A WONDERFUL PROGNOSTICATION: OR, PREDICTION, for these seven years ensuing: Showing the strange and wonderful Comets and Meatuors: beginning this present year. 1604. Written in French by the Lord of Billy, Secretary to the most illustrious Princess, the Lady Celestine Olal●●pa, Duchess of Pancosme. decorative engraving Imprinted at London for W. Ferbrand▪ and are to be sold in Popes-head Ally▪ near the Exchange, 16●4. A Prediction upon this present year. 1603. BY the Configuration of the Heavens in this years Revolution, and the suns entrance (the fountain of heat & light) into the sign of Aries, we may speak of the principal matter thereby signified: and this Revolution of the World hath almost the self same signification as that in the year. 1602. For Mars joined to the Sun, shall force himself with all his power to oppress the Mortals with grievous Sicknesses and other diseases, whereby (if God pity us not) many thousands of men shall perish by Pestilence, Fa●ine, and by the Sword: as also the Moon infortunated by Mars by a fourth aspect, shows the same: For there shall happen great controversies among Soldiers, and many robberies shall be done: also, divers Cities shall be tormented and vexed with divers perils & troubles, by reason of the fury of War. In brief, by reason that Mars will force himself to vex men more and more, many tumults shall be healed, great exp●ditiens in War shall happen, and many shall be surprised with fear. He that can keep himself at home, let him not travel, because that most like thereby he may have some ●●●hap: many complaints of grief and sudden losses shall be heard: he that shall arrive at home, shall bring but little goodness with him. The fourth aspect of saturn and Venus. foreshoweth great vexations and differences to arise amongst Women, by reason of adulteries and fornications. Now meetings and assemblies shall be summoned in divers Provinces, to appease the differences of this time, but nothing shall be concluded: and therefore with S●lomon I will say▪ Eccles. 9 I returned and saw under the Sun, that the ra●e is not to the s●●●t, nor batta●le to the strong, nor yet bread to the wise, nor also riches unto men of understanding, neither yet savour to men of knowledge, but time and chance cometh to 〈◊〉 all. This year the Moon shall be twice Eclipsed: to wit, the xiiii of May, and at xi of the clock and xxx minutes after noon, and shall be Eclipsed viii points and lu min. she shall continue iii hours and v minutes, and will appear black in colour, mixed with paleness. The other shall be the viii of November, at vi of the clock and xxii min. after noon, in greatness iii de●rees and xxxviii min her continuance shall be two hours and viii. min. And in colour shall appear as the former: and moreover, Ash-colour mixed with White: which Eclipses are not without great signification, no more than are the Conjunctions of the highest Planets. Saturn and jupiter, with the others in the first face of Sagittarius, the highest lodge of Saturn, and mansion of jupiter, which will be celebrated the x of December. Touching the effects of the Eclipse on the xiiii. of May, appearing in the ten and xi houses of the heaven, proclaims death unto Kings, Princes and Ecclesiastical persons, especially in their manly age: and by reason that she hath her operation in the fiery triplicity, she signifieth death of cattle, the exile of a great King or Prince, immprisonmentes or death, hate between the Commons and 〈◊〉 greater sort, mutual hates and differences 〈◊〉tions of great Hosts and horrible War 〈…〉 ●●ansl-aughters, fire, thievery, rapines, and depopulations: untimely births, Ag●es, Pestilences, hot infirmities, death and barrenness of fruits, and notable mutations, especially in the Regions which are subject to the signs of this Eclipse. And by reason that she is found in the first tenth of the sign, she signifies thefts and robberies. And for the said great Conjunction, there is no doubt but they are of great signification, as being the first which happeneth under this fiery triangle. For since the time of Charlemagne, which are 800 years ago, they have not been seen in this manner. As likewise in the xiii year of our Salvation, she was in the same face of Sagittarius: and from that time until the time of Charlemagne, which was Anno. 809. After which, followed di●ers Eclipses, apparitions of Comets, as after this also will ensue some grievous accidents: from which, God defend us. For there will happen alterations as well in Households as in Estates, commonwealths, as Religion: for these great Conjunctions in the fiery signs, do ●raw up exhalations, which