour Et sy a plenty de coustriers Encore dont ne peult il A grand pain liurer aux gens Ce quil leurs promet. Euraerd le vieswarier Scet bien estoupper. Vng mantle trauwet. Refouller regrateer Rescourer une rob. Et tous vieulx draps. Elyas le pointurer Et remaysonnes & remues. De la ou il soloit demourer. Il y met si longement. Mon drape a taindre Que iaray damage de luy. De quel couleur le tamdra il De bresille de galls Il destaindera tantost je le feroye descorche Estievene le voirier. Luy pria qui le fesist bien. Se luy en merchies Quand vous le verres Car il affiert bien. Ermentin gist malade Parles tout bas On portera son urine Au master alfrant Regard que lorynal soit net et clear Et sil est ort. Se le frotte dedens Kewre ta soer elle suera Se luy vauldra moult Elle luy vient de paour Elle vey bateiller deux hommes Dont lun fu tues. Et laultre quassies fRancoys le drappier Est ung rich homme Cest bien employ Il donne voulentiers pour dieu Il visette les deshaities Les prisonniers Si conseille les vesues Et les orphenins Firmin le tavernier A deux tonniaulx de moust. Il ma present A croire se ien a fair Enuoyes en querir. Il pass legierment le gorge Frederic le vin crieres. Didst quil vault bien. Ce quon vend. Il a droyt quil le dist. Il enboyt grandz traits Fierin le boulengier. Vend blanc pain & brun. Il a sour son grenier gisant Cent quartiers de bled Il achate a temps et a heure Si quil na point Du chier marchiet Fourchier le cardewanner Met plus de cuyr a oewre Que trois aultres Sy bonne vent a il Des solerss et galoches. Ferraus le chausser Fait chausses si mal taillies Et si mal consues Que ie ne conseilleroye nulluy Chauses a luy achatter Phelipote le tigneuse Embla a son master Vng forgierel Ou il avoit dedens Biaucop dorfrois. Et de reubans de soye Et de la fustane Si quil le fist prendre. Et mettre en prison Puis eubt elle Loreille copee. Si quelle menacha Son master a fair tuer Quoy quel en adviegne Chescun guard sa loiaulte. Felix le owrier de soye Fait tant de bourses Et aloyeres de soye Car elle en est mistress gVillebert le arcenier Fait les arcs & les sagettes. Les arblastriers trayent Gerard le moulenier Selon ce quon dist. Emble le moiety Du bled ou de farm De ceulx qui luy. Apportent a mieuldre La moiety ne emble il my. Mais ung peu de chescun sac Geruas le escripuain Scet bien escripte charters Preuileges instruments. Debts recepts. Testaments copies. Il scet bien counter Et render comptes De toutes rents Soit de rents a vie Ou rents herytables De toutes censes. Il est bien prouffitables. En ung bon service. Ce quil escript Demeure celee Cest la plus noble mestier. Qui soit au monde Car il nest si hault Ne si noble Qui se ahontier peult De be aprendre ne de le fair Se nest lescripture La loy & foy periroyent. Et toute la saint escripture Ne seroit mise en oubly Pour ce chescun loyal xpristien Le doit fair aprendere A ses enfans et parens Et le doibuent meismes seavoir Ou aultrement sans fault Dieu leurs demandera Et en prendera vengeance Car ignourance Pas ne les excusera Chescun si acquit. come il vouldra respondre Gombers le bouchiere. Demeure dencoste le boucerie. Il vent si bien ses chars Que luy appiert Car luy voy si pour Quill ne scavoit Que bouter en sa bouche. Pour ce est bonne chose Scauoir ung bon mestier Guyd le poissonner Ne sest my pis portes Si quil appert aval sa maison Il vend toutes manieres De poissons de merchant Et de doulce eauwe Lesquels sont escripts. Dessus en aulain am Dedens ce liure Gabriel le tillier 'Tis ma toille De fill de lin Et destoupes. Si me fault de le traisme. Et de lestain Est elle acheuce Oil desioefdy. Elle est tissue Pour fair blancher Ghyselins le corbillier A vendu ses vans Ses corbilles Ses tammis. Gherlin le chaudrelier A este a bonne feast Il a lassie Grand plenty de barteries Lesquelles denrees je ne nommeray point Car ils font nommees En ung des chapters George le librarier A plus des liures Que tout ceulx de lauile. Il les achate touts Tells quills soient Soient embles ou enprintees Ou aultrement pourchacies Il a doctrinaulx catons Heures de nostre dame Donats' pars accidens Psaultiers bien enluminees Joys a fremauls dargent Liures de medicines Sept psalms kalendiers Encre et parcemyn Pens de signs. Pens dauwes Bons breviaires Qui valent bon argent Geruas le feure Est biaucop plus rices Encoredont priest il. La liure pour trois mailles Gertrude la soeur gillebert. Est morte et trespassee Prijes pour son ame. Quand trespassa elle Droit maintenant Dieu luy pardonne. Sesse pechies et ses meffais. Nous irons au corpse Demain a loffrande hEnry le pointurier Point mon escu. De diverses couleurs A grand reason je me lo de luy jehan le usurier. A tant pressed Quill ne seat le nombre. Del avoir quil a tout maifement assemble Il pressed la liure Pour quatre deniers kylian et ses compaignons Pour leur merits. Sont saints en paradies Ou est joy sans fin lAmbert le charpentier. A marchandet a moy De fair mon chastel Le base court et une grange Et le doit charpenter De bon owrage Et les degretz. Tous les boys charpentifs Doit il liurer mesmes Laurence le machon A pris a machonner Et amenra des owriers Et sont achattes Bonnes peers de marbre Les fenestres dalbastre Mais le caulx Nest encore point measure Lievin le brasseur. Brass tant de ceruoyse. Quill ne peult vendre Car il est renommees De mawais bewrage Se luy convient a le fois. jetter devant les porciaux Lamfroy le cowreur de tieules. Cowry le belfroy Descailles de tieulles Au mieulx quil povoit. Encordont esty. Par le vent descowert Leonard le cowreur destrain Cowry ma maysoncelle Destrain et de gluy Les lattes quil achatta. Ne valent riens Il fist les parois. Et les placqua de terre. Dont est il placqueur Logier le feultier. A maint bon chappeau De beures et de feultre. Lucien le gantiers Siet dencoste moy. Faitte gans de cierf De chien et de brebis. Lyon le bourssier A boursses et aloyeres. Et les achattent les enfans Des tasses bien owries Lucy le bastard Ne fera iamais bien Car elle didst mal de ceulx Qui bien luy ont fait mArtin le especier Vent pluiseurs especes De toutes manieres de powder. Pour fair les brovets Et a moult de boistes points. Plains de confections Et moult de cans Plains de bewrages Maurisse le surgien Se mesle de guarir Plays claux Et apostumes De unguements Et demplastres Il seat taillier de la pierre Et guarir par bewrages De gravel de rompture Maximian le master de medianes Regard le urine des gens Il leurs seet a dire. De quoy ilz sont mallade Du mal du chief Des doleurs des yeux Des oreilles Silius out mal es dens. Aux pies as mamelles Il seat guarir et curer Ydropison menison Tesyque mormal Pieds ungles Fieures quartaines et tiercaines De le gaunisse Dont dieu nous guard Et de tout ce Que grever nous pourroit Il donne counsel a artetique. Et daultres languers Il a moult de bonnes herbs Mabile le consturiere Se chavist tresbien Elle fait sourplis. Chemyses brays Courechiefs et tout ce. Que on peult owrer De line drape Mahault le hwetier Se mainteint sagement. Elle vend chier ses hwes Elle les kent de deux constures nYchole le mostardier A bon vinaigre Bon veruis bon moustarde Galentine sausse Noir poiure. Bonne gausailliede. Natalie la dame des estwes Tient bonne estwe La plus souffisante de la cite Ilz y vont estwer. Toutes les estrangiers. Elle demeure Deriere le mur des carmes olivier le couretier Gaigne a couretage A ung denier a dieu. Vingt liures ou trent Oberol le hostelier A touts les bons hosts Il a les