THE COUNTESS OF MARRES ARCADIA, OR SANCTVARIE. Containing Morning, and Evening Meditations, for the whole Week. By M. ja. Caldwell sometimes Preacher of GOD'S Word, at FAWKIRKE. Enriched with a godly Treatise, Called, An Ascension of the Soul to Heaven, by Meditation on the Passion of our Lord jesus Christ. EDINBURGH, Printed by john Wreittoun, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Nether-Bow. 1620. Chrysost. de perfect. Evang. Thou hast no need of Patroness to GOD, or much discourse, that thou shouldest sooth others: but though thou be alone, and want a Patron, and by thyself pray unto God, thou shall obtain thy desire. Terentianus Maurus Books receive their doom according to the Readers capacity. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND VIRTUOUS LADY, LADY MARRY STEWART, COUNTESS OF MARRE. Mr. P. Anderson wisheth all blessings in this life, and a better afterward. MADAM, ALthough both obligation, and duty should require no less (than the Dedication of these most matchless Meditations of the Soul) from me to your Honour: yet very Reason itself, guarded with love, urgeth me to it: For I borrowed them from you; I had them only from you, being nothing herein, but your own: Therefore in testimony of my duty and thankfulness, Reason now would, I should return that publicly unto you, which privately you daigned yourself to lend me. Physicians have many approved Recipies for the body, but these be the very quintessence of heavenly recepies for the Soul. I know they shall be welcome again, because you have a special care to that health; I am persuaded, that as hitherto I have offered some wholesome Physic for the body, So now, I hope, no worse yea, rather better for the Soul. If th● natural hath profited any thing for the body; I pray God, these that are spiritual may do more. You were well acquainted with them before: but they would be ruminated again: For herein shall your Honour find ease, when you are wearied: Company, when you sit most alone: Comfort, when you are most sad; and gains, when, casting up your accounts you find that you have received greatest loss. There is beer Music for the mind, Physic for a sick soul; and Divine nourishment to feed them both. Sr Philip Sidneys Arcadia hath many fair and recreative discourses for Ladies; a fair Field in deed to feed on, for young and fond Lovers. The Country itself, is a fresh and pleasant Soil in the middle of Peloponesus, a ground that floweth of many delicates, fine pasturages for flocks, and pleasant Rivers. But this is a spiritual Arcadia: It is your Honours little Arcadia. For here is a spiritual food for wearied Souls: Hear are Pasturages for the Flock of Christ; Hear raineth down Manna in abundance in this little plot of ground: Hear it floweth with Milk and Honey. And here is that Rock out of which run the rivers of waters of Life. Gather this Manna; feed on such Physic, eat this Milk and Honey, and taste of these Waters, & do not only taste them, but drink freely of them. The flock of Arcadia do ruminate, and chow their coode: So should we Christians do after prayer by meditation; For prayer is a disposing of our Souls to meditation, and meditation is the spiritual chawing of the Soul, which supplieth matter to our prayers, both give life and strength the one to the other. The Countess of Pembrokes Arcadia is for the body; but the Countess of Marre her Arcadia is for the Soul. The author of the first, was a worthy and Noble Knight, the author of the other, was a sincere and devote Pastor, a man known to your Honour, to be in his life, holy; in his doctrine, pure and uncorrupt; still constant in his calling, not after the rudiments of the world, but void of all affection to novelties. His words were godly, his works and deeds heavenly, (for all his labours were in God's Vine-yard.) He was the principal Shepherd of this little Arcadia: So by such Arcadian pasturages, you may learn; how he tendered his Flock; in a word, his life was answerable to that which be taught: A Preacher while he lived upon earth; and yet still a Teacher whilst his body lieth in the grave. Your Ho. received them of him, as a Present, use them now as a precious jewel, wear them as a wedding Garment, and keep them as a Treasure: Nothing resteth then, but that your Ho. would vouchsafe your favourable acceptation of them, protect, allow, and defend them, I mean with a liberty to pass under the protection of your worthy name, and favour; since they thus pertain unto you, and framed of purpose for you; I earnestly crave, that your Honours godly disposition will not suffer these heavenly consolations of the Soul to be blamished in the hands of Zoylus Sycophants, which (as Socrates saith) be but obscure persons, busy bodies, such as have no pith, nor substance in their actions, going about carping at everything, to purchase fame, & credit unto themselves, by dispraising others. I confess the Title is mine, whereat (perchance) if your L. take offence for my presumption, in not first frequenting your Ho. therewith, I must crave bumble pardon of yourself, since the offence (if any be) can offend none, but yourself, who knoweth that I have of long time given proof of mine honest service and fidelity, whereupon I had a sure confidence, that the meek disposition of your own Nature, and of your wont kindnesses towards me, will accept my good meaning with lenity by imputing such an offence rather to the infirmity of affection, than either to base flattery or seducing hypocrisy, so that mine honest mind being ever interpreted to the best sense, I may with boldness of a good conscience testify the truth of what I have observed and seen with mine eyes amongst the many Noble Ladies of this Kingdom, your Ho. to be a true Pattern of modest Piety, a perfect mirror of feminine gravity, & a liberal supplier of the necessities of the poor, yea, in time of dearth, and scarcity: And as his Majesty long since, in his Book of Poesies, called your Noble Father the Phoenix of all the Nobility; so may the world esteem your Ho. to be another elect Lydia of that same Noble quality. Receive then (most Noble Lady) in protection these Divine ejaculations of the Soul, that your very countenancing of them, may not only add unto their goodness, but also may procure a good estimation amongst many that are as religiously affected as yourself. They were of before known but to a few, now are they made legible to the world, they were once in hazard to be lost, but by me they are enroled to be kept in the Printers Register. But least (being careful to eschew that despiteful vice of ingratitude, for your continual un-deserved favours) some think I may perchance fall in offence by the prolixity of many idle words: I will therefore end, in commending myself under the assurance of your H. pardon, committing these heavenly meditations as most cordial restoratives for the Soul to your daily practice, as afore; and thus my good intention to your favourable censure, wishing always your Hon. not to think it amiss, although it agreeth not so much with my profession, as in respect of others more beseeming, that I should exhort your Ho. as you have begun to be constant in your religious duties, although I know it was not needful for me to remember you of those things you have been taught of God, because I know the sincerity of your profession and practice hath so many witnesses, since you believed the Gospel of Salvation, and was sealed by the Spirit of promise, you have a witness in yourself, which I am persuaded will not fail in life or death to plead your abundant consolation. Now thus with due acknowledging of the manifold kindnesses I have received, both from yourself, and from my right Honourable good Lord & Patron, I commit your Honours and your most Noble Family to the merciful protection of the Almighty who mot without ceasing multiply his graces upon you, and crown you with all kind of blessings. The God of mercy and Father of Glory (who hath abounded towards you, not only in outward happiness of unstained Nobility; grandour, greatness of means, and favour with the highest on our earth; but which is greatest of all, in the unsearchable riches of jesus Christ: in the largeness and eminency of many singular gifts, and abundance of all good works) make you perfect to do his will, and work in you an increase of all that is pleasing in his sight. That ye may see many good and happy days in this life, and end them with comfort, and immortality in the life to come, I rest. Your Hon. own Physician in all humble duty, M. P. ANDERSON. THE COUNTESS OF MARRES SANCTVARIE. Morning meditation of the first Day. I Do present myself, O LORD, before thy sacred Majesty, a poor sinful creature, filthy within and filthy without: but where shall I go to be cleansed? the waters of jordan cleansed the leprosy of Naaman's body, 2 King. 5.14. but all the waters in the Ocean can not cleanse the leprosy of my soul: I am enforced to come to thee, O Lord, for where shall I go? Thou hast the words of eternal Life. john. 6.47. If thou wash me not, I can have no part with thee; john. 13.8 Wash, I beseech thee, O Lord, not my feet only, but my hands, and my head also. Merciful Father, let not the gates of thy mercy be closed upon me, which have been opened to so many poor sinners before me. If thou refuse to be merciful, where shall mercy be found? Luc. 23.43. O Lord, thou didst not abhor the penitent Thief, nor the woman of Canaan, when she requested thee: Mat. 15.22 neither the woman apprehended in adultery, john. 11 8. nor the Publican praying to thee, Mat. 26 74. neither yet the Disciple that denied thee. In the smell of these thine Ointments doth my soul run after thee. Cant. 4.10. I do confess in sincerity, 1. Tim. 1 15. O Lord, that of all sinners I am the chief, where sin hath abounded, Lord let thy mercy superabound. I say unto thee, O Lord, with that poor leper, Lord, if thou wilt, Mat. 8.2 thou canst make me clean; yea, although I be spotted as the Leopard, and black as a Moor, one drop of the blood of jesus Christ is able to make me as white as snow. I believe, Lord, Psal. 51.7. help my unbelief. It is thy praise O Lord, that thou makest the barren womb the mother of many children, and turneth the barren wilderness into a fruitful Land. Psal. 107 35. Exod. 15 25. john. 2.9. Mat. 12 10. Thou Lord, canst make bitter waters, sweet; and canst turn water into Wine. O Lord! pity my withered heart, as thou pitied the withered hand. Quicken this dead heart of mine, by the quickening virtue of thy Spirit: yea Lord, Act. 16.14. Numb. 17.8. open my heart, as thou openedst the heart of Lydia; thou that madest the rod of Aaron to blossom, make my soul to flourish in true repentance. It is no small mercy, O Lord, that thou hast spared me so long. If thou hadst dealt with me, as I have deserved, thou mightest have taken the Axe in thine hand, Mat. 3.10. and hewed me down, as an unprofitable tree, and casten me into the fire. Long hast thou spared me, O Lord, but let me not be reserved to any further wrath; as I am partaker of thy sparing mercies, make me partaker also of thy converting mercy. Create into me a new heart, Psal. 51.10. and renew a right Spirit within me. Let me find that change into my soul, that is proper to the children of God, Translate me yet further out of the Kingdom of darkness, Col. 1.13 into the Kingdom of thy dear Son. Fashion me so to thine own image, Gal. 2.20. that I no longer live; but Christ may live in me. Mark me with that new Name which no man knoweth, but he that hath received it. Give me to taste of that hid Manna, which no man can decern, but he that hath tasted of it. Create in my soul spiritual senses, that in a spiritual manner I may take thee up; who is the spirit of spirits. Furnish my languishing soul with some of the first fruits of thy heavenly Canaan, that in the strength thereof I may walk, until thou possess me into that promised rest. Be with me in all my tentations, and lead me through all difficulties, that I may sing that joyful triumph with thine own Apostle; Thanks be to GOD, who hath given us victory through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Evening Meditation of the first Day. SIN makes me ashamed to speak unto thee, O Lord, but my Saviour encourageth me to present myself before thee; under the shadow of his merits, do I appear in thy sight, and in his Name do I present myself, and my supplications to thy Majesty. O Lord, dost thou not number my steps? If the conscience of the sins of this one day do so dash, and confound me, what fears may arise in my soul through the memory of sins committed my whole life-time? I do confess, O Lord, my whole life hath been a wand'ring from thee: and all my days I have been doing nothing, but making up a d●tt●y against myself; thou needst not, O Lord, to lead any process against me for my conviction; the conscience may both accuse, witness, and condemn; O Lord, all my life hath been either sinful, or unfruitful. If I have done any thing that seemed good; it was either counterfeit, or corrupt, or some way unperfect; the dung of all my sacrifices justly mightest thou cast upon my face. I have rather seemed, nor truly been religious; therefore do I seek salvation without myself. Mat. 3.17. I seek it in him, in whom thou art well pleased. Israel stinged with fiery Serpents, Numb. 21 6. were healed by looking to the brazen Serpent, which Moses lifted up in the Wilderness. I am stinged with the fiery Serpent of sin; I look for health in Christ, lifted up at thy right hand. Poor sick creatures got health to their bodies at the pool of Siloam; john. 9.3. I look for health to my soul at Silo, in Christ my Saviour. Come, Lord jesus, Isai. 61. 1. thou that deliverest the prisoner, and openest the eyes of the blind; Deliver my soul from the bondage of sin; anoint me with thy eye salve. Come, as the sweet Samaritane, and pour of thine Oil into my wounded spirit, Come, my only Comforter; lead me to thy cellars, Cant. 2.5. refresh me with thy flagons, comfort me with thine apples. Come, the Husband of my soul, furnish out of thy Wardrobe a garment to my inward nakedness. Come, Light of the World, john. 1.9 bring light to my soul plunged in palpable darkness. Stretch forth thy wings, O my Soul! mount above upon the chariot of spiritual meditations; Delight thyself in the memories of the joys to be revealed, the like whereof, the eye never saw, the ear never heard, 1. Cor. 2.9. neither ever entered in the heart of man to unerstand. Abide not still in Babel, neither long for the flesh pots of Egypt. Sigh to the Lord, until thou be delivered out of the prisonhouse of this body, Phil. 1.23. and so be with Him, which is best of all. And to this purpose, my gracious Lord, sanctify my rest this night; when the body sleepeth, Psal. 11. let the Spirit watch. Be thou ever in my mind, and let thy word be the matter of my meditation. Keep me out of the hands of that roaring Lion, 1. Pet. 5.8. who greedily hunteth for my soul; let him get no vantage of me in the night, who tempteth me continually in the day. Let my thoughts, and visions, be pure, and holy, being set on thee, & on thy heavenly kingdom. Let my last thought this night, and my first thought to morrow be of thee: that so my spirit, being ever with the Lord, while I am absent in the body, in thine own time both body, and spirit may rest with thee for ever, through jesus, who hath prepared that rest. Amen. Morning meditation of the second Day. LET thy servant, O Lord, have access this morning unto the throne of thy grace. Lift up the light of thy countenance upon me. Oh Lord, I come as empty of grace to thy Majesty at this time, as I had ne●er received grace. It grieveth me, O LORD, to be so prodigal of thy spiritual blessings. Thou gavest me, O Lord, some faith, some measure of divine light, some feel●ing, some assurance of thy favour, which bred such joy, and peace into my soul, as passed all natural understanding, but in stead of these; infidelity, darkness, and senseless doubtings are stolen in into my soul. O Lord, Hos. 13.9. my destruction cometh of myself, but my deliverance cometh of thee. The prodigal child, Luc. 15.17. when he had wasted all, he had no other refuge, but return to his father. O Lord, where shall I go now in my greatest distress? to whom shall I make my moan: I will return unto thee; my loving Father; I know thy treasure cannot be emptied. I do confess, I have sinned against Heaven, and against Earth, and against thee; Luke. 15 21.22. and is no more worthy to be called thy son. As thou opened the eyes of Hagar, when her bottle of water was spent, and made her see a Well of water; so Lord, open the eye of my soul, that I may see that fountain of Life, from whence my soul may receive the waters of true consolation. Father, send down that lightning Spirit of thine, to renew my faith, my feellings, and my assurance, seeing I am content to forsake all things, to enjoy thee, and counts all things dung in respect of thee. I confess, O Lord, that these desertions are just punishments of my negligence in thy service, I take no such pains to entertain thy Spirit, as I should do. I watch not so narrowly over my heart as I ought. I labour not so painfully to mortify, and subdue my sinful affections, Col. 3.5. as becometh my Christian calling. Show me, O thou whom my soul loveth, Cant. 1.6. where thou feedest, where thou liest at noon; Psal. 23. lead me to thy pasture; put in thine hand at the hole of the door of my soul, Cant. 5.4. and my heart shall be affectionate towards thee. Many times O Lord, by doing of evil, Rom. 7.19. and by leaving of the good undone, have I grieved thy Spirit; yea, (alas) I do what in me lieth to quench the Spirit, Ephes. 4.30. but O Lord, 1. Thess. 5.19. thou knowest, that I am grieved in grieving thee; I am displeased with myself, for displeasing thee. I know O Lord, it is some great sin that hath moved thee to punish me with these desertions. Lord, open mine eyes, that I may see it. Lord, open mine heart, that I may repent for it. I am content, O Lord, to quite any thing, to enjoy thee. If thou look blytlilie upon me, I care not, who frown upon me. Ah Lord! that sin, which is not thy creature, should so mightily prevail against thy creatures. I sin, Lord, but with a wrestling; there is indeed a law in my members rebelling against the law of my spirit: Rom. 7 13. the evil I would not do, that I do, the good I would fain do, I do it not. I take thy Majesty to witness, Lord, it is my hearts desire, that the flesh, and powers of corruption be weakened, that the Spirit, and renewed part of my soul be strengthened. There was long wars betwixt the house of Saul, 2 Sam. 3. 1. and the house of David, but in end, the house of David was strengthened, and the house of Saul weakened. O Lord, weaken the power of my corruption, and strengthen the power of the grace of God in me. Ishmael and Isaac will not aggree in one family, Gen. 21.10. there can be no agreement betwixt the flesh, and the Spirit. Lord, crucify the flesh, with the lusts thereof, quicken the Spirit, that my inner man may grow. Thou knowest, O Lord, that I am crossed mightily by the remnants of the old man. When my soul would mount up upon the wings of prayer to the Heaven, I am borne down to the Earth. When I resolve to go forward into a good course; I am drawn backward by the cords of a corrupt nature. If jehoshua found fault with the people of God, that they were slow in marching forward towards earthly Canaan, how may jesus find fault with me? he brought me indeed out of spiritual Egypt, but slowly make I forward to heavenly Canaan. O Lord, thou that sent thy Angel to Eliah, 1. Ki● 19 when he was sleeping under the juniper tree, and commanded him to arise, and eat, for he had a long journey to go. Send down thy Spirit to put upon my soul, that I may awake out of the deep sleep of unrighteousness; & take the staff of God in mine hand, and never to look back with Lot's wife, Gen. 26. but ever to have my face towards the new jerusalem, that in the end I may say with thy servant Paul, 2. T● 4. ● I have run a good race, I have fought a good fight, from this time forth is the Crown laid up for me. Lead me thorough the snares of this day. See my feet upon a rock, Psal. 2. and order my going. Furnish me with wisdom, that I may go in, and out wisely before thy people, set a watch before my lips, Psal. and the door of my speech, let all my speeches be seasoned with grace, and tend to edifying. Let my heart ever be with thee, what ever I be doing beneath. And finally, as thou led thy servant Moses unto mount Pisga, and did let him see Canaan a fare off; Deut. 34. 1 let my soul delight to walk upon the mountain of heavenly meditations, looking a fare off to that heavenly Canaan, while in thine own good time, thou bring me through the waters of jordan, even through death itself and enter me into that rest. Now to my blessed Lord, the purchaser of this rest, with the Father, who from all eternity appointed the same, & the holy Spirit who daily confirmeth me in the hope of it, be praise for ever. 3 Eph. 1.13. Amen. Evening meditation of the second Day. O LORD, let that same Spirit, which indyted thy holy Word, whereby thou speaks to my Soul; endite my prayers, Rom. 8.26. whereby my soul speaketh to thee; thou knowest the voice of thine own Spirit, but the voice of a stranger thou wilt not hear. I continue my complaint to thy Majesty, still lamenting this ignorance, and yet remaineth into the mind, notwithstanding I am ever endeavouring to know thee. Who can take thee up, who is such an infinite, and incomprehensible Spirit? thou dwellest into a light, 1. john. 4.12. whereunno man can have access. No man can take thee up by natural light, 1. Cor. 2.14. for the natural man knoweth not the things that are of God, they are foolishness unto him. I crave therefore such a measure of that uncreated light, even the light of thy Spirit, as may breed into the mind a continual reverence of thee; bring the heart to an holy obedience to thee, and make all my affections, and actions directly to tend to thy glory. True it is, O LORD, now and then I have enjoyed sensibly this light, but ever after humiliation, and fervent prayer. I am become cold in prayer; I seek thee not with that hunger, and thirst, as I should do; and this maketh my feellings not so frequent. Lord, stir up my spirit, that I may seek thee continually with that holy zeal, and fervency that becometh me. Indeed O LORD, these desertions are ●earefull, and terrible to fall unto thy Children. Truly, I am most certain, that greater deadness, darkness, and senselessness, can not fall unto a reprobat. If the memory of by past experiences did not comfort me, these fearful desertions would make me faint, & fall a back. Lord, let not thy servant be tempted above his strength. 1. Cor. 10.13. Return, O Lord, deliver my soul, Psal. 119.8. save me for thy mercy's sake, forsake me not over long. And if it shall please thee, O Lord, to hold me under the bitter sense of those fearful desertions for a time for my further humiliation; let this ever be my greatest grief, that I miss thy presence. Teach me to seek uncessantly until I find thee; to knock until thou open, to call until thou answer. Psal. 39.7. What wait I for, O Lord? Is not mine hope even in thee. Yea, let the hope I have to enjoy thee, and thy presence for ever, make me to possess my soul, with the greater patience in the midst of all these fears. And now, O Lord, in this absence from thee, albeit the body be here on earth, Phil. 3.20. let my conversation ever be in heaven. Give me grace, this night to examine my heart upon my bed. Teach thou my reines in the night: Psal. 4.4. let me lie down in thy peace; and rest under the shadow of thy protection. Psal. 4.9. Let my bed remember me of the grave, and my rising again; of the last resurrection. Make ●ee always watchful, and suffer not Oil to be inlacking to my lamp. Mat. 25.8. When my Lord shall come, grant I may meet him with joy, & ever be with him in heaven, whom my soul hat● sought on earth. Amen. Morning meditation of the third Day. O LORD, my God, if I had eyes to see the misery of this time, wherein I do live, I could take up, both the universal defection of the whole world, and the particular desolation of my own soul, then would mine eyes be a fountain of tears. Thy servant David poured out rivers of tears, Psal. 119.136. when he did see the wicked not keep thy Law. 2. Pet. 2.8 Lot's heart was vexed within him, when he saw the iniquity of Sodom, but alaace Lord, I am not so sensible, these things are hid from me, therefore I pray thee, remove this veil that overshaddoweth my soul. Act. 9.18. Make the scales to fall from mine eyes, that I may take up those decays into a clearer light; from the Priest, to the people, Hos. 4.9. all have a part in this defection. Where is that wont zeal to thy glory? Who are they; who in singleness of heart seek thee? All do seek their own things, Phillip 2.21. but few the things which are Christ's. Religion, which should overrule men's ways are made a coverture to vice, and sin. O Lord, demaske them, and let them appear, who turn the truth of GOD into a lie, and labour to cover ungodliness, with a clock of an holy profession. Mat. 2.12.13. Take the scourge into thine hand, and purge thy Temple; put to the door those buyers, and sellers, who make the house of God a den of thiefs; and touch mine heart, with a lively feeling of my particular defects. I confess, O Lord, I have fallen from my first love, from my former zeal, Revel. 2.4. from my former care, and diligence in thy service. Where is the melting heart, the mourning eye, the painful diligence, night; and day, at home, and abroad, to seek thy face? Where I was wont to pray with delight, with liberty, and with tears, now I weary of prayer. I find no inward liberty, no softness of heart. I come unto thee, with a senseless heart; I depart from thee, with as senseless a heart. Where my heart was wont to be pricked at the hearing of thy word, Act. 2. ●. where I was wont to departed from Sermons with great comfort; now I find myself neither casten down, nor raised up. Thy Word, O Lord, worketh not upon my heart as it was wont to do, this is one token that my spiritual Life is weakened: therefore as thou hast breathed in my nostrils, Gen. 2.7. the breath of a natural life; breath upon my soul, Cant. 4.16. that I may find the motions of a spiritual Life. Call upon my soul out of the grave of sin, john. 12.43.44. as thou called Lazarus his body, out of the grave. Let me find a quickening virtue flowing from thy lively Spirit, to quicken my dead spirit. Lord, teach me to redeem these losses, and grant I may ever count it my greatest loss, to lose the signs of thy presence Suffer not mine heart to be oppressed with the thorny cares of this life; Luc. 8. but learn me to cast my care upon the Lord. What ever I be doing in these worldly things, 1. Cor. 7.29.30. let me so do them, as I were not doing them. Give me that dexterity to discharge such a duty in mine earthly calling, as may ever agree with mine heavenly calling. Furnish me with wisdom, that I may walk wisely even towards them that are without. 1. Thess. 1● Make my life a pattern of godliness, that where ever I come, or go, I may smell of jesus Christ. Give me grace to be careful not only of mine own soul, but of the souls of all them, of whom I have any charge, that so thy glory ever being before mine eyes; thou mayest glorify me one day, through jesus Christ, my Saviour, who fitteth at thy right hand. Amen. Evening Meditation of the third Day. O LORD, I never press to draw ne'er unto thee; but that Evil one draweth near to me. If jehoshua come in before the LORD; Zach. 3.1. Satan will be at his right hand to resist him: he troubleth, and distracteth my mind with Armies of unruly cogitations. It is my greatest difficulty, O Lord, at any time to get a free mind to serve thee. Exod. 5.3. When Israel desired to go to the Wilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord; Pharaoh doubled their burdens, so doth Satan double his tentations upon me, when I would go out of myself, to serve thee. What am I; poor weak creature, that I should resist such mighty spiritual powers? O Lord, 1. Cor. 12.9. it is thy battle I fight, and thy grace, is sufficient for me. Thy people when they builded the wall of jerusalem, Neh. 4.17. they did hold their weapons in the one hand, and builded with the other hand. Lord, furnish me with a double portion of thy Spirit, that I may resist Satan with the one hand, and draw near to thee with the other. O Lord, I am come to thine Holiness, to repent my sins. Ah Lord! my sins are great, but my repentance is slender. Lord, give me that repentance, which thou gavest unto Peter; he sinned grievously, but repent earnestly; yea, he weeped bitterly. O Lord, hast not thou the keys of David, which openeth, Rev. 3.7. and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth? Open mine heart, that I may make such a repentance, as ●ought to do. Thou didst keep jonas, that he drowned not. Thou, O Lord, didst stretch forth thine helping hand, and keeped Peter, Mat. 14.31. that he did not sink, when he did walk on the waters. Lord, stretch forth thine helping hand, let not thy servant sink into the sea of sin. O Lord, thou prepared an Ark for thine own Noah, and the Whale's belly, for thine own jonas. Lord, if I shall get my foot once within the Ark, I shall be safe. jesus Christ is mine Ark, let me be found in him; then shall there be no condemnation to me, Rom. 8.1. my sins indeed are great, O Lord, but shall I balance the sins of a finite creature, with the mercies of the infinite Creator? Psal. 25.9. Nay Lord, all thy ways are mercy, and truth to these that fear thee. I have nothing to lay between me, and Hell, but thy undeserved mercy. O Lord, my God, thou art a strength unto the poor, a refuge against the tempest, and a shadow against the heat. Who so dwelleth in the secret of the most High, Psal. 91. 1. shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say unto the Lord, O my hope, Psal. 42.10. and my fortress, he is my God, in him will I trust. Confirm my soul O Lord, in the certainty of this persuasion. Strengthen also, the arm of thy feeble, and weak servant, that I may fight with the greater courage against that spiritual Gohab. Let me not departed from thee at this time without some spiritual comfort. Thou wouldst not suffer the multitude, Mat. 14.19. that waited upon thee, three days in the Wilderness, to departed until they were refreshed. Lord, refresh my soul with some crumbs of grace, falling from thy Table. When jonathan was weary, 1. Sam. 14.28. and put forth his rod, and tasted of the honey; his dim eyes received sight, and his feeble body was strengthened. O Lord, Luc. 8.46. if I shall touch jesus by the rod of faith, my dim eyes shall receive sight; and my feeble soul new strength. O my Lord! am not I seeking this strength of thee, to bruise the head of the old Serpent, Gen. 3.15. a sworn enemy to thy Kingdom? Deny not armour to thine own weak soldier, that in the power of thy might, I may subdue that great dragon Sin; that it may be borne down, and jesus his throne may be set up in the secret corner of mine heart. Sanctify my rest this night in such sort, that when this wearied body hath received its bodily refreshment; I may rise, by thy grace, to morrow, to do thee better service in jesus Christ. Amen. Morning meditation of the fourth Day. THY sacrifices O Lord, Ps●● 5.17. are a contrite, & a broken heart. I come to thy Altar, but I want the sacrifice. O Lord, who vouchsafedst a sacrifice upon Abraham; Gen. 22.13. vouchsafe a sacrifice upon me. I would wish mine heart could be dissolved in bitter tears, but such is my present hardness, that neither can I repent as I should; neither is mine heart so softened, as it should be. EZek. 11.19. It is thy praise O Lord, to take the stony heart away, and to give an heart of flesh. Lord, I have a stony heart; rend it, O Lord, take it away, and give me a soft heart; that I may make such a repentance, as my great offences require. Lord, there is no contentment to my soul, but either when thou humblest me with a sense of sin, or raisest me up with a sense of mercy, rather than I be senseless, let me be sensible of my sin, that in the bitterness of my heart, I may bewail it. Teach me now to mourn with thy children, 2. Thess. 