inflaming themselves in the high●●● Region of the air, cause this Comet or 〈◊〉 Star, which although by reason of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stance of the earth, she seems little unto our sight, yet is she of an extreme and incredible greatness. And as after the same Conjunctions in the time of Charlemagne, the death of some great Men or great Lights of the world did ensue: so must ●oe be assured, that the death of great persons will follow this (which God defend:) Also, thereby is foreshowed great motives to War, and great alteration of Laws, Sects, and Religion, as well in the Politic as Spiritual Estates. For this fiery Triangle hath his proper signification upon monarch and great Religions. As we see that the Christian faith began under this Triangle, and likewise was greatly augmented under the same, in the time of Charlemagne, as well in number of perso●● as in pomps and Ceremonies: As for the other Triangles and great Conjunctions contained under them, their significations are upon the sects and divisions in the great Religion, as are the sects of the four begging Orders, and others more rich in gifts: these four begging Orders began. 400. years since, in which time began the greatest Conjunctions in the airy Triangle, which is the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, and continued. 200. years. At that time, there lived a great Astronomer, called Guido Bonatus, who saith thus of these Sects. Sicut finis quando incips s●cta sine religio Augustini, & secta Benedicti, & secta fraetrum minorum quae incipit. Era Ara●um 609 Anno mense Rabe viti●●, Era Christi 1211. 〈◊〉 c●●us princip●●m fuit tale ascendens quod ipsa supra decabit om●es alias sectas, & ordines sub. Romana Ecclesia de gentes▪ sed cius sinem dic●re non a●di●, timore ne inci●am in remorem v●lga. Eri● tamen public●s valde cum ●●●●nerit as de ipso rumor mensus. The Prediction upon the year. 1604. BY this years Revolution which is the entrance of the Sun into the sign of Aries. we are showed, that in many things she agreeth with the former years, and all things shall happen in self same manner as we have foretold. For she signifies calamities and troubles in Religion, and in the estates of Religion's persons. Item, discontentions in the assemblies of great men, as the last Conjunction of Saturn and jupiter in the fiery sign do show, which threaten deceits and ●ouso●ages. She is furthermore seen to threaten hates and descensions between Kings & Princes, which shall cause Wars and dangerous alterations. This Conjunction (because she is changed from the wa●ry to the fiery Triplicity, according to the Arabian decrees) is mo● evil, and signifieth great mischiefs unto mankind. Peter Ali●o Card●nall of Camerace, saith, that Gallia or France, is under the domination of jupiter: Wherefore by this Constellation she is subi●te unto divers discommodities, ●●sch●efes, & losses, as himself witnesseth to have been found by sundry observations. Wherefore I beseech Almighty God to make that Prognosticator a lya●, and to keep her from all hurt and danger. Moreover, the application of Ma●s to the body of Saturn seems to foretell the death of some noble Lady: and also moist and hot Sicknesses, Colics, Passions, headaches, and the Neapolitan disease unto the common people, and many Kings and Princes shall scarce be permitted to be seen, so much they shall fear the fury, anger, and seditious of the Commons. This year in our Horizon shall be no Eclipse. Predictions upon the year 1605. BY the Celestial Figure of this years Revolution, which is the suns entrance into the Celestial weather, Saturn is in the. 12. house, who by his mischievous beams doth infortunate the Sun: to wit, by a fourth aspect. Item, the Moon is found to be conioyne● to Mars in the third house of the heaven: which lights being infortunated, seem to foretell many evils, and discommodities to happen in the world: wherefore with Leovice I will say, I cannot tell how it happeneth, that so many great Eclipses (especially of the Sun) do fall in so few years, whereby grievous and most wretched accidents are presaged. Perhaps these be the latter days, when as all piety and charity shall wax cold, truth & justice shall be oppressed: and all things else shall be mixed, disturbed, and turned upside down, and the forepart set behind by torments and seditions: and finally nothing else shall be expected, but spoil and ruin of the common society: wherefore with pure and rep●●●ant hearts we ought to appease the Almighty God: and with uncessant humble prayers implore his Majesty, to divert his fury from us, and that he deprive us not of the divine light of his holy Gospel (wherein our eternal salvation doth consist) nor permit the same to be rend & extinguished by the wicked. This year the Moon shall be twice Eclipsed, and the Sun once. The first Eclipse of the Moon shall be on the 23. day of March, at. 7 of the clock. 