allemains Quon appelle oesterlins Poytevins fransoys. Engloys brabansois Flamengs lombars' Espaignoys Portingaloys Geneuoys escochoys. Haynewiers hollandois Danoys frisons Onnore le tourier. guard le prison La les prisonniers sont Il y font laronnes mourdriers Faulx monnoyers robbeurs Afourceurs de femmes. Coppeurs de boursses Les ung penned on Les aultres traynnon. Les aultres mettons sur roels Ceux qui coppent boursses Coppe on les oreylles Bussyn a a nom Lie bourialx de bruges. Pius que malefaicteurs ount gehy leurs meffais Les a il a mestrijer. Dieu nous guard. De sa meistrise. Bailluis estoutetes Aulains des eschevins Chevaucent avecq La on les met a mort. Et les sergeans' ysont ainsy. Ceulx qui eschappent Seront banny horse du pays Sur pain dy estre penduz Ogier le fauconner Aporta des faucons Oystoires dardan Espreviers Quill vendra a montpellier Ogier le poulallier A des pauls asses. Quiles ne sont trop cras Ne trop magre. pyere le bateure de lain Va tout oyseux Car son doyen Luy a deffendu son mestier Sour lamende de vingt solz jusques a doubt quil aura. Achatte sa franchise Il sen plaindra Au burchmaistre Et les gardiens des mestiers Nen font count. Paul le cwetier Faict et refaict les cwes. tonniaulx vaissiaux Courans et gouttans Paulin le mesureur de bled A tant measure De bled et de mestelon. Quill ne peult plus de viellesse Il est tout gryse Il donna a chescun sa measure Pieronne sa filleale Est la pieure garce Que ie sache de cha la mere qVintin le tollenier A pris de moy Ung liure de gros Plus quil ne debuoit prendre Du troit tonlieu. Sy me trayeray Au recepueur Pour men droit requerre. Quirin le detier Vendt ses dees. Ainsi qui veult a priest argent Cest bonne merchandise rObert le messenger Est enuoyes au roy. A rout deux pairs de letters Sellees du seal royal Roberte la cerenceresse Na plus de channeve Et a perdu sa cerench Elle vendra son lin Richaert le veytier Richier le chareton Menra du fien sur ma terre Quand elle sera ahanne Et sur mon courtil Quand il sera fovys Et au gardin Entour les arbres Rolland le mainowrier Fera mon prayel. une soif entour Rogier le coustre Est a Avignon Pour empetier une cure une chapelrie Voire se dieu playst Rainier le esquire Est aus joustes. Aux tournoys a company Tres honnourablement Il a mon rouchin Mon palefroy mon destrier Mes lances. Il aura le pris Raulle le changier A sys a change trent ans Les monnoyes sont bien desires Si que les gens se mettent en peril Destre dampnes. Cest grand folly De donner le eternalite Pour le temporalite wAultier le paternostrier Vend a le dedicasse Paternosters de crystal Par dousaines en gros Dambre de voire et de corns Willame le rammonnier Vent les rammons par loysir Ce poise moy ie vouldroye Quill le vendisist bien Valerien le tenneur A moult davantage. En ce quil vend cuyr Car il le tan meisme Walram le coureur Faict ung ort mestier. Il pute aval la maison Il coure ses piaulx De saing the herencs. Vaast le vairrier vend orains a madame une pelice de vaire Et de bonnes fourrures. Wauburge le pelletiere Refaicte ung plice bien Aussi faict son baron xpristien le gorlier Me faict ung goriel Dont array deux goriaulx Pour mes chevaulx de querue. Xpristiene la fill Se plaint du serrurier Pour ce quil nigh Dun enfant quil gaigna yZores le hugiers Fist le forcier de mamye Sa luysel son escrijn. Ysaac le vigneron Yra as vines Il me sonhaidera des crappes Car en les vines Gaignera il asses Ysaac le chauderlier Donne quatre chaudrons Contenant douze galons chescun. Pour quarant gros le piece. Et le bon chandelliere Donne quatre chandeylles de sleu Pour ung denier le piece zAchare le procurer Maporte une summons. Car jay fact sommondre Ierome le barbier je playderay encontre luy. josse le parceminier Me vendi une piel parcemyn Qui tout flua Et une cowerture de franchin Rees a ung les Qui riens ne valoit. Que ie ny puis sus escripre. Va querre une pouce Et du meillour papier Mon canivet mes forcettes jescripray une lettre damours. Se lenuoyeray a mamye je suy tout lasses De tant de noms nommer De tant de mestiers Tant doffices tant de services. je me veul reposer. Encoredont poor ralongier Ce que jay commenciet Diray ie du meilleur Cest que dieu nous crea A la samblance De luy mesmes. je dy au commencement Qui bien fera bien aura. Dieu est misericors Et si est just Il a mercy des pecheurs Qui cognoistre se veullent De ceulx qui ont repentance. Qui facent uraye confession. Et leur penance parfacent Que le confesseur leurs charge Et le faulx mawais. Qui damender nont cure Selon la saint escripture Sont en adventure de perir Pour ce est il mal advises Qui nauret le scent En peril de mort. Silius ne prend remede Quand il le scet ou trower. On didst qui sert nostre seigneur. Et la verge marry. Les sains apostles Les quatre evangelists Angeles et archangeles Prophets et martyrs Patriarces confesseurs Sainttes viergenes Saints vesues Saints innocens Ces saints et saints Il attended bon loijer Enuers dieu par leurs pryers On doit oyr messe Et toutes les heures du iour Qui en est aysies au moins Aller veoir le sacrament Est ung bon desiunement Se vous debues. Aucunes pelerinages. Si les pays hastivement. Quand vous estes meus. Pour aller vostre voyage. Et vous ne scaves le chemin Si le demands ainssi En commandant les gens a dieu A dieu bonnes gens je menvoye a saint jaques A nostre dame de boulogne. A la quelle port ysseray ie Et a quelle main. Prenderay ie mon chemyn A le main dextre Quand vous venres a ung pont Si les passes. Vous trouueres une voyette A le main senestre Qui vous menra en une country La vous verres sur une eglise Deux haultes clocqueres De la aurez vous Que quatre lieuwes. jusques a vostre gyste La seres vous bien aisies Pour vostre argent. Et se y aures bon hostel. Dame dieu y sort Compain vous soies bien venus Poroye ie avoir Ung licte chy ens Pourray ie cy herbegier Oil bien et nettement Si fussies vous dousisme tout a cheval Nenuil force que nous trois. A il a mengier chy ens. Oil asses dieu mercy Apportes nous enter Donne's du feign as chevaulx Et les estraines bien. Mais quills soient abvures Dame que debuous nous Nous avons este bien aise Nous compterons demain Et payerons aussi. Que vous vous en loeres Menes nous couchier Nous sommes lasses Bien ie voye vous reposeres jannette alumes le chandeille Si les means la sus Ou soler devant Si leur port de liauwe chaude. Pour laver leurs pieds. Si les cowre de coussins'. Regard que lestable Soit bien fremme. Dame peult on navyer Descy a bouloigne Oil maintenant il ya. une nef pressed plain de gens Dieu les veulle conduire Dieu les amains a sawete Dieu les laisse leur voye Bien employer Escoutes il ton et esclire Y pluyt et gresille. Dieu saulue les biens des champs Dieu en puist sowenir Seigneurs qui vouldroit Ce liure ne fineroit iamais. Car on ne pourroit tant escripre Quon ne troweroit toudis plus Le parchemin est debonair Il seuffre sour luy escripre Quancques on veult Cy appres vous deviseray. Ung liuret quon appelle Le number le quel est Moult prouffytable. Par le quel On pourra scavoir counter De denier as deniers Si en poes retenir. Les debts quon vous doit Et les recepts Que vous aves rechupt Ou que vous aves paiet Si commencies ainsi. come est declare cy apres ung deux trois Quatre chincq six Sept huyt neuf dix Vnze douze treze Quatourze quinze seze Dixsept dixhuyt Dixneuf vingt. trent quarante Chincquante soixante. Septante huytante Ou quatre vingt Nonante Cent Deux cents mill Cent mill Ung million Ainsi