1.7. that I may rejoice in the day of their rejoicing. Cherish, O Lord, those little sparkles of grace, which in thy great mercy, thou hast kindled in my soul. Increase my faith, my love, and my light. Learn me to forget those things that are behind me, Phi. 3.13. and follow hard towards the mark. O Lord, open thine own Treasures; and send down of thy spiritual graces. Let me find a lifting up virtue in thy spirit, continually raising up my spirit. Speak peaceable things to my soul this morning; that all the day long, I may rejoice in thee. Give me faith, to apply the sweet promises of mercy made in thy word. Hedge me so about with thy grace, that my secret corruptions break not out. Let my whole life be a walking with thee, and a moving towards thee. john. 12.32. Draw me every day somewhat nearer to thyself, and deface the image of sin in me; that the image of Christ may be set up in my soul. Be thou, O Lord, a bulwark to thy servant, that the violent spait of the corruption of this time, dryve me not away. Save me, that I communicate not with the sins of other men, 1. Tim. 5.22. and cleanse me from my own sins. As this body of clay weareth, and wasteth, grant O Lord, that sin may wear, and waste in me. Bring the work of thine own grace to perfection; and lead me from faith, Rom. 1.17. to faith, and from feeling, to feeeling, 1. Cor. 13.12. until faith end in sight, and feeling into an endless fellowship, which I hope to enjoy in the Heavens with my blessed Head, and Husband jesus Christ, Amen. Evening meditation of the fourth Day. I Bless the time, wherein I was acquainted with thy Majesty. If thou hadst not sent the light of thine own Spirit; Eph. 2.12. as I was borne a stranger, I had died a stranger. I confess, O Lord, that before my calling I was doing the works of the flesh, Eph. 2.3. and of the mind, and was by nature the child of wrath, as well as others. But thou O Lord, who art rich in mercy through the great love, that thou hast loved me in Christ jesus, Eph. 2.4. hast made me to see, that I was walking in a way to mine own damnation; Thou in mercy reclaimedst me, and broughtest me back; yea, thou didst pardon those selfsame sins in me; for the which, thou hast condemned others. O Lord, what didst thou see in me, more than in others? Nothing but matter of wrath, and condemnation. Yea, Lord, as thou didst separate Eliah from Elisha, 2. King. 2.11. walking in one way together, by a fiery chariot; so hast thou shed me from the reprobat, sometime walking in one course with them. I say with thy servant David; Not unto me, Psal. 115. 1. not unto me, O Lord, but unto thy Name let the glory be given. Who is able to think aright of thy mercy? all thy ways are mercy & truth to them that fear thee. Psal. 25.1. When I remember, what I have been, I am enforced to wonder at thy mercy. If thou hadst been as ready to punish me for my sin; as I was ready to commit sin; I had had my portion amongst the damned Spirits ere now. What folly was there, wherein I did not take pleasure? I stopped mine care at the voice of GOD, and harkened unto the voice of the Serpent. The deceitful pleasures of sin, ensnared my soul, but thou hast broken the grin, Psal. 124.6. and my soul, like a bird, hath escaped: all things are naked, and patent before him, Heb. 4.13. with whom we have to do. Thou didst see Nathanael under the fig tree. john. 1.48. I do therefore in all humility, crave thee mercy for all my sins, before my calling, and also after my calling. Like a Dog, I have returned to my vomit, 2. Pet. 2.22. and like a Sow washed, I have defiled myself in the mire again. After that thou hadst made me clean, these same sins, for the which I have lamented, and repent, I have fall'n into again. As my salvation was begun of thy mercy; so let it be continued, and perfected of that same mercy; for mercy is all I lean to. At that last hour, when all these outward comforts, as false friends will fly from me in my greatest need; then Lord, be at my right hand; yea, be in the secret corner of mine heart, that my death, as well as my life, may edify others in the faith of Christ. Let my mouth, whilst I have breath, utter forth a good matter. Psal. 45.1.2. Then lead thou me through the valley of death, and in end bring me into that glorious, and lightsome Palace: where the glory of God shineth most brightly, ●sal. 17.15. that my soul may ever be delighted with the brightness of his Face; and may have my part in that Song of Thankes●giving, Rev. 5.9.10. etc. which the glorified Spirits sound to the praise of GOD, to whom be everlasting praise. Amen. Morning meditation of the fift Day. O Heavenly Father, as all the waters run into the Ocean, so doth all poor sinners pour out their complaints in thy bosom. Thou art the only refuge of a wearied soul; to thee only do we fly in our greatest necessities, and at thy mouth, do we seek resolution in our most perplexed affairs. I have many things to lament to thy Majesty, but in special, I lament to thee that my meditations are so confused, and mixed, with impertinent cogitations. Lord, this is a token of a confused heart. I am sorry that the heart, which should be the dwelling place of thy Spirit; should be so preoccupied by earthly, fleshly, and profane cogitations. I may withdraw myself from the company of the World; but (alas) I can not with draw myself, from a profane heart; where ever I go, I carry a profane heart about with me, and albeit, thou givest me an outward liberty to bow the knee of my body, yet my spirit is bound. Ah Lord! I can neither speak nor think of thee, as I should do. Thou art infinite, unmeasureable, incomprehensible; what can a finite creature take up of an infinite God. Forgive me, Lord, that I worship thee in such ignorance, let me see thee in a clearer light, and I shall worship thee with a greater affection. The better, O Lord, that I know thee, the better I love thee, the more will I reverence thee. That woman of Samaria, john. 4.9. before Thee knew thee, preferred a drink of water to thee; but from time she knew thee, she esteemed much of thee, and preferred thee unto all things. To the end therefore, O Lord, that thou may have that room in mine heart, that thou oughtest to have; manifest thyself more clearly to my soul. Draw aback this curtain off my soul, that I may take thee up more sensibly, I crave light, with the increase of light, and grace, with the increase of grace; faith, with the increase of faith; (and because that here is no perfection) Grant I may study to a growth; until thou perfect thine own work, and in the mean time, O Lord, consider what I am, and where I am a weak creature, in a waste Wilderness. Therefore, as thou carried thy own Israel upon eagle's wings, through the wilderness towards that earthly Canaan, carry me through this waste Wilderness of the World, until I come to mine heavenly Canaan. Thou knowest, O Lord, my soul is as a ship tossed to, and fro, with continual tempests; many times when I have a strait course to Heaven; I am driven aside by the contrary winds of my corrupt affections. Lord jesus, be thou Pilot to the Ship of my soul; that I make no shipwreck; as tentations, followeth tentations, like the waves of the sea, every one upon the back of another; so let grace be doubled, that although Satan seek to winnow me as wheat, yet he prevail not. I long O Lord to be with thee, where Satan will not tempt, sin will not accuse, and these unruly affections will not trouble me. Ah, when shall this poor spirit be disburdened of this lodging of clay, that that, which is divine, may behold thy divine Majesty always so long as I am here in the body. Thou that teachedst david's fingers here to fight; Psal. 18.33. so that a Bow of brass, was not able to withstand him. So, strengthen thou mine arm, that I may be able to resist these malicious enemies. Thy servant David overcame the Lion, and the Bear, and the uncircumcised Philistim; yet was he overcome with his uncircumcised heart. Of all difficulties, it is the greatest to ●me man to overcome himself. Lord, help me by grace, to sight against myself. I will not despare, Lord, notwithstanding of all these enemies, so long as I may make my plaint to thee. Thy eyes are upon the lust, Psal. 34.15. thine ears open unto their cry. Thou didst hear the groan of thine own Israel; Lord, hear the groanings of my soul. Thine ear, O Lord, is not heavy, Esay. 59: 1. nor is thine hand shortened; streatche forth the arm of thy mercy, and help my distressed soul. Didst not thou command the stormy winds; and raging seas when thy Disciples were in hazard! and they obeyed thee. If my small affections never rage's so mightily, if thou wilt command peace, they will settle, and be obedient to thy voice. And now, O Lord, this day wherein I am entered, I know not what inconvenient I may meet with, lead me safely through all difficulties (O thou) that art the shepherd of my soul, Psal. 23.1. that I safely going through the snares of this day; at evening I may bow my knees, and sound thy praises in jesus Christ. Amen. Evening meditation of the fifth Day. I Have wandered from thee, O Lord, this day. That troublesome Spirit, hath oppressed my Spirit, with variety of unnecessary affairs. I busy myself about many things, Luc. 10.42. but yet one thing is needful, I find by daily experience, that the cares of this world are thorny cares; they prick, and annoy my soul; Mat. 13.7. they chocke the seed of grace, which in mercy thou didst sow I to mine heart: they are mighty impediments to the growth of my inner man. I pray thee, let not these earthly cares diminish mine inward peace, nor prejudg my union with thy Majesty; nor draw on darkness upon my mind but O Lord, let the secret beams of thy lightsome face continually shine upon my soul. Let me ever live in a spiritual sense of my union, from the which, such inward joy may flow to my spirit, as may make all estates acceptable to me. O Lord, of all difficulties, I find it the greatest, to keep the heart in a sense of thy presence. I confess, O Lord, for all the pains I have yet taken in thy worship; if thou yet leave me, I may fall into as great Atheism, as they who never knew thee. Therefore, waken my Spirit; renew my senses; lift up all the powers of my soul, Phil. 3.19. that I may ever mind heavenly things. True it is, O Lord my earthly calling is a great impediment to my heavenly calling; although I were no ways distracted, but all times gave myself to reading, prayer, and meditation; it were little enough for the entertaining the life of Christ in my soul. But O Lord, as thou hast laid a double burden upon me; so double thy Spirit upon me, that even whilst I am doing the points of my earthly calling; my spirit may be above. Lord, open mine eyes, that I may see my predominant sins; let me not be a slave to my affections, but give me grace to strive against every sinful motion And as thou O Lord, dost now cover all things here beneath with darkness; so cover my sins, that they be not seen again. Let never mine heart be so fare from thee, as it hath been; neither be thou so long absent from my soul. Esay. Writ my name upon the palms of thine hands, and let me be as a signet upon thy right hand. O thou the Watchman of Israel, Psal. 121.3. who neither slumberest, nor sleepest; be thou my keeper this night. Let this temporal rest, be a pledged to me of that everlasting rest, which I hope to enjoy in the Heavens through jesus Christ. Amen. Morning meditation of the sixth Day. I Complain to thy Majesty, of the uncessant malice of my sworn enemy, he is a restless tempter, and I am a careless resister: he knoweth my weakness, and taketh his advantage of my infirmities. When I have best resolutions to serve thee; then rageth he most against me; and when I set my face towards heaven, than he laboureth to dryve me from the right mark, that Evil one albeit I went not to my rest, after in calling upon thy name, yet hath carried my fantasy after profane, earthly, and carnal things. Ah Lord I what he cannot accomplish in the day, he laboureth to bring it to pass in the night. Take not these for mine actions, but for mine enemies devilish suggestions. I would wish the mind were so pure, and the heart so spiritually disposed, that ever, sleeping, or waking I were about spiritual matters. And because, O Lord, thou canst not dwell inro a filthy heart, sweep the house of my soul; wash me anew, Psal. 51.7. and make me clean: prepare a lodging for thine own Spirit into the secret corners of mine heart: possess tho● thine own dwelling, for thou h●st bought it with the blood of thine own Son. Keep me, O Lord, 1. john. 1.7. 1. Pet. 1.5. unto that Life, which thou hast keeping for me, and whilst I am here in the body; save me from carnal security. Let my delight ever be to watch, and pray, and multiply the spirit of prayer upon me. Mat. 6.6. Let me not weary of welldoing, but lead me in thy paths. I am sorry that my time hath been so wasted, time slideth away, and I profit little, or nothing in it. Let no day slip away without some spiritual advantage. O Lord I count it my greatest gain, to gain Christ: Phil. 3.8. yea, I esteem all things dung in respect of him. Let me feel sensibly, O Lord, that I am rooted, Eph. 2.20. and builded in him. Let virtue proceed from him to heal my diseased soul, in him, Lord, be well pleased with me thy weak servant. Furnish me with grace, to do every point of thy worship with some piece of good conscience: that in the end thou be not ashamed of me, nor deny me not to be thine; but mayest call upon me, saying; Come faithful servant, Mat. 25.21. enter into thy Master's rest; unto the which rest, O Lord of thy infinite mercy bring this poor soul of mine, in thy own good time. Amen. Evening Meditation of the sixth Day. WHAT shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits bestowed upon me a sinful worm. Psal. 116.12. I have found thy kindness in outward things I have had a proof of thy favour in inward mercies. If Ruth, Ruth. 2.3. when she found favour with Boaz, in suffering her to gather corns on his field amongst his slaves, and give her bodily refreshment with his servants, made such an humble confession, saying, What am I, that I should have found favour in thine eyes, and that thou shouldest know me, seeing I am a stranger? What may I say to thy Majesty; who albeit I was a stranger from the womb, yet hast thou O Lord, received me to mercy, and communicatest of thy spiritual Treasure to my soul. O Lord, thou h●st poured in life in my soul, where Death had taken seizing; yea, as thou quickened Lazarus his dead body, john. 11.43. so hast thou quickened my dead soul; thou madest light to break up, where there was nothing but darkness. As the morning cloud passeth away at the rising of the Sun, so the cloud of natural darkness, passeth away at the breaking up of the light of thy Face Thou hast O Lord, brought liberty to my soul, where I was fettered in the chains of an unbelieving heart, whereas at my first wakeninges, I found terrors, fears, accusations, and great inward griefs; thou hast now pacified my soul, and brought peace, and joy, to mine heart. Blessed be the time that ever I knew thee! happy was that hour, wherein thou manifested thyself unto me. Peter, james, and john were so ravished with the glory of Christ his transfiguration, Mat. 17. 1.2. that they desired never to have removed off that mountain; so Lord, the smallest glimmering of thy light doth so delight the heat; that it maketh us to forsake all, that we may abide with thee. I say to thee, Ruth. 1.16. O Lord, as Ruth said to Naomi, where thou goest I will go. My dear Lord, strengthen my weak faith, that day, by day, I may get a faster grippe of jesus Christ; and howbeit I continue not at all times in the like degree of feeling: yet let never my faith fail me, and whensoever I miss thee; give me grace to seek thee with a sorrowful heart until I find thee. Lead me forward from faith, to faith, and feeling, to feeling, until faith end in sight, and feeling in a perfect fruition of these supernatural joys, which I long for, and daily await in Christ jesus, our Lord, and Saviour, Amen. Morning meditation of of the seventh Day. IT hath pleased thee, O Lord, to separate this Day from the rest of the days for thine only worship. LORD, in like manner separate me from my corruptions; and in some measure sanctify me this Day to thy service; that I may dedicate the same wholly to thy service; and not only cease from meddling with my worldly business, but I may cease from sin, and have all the powers of my soul lifted upward, (O Lord) warm mine heart with the love of thee, inflame mine affections with the zeal of thy Glory: Oh, Lord, how long shall I dwell in the tents of Kedar, Psal. 120.5 when shall this wearisome pilgrimage be ended? when shall that blessed jubilee come, when all thy Saints shall be set at liberty? and we to enjoy perfect rest with thee for ever. Hear I am oppressed with fears, doubtings, deadness of spirit, blindness of mind: In the mean time, sweet Christ jesus, leave me not in this place of my banishment, for thou art Light, and without thee I can do nothing but walk in darkness: john. 8.12. Thou art Life, and without thee; there is nothing but present Death: Thou art the Way, and without thee I can do nothing but walk in the broad way. Go thou before me, my dear Saviour, then shall I cheerefulie follow thee; let me see the way I should walk into, and lead me into that way: Make the light of thy face continually shine upon my soul, that in thy light, I may see light. And now (O Lord) since I am to go to thy house to hear thy will out of thy Word, be thou my convoy: and give me grace to take heed to my feet, Eccl. 4 5.1 when I go to the house of the Lord; grant I may watch so narrowly over mine heart and mind, that I be not wand'ring in time of thy worship; make thy word comfortable unto my soul, yea, let it be sweeter to me, than the honey and the honey comb; that I may return from thy Service, with a mind more illuminated, and heart by grace better established, and affection better informed, and all the powers of my soul in a greater measure sanctified, finally so rule me by thy good Spirit this day, that no part of it be stolen away from thy service, but that I may spend it so regiouslie, that when the Evening shall come, I may reap the peace of a good conscience; the which peace is to me an arles penny of that endless Peace I hope to enjoy in the Heavens, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Evening Meditation of the seaventh Day. O Lord, my God, although thy Majesty knoweth it was my purpose in the Morning, to have spent this wholly day in thy service, yet I have stolen a part of it from thee, my mind hath gone a whoring after other vanities, no, I dare not, but confess, that even in the very hour of preaching and prayer, my heart hath wandered from thee: Oh, Lord, it is easy to promise obedience, but not so easy to perform; I perceive by doleful experience, that my soul is subject to such inconstancy, that I can not keep it in the state with thy Majesty, no, not the space of one day, no, Lord, not one hour, yea, scarce a quarter of an hour; I resolve well, Rom. 7.18. but practise nothing; my desire is ever to walk with thee, but (alace) every moment I wander from thee, many are the changes whereunto I am subject, sometime I find the Spirit-slightering upward; incontinent drawing down to the earth: sometimes delighting to talk with GOD, at other times wearying of spiritual exercises; sometime marveilouslie enlightened with a great light at other times plight with a palpable darkness: ●. Pet. 1. sometimes rejoicing with an unspeakable joy, other times, refusing all comfort: sometimes doubting and distrusting, othertimes firmly believing, & steadfastly apprehending: sometimes longing for to be dissolved, ●hil. 1. other times loving to judge still in this tabernacle of clay: in all these things where is my comfort but in this? that thou art unchangeable. As for me, O Lord, I confess, Malach. 1. for my best action thou mightst condemn me, for the sins of my prayer, hearing of thy word: what then should be mine estate, if thou wouldst enter in judgement with me? Teach me to walk in trembling, and fear before thee let it be my first care to keep thy presence save me (O Lord) that by my thoughts, profane speeches, & ungodly actions, I quench not thy Spirit, but let me ever find that Spirit working & moving into my soul; when I wander, bring me home again, when I fall, raise me: when I sleep, waken me, & hold me waking (O Lord) that when the Bridegroom shall come, I may be in the rank of the wise Virgins, Mat. 25. with my lamp clearly burning attending his coming. And finally, forgive me all the infirmities of my prayers, and accept of my lean and unworthy sacrifice, in & through that alsufficient Sacrifice, that my blessed Lord hath offered in my name, & in the name of all these that loud his second coming, To him therefore be praise, honour & glory for ever Amen. Now unto the King everlasting, immortal, invisible, unto God only wise, be honour and Glory, for ever, Amen. FINIS. AN Ascension of the SOUL TO HEAVEN. By meditation of the Passion, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord, and Saviour jesus Christ. 1. Tim. 3.16. And without controversy; great is the Mystery of godliness, God manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, etc. EDINBURGH, Printed by john Wreittoun, 1625. An Advertisement to the Christian Reader. MAN in all his actions, purposeth to himself Glory, and Gain, whereof if he give unto God the first, which is due unto him, he will make the second redound to thy use: Therefore, ●●ght we with the Angels to sing, Glory be to God in th● Heaven; and with Zacharias, Luc. 2.4. Blessed be the LORD GOD of Israel who hath visited & redeemed his people. Then must we consider, wh●● be the benefits we gain of Christ● death, which are in number many● in feeling comfortable, in estimat●● most precious: The first is, Purgation of sins; thus happy is he whose wickedness is forgiven, and whose sins is covered: Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth none iniquity, Psal. 31.1.2. but most miserable are they that lack these: The penitent sinner of a troubled spirit, Psal. ●1. 17. of a broken and a contrite heart, forsaking his own ways, and renounceing his own imaginations, Mat. 4.17. promising amendment, and purposing the fruits of repentance, confessing his own misery, and appealing to the mercy of GOD, Esay. 1.18. and the merits of Christ, hath his soul though as red as Scarlot washed in his most precious, gracious, and glorious blood. Heb. 9.13 14. Leu. 6.14. For, if the blood of Bullocks, and Goats, and the ashes of an Heifer, sprinkling them, (that are unclean) sanctified as touching the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, which through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God; 1. john. 1.7. purge our conscience from dead work●s, to serve the living GOD: Thus the Blood of jesus Christ the Son of God purgeth us from all sin, O purge me with this Hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash, Psal. 51.7 and I shall be whiter than snow. 2. The second benefit is, Remission of sins. Sin is in the Child of God, but it reigneth not. Sin is in the Elect, but covered: Sin is in the Heirs of Salvation, Rom. 8.33. but not laid to their charge, because it is forgiven: Exod. 25.17. As the Ark was covered with an golden sheeted, alled the Propitiatory: So Christ is the propiciat●●n of our sins, Mat. 26.28. by whom we have redemption through his Blood, even forgiveness of them, Col. 1.14. for the voice of his blood is remission of sin●●s ever proclaimed in the hearts of the godly, Eph. 1.7. calling for ●etter things, than the blood of Abel. Heb. 12.24. 3. The third Benefit of Chri●● passion, is Deliverance from th● curse of the Law, the Law accuseth Christ ex●useth; The Law te●●fieth, Christ comforteth: the La● curseth, but Christ blesseth, f● Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law, Gal. 3.13. when he was made a curse for us, for it is written, Deut. 21.23. john. 1.17. Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree. And the Law w●s given by Moses, but Grace, and Truth came by jesus Christ: indeed, Cant. 1.4.15. we be but black by nature yet are we white by Grace. Blanvel k in Adam, yet comely as the tents of Kedar, Cant. 6.9. and as the curtain of Solomon, yea pleasant in Christ: now in Him, we l●●ke as the Morning, fair as the Noon, pure as the Sun, terrible as an Army with Banners, hard favoured by merit, but beautiful by Mercy, for Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness t● every one that believe. Rom. 10.4. john. 5.24. Th●y th●● which in a lively faith apprehend Christ crucified and risen again: have what the Law requireth, that is, perfect obedience, performed by Christ imputed to them: who was delivered to death for our sins, Rom. 4.24 Rom. 4.25. Col. 2.14. and risen for our justification. Thus hath he put out the hand-writting of ordinances, that was against us, which was contrary to us, he even took it out of the way, and fastened it upon the Cross. 4. The fourth Benefit we reap by Christ's passion, is freedom from damnation, and purchase of eternal Life, for God so loved the world, john. 3.16. that he hath given his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, Rom. 8.1. should not perish, but have eternal Life: For what destruction can come to them which are ingraffed in Christ? the Author and finisher of our saith and salvation, Heb. 12.2.3. who for the joy that was set before him, endured the Cross, an● despised the shame, how can the second death take hold on them that have their part in the first Resurrection? Rev. 20.6. and are in Christ, john. 4.6. the Life itself: For when Christ, which is our Life, shall appear; Col. 3.4. john. 10. then shall we also appear with him in his glory: The Devil can not pluck them away fi●aly from GOD, who is stronger than any, and hath given them to Christ, who is one with the Father, and hath their names written in the Book of Life having washed their Garments in the Blood of the Lamb. Phil. 4.2. Rev. 20.14. Hell cannot terrify them, which patiently look for an inheritance in Heaven. Eph. 1.4. We are in Christ by election before the world was made. Rom. 5.1. We are justified by a lively Faith; the obedience of the son of God, Rom. 5.16. being imputed unto us; we are sanctified through the Spirit; 1. Pet. 1.2.22. john 15.3. our souls are purified in obeying the Truth. We walk not after the flesh, when we resist covetous cogitations, Rom. 8. 1. ambitious desires, voluptuous thoughts, envious conceits, Gal. 5.19.22. malicious purposes, or whatsoever else corrupt of old Adam. We walk after the Spirit, when we embrace love, we follow peace, and holiness, show long suffering, gentleness, meekness, temperance, crucifieing the flesh, with the affections, and lusts thereof; to such as are in Christ, there is no condemnation. 5. The fifth Fruit we have of Christ his Passion is, the Wrath of God, is pacified, Col. 3.6. for as they which obey not the Son, shall not see Life, but the wrath of God abideth on them; so they which believe in the Son have everlasting Life reserved in Heaven for them, 1. Pet. 1.4.5. which by the power of God are kept to salvation; for his sak God pardoned all our offences; and our sins, and our iniquities will he remember no more; jer. 31 33 34. but will put his Laws in our minds; and writ them in our hearts, and will be our God, Esay. 42. 1. and we shall be his people; Mat. 3 17. for he is his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased; who is also our Advocate with the Father if we sin, 1 john 2.1, even jesus Christ, the lust. 6. The sixth benefit of Christ his passion, is, Victory, over Satan for where sin is purged, Gen. 3.15. and remitted, and not imputed, where the malediction of the Law is abrogated, Eph. 2.14 where the second Death is abolished, where the wraith of GOD is pacified, there the Devil hath nought. For Christ by death destroyed him that had power of death, Heb. 2.14. (that is) the Devil, that he might deliver all them, which for fear of Death, were all their life-time subject to bondage. For this purpose appeareth the son of God, 1. john. 3.8. that he might louse the works of the Devil: wherefore, though Satan be yet suffered to tempt the children of God, yet shall he never b●e able to draw them away from the state of Salvation, because, john. 18.28. God is saithful, and will not suffer his, to be tempted above their strength, but shall in the midst of their tentation make a way, that they may be able to bear it. 7. The seventh benefit is, Victory over Death, and our freedom from the fear thereof: (for he sayeth) I will redeem them from the power of the grave. Hos. 13.14 I will deliver them from death: O Death! I will be thy death. O grave! I will be thy destruction. Death, 1. Cor. 15.55.56. where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory! the sting of Death, is Sin; and strength of sin, is the Law. But thankes be to God, who hath given us victory through the Lord jesus Christ. Now ●y the means of the death of Christ; death is nothing else, but a sweet passage & way to eternal life to the faithful; john. 8.51. for if any man keep his word he shall never see death. Let us therefore, courageously follow our Ch●staine, the Lord jesus Christ, who as he did not perish in Death, so shall he not suffer us to perish neither; he is the God of the living, Mat. 22.32. and not of the dead: (that is) which cease to be. For this is his Father's will which hath sent him, that of all, which he had given him, he should lose none; but raise them up again at the latter Day, for the things, which the eye hath not seen, Cor. 2.2. neither ear heard, neither came into man's heart, are, which God hath prepared for them, that love Him. And finally, besides these singular benefits by Christ's Passion, Rom. 5.2. we have the same peace of conscience, which passeth all understanding, Heb. 2.18. and access to this grace, wherein we stand, by the mediation of Christ; and after this wretched life entrance to behold the glorious, and blessed Trinity, in Glory, Majesty, and Eternity. AND now (Gentle Reader) that we may make heavenly, and spiritual use of his sufferings. First, diligently weigh, what person in the Deity did suffer. Se●ondlie, what he did suffer. thirdly, why he did suffer. And lastlie, what our Mediator requireth at our hands The Apostle sayeth, 1. Pet. 2.21. Christ suffered once for us; that is the Son of God, and the virgin Marie. john. 1.14. That word which was made flesh, and dwelled amongst us, and we saw (sayeth hee● the glory there of; as the glory of the only begotten Son of the Father full of grace, and truth. And so confesseth Peter, Mat. 16.16. Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God whi●h was ●e whom when the fullness of time was come; Gal. 4.4. GOD sent forth made of a woman, and made under the Law; john. 7.14. for his name is Immanuel; being a child borne to us; and a S●nne given us, Esay. 9.6. whose government is upon his shoulder, whose name is wonderful, Eph. 3.9.10. Counsellor to the mighty God, everlasting Father, the Prince of peace. But we should rather adore the Hypostatical union, and Incarnation of the son of God, than search it by our shallow brains anxiouslie: for the mind, and understanding of man cannot reach to it; much less can it be expressed by tongue, yea, and the very Angels admired, 1. Tim. 3.16. that the eternal son of God, that did take the shape of a servant, Phil. 2.7.8. and willingly yielded himself to the ignominious death of the Cross. But why was thy Mediator both God, and man? If he had been man only, he could not have satisfied the justice of God, so should our Redemption have been unperfect, and not sufficient, for he suffered in that nature, 1. Pet. 4. 1. that could suffer, that is, the flesh. Yet because of that straight union of both the natures in Christ, we may conveniently say, God to have been dead, and crucified for the son of man, and purchased his Church, Act. 20.28 by his own Blood. Now then, because thy Mediator is God, he can free thee from death and Hell, 1. Tim. 2.5 and because he is man, bone, of thy bone, and flesh, of thy flesh, he is sensible of thy misery; for we have not a high Priest, Heb. 4.15 which can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all things tempted in like sort; yet without sin; go therefore boldly unto the throne of grace that th●u mayest find mercy, and receive grace, to help in time of need. But why did God perfect this great work of our Redemption from Sin, by the death of his Son, & not by other means, besides that it pleased God to declare his mind most evidently to us, it belongeth to the justice GOD by the same reasonable creature, Gen. 3.15. the Devil should be overcome which he had gloried to be subdued by him, as God therefore he triumphed over Death. The offering of Isaac is a shadow of this dispensation done for us: Gen. 22.8. Isaac being a type of the divinity, and the Rain of the humanity. In the purification of the Leper also, for whom was taken two Sparrows alive and clean, whereof the one was killed, Leu. 14.4. and the other dipped in the blood of the slain, then let g●e the live Sparrow into the broad field: And so of the two Goats offered for the sins of the people, whereof the one was sacrificed, and the other did escape. 