35. minutes after noon, at the Dragon's head, and shall be obscured. 11. points and 40. min. and shall continue (from the beginning to the end) 3. hours 24. min. She shall appear of colour black, mixed with green and red: and by reason that she happeneth in an airy and human sign, she signifies famine and grievous sicknesses and pestilences, tempestuous and hurtful winds: Her effects shall continue three months and eight days. The second Eclipse of the Moon shall be the 17. day of September at 3 of the clock and 14. minutes, in colour black, mixed with pale and ash colour: and because she comes in the fourth house, she signifies change of Laws, Institutions and Sects: and moreover, because she is in a fiery sign, she signifies the self same things which are mentioned in the year. 1603. the. 14. day of May: and her being in Aries. signifies a corruption to light upon the Fruits, on Vines and Figtrees. The Sun likewise shall be Eclipsed on the second of October, a● 2. of the clock and 5 min. after noon, and shall be obscured. 11. points and 38. min▪ and the first beginning shall be near 48. min. after noon, the middle at 2. of the clock and 5. min. and the end shall be at. 3. and. 22. min: so that from the beginning until the end, shall be two hours and 34. min▪ which (as Procl●s Luciu▪ saith) w●th the Sun passing under the eight station of the Heaven, under the sign of Libra, is accustomed to foreshow the death of some great King or Prince, sedi●ions▪ wars, famine, and Pestilence: whence M●ssa●ala saith, When as the Sun is Eclipsed, it can not be, (unless God appoint otherwise) but some great accident is to be expected in the world, according to the quantity of the Eclipse. And Virgil saith, When as the S●●● gives a sig●e, who dares say that he foreshoweth any false thing▪ he admonished and fore●e●●▪ that the tumults of the blind wars, & secret frauds are at hand. The S●● also pitied Rome when as C●●●rs death he covered his face with a black and obscure veil: and then the great wickedness of the world made them to fear an everlasting darkness▪ therefore ●●ouice say●●, O King●● & Princes which are borne under the signs of the Balance and the Ram: also the Provinces & ●●●es which a●e subject unto the first quadrangle of the Zodiac, and to the sign of Scorpio, Many grievous evils are foreseen to fall upon you, extreme miser's are even at hand. I could (as he saith) have extended the Revolutions at the world until the next two years, until which, the effects of this Eclipse shall continue: But ●lato commands me here to hold my peace, for so he writeth. It is most manifest, that of lon● time there hath not been seen any great thing, nor the like shall not be seen in long time after▪ Darkness shall happen at high midday. The effects shall begin on the 11. day of April 1606. and shall cease on the 10. day of October. 1608. He shall appear of a most deformed colour, grey, sea▪ colour, & 〈◊〉 and because she ●●mes in the sign of the airy and human triangle, it signifies grievous sicknesses, diseases, and P●stil●n●●s, with tempestuous and most pernitions' winds: and being in the second fa●e of Libr●, Proclus saith, that she signifies death of Spiritual men, especially in their middle age: but the kind Venus, that disposes of the places of the Eclipse, may somewhat moderate these Celestial Menaces, as a second cause: for unto their first cause, who is the cause of causes, moderator ●f all things, the honour and praise of all must be referred. The Prediction upon the year. 1606. BY this years Revolution, which is the suns entrance into the sign of the Martial Ram, the overthrow or spoil of some Region or City is signified unto us, showing many other discommodities to happen to the world: of which we have made mention in the Eclipse of the Sun: But Mars possessing the seventh Celestial house, which is in the. 4▪ aspect of Mercury: and Saturn likewise in the fourth aspect of the Sun, which holds the eight Celestial station: these foreshow the deaths of many men: subtlety & craft shall increase: yet he that shall have digged the pit, and pitched the snare, shall fall into it himself. Moreover, there will be little or no constellation upon Captives, or others put in captivity, because there will be multitudes of Prisoners, the greater part shall live by hope, which notwithstanding shall obtain