toudis montant une liure de strelins une marcq que vault. Deux nobles dangleter une liure de gros Monoye de flaundres une sold que vault Trois gros ou douze deniers Ung denier une maille Vng quadrant une mite. Cy fine ceste doctrine A westmestre les loundres. En forms impressee. En le quelle ung chescun Pourra briefment aprendre Fransois et engloys La grace de saintt esperit Veul enlummer les cures De ceulx qui le aprendront Et nous doinst perseverance. En bonnes operations Et apres ceste vie transitory La pardurable joy & glory Englissh Hier beginneth the table Of this prouffytable learning. For to find all by order That which men will learn first the calling of the trinity How every man aught great other The catayllies langing to the house The names of flesh and of bestis And of birds tame and wild The names of fishes of the see. And of fishes of the Rivers The names of white meet The names of the fruits of trees The names of diverse trees The names of pottages The names of common drinks The merchandise of cloth Of diverse towns and fairs The merchandise of wool The names of hides and of skins The names of the apothecaries. The names of Oils Of the colours of p●●nters The names of cori●rs Of alum and of other colours. The names of all metals. The names of merceryes The names of diu●rse grains. Of the prelates of holy church Of the pope cardinals bishops. archbishops abbotts and officials Of monks and folk of order Of th'emperor kings and queens Of dukes earls and princes Barons kn●ghtes and squires The names of men and of wommen And of crafts after th'order of a. b. c. The great feasts and terms of theye●● Of goldsmiths weavers and fullers Sheremen kempsters spinsters Of bridelmakers and armourers Of tailors and upholdsters Of dyers and drapers Of bakers and shoemakers Of skriveners and boumakers Of mylnars and bochiers Of fysshmongers and of lynwevers Of ketelmakers and librariers Of glovers and of maundemakers Of paintours and usuriers. Of tilers and thatchers. Of carpenters and hatmakers. Of cobelers and pursers. Of shepsters and spycers Of brokers and hosteleeres Of keepers of of prisons and coupers Of metars and messengers Of carters and changers Of myntemakers and pybakers Of pleyers and tawyers. Of makers of greywerke and lokyers Of gorelmakers and joiners. Of parchment makers And the words that everich may learn for to go. from one land or town to anothir. And more other reason That should be over long. To set in this table In the end of this doctrine Shall ye find the manner For to learn reckon. By pounds by shillings by pens Your receit and your giving out Bring it all in somme Doo diligence for to learn Flee idleness small and great. For all vices springen thereof Right good learning. For to learn. Shortly french and englyssh In the name of the father And of the soon And of the holy ghost. I will begin And ordain this book. By the which men shall mow Reasonably understand. Frenssh and englissh Of as much as this writing Shall contain and stretch For he may not all comprise But that which can not be founden Declared in this. Shall be found somewhere else. In other books But know for truth That in the lines of this author. Been more words and reasons. Comprised/ and of ansuers Than in many other books who this book shall will learn May well enterprise or take on hand Merchandises fro one land to anothir And to know many wares Which to him shalbe good to be bought.. Or sold for rich to become. Learn this book diligently. great profit lieth therein truly. Now know what behoveth That he have of all a party. when ye go by the streets And ye meet any. That ye know. Or that they be of your knowelech Be swift and ready. Him or 'em first to great. If he be or they be men of valour Do of your hood For ladies and damoiselles If they do of their hood So set it on again with your handis In such manner May ye salue them Sire god you keep That is the shortest That one may say To the people in saluing Or in other usages. Sire ye be welcome. You lady or damoiselle You been welcome Sire god give you good day Dame good day give you our lord fellow or friend You be welcome What do ye how is it with you Well that well moat ye have. Where have ye been so long I have not seen you in long time I have been long out of the country In what country. Sire that should be overmuch for to tell But if you plaise any thing. That I may do Command it me As to him That gladly shall do it. Sire gramercy Of your courteous words And of your good will God reward you God late me deserve it Know ye certainly That ye be not Nothing deceived. For that would I do For you and for yours To god I you command I take leave of you. Ansuere thus Our lord conduit you. To god moat ye be commanded God you have in his holy keeping Go ye to god great me the lady Or the damyselle Of your house Or of your heberow Your wife your children Your husband Your sons and your daughters. Alle your main Also recommend me To my lord. To my young lords. To my lady. To my young lady. To your father and to your mother To your bell father & to your beldame To your eme & to your aunt To your cousins and to your nieces. To your cousins germans. To your neveus & to your nieces Which been children of your brother Or of your sister Your brethren your sisters forget them not I shall do it for you gladly To god I command you Now go to god Thus enden the salutations. And the ansueris nOw standeth me for to speak Of other things necessary That is to say of things That been used after the house Of which me may not be without Of the house first I shall say. On adventure if it be to do The house well ordained Aught to be well wyndowed Of diverse windows By which it have great light. Hit behoveth to the chambres Loftes and garettiss. wHo wine will maintain behoveth to have selers And a low chambre For to take his casement Now must ye have beds. Beds of fetheris. For the power to lie on Beds of flocks. Sarges tapytes Quiltes painted For the beds to cover. Couerlettes also Bankers that been fair Under the bed a chalon straw therein. Benches chairs lists stoles. Pots of coppre kawdrons Ketellis pans basins lavours Pots of earth Cannes of earth For to go to the water These things shall ye find In the potterye If ye have whereof. Do that ye have. Works of tin Pots of tin and cans Cannes of two stoup. Cannes of a sextier Stops and half stops. pints and half pints A stoup is called. In some place a quart These been the mesures That I can name But the botellis. Of tin of wood of leather Men find of all maneris Now must ye have platters of tin Dishes saussers Sallyers trenchers. These things shall ye find Of tree and of earth. Covercles of coppre Of earth and of iron Now after a dish fat Where me leyeth therein The foresaid things And the spoons of tree The spoons of silver. That dooo men where they will In most sure keeping The ladle of the pot about the fire. Trevet for to set it on Upon the herthe belongeth Wood or turfs Two andirons of iron A tongue a gridiron A flesh hook. knives for to cut That what me shall will A chopping knife for to chop wortes Cups of silver Cups guilt Couppes of gold. Cups with feet These things set ye In your whutche or chest. Your jewels in your forcier That they be not stolen plenty of sheets. Bordclothes towellis For to make to us garlyk. And sauces thorough the strainer You must have. A mortar a pestyll On the perch hungen your clotheses Mantellis frocks Heukes' cloaks. Cotes doblettes Clotheses furs Winter