2. What did he suffer? in Soul and Body man hath sinned: so did he suffer in both; not in his Passion only, but all the time of his life he was in the flesh; As his poverty, flight to Egypt, and all other his persecutions, contained in the history of his Gospel, declare. Esay. 53.4. 3. Why suffered he? surely he hath borne our iniquities, and carried our sorrows; 1. Pet. 2.24. he his own self bare ●ur sins in his body on the tree; that we being delivered from sin, should live in righteousness, by whose stripes we are healed. Thy trespasses brought shame and ignominy on thy Saviour, and nailed him to the Cross, and drived him to the lowest part of the earth. Hence doth shine God his justice and Mercy to us w●rd; a●d especially jesus Christ his l●ve to us all: Of his justice, punishing sin: The Angels which kept not their first estate; deludge of Noah, jud. 6.7. the subversion of Sodom, Gen. 19.24 and Gomorrha are examples which suffer the vengeance of eternal fire, Chorah, Numb. 16.32. Mat. 23.37.38. ●sal. 76.2. Dathan, and Abiram, their destruction, and the miserable desolation of jerusalem; the beauty of the earth, and the chosen habitation of GOD'S worship can bear record. B●t none of them all can be compared with this, that God would not, but by the death of his only begotten Son be pacised for our sins. Cease therefore to provocke so just a GOD by thy wickedness: Psal. 95 7.8. since thou receivest a kingdom that can not be shaken; crave grace, Heb. 12. 2● that thou may so serve GOD, that thou mayest please him with reverence and fear; for even thy GOD is a consuming fire, Rom. 1.15. whose wrath is revealed from Heaven, against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men: The fierce Lion is tamed and daunted, when the Whelp is beaten with rods in his sight:: Psal. 147.19.20. cast thou off superfluity of maliciousness, for whilst thou seest, not only the people dearest to GOD of any, Esay. 2.6. for he hath not so done to every nation, so dangerously forsaken, because they did not repent, nor acknowledge the day of their visitation: but his wellbeloved Son also in whom he is well pleased mayest thou behold to die, 1. john. 3.5. that execrable death, because he appeared, that he might take away our sins, and in him is no sin. Despise not, therefore, the riches of his bountifulness, Rom. 2.4. and patience, and long suffering, not knowing that the bountifulness of GOD leadeth thee to repentance. It behoved our wounds to be very deep, and corrupt, which could not be healed, Esay. 1.6. but by the wounds of the Son of God: he hath redeemed us, not to sin, but from sin, not with corruptible things as Silver, or Gold, 1. Pet. 1.17.18. Heb. 10.29 but wi●h the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb undefiled, and without spot. How sore punishment shall he be thought worthy, which treadeth under foot the Son of GOD, and compteth the blood of the Testament, as a unworthy thing, wherewith he was sanctified, and despiteth the the Spirit of Grace? Again, nothing more could declare GOD'S mercy, Rom. 5.8. than the death of his own Son, what is dearer to man, joh. 3.16. than his own children? jacob deploreth his son joseph David yielded a bitter and heavy sorrow for Abs●lon, yea, Gen. 37.34.35. 2. Sam. 18.23. jer. 31.15. in Rama was a voice heard, murning and weeping, and great lamentation Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted: for such case hath procured in many astonishment, rather than tears: seeing, therefore, that GOD hath delivered his Son, begotten from all eternity, Phil. 2.6. equal with himself, coessential, and consubstantial to a shameful death for thee: despare not with that damned Crew, Cain, Saul, and judas: But rouse up thyself in the conscience of GOD'S mercy, saying with David, The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger, and of great kindness, he will not always chide, nor keep his anger for ever; Psal. he hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us after our iniquities; for as high as the Heaven is above the Earth, so great is his mercies towards them that fear him: So fare as the East is from the West, so fare hath he removed our sins from us. As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the LORD compassion on them that fear him. For as by one man's dissobedience, Rom. 5.20.21. many were made sinners: So by the obedience of one, many shall also be made righteous: For where sin aboundeth, there grace aboundeth more, that as sin hath reigned unto death, so might grace also reign by righteousness unto eternal Life, by jesus Christ our Lord, who was made a curse for us, Gal. 4.4 5. that the blessing of Abraham might come on thee, through Christ jesus. Thus is he made unto us of GOD, 1. Cor. 1. 30. Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption: Seeing, therefore, that we have Christ, the pledge of GOD'S favour and l●ue, who hath paid more, than we were indebted, and he restored, that which he took not; Psal. 69.4. and hath merited more for us, than the Ocean Sea is bigger, than the smallest drop of water. The righteous GOD of his justice being once satisfied; can not sue double pay, in punishing those that believe in jesus Christ. And what can be said of jesus Christ his most burning Love to mankind? never Bridegroom loved his Bride so entirely and ardently & never man matched so unworthily, and with greater disparagement in marriage, as Christ and his Church. If thou see any cast his affection upon a Wench deformed, maimed, yea, a s●old, and dirty, thou wilt say, Such a one is benumbed yea, bewitched. But God, when we were dead in sin and trespasses, Eph. 2.2. yea, which is worse, walked after the course of the Devil his enemy, 1. john. 1.8. empty, and void of all goodness, fraughted, and defiled of all vice; of mere unlookt-for love, not only had he given his only begotten Son, to deliver us from the bondage, and staverie of Satan; but hath adopted us to be annexed heirs with him; Rom. 5.6 7. thus that loving Christ, when we were yet of no strengtht died at his time for the ungodly, that through death; which was for the redemption of the transgressions; Heb. 9.15. they which are called, might receive the promise of the eternal inheritance: Doubtless one will scarce die for a righteous man, but yet for a good man one dare die. Thus (I say) that God setteth out his love towards us, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ doth for us, we were altogether deformed, of polluted, Eze. 16.34.56. and poisoned parents, from whom descended an hereditary corruption, whi●h we increase daily by the abominable and detestable thoughts, words, and deeds: none eye pitied us, none had compassion upon us, when we lay, not half dead, but stark dead, and buried in sin; But thou as the Samaritane took us up, and made us thy people, Luc. 10.33. which were not thy people beloved, which were not bel●ved: H●s. 2.23. that being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, we might serve thee all the days of our life without fear, Luc. 1.75. in holiness and righteousness before him. 4. What doth thy Spouse and Redeemer require at thine hands for all these his kindness bestowed upon thee? even that thou shouldest love him again: For in this appeareth the love of GOD towards us, 1. john 4.19. because GOD sent his only begotten Son in the world, that we might live through him, herein is love, not that we loved GOD; but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be a reconciliation for our sins. Let us prove therefore thankful, obedient, and direct our life according to his will and word. Now this is the love of God, 1. john. 1.3. that we keep his Commandments; No man will say, he loveth the King, and gainstand his Laws: but for every trisle, & small moment will contraveene the same: such is the inconstancy and ingratitude of corrupt nature, that we will place the object of our love in flat contrary things, to the liberty which we have acquired by Christ. Let us therefore, be ashamed of this perverse, & extreme unthankfulness, and reciprocate our mutual love unto him; lest we, be excluded from that eternal joy, and blessedness with the guest, Mat. 22.12.13. which had not on the wedding garment, who was bound hand, and foot, taken away, and casten into utter darkness. secondly, our Mediator craveth of us, that we imitate, and express his example, so fare as he shall bestow his heavenly grace upon us, for hereunto are we called, for Christ also suffered for us, 1. Pet. 2.21 leaving us an example, that we should follow his steps. We should therefore, study, and endeavour ourselves to acquire these virtues, which shined in him; as first, Phil. 2.8. his obedience to his heavenly Father, and humility unto Death, even the Death of the Cross secondly, Faith, and Prayer, in all our afflictions, and persecutions, and dangers; for he waiteth patiently for the Lord, Psal. 39.1. and he inclined unto him, and heard his cry. thirdly, his patience for he was oppressed, he was afflicted, yet did he not open his mouth; he was brought as a sheep to the slaughter; Esay. 53.7. and as a sheep before her shearer, is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Fourthly, love to our neighbour, for this new Commandment gave he unto us, john. 13.34.35. That we should love one another; as he hath loved us: so also we should love one another; for by this, shall all men know that we are his Disciples; if we love one another. fifthly, we shall meditat aright on his Passion, if we after his example, forgive our enemies, Mat. 5.44 when they offend us; love them, though they hate us; pray for them, though they curse us. thirdly, our Mediator craveth of us, Col. 3.5. that we mortify our members, which are upon the earth, we crucify the flesh, with the affections by putting off the old man, which is corrupt through the deceivable lusts, and putting on the new man, which after God, is created unto righteousness, and true holiness: that we walk honestly, as in the day time, Eph. 4.14. not to fulfil the concupiscence of the flesh, Rom. 13.13 for that were to forget Christ's passion, to seek to crucify him again: to serve our enemy from which to redeem us, Heb. 6.6. Christ died, to destroy that, as much (as in us is) which Christ so dearly had bought: for what mother will cause incision to be made in all the wounds of her body, and to gush out her blood, for the cleansing of the sores of her child? but Christ hath not spared one drop for us. fourthly, he craves that we steadfastly believe by him to be saved, and live and die in true repentance: for our sins which made a division betwixt God and us, which brought the Son of God from heaven into this Veil of misery, and caused his death, which should make our hearts to bleed, and flee from Sin, as from a Serpent, to renounce Satan, with his works, to be grieved for our sins to cry for mercy continually: Then GOD will rejoice and delight to do us good: Eph. 1.3. then will he bless us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places. And whatsoever we shall do, it shall prosper: Psal. 1.3. Psal. 32.7. Psal. 23.6. 2. Tim. 3.8. for he shall compass us with his mercy, as with a Shield. Doubtless, kindness shall follow us all the days of our life, and we shall remain for ever in these joys appointed for them that look for the appearance of the Lord jesus Christ, to their immortality. Amen. JOANNES LODOvicus Vives. Admirabilem cerno speciem amoris Caput inclinat tua celsitud●, ut nos exaudiri & possimus & speremus: porrigis os●ulum ad pacem, & reconciliationem, quam tu offensus, lasusque nobis offers ultrò, qui fecimus iniuriam: expandis ad complexum brachia: ostendis perforatas manus, ut omnia dilargiar●, nihil retineas. Apertum est latus cordis tui, ut illuc nos recipias, si velimus per ostium patens ingredi: fixos habes pedes, ut sciamus nunquam te à nobis recessurum, si ipsi non recess●rimus. O pater noster, & Domine, vid●s duritiam nostri cordis, nedum lentitatem. Non satis est nos tam blandè, tam dulciter, tam amicè allici, atque invitari; trahe, rape nos, finge novum cor, & obsequens: nam hoc nostrum lapideum est, nullas sentit blanditias, nullâ ingentium bonorum spe movetur. LECTORI. PRo servis Dominus moritur, pro s●ntibus insons, Pro aegroto medicus, pro grege pastor obit. Pro populo Rex mactatur, pro milite Ductor, Proque opere ipse Opisex, proque homine ipse Deus. Quid servus, sons, aegrotus, quid grex, populusque, Quid miles, quid opus, quid ve homo solvet? Amet. B. R. An Ascension of the SOUL to Heaven: By the Passion of jesus Christ. And first, wherein the holy and saving meditation thereof consisteth, secondly, which be the principal parts of the History, whereof some not all are handled. THat worthily thou mayest under-stand, these two things are necessary: First, the knowledge of the History, which is common to the Elect, and the Reprobat. secondly, the spiritual notice and application thereof to thyself: The first is necessary for all that purpose to be saved; but it is not enough, and sufficient. For how canst thou apply the passion of the Lord jesus to thyself? unless thou be instructed therein: Rom. 10.14. For how can they call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him, of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear, without a Preacher? john. 8.56. Abraham had long ago cognition hereof, as Christ witnesseth: Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it, and was glad. So David in his 7.2. Psal. and many more as if he had been standing by that wooden cross, and heard these words of Christ's own mouth. And Esay, in his 53. hath clearly the history of the Passion, as if he had been at Golgotha in proper person: yet this historical knowledge doth shoot short, For the Devils believe, jam. 1. and they tremble; that is, have a simple & naked knowledge. Our looking up to Heaven doth not transport us thither: So, that bare knowledge doth not join thee with GOD, unless there be added a spiritual medi●ation, and special application of his death to thyself, such as was in Abraham, David, and Esaias. The Priests and Elders, the Pharisees, Scribes, and their servantes, Pilate, Herod, and judas, and innumerable more, knew this History, whereof, they were precedents and actors: but never one of them void of fault shall be saved, Heb. 11.6. yea, it had been more tolerable to them never to have seen nor heard of Christ, john. 8 24. which maketh them the more inexcusable: For if he bade not come and declared his Father's will, Mat. 11.21 they would have had some clock to pretend, but now they have none. Remember, all thy life-time is short, jam. 4.14. and insufficient, for the true knowledge of this so high a mystery of salvation, which cannot be accordingly ●o the worth thereof expressed by any mortal, and neither canst thou be fully ravished in admiration hereof. It is not the saving use of this Tragical history often to speak of it, or with tears and lamentations, john. 14. Luc. 23. or such humane feeling and sense to bewail, that the most righteous Son of God, should have undergone such cruel and undeserved punishments, a most shameful death itself, much less to fall out in bitter imprecations, and spiteful cursings against Pilate, or judas, & remnant which contrived this innocent Lamb's death; but it should pierce deeper in thine heart and soul; that (his grace assisting) draw, and move thee to earnest repentance, 2. Cor. 10. not to be repent of, patience in affliction; thankfulness and brotherly love, to abhor and detest sin, for which our Saviour was so tormented: never to despair, since for thy sake, he hath given him out of the deep and gulf of his love; who was his enemy, but seeing whilst thou was a sinner, Rom. 5.8. Christ died for thee, much more being now justified by his Blood, shall thou be saved from wrath through him: For thou mayest be persuaded, that, if when thou was a foe, was reconcealed to God by the death of his Son, Rom. 8.32 much more being reconcealed, shalt thou be saved by his Life; for be that gave thee his Son, will not he give thee all things also? Especially during the time of thy life, carry a thankful heart to thy Redeemer that for maintenance and defence of his glory, Act. 21. ● thou would suffer all calamity and misery whatsoever, yea, death itself, thus (if it were possible) to make a requital to him. But always, which is most acceptable in his sight, by true faith establish thy confidence, that after all the distresses of this wretched world are finished, thy Redeemer shall stand the last on the earth, job. 1 25.26 and though after thy skin worms destroy thy body, yet shalt thou see GOD in thy flesh, whom thou thyself shall see, and thy eyes shall behold, and none other for thee; and so enjoy eternal felicity with thy Christ in the Heavens, who shall be All in All. THE FIRST STEP in this Ladder to ascend, are of things which went before his Cross. HERE consider (my Soul) how he was betrayed by judas with a kiss: Mat. 26.48. Whose delight was to be with the children of men. Pro. 8.31. Accused of the jews, who is the judge of the World. Condemned under Pilate, who would all to be saved, 1. Tim. 2.4. and come to the knowledge of Truth. Crucified between two malefactors, who is among the midst, and in the midst of two, or three gathered in his Name, his Soul sore troubled, Luc. 2.25. who is the consolation of his own secret ones, his heart grieved, who is the joy and mirth of his Elect; Psal. 66.1. his Body tormented with the nailing of his blessed Hands and Feet, who created the Heavens, and the Earth, Deut. 32 18. Psal. 110 1. and these be the works of his hands, whose enemies shall be made his footstool. With the piercing of his gracious side, which yielded streams of jordan-like blood, Mat. 26.28. and water to cleanse our leprosy, whereof one drop was sufficient satisfaction for infinite worlds be reason of the personal union of the Deity therewith. 1. Pet. 1.12. The bespitting and beating of that Face, on which the Angels of the Heaven take pleasure to behold. So the Son of God, the Lord of glory, the Prince of peace, was heinously, ignominiously, and cruelly entreated of miserable miscreants: so he which knew no sin, was made a sacrifice for sin, 2. Cor. 5.21. that we might be made the righteousness of God through him. The Devil the prince of this world, albeit a Liar, john. 8.44 a from the beginning, came, and found in him nothing, john. 8.46 yea, who could rebuke him of sin? Now if the veil of the Temple of senseless stones was rend, if the Earth did tremble, which of itself was so firmly sounded, Psal. 104.4. that it could not be moved, to condole the manifestatioun of that strange passion: and hard Rocks rave asunder, which thunderbolts, and Earthquakes could not divide. If these creatures (I say) void of reason and sense, expressed their sorrow; reverence, and obedience, thus to their Creator, Phil. 2.8. who had emptied and abased himself, so to be handled, by the children of darkness; how can it be? but thou (my Soul) who did the same, and for whom it was done, should be much affected, and feelingly take to heart, these undeserved favours, purchased for thee: thy Bowels may quake, thy Reason be astonished, thy Understanding amazed to think of it; and so may thy Tongue to speak of it: Yet may (thou sorrowful Soul) rejoice in Christ crucified; Gal. 6.14 which is the only true object of all thy joy, for by virtue of his painful Passion, 1. Cor. 1.30. thine huge ransom is paid; thy running wounds are healed, perfect and absolute satisfaction for all thy sins made: The first Death converted to Life, the seconde valiantly conquered, the reid Dragon Satan, 1. Pet. 5.8. that Lion goeth about to devour thee, courageously subdued: Rev. 20.14 Hell that gapeth for thee overcome, Col. 2.14. that Obligation that was against thee, canceled, sinning sin, and that sin that hangeth so fast on, Heb. 12. 1. killed: thy justly offended God, pacified, and thou with strong cords of love and everlasting mercy betrothed and reconcealed to him. Hos. 2.19. And now to call to memory (wretched Soul) these actions which went before his Cross, mayest thou not think that his sufferings were exceiding great, when he did sweat blood? Luc. 2.7 He spent his Blood in his circumcisi●● in our behalf before: and now in mount Olives, being in an agony, kneeling down devotelie, Luc. 22 44. and praying most earnestly, drops of Blood doth burst through his sacred Body. It is an usual thing for man in anguish to sweat, but to sweat blood, and that in such quantity and abundance; that it should trickle from him upon the ground; is a strange thing, and an unaccustomable thing, and only proper to such an eminent personage, whose Grief was unspeakable, and Pain untolerable. And did he thus shed drops of blood for thy sin (poor Soul?) and canst thou not, nor wilt thou not, shed tears for the same? thou canst bewail and mourn for vanishing and deceiving toys of this earth: but for thy trespasses, thy eyes are dried and shoot up. Ob that mine head were a well of water! jer. 9.1. and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that thou mayest bewail thy blindness, forgetfulness, and ungratitude! And truly it was not without cause, that this terrible passion did so seize upon him, for the matter which he had in hand, Col. 1.22. was weigh ie, 2. Pet. 3.13 Eph. 6.12 Eph. 2.2. the work which he had to accomplish was great; the conflict strong, the enemies mighty, Luc. 4.13 their assaults many, the work was man's eternal redemption; the battle was with detestable Sin: destroying Death, devouring Satan, insatiable Hell, accusing Law, and with the consuming Wrath of God; and would not (dear Soul) these enemies, so many in number, so mighty in power, so terrible to behold, make a man to fear, to tremble, to sweat: Truly, if Christ had been mere man only, he could not have encountered with them, for he should have succumbed under the burden of his own sin, much less, should have releaved others. But being very GOD, and very Man, jesus Chr●ste the Just; 1. john. 2● he did fight them all, overcame them all, led captive all, Eph. 4.8. and hath triumphed over them all, it cost them all their lives for ever; and h m drops of blood, with strong crying and tears? Heb. 5.7. What, say I drops of blood? costed him no more? yes, yes, that which was dearest unto him, his very Life; which could not be taken from him, but laid it down for thee, Mat. 20.28. and hath the power to take it again, according to his Father's commandment. But now, thou seest him crowned with Glory and Honour, which is made a little inferior to the Angels through the suffering of death, Heb, 2.9. that by God's grace, he might taste Death for all men. He is that stronger man, that entered in the strong man's house, spoilt all that he had; and this and much more he did, Mat. 18. 11. before he could bring under so mighty enemies as man had, and so accomplish so painful a work as Redemption is; Rom. 4.10. and pacify so great a Person, as is the most high, Almighty, & everlasting God. O (my Soul) diligently remember, & often call to mind the heavenly drops of that inesteemable Blood, which he shed for thy sake, thy soul & vile sins, for (thee unworthy soul) and salvation. 1. john. ● 19 Eph. 5.5 ●sal. ●. Rom. 8.3 Love him for it dear, thank him for it earnestly, serve him in humility, obedience, and simplicity. And that thou mayst receive deeper impression of his blood: mark here diligently (my Soul) to how many several respects, and divers ends he had in this work: For first, Rom. 8.32 GOD the Father, delivered him, who spared not his own Son, but gave him for us all to death: It was be that smote the Shepherd, Zach. 13. and the Sheep was scattered. For the sins of his people he smote him, I say, Esay. 53. for the Lord had laid upon him the iniquity of us all: And it behoved him to drink of the cup that the Father had given him; but what shall I say, they persecute him whom they have smitten, Psal. 69.26. and they add unto the sorrows of them, whom thou hast wounded. As judas, who said, What will ye give me, Mat. 28.15. and I will deliver him unto you: not assisting, or cooperating to Gods will, but perfecting his own maliciousness, as did the rest. The jews also took him, john. 18 13. and bound him, and led him away unto Annas, Pilate also delivered him to be crucified at their own will: Yea, john. 19 16. Satan had a interest herein, who from the his Nativity pursued him, even to his Baptism, Mat. 4. where he hand to hand combated him; but got the foil, and now hath entered in judas. O! Eph. 5.2 but most of all (dear Christ) thou gavest thyself to death for the love of thy Church, for thou loved thy Church, and gave thyself for it. Truly, Psal. 1● 3. thou mightest have said, The snares of Death compassed me, and the grieves of the Grave caught me; I have found trouble and sorrow: Psal. 22. many young Bulls have compassed me, mighty Bulls of Basan have closed me about, they gape upon me with their mouths, as a ramping and roaring Lion, Dogs have compassed me, and the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me The chief Priests who should have defended the Shepeheard & Bishop of our Souls, 1. Pet. 2.25. 1. Cor. 8.2.3. who pretended knowledge, & in whose hands were the Oracles of God, most of all both privately and publicly did procure his Death. For Envy corrupted the whole mass of their learning: They knew where Christ should be borne, Mat. 2.4. they had ofttimes disputed with him, after that john had testified of him; john. 1.19. he himself, confessed and denied not that he was the Son of God, Luc. yet they never pretermitted no opportunity while they had his life. It is good to understand according to sobriety: Rom. 12 13. Mat. 11 25. Luc. 10.21 john. 1. Cor. 13.2. The Lord did bide those things from the wise and learned, and reveiled them to Babes: They were blind leaders of the blind: learning profiteth not, unless it be accompanied with Humility and Love: Thus seeing, they see not, and groping, they find nothing. Act. 17.17 The Athenian Philosophers, Epicures, and stoics, Act. 2.13. most of all withstood Paul. The religious of every Nation under heaven, mocked Peter The Syrenians, Act. 6.12. & they of Alexandria, desputed with Steven, and falsely accused him. And finally, the whole jewish nation at jerusalem, 〈◊〉 little handful only excepted which did not dream of 〈◊〉 spiritual Kingdom, combined to conclude his death, as was fore-spoken: The people raged, Psal. 2. 1. the kings of th● earth band themselves, and the Princes are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Christ: Destitute of a● Consolation, Col. 1.16. in so much a the Creator of the Armeis' o● Angels had need of one o● them, Heb. 2.7. Luc. 22.43 Luc. 16.22. (O! but One) fr●● Heaven to comfort him; so greatly was he forsaken of hi● Father for our sins: Neither yet shall the Angels leave thee in the like hour of death, and necessity of help, if thou trust in him, which always behold the face of his Father in Heaven. Mat 18.10. By which, Christ evidently declared, it was no jest, nor collusion betwixt his Father & him; but that in deed, & in truth he was terribly astonished, and aghast, Mat. 26.37. while his Blood did so copiously run from him; but his Father was highly offended, Psal. 6. 1. and greatly enraged at our sins; for he is a GOD, Psal. 11.5. that loveth righteousness, but the wicked, and him that loveth iniquity, doth his Soul hate: Wherefore, Christ was wounded for our transgressions, Esay. 53.7 he was broken for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, though he had done no wickedness, neither was there fraud in his mouth. Despise not thou (dear Soul) those who at the fear of Death are most dejected, humbled, and stupefied; neither yet judge those to have the better cause, who yield themselves foolishly, and too boldly to Death. But be thou taught, to be godly afraid of the separation of the Soul, Luc. 12.40 from the Body, and ever as (Death were instant) to foresee the same, and learn to die; which followeth thee at the heels, as the shadow doth the Body. LORD, Psal. 90.12 teach us to number our days, and apply our hearts to wisdom: For the meditation of Death is greatest Philosophy. Remember (my Soul) thine end, and thou wilt not sin for ever, and the more the outward man decay, be thou renewed, & strengthened in the inner-man: And here the first and second Adam do meet, for the first in the Garden made a beginning of our misery; Gen. 3.2. and the second builded the ground of his Passion for our Redemption in the Garden. 2. Cor. 5.18 That (is I say) that amongst greatest pleasures meditate of thy mortality. There Christ was taken, and bound, john. 18.2. the place was known to judas, because Christ would not shun the occasion of our deliverance, but he would not have him to know the person, with whom he was to eat the Passover by name, lest he should had sought means to prevent the same, which he could not, because his hour was not come. The second Step to ascend by. SEcoundlie, thou mayest conceive (poor Soul) that thy Spouse suffering was exceeding great, when being sorrowful and grievously troubled, he said, Mar. 14.34. My Soul is heavy even unto death: He that said unto his servant in the Prison, Act. 23.11 Be of good courage, now is afraid of his imminent passion, being like to us in soul and body, and infirmities, Heb. 4.15. and all things, Sin excepted: As God hath said, I am the Life, and restoreth the dead to life; exhorting his Disciples, john. 5.25. not to fear them that can kill the body, but not harm the soul; as God, I say, how can he be afraid to whom the Saints do sing. The Lord is with me, Psal. 117.6. therefore I will not fear what man can do unto me. The humane nature was borne to suffer, and to be partaker of all our afflictions, that he might communicate constancy of his power to us; for unto the world he came as a rich Merchant traffecting with us, that of his fullness we might all receive; john. 1.16. taking ours by a marvellous translation, Col. 1.13. and exchange: jam. 1.5. Mat. 26.53. and giving his most liberally, and reproached no man, giving (I say) for shame, Honour, Salvation, for Dolour, for Death, Life, and though he might command more than twelve Legions of Angels to aid him, he had rather receive our fear, than exercise his own power; yea, it aggreged his grief, Mat. 26.24.31. john. 13.1 judas treason, the scandal of the Apostles whom he loved to the end: rejection of the jews, Esay. 48.4 for whom he had done so much: And the fearful destruction of jerusalem, on which there was not to be left a stone upon a stone: Mat. 23.38. So that he had forewarned the mourners thereof, Luc. 23.28 weep not for me, but weep for your sevels, sayeth he; and your children. When thy Love (beloved Soul) was transfigured on mount Tabor, Mat. 17.2 his face shined as the Sun; but now he is despised, and esteemed nothing, both pale and wan, for there was no beauty in him now, who before was fairer, Esay. 53.2.3. than the Chrildrens of men; but now, despised, Psal. 45.2 and rejected of men: A man full of sorrows, and bad experience of infirmities; that by sufferings, he might learn obedience. And he who taught his Disciples to pray for us, and for himself, john. 16.26. Heb. 7.25 & 9.24. practised the same lesson; by blessing prayer by his own mouth, not once in that short moment of time, but thrice according to the weight of that imminent necessity: O Father! Mat. 26.39. if it be possible, let this Cup pass from me! meaning, his bitter passion, and the dregges of the vials of God's wrath, not that he was unwilling to drink thereof (for he went always about his Father's business: Mat. 3.15. and it was meat for him to do his Father's will, submitting himself, that he might fulfil all righteousness.) But these earnest speeches declared the heavy burden of sin, which lay on him, the painful grief which he endured, the greatest torments and terrors which he sustained for (thee unthankful Soul) and his Elect. The Soul (of thy Bridegroom) was from Heaven, Mat. 1.20. heavenly, never bespotted and defiled with any uncleanness, 1. Pet. 1.19 Act. 2.27. but pure without corruption. Notwithstanding, that it was sad, and touched with the fear of Death for thee, which hath deserved the same: 1. Pet. 2.22 24. all which were fastened on his shoulders, and he did bear them; who never displeased God, nor offended man: and of whom his very enemies did confess, He had done all things well, yet did the Lord broke him, and made him subject to infirmities, Esay. 53.10. and laid upon him the iniquities of us all. And what grief thinkest thou was he in? when he sweat so powerfully, and prayed so fervently? No doubt, he felt the unsupportable weight of thy sin, Mat. 11.28 the fierce wrath of God against it, Rom. 2.8. the justice of the righteous God requiring due punishment for it, 1. Thess. 