nothing: and many men of War shall be cashiered. Likewise there shall be great Wars, and many hidden inventions between divers Lords in divers Provinces, in such sort, that it shall be hard to discern whom amongst friends shall be true and faithful. Mercury will cause many deceitful Counsels, wherefore it is to be feared, lest many do endure evil Catastrophes, changes, and conversions. What rests and concerns this Profession, we leave it to be disputed of the learned, and lovers of this Art, since with●●t danger the mysteries thereof cannot be interpreted. This year in our Horizon, shall be seen no Eclipse. The Prediction of the year. 1607. THere shall be one Ecipse of the Moon ●he 28. of August, at two a clock and half an hour after midnight, and shall be darkoned in 4, points 28. min. in the 13. degree of the sign Pisces, which signifieth death to watery Creatures, principally to Fishes. Corruption of Fountains and Rivers: and this Eclipse is made in the second 10. of Pisces, offending and hurting Sowing universally: a● because it is made in the house of Religion, it signifieth l●sse to Ecclesiastical persons and for that it is made in the watery Triplicity▪ it betokeneth death of ignoble persons, long seditions Wars, and damage to watery things, and such as li●e in the Seas: notwithstanding, jupiter Lord of the Eclipse, the friend of Nature, says better things, that is, increase of all things, but peculiarly, liberally giveth to men glory, health of body▪ rest of spirit, joy, peace, great help of wealth, reconciliation with great men, augmenting Religion in Kings & Princes, principally those which he jovials, good renown mag●●ni●●itie, liberality, and good deeds to the people: abundance of Animals, profitable for the use of men: and will kill things in●●●ble, augmenting the Fruits of the earth preserving especially Corn and Grai●e, and such things, making the blessing & benignity of the heavens in full force: the Air temp●ra●e and healthful, breathing moist blaydes, wholesome and my●kie showers on terrestrtall things: the Waters to have moderate Floods, tempering the fl●wing and eb●ings of the Sea, gentle calms▪ which will make Navigations prosperous and profitable guarding from Pirates, and tempestuous storms: and to conclude, and is Author of all happiness. Behold what the good jupiter signifieth, being dominator of this gear●, and graciously correcteth the malice of the evil. The great God so grant it, to his everlasting glory. Predictions in general for the year. 1608. THe. 19 day of March at two a clock▪ 29. min. after noon, this year shall revive, the former Revolution being accomplished, and the Sun great conductor of Knights ●rrant, passing through the wandering troop, will make his entry in the house of Mars, taking for ensign the Celestial weather, the● with us shall rise upon our Hemispheere the 25. degree of the Lion, with the head of the Dragon Lunaried, Saturn with Capricorn in his proper House, and Mars in the same sign, his exhalation. jupiter in the sign of Aries, Mercury in Pisces, and the Moon in the height of heaven into Taurus her exaltation, there she shall find herself the best lodged and more diguisied then all the others: and for that she hath participation in the dominion with Saturn, after her the most worthy, the which being lodged in the house of Infirmities with Venus in the water▪ powrer▪ doth foreshow some peculiar, Sicknesses, if the benignity of Venus (and God above all) break not her malice. Item, the Winter following to be cold, rigorous, snowy▪ yc●sie, h●yly, evil and pestilent: also thick and obscurely cloudy: clouds full of tempests, con●ea●nges▪ an● rawness, winds, Inundations of Currents and Floods, flowings and overflowings: in the d●ere Seas hard and perilous Navigations. Shypwrackes, and many times Earthquakes, corruption, scarcity, and death to Fish, & deadly evils to wild beasts: Domageable and harmful to fruits, pothearbes, and especially to those which belong to the use of man, by reason of Worms, Caterpillars, and Locusts, which shall eat them to s●a●●h their hunger: But these evils are more upon beasts, then upon men, because she is in Capricorn, half Goat & haste Fish. All which things, the good & Almighty great God can change, if it please him, and make as nothing, proving us vain liars, even unspeakable vain. The fortunate part of this Revolution is in sufficient good place, and promiseth us (being radiated and enlightened by jupiter) to be a good portion of the year, and to go well with Merchants. But the So●●ner Figur● of Heaven, being joined wi●● Saturn the malevolent enemy of Nature, in the sign of