clotheses and of summer The pelows on the bed. Upon the keverchief Chertes breeches With the pauntcher When ye be unclothed Me findeth furs Of bevers of lombes. Pylches of hares and of conies Set in to the cupbort Your breed your cheese Your butter your meet And other white meet The leaving of the table Do that there be salt And glazes Here endeth the third chapter now understand little and great I shall say you right forth Of an other matere. The which I will begin If ye be married And ye have a wife And ye have a husband So maintain you pesibly That your neighbours say not Of you other wise than well. Hit should be shame If ye have father and mother So worship them alway Do to hem worship forbear them. For after the commandment And the counsel of cathon. Men aught to worship them For he saith in his book Worship father and mother. If ye have children. So chastise them with the rod And inform them With good manners the time that they be young Send them to the school To learn read and to writ That they resemble not bestis Be ye buxom Unto all folk Unto your servants. Think that they be As good as ye Despise them not Command them your will In such manner Margaret take of the silver Go to the flesshshamels. Bye there of the flesh She shall answer again What flesh will ye will ye flesh of pork With the green sauce Flesh of bueff salted Shall be good with the mustard The fressh with gharlyk If ye better love Flesh of mutton or of lamb Of an hawgher or of a calf Is it roasted orels with browet I shall buy it with good will Nay but buy Flesh of bacon or of a gheet So cheap for us Of the venison Be it of wild boor Be it of heart of hyndecalf Dyghte it with brown pepre When thou shalt have bought it Go in to the poultry. Bye poullettis One poullet & two chickens. But no capon. Ne no cock bring not Ne plovier Wodecoks nyghtyngalis Sparrows meesen Ghees doukes Dowues pigeons Butores turtellis Heth hens partriches Larks peacocks. Storks swans Old hens i am seek. Such flesh should grieve me I shall not mow dygeste it Sire ye have to me. Many mo named Than I wend to buy You be so tender You may evil Eat flesh of horses Of bulls of mules Of colts of mares Yet been there other beasts Whereof men recche not to eat wolves foxes fichews Olifaunts lupardis cats. Ape's asses hounds A bear men eat well So do men ghotes Men eat not. Eygles griffons Sperhawkes' faucons Hawks kites. Of beasts venomous Serpent's lizarts scorpions Flies worms Who of these worms shall be byten He must have treacle If not that he shall die. Now hereafter shall ye here of fish oF the fishes may ye here. The names of some Not of all For I ne wot not How all to know Also ne do not the mariners First of fishes of the see from the see to you come Whales pourpays Coddeling plays haddoks Fools thornbaks Whiting sprot●e rogettis Makerell molettis Bremes alice sturgeon Fressh hearing congres Reed hearing Of other fishes Of the river eat carps eelis Luses pikes pikerellis Tenches perches Roches crevyches Loches gogeorns Salmon of diverse manners Salmon of the maze Salmon of scotland Shrimpes oystres muscles Who knoweth more name he more For I ne know no more to speak Now name we the white meet And that whereof is made First milk and butter Cheese of england Cheese of champagne Of brye of berowe Of kien of sheep. Cheese of gheet Eggs of hens of ghees. Eggs of dokes. Of milk and of eggs Men make flawnes Of milk sudden with the flower Men make printed cakes And of flesh pasteyes Of kreme make me butter Of the milk of sheep. Make men wafres Wastles eyrekakye. Were forgeten oF fruit shall ye here named Peres apples plumbs Cherries sloes Morberies strawberries notes. Pesshes medliers. Fyggis Raisins Almandes dates tHe names of trees Pere tree apple tree cherye tree. Pesshe tree figtree morberytree Medliertree plomtree ooke ash nokertree olyvetree Wylough thorn palm-tree. Under ●●ese trees Ben herbs suete smelling There been roses read white Mint confyte and grain Lelyes hops And hedges in medowee In woods been the verdures. Brambleses bremble berries There is founden oft In gardens on the mottes within the medewis is the grass Whereof men make hay Se been there thistles and nettles Yet been in the gardens Reed cool and white. Porreette onions Betes cheruyll parsley Sauge hyssop time Letews' porselane. Kersses' geloffres Rapes gharlyk fennel Spynache borage These been the pottages Pesen beans Furment which is made of wheat. Caudle for the seek Growell and wortes These been the drinks Rynyssh win and of elzeter Wyn of bean and of gerinole Frenssh win and of spain Muscadel and bastard Wyn of os●ye and of garnade Wyn of gascoigne Malueseye romeneye Wyn sudden win greek hippocras and clary been made. Of win and good spices White win red win. honey meed Ale of england Byre of alemayne Syther is made of apples Boulye is made Of water and of levayn And of wort well water drink me well Water drink the beasts So wesshe me with all linen clothis Of other thing without tarrying. While that I remember. I will to you devise and teach If ye will bargain Wullen cloth or other merchandise So go to the hall. Which is in the market So go upon the steyres There shall ye find the clotheses Clotheses medleyed Read cloth or green. blue yasured Yellow reed. Sad blue morreey Ray checkered Say white and blue Scarlet in grain So may ye begin By such greeting As it is in the first chapter. Dame what hold ye the elle. Of this cloth Or what is worth the cloth hole In short to speak how moche thelle. Sire reason. I shall do to you reason. You shall have it good cheep You truly for cattles Dame me must win Take heed what I shall pay Four shillings for the elle If it you please you Hit ne were no wisdom. For so much would I have Good scarlet You have right. If ye may But I have yet some. Which is not of the best Which I would not give For seven shillings I you believe well But this is no such cloth Of so moche money. That know ye well. This that ye shall leave. Shall be sold Sire what is it worth Dame it were worth to me. Well three shillings. That is evil boden. Or to much axed Yet had I ●euer That it were gold in your chest. Damoiselle ye should not lose thereon Never a cross But save certainly How shall I have it. Without thing to leave. I shall give it you at one word Certainly if ye have it You shall pay 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For so many elles Which ye shall take For I will abate no thing. Dame what shall avail then Long words Cut for me a pair of gowns How moche shall I cut Also much as ye ween. As me shall need For a surcoat For a cote For an hewke For a pair hosen. Sir it you behoveth Well fifteen elles. In god's name cut them Of what breed is it Of two else and an half That is good breed. Cut at that other end Hit is all one by my soul. But I shall do it gladly Dame meet well Sire I shall never shrive me thereof Of that I shall with hold you Dame that knows I well If I had not trusted you I had called the metar Sire if it please you. He shall be called. Nay truly dame. I hold me well Content with you For me seemeth. That ye have to me well done Fold it up in god's name. I shall not sauf your grace I will that ye m●te it Dame sith that I me hold Plainly content And sith it well me sufficeth. It is no need to meet it again Hold thou boy and bear it Thou shalt have an halfpenny Now dame how moche cometh it to. This that I have of you Sire if ye give to me. nineteen shillings. You shall pay me well So much ye own me