1.10. the kill power of the Law, Rom. 5.12. pronuncing condemnation to it, the strong force of Death, Rom. 7.11. the Stipend and reward addebted to it, the tyranny of Satan, john. 8.34. insulting on thee for it, the infinite and eternal torments of Hell, 1. Pet. 2.19 just desert to it, which no tongue can express, 1. Pet. 3.19 Mat. 24.41. Mat. 13.42. nor heart conceive, where the worm dieth not, and the fire not quenched, where there is weeping, and gnashing of teeth. This (I say) made thy sweet Saviour in anguish of spirit so to bemoan himself, john. 3.16. yet to show that God so loved the world, that be gave his only begotten Son for it: And that be came hither to save sinners, joh. 12.47. for whom he was contented to die: He yielded his will to Gods, saying; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. THE THIRD STEP to ascend by. thirdly, this did aggravate his miseries, that he was betrayed by his familiar friend whom he trusted, Psal. 44.9 which did eat of his bread, his own Purse-master, john. 13.12 whose feet he had washed and that with a kiss, speaking as the custom of this world is, peaceably with his mouth, jer. 9.8. but in his heart be laid wait for his neighbour. Psal. 28.3. Be thou not drawn away (poor Soul) with the wicked, Psal. 120.2. and with the workers of iniquity: which speaks friendly to their neighbours, Psal. 105. 17.18. when malice is in their heart. Deliver my Soul, O Lord, from the lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. So did joab kill Amasa, 2. Sam. 20.4. judg. 16.20. and Cain slew Abel, Samson is betrayed by Philistimes, so joseph was sold for a slave, they held his feet in stocks, until his appointed time came, and the counsel of the Lord had tried him. Hypocritical was thy salutation, O son of perdition (Sayest thou, Hail Master? Thy Master, judas, whom thou wast bound to defend: But what will not the hungry desire of money do? by it, he lost Christ, Col. 3.5. he lost his Soul, he lost Heaven, john. 3.36. and damned himself. The Traitor had a fit end, he hanged himself, but that was not all, he hangs in Hell perpetually for it, 2. Thess. 1.6.7. judg. 1.7 Gen. 9.6. as he deserved, so is he served, for blood will have blood; for had he repent, truly, he had not put hands in himself, the word was in his mouth, but the thing was not in his heart. Such is the force of conscience, setting before him the heinousness of his fact, the grievousness of GOD'S wrath; judgement without mercy, and hell's fire without redemption: For an evil conscience is a Witness, a Summonder, a judge, a Tormenter, a Prison of sinners. What thing more grievous, than day and night, to carry about such a one; a man may avoid all things, but his own heart, for whither soever he goeth, it goeth with him, either to accuse, or excuse. Rom. 2.15 The testimony of a good conscience, is a continual feast, which maketh a man always merry: 1. Tim. 1 19 The putting away of a good conscience, maketh shipwreck of Faith. Endeavour therefore (O my Soul) to have a clear Conscience towards GOD, and towards man. For if thy heart condemn thee, God is greater than thine heart, and knoweth all things: But if thine heart condemn thee not, than hast thou boldness towards him, and whatsoever thou seekest in faith, shall thou receive from him: A sick conscience can no Physician in the world cure, but that heavenly Physician jesus. 1. Tim. 6.10. Thou seest the desire of money, is the root of all mischief, they who are poisoned therewith, do err from the Faith, Pro. 27.20 these pierce themselves through with many sorrows, they fall into tentations, into snares, into many foolish and noisome lusts which drown men in perdition and destruction; which is too evident in this miserable creature judas. But thou (my Soul) fly thou those things, Tim. 6.11.12. and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness, laying hold on eternal Life, whereunto thou art called. Thus there is no grief to that of thy mind, no loss to that of life no, fear, to that of destruction: so there is no enemy to a covetous and a dissembling friend, no treachery, to that which one of a man's own may practise; judas was amongst the Apostles by external vocation, but not of them by inward sanctification, as Christ often foretold them: that twelve he had chosen, john. 6.70. and one of them was a devil. Where the Lord's mercy is evident and thy prodigious malice manifest; neither did the faith and firmity of the Apostles fall, by reason of this Traitors defection, for what though some did not believe, Rom. 3.3.4. shall their unbelief make the promises of GOD without effect? God forbidden: Let GOD be true, and all men lyears. He departed from Christ, the rest did abide, unto the end, they that continued, Luc. 23.28 shall be saved. He went to the chief Priests, he might have known, Psal. 1.1. That blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked: And jacob in the spirit of prophecy; saw this Tragedy, and abhorred the Actors Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49.5.6. brethren in evil, the instruments of cruelty are in their habitations, unto their secrets let not my soul come, my glory, be not thou joined with their assemblies, for in their wrath they slew the man (Christ) and in their self-will they digged down a wall. He went (I say) not called, or sent for, or seduced by his Lord's enemies, but willingly offered himself: the sin is more tolerable, that hath a preceding cause. Adam was deceived by the Serpent, but the Devil hatched and brotched these venomous contagions of himself, and in himself: No man motioned this business to him, he intruded himself, separating himself in soul and body from his Master. It is good to have the heart established by grace, Heb. 13.9. and always to cleave unto the Lord. He would recompense the loss he had by the pouring out of Mary's box of Ointment, but he came short. Neither seeketh he a certain sum, as to gain much by the bargain, but as selling a vile slave, or base thing, referreth the price to themselves, what they would give: neither calleth he Christ his Master, or Lord, but I shall deliver (Him) as a contemptible creature, neither inquyreth of the quarrel, what they will do with him, for his mind was only on the money. And here remember (my Soul) that for a small price he betrayed the word, which was in the beginning, which Word, was GOD. john. 1.1. Hast thou received earthly or temporal goods to expel from (thy soul) thy Saviour? or by Brybrie, and Simony perverted I●stice, and the word of Truth that was in thee? betimes repent, many sins dost thou commit for the thirst of gold, desire of Preferment, and Ambition, climming to Promotion: He sought the world, forsook heaven, but found none of them. Cast from thee therefore, 2. Cor. 4.2. cloaks of sin and shame, and walk not in craftiness, neither handle the word of God deceitfully, but in declaration of the Truth: Approve thyself to every man's conscience. judas sold his Redeemer, and hanged himself, lost his grace; and justly, for no man can keep that which he hath sold. Woe unto them, jud. 11. that are cast away by the deceit of Balaams' wages. This wretch could not be moved by his Master's humility, goodwill, and courtesy to repentance, albeit that mild Lamb sitting at Table with him, had given him a savoury and well-tasted morsel, which be had dipped in the platter, and reached with his own hand; to signify, that he would feed and benefit his very known enemy, and also to give evident demonstration, that not of infirmity, but most willingly he did lay down his life for mankind. THE FOURTH STEP in the Souls ascension, by heavenly contemplation. fourthly, consider diligently with thyself (my Soul) how naughtily thy Christ was esteemed, when the judge Pontius Pilate preferred an arrant Malefactor, Mat. 27.16. a notable prisoner, Barrabas to him who is the Image of the invisible GOD, the first borne of every creature, Col. 1.15.18. he is before all things, and in him all things consist; he is the bead of the body of the Church, he is the beginning and first borne of the dead, that in all things be might have the pre-eminence; and good reason it were so, for he is the brightness of his Glory, and the ingraued form of his Father, Heb. 1.3. and beareth up all things by his mighty Word. Now is he that Stone casten aside of the builders, and vilipended of all men, yet is become the head of the Corner: Psal. 118.22. A Stone (I say) tried, and most precious, so that, Esay. 28.16. whosoever shall fall on this Stone, he shall be broken, Mat. 21.44. and on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. And notwithstanding, this timorous judge known that for envy they bade delivered him, Mat. 27.18. and though his wife sent unto him upon the judgement seat, to have nothing to do with that just man, and though he found by his own sentence, no cause of death in him, be taken water and washed his hands, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this Just man: And albeit that Christ himself our Lord and Saviour, under Pontius Pilate, witnessed a good confession, for this cause was he borne, and for this came he into the world, john. 18.37. that he should bear witness unto the Truth. Yet, (I say) for all these things, the multitude of the jews denied the holy One, and the Just, and desired a murderer to be given to them, Act. 3.14. and killed the LORD of Life. O what villainy, and indignity is this! But consider (O thou my Soul!) that jesus of N●zareth, a man approved of God amongst them with great works, Act. 2.22.23. and wonders, and signs which God did by him in the midst of them, as they themselves also knew, (him I say) did they take by the hands of the wicked, being delivered by the determinat cou●sell and foreknowledge of GOD, and have crucified, and slain him: Dost thou condemn this base, and vile contempt of the Son of God? consider that through Ignorance they did it, 1. Cor. 2.8. as also their Governors, for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But alas, (poor Soul) how often dost thou not prefer a man's life, but any foolish toy, and vanishing shade of thy Lust and filthy pleasure, to thy Redeemer For in every sin thou dost commit, thou hast a secret discourse in judgement, and a corrupt reason of election, what shall be rejected, or embraced, avoided, or excepted And thou (such is thy vainitie) dost make thy idle concupiscence (not so heavy as a feather) to proponderat, and weigh down in the wrongous & false balance of thy fantasy, the Love, Fear, and Obedience, that thou oughtest to Christ. But these things (Ignorant Soul) that thou supposest be vantage unto thee, Phil. 3.7.8. the same count loss for Christ's sake, yea, doubtless, think all things but loss for the excelling knowledge sake of Christ jesus thy Lord, for whom counpt all things loss, and judge them to be dongue, john. 12.32. that thou mayst win Christ; who doth draw all men to himself. And shall this Ignorance excuse them? no truly, for ignorance in those that would not understand without doubt is a sin: Ignorance in those that could not understand, is a punishment for sin. But thou (my Soul) after thou hast escaped from the filthiness of the world, 2. Pet. 20.21. through the knowledge of the Lord, and of thy Saviour jesus Christ, if thou be yet entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse with thee, than the beginning, for it had been better for thee not to have known the way of righteousness, than after thou hast known it, to turn from the holy commandment given unto thee, for the servant that knoweth the will of his Master, and doth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes, yea, he that neither knoweth nor doth, shall be beaten with few, jam. 4.17. Luc. 1.77. always shall be beaten, but to him that knoweth, and doth it not, 2. Pet. 3.18. to him it is sin, For Christ giveth us grace to grow in this knowledge. But before thou come (poor Soul) to a deeper contemplation of this Step foresaid, consider how our Saviour entered into this conflict with Sin, and the Wrath of God due thereto, which was, when he had discharged the duty to them who were committed unto him, instructed them, and commended them to God, Then was it a seasonable time in Peace, Rest, and Security, with a good conscience to lay down his life, this should be especially meditated, (of thee) my Soul. And so went he on to the Mount, john. 18.2. which place was well known to judas: so voluntary was his sacrifice, for we should not have reaped benefit by it, unless willingly, and with such a readiness to pleasure his Father, and satisfy God's anger, he had died, as man nor Angel cannot express. Then to judas again, be was familiar and acquainted with Christ, Luc. 22.21 if it had not been so, he would not have come hither to have taken him, and now (de●re Soul) no man betrayeth Christ, but he that knoweth him, and his Truth. Take heed to thy knowledge, and look that it be in sincerity and not in hypocrisy, or else in the end thou shalt prove an Apostate: The thoughts of the Just are right, Pro. 12.5. but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. And thus judas lost security, arming himself with the power of the guard of the high Priests: It is the peace of God that passeth all understanding, that fortifieth the heart of man; for peace is nothing, but a good conscience: Although I were compassed about with ten thousand men, Psal. 3.6. yet would I not be afraid, for I know assuredly that thou wilt be with me. It is a dangerous matter to harden the heart against Christ, or if it be once endured, t●ou shalt not stay, until thou come into extreme induration. I pray the LORD, preserve thee my Soul from the hardness of heart against the Truth, Rom. 9.18. 2. Pet. 3.17 and against jesus Christ, for seldom is it that one going forward therein, and ever returneth to grace, Gen. 18.14 but with the Lord all things are possible: For it is an hard matter to be given over to a reprobate sense, and when the Lord taketh out of the Soul, Zach. 8.6. all sight and sense of his judgements thou shall never leave off from evil doing. Stryve therefore (O my Soul) to keep thyself in fe●●ing; Rom. 1.26. and let not that miserable sward and scroofe to grow over thy understanding; but waken the conscience with the acknowledging of the power and mercy of God, and suffer not it to come to such fatness, Act. 28.26 27. as seeing thou shouldest not see, and become uncurable. In the Garden then, the cup of God's indignation was presented unto him: even as the good master of the house distributeth to his servants their task, so doth the Lord dispose the measure of afflictions unto his own: But unto the wicked, in his hand he hath a cup, and the wine is red, Psal. 75.8.9. it is mixed, and he shall pour out of the same; surely all the of the earth shall wring out and drink the dregges thereof. But well knoweth the wise God, 1. Cor. 10.13. how strong a measure of temptation his own can bear. What is the reason then, that thou dost not fully rely on thy God, to whom all thy bones are known? Psal. 139.15. though thou wast made in a secret place, and fashioned beneath in the earth. And why dost not thou willingly receive at his hands whatsoever quantity of trial it pleaseth him to send? Psal. 50.15. Call on him therefore in the day of trouble, he will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify him. The translation of this Cup, he craved then of his Father, whom he known carried a favourable affection towards him, Esay. 65.24 who will before we call, answer, & whiles we speak he will bear, for it is not the will of our Father which is in heaven, Mat. 18.13. that one of these little ones should perish. Parents may neglect duty to the children, Esay. 49.15.16. and a woman whose love is most vehement, may forget her child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb, though they should forget, yet will I not forget saith the Lord, behold, I ha●e graven thee upon the palms of my hands. But alas (poor Soul) thy sins made him both kneel, and be cast below on the earth, and wilt thou with a stiff neck, and out-streached arm proudly walk therein: he sweat blood for us, and we draw the blood of our brethren, by Avarice, oppression, and usury. Would to God, the Blood of jesus would soften our hard hearts as the blood of Goats do break Adamantes, that being sanctified by the same, we may render new obedience unto him, by feeling and lamenting our sins and imperfections, and ever have recourse from the angry God to the pacified god, giving ear in reverence and fear to the admonitions, and exhortations out of the word, lest it befall us, because he hath called, and we refused, And be stretched out his band, and none would regard, be also laugh at our destruction, and mock when our fear cometh: Pro. 1.24. for this is the nature of God's invitation, that the men do die that speak the word, but the word shall be found living: Zach. And so it is that the Prophets died with their fathers, but the word never left them, until it brought a judgement upon the disobedient. With Tears therefore (poor Soul) confess thy sins unto the Lord, ●sal. 6.6. for if thou hide them, thou accusest thyself, Psal. 32.5. be forgets them, when thou rememberest them, thou art dear unto him, when thou art vile unto thyself, he findeth thee, when thou art lost, and annibilated, he much regardeth thee, when thou art nothing in thine own eyes, Beggars do show their wounds to move compassion, let us open to God the sores of our festered conscience without delay, least by the occasion of sin, and delay of repentance, grace be intercepted from us. Remember what t●y Saviour hath done for thee, and with what unkindness thou hast recompensed h m. Consider the wrath of God against sin, which may move very senseless creatures: but join here withal, a lively faith, taking hold on the mercy of God, which he hath manifested in his beloved Son, 1. john. 2. 1.2. for his mercy is the port unto the which sinners should aryue, the comfort of the offenders, and great security of the righteous. I know his mercies are great, but can not comprehend the quantity, and am ignorant of the quality of the greatness thereof, for unless it had been great, few or none should have ever been saved. When Christ came in the flesh, he called Magicians, Mat. 2. 1. or wisemen, than the Publicans, than the Whores, the Malefectors, and whom last? the Blasphemers: these are, the first fruits of his calling, even those who be tied with the bonds of Sinne. Art thou therefore ? remember the Magicians, art thou an oppressor, think on the Publican, art thou unclean, the LORD pitied the whore; art thou bloodthirsty, let that Traitor and Malefactor be obversant unto thine eyes, art thou profanelie wicked, remember Paul, who was first a blasphemer, and then an Apostle, first a Persecuter, and then an Evangelist, for this is a true word, and by all means worthy to be received, 1. Tim. 1.15.16. that Christ jesus came into the world to save Sinners, of whom I am chief (sayeth he.) Notwithstanding, for this cause was I received unto mercy, that jesus Christ should first show on me long suffering, to the example of them, which shall in time to come believe in him unto eternal life. But here there is required especially, that thou shouldest fight a good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience, in surrendering obedience, in holiness to God, Charity to thy neighbour, purity of life, and diligence in thy calling, that the Lord may direct thy steps in his Truth, may guide thee by his Counsel, and reserve thee to his Glory. For thy Armour are Tears, and Prayers, otherwise thou neither can resist, nor possibly prevail. jacob against Esau used these spiritual means, Patience, and Devotion, for a slender and light wind of temptation, can shortly cut us off from confidence: for Peter was a dissembler, a liar, and perjure, until that grace reduced him: So man is nothing, yea, he is much in himself to his own mind, until he have the experience of his own deficiency; but being tempted, he will learn from whom he hath received strength, and with how much vigilancy he should keep the same. For who denyeth me before men, I will deny him (saith he) before my Father, which is in Heaven, he that denyeth him by mouth, doth not believe by ●eart, the faith in the heart is the root of confession, confession is the fruit of Faith, while the Root is living, there are blossoms and leaves, if not, dead: For ●y the heart we believe to righteousness, Rom. 10.10. and by the mouth, we confess to salvation: And therefore (Soul) the confession of the mouth without faith in heart, neither faith in heart, without confession of the mouth availeth. Lord, give that thou askest, and ask what thou wilt, Peter was prompt in promising, fearful in keeping, but diligent in amending, greatest spirits gather strength to themselves the greatest occasion of sin. If we consider how feeble we are to resist evil, and changeable to persever in goodness, we would quake. But (O dead Soul) thou art nothing else, than a vanity and shadow of death, and gulf of darkness, in earth without form, and void, which without God's blessing, can bring out no good thing, I have confusion, sin, and death of myself, whilst I stand, it is by thy gift, if I fall, it is of me, and ever should lie, unless thou raised me. Blind am I, unless thou enlighten me, and when I fell, unless thou laid thine hand under me, there should I have lain: yea, ever have fallen, unless thou had sustained me, ofttimes perished, unless thou hadst governed me. And now (dead Soul) remember the occasion of this Peter his fall: Preachers, are Cocks to crow the glad tythinges of salvation, so Nathan to David, jer. 7.26. and jonas to the Ninivites, but ye would, not hear me, nor incline thine ear, but hardened the neck (saith he.) The Lord look on us with the eyes of his mercy, that we may bitterly & worthily weep for our transgressions, applying the merits of jesus Christ by a true faith unto our souls, for we have many sweet promises of salvation, and favour of our God offered unto us, who came not to call the righteous, Mat. 9.13.14. but sinners to repentance, for the whole need not a Physician, but these that are sick. For it is not only requisite, that thou accuse thyself for sin but thou first accuse thyself and look not for rebuking from others, but who can build without God? keep witho t God, begin without God. O! Rom. 11.33 the unsearchable, and infinite, and unspeakable goodness of God amongst the railings of the Priests, falshoodes of witnesses against Christ, being buft and bespitted; Christ casteth a glanse of his eye unto Peter's tossed faith. Turn unto me, believe in me, follow me, this is the time of my Passion, the time of my marriage; wilt thou follow me; be not afraid, thou shalt overcome, let not the infirmity that I have taken for thy sake, make thee swerve, be strong in me. Thus, he that sleepeth, is wakened, the feeble, confirmed, the casten down, raised, out of the dry rock of his heart, floods of tears do spring, once being touched with the rod, & meditation of his bitter Passion. For Thou art he who will not the death of a Sinner, but rather to convert, and live: for Thou camest not into the world to judge it, but to save it. THE SECOND DEgree in this Ladder of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, by the meditation, of the Passion of jesus Christ, And the first Step thereof. INto this Garden, then in Mount Olives, over the Brook Kedron, came out a multitude with judas, and bound Christ, and carried him to Annas the high Priest. Hear hast thou deep matter (poor Soul) of spiritual contemplation, thy Saviour of his wisdom did see all these things, yea, the very hour of his death. But he that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh, Psal. 2.4. and have his enemies in derision: For their counsels are not hid from him, who by his word only was able to cast them to the ground: Which is like a fire, I●r. 5.14. and men as wood, to devour them, for it is lively, and mighty in opereation, and sharper than any two edged sword, and entereth through, even unto the dividing asu●●●er of th● Soul, Heb. 4.12. and the Spirit, and of the joints, and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts, and intents of the heart. If such a mild word did cast his enemies down, what shall become of them in that day, Psal. 37.12.13. when he shall rebuke them in his wrath? so the wicked practised them against the just, Mat. 25.47. but the Lord shall laugh him to scorn, for he seethe his day cometh. Neither is our sweet Saviour so much moved with his own cause (as indeed he was very much) that he did forget his Fatherly care over his own Disciples. Let these go; job. 1.10. The Lord hath a hedge about his own against Satan: Zach. 2.5. he is (I say) a wall of fire round about his own, yea, he is patiented, and long suffering with his enemies, who being cast down, he permitteth to rise, and not to be swallowed up of the earth, Num. 16.32. with Corah, Dathan, and Abiram. Thou canst not marveill sufficiently on the blindness of this company; they had oft-ten seen him before, yet judas (to be sure that Christ should not escape) as by his divinity he had done sundry times gave them the sign of a kiss. The Lord can keep his own, and not suffer them to be exposed to the pleasure of their foes. They that sought for Lot, were smitten with blindness by the Angels, Gen. 19.11 and so the Lord did to the Syrians at the word 2. King. 6.28. of Elisha, but small was their power against him, for how soon Christ professed that it was he, they fell, and being risen again, are no whit bettered, but persevere in their wicked course. O! the riches of the mercy of God, Ezek. 33. 11. as I live sayeth the Lord, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that be turn from his way, and live. jer. 20.12. Turn you, turn you from your evil way, for why will ye die, ye house of Israel. He might have casten them to the lowest hell, for he is the Lord that searcheth the heart and reines. Thus they bond him, they play thy part (sinful Soul) as Dalilia in behalf judg. 16.5. of the Philistims bond Samson: and thus did David confess in our name, Behold, Lord, Psal. 116.16. for I am thy servant, I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast broken my bones. We should not rail on the jews but detaste our sins, which bound our Saviour: We were (alas) bound by the setters of sin, and death, to lose our bonds, and bring us out of captivity. Was he thus entreated? his captivity was our liberty, his ignominy, is our glory, his voluntary infirmity, is God's power to our salvation. Thus we are saved through the Blood of the Covenant: ●ach. 9.11. He hath loosed the Prisoners out of the Pit, wherein there was no water; Psal. 124.7. our soul hath escaped even as a bird out of the snare of the Fowler, the snare is broken, and we are delivered, our help is in the Name of the Lord, that made heaven and earth, who delivered us (I say) from the power of darkness, Col. 1.13. and translated us in the Kingdom of his Son, and glorious liberty of his adopted inheritance. When thou (poor Soul) feels thyself fast tied with the snares of thy sins, haste thee to Christ, who biddeth all come that are weary and laden, Mat. 11.28. that he may relieve them: And this deliverance from sin, & Satan, hath he sealed up unto us, by his holy Sacraments, as undoubted pledge; & earnest thereof, He that shall believe, and be baptised, Mar. 16.16. shall be saved. As the other, This is the Blood of the New-Testament, that is shed for many, Mat. 26.28. for the remission of Sins. And therefore, carefully shouldst thou beware of Sin, that being made free from it, Rom. 6.18. thou be the servant of Righteousness: for as Samson often bound, judg. 16.22. at last was made a mock to the of Philistims; so being loosed from the cords and grins of sin, must not serve our own concupiscence but live the life of God, lest we be bound hand and foot, Mat. 22.13. and cast out into utter darkness. But here (dear Soul) meditate to learn Patience, whereof thou hast much need, Heb. 10.36 that after thou hast done the will of God, thou mayst receive the promise; for if wrongouslie thou be committed or bound, or if the Lord to daunt and chastise thy corrupt nature; suffer the bonds of sickness, poverty, or other whatsoever adversity to be laid on thee, Christ knoweth, and hath felt the same himself, and hath learned to remember them that are in bonds, Heb. 13. ●. as though he were bound with them, and them that are in affliction, as if be were afflicted in the body. And if it come to pass, as (alas) thou often dost cast fetters of sin of thine own accord upon thyself, give not over, nor despare, but then most of all, direct the eye of Faith to behold Christ that was bound, Zach. 12. who doth sanctify thy captivie, and satisfieth for all thy sins by his captivity. Indeed the binding of him made all his Disciples to fly, oblivious of the oath that they made at the entry to the Garden, for besides that, Christ had truly foretold them, they would all leave him; so was it not in man's power to presever in goodness, we are so weak to resist, and easy to fall. The faithful must go out of themselves, and judge themselves as ●roken vessels, for as the sting of the smallest pin doth make the wind in a blown bladder to burst out; so the least temptation will overthrow the strongest Champion, if we be not guarded with mercy and upholden by the Lord. Dese●tion is dangerous, think modestly therefore of thyself, yea, be that thinks he standeth, 1. Cor. 10.12. beware lest be fall. The Disciples did flee (I say,) Christ had no helper, nor support in this business, that all the glory & praise thereof might be his; Esay. 6.33. who did tread the winepress alone, neither is there salvation in any other, Act. 4.12. neither is there any name given under Heaven amongst men, by which we must be saved. And as the first Adam merited by his rebellion; that all the creatures should fall from his obedience, yea, and to make insurrection against him: so it behoved our Surety; and Cautioner to be left of all; that by his obedience all our debt being paid, we might be received in favour; and with all the Saints to be made free Denisanes, and Citizens in Heaven. He than that loosed Lazarus, four days dead from the bonds of death, john. 11.39 and Peter from the iron bonds in prison, and them that dwell in darkness, and in the shadow of death, being bound in misery and irons, so that be broke the gates of Brass, Psal. 107.10.13. & burst the bars of iron asunder, could he not lose himself? for the love he carried to thee, he would not: for he knew that God would raise him up, Act. 1.24. and lose the sorrows of death: because it was impossible that bee should be holden of it, Act. 8.28. (for they did nothing, but whatsoever thine holy hand, O Lord, and thy counsel had determined before to be done.) But thou, O God, verily hidest thyself, Esay. 45.15. O Saviour of Israel. Say thou therefore (my Soul) I greatly rejoice in the Lord, and my soul shall be joyful in my God, Esay. 61.10. for be hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, and covered me with the robe of righteousness, he hath decked me like a Bridegroom, and as a Bride tieth herself with her jewels. For thy Christ is to preach good tidings unto thee, Esay. 61.4. to bind up the broken hearted, to preach liberty to the captives, and to them that are bound the opening of the prison. But before thou pass the Garden and his bonds, meditate the resemblance of the first and second Adam, the first was accompanied with Eva, Gen. 3.22. the second alone, left of all his own, for Adam did not alone sin, but Christ alone paid the price of our redemption. The first Adam being thrust out, that he should not have regress, a fiery sword was appointed to stay him from entry: but our second Adam was smitten, yet Paradise opened. To what purpose should the Garden be keeped, when the Tree of Life which is (jesus Christ) that giveth immortalie, is carried from the Garden? Now is there no more the wrath of God; but Reconciliation, no Vengeance, but Mercy, no Hatred, but Love with this Tree of Life, which is made a Sacrifice for us, purchased to us all. THE THIRD STEP of the ascension of the Soul, by meditation of those things which were done in the house of Annas, Father in Law to Caiaphas. Mat. 26. ANd now here, (sick Soul) consider well Christ's presentation, john. 18. Luc. 2●. examinatioun, boxing, and answer to that wicked fact. joseph. lib. 28. antiq. cap. 8. Valerius Gratus deposed this Annas, and planted in his place Ishmael the son Fabius, who is thereafter rejected, and Annas his son substitute, But the year after, Simon the son of Canuthus is promoted to that dignity. Miserable was the condition in these times, those things which should be done by the holy Ghost in the warrant of his Word, Exod. 29.29. were traversed by Simony, such was the greediness and pride of the Roman Precuratours, a presage of their fall, which is to be feared, where the like had place also. This Anna's house apparently was in the way they came. And they would gratify him, to see this miserable spectacle, the most mischievous fact that ever was done in the world, the crucifying of the GOD of Glory. Woe unto them that delighteth to see the bonds of Christ, in his servants. From thence he is carried to his greatest enemy, john. 11.49. that gave counsel, that one should die for the people; it is a prophecy whose tongue was guided by the Lord, as Balaams was: Men would have their Counsel put in execution, and before it fail, they had rather hang themselves as A●hitophell did. 2. Sam. 17.23. O remember (my Soul) many servantes to humour their masters, do villainous facts, 1. Sam. 22.9.10. Many Doegs now adays who to hunt their Superiors favoures, will not spare the life of four score and five Priests. Cajaphas' mind was to cut by all means Christ off, but God most wise in his eternal decree, found it most expedient, that Christ should die for thee, else, we should all have been lost. Gal. 3.28. All (I say,) for there is neither jew, nor Grecian, there is neither bond, nor free, there is neither male nor female, but all are one in Christ jesus. Yea God shall never be destitute of his own glory, for if men would suppress it, God would draw it out of very dumb beasts, Num. 22. 