Capricorn, shall make the same also bountiful, for as much as Saturn denoteth intemperance of too much moisture and coldness, more than is customable. The first of August at three a clock 29. min. after noon, there shall be an Eclipse, or rather the suns labour by the moons interposition betwixt him & our sight, who shall cover him 3. points 44. min. One may behold this his coverture in water (he shining) and by a saffronlike yellowness in the clouds, against a wall, and against the earth, and should be observed before the said hour, and something after, that one may see him covered by the Moon, as well in the beginning as in the end. The said Eclipse shall be made in the. 17. degree of the sign of Leo, the house of the Sun, and in the. 8. station of the heavens, which is of death, we raising upon our Horizon the 15 degree of Sagittarius: and amongst other things, it betokeneth the death of some great parsonage: from which God keep him (if he please) and us from the threatenings and evil effects of this Eclipse. In the second face of Leo, she threateneth with troubles and detriment, the great and powerful. Venus' Lady of the South Angle, following the place of the Eclipse, hath her part with the Sun in domination of the same: and therefore the effects shall not be so evil as some are. The Countries and Cities subject ●o the first Quadrangle of the zodiac, and those persons which in the Horoscope of their Nativity, or in their Re●olution shall have the place of the Eclipse opposite from them, and the Planets, shall taste more bitterly such effects (if any are) then others. From all which, the good & mighty God keep us, if it please him. Yet furthermore, upon the first day of May, the two evil Planets Saturn and Mars, shall be together, conjoined in the first point of the sign of Aquarius, the house of the sorrowful Saturn, which neither promiseth to us goodness, nor to Dame Flora and her little ones, by their intemperate heat and frozen hail, thunder, and rain: of them it is said, Cum malus malo, sungitur angetur omne malum. Prayers and supplications should therefore then be made to the moderator of all things for the conservation of them. The ancient Pagans celebrated in that time, the Robigals & Florals: one was by the decree of Sibilla, the other by the decree of N●ma Pompilius; and in place of the said prayers, they yet celebate daily Rogations, & the Procession of S. Mark. Predictions for the year. 1609. THe tenth of the month of March at. 8. of the clock. 24. minutes. 55. seconds after noon, the former Revolution is accomplished, and the only e●e of this world will make his entry upon the sign of the Ram, Mars with us then rising in the 25. degree of the Balance, the Sun & Moon opposite th'one to the other in the same sign of the Balance, the Moon in her full, the Lady Venus in her Bull iayned with jupiter; the gentle Lady of this Ascend●nt, and of this year, being lodged in an angle of the ●ccident: and because she is joined with jupiter, the friend of Nature, and herself also is fortunate, denoteth her influence of this Revolution as we have said of jupiter in the year precedent: Besides, peculiarly she shall give to men (I mean as a second cause) health of body, beauty, tranquillity and rest of mind, a happy year increase of goods, respect & honour, good esteem amongst the better sort, principally ven●rions and Musicians, shall have of the best and shall be more inclined to sports, dancings, revellinge, banq●●tinges, voluptuousness, an● ma●●age: then they were usually inclined. Besides 〈…〉sh ●ll cause sweet, moist m●l●y showers, at 〈…〉 fr●m the producing earth the blessings ●● Nature. She shall cause fresh gentle Winds tempered of heaven 〈…〉 air, clearness and happy passage for S●●pp 〈…〉 filling the Floods and Foun●ames, and the Trees with Fruits. Briefly, she pron ●s●th air better than the former, although Saturn in his Aquarius would have it as the precedent. But if jupiter once take him, he will thrust him from his reign: yet during the Winter, Saturn marching by Capricorn, and the water filler his houses, shall make it monigold then it customably is. For Eclipses, we shall have this year two of the Moon. The first shall he the. 10. day of january at two a clock after midnight, and shall be darkened to. 8. points and. 18. minutes, and shall endure about some three hours: it shall be made in. 29. degree, 50. min. of the sign of Cancer, to the head of the Dragon Lunaried, then shall well raise the. 14. degree of Scorpius, and shall be made in the. 10. station of the Heavens, the house royal, and shall continue in the ninth, which is of Religion. The good jupiter