Damoiselle hold tell. What money. give ye to me Good money These been groats of england. such there be of flanders Plackes and half plackes. The old groats of england Which be worth v. pens The new be worth four pens You aught well to know That so much money receive. You say truth sire But ye had liefer Rynyssh guildrens' Scutes of the king Ryallis nobles of england Salews of gold lions Old sterlingis' pens This is all good money You and I may give it out Yes ye shall give it out well Within the town And all about the country In all penny worths In all merchandises Fair sire I am well plesyd with you Were it so that ye failled any ware Of which I meddle with Or that I have under hand You may bear it a way Without halfpenny or penny So well have ye me paid Right great gramercy Wit ye that my silver You shall have tofore an other. Hit were right. For your goodliness For the courtosye That is in you It en is not The last silver That ye shall have of me How be it that this is the first For me behoveth other while And to my fellows Clotheses of many maneris Of many towns Of london /of york Of bristow /of bathe Of paris of roen Of brugges /of gaunt. Of ypre /of dornyk Of ryselle /of dixmuthe Of menyn /of commons Of bell /of poppering. Of dendremonde /of aloste Of saint omers /of valensynes. Of brussels /of mechelyne Of lovayn /of andwerp. Also I think to go. If it plaise to god To the feast of bruges. To the mart of andwarp To the mart of berow To the fair of sterbrigge To the fair of salesbury To saint bartilmews fair Which shall be at london To the church halyday of chalons To the fair of cambrigge To the procession of westminster To the procession general. And I shall buy wool How give ye the way What will ye have of the nayll. What shall I give for the stone. What is worth the pound Of this wool of lambs. You shall ansuere Also as it is written else where Yet shall I not leave it. That I ne buy. Hides of kine. Whereof men make leather Of fellis of gheet or of the bukke Make men good cordewan. Of sheeps fellis May be made the basenne. So make men also perchemyn. In which men writ Now have ye herd Of clotheses of wool Of fellis and of leather Alle in one chapter fOr that I am not Spycier ne apothecary I can not name. Alle manners of spices. But I shall name a party ginger galingale Cubibes saffran. Pepre common▪ Sugre white and brown flower of cammelle. Anise grains of paradise Of these things be made confections And good poudres. Whereof is made Good sausses And electuaries for medicines Now shall we say of the oils. Oil of olive and of feldeseed Oil of mecop and of rapeseed Oil of linseed Oil of hempseed And men make mustard I shall buy things Whereof been made paintures Azure and green of spain Vermeyll on brasil Vernysshe orpement Yet I will by stow A some of silver in salt In pycche in rosin In green wax/ In read & yellow wax. In black wax. Whereof be fyllyd The tables. In which men teach The children to writ And of siewet The fat of a swine. For to make pottages Sayme of hereng. Men anoint therewith shoes If I find alum I shall buy by bales. For it belongeth in the dyerye Wood and mader But how that I Me entremete To make this book And I know a party How men name the things Therefore I ne wot not How ne for how moche That men sell the goods By measure or by weight By quarters or by sestiers By pounds or by half pounds. Or by ounces By balances or by barelliss By vessels or by bales By sacks or by lasts So that he That will know it He may ask it At the merchants Which well know it Yet I have not named the metals. Which follow Iron steel lead tin. Coppre and bras. Gold silver things guilt. Things siluerid. Gyrdellis with nails of silver Corse of silk With bocle of silver Purses wrought with the needle These been merchandises Needles pins Paweeners tasses. Coffyns and penners. Alles poyntels Enke horns knives shears. Hunes of silk Coifs for men. Pend●nts of silk. Lace's points Reed silk. ●rene yellow Black silk Of these silks ●ake me broythures' ●ere I shall make an end ●nd shall say of grains. 〈◊〉 wheat 〈◊〉 barley 〈◊〉 vessches. Benes p●sen Of these things I am weary ●o that I shall rest me But the great lords I shall name The prelates of holy church. The princes the great lords. first of the highest That is of our holy father. The pope of rome Which dueleth at auynyon That by right should be At great room Next is the emperor The greatest lord Thempress the greatest lady Of all the world She is queen of almain The king of france Is the most rich king Of treasure that liveth Beyond the see The king of england after Is the most mighty and rich. The king of spain The king of aragon The king of cecile. The king of navarre The king of beme. The king of pool The king of denmark The king of portugal. The king of scotland. The king of naples The king of Iherusalem Tharchbishop of caunterbury Tharchbishop of york. Tharchbishop of coleyne Of reins of roen Of mence of treyer The bishop of london The bishop of wynchestre The bishop of chestre The bishop of lincoln The bishop of paris The bishop of senlies The bishop of biaways The bishop of luke. The bishop of camerik The bishop of terrewyn But above them Ben the xii. cardinals Under the bishops Ben the abbots The officials The provosts the denes The priors the wardens Under such masters Ben the priests The canons been rented Men will say That an abbot on cluny. Is the richest clerk. That is in the world Next the pope. Grey monks been Of the order of cistiauls saint bernard is their patron. White monks men find Of the order of premonstrence. Blac monks of the order. Of saint benet Wyllemyns and frere menours Blac freris & monks of chartre house White friars and austyns Preachers lewd freris. curates chappelains. Abbesses' prioresses nuns Of the order of saint clare Beghyns clergesses Now comen the names Of dukes of earls Of the duke of york Of the duke of lancastre Of the duke of bretaigne Of the duke of guyan Of the duke of gheldreland. Of the duke of bourgoyne Of the duke of ostryche. The earl of arondel The earl of kent. The earl of essex The earl of warwyke The earl of flanders The earl of clermonde Of boloyne of saint pol Of henaud of holland Castelayn of dover Vycounte of beaumond Of bousser of berow Knights squires hardy Sir arnold of noirs is a banerett And was constable of france My lord of aspremond is double banerette The names of ladies Tde good queen Duchess countess princess For such ladies Ben the tournemens The joustynges The great wars Whereof the great masters Of divinity of astronomy Have not to do. And been in rest And the masters of medicyns And the surgeons also fOr this that many words. Shall fall or may fall. Which been not plainly Here tofore written. So shall I writ you. from hens forth. diverse matters Of all things Sith of one sith of anothir In which chapter. I will conclude The names of men and of women After the order of a.b.c. The names of crafts So as ye may here aDam bring hither. My horse anon And set on him The saddle and bridle I shall ride. There I have promised to be To a parliament Or to a years mind Behold if he be shoed On four feet If he be not So lede him to be shoed. Abraham it is done Hold sit up Do on your boots Your spurs Sith break your fast Ere ye hens depart Adryan where well ye go If ye go my way I shall hold you company So shall I be much glad Alarde now go we. Without tarrying If we will come Like as we And the other have promised Abel where sell men The best win of this