2●. Luc. 19.40 as he did out of Balaams' Ass, yea, make very stones to speak. The judges therefore in great hate do meet by day, which if they had done for decerning of a good cause and just, it had been worthy of praise and commendation: Esay. 59.7.8. But their foot ran to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: Their thoughts are wicked thoughts, desolation and destruction is in their paths, the way of peace they know not, and there is none equity in their goings, they have made them crooked paths, whosoever goeth therein, shall not know peace. Psal. 82.6. judges that delays the righteous cause, and prorogates it from time to time, hath cause to be afraid, seeing they are Vicars to God, Rom. 13.1. to minister justice indifferently to all. But here (dear Soul) consider this high Priest's negligence & sloth, should he not have known those things, which were done and spoken in his own Church? O! but the malicious fellow sought the occasion, if possibly he could of binding on Christ's back the crime of Heresy, and Sedition. But our Saviour appealed to his Auditors, whose judgement he is not affrayed of, being a pattern here to Preachers of the Gospel, not to be like dumb Dogs: Mar. 16.15. But to preach the Evangell to every creature, neither to be afraid of their sincere dispensation of the word, but to render an account of the hope that is in them. Mar. 16.15. And thus the servant of the high Priest void of all humanity, gave Christ a box, to show his loyalty to his master. But truth breeds hatred, jeremias, & Mica, hath proved the same before. Light is noisome to sore eyes: Such master, and such servants, Hos. 4.9. such Priests, such people; and good reason it is, for like in sin, like in punishment. But here a notable image of flatterers, Christ is accused of Treason, and beaten besides, because he had so answered the hic Priest. Great men's courts are full of Caterpillars, which are Moths to destroy the best constant Commonwealth. He that rebuketh a man, Pro. 28.13 shall find more favour at the length, than be that flattereth with his tongue; for why? a man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steps: Pro. 29.5. But good King David served the Amalakite, 2. Sam. 1.15.16. hypocrite, and flatterer otherwise. Neither is t●is to be passed, that as the maliciousness of the servant was inexcusable, so the Priest was to be blamed also, for the servants fault redundeth to the master. Baana●, and Rechab which did slay Ishbosheth the son of Saul, 2. Sam. 4.7. David commanded them to be slain, and therefore, all in place and authority, should observe that Princely counsel of King David, Psal. 101.8 to cut off all the workers of iniquity be times from the house of the Lord. But here the patience, and long suffering of the Son of God, passeth all commendation, by his power he did not punish this sinful servant; Psal. 103.10. but delayeth, looking for amendment, and is not moved to vengeance. Far be it from thee (my Soul) thou abuse his patience, not one blow, but a number hast thou given him, when thou purse west him in his members grievously, Act. 9.5. Rom. 2.24. and blasphemest his holy Name, denying thy Christ for belly and favour; Philip. 3.19. contradicting his word, and dissembling the truth: but he that boldly shall put hand in the members of Christ, 2. King. 13.4. let him but think what became of jeroboam. And yet just defence with meekness is tolerable, so did Paul tell Ananias who gave commandment to beat him: Act. 24.10 Indeed captives should not be hardly entertained,; for the jailer used great humility, and favour to joseph. Gen. 39 And now (dear Soul,) behold Christ's innocence, he spoke nothing in secret, whereof he could be challenged, indeed he did not cast pearls before Swine, Mat. 7.6. the substance of his Doctrine was ever one, both to the people, and to the disciples. But after diverse manner of his passion, he taught and admonished his Apostles of the ruin of jerusalem, Luc. 18. Luc. 22. and mysteries of the kingdom of God, and sundry passages at the supper, which the world was not capable of, that it might be fulfilled which was said, I have not spoken in secret, Esay. 65.2.3. neither in a place of darkness in the earth. And again, I have spread out mine hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way which was not good, even after their own imaginations, a people that provoketh me ever unto my face. But thou (vile creature) should thy Creator who hath made thee of the dust of the earth (by grace,) receive a blow? Servants, when they are made freemen, do receive such a stroke to enjoy liberty. But thou (my Soul) remember thy Saviour giveth his cheek to him that smiteth him, Lam. 3.30. be is filled full with reproaches, and hath given his back unto the smitters, and his cheek to the nippers, Esay. 50.7. neither hide be his face from shame; and spitting; that thou mayst be admonished of the greatness of thy sin, and weight of God's anger, thou didst merit for thy sins, in everlasting punishments in Hell. So didst thou not (O Lamb of God) resist evil, Mat. 3.39. but whosoever did smite thee on thy right cheek, didst turn to him the other also, ever beaten while life did laste thee. By thy shame, bloody & blew-face, beautiful do we appear, who were deformed in sin. Now it rests: His examination and process thereof, to be discussed. Woe is me (poor Soul) that not only false records, witnesses for wicked ends but that the Princes & Elders, should have admitted, suborned & constituted them, without respect to the law of God. Act. 6. 11. So Steven had proof thereof, God will never suffer his followers in this, jer. to be destitute of comfort. Mat. 7.21. For we should not have Christ in our mouth, but do the will of him that sent him, else, all boasting of the Temple of God is to no effect, for what hath the wicked ado to declare his ordinances, Psal. 50.16 17. or take his Covenant in their mouth, seeing they hate to be reform, and do cast his words behind them. But what did these false witnesses? they could do no other, than to mix Truth with Falset, or interpret against the mind of the speaker, right done, or things spoken falsely. Our Saviour had said, Destroy this Temple, john. 2.19. and in three days I will raise it up again: But they said, I can destroy this Temple, he meaning of his body, they of the material temple; Christ said, I will raise it up again, they said, he would build it. Great are the offences, (dear Soul) which false witnesses commit against God, Exod. 20. whose commandment they wilfully break against the Son, who is Truth itself, against the holy Ghost, whose habitation they defile with lies. For the mouth that lieth, killeth the Soul, yea, and offendeth against the judge, who believeth them, and against their neighbour, who falleth in the hazard of his life, and goods, as of Naboth. 1. King. 21.9. And therefore, Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are his delight, Pro. 12.22. and reason, for false witnesses shall not be unpunished, Pro. 19.9. and be that speaketh lies, shall perish. And therefore (dear Soul) come never in custom hereof, for both spiritual & corporal punishments abideth them: For he that slandereth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor receiveth a false report against his neighbour, Psal. 15.2.3. shall rest in the Lord's Mountain. And therefore, speak truth in the heart, for when inquisition shall be made, and thy witness be found false; Deut. 19.19. shall be done unto thee, as thou thoughtest to do unto thy brother. Therefore (my Soul) eschew the thing that is evil, and be not ashamed to say the truth for thy life. Accept no person against thine own conscience, that thou be not confounded to thy own decay. Eccl. 4.33. Hear then, he admits all, while the witness prove nothing, but appointeth as Darius did, in favours of his Nobles, Dan. 6.16. our Daniel to be casten in the Den of Lions. Now what is Christ thy Saviour's part in all this business, he holds his peace, First to accomplish the prophecy, Esay. 53.7. next, a grave example of patience. If the judge do thee wrong, thou art no better, than Christ was, commit thy cause unto God, Psal. 146.7. which executeth justice for the oppressed, & looseth the prisoners. Truth may be hid, but not overcome, iniquity may flourish for a time, but can not be permanent. His innocence also here appears, which behoved to be, that we might be made the righteousness of God by him. 2. Cor. 5.21. And these things he suffered the night-tyde, that the licentious in a soft bed, when his head, Prince and King did suffer these things by night, should earnestly regard them. I see Annas doth not lose our Saviour, which of compassion did lose the Daughter of Abraham, whom Satan bond many years, Samson by virtue of the hair of his head could burst the bonds of strange women, but Christ after so many miracles, wonders, and powers done by him, willingly gave himself bound to relieve our bonds. Our Saviour being asked if he was Messiah, not only confessed, but told he should come in judgement in visible form, at which the high Priest rend his raiment, and accused the most Innocent of blasphemy. I pray thee, why dost thou adjure the Son of GOD? it was not to find out truth, but occasion of death, if any could be, such as was in Achab who ajured Micha the son of jemlie, whom he presently committed to fetters. The sleeping of the Conscience is common both to the wicked, and to the godly, and it should be diligently attended unto, that it may be timously wakened, for the longer the Conscience lieth in sin, the bitterer and harder the wakening will be: David did lie a year in this stumber, and after adultery, 2. Sam. 11 4. committed murder, yet the Lord in mercy wakened him. Ready is it to be lulled asleep, and of all judgements a sleeping conscience is the greatest, happy is he that finds him reconceiled to his God, a wakening conscience will tell thee when thou hast done evil, that thou mayst have displeasure & repent, & when thou hast done well, thou mayst have joy through jesus Christ, Rom. 2.19 of whom we have our sufficiency, and without whom we cannot think a good thought. What is it then that he asketh of Christ? is it concerning his Doctrine and his Disciples; he did not point out any particular, because he had many to say to his charge, his dittay should have been made before he was taken. How should the high Priest been ignorant that Christ was both Messiah, and the Son of God? for he saw his marvellous works, which testified of him, he saw the Prophecies only fulfilled in his person. Yet our Saviour did with his mouth confess freely that he was the Son of the living God, Heb. 4.15. which is the greatest comfort that ever can befall any soul, that he hath the Son of the living God his Mediator, Priest, and King, and companion in all his calamities. And shall not such a mighty King revenge the injuries done to his members? Truly he will not only take the defence of them in this world, but draw them, as his own flesh & bones to himself, for he is gone to prepare a place for them, john. 14.3. and will come again, and receive them to himself, that where he is, they may be also. For what can be more comfortable (my Soul,) than to remember we have such an omnipotent and everlasting King, not only night & day to have care over us, but that our flesh also doth possess the heavens; where we shall be in the presence of God for ever, he went alone to heaven, but he, all entered into it, for a bone was not broken of him, both head & members shall be found in heaven. He hath given us the earnest of his Spirit, and taken the earnest of our flesh, and carried it as a pawned to Heaven, where we and all they that have true faith shall be brought, and here withal, to launce this unrighteous judge's heart, he maketh mention of the latter day, which is his day, wherein he shall judge all flesh, as Daniel hath fore-spoken, who beheld in visions by night, one like the Son of man, Dan. 7.13. coming in the clouds of heaven, and approaching to the Ancient of days, and they brought him before him, and he gave him dominion, and honour, & a Kingdom that all people, Nations and Languages should serve him: And so said another, Zach. 10. They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and shall lament for him, as one mourning for his only son, and be sorry for him, as one is sort for his first borne. Which second coming, 1 Thess. 4.16. seeing it is at hand, we should remember of our accounts to be given to him, and the precisnesse of that justice wherein we shall render a reckoning for every idle word: Mat. 12.36. Let it not departed from our memory, but whatsoever thou takest in hand, Eccl. 7.36. remember thy end and thou shall never do amiss: Christ suffered for a good cause, ●. Pet. 4.15.16. even for righteousness sake, who although he was in bonds & afflicted, as though he were an evil doer, yet the word of God that was in his mouth, was not bound. judges as they exercise their judgement, shall be ju●ged again, for he that for thy cause was presented to judgement, shall be judge, who hath said, That God hath sent his Son, not to condemn the world, but that be world by him should be saved. Believe in Christ, and thou needest not to be afraid of judgement, will be condemn them for whom he hath suffered all these things? john. 3.17. suffered (I say,) both of the high Priest who spoke to him, against order of Law, & of the high Priests servant, who strooke him against order of law, for maintaining the truth before he had been judged, neither was it a fit place to punish a man in judgement though he were never so bad. And now the high Priest at this innocent Lamb's answer, rend his choathes, joel. 2.13. but thou shouldst have so done to thy heart. He pretended the Majesty of God, to be hurt be this external behaviour, but inwardly well pleased; that now he might have occasion to fulfil his wicked counsel. The godly indeed should burn in zeal when they see the glory of God to be impaired, Mat. 22. as Lot was vexed with the uncleanly conversation of the wicked, for he being righteous & dwelling amongst them, 1. Pet. 2 7.8. in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds. But alas (poor Soul) how oftimes dost thou both pollute thyself, & dost hear the holy Name of God blasphemed by oaths and perjuries, it becometh thee to avert the wrath of God by all means, ●. King. 11.30. when thou shalt hear such Rabsakeas blasphemies, as Hezakiah did. Nothing should more grieve thee, than when we see the glory of God his Majesty to be hindered or hurt, by any; Who is weak? and I am not weak, who is offended? and I burn not. 2. Cor. 11.24. Now by this outward gesture, he would declare the punishment of the Law in commiting blasphemy justie to appertain to Christ, Leu. 24.13 to be stoned to death by the whole multitude; but this is our greatest comfort, that by these means he hath redeemed us from the condemnatory sentence of the Law, Gal. 3.13. for as the Father hath life in himself, so likewise hath he given to the Son, to have life in himself, and hath given him power also to execute judgement in that he is the Son of man. But the high Priest did not understand what he was doing, for being risen from his place, he might have presaged the loss of his Priesthood, & chair therein; & that in this rage, in renting his , he did signify the translation of the Law, for the change of the Priesthood imported the change of the Law also. The like was done to jeroboam, whose upper garment was cut in twelve pieces by the Prophet, who did deliver unto him, with the ten pieces, the ten Tribes. Now as if they had not tormented him enough, the high Priests leave him to be mocked of their servants, until the dawning of the day that the Counsel should sit: For what marveill is it, when the Magistrates give evil examples, that unrighteousness, violence, and oppression reign every where. And now (dear Soul) raise up thyself to thankfulness, and let thy heart be inflamed with his love, when thou shalt remember, what, and how great bitter things all that whole night thy Redeemer suffered. For his face was bespitted, as if it had been most ignominious; with their Fists they boxed him, and spitefully mocked him, covering his face, that being stricken, he should tell them who had done it. Great therefore, must be the anger, and wrath of God for sin, for which Christ did suffer so much, and therefore, we should abhor it from our hearts. But most of all hast thou to consider the infinite mercy of thy heavenly Father, who to vindicate & assoilyle thee from everlasting ignominy, suffered his beloved Son so shamefully to be entreated; well might he have said, Psal. 22.7. I am a worm, and not a man. Remember therefore, thy uncleanness, and inward corruption, who is borne in iniquity, ●sal. 51.5. and in sin hath thy mother conceived thee, to purge thee from these spots, and to present thee without blot or wrinkle. Eph. 5.25. Was this blessed face of jesus embrued with spittle▪ justly may we deplore the impurity of our nature which must be cleansed by the Blood Christ. 1. john. 1.7 Yet doth not the wicked now cease to beat jesus in his members, and which is most abominable, do scorn the divine Majesty, as if he did not see, nor had care, nor were to crave vengeance for that they do: but do cover the face of jesus, (in their opinion) while they afflict his members, giving themselves to careless security, but he doth see, and beholdeth all these things, for their oppression, and their sighs are before him, and their wanderings are counted, their tears put up in his bottle. But although he appear not to see● neither the God of jacob to regard, yet understand ye unwise among the people, and ye fools, when will ●ee be wise; be that planted the care, shall be not hear, ●r he that form the eye, shall be not see, or he that chastiseth the nations, Psal. shall be not correct, he that teacheth men knowledge, shall be not know, yea, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of men, that they are vanity. But here is a notable image of eternal punishment represented unto us, which we ha' e deserved in body and soul, for if we examine our life and conversation (not to speak of our thoughts) and weigh them in the balance of God's Law, we cannot but judge ourselves to be worthy of eternal contempt, rebuke, and shame, & if we would not with everlasting punishments be plagued, let us in all possible haste, repent and turn ourselves. But here is abundant consolations offered against persecution & contumelies which the wicked do inflict on the godly. His shame was changed in an unspeakable glory, the ignominy redunded on the head of his enemies: so shall the persecutions of his members receive a compensation of eternal life. Rejoice therefore, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his Glory shall appear, ye may be glad and rejoice, if ye be railed on for the Name of Christ; blessed are ye, for the Spirit of Glory, and of God resteth on you, which on their part is evil spoken of, 1. Pet. 4.13.14. but on your part is glorified. O! but here h●ue we a notable defence against the wrath of God, and everlasting condemnation, for if God had suited us before his judgement, and appointed the due punishment for us, we should not have been thought worthy of a temporal but, an everlasting confusion. But Christ (such was his mercy) hath become debtor for us, and hath removed all our shame and ignominy; sanctified and cleansed us, that he might make us unto himself a glorious Church, holy and without blame. What shall we ●ander unto the Lord, for all his goodness bestowed upon us most undeservedlie? Psal. 116.12. we will take the cup of salvation and call on his Name in presenting to him a mindful, and thankful heart. By the spittle therefore, that he was defiled with, hath he washed the face of our soul, by the covering of his face; hath he taken away the veil from our hearts, his head was beaten, that all his members might receive spiritual motion, life, sense, & influence; and with Fists was he rigorously stricken, that we may render glory, praise, and honour unto him with heart, and clapping of our hands. THE THIRD DEGREE, and first Step of the ascension of the Soul unto heaven by comtemplation of Christ's exaltation on the Cross. ANd now here consider, the high Priests & Elders their diligence in conveening their Counsel. Mat. 27. judas the traitor his counterfeit Repentance, Mar. 15. whose end was desperation; and the consultation of the Elders, Luc. 23. for buying a Potter's field. They pretermitted no time, so speedily would they have, yea, even before the Sun arose, the Sun of righteousness dispatched, & fearing lest he should escape, the more short deliberation take they for killing of him, although their meeting did hold by the 70. and one which was their Sanhendrin, for the which cause, the kingdom was taken from them, the Sceptre from juda, Gen. 49.10. judgement and the Priesthood from that Nation. Hos. 13.9. Thy destruction is from thee O Israel: Esay. 5.4. What more could he have done to his Vineyard, than he hath done? Gen. 3.11. That which Adam had committed, our Saviour paid, Christ's silence made a defence for Adam, for he heard from Euah, that whic● was not lawful, and spoke things also, which he should not, he heard and obeyed his wife, counselling wrongouslie, & excused himself, when the Lord accused him. But contrarily, Christ accused by the wicked; holdeth his peace, & as a deaf man neglecteth their forgeries, for well knew he their malice, to come to such height, that neither would they hear him, nor put him to liberty, and yet constantly professed himself, Luc. 22.69. to be Son of man, & the Son of God, and one that should sit at the right hand of ●he Majesty in Heaven, Mat. 26.64. which, to make a way to their own decree against him, as having testimony out of his own mouth, with many words they insult against him. But what is judas part, seeing that thus Christ had incurred their sentence of condemnation, Mat. whose Conscience being raised from sleep, by the sting thereof, and sense of God's fierce anger, rendered the money, and testified Christ's innocence, which they employed for a burial for strangers. Well believed judas, that he had been in a good case, when he once had received the money, but having done this mishant fact, his eyes were so opened, that he not only did feel his abominable offence, but also is tormented with such horror in soul, that he believed no no remedy to be left, but hanging of himself. But more particularly, (poor Soul,) examine these circumstances, the time when he did see Christ adjudged to death, soon enough if well enough, late repentance is seldom true, but true repentance is never late: Ezek. 18.27.28. For when the wicked turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive, because he considereth and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, Ezek. 23.16. he shall surely live & not die, for none of his sins that he hath committed, shall be mentioned unto him, as is evident in the Malefactor that hang on Christ's right hand. But this goodness of God should not breed security in thee, abide not, nor prolong the time, Rom. 2.4. when thou shalt not be master of thy own thoughts. They that are in Fever, rave before they cool; and many die before they intent to repent, because the time, Luc. 12.40. and hour of death is uncertain. Consider, he brought the thirty silver pieces, and restored them, Ezek. 33.15. which sometimes, was a undoubted token of repentance, as in Zacheus. Luc. 19.8.10. But he was destitute of true Faith, in applying to him the mercy of God, Who came to seek and save that which was lost. Mat. 18.14. He also made a free confession of his sin, which is very requisite in repentance, but it was not to the Priests, but to God, and to his only begotten Son. What marvel therefore he be void of comfort: And this he proclaimed in the very Temple; but, alace, many do we find, who doth not come so far off, although their wickedness witness to their face, Psal. 3.8. but do deny or threaten those which admonish them of it. But this is remarkable, that he bare record of christ's innocence, for such an high Priest, it became us to have which is holy, harmless, undefiled, Heb. 7.26. separate from Sinners. The high Priests did answer, What is that to us, look thou to it. Neither for promise, norrewarde, or pleasure of any man, fall under the wrath of God by sinning; whose breath is in their nose-thirles, and whose help is vain. They would not acknowledge that it belonged to them, surely, both they and their posterity feel the smart of that Innocent Blood Which men, though they know the Law of God, how that they which commit such things, are worthy of death, yet not only do they sin, Rom. 1.32. but also favour them that do them. For to sin by himself, or by another, is all one, and he that consenteth, is access●●ie to the fact. But here is their great blindness, that they did not revoke, and retreat their sentence, hearing his innocence justie by the traitor confessed. In no ways speak thou against the word of Truth, (my Soul) but be ashamed of the lies of thine ignorance, strive for the Truth unto death, Eccl. 4.25.28. and defend justice for thy life, and the Lord God shall sight for thee against thine enemies. But hardest of all, is that rough answer that judas received, they ministered no comfort unto him, but increased the flame of despare that was kindled in the heart of him. The weak have ye not strengthened, EZek. 34.4. as he complaineth justly of them; the sick ye have not healed, neither have ye bund up the broken, nor brought again that which was dryven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost, but with cruelty & rigour have ye ruled them. But the good Sbepherd never resteth, but goeth after that which was lost, while he find it, Luc. 15.4.6. and maketh his rejoicing the compensation of his travel. He did cast the money in the Temple from him, which was so dear unto him, that for it, he postponed the life of his Master. Now he became so execrable, that he gained nothing of it, but a conscience burnt with an hot iron, evil acquired goods shall never benefit the possessor, nor the posterity. 1. King. 21.16. Achab believed all was well, when by violence and fraud he had obtained Naboths Vine-yard, which he lost with his life, and the favour of God most of all: For what availeth it to gain the whole world, Mat. 16.26. and loss his soul, And what fruit have they then in those things, Rom. 6. 21. whereof they are now ashamed? for the end of these things are death. But terrible, was his execution, for when he had thrown down himself head-longs, he burst asunder in the mids, Act. 1.18. and all his bowels gushed out; how great destruction doth abide them, that serve the unclean spirit: this was not an evasion by death from God's judgement, but a more short & compendious way thereto. Let not Satan by his deceit allure thee, neither for fear of Ignominy, as he did Saul, or with loathsomeness of thy life, to such abominable practices. But (alace) many now adays, do harden their hearts at wholesome exhortation, whereby they make the Lord to cut the thread of this life, & adjudge them unto eternal death, besides, that many by drinking, and gluttony, doth shorten their days; And doth not whoredom, & vicious venery procure sudden death? What can be said of Avarice, and Covetousness, which, whiles it thirsts for the blood of others they are pierced by that unrighteous Mammon, whereby they are ●beacked, and killed: And what shallbe thought of those, who provoke the single combat, & thinketh it a great indignity unless they kill not themselves, or their neighbour. Lord grant every moment, while we enjoy this life, we may consecrated it to the glory of the Giver, that we may be ready at all occasions, to give an account of our times spent here, that we may say with Simeon, Now let thy servant departed in peace, Lu●. 2.29. according to thy word, for my eyes have seen my salvation. Then learn here (my Soul) by this his desperation, the nature of sin, for before it be perfected, it maketh men drunk, but being put in execution the pleasure is extinguished, the conscience remaineth heavier than Lead, which unless the Lord prevent, may drive thee to despair, For the deceitfulness of sin and delight thereof for a season, maketh men so brutish, that they can not decern betwixt good and evil, yea causeth them belevee they are most blessed in greatest sins. And therefore (my Soul) resist the Devil, and he will flee from thee, whilst thou dost not resist the custom of sinning, it brings necessity upon thee, for it hardeneth the senses, that they cannot clearly see, it blindeth the understanding, lest punishment should terrify it, fettereth the heart, to make filthy things pleasant, it weakeneth the strength, that being overcome, they succumb. The sickness of their Soul is much more sensible, than the diseases of the body. There is no greater dolour, than the wound of the conscience for sin, nor any greater burden, than the heavy weight of our vile transgressions. Hear Satan is a great politician, for he changeth himself into an Angel of light, while he lessens our sins, & extenuateth than, enticing men to fall. But when the deed is done, like lightning he shineth in men, casting his sins suddenly before him, at the which thunderbolt, he is benumbed & stupefied, feeling the bitter pangs of an evil conscience, and doth so cast him down, with this great stroke, that he, who before gloried in sin, now thinks himself secluded from mercy and salvation. Lord hide thy face from my sins, Psal. 51.9. 10.11. and put away all mine iniquities, create in me ● clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. But diligently perpend Peter, and judas repentance by comparing them together, that thou mayst understand (dear Soul,) in what state their iniquity was committed. Their falls heavily wounded their consciences doubtless, for Peter not only denied Christ, but bound himself to cursings if he had known him, which was a sin almost to death: And the other judas did commit an heinous trespass, worthy of everlasting condemnation; but Peter was of frailty of the flesh, and fear of death: But judas was of set purpose, and of destinate malice did attempt that detestable fact. And Peter's again, not in a cause of itself so much , but of immoderate timeritie conjoined therewith: And to judas desperate malice, was an insatiable greediness annexed, but the forgetfulness of the word of God was the fountain of both their falls, It concerneth us ever to pray the living God, to give us ears to hear, & to lay up in our hearts his promises, & threatenings, to strengthen us, or beat down our pride, & to say, Esay. 50.5. The Lord hath opened my ear, & I was not rebellious, neither turned I back. But as their fall was, so was not their repentance, both were Apostles, both had wounds of conscience, and frighted with the sting thereof, but judas gave such place to the overburdening strength, thereof, that he despaired of God's mercy. But Peter believed, that Christ is the reconciliation of our sins, 1. john 2.3 and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world, by Faith applying the merits of Christ unto himself, to do this business, whereof judas destitute, contemning the deepness of his mercy, and riches of grace, lost hope of recovering: no man can seriously repent, but he that looketh for forgiveness. And therefore, to wrestle with temptation, is first to look to the promises of God, which is so sure and certain, that it is more easy, that heaven & earth should pass away, Luc. 16.17 than they should fail, or that any title of the Law should fail: For the Lord is strong, Exod. 34.6.7. merciful, and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in goodness, an● truth, reserving mercy for thousand, forgiving iniquities and transgressions, and sins, for the Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, Psal. 145.89. and of great mercy, the Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all his works. In this conflict cast the eyes of thy faith on Christ jesus, to whom a voice from Heaven came, Saying, Mat. 3.17. