The complaint of a sinner, vexed with pain, desiring the joy, that ever shall remain. After W. E. moralised. THe God of love, that sits above, Doth know us, Doth know us, How sinful that we be: Sent his word, the two edged sword To show us, To show us, Our sin and iniquity. That every vice may vanquished be, Oh Lord arise for thy mercy Do this our God and bind us, For ever and ever thine own: The truth will always find us, By the seeds that we have sown. The truth will tell if we would lie, The touchstone doth the tree well try. ¶ And as we have a soul to save, Uprightly, Uprightly, Though troubled still with sin: We should not take, that did us make, So lightly, So lightly, This worldly wealth to win. But if we will the Lord provoke We may look for his heavy stroke, As his word hath appointed The Scripture doth plainly tell: Yet shall not his holy anointed Once taste the pains of Hell. Now have I told the ●eoperdy, But Christ is our just remedy. ¶ With woeful hearts though god forbears To plague us, To plague us, We ought for to lament: Thy word always, both night & day Persuade us, Persuade us, Inwardly for to repent. And every one to call for grace Since the touchstone in every place, Doth flourish fresh and shine That the whole world may see: And all that will be thine, Must come with tears to thee. We will not boast our merit's Lord, Since thy dear son made the accord ¶ We read of old, what Prophets told full truly, Full truly, And wrote it long argo: A Maiden mild, should bear a child Full duly, Full duly, And it proved even so. But yet God wots, the jews of kind believed it not, but were still blind, And are unto this day Refusing the Triumphant truth: That the Prophet Isaiah did say And wrote it to age and youth. But thereto they would not accord, But cruelly crucified the Lord. But let us now, both bend and bow, And speed us, And speed us, To follow the true trace: For he hath sent, his Testament, To feed us. To feed us, And call us unto grace. un worthy now although we be Yet ye see how his dear mercy, To us be doth ●●●ll give Ano liberal gyptes us send: That we might sure believe And our le wde lives amend. Therefore let us our hearts incline, That pearls be not cast unto swine ¶ The flesh (I say) both night & day, Doth hold us, Doth hold us, From following the true trace: But thy dear son, doth bid us come, And bold us, And bold us, To call to thee for grace. Thus sayeth our saviour jesus Come unto me, and I will ease you▪ If ye will call and knock That are ouerladen with sin: Then will I open the lock And be ready to let you in. For I am he that bought you dear, Therefore behold, and draw ye near. W. Birch. FINIS. ¶ Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacie, for Richard Applow, dwelling in Pater noster row, hard by the Castle Tavern.