town. Say it us We pray you. Andrew the best selleth me In the street of lombardis. For I have assayed. Hit is of a full fat. At pris of viii. pens And the first tavern That ye shall find Andrew go fecche. A quart and an half. And do the well to be meten So shall we drink a draft We shall break our fast with trips Of the liver of the longhe A foot of an ox A foot of a swine An heed of garlic So shall we break our fast And shall drink beck to beck Ancelme set the table And the trestles wash the glasses Spoylle the cup Dress to eat Cut breed wash the mortier And the pestle Make us some gharlyk We shall have all the day Moore heat in our members Arnold give us wine And give us to drink I shall not I pylle the gharlyk. Go erst wash You shall drink well in time Aubin is at the gate But at the door Go let him in. I trow that he bringeth me That he me oweth. Antony is a wise man He ariseth all the nights For to here matins me ne reccheth. Of his early rising Or of his sleeping Ne of his waking Austyn where art thou He is at the school He is goon to prime He shall come again at tyerse He shall not at midday Now come a noon I would that he abode Until evensong You truly until compline. And if he tarried. Until matins. Or until midnight And if he come never. I should not recche moche Adryan speak to me How many months been in the year. Which been they. januier Feverer March Aprille. May juyn evil August. Septembre Octobre Novembre Decembre aGnes our maid Can well name Alle the great feasts And the terms of the year Damyselle name them I shall not so god help me Agate shall name them. In gods name sith it so is At christmas at estre At ascension at whitsontid The trinity at saint johan. The day of saint petre At saint remyge The day of all hallows At saint martin's mess At saint xpriforis At our lady in march At candlemas At our lady in harvest At shroftyde The day of palm sunday The newyers' day The day of three kings The painful week Year half year The day of sacrament. The procession of york The procession of Coventry The pardon of zion Shall be at the beginning of august. Appolyn come eat I ne shall not sauf your grace Yet shall I drink. For I refuse not The cup That were villainy. Anastase have ye eaten Yet I dine. At night I shall souppe. You have well your time That so long. Be in solace from noying of mischief I will keep me. from sorrow of evil adventure But alway live in joy Shall be my byleding Amand your cousin allied Hath a fairer lyef Than ye have And better taught. Than I know any She is fair and wise So that they might have Enough of goods together. Amelbergh is well plaisannt God give her good hap See her heir where she cometh See me heir verily What say ye of me We ne say of you. Nothing but good Albright of haesburgh. Come ye fro the town You sire if it please you What tidings. To us bring ye Good and fair. For men say. That peace shall be between the two kings. And their royalmes Or triews for three year Sir with that mouth might ye win drink bAudewyn the cousin of charles Is marshal of france. He said to me. That it shall be respite between the englishmen And the scots He had thereof letters. Benet the chorle Is lieutenant Of the bailie of amyas And of the provosty. He is my kinsman. And I am his So may I me avaunt Bernard is the clock swooned. For to go to work You would say The bell of work men I ne do truly But the day bell You over a great while Boneface make fire Make the inch to seeth And put therein mo galls And more substance And stir it that it brenne not Bertilmewe abide heir. With us this day We shall give you Of that we have And of that which god hath lent us So men make to you A fair bed You shall have no worse Than we ourself Bertram this shall be enough For if he have. Nothing than breed And good ale Hit should suffice me So as to every It aught suffice Barnaby go ye hens We have no charge Of your fellowship Ne anger you not. For know ye all plainly That your fellowship Is not good ne fair Basylle what hath cost you My household That ye plain you of me Plain or plain nothing I shall have never Company with you As long as I live Or the life in my body shall have. Bryce go to the oven For the pasteyes Draw out the shoulder Of the spete all hoot For it is enough roasted And dress it by dishes Sire the pasteyes be come The roast is dressyd Beatrice the lavendre Shall come hither after dinner. So give her the linen clothes. She shall wassh them cleanly Berte scour the pots Against these high days In the chamber ou●r all cOlard the goldsmith oweth me to make My girdle A girdle nailed With silver weighing xl. pens And a treacle box. Cyprien the wevar Hath promised to weave. My cloth To morrow or after morrow. When was the thread thither born. Yesterday tofore yesterday Foryere tofore foryere. Hit had not be woven For as much as on this day Ne so hastily Colard the fuller Can well full cloth So will I that he full Yet is be much dangerous. Conrade the sherman He oweth to shere He taketh of the elle four mites Sith that the sheremen Had their franchise Katherine the kempster Was heir right now for money She swore by her faith That she kembyth never Wulle so well Therefore men shall pay her well Cecyle the spinster. Cam with her She praiseth much your yarn That was spun on the dystaf But the yarn That was spun on the wheel Hath so many cnoppes That it is marvel to see Colombe the halting went her chiding from hens. For this that I Would have kissed her Neverthelees I had no lust. And she me cursed And I cursed her again Clement & clemence his step daughter chidden to guider She said that never stepfadre Ne stepmodre were good He reproved her that she had founden Her wrestling with a boy Clare the blind Goth for her breed Alms is there well bestowed For the time that she saw. She had not gladly axed So that is pite of her Clarisse the nopster Can well her craft Sith when hath she learned it Cloth for to noppe. What ask ye She was therewith rocked She hath good to do That she win moche. For she is much lichorous. david the bridelmaker. Is a good workman For to make saddles. Bridles and spurs And that thereto belongeth Denis the fourbysshour Hath of me a sword Of right good cutting A knife with a point A sword Which me aught to furbysshe Damian the armourer Shall sell me a plate A bacenet An habergeon A gorget●● Gloves of iron Donaas the doublet maker Hath performed my doublet And my jaquet eVstace the taillour Hath so much to cut For the good diligence That he doth to the people To delivere their clotheses Atte day ●hat he hath promised Therefore he resteth not. Night ne day And hath plenty of sowers. Yet thenne he may not. With great pain delivere the people That which he hath promised 'em Euerard the upholster Can well stop. A mantle hooled Full again card again Scour again a gown. And all old cloth Elyas the painter. Is howsed again and removed. from thence where was wont to duel He tarrieth so long My cloth to die. That I shall have harm of him Of what colour shall he die it Of brasylle of galls He shall stain it anon I shall do it with bark Steven the glazier. Prayed him he would do it well So thank him. When ye him see For it behoveth well. Ermentin lieth seek Speke all soft. Men shall bear his urine To master alfranke See that the urinal. Be clean and clear And if it be foul. So rub it within Cover thy sister she shall suete. Hit shall auaille her much Hit came to here of fere She seen two men fighten Of whom that one was slain And that