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. For he received of God the Father, honour and glory, 2. Pet. 1 17 and there came such a voice to him f●om the excellent. It is reported that Alexander the Great, when he saw jaddus the high Priest, with his priestly apparel meeting him, ceased from his rage against Tyrus; and also richly rewarded him: How much more, when our everlasting Priest, Iesu● Christ, who is just, yea, our righteousness shall appear in the sight of God his Father, making intercession for us, to mitigate his wrath, Heb. 7.26. and shall give us forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting, for he is able perfectly to save them that are able to come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Let not therefore Satan bereave thee of God's love & mercy towards thee, the merit of his passion & efficacy of his death. For the gift is not so, as is the offence for if by the offence of one, many be dead, much more the grace of God, Rom. 5. 15. and the gift by grace, which is by one Man, jesus Christ hath abounded unto many. Moreover, never sinner yet to this day, desiring to be reconcealed with his God, was ever secluded from mercy, if the sin be great, his mercies is abundantly more, and so much more, as all the whole globe of the Sea exceedeth the smallest drop of water. If thy sin be old, which thou hast drunken in from thy mother's breast, and in process of time hath ever augmented the same: be think thee of God's mercy, is from all eternity, & if thy iniquity be lately committed, God's mercies are daily renewed, which every moment he poureth upon us. And therefore (poor Soul) because of the savour of thy Bridegrooms ointments, Cant. 1.2.3. his Name is as an ointment poured out, therefore, the Virgin's love him, draw me, we will run after thee, the King hath brought me unto his chamber, we will rejoice and be glad in thee, we will remember thy love, more than wine, the righteous do love thee, yea, thou despisest not the poor sinner, thou abhorredst not the confessing Thief, neither the weeping woman, neither her that was found in adultery, neither him that sat at the receipt of custom, nor the humble Publican, nor the denying Disciple, nor the persecuting Paul, yea, not these that crucified thee, but prayed for them. Strengthen thy faith therefore in the spiritual fight, by the holy meditation, & use of the Sacraments, for whosoever are baptised in Christ, Gal. 3.27. hath put on Christ; he covereth our nakedness, and doth wash away the filth of our Souls, whose sins, if they were as Crimson, Esay. 1.18. shall be made white as Snow; for it is the ●lood of jesus Christ that cleanseth us from all sin. 1. ●ohn. 1.7. Be not therefore affrayed (sinful Soul) Art thou baptised in Christ? he will h●ue care of thy cause, as if it were his proper owne: The Rainbow was a sign of the Covenant betwixt God and man; That the earth should never be destroyed by deluge of water thereafter; Gen. 9.13. So baptism is a undoubted seal of our purgation by Christ, & at God's hand he made a league with us for our foul sins, never to be cast from his presence. But in the Sacrament of the blood & body of jesus, have we a most certain and lively pawn, which is our Passeover offered for us, who by his obedience hath delivered us from the Tyranny of death, and made us partakers of life eternal. It was worthy of consideration, how precislie Peter's falls are registrate in the book God, For whatsoever things are written afore-time, are written for our learning, Rom. 15. 4 that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Peter therefore denied his Master, seven times. Four times to Maids, Mat. 26.69. and three times to men. First, to Maids (I say) when he sat without the Hall, and the Maid came unto him, saying, that, Thou wast with jesus of Galilee. secondly, as Peter was beneath in the Hall (for now he had entered, but before he was not come in) There came one of the Maids of the high Priests, Mar. 14.66. and when she saw Peter warming him, she looked on him, and said, Thou wast also with jesus of Nazareth. thirdly, than a Maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them. fourthly, when he went out into the Porch (from the common Hall) And another Maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, Mat. 26.71. This man was also with jesus of Nazareth. Thus four times denied he his Master before these weak Vessels. Man never should be courageous & stout in his own conceit. The Lord is my strength, my buckler, and the horn of my salvation. If the Lord leave us to ourselves, we are a prey to Satan, & to every wind and blast of temptation. Thrice also denied he before men, and first, john. 18.25. before the Soldiers, standing and warming himself. john. 18.26. secondly, he denied before Malohus cousin, whose ear he smote off. thirdly, he denied him anon to them that stood by, who said unto him again, Mat. 26.70. Mar. 14.70. Surely thou art one of them, for thou art of Galilee, and thy speech is like. Neither do I so punctually set these dolorours' spectacles before thine eyes (sinful Soul,) to dig up the Sepulchers of these glorious Saints which are in heaven, who repent and weeped bitterly for their sins, & who were patterns to others, not to distrust; And thou Peter, being converted, confirm thy brethren. And David after his fall; did teach the Lord's ways unto the wicked, Psal. 51.13 that sinners might be converted to him. The believing and repenting sinner, therefore may be persuaded that there is ever mercy to be found, how great soever his sins hath been; Peter was taught this lesson of his Saviour. That he loved much, to whom much is forgiven, and so being demanded, if he loved him more than the rest of the Disciples did; he (according to the multitude of his compassions bestowed upon him) referred the answer to his Master, john. 21.15. whom he knew, did know all things, & knew how much, and in what degree he loved him. Neither is this contradicent to the word, which sayeth, Thou shalt deny me thrice, for Christ said not thrice (only,) but thrice, and he that denyeth seven times, denyeth also thrice. Peter had said before, shall I forgive my brother seven times, to whom Christ answered, not seven times, but seaventie times seven times. Christ's favour to his own, is above the affection of men, or love of women, as David said of jonathan; and according to his everlasting mercies, doth he so much more freely and readily forgive, yea, this was also to strengthen Peter, that when he should fall (which Christ did foresee) he should not be swallowed up in desperation, but constantly believe with a lively and justifying faith in the Son of God; as he had professed before his Master, To wh●m shall we go, john. 6.68 69. thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and know, that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God. Mat. 16.16 Thus have we spoken of these two Disciples Peter & judas, their falls and repentance, which are as different, as Heaven is above Hell. How are now the Priests & Elders of the people employed, they are about the counsel, for buying of the Potter's field, because they would not put his money in their Treasures. Narrow and straight is their conscience in small things, but room, large, & broad in greater affairs. They are constrained to perfect the Lord's decree, pronounced by the Prophet Zacharie. It is impossible that the enemies of Christ can stop the course & strength of the Truth: There is neither wisdom, neither understanding, Pro. 21.30. nor counsel against the Lord. O prophetical certainty! O great & unspeakable knowledge of the holy Ghost! He said not ten, or twenty, but precisely thirty, as if he had told & debursed to them these pieces of silver. Let nothing dissuade us from the certanty of God's promises, although there appear unto flesh, and blood, no reason how they shall be accomplished, yea, and that all things tend to the flat contrary, never do thou swerve nor shrink, but believe against hope under hope. Rom. 4.18. Many beautiful shows of outward holiness doth these represent; they known unlawfully purchased alms was displeasing unto God. They knew, a care should be had of the poor, and strangers departing this life, that they be buried; and for the perpetual memory thereof did give the place a name. Hear is their Pharisaical hypocrisy, they attend outward religion, but lack internal worship of the mind; which is not looked to. Well said Christ of them, Woe be unto you Scribes & Pharisees, Hypocrites: for year like unto whited Tombs, which appear beautiful outward, Mat. 23.27.28. but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness: So are ye also; for outwardly ye appear, righteous unto men, but within, ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Yet the faithful should not omit their duties of humanty, to support the indigency of their brethren while they live, & dutiful care of them, when they are dead, neither not to pull the goods from their heirs unto themselves. Yet one thing here thou must learn (poor Soul,) of their hypocrisy, to bestow thy charity and alms upon the poor, of thy own lawful goods: For I the Lord, Esay. 61.8. love judgement, and hate robbery for offering; and I will direct their work in truth, & will make an everlasting Covenant with them; for the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, Pro. 15.8. to present him in his members, with such, is to associate him to their villainy, he that taketh away his neighbours living, Esay. 1. 11.12. slayeth him, and be that defraudeth the labourer of his hire, Eccl. 34.23 is a blood-shedder. But here behold an everlasting monument raised by them, of their impiety and malice against Christ, for whiles dissemblars will cover their wickedness, than most of all, it is made manifest by reason of Aceldama. But this was long time before figured in joseph, who at the desire of juda, was sold to the Ishmaelites, Gen. 47.5 6. whereby it came to pass, that the Land of Goshan was given his brethren to dwell in; So jesus, sold and delivered to death; john. 14.2.3. prepared a place for us, where, being delivered from all troubles, john. 17.24. we might enjoy rest for ever. Remember (my Soul,) that thou art sold under the tyranny of sin; But by jesus Christ, who was sold for thee, thou art restored to liberty, Being then made free from sin, we are made the servants of righteousness, and as ye have given your members servants to uncleanness, Rom. and iniquity to commit iniquity, so now give your members servants unto righteousness and holiness, that being fred from sin, ye have your fruit in holiness, and the end everlasting Life. Mat. 13.18. Wherefore, this Field is the world, the Potter is God, who made man of the slime of the earth. Gen. 2.7. The strangers are Christians, who have no abiding City here, Rom. 9.21. but have renounced the world. The burial place is our rest in Christ whose sepulchrs are sanctified by him, Col. 2.11. 1. Cor. and who shall restore our bodies committed unto him, as unto a faithful Creator, the price of blood is the merit and virtue of his Passion. 1. Pet. 1.19 The second Step in the third degree of the ascension of the Soul unto Heaven, etc. NOw have we conveyed our Saviour from the Garden, to Cajaphas, now we would accompany him to Pilate, john. 19 there false accusation against him, Mat. 27. of the sending of him to Herod, Luc. 23. and of most wrongous excambing of him with Barrabas with the most mishant condemnation of that Innocent Lamb of God. Mar. 15. Pilat at the desire of the jews is deaf for he hears nothing worthy of death in him: The jews were very diligent to take all occasions to put justice to execution, if any had been against him, which now is oft times delayed; But the cause that he should be presented before his Tribunal, was, Mat. 20.19. that it behoved the Son of man to be delivered to the Gentiles, to mock, and to scourge, and to crucifice him, that both jew and Gentile as they had conspired his death, so should both be partakers of his Life: And the first, If they abide not still in unbelief, Rom. 11.23. should be graffed in, for God is able to graft them in again. And for the second, God hath concluded all under sin, Gal. 3.22. that the promise of faith by jesus Christ should be given to them that believe. Wherefore (my Soul) be not afraid, by him thou hast access to the Throne of Grace; neither sickness, nor calamity shall bereave us of comfort. He was presented to the Bar of God's justice that we should remember our Absolution from it, therefore boldly mayst thou say, Psal. 42.11. Why art thou cast down my soul, and why art thou this disquieted within me? wait on God, for I will yet give him thankes, be is my present hope & my God. The superstition & hypocrisy of the jews is very clear, they would not enter into pilate's house, lest they should be debarred from eating of the Passeover, Numb. 9.10. according to the Law, given against the unclean, they indeed were afraid, to be polluted in this strangers judge his consistorial place, yet were not ashamed to shed the blood of their innocent countryman; they will not be defiled with the dwelling place of Pilate, but never examine the pollution of their own sins in their heart. They left the weightier matters of the Law, Mat. 23.23. as judgement, mercy, and fidelity, which are rare in such false seditious people, for they could pretend no excuse, wherefore the Lord did reject and forsake them, seeing of their own mouth, that they did confess they had no power of death and life, but their authority was devolved in the Romans hands. For the Sceptre shall not departed from juda, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet, Gen. 49.10. until Shiloh come, and the people shall be gathered together unto him, but God in his righteous judgement hath given them the spirit of slumbering; eyes that they should not see, Rom. 11.8. & ears, that they should not hear to this day. But was it not lawful to kill a man for blasphemy, Leu. 24. Leu. 20. Numb. 25. Leu. 26. for adultery, for profanation of the Sabbath day, for murder, for Idolatry, Deut. 21. and for wilful disobedience to Parents, yea, Deut. 17. and for neglect, & not due reverence to the high Priest, yea, john. 18.31 and did they not stone Steven to death? But this was, that the word of jesus should be fulfilled, signifying, by what death be should die. Besides this, they accused Christ of sedition, & uproar; they might stone, burn, kill, & strangle, but to crucify they had no power, for the very Nations did worship idolatrously stones and timber; but Christ's forwarning could not be but accomplished, Mat. 20.19. they shall deliver him to the Gentiles, to mock and to scourge, and to crucify him: Thus Christ's enemies are means, and instruments, to manifest God's Truth, and to perfect man's Salvation. The covetousness of judas, procured remission to all believers; so the rage of the Pharisees and deceit of Satan, did serve to the glory of God, For all things work for the best, Rom. 8.27 to them that fear him. Now Pilate inquireth what they had to object against him; they attribute so much to their justice and authority, that there needed no more inquisition, but to rest on their Conscience, yet by reason of his place, he would have a Process, which is, that Christ subverted the people, denied tribute to be given to Caesar, and to make himself a King, which Pilate (in their mind) could not abide. O! but what sin is it, (my Soul) to make Pilate & the communalitie guilty of Christ's death? a less sin it had been, if they had killed him privately: but to cause a judge against conscience by the testomonie of false witness, to decree, or entice ignorant men, by bud, and promises to offend, is the greater sin. For Christ never meaned of an earthly dignity here, For when jesus perceived that they would come, and make him a King, he departed again unto a mountain john. 6.15. himself alone; Neither did he ever deny tribute to be given to Caesar, but directed to give to Caesar, Mat. 22.21. things which are Caesar's, and give unto God, these things which are Gods. Remember here (poor Soul) that all these, (more than false calumnies,) were spewed out against him, that not only he might satisfy the justice of God, but also signify, that his Church should ever be exposed to hatred, and envye. Achab called Elias, 1. King. 18.17. the troubler of Israel. If they were of the world, the world would love them, john. 8. and yet they are in the world; wherefore he prayeth to his Father, not to take them out of the worl● but to keep them from evil: john. 17. for he hath made us unto his Father, Kings, and Priests, whom bee hath gathered out of every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation. Rev. 5.10. Hear therefore (poor Soul) great is thy comfort; not only against false accusations of the wicked, but also against Satan's impudent reproaches, whereby he ceaseth not night and day to accuse the Saints before their God, whom they do overcome by the blood of the Lamb, Rev. 12.10.11. and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. So by his bonds, we are delivered from the bondage of sin, death, and hell, by his mockings, we are made honourable in the sight of God, and by his accusation, we are fred from all guiltiness. Thus he hath made our sins to be his; that he might make his righteousness, ours. An evil turn can not be done, but by evil means; The jews have here their part, and so had Herod, but the sin of Pilate is laid upon the jews, and he may forethink, that ever he was Governor of judea: In conscience he was persuaded of Christ's innocence, and their calumny, but he was entangled in his judgement so deep, that he could not free himself. Such a thing is it to satisfy the appetit of wicked men In Pilat's deeds & words, many excellent virtues which are rare to be found in judges do appear, as the great moderation of his mind, being supreme Magistrate, to whom belonged honour. The jews would not superstitiously come in to him; he maketh the travel, and went out to them. A Magistrate should be such a one to others, Pro. 19. 1● as he would wish others to be to him, if he were a private man. The King's wrath is like the roaring of a Lion, but his favour is like the dew upon the grass: To this, his justice in searching the truth is eminent; rash judgements are dangerous, and therefore, will not condemn Christ, until he hear him. Gen. 39.16.20. Pothiphar did otherwise to joseph. And therefore, now he entered unto Christ, with whom softly, moderately, and friendly he reasons, not with disdainful speeches, as did the jews, for it was not grievous unto him to bow down his ear unto the poor. Eccl. 4.8. Being therefore demanded, if he was a King, our Saviour denies not, but a spiritual King. It was not now time, to teach and play the Doctor to Pilate, for that part was ended. Now he must play the Priest, and suffer patiently his death, which he would not stay. Thou should use (poor Soul) the opportunity of the word, very earnestly while the rain thereof from Heaven doth water the dry and thirsty souls of men, and whilst it is called to day, let us not barden our hearts. The Lord, therefore, will know the inventor of this accusation, and in all the History will have every man's part known in this action. I am no jew said he; cleansing himself: Thine own Nation doth accuse thee, I count not for the Messiah, religion troubles me not so much. The Clergy and Churchmen must take heed thereto. A lively image of worldlings, who in the matters of the earth, are more than curious. But spiritual things are spiritually discerned: For he inquireth not what a King he was, & where his Kingdom was, that he might have a part and sh●re thereof; but breaks off in an accusation of jesus, if he was a King, The natural man knoweth not the things of the sp●rit of God, 1. Cor. 1.14. for they are f●clishn●sse to him: And therefore Christ taketh the mouth of Pilate to be witness that he was a King: Who albeit he was equal with the Father, Phil. 2.6. and thought it no robbery, made himself of no reputation, by taking on him the form of a servant to his Father, to be witness to the Truth. He would have hereby won Pilate if it had been possible, but he was interrupted, for the word is ever a sweet odour to God, 2. Cor. 2.15. either to salvation, or damnation, in mercy, or justice.. With great constancy and gravity without respect of persons doth Christ answer: & so should his servants defend God's honour, and not to turn their fail, to every Wind, and therefore, he did avouch his Kingdom as anonynted of the Father, Psal. 2.6. and sat upon Mount Zion his holy Mountain, Zac. 9.9. who is just, and saved himself, and his people from their sins. Mat. 2.21. Blessed is he, that cometh in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna, Mat. 21.9. thou which art in the highest heavens, who hath given us to inherit the Kingdom prepared for us, Mat. 25.34. from the foundation of the world. And therefore (weak Soul) Why art thou aff●aied? Is it of the Devil? he can not hurt one hair of t●i●e head, Mat. 8.31.32. without thy Kings will. Art thou troubled with sicknesses? At his command they depart: Mar. 1.31. Are enemies risen against thee? He can crush with a Sceptre of Iron, Psal. 2.9. and break them in pieces, like a Potter's vessel. Art thou astonished at Death? 1. Cor. 15.55. Death is swallowed up in victory, fear not therefore (feeble Soul,) For it pleaseth the Father to give thee his Kingdom, Luc. 12.32. who can therefore separate thee from the love of Christ? be persuaded, that neither Death, nor Life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor hight, nor deep, nor any other creature shall be able to separate thee from the love of God, Rom. 8.35 38.39. which is in Christ jesus our Lord, for he hath all power in heaven, Mat. 11. ●7 and in earth; His Kingdom is not subject to change and vanity, but eternal, john. 3.35. and reacheth above the heavens, and the earth, and the depths thereof. jer. 6.7. Therefore (poor Soul) place thy treasure in heaven, but (alace) as the Fountain casteth out her waters, so do we cast out our malice. Let the world be crucified to us, and us to the world: Gal. 6.14. For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him, 2. Tim. 2.11.22. if we suffer with him, we shall reign with him; if we be therefore troubled with the Children of this world, remember (my Soul) his Kingdom is not of this world, john. 16.33 in the world thou shall suffer affliction, but be of good comfort, be hath overcome the world. This his Kingdom is from Sea to Sea, Psal. 72.8. and to the last parts of the earth, and it is governed by the preaching of the Gospel, Heb. 2.8. who in place of taking tribute from his subjects, Luc. 24.47. hath carried upon him our sorrows, plagued of God, Esay. 53.4. and smitten of God and humbled, who hath given us eternal goods, as Righteousness, Rom. 14.17. Peace, and joy in the holy Ghost. And therefore (my Soul) be wise, serve the Lord in fear, and rejoice in trembling, Psal. kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and thou perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burn, blessed are all they that trust in him. I came in the world to witness the Truth, john. 14.6. who am the Way, Verity, and Life, to give knowledge of salvation unto my people by remission of their sins; Luc. 1.77. that all that believe in me, ●ohn. 3.15. should not perish, but have everlasting life. He is therefore, not only the Teacher of that heavenly wisdom, john. 3.32. but is also made our wisdom from God. 1. Cor. 1. 30 Receive therefore (comfortless Soul) receive his testimony, He that receiveth his testimony, john. 3.33. hath sealed that God is true, for he whom God hath sent, speaketh the words of God, for God giveth him not the spirit by measure, john. 8.47. he that is of the Truth, doth hear his voice; & be that is not of God, john. 10.27 hears not God's word, john. 12 48. for the word that he hath spoken, shall judge him in the last day. Verily he that heareth his word, john. 5.24. and believeth in him that sent him, hath everlasting life, and shall not come unto condemnation, but hath passed from death, unto Life. So Pilate coming from the Common-Hall testified Christ's innocence, but herein he offended, that he did not deliver him, who suffered wrong from the band of the oppressor, Eccl. 4.9. but was faint hearted, when he judged. jam. 1.26. All this while in silence and patience our Saviour possessed his soul, useing great moderation in speeches. 1. Pet. 3.10 If thou lay thy injury (poor Soul) at Christ's feet, he will avenge it, if thy wrong, he will repair it, 1. Cor. 6.7. if thy sorrow, he will care it. And therefore, learn to suffer wrong, and sustain harm. Thy Christ (sad Soul) is thy patron, and Advocate in the presence of God, who by his silence hath opened thy mouth, & given thee liberty to speak for, because thou art his son, hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into thy heart, Gal. 4.9. which cryeth, Abba Father. Let not therefore thy unworthiness dash thee, so that thou should be frighted: Therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace, Heb. 4.16. that thou mayest receive mercy and grace in the time of need. The third Step of the third degree, of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. NOw must Christ pass to Herod, Tetrarch of Galilee in such perilous case wherein Pilate could not absolve the innocent, and have the favour of the jews, unless he had perverted justice, but casteth this fire in Herod his enemy's skirt, for that he was of his jurisdiction, and that he had punished judas and Theudas, Galileans, for insurrection before. But most of all, would God draw out of Herod, a testimony of Christ jesus innocence. Such subtersuges & evasions did Pilate brotch, & because they were at fead: he presented him, and gifted the Person of jesus Christ: (the best gift that ever was given, if he had rightly understood,) for by this means, Luc. 23.12 Herod and Pilate were reconcealed the same day. But the providence of God doth shine most here, For as Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Mat. 9.13. but sinners to repentance, so to divers sorts & degrees of people, doth he offer himself, to Herod, & his Courteours; which will not admit his Grace, but despise the day of their peace. He looketh for some miracle of his curiosity to be done by Christ as a juggler, so doth the children of this world hunt after their pleasure in the Gospel, which, when it will not afscord, they loathe the same. Herod therefore, did ask Christ of many things, as fools which do not know, what they would have. His mind was not to be instructed, but to have occasion of calumny. H●e that will be informed of Christ, must as a Disciple come with humility, and earnest desire to learn, but the jews inquired a sign, 1. Cor. 1. 22 23. as the Grecians sought after wisdom: But Christ crucified, unto the jews is a stumbling block, & unto the Grecians foolishness. This Herod was Archilans' brother, Mat. 2. the son of that Herod, who killed the Infants, Luc. 9 and beheaded john. In great policy therefore demanded he questions of Christ, to catch occasion against our Saviour: For after his Father's example, he would have the whole seed of David rooted out, that he might reign alone. But Christ will not cast pearls before Swine, neither give that that is holy unto Dogs. Mat. 7.6. And therefore, he is mocked of the Courteours; for as the judge of the people is himself, so are his Officers, and what manner of man the Ruler of the City is, Eccl. 10. ●. such are they that dwell therein. Thus was he, in whom the Godhead dwelleth bodily, and in whom are all the treasures of wisdom, Col. 2. knowledge, and understanding, disdainfully entertained of these Courteours, and usually it is so; that in highest places where wealth and pleasure abounds, small regard is had of Christ and his word. The servants of Saul would not kill Abimelech at his command. 1. Sam. 22.17. 1. King. 18 3. Abdiab hide an hund●eth Prophets, whom King Achab bade appointed to death. These do account Christ a fool, in clothing him in white raiment: For so doth the world esteem the preaching of the Gospel, 1. Cor. 1.23 to be foolishness. But Herod ignorantly, by this Badge declared the innocence of Christ, and that shortly, Christ should enter into his Kingdom, yea, they honour him, while as they contemn him in clothing him with this Vesture as an Ephod, he being both Priest, and Lamb, the sacrifice, and sacrificer: Herod therefore, and Pilate, who were before divided, entered in friendship, and conspired against Christ, to take him out of the Land of the living; but all in vain: Psal. 2.1. The Kings of the Earth & people may rage's against God, and his Anointed; but the Lord shall have them in derision: If Infidels could so shortly be reconcealed, laying apart all dissension, Eph. 4.32. should we not be courteous one to another, and tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake forgave us. And so much the more, Eph. 2. 14. because Christ is our Peacemaker, and our peace also, who hath broken down the partition wall, and made of both jew, and Gentile one. Christ must be then brought home again to Pilate, who sought by all means to put Christ to liberty, in commending of his innocency, in making choice of him with Barrabas, & in gratifying the jews by scourging of him, & exponing of him to the cruelty of Soldiers, far against all justice seeing there was nothing to lay to his charge; For such a Saviour it behoveth us to have, H●b. 7.26. who should be free from all sins; 1. Pet. 2.22 and that his very enemies should bear record of his integrity, for Herod was well acquainted with the jewish religion, as Pilate was with the affairs of the Romans, but neither the one nor the other could impute any thing to that Innocent, who satisfied for us, that were guilty. And therefore, Pilate bethought himself, that the jews should not be so stark mad and obstinate, as to prefer a seditious murderer to Christ: giveth them option, which of them to choose: john. 5.25. but the blinded jew would kill him, that quickened the dead, Leu. 24.21 and deliver him that killed the living. And this was a custom brought in besides the word of God, Deut. 19.11.12. at the solemn day of the Passeover, Exod. 12.3. who were not contented of the Pascall Lamb only, to signify the deliverance from Egypt, but would add this ceremony against reason and justice: For Magistrates are the Ministers of God, Rom. 136. to take vengeance on them that do evil, Gen. 9.6. and a blood-shedder should be punished by the Law, but we should not follow customs, but God's truth, & not suffer an evil use to become a law. Pilate knew that they had delivered Christ unto him for envy, Mat. 27.18 for jesus did tax their corrupt doctrine, 1. Tim. 3.6. & vicious manners: This Envy is the daughter of Pride, Gen. 4.5. for the proud must be invyous. This did cast down the Devil, Adam and Eve, this made Cain kill his brother. And what evil hath it not done? Wis●. 2.24. For by the envy of the Devil, Death came into the world: john. 6.15. Very unconstant is the voice of the common multitude: A little while before, they would have given him Princely honours, but now they desire him to be crucified, and that at the instigation of the Elders: jer. Evil Magistrates either in Church or Commonwealth, are noisome Pestilences. The people did in great pomp, Mar. 1.33. and frequent solemnity ofttimes resort to jesus; but now they turn to be his adversaries, and they that should have carried the keys of the Kingdom, Mat. 23.13. they will not enter, nor suffer others to enter; but bloweth the bellowes of malice against Christ, not in heart only, Esay. 48.4 by cogitation or privy grudge, as the jews did before against Christ; but by outward exclamation, not one of the multitude, but all; Esay. 1.6. impiety had so crept in, as a canker and fire to consume the communalitie. Believest thou that when the Son of man shall come, that be shall find faith and truth in the earth? They therefore desire, this bloody Fellow to be put to liberty, Deut. 11.12.13. & that against the Law; and the Innocent to be condemned. Whosoever in place of justice, doth not stay sin when he may, by his oversight giveth way to it: Punish thou them therefore, that thou be not punished for them. How odious is this comparison: Mat. 12.2. Christ, the Author and Prince of Peace and Salvation; Barrabas, a mutinous bloody Rogue: Christ, the Physician of all our sores, the restorer of the dead unto life; Barrabas, a inflicter of wounds and man slayer: Christ a most perfect and absolute Patron, 1. Pet. 2.21. and example of all virtue: Barrabas filthily defiled within & with our, with all kind of vices. Infinite is the difference betwixt them; and yet Barabas by vote and voice of the people, is delivered: The punishment of One, Rom. 5. 