bearing the prize amongst the number of the works towards the end of the Eclipse, nevertheless before the end of the Eclipse, the Moon shall enter in the sign of Leo. Proclus saith, that the Eclipse being in the last tenth degree of Cancer, betokeneth to all Armenia & Africa, and other Regions subject to Cancer, sicknesses, seditions, and other evils: and for that she passeth also into the Lyon. sh●e denoteth also the death of some sovereign Prince, and scarcity ●f all kind of Grain. He saith also, that by the last 10. of Cancer. she menaseth the Feminine sex with sickness, sudden sickness of some great Prince, or the death of some excellent man: and by making her Eclipse first in the Palace royal and of dignity, she denotech some disaster fortune in the dignity of the great: which God can preserve if it please him. And her continuing in the house of Religion, denoteth also some trouble or evil, principally some evil, diminution of the Ecclesiastical estate. From all which evils, the great GOD deliver us, if it please him. There shall be an other Eclipse the. 6 day of july, at. 11. of the clock. 17 min. after noon, and shall be darkoned to. 15. points. 53. min. and shall dure 3. hours: it shall be made in the 24. degree of the sign of Capricorn, the house o● the malevolent Saturn. Then shall we raise in our Horizon the. 5. degree of Taurus: now there is no doubt but the evil Saturn will bear a share in the domination, being that it is made in his house, and therefore betokens small good, but rather the evil which we have before spoken of him, in the Revolution of the year 1608. from which, God of his go●●nesse keep us, if it ●he his good pleasure. Pro●lus saith, that the E●lipse being made in the last tenth of Capricorn, signifieth death, and sedition of some great Prince, and tumultuous ●●surrections: and being made in the eleventh heau●nly Temple, and con●inui●● in the house of worthiness, she denoteth ill fortune to these two Countries in their significations, to wit, that many shall be deceived of whom they trust, and by their friends: and that many shall fall from their dignities. The Country and Town subject to Capricorn, and to the first Quadrangle of the Zodidique, and those persons having in the Horoscope of their nativities, the 24. degree of Capricorn, the point opposite from that of the Suns, the Moon and the five other Planets in that degree of the Eclipse, and 3. degrees before, and 3. after, shall be more subject to the evil effects of the same (if any come) then others. From the which things, God of his mercy preserve us, if it please him. Predictions for the year 1610. THe. 21. day of March at two of the clock 20. minutes 40. seconds, the Sun conductor of the wandering troop, maketh his entry into the sign of the Martial Ram, with us there riseth upon our Hemisphere, the first degre● of the sign of Capricorn, the house of Saturn, the Planet Mars in the. 23. degree of the same sign in the Horoscope, the most dignified of this hand: there being in his exaltation, and there taking the domination of this year: and for that naturally he hath burning, intemperate, and dry effects, he promiseth us no good, but rather by his influence, heat, great drought, and scarcity of rain, drying up many Fountains and Springs of Rivers, corrupting them, and narrowing the currentes, bringing hot Winds, pestilent and horrible exahalations, thunders, lightnings, and by the commixtion of troublous and stormy Winds, he will cause subversion and loss of ships: he will cause those cattle which are most necessary to the v 〈…〉 of man die, barning through pernicious vapours, h●getable things springing from the earth, corrupting Fruits so as ●●ey will ●ot in the barns. He● denoteth ruins of edifices, embra●●in●es▪ rapes depopulations, cruel slaughters of men: He will move Wars, civil seditions tu 〈…〉 s of the people, because of the eyranny of the Ruler's, through their exactions and cruelties: and by these thin●es the world shall endure contumelies, banishmentes, obscure and hellish prisons, and in the end violent deaths, the virtuous despised, and the wicked esteemed, perverting things unlawfully: all which evils, the great God through his almighty goodness, will turn to nothing, if it please him, and none shall feel these calamities, except barbarous and strange Nations, which call not upon his holy name. Saturn marching by the sign of Aquarius, in winter shall ragingly give snows and rains, and great extraordinary frosts, especially towards the end. We shall have two Eclipses of the Moon this year. The first shall be the. 27. of june at. 4. of the clock. 