other hurt. fAnuseys the drapier Is a rich man It is well bestowed He giveth gladly for god's sake He visiteth them that be not hole The prisoners Also counseilleth the widows And the orphans Fremyn the taverner Hath two tons of must He hath proffered me To borrow if I have to do with hen Send to fecche them Hit passeth lightly the throat Frederik the win criar Says that it is well worth That men selleth it for He hath right that he it saith He drinketh great draughts Fierin the baker Selleth whit breed and brown He hath upon his garner lying An hundred quarters of corn He buyeth in time and at hour So that he hath not Of the dear cheap. Forcker the cordewanner. Put more leather to work Than three other So good sale hath he. Of shoes and of galoches Ferraunt the hosyer Maketh hosen so evil shapen And so evil sewed That I shall counseille noman. Hosyn of him to buy Philipote the scallyd Stall fro her master. A forcyer Where there was therein Many orfrayes. And rybans of silk And of fustian So that he took her And set in prison. Sith had she Her ere cut of So that she threatened. Her master to be slain What so ever come thereof every keep his truth Felice the silkewoman maketh so many purses. And pauteners of silk For she is thereof a mistress gVysebert the bowemaker. Maketh the bows & the arrows The arblastrers shoot Gherard the myllar After that men say Steleth the half. Of corn or of meal. Of them that to him Bring to grind The half he steleth not But a little of every sack Geruays the scrivener Can well writ charters Prevyleges instrumentis Dettes receyttes. Testamentis copies He can well reckon. And yield reckon Of all rents. Be they of rent for life Or rent heritable Of all fermes He is well profitable In a good service That which be writeth Abideth secret Hit is the most noble craft That is in the world For there is noon so high Ne so noble That may him shame For to learn ne for to do If it were not the scripture. The law and faith should perish And all the holy scripture. Shall not be put in forgetting Therefore every true cristen man. Aught for to do learn To his children and friends And themself own it to know Or othirwyse without fault God shall demand them And shall take of it vengeance For ignorance Shall nothing excuse 'em Every man so acquit him As he will ansuere Gombert the bocher dueleth beside the bocherie He selleth so well his flesh That to him it appeareth For I saw him so pour That he knew not What to put in his mouth Therefore it is good thing To con a good craft Guy the fysshmonger Hath not worse borne him So as it appeareth after his house He selleth all manners Of see fish And of fressh water. The which been written To fore in some place Within this book Gabriel the lynwevar. weaveth my linen cloth Of thread of flax And of touwe Me lacketh woef. And of warp Is it ended You sith thursday Hit is woven. For to do white Ghyselin the mand maker. Hath sold his vannes His mandes or corffes. His temmesis to cleanse with Gheryn the ketelmaker. Hath been at a good fair He hath there lefde great plenty of baterye The which pennyworths I shall not name. For they be named In one of the chapters George the book cellar Hath more books. Than all they of the town. He buyeth them all such as they been Be they stolen or enprinted Or othirwyse pourchaced He hath doctrinals catons Ours of our lady. Donettis' partis accidents Sawters well enlumined Bound with clasps of silver Books of physic Seven psalms calendars Ink and perchemyn Pens of swans Pens of gheee Good portoses Which been worth good money Geruays the smith Is much richer. Nevertheless leneth be The pound for three halfpence Gertrude the sister of gylbert Is deed and passed Pray for her soul When passed she Right now God forgive her. Her sins and her trespasses We shall go to the corpse. To morn to thoffering hArry the painter Painteth my shield With diverse colours By great reason I am plesid with him. johan the usurer Hath lent so moche. That he knoweth not the number Of the good that he hath all evil gathered together He beneath the pound For four pens kylian and his fellows For their deservings. Been saints in paradise Where is joy without end lAmbert the carpenter Hath bargained with me. To make my castle The neither court and a berne. And he ougheth to timber it Of good work And the steyres. Alle the tymbre wood He is bound to deliver himself. Laurence the masone. Hath take to masone. And shall bring the workmen And been bought Good stones of marble The windows of alabastre. But the lime or chalk Is not yet moten. Lyevyn the brewar Breweth so moche ale. That he may not sell it. For he is renowned. Of evil drink. So him behoveth othirwhyle To cast to fore the hogs. Lamfroy the coverar of tiles Covered the steeple. With skaylles with tiles. The best wise that he may. Nevertheless is it By the wind discovered Lenard the thaccher Hath covered my little house. With straw and with reed The latthes that he bought. Be nothing worth He made the wallis And daubed them with earth Whereof he was dauber Logier the feltmaker Hath many a good hat Of beaver and of felt. Lucian the glover Sitteth beside me Maketh gloves of an heart Of hound and of sheep Lion the pursser Hath purses and pauteners And them buy the children. Of the pouches well wrought. Lucy the bastard Shall never do well. For she saith evil of them That well have done to her mArtin the grocer. Selleth many spices Of all manners of powder. For to make browetties And hath many boxes painted Full of confections And many pots Full of drinks Morysse the surgyan. Meddleth him to hele Wounds soores And apostomes With ointments And with plastres He can cut out the stone And hele by drinks Of the gravel and of breaking. Maximian the master of physic Seethe the urine of the people He can say to them. Whereof they be seek Of the heed ache Of the pain of the eyen Of the ears If they have tooth ache Atte the breast at the paps He can hele and cure Dropesye bloody flix Tesyke mormale Feet nails Fever quartain and tertian. Of the janudyse Whereof god keep us And of all that That may grieve us He giveth conseill for the gout And for other seknesses He hath many good herbs Mabyll the shepster Chevissheth her right well She maketh surplies. Shirts breeches Keverchifs and all that That may be wrought. Of linen cloth Maulde the hwe or call makes maintaineth her wisely She selleth dear her calls or hwes She soweth them with two seems. nYcholas the mustardmaker. Hath good vinegar Good veriuse good mustard Galentyne sauce Black pepre. Good gauselyn. Natalye the wife of the stews Keepeth a good styewe The most suffysaunte of the cite They gone thedyr to be stewed all the strangers She dueleth. After the wall of the white freris oliver the brocour winneth by brocorage With one god's penny Twenty pound or thirty Oberol the hostler Hath all the good guests He hath the alemayns That men call esterlyngiss. Poytevyns frenshemen Englishmen brabanders Flemyngis lombardis Spaynardys portingalers jenewies scots Heynewiers hollanders Danes men of friesland Onnour the keeper of the tour. Keepeth the prison There the prisoners be There been thieves murderers False money maker's robbers ravishers of women Cuttars of purses That one men hang. The other be drawn. The other been set on wheels Them that cut purses. Cut men the ears of Bussin is named The hangman of bruges. After that the evil doers Have knowlechid her evil deeds. He hath them to mastery God keep us From his maystye