15. doth satisfy for the wickedness of many: So, the liberty to sin, breeds occasion to very many to do the like, better burn, and cut one member, rather than the whole body perish. Thus is the prophecy fulfilled, Esay. 53.12 He hath poured out his Soul unto death, he was counted with the transgressor's: and be bare the sins of many, and prayed for the trespassers. Consider here (my Soul) how vile and filthy a thing Sin is, which did drive Christ to such deep ignominy, that he is judged more contemptibly, than a common Briggand and Villain. But this is thy sure comfort against the wrath of God, that hereby, he hath delivered thee from everlasting shame, and given thee a beautiful and happy Inheritance in the heavens: For it doth not appear now what we are, but when this corruption shall put on incorruption, 1. Cor. 15.53. and be translated in the glorious liberty of the Sons of God, Rom. 8. 21. then shall we be like unto him, gathered from the shame of eternal death, to the City of the living God, the celestial jerusalem, into the company of innumerable Angels, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just and perfect men, Heb. 12.22.23. and to jesus, the Mediator of the New-Testament, & to the Blood of sprinkling. And not only Herod's resembling the jew, and Pilate representing the Gentile, two supreme Magistrates, but all so pilate's wife having her dream governed by God's providence, giveth testimony of Christ's innocence, to make both judge & jews the more inexcusable. A Woman truly for modesty to be commended, that did not take upon her, Esay. 45.24. any government, but made intimation by message to her husband, not to meddle with jesus Christ; And for Counsel, admirable, fare contrary to jezabel, 1. King. ●1. 7.8. who gave advise to idolatrous Achab, how to possess himself in Naboths Vine-yard, for the which impiety, she was justly punished, and not she only, but the whole house and posterity of Achab destroyed. Let women here learn what it is to give their husband's bad and sinistrous informations, lest the iniquity redound to both their posterities. Indeed women's counsel is not to be rejected, but wisely to be balanced, Such was Abigall, her counsel to David, 1. Sam. 25.23.24. which brought great love before God, and credit before men. Men should not always lie under the direction of their wives, but they should be a sounding bell in their ears, not to sin against Chr●st & his members. Pilat should have pitied Christ, if he had loved his wife, who had suffered much for him. Now it is to be fulfilled, which was prophesied, He looked for judgement, but behold oppression, Esay. 5.7. for righteousness, behold a crying. And again, I have forsaken my house, I have left mine heritage, I have given the dearly beloved of my Soul unto the hands of enemies, mine heritage is unto me as a Lion in the Forest, it cryeth out against me, therefore have I bated it. But behold Pilate here greatly contraveened the law of justice, he knew of malicious envy Christ to be accused; yet to mitigate the jews mind, so highly incensed against our Saviour, and to free him from the punishment of death commanded him to be whipped. If they had known the God of Glory, 1. Cor. 2.8. they had not dealt so contumeliously with him. Great things, such as are heavenly and spiritual, are contemned by the world: But vanity, and such as are foolish deceitfulness, and pleasures here below, are in great admiration: but far other ways was Moses choice, when he came to age, refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter, and choose rather to suffer adversity with the people of God, Heb. 11.24 25.26. than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, esteeming the rebuke of Christ great riches, more than the treasures of Egypt; for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. And here consider (my Soul,) that Christ was scourged, not of one, but of many; this shame would thy Cautioner undergo, Mat. 5. 1●. not only to leave thee here an example of his patience, Act. 5.41. &. 11. 1●. &. 11.15. but also to sanctify the diseases, & sicknesses, which he useth as scourges to daunt, and chastise thy wantonness. Now a crown of Thornes is plaited on his head, for the Lord useth their hands, Psal. 1. 16. for his Coronation. Hear meditate (my Soul) the reparation of Adam's curse, Gen. 3. 18. to whom thorns and briers, for his rebellion was a punishment, 1. Cor. 1●. 56.57. and the point and sharpness of our sins are blunted by his satisfaction for them, which are briers to pierce us through. Come forth ye Daughters of Zion, and behold thy King Solomon, (a type of Christ) with the crown wherewith his mother the (jewish Church) crowned him in the day of his marriage, Cant. 3. 11. and in the day of the gladness of his heart, for earnestly desired be to eat that Pascall Lamb with them; his greatest triumph is in his sufferings. He is clothed with a Purple garment, the sign of Labour, wrestling, and victory, for he was all embroidered with his own blood. This combat with Death, he took in hand for us, for it was we that clad him there with all: And all our life here, is nothing else, but a continual war-fare, but in the end, we shall be more, than Conquerors by him who loveth us, Rom. 8. 3● and washed us in that Lamb's blood. He is buffeted, that we should not be plagued everlastingly with Satan. There is a R●ed put in his right hand, in place of a kingly Sceptre, whereby they would insinuate that his Kingdom was waste and void, and brittle, subject to every wind and blast of stormy tempest, as the R●ede is. And that his Kingdom was not guarded with any humane help, far are they deceived; His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, for he hath received the Heathen for his Inheritance, & the ends of the earth for his possession: Psal. 1.8.9 whom he shall crush with a Sceptre of iron, and break them in pieces, like a Poters' vessel. In all these things, Christ is innocent, and so declared four times by Pilate; otherways he could never have justified us, nor yet could our Faith rest in him. But it is wonderful, that the Lord wrought so with this reprobate Pilate before he put the decree of reprobation in execution, inviting him to Repentance, and suffering, with long suffering, the Vessel of wrath prepared to destruction: but he according to his heart, Rom. 2.4. that could not repent, heaps up vengeance against the day of the revelation of the just wrath of God. And that nothing should be left, of unspeakable disdain, and rigorous dealing with Christ, they spitted in his Face; on which, the very Angels delighted to behold: according to the prophecy, which went before of him, Esay. 5.6 I hide not my face from shame and spitting: and making a knee, they saluted him as King: they said truly, but it was not an earthly, but an heavenly Kingdom. Now (dear Soul) consider the estate of Christ's Kingdom in this world. It is not accompanied with Pleasures, or Power, or Strength of man, but replenished with Thorns, labours, and dangers. For whosoever will follow me, let him forsake himself, Mat. 16.24. & take up his cross, and follow me, Confirm therefore thine heart, that thou mayest continue in thy faith, for thou must go through many afflictions, ere thou enter into the Kingdom of God. Act. 14.22 Wherefore these illusions, and mockings of Christ, do strengthen us against the wounds of Conscience, & all the bitter sorrows of this life: for his stripes are the plasters, Esay. 53.5 whereby our souls are cured, and healed. Adam fell from his innocence, for which, Christ was ●●ladde with Purple, and was crowned with Thorns, that he might plat on the heads of the faithful, an eternal Crown of Glory. Thus apparelled, (as a most miserable spectacle) is he brought forth to the jews, if possible he might move them to commiseration, saying, Behold the man: Would ever such a despised creature usurp a Kingdom? What think ye of him, (now so miserable casten down) as ye see? He is a man like unto yourself, and not a beast: He is your flesh, & your Brother, john. 1.11. why are ye so cruelly bend against him? Can not your hearts be inclined to pity? Unto very brutish creatures, one would show more ruth; and none would do so much outrage: For a good man will have pity on his own beast, but the mercies of the wicked are cruel. Well did the Prophet foresee this, Who is this that cometh from Edom, with red garments from Bozrah? he is glorious in his apparel, and walketh in his great strength, I speak in righteousness, and mighty to save. Wherefore is thine apparel red? and thy garments like him that treadeth the winepress? I have trodden the winepress alone, and of all the people, Esay. there was none with me, my blood is sprinkled upon my garments, and hath stained all my raiment. Let us therefore be ashamed of sin, when we look upon this face of Christ; but especially, detest Pride, since the Son of God did so humble himself beneath all men, Phil. that he might mount us into the heavens. But such is, (that more than barbarous cruelty) of the jews, yet not only are they not touched with any sense of mercy, but become to be more fierce & raging against Christ: and therefore put they in a new false delation, That be made himself the Son of God, he professed indeed, Mat. 3.17. and that truly, that he was the Son of God; for the voice from heaven did testify it, but Verity beside such stiffnecked people had no place, & therefore condemned him to die: But O jew! if it be the law against blasphemies, that thou accusest the Saviour of the world of! Deut. 13.13.14. why should he not be rather stoned to death? why dost thou make the Law of God a courting to thy knavery? should it be thy pleasure and not Gods will to be obeyed? Wherefore, Pilate hearing this recent accusation against the Son of God, asketh him, not of his Country, for he knew him to be a Galilean, but of his pedegrie, parentage, and descent, fearing he had taken his beginning from some of the gods of the Gentiles, as Saturn, jupiter, or Mars: & therefore, should have incurred their wrath and hatred, be cause he had made Christ to be whipped. For such were the fabulous foolish ignorances of the Gentiles, that they made unto themselves demigods or semi-goddes, or children of the gods, as Bacchus to come from jupiter, & Herculas to have had his beginning from them: This was it, that made them of Listra, Act. 14.11.12. when Paul & Barnabas curing an impotent in his feet, which was a cripple from his mother's womb, to say, Gods are come down in the likeness of men, and they called Barnabas jupiter, and Paul, Act. 14.12 Mercurius. And therefore he imagined gods to be avengers of these, who disdained their progeny, as Pentheus was ●ent because he despised Bacchus. And now (my Soul) consider of these jews, How do ye say, we are wise, jer. 8.8. and the Law of the Lord is with us? should ye not have searched, Luc. 24.43 who, and from whom Christ was, when he called himself the Son of God, Tit. 1.2. if be had lied (which he could not) why do ye not punish him? and if he spoke the truth, why do ye not worship him? why do ye not search your Scriptures, Tit. 1.2. which testify of him? why do ye not produce his works to Pilate? that it may appear, if he be the Son of God? Why speakee ye not of him, john. 11. & 12. that was four days dead, and restored to life? where is that widow's only son? the Prince of the Synagogues daughter. Mat. 9.25. why do ye not declare the way, and means these miracles were perfected: If thou beleeu●st not him, believe his works, that he doth, john. 1.14. told not he, that the word should be made flesh, was it not forespoken? Behold a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and they shall call his Name Immanuel. Esay. 7.14. Can this Name agree to any, but to him, that is both God and Man? And yet forsooth came shouting to an Heathen man, Act. 14.16 that knew no Scripture, and saw jesus only a man (said they) who hath made himself the Son of God. Indeed he respected his false gods more, than the true and only God: 1. Cor. 8.6. he was more afraid of his acounts in the administration of the Commonweal, and presidency of judea, to be rendered to the Roman Emperor, than of that great charge shall be precisely exacted of him in that day, Esay. 2.19. & 26.11. when we shall all be presented before the tribunal seat of God to receive what we have done in this flesh good or bad. The very Romans Lysias Faelix & Festus, had a conscience of the innocence of Paul, who had only the light of Nature; but they had light by the word, yet the malice of their hearts put out that illumination & corruption blotted it. Whence it comes of God's just judgement, that all conscience is scraped out, and they became like beasts, & fell into a Reprobate sense. What ever was the jews part, or Herod's, or pilate's, the Lord had his decree therein, & will have his only begotten Son to die for the sins of the world: But look to the Lords dispensation, he will have the judge protesting his innocence, he will have the hearts of the accusers hardened to sue after Christ's blood, for if their conscience had been wakened, it had not been so. Consider here (my Soul) how willingly Christ came unto his passion, not that he did smite & crucify himself, but that he did not 'gainst and the wickedness of the jews, nor approving their impiety, but wisely disponing the benefit that should redowned thereby. One and the same, was the passion of Christ, but the actions & intentions in God & the jews, fare different and divers; but even amongst the jews and Governors was there lesser & greater sins in this action. He that delivered thee unto me, john. 19.11 hath the greater sin, yet thou Pilate art sinful in this business also, all sins are not alike, as all the glory is not alike, 1. Cor. 15.41. for one star differeth from another in glory. In my Father's house (said he) there are many dwelling places. john. 14.2. Now than Pilate believed he had done amiss, as he did in deed, when he had scourged the Son of God, he knew nothing, but what nature furnished him, yet his conscience within him did tell him powerfully, that be aught to fear and honour God: This natural spunck of light is left to bridle man from sin, but it will not hold us, Rom. 2.14 being so weak in the fear of God; yet if it had been taken away, we should be more miserable, than the brutish beasts. Psal. 49.20. Trust never to nature, but strive to acquire grace, by the holy Spirit, Luc. 11.13. who overcometh the canker of the hart. This Pilate, hath glances and glimmerings of Christian virtues, but they evanished. When the Lord giveth light, john. 1.4. & boweth the heart, establishing grace in it, and grace abiding with thee, thou art not fare from the Kingdom of heaven, but is happy & blessed in deed. Now Pilate, in anger beginneth directly against Christ, whom oftimes before he had pronounced innocent, (because he had not answered him) with insolent bragging, glorying of the power that he had above him: & falling out in blasphemy against God, his hart being never truly renewed, Act. 8.23. nor having any fear & reverence to jesus, but being full of the gall of bitterness, claimed unto himself an absolute power, which God hath not given neither to man nor Angel, Rom. 13.1. for it is proper to himself, but a power restrained & limited by Gods Law. Natural men in high places, having power from God without sanctification, Tit. 3.3. are but mad men, as here he protesteth, that jesus was innocent, and now, that he had power to do with him what he pleased, which is in effect to be a murderer, for what else is he, who will take the life from an Innocent; pride in his heart, made his mouth so foolish. 1. Pet. 5.5. The proud dishonour the Majesty of God, therefore, caused he his lips to speak to his shame, to accuse himself; but woe unto them, Esay. 5.21. that call evil good, and good evil. The Magistrate is the ordinance of God indeed, Rom. 1.3.4 to punish the guilty, 1. Pet. 2.13.14. and maintain the righteous, as Christ sayeth, Thou shouldest have no power, Psal. 82.6. unless it were given thee from above. But because, Pro. 8.15. Kings do reign by God, they should therefore use their power according to his will. And happy are judges, if they follow the direction of I●hosaphat, King of juda, 2. Chro. 19 6. who said to the judges, whom he had set over his Cities, Take heed what ye do, for ye execute not the judgements of man, but of God, and he will be in the cause of judgement. Wherefore now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it, for there is none iniquity with the Lord our God, neither respect of persons, nor receiving of rewards: And although Tyrants, and wicked men, as Pilate was, have power from above, yet the wise God can use it to the glory of his Name, as he did by the hand of Nabuchodonazar King of Babel, jer. 27.6.7 his servant. And here Pilate deceiveth himself, believing he had his power of Caesar only. Christ did hold his peace before; but now will speak in defence of his Father's honour, and make him understand, albeit he was in his hands, yet he was in God's hands also, without whose special dispensation, nothing can be done, 1. Sam. 14.45. as is evident in Saul and jonathan: for it was not in saul's hands to kill him howsoever he had given out sentence against him: He ordained that Agag should live, 1. Sam. 15.33. but Samuel killed him. For God's eternal decree and power over-ruleth all, which, while men will not acknowledge, Dan. 4.29 they become like beasts. God will never denude himself of his own power, Esay 10.15. for what was Ashur, but an Axe or a Saw in the hand of the Sawer, or a rod and staff, which should not exalt itself, as if were no wood? But O Ashur! Esay. 10.5. the rod of my wrath, I will send him to a dissembling Nation, I will give him a charge against the people of my wrath. Neither is it amiss, that wicked men should have power to hurt, to try the patience of the godly, and punish the iniquity of the wicked. But here is thy comfort, (my Soul,) that Tyrants do not according to their pleasure & perverse will rage's against the Saints, but when and how far it pleaseth God by special permission, and yielding; grant to them, for the Lord hath put a bounds unto them which they can not exceed, for while they abuse their power to tyranny, Exod. 14.28. the higher they ascend, the nearer destruction they are: For they are rods, Act. 12.23 which when the wrath of God doth relent, and our punishments are ended, shallbe burnt with everlasting fire, as in Pharaoh, and Herod is evident. Christ submitteth him to the power which he acknowlegded Pilate to have of God, and so should subjects, not so much look to men, as to God, who hath armed them with that power which is the ground of our obedience to Magistrates, when we see God's providence to overrule all things; for they are but Vicegerents, and Leiu-tenants of God, and to be obeyed, by hearty subjection of their people, For he that resisteth the Power, resisteth the ordinance of God, 1. Pet, 2.13 and shall receive to themselves judgement, And now, Pilate is not offended at his answer, nor provoked to revenge upon Christ, but taketh a course how he might put him to liberty. And yet there is some spuncke of justice lying under the corrupt ashes of fear and dread our in pilate's heart, wherefore the jews giveth an peremptory instance, If thou deliver him, thou art not Caesar's friend. Before, they laid the crime of treason to jesus charge, Now, they devolue that accusation against Pilate, who studied to keep a good conscience, towards the Innocent (jesus.) But the tentation grows the more, for it is impossible to keep a good conscience without temptation, either inwardly, or outwardly. For Pilate must either lose his good conscience, or his life, for he is challenged of treason; but (alace) he saw no better life, than this present life, for Caesar was his god. That natural conscience of his was not underpropped, and supported by Faith, with better and higher things, than these of this world. Rev. 3.11. He shall be crowned, that persevereth to the end, for whosoever will save his life, shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it; Mat. 16.26.27. For what shall it profit a man, though he should win the whole World, if he lose his own soul. Happy is the man that hath his conscience strengthened with faith in jesus Christ, and hath a sight of heaven, & of God: That man only shall stand in temptation against the Devil, and the world. This assault was so vehement, that he beginneth by little & little to lose his conscience, for he is astonished, & bringeth forth jesus, crowned to the people, & sitteth down in his Tribunal, where he beginneth to shrink, & decline from justifying Christ's innocence, where he had a privy battle betwixt the spuncke of his conscience, & the malice of his heart. He had a doubt in his heart, and did not first pronounce the sentence, but said. Behold your King. This strife of conscience, albeit it be once dumb, yet will it come again, and will fasten itself in thy soul, that it can not be shaken off. Pilate by this, concludes all that ever he can or would do for Christ, when he hath sought all the shifts he could; he would say (alas) this is a silly King, who would think that ever he would seek a Kingdom, much less this of Caesar's? But all will not avail, Christ must go to the tree, to please his Father, and end willingly the great work of our Salvation. Leu. 19.15 But the judges should not do unjustly in judgement, thou shalt not favour the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty, but thou shall judge thy neighbour justly. But woe be to him which justifieth the wicked for a reward, Esay. 5.23. and taketh away the righteousness of the righteous from him. It was very true, as Pilate said, that he was their King, and promised Messiah, of whom all the Prophets did bear witness, so doth the Lord direct the speeches of his enemies to the glory of his Name: for as in an army, divers are the intentions & designs of the Soldiers; some for spoil & riches, some for glory and promotion, some for hatred and revenge: yet all do fight for their Prince, and for victory: so did both good & evil wills of men serve God's purpose, whose decree can by no means be illuded. And seeing him at the decay & swerving from conscience they multiplied the tentation, and spoke no more modestly, but with forcible exclamations cried, Away with him, away with him, crucify him, crucify him. It is diligently to be observed (poor Soul) to keep a strong watch over thy conscience, for if Satan once get thy conscience in a weak case, he benumbeth, & stupifieth thee, besiedging thee with double & triple temptations, making thee like an Horse, & Mule, Psal. 32.9. that hath no understanding, or like a deaf Adder, that will not bear the voice of the enchanter: much like these idolaters, who burned their children, and when they wept, they caused tyrants to sound, that they might not hear their lamentable out cries. Great was this blindness and malice of the jews, yea, unremeidable, for the worse & worse is their minds kindled in spite against Christ, by how much more testimonies of his innocence are exhibited, even as clay is hardened at the heat of the Sun. And truly, if thou wilt not slatter thyself (poor Soul) thou wilt confess thine own contumacy to be as great: because the brightness of the Evangel doth shine to thee. Luc. 1.79. (As a owl at the light of the Sun) so art thou blinded in perfecting the works of darkness. And what else is the greatest part of us all, but hypocrites, having jesus in our mouth, but serving wickedness against the known Truth, john. 8.34 Rom. 4.20. 2. Pet. 2.19. approaching to him with our lips, but our hearts are fare from him: But this is worthy of admiration, that these hardened jews, rather will obey the commandment of Caesar, than be the servants of jesus Christ, They say, we have none other King but Caesar. Woe to them, that renounce such a King; He and Caesar, might both have been their King. But loved the jews Caesar? No, but pretended his authority, to kill the judge's consciences, and to crucify Christ. They that love not God, will never love their King, nor the Church. Easy was this yock which the jews did cast off them, Mat. 11.30 which their posterity feels this day. Let us not therefore (being taught by their example) withdraw ourselves from his obedience; for if God, spared not the natural branches, thinkest thou that he will spare the wild Olive? Deut. 32.15.29. O Israel! thou hast forsaken God, who made thee: and regarded not the strong God of thy salvation! Oh! that they had been wise, than they would understand this; they would consider their latter end, my people have done two evil things, they left me the fountain of living water, jerem. 2. and digged unto themselves broken cisterns, which can hold none. And to rid, and transfer the burden from Pilate, they laid it upon themselves, and their posterities: For malice joined with ignorance is ever temerarious, the blinder the man is, the more rashly will he endanger himself: they had the light of Nature, and the Light that came down from heaven, his Word, which they contraveined, as Steven upbraided them, Ye always resist the holy Ghost, Act. 7.51. as did your fathers, so do you: for they killed the Lord jesus, and their own Prophets, and have persecuted the Apostles, and God they please not, 1. Thess. and are contrary to all men; and forbidden to preach unto the Gentiles, that they may fulfil their sins always. For the wrath of God is come upon them to the utmost, both upon them, and on their posterity: For upon them is come all the righteous blood, that was shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous, Mat. 23.35. and the blood of Zacharias the son of Barachias, whom they slew between the Temple & the Altar. Every man detesteth this heinous cruelty, and thou (my Soul) sayeth, That if thou hadst been in those days, t●ou wouldst not have put hand in thy Saviour. But thou lackest nothing but time, for thou resistest the known Truth of Christ, and hatest the professors thereof, whereby thou crucifiest again the Son of God, Eph. 4.19 and makest a mock of him: For he that despised Moses Law, died without mercy, under two or three witnesses, of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be worthy, which treadeth under foot the Son of God, and counteth the blood of the New-Testament as an unholy thing, Heb. 10.28 wherewith he was sanctified; and doth despite the Spirit of Grace. And therefore, well might Christ have said, As for me, behold, I am in your hands, do with me, jer. 26.14.15. as ye think good and right, but know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon your city, Luc. 19 and upon the inhabitants thereof, for of a truth, the Lord hath sent me unto you, for to speak all these words in your ears, but for three transgressions of Israel, Amos. 2.6. and for four, the Lord will not turn to it, because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for shoes; for the which their cities were left desolate, & jerusalem without an inhabitant, for the flight did perish from the swift, and the strong doth not strengthen his force, neither did the mighty save his life; nor be that handleth the bow, doth stand, and he that is swiftest of foot doth not escape: neither doth he that rideth, Amos. save his life, and he that is of mighty courage among the strong men, did flee away naked in that day. Whereof josephus that saw all these things with his eyes doth write, that there was slain at the same siege of jerusalem, eleven hundreth thousand, besides eighteen thousand that were taken captives, and the City lamentably destroyed and sacked. Thus vengeance is mine, sayeth Lord, I will repay it. But here (dear Soul,) far be it from thee, that once the least conception of shedding of blood come in thy mind: yea, remember this, be that hateth his brother, is a man slayer: be therefore void and free of such inordinate passions: Be angry, and sinne not, let not the Sun go down upon thy wrath, but overcome evil with good. But here especially call to mind these imprecations, and cursings the jews use against themselves; There is nothing more effectual to destruction, than the words which proceed out of thine own mouth, beware therefore of violent and immoderate perturbations, which louse the bridle raines of the tongue: neither excuse thyself by inconsideration, rashness and anger to have done the same. Accustom not therefore thy mouth (dear Soul) to swearing, Eccl. for in it, there are many falls, neither taken up f●r a custom, the naming of the holy One, for thou shall n t be unpunished for such things: For as a servant which is oft punished, can not be without some scar, so, be that sweareth and nameth God continually, shall not be faultless. A man that useth much swearing, shall be filled with wickedness, and the plague shall never departed from his house, when he shall offend, bi● fault shall be upon him, and if he acknowledge not his sin, he maketh a double offence, and if he swear in vain, he shall not be innocent, but bis house shall be full of plagues. Now Pilate thinketh himself secure, when he is exonered to be enemy to Caesar; sitteth down, absolues Barrabas, & which is worse, condemns the Innocent, beateth and scourgeth him; then delivereth him to the jews, to satisfy their wicked appetite, his Conscience fast a sleep, runneth on, Heb. 6.6. as the arrow out of the Bow to a mischief's: For when man is past feeling, and without remorse, Mar. 15.15 he giveth himself to wantonness, to work all uncleanness, even with greediness, and with such speed, as an horse rusheth into battle: For Pilate did this to gratify the people had he their favour for it? no; they delated & accused him to the Emperor, which banished him, and for fear of greater shame, being participant also of Christ's blood, put violent hands in himself, & slew himself. How is the matter Pilate? is this the form of judgement that thou hast learned from the Romans? wherein thou neither hast regard of reason, examination of witnesses, the guilty, of Laws, but only respecteth the desire of tumultuous men: Was it not to asswadge uproar, and establish Law and justice that thou was sent Precedent to jerusalem? Will it mitigate sedition to kill the Just? No; rather increase it: what did these wicked jews through all Palestina & Syria commit under Caius Claudius Nero, until Ve●pasian & Titus were sent to overthrow them? and thou in thy time didst know what it was to hunt after the applause of the people. The third Step in the third degree of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. NOw is Barrabas let lose, and Christ delivered unto the Soldiers in purple apparel to be crucified. The murderer Barrabas, did live by the bounty of Christ; (for there was but one to be set free at the Passeover, not two) and Christ adjudged to die. This Barrabas represented all the Children of Adam, Eph. 2. for we were all the children of wrath, liable in Gods just judgement to eternal death, neither was any deliverance to be looked for, but by his death, who was condemned for us, so that now there is no condemnation to them that are in jesus Christ: Rom. 8.1. now the soldiers were as ready to receive him, as Pilat was to deliver him to put this wicked sentence in execution: 1. Sam. 22.18. Good judges, shall never find goods Officers to execute so readily a good action, 2. Sam. 3 39 as the wicked do find for an evil: For the devil hath many servants in the world, but God hath few. Neither suffered they him any where to rest, scarce while the cross was in preparation, but taketh him to the Common-hall: For the malice of men against wickedness will end, but against an Innocent who suffreth for Christ, will never end. But these torturers were instruments of that terrible wrath of the Father upon his Son, who is a consuming fire. He was stripped of his purple vesture, lest the people should have been more enraged at that royal apparel he was clad with, and despise authority, when they saw him crucified in the same. But sure it was their mind, to renew his recent blood, and fresh wounds, and to add more affliction to his running sores. And therefore, they did put on him his own , that he might be more fully known, and contemptibly esteemed of all the beholders; & the Soldiers were to divide his vestments amongst them, Psal. 22.17. for it was not in a Gentilish, but a jewish apparel that he was crucified in, that all the sins that then were committed, might redound on the head of the jews. And that, as the particoloured garment of joseph was dipped in the Kid's blood, so our inward man was died in the Blood of this innocent Lamb: And blessed are they, who have washed their robes therein. But as he was stripped first of his own , which signified the rejection of the jews, and thereafter arrayed in Purple, which is the gathering of the Church of the Gentiles, so last, shall that jewish clothing be put on, that, when the fullness of the Gentiles are come in, than all Israel shall be saved. But most of all, it was, that his very enemies should not thereafter have feigned, that some other did suffer in his place. And that the of righteousness and holiness, which Adam had lost (for after his fall, he was found naked) this second. Adam might restore to the believers, for we had never so much hurt in Adam's fall, as we have a thousand fold and above, restitution by jesus, if we rely on him by a lively faith. The fourth Degree and first Step of the ascension of the Soul unto Heaven, by meditation of the exaltation of jesus Christ our Saviour upon the Cross. THus being delivered to these bloody Hell hounds, who had shifted Christ of his , and arrayed him in Purple. And again, to renew the fresh stripes, have unclothed him, putting on his own, bringing him out unto the place of execution, carrying his own Cross, accompanied with two evil doers (so weary) that Simon of Cyrene was compelled to bear the end thereof. All this was, that he should suffer extreme shame, which always followeth upon Sin, for as he took the one, so did he the other upon him. But here are heaps of shames, the death of the Cross; the world gazing on him, two Thiefs led with him, but the more ignominious the death was, the glory and triumph was the greater, and the more stinking Golgotha, was, the more sweetly savoured his sacrifice, & smelled in the Nose-thirles of his Father. Leu. 4.11. Now, therefore, was he carried out, for the bodies of those beasts, whose blood was brought into the holy Place by the his Priest for sin, were burnt without the Camp: Heb. 13.11 13.14.15. Therefore, even jesus, that he might sanctify us with his own Blood; suffered without the gate. And should not thou (dear Soul) go forth, out of the Camp bearing his reproach. Thou therefore, shouldest cast off the care of this world, denying thyself, and thirsting for that eternal country, where thy title, and burgesship is: For we have not here a continuing city, but we seek for one to come. Wherefore, whensoever thou shalt be cast out, and put in exile for his Names sake, thou hast Christ thy Chiftan & Companion with thee. But most of all, was he carried out of the ports, that we might have access unto the face of his Father, and never be thrust into those eternal punishments. For he, as a off scouring of the world, unworthy of the fellowship of men, was carried out of the city, to open that heavenly Paradise to us: and therefore, that he did not suffer for jerusalem, nor for judea, or for one part of the world only, but for the sins of the whole world, who shall believe in him. We children of Adam were cast out of Paradise, he is als● gone out of the gate, to seek us, & bring us home again. Here hast thou (sinful Soul) thy Abel carried out into the fields & killed by his brother. Gen. 4. Thy Isaac, Gen. 22.6. ascending the mountain to be sacrificed. The Masters Sonne● of the Vineyard, Mat. 16.24. who sought fruit of it, killed by the husband's men, and cast out of it. Now must his wearied Corpse carry this Cross also, which should be diligently learned to be done of all Christians. But we should earnestly consider, Christ carried his own Cross appointed to him, by divine dispensation, & not to bring upon ourselves, 1. Pet. 2.20 without the bounds of our calling unnecessary crosses. 