11. min. in the morning, in the. 13. degree and. 31. min. of the sign Capricorn ● then with us shall rise in the same. 13. degree of Cancer, the Moon touching the point of the Occident, in such sort as we can see but the beginning thereof: but the people of the West, as the Spaniards and Low Brittanes may better see it then we: she shall make it in the seventh Station of the Heaven, and. 6. deg which is of Disease's, and therefore she maketh unfortunate these two Stations in their significations, which are of Marriage, and of infirmity. Saturn is Dominator in this Eclipse, and therefore he threatens us with evil effects, as we have said of him in. 1608 and by his working in the second. 10. of C●pricorne, he shall vex (according to Proclu● the men of Arms en●eagued against the Emperor, and hi● Captains and Leaders: fierce assaults of men of war, incursions, robberies and captivities. The Towns and Country subject to the second Quadrangle of the zodiac, and especially to Capricorn, and the persons which in their nativities have for Ascendant the degree of the Eclipse and her opposite: and the five other Planets shall feel most sharply these her evil effects (if any come,) but God is above all his works. The other Eclipse of the Moon shall be the first of December, at three of the clock. 9 min. in the morning, and shall be darkoned 5. points 42. minutes, and shall be made in the 8. degree of the sigae Cancer, rising in our Horizon in the. 11. degree of the sign Scorpius, and shall begin in the second station of the Heaven, and shall end in the first, the bevevolent jupiter exalting in Cancer: and in him shall join to the Eclipse, presaging no evil by the Sun, but rather good, and therefore we will speak little of it: only that we pray to the sovereign worker, creator, and mediator of all things, that it will please him to turn, or moderate all sinisters events, and Celestial threats, to the end we may serve to his glory. A Description of such days as are most happy and unhappy, throughout the year. THese days hereafter mentioned, were by the Angel revealed (as some say) unto good joseph: and others say unto job, whereby he knew what days were good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate, throughout the year, to sell, buy, sow, plant, and to build: to remove, to undertake vayages for trade of Merchandise, for War, or any other matter: And such days being chosen as ar●●ereafter named, are found to be most fortunate: and any thing taken in hand in these days, can not but have good success, neither (as our French Author affirms) shall any man have any loss by any bargain he undertakes, but shall always profit himself. Moreover, all children which are borne in any of these happy days, shall never be poor: and being in like sore either put to School, or to any science, trade, or occupation upon any of these said happy days (if he do persever and continue in his estate & vocation) shall undoubtedly prosle greatly, and become a rich man. These ensuing are the happy days, in number. 27. IAnuary hath two, the 3. and 26. February hath three, the 15. 19 and 26. March hath two, the 20. and 26. April hath three, the 12. 19 and 24. May hath three, the 7. 24. and 29. june hath one, which is the 22. july hath two, the 3. and 4. August hath three, the 2. 22. and. 28. September hath two, the 13. and 24. October hath one, which is the 5. November hath two, the 3. and 29. December hath three, the 8. 16. and 24. These days are said to be unfortunate. IAnuary hath two, the 5. and 25. February hath three, the 7. 18. and 24. March hath four, the 6. 7 8. and 28. April hath two, the 5. and 27. May hath three, the 5. 7. and 27, june hath none. july hath two, the 5. and 8. August hath two, the 9 and 10. September hath three, the 6. 8. and 26. October hath none. November hath four, the 4. 6. 26. and 27. December hath six, the 1, 22. 23. 25. 27. & 29. A certain Philosopher saith, that one ought never to undertake nor b●gin any thing of long continuance in these ensuing days, viz. The. 1. of March, the. 2●. of july, & the. 25. of August. And in the year are three days, whereon great heed must be taken either of over-eating or over-drinking: the. 6. of the Ralendes of April, the. 21. of November, and the. 22. of july: for that on these days, one might easily fall into a great languishing Sickness, and danger of death: and 〈…〉 h●se days ought to be shunned by all men, for else a man may unwittingly cast himself away, and cut off his life before his time: for these day●● are called cross or straying days, and therefore it is written in the Gospel, Primum querite r●gnum De●, & omnia Adijcicntur vobis. FINIS.