A Ditty delightful of mother watkins ale A warning well weighed, though counted a tale. THere was a maid this other day, and she would needs go forth to play. And as she walked she sithd and said, I am afraid to die a maid. With that: behard a Lad, What talk this maiden had, whereof he was full glad, and did not spare, To say, fair maid I pray, whether go you to play: Good sir than did she say, what do you care? For I will without fail Maiden, give you Watkins ale, Watkins ale good sir quoth she, what is that I pray you tell me. 'tis sweeter far than Sugar fine, And pleasanter than muscadine, And if you please fair maid to stay, A little while with me to play: I will give you the same, watkins ale called by name: Or else I were to blame, in truth fair maid. Good sir quoth she again, If you will take the pain: I will it not refrain, nor be dismayed. He took this maiden then aside, And led her where she was not spied, And told her many a pretty tale, And gave her well of watkins' ale. Good sir quoth she in smiling sort, what do you call this pretty sport? Or what is this you do to me? 'tis called Watkins ale quoth he. wherein (fair maid you may) Report an other day. When you go forth to play, how you did speed: In deed (good sir quoth she) It is a pretty glee. And well it pleaseth me. no doubt indeed. Thus they sported and they played, This youngman and this pretty maid, Under a bank whereas they lay, Not long ago this other day. When he had done to her his will, They talked, but what it shall not skill: At last quoth she, saving your tale, Give me some more of Watkins ale. Or else I will not stay, For I must needs away, My mother bade me play, the time is past: therefore good sir quoth she, If you have done with me, Nay soft fair maid quoth he, again at last. Let us talk a little while, With that the ma●● began to smile, And said good sir full well I know, Your ale I see runs very low. This youngman then being so blamed, Did blush as one being a shamed: He took her by the middle small, And gave her more of watkins' ale: and said fair maid I pray when you go forth to play, Remember what I say, walk not alone. Good sir quoth she again, I thank you for your pain, For fear of further stain, I will be gone. Farewell maiden than quoth he, Adieu good sir again quoth she, Thus they parted at last, Till thrice three months were gone and passed. This maiden than fell very sick, Her maiden head began to kick, Her colour waxed wan and pale, With taking much of Watkins ale, I wish all maidens coy, That hear this pretty toy, Wherein most women joy, how they do sport: For surely Watkins ale, And if it be not stolen, Will turn them to some bale. as hath report. New ale will make their bellies boon, As trial by this same is known, this proverb hath been taught in schools, It is no jesting with edge tools. Thrice scarcely changed hath the moon Since first this pretty trick was done, Which bring hard of one by chance, He made thereof a country dance. And as I heard the tale, he called it Watkins ale, which never will be stolen, I do believe: This dance is now in prime, and chief used this time, And lately put in rhyme: let no man grieve, To hear this merry jesting tale, The which is called watkins ale: It is not long since it was made, The finest flower will soon fade. Good maids and wives I pardon crave And lack not that which you would have To blush it is a woman's grace, And well becometh a maiden's face, For women will refuse, the thing that they would choose Cause men should them excuse. of thinking ill: Cat will after kind, all winkers are not blind, Fair maids you know my mind, say what you will. When you drink ale beware the toast For therein lay the danger most: If any here offended be, Then blame the author, blame not me. FINIS.