bailies scouts Somme of the skepyns Ride with There as they be put to death And the sergeants been there also They that escape Shall be banished out of the land Upon pain to be hanged Ogier the fauconer. Brought faucons Gerfaucons of ardane Spear hawks That he shall sell at monpeller Ogier the pulter Hath polettes ynowhe. Which been not over fat ne over lene pEter the betar of wool Gooth all idle For his dene Hath foreboden him his craft Upon thamends of xx. shillings Till that he shall have. Bought his franchise He shall complain him Unto bourghmaistre And the wardens of the craft set not thereby. Poule the couper Maketh and formaketh the keupis. Barelliss vessels Leking and dropping. Paulyn the metar of corn Hath so much moten Of corn and mestelyn That he may no more for age He is all grey. He giveth to every his measure Pieryne his daughter. Is the shrewest ghyrle That I know on this side the see qVyntyne the tollar Hath taken of me. A pound of groats Moore than he aught to take Of right tolle. So shall I draw me Unto the receiver For my right to require Queryne the dysemaker Selleth his dice. As he will for ready money Hit is good merchandise rObert the messenger. Is sent to the king With two pair of letters Sealed with the kings seal Roberte the bekbester Hath no more hemp And hath lost her hekell She shall sell her flax Richard the carrier Richer the cartar shall lede dung on my land When it shall be eared And on my herber When it shall be dolven And in to the orchard About the trees. Rolande the handwerker Shall make my pryelle An hag about Roger the sextayn Is at Avinion. For to get A cure a free chapel You truly if god will. Reyner the squire Is at justes At the tornoye accompanied Right worshipfully He hath my coursour My palfrey my stead My spears. He shall have the pries Randolf the changer. Hath seten in the change thirty. year The moneys been well desired So that folk put 'em in peril To be dampened It is great folly For to give the eternalite For the temporalt Walter the pater noster maker Sold at the dedication Beads of crystal By doseyns in great Of amber of glass and of horns William the brusshemaker Selleth the brusshes by leisure. Woe is me I would That he sold well. Valeryen the tawyer. Hath moche advantage In that he selleth leather For he raweth himself. Walram the coryer Doth a foul craft He stinketh after the house He coryeth his hides. With sayme of heryngs Vedast the graywerker Sold whiler to my lady. A pilch of grey And of good furs. Wauburge the pilche maker Formaketh a pilch well So doth her husband xpristian the collar maker Maketh to me a collar Than shall I have two colliers For my horses of the plowh Xpristine the daughter Complained her of the lokyer By cause that he denieth Of a child that he won. ysores the joynar. Made a forcer for my love Her chest her scyrne. Ysaac le wyneman. Shall to the vyneyerd He shall weesshe me of the grapes For in the vyneyerd He shall wine ynowh Ysaac the ketelmaker. giveth four ketellis. Containing twelve gallons every For forty groats the piece And the good candelmaker giveth four tallow candles For one penny the piece. zAchare the proctor Hath brought me a summons For I have do somone Iherome the barber I shall plead against him. josse the parchment maker Sold me a skin of parchment. That all flued And a covering of franchyn shaven on the one side. Which naught was worth That I might not writ upon. Go fecche a pomyce And of the best papier My penknyf my sheris. I shall writ a letter of love And shall send it to my love I am all weary Of so many names to name. Of so many crafts. So many offices so many services I will rest me Nevertheless for to length. That which I have begun I shall say the best That is that god hath made us Unto the likeness Of himself I say at beginning Who doth well shall well have God is merciful And so he is rightful He hath mercy of the sinners Which hem self will know. Of them that have repentance Which make very confession And their penance fuldoo That the confessor them charge. And the false evil That to amend them recche not Altar the holy scripture Ben in adventure to perish Therefore he is evil advised That wounded himself feeleth In peril of death If he take not remedy When he knoweth where to find. Men say who serveth our lord And the maid mary The holy apostles The four evangelists Angelis and archangelis Prophets and martris Patriarkis confessors Holy virgins Holy widows Holy innocentes These saints He attendeth good reward Anent god by their prayers. Men aught to here mass And all the hours of the day Which is at his ease at lest Go see the sacrament Is a good breakfast If ye owe. any pilgrimages So pay them hastily When ye be moved. For to go your voyage And ye know not the way So ask it thus. In commanding the people to god To god good people I go to saint james To our lady of boloyne At which gate shall I go out And at which hand Shall I take my way On the right hand When ye come to a brigge So go there over. You shall find a little way On the lift hand. Which shall bring you in a country. There shall ye see upon a church Two high steeples. from thence shall ye have But four mile. Unto your logging There shall ye be well placed. For your money And ye shall have a good Inn Dame god be here Felaw ye be welcome May I have. A bed here withinne. May I here be logged You well and cleanly all were ye twelve. Alle on horseback Nay but we three Is there to eat here within You enough god be thanked Bring it to us give he ye to the horse And straw them well But that they be watered Dame what own we We have been well eased We shall reckon to morrow And shall pay also That ye shall hold you plesid. Bring us to sleep We been weary Well I go ye shall rest jenette light the candle And lede them there above In the solere tofore. And bear them hoot water For to wash their feet And cover them with quysshons See that the stable. Be well shette. Dame may men go by ship from hens to boloyne You now there is A ship ready full of people God well them conduit God bring them in savete God let them their way Well fulcome Hark it thondreth and lighteneth It raineth and haylleth God save the goods of the fields God may them bythynke Lords who would This book should never be ended For men may not so much writ. Me should find always more The parchemen is so meek Hit suffereth on it to writ What somever men will. Here after I shall devise you. A little book that men call The number the which is Moche prouffytable By the which Men shall mow con reckon From penny to pens So may ye retain The debts that men own you And the receyttes That ye have received Or that ye have paid. So begin all thus As is declared here after oNe twain three. Four five six. Seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen Fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Thretty forty thirty Sixty Seventy eyghty. Or four score. Nynty hundred Two hundred A thousand a hundred thousand. A million Thus all way mounting. A pound sterling A march that is worth Two nobles of england A pound great Money of flanders A shelling that is worth Three grotis or twelve pens A penny a halfpenny A ferding a mite Here endeth this doctrine At westminster by london In forms enprinted. In which one everich May shortly learn Frenssh and englissh The grace of the holy ghost will enlyghte the hearts Of them that shall learn it And us give perseverance In good works And after this life transitory The everlasting joy and glory