W: Sempson fecit depiction of the goddess Flora seated with a garden in the background, accompanied by a peacock and a dog, and holding a cornucopia of flowers in her left hand and a small bouquet in the right The second book of Flowers Fruits Beasts Birds and Flies exactly drawn And are to be sold by George Humble at the white horse in Pope's head Ally plate depiction of double carnation flowers (Dianthus carophyllus) L. Garyophyllo maximo G. Gyrosstees grand A. Cornations double Goe Grosse doppele Negel depiction of a leopard A Leopard depiction of a kingfisher perched on a stalk of harebells (Campanula rotundifolia) A Kingfisher plate depiction of wild daffodil flowers (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) L pseudo-Narcissus G Narcisses A. Daffodil Goe Hornungs blumen. depiction of a swan depiction of a stalk of red campion flowers (Silene dioica) L Lychinis siluestris G Oeillets sawage A Wild campion Goe Wild frawen rossli. plate a depiction of a stalk of tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum) L. Androsemum G. Toute sane A. Tutsans or park leavis depiction of an owl A Owl depiction of a wolf bearing off its prey A Wolf depiction of a stalk of double campion flowers (Lychinis sylvestris multiplex) L. Lychin●●●s ●●ltiplex G. Oeillets ou Oei●let● 〈◊〉 Dieu A. Double campion G. Frawen röslein plate depiction of muskmelons (Cucumis melo) L. Melo G. Melons A Musk melon plate depiction of red lilies (Lilium rubrum) L. Lilium rubrum G Lis rovans A Red lily Goe Rote lilen depiction of a cuckoo A Cuckoo depiction of a stalk of roses (Rosaceae family) L. Rosa G. Ronses A. a Rose G. Rosen. plate depiction of a stalk of butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus) L Ruscus G Bruse A Butcher's Broom depiction of a hawk A Hawk depiction of a sprig of tamarisk (Tamaricaceae family) L. Tamariscus G. Tamaris A. Tamariske plate depiction of a wisp of barley (Hordeum vulgare) L. Hordeum J. Orge A. Barley depiction of a hare A haer depiction of a sprig of berberis (barberries) (Berberis vulgaris) L. Oxyacantha J. Eninis Vnoctte A. Barberries plate depiction of a sprig of damsons (Pruna domestica) L. pruna Damasena G. pruneaux de Damas' A. Damsons G. psraumen Von Damas' depiction of a sprig of apricots (Prunus armeniaca) L Armenica malus G Abricos A Aprecocke plate depiction of a bunch of grapes on the vine (Vitis vinifera) L. Botry's Vua G. Grappe de raisiu A. Grapes depiction of a linnet A canthis plate depiction of stalks of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) L. Digitalis G. Gantes nostre dames A. Foxeglove Goe Fingerhut depiction of a parrot A Praet depiction of a fox A Fox depiction of iris flowers (Iridaceae family) L. Irs G. flame ou Glayeul A Flower de luca G. Blaw Gilgen plate depiction of a sprig of larkspur (Ranunculaceae family) L. Delphinicum G. pied d● Alovette A. Larks he'll depiction of a quail A Quail depiction of a branch of apples (Rosaceae family) L. Pomicon G. Pome A. Apples plate depiction of a sprig of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) L. Fraxinus G. Fresne A. Askh depiction of a lapwing (tewhit, peewit) A Thuet depiction of spikes of wheat (Triticum aestivum) L Triticum G Ble fourment A Wheat plate depiction of a flower depiction of a goldfinch A Gowld finch depiction of a halved apple depiction of a branch of peaches (Prunus persica) L Mala Persica G Pesches A peaches plate depiction of sweet-brier (or eglantine rose) blossoms (Rosa rubiginosa) L. Rosa canina odorata G. Esglantine A Sweet Brier depiction of hollyhock flowers (Malvaceae family) L. Malica hortens G. Rose d'outer mer A. Halli hook plate depiction of heartsease (wild pansy) blossoms (Viola tricolor) L. Viola tricolor Dod G. Penssees A. Hearts eass Goe Freissam krant depiction of an eagle A Eagle depiction of a baboon A Baboon depiction of buttercup (crowfoot) flowers (Ranunculaceae family) L Ranunculus G. Bassinet A Crawfote Goe Hanenfuss