1. Pet. 4.15 The bearing of his Cross should comfort thee (poor Soul) against the weight of sin, for he his own self bore them in his body on the tree: Esay. 53.5. 1. Pet. 2.42 now therefore, calamities and miseries being sanctified by him, are not tokens of the Lords wrath, Heb. but means to make us conformable to his Son: for he did bear the burden, not only of murder & theft, but of all the sins of the Elect. For he went out with two Thiefs, bearing the burden of one of them, and relieving him of his sins, who did sup with him that night in Paradise. And to a greadge his ignominy the more; two evil doers are brought out with him, as if he had been a Captain of wickedness, & that all Nations which had convened at the Passeover in jerusalem, might taken the clearer notice of him. Now must Simon, (little thinking of this business) help to carry his Cross, for when we promise greatest tranquillity to ourselves, them are we most object to calamities. He is compelled to do this favour to Christ, for it is properly in borne in us, to love the pleasures of this world, and seek for glory, riches, and quietness, until this vile flesh be constrained to undergo afflictions. For it is good that we be afflicted, that we may learn his statutes, ●sal. 119.71. because none shall know himself without temptation, and none shall be crowned, Esay. 26.17.18. but he that hath overcome, and none can overcome, unless he fight, and none can fight, jam. 1.3.4. unless he have an enemy. But here consider, (my Soul,) how this Simon did meet Christ, now miserable debilitated (God so providing) him to lift the end of the Cross, that Christ should not faint in the way: For God is faithful, Cor. 10.13. which will not suffer his to be tempted above that they are able, but will even give the issue with the temptation, that they may be able to bear it Whensoever therefore (poor Soul) thou art cast down in the depth of sorrow, remember, that as thou art partaker of the sufferings, so shall thou be also of the consolation, 1. Cor. 1.7. yea, 1. Pet. 4.13 14. rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall appear, ye may be glad and rejoice. But this joseph was a Gentile, to signify the Gentiles also should be paricipant of the benefit of Christ's sufferings: For the preaching of the Gospel to them that perish, 1. Cor. 1.18. is foolishness, but unto us, that are saved, it is the power of God; neither did the jew touch this cursed tree, to help Christ to the height of Mount Calvarie, but constrained this Lybian famous for his two virtuous & godly sons, Alexander & Rufus to suppor our Saviour, not for any compassion or loving affection they carried to him, for they hated him to death: but even to declare the acceptation of the Gentiles to the participation of grace in the Lords accepted time. And now is jesus come to the place of Golgotha, who had sanctified it unto his martyrdom, and those public torments to whonsoever should die in constant profession of his Name. For, Num. 24. he is that brazen Serpent, that whosoever looketh on him, by a lively, and true faith, john. 14. shall be healed of all their infirmities, for our Saviour did die the cursed and execrable death, to relieve us from the curse, & therefore, seeing we are bought for a price, Gal. 3.13. we should glorify God in our bodies and in our spirits, 1 Cor. 6.20. for they are Gods. Now did he hang (sorrowful Soul) with out stretched arms, to welcome and embrace readily all that would come unto him, Mat. 11.28 he is lifted on high, as exposed unto all that would believe in him; & to show, that by cross and calamity we must enter to glory. He would hang (I say) betwixt heaven and earth, to reconceale them together, for when he was exalted from the earth he did draw all things to him, and naked did he hang, to thee with his righteousness and holiness, & confirm thee against crosses and poverty, when thou shall know the grace of our Lord jesus Christ: 2. Cor. 8.9. that he being rich, for thy sake became poor; that thou through his poverty, mightst be made rich, for more are we in obligation to his poverty, by which we were redeemed, than by his riches by which we were created, for what benefit was it, to have been borne, if we should not have been delivered from eternal death? And therefore, neither hunger, nor nakedness, nor death itself, can separat us from this love and conjunction with him. Rom. 8.38 The pride of our progenitors Adam and Eve brought this base condition on Christ, when as the Lord clad them, for hiding of their nakedness: but now the world is given to supersluity of vanity in their raiment, Esay. 3.19. ●26. 21. which is a conspicuous badge of their rebellion against God. But our David is scorned of Michal for his nakedness, but more glorious is be, than the very Angels in heaven, for bringing home the Ark of the promises, and the sealing up the Covenant betwixt God and man by his blood & death. He is the Tree in the midst of the Paradise of God, which sweeteneth the bitter waters of Meribab. 1. Sam. 6.16. O give us grace, (dear jesus!) that we may comprehend with all Saints, which is the breadth, and length, and depth, Eph. 3.18.19. and hight, and to know this thy love, which passeth knowledge that we may be filled with all fullness of God. Now may they tell all thy bones, all thy nerves, sinews and veins are drawn in length; Psal. 22. thy whole body disjointed: they pierced thy hands and feet and rivers of blood did burst out: Behold, all that go by the way, Lam. if there be any dolour like unto my dolour. The second Step of the fourth degree of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. Now in this Mount Calvarie, he beginneth to thirst, wherefore the jews to fulfil the Scripture (though far beside their minds) They gave me gall in my meat, and in my thirst they gave me Vinegar to drink: But Solomon hath counselled more charitably, Give ye strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, Pro. 21.9. & wine to them that have grief in heart: but the Son of God was destitute of all consolation, that we might receive abundance of comfort in him: Psal. 16.11 For in his presence is fullness of joy, and at his right hand, there is pleasures for evermore. But he would suffer thirst, that he should not hasten death unto himself, before the appointed hour; for he knew the Lord would bring all this business to a blessed event. He would (I say) beside these torments inwardly in his Soul, against the wrath of God, Hell, Death, Law, and condemnation, suffer also in all his outward senses: in his Tasting, the bitterness of gall: in his Sight, the bespitting, & watching: in his Hearing, blasphemy & mocking: in his Touching, beating, buffeting, whipping, & crowning with thorns: in his Smelling the filthy bespitting, and vile odour overspreading that precious Body, whereby it was imbrued, and these many stripes received he for us. And now consider (my Soul) what shallbe the pains they shall suffer in soul and body, who shall not be found in Christ. The rich glutton in Hell could not obtain one drop of water to cool his tongue in that burning torment. Terrible is that drought and hotness that sin bringeth with it, Mat. 5. But blessed are they, that hungers, and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled, john. 4. and have in their belly the fountain of living water (jesus Christ.) Whilst thou art quaffing and scolling sweet and delicious cups, to the contempt and abuse of God's creatures, remember this bitter and sour drink of Christ, which we do make him drink again, how oft soever we do injury to his members. Then beware of all that can separate thee from this thy Christ, especially of bad, profane & idolatrous society, for their god is not as our God, and their wine is of Sodom, and Gomorrha, their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter, their wine is the poison of Dragons, and the cruel gall of Asps. Well might Christ have said, My strength, & hope is perished from the Lord, Lam. 3.19. remembering mine affliction & my mourning, the wormwood and the gall. Now, while our Saviour is thus fastened to the Cross hands and feet, as our high Priest, at his Altar, (For every high Priest is taken from among men, and is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts, & sacrifices for sins, so likewise, be in the days of flesh, did offer prayers & supplications, Rom. 12.15. Mat. 18.35. yea, for his very enemies) and so should we, forgive, and it shall be forgiven us. Hear hast thou dear Soul) great matter of comfort and consolation, never to be casten down, & despare with the opinion of thy own sins. Thou hast an high Priest, 1. john. 2. Esay. 63.12. and Advocate with the Father even jesus Christ the lust, to whom thou shouldest have recourse in all thy tentations, and boldly approach to the Throne of grace, that thou mayst receive mercy & grace in time of need. When the Princes did stone Zacharias, he said, Lord look to it, and require it, and so did the blood Abel call for vengeance. But this mild Lamb of God, Heb. 12.24. the Mediator of the new Covenant, his blood speaketh better things, than those: He regarded not the injury, shame, and pain he was in, and forgot not to have pity on them that cruelly tormented him: He suffered together with them, of whom he did suffer: he cured them, that wounded him, and procured life for them, that killed him. And therefore, by this his prayer, full of Majesty, He was heard in that which he feared, for he is his beloved Son, Mat. 17.5. in whom he is well pleased. But here diligently consider, what was the company he was crucified with, for he came not to save the just, Mat. 9.13. but sinners: an example, whereof he manifested in saving of one of the Thiefs, touched with repentance, whereof his faith & confession gave notice. So is he on the Cross, as if he were in that great Day of judgement, giving out sentence of salvation to the Elect, and condemnation to the Reprobate. Perilous is it to delay Repentance, and to promise ourselves security to the last day: It is a fooilsh thing to neglect the matters that concerneth eternity in glory; or pain, & embrace the changeable occasions of this world, which is all put in evil. The privilege of a few is not a la to all yet where undoubted signs of God's grace & goodness doth appear; there, may Christian charity interpret unfeigned repentance to follow; for there is neither measure, nor time can be appointed to the Lord's mercy: For what day soever a Sinner shall repent, he shall live, EZek. 18.22. & not die. As this Malefactor did confess Christ's immortality, in that he desired to be remembered, when he came to his Kingdom, who had taken the life of others before. The Lord being tied to the Cross, hands and feet, and nothing free, but Heart and Tongue, which he gave to that Penitent, who by the bear believed to righteousness, and by the tongue confessed to salvation. Rom. 10. By Faith he did see that Christ should reign, whom he did see die with him. By Hope, he looked for an entry to his Kingdom, & by Love, defended the innocence of our Saviour jesus Christ against the reproach of his fellow: Great is this his Faith, Who had taught him? had he seen miracles (who had been kept in prison) either of giving sight to the blind, or raising of the dead? yet he confessed him to be an everlasting King, who was companion to him in punishment, despising the present pain, & praying for things to come; requiring rather to be exemed from eternal judgement, than delivered from temporal punishment, sorrowing and longing for that, that he hoped for, than feel that, that he suffered. In Christ's extremities, he believed in him, and was not ashamed to have the jews witnesses of his Faith (who railed on Christ) in the midst of all the scandals and reproaches of the people; and now when Christ was in his weakest & most miserable estate, what didst thou see sinful convert to ask here for a Kingdom? thou hadst only before thine eyes, the Cross and the Nails: O! but the cross is the ensign of a Kingdom, and it is the duty of a King even to expone his life for his Subjects, As the good shepherd doth his Soul for his sheep: joh. 10.11. Gen. 17.1. Gen. 18.3. Abraham believed, but taught from heaven, and by the Angels which came unto to him. Esay. 6.1. And Esaias, but he saw the Lord sitting upon his Throne, and lifted up, and the lower parts thereof filled the Temple. Ezekiel believed, but he saw the Lord upon the Cherubins, Ezek. 1.4. and so did the other Prophets, but after divers manners God spoke. Heb. 1.1. Moses believed, but the Lord spoke unto him out of the burning Bush, but none of these occasions did this penitent have, but saw no Majesty of glory, but equality of pain: he saw him tormented, but worshipped him as if he had been in glory: he saw him on the Cross, but praised his Saviour, as if he had sitten in the heavens; he saw him condemned, yet acknowledged him to be a free and absolute King, and would not shrink but died in that profession, in spite of all the the arguments that Satan could object, or flesh and blood urge in the contrary. Truly Faith is the gift of God, Eph. 2.8.9. that no man should boast himself: Therefore should we pray, Lord increase our Faith: So where Sin aboundeth, Grace super-aboundeth: The Lord is more ample in his grace, than he in his prayer, he gave more, than he could seek. He sought to be remembered, when he came into his Kingdom, but the Lord promised, that this day he should be with him in Paradise. O the great goodness of God unspeakable is thy favour towards them whom thou lovest. Thou as the bright Sun, hast made thy hot beams to shine upon our souls, thereby to draw us to the Knowledge of Thee, and to warm our hearts, that we may love Thee. Expel this darkness, (O Lord,) wherewith our hearts is replenished and thaw, by the heat of thy mercy, the frozen condition of our souls, that they may melt, considering that everlasting and unsearchable favour thou hast borne towards mankind. The third Step in the fourth degree of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. Only john and some women, in great constancy, did attend Christ on the cross; Whose grace was sufficient for them; 2. Cor. 2.9. whose power is made perfect through weakness, in whose infirmities, the power of Christ is shown: who took pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, & anguish for Christ's sake: For when they were weak then were they made strong. That is true friendship which is founded in God, & whose knot is Christ: they that be touched with the sense of the misery of his members, shall never lack that is good. Marry the Virgin, Marie Cleophas, & Marie Magdalene, accompanied, were inspectors of this lamentable spectacle; his own Mother he called, & john, whom he ever loved; his Mother he honoured & would have her provided for, for he knew it spoken by Simeon, that the sword should pass through her Soul, Luc. 2.35. and with the eye of mercy, did see her wrestling with such calamities. He especially, of singular favour looked on her, because she loved me, Psal. 91.14.15. therefore will I deliver her, because she hath known my Name. So did David (fugitive from the face of Saul) commend his parents to the King of Gath. But the obedience, promptitude, and alacrity of john, in receiving his Mother, declareth the willing heart of a Disciple, to accomplish the mind of his Master, so he acquitted love for love. Nothing is comparable to the sense of the love of God in the heart of man: If it had been no more, than natural love, Marie would never have followed her Son to such a vile death, if she had not believed, that that Death should not have turned into a glorious life. She knew the conference betwixt her, and the Angel before, for Faith and Hope will not extinguish Displeasure, & natural joy, but will mitigate them both, for she looked to have with him a joyful meeting, her heart was knit with him, whilst he hang on the Cross; not ashamed of him, neither he forgetful of her: He called her woman, 2. Cor. 5.16. not Mother, raised from all earthly things which men count much of, for he knew nothing according to the flesh, for in heaven we shall be like Angels, to the end, that we may enjoy that heavenly life. And her (I say) He commended to john, whom he loved inteirelie, neither will he translate her from the world, but will have every member of his Church to keep one another, as he commended his mother to john to be entertained: in his suffering forgetting (as it were) himself, yet forgetting not her, not willing to divide the first and second Table; in the first, keeping his duty to his Father to the death, and in the midst of that obedience to his Father, having regard & respect to his Mother: for if thou hatest not father or mother for his sake, Lu. 14.26 thou art not worthy of him: Prefer God to any natural affection, which Christ, notwithstanding in the midst of torment of blasphemies, & combat with everlasting Death, with the wrath of the Father, and with all the infernal powers, is careful to observe. Sanctified affections do entertain natural love, or else they are suffocated: for this duty standeth not in ceremonies, but in performing of necessary adoes: this registration will rend the conscience of these, who procure their mother's curse; john ha●●rection from the Cross, we from the heavenly Throne, he took an others Mother, not his own, and that to his own house. Seeing Christ therefore hath suffered in the flesh, it is convenient, that we be of the like mind. Naomi, destitute of her two Children, Ruth. 1. did say when she came to Bethlehem, Call me not Naomi, that is (beautiful). but Mara, which is, bitterness. Tob. 10. What did Tobias mother, when her Son went away? Did not King Solomon acknowledge the true mother of the Child, 1 King. 3.24. while she would not have him cut in two? And what did Rizpah, in hanging up the sacke-cloathes from the beginning of Harvest upon the Rock, until water dropped upon them from the heaven, 2. Sam. 21.10. neither suffering the Birds of heaven to light on the sons of Saul by day, nor beasts of the field by night: But what dolour (I say) can be compared to this of his Mothers, whose heart was so deeply wounded thorough? She did not extinguish those affections, but moderated them, for she stood by the Cross of Christ seeing them, whom he had fed in the wilderness with Mamna, brought through the red Sea present her Son Gall for Manna, & Vinegar for water. Thou didst feed five thousand with five loaves, & filled all judea with the words of Life; and now is that Sun eclipsed, the bright Moon darkened, the creatures acknowledge their Creator; but the miserable jews shut their eyes from the tender mercy of God, whereby, Luc. 1.78. the dayspring from on high hath visited them: but it could not be that either affection, or the tender bowels of compassion could stay this sweet jesus from perfecting the will of his Father, and that glorious work of the Redemption of his own Elect. The fourth Step of the fourth degree of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. Between eleven and twelve a clock, both sentence of condemnation and execution thereof fell out. From twelve hours to three afternoon, the space of three hours, a fearful and terrible darkness was over the face of the earth, & yielded the Spirit between three & four hours: His Father did testify by this darkness, not only of his innocence, as he was man, but also of his Glory as he was God; the creatures did utter their sorrow, and began to teach that senseless & hardened people, such a judgement is it, to fall into a reprobate sense. This Eclipse fell out beyond natural course, in the full Moon, for the Passeover was to be celebrated in March, the fourteenth day thereof, when the Sun & the Moon are far from other, and the whole Globe of the car●h casten betwixt them; but in this Eclipse, the Moon which was opposed to the Sun, turned suddenly, and came under the Sun, which made this darkness. For the which cause, Act. 17. the Philosophers in Athens, not finding natural reasons, erected an altar to the unknown God. At this time began his greatest agony, which was in his Soul with he wrath of his Father from Heaven, which were the dolours of death, so extreme, like as a woman hath in hearing her birth, Act. 2. which doth express also the pains of hell, 1. Thess. 5.3. where mountains of dolour & heaps of wrath are laid up for the reprobate: as the waves of the sea followeth one another, so are they in growing everlastingly. His Godhead never left him, nor never shall; but the Godhead kept itself so close, that it would let him have no joy, until he should pay that ransom to the utmost farthing, whereby the justice of God was satisfied, for our sins: And therefore he cried out on the Cross, as deserted of God, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me. Confidence in God will oftimes be without feeling of joy, albeit the spirit be not taken from the Soul, yet at last, it doth revive: For ●s knowledge availeth where feeling is always dead, & no sense of the old canker of sin mortified, and quickened with a new life, to live to God. Those than are not words of Diffidence or Indignation but of combat of the flesh with Faith, in the which, he felt the eternal curse, that was due for sin, otherways, he would never have called, God his God: the burden of one sin, yea, of an evil thought, can not be born of all the world, how heavy must all the sins of the Elect be, that jesus ba●e on his back. And now (poor Soul,) behold the dealing of God with his own, albeit he loved them never so well, he will touch them with the sense of wrath for sin in some measure from heaven, that thou mayst understand how heavy a wrath jesus suffered, that he might conquesse unto thee mercy and peace of conscience, which was bought & paid for with his Blood. Detestable, and filthy must sin be that made him thus double his crying: Fie on the filthy works of the flesh, which drown men in perdition: Esay. 34.7.8. He did take him to prayer; willing thee ever to have refuge into thy God in all trouble, Psal. 22. who neither can, nor will leave thee: He choosed this armour to resist out of the Scripture. Which is, Eph. 6.13. the sword he hath put in our hands, for it was in our persons that he found himself deserted, but in him are we taken up & saved. Martyrs, and witnesses of the truth, have suffered great and grievous torments, but divine consolation from above did abundantly shine in their souls, the part which tyrants could not kill nor touch; looking unto jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the Cross, Heb. 12.2. and despised the shame and mocking of them that stood by, who turned his holy word in scornful jest, as though he had called for Elias. Christ's Soul now being burnt up with the wrath of God for Sin: Psal. 69.22. and all the moisture of his body dried up with the same, yet did he not quench his thirst, until the wrath of his Father was satisfied, john. 19.28. the infinite wrath of God thirsted after the blood of the mediator, bearing our sins, Mat. 11.2.8. Esay. 12.3. & was not quenched, till the Blood of the Mediator was dried up. But blessed be jesus, that had a spiritual thirst & pleasure to obey his Father to the death, Esay. 55.1. to save thy soul from hell, and yet in bitter malice and scorn, they took a watersponge, and put it to his mouth on a reed: The wrath of his Father was begun to be mitigated, yet the wrath of the jews could not be assuaged, for when he was living, they raged against him, when he was dead, they persecut him, when he was in glory they would shame him: The Lord seeketh but chastisement, the wicked seek overthrow of body, and soul, if it were possible. For Evahs' sweet Apple, Christ must drink this bit oer liquor, both thy bread & drink must be bought with the blood of jesus: To them who are sanctified, all things are sanctified: If thou be not found in him, thou shall be accused as a violent possessor of whatsoever thou hast. Now thou dost hear him daily in his members calling upon thee, I hunger, I thirst, Mat. 25.35. but thou convertest Gods good creatures to the fulfilling of thy lust, & rather bereaveth the servants of Christ that, that they have, than vouchsafe any thing on them. Christ, after he had drunken, cried out in the audience of them all, It is finished, the work of Redemption is ended, the ransom is paid, to buy heaven, & conquer life, which is the first work, and to put us in possession of it, which he began at his Resurrection, & shall continue till his coming again: & declared that no man did take his life from him but laid it down, john. 10.17.18. and would taken it up again; for he was not a common man, but God also to keep his life, or put it out at his pleasure. He might have lived longer by the strength of Nature, for the other two outlived him, and were not dead, till they came, and broke their legs. And now when he yielded up the Spirit, he had a divine power above Nature, which put out the life, saying, Father, into thine hands, Psal. 31.5. I commend my Spirit, while his Soul was loused from his body with joy. Which sweet death, he did communicate unto his Martyrs, Act. 7.59. as Steven, & all his members. Consider here (weak Soul) that Christ hath purchased unto thee, the great benefit of Adoption: john. 20. 1●. For thy Brother (Christ) hath made his Father thy Father, & therefore will have a Fatherly care of thee for ever. For who is more faithful, 1. Pet. 4. 19 than our Father, to whon we commend our souls, which do not perish, but are kept by him, 1. Cor. 15.21.22. while they be joined to the body at the resurrection, & are received, when we depart this life in his Arms, who will not suffer them to be taken from his hands, but will surely keep them in peace. Be thou therefore careful of thy Soul at all times, but specially at the hour of separation, for then the devil is busy to devour thee, For be knoweth his time to be short, & the gulf of hell open to swallow thee up. If jesus, who had no sin, be so careful for his Soul, how careful shouldst thou be who is nothing else, but a mass of sin? yea, he cried so loud, that the Earth quaked again, and the Temple rave asunder, now to declare his Power and Victory, to terrify the jews, of whom he is so mishantly handled, and to bring, if it were possible, that stubborn people to Faith and Repentance. Now hath the Dove gone out of the Ark, which will return with an Olive branch in sign of peace. The Deludge is the wrath of God for Sin, the Ark, is Christ's Body, the Dove, his Soul, At his Resurrection. how great joy, peace, and comfort doth he purchase to mankind: Rom. 4.25. For as he died for our sins, so rose he for our righteousness. Then yielded & delivered he his Spirit, which was not taken from him against his will: For he hanging on the Cross, did make all the creatures quake, and tremble. Great was his humility, being made obedient to his Father unto the death, even the death of the Cross; of the which thou may learn the exceeding greatness of his Majesty, who even then when he was exalted from the earth, did draw all things unto himself, for where a Testament is, there must be the death of him that made the Testament, Heb. 9.16. for the Testament is confirmed, when men are dead, for it is yet of no force, as long as he that made it is alive. So behoved this Testament (leaving such an inheritance to his Saints, in that exceeding great glory) be ratified by the blood of the Testator, which is the ground of thy Salvation: His death is thine honour, the assurance of thy life, is the assurance of his death, his ignominy and shame, is thy Glory. Now have we heard of the Passion and death of Christ: now shall we touch briefly the things which followed thereafter. The fift Step of the fourth degree of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, etc. THere fell out immediately four things, of the which, two did teach the people. The other two, the quaking of the earth, & renting of the Rocks, did threaten destruction: for no man (to take all excuses away) shall perish without advertisement. The first of these, the veil of the Temple is rend after the darkening of the Sun in Christ's greatest humiliation: The Father gave greatest tokens of his Glory, who is the Lord of Life, for dumb & senseless creatures did shame the jews, and glorified their Maker. The Temple was divided in two: For the Priest went always into the first Tabernacle and accomplished his office, Heb. but into the second went the high Priest alone, once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and ignorances of the people. Betwixt these was a fair brickwall overgilt with fine gold, upon the which hang a glorious Tapestry, wrought curiously, which did hide the Sanctuary, as by a courtaine, from ●he sight of the people and Priests. But at Christ's suffering, these shadows were taken away, & no more use of that Veil. Whereby the holy Ghost signifieeth this, that the way into the boliest of all was not yet opened, whilst as yet the first Tabernacle was standing, this earthly veil rave asunder at the voice of the Lord. But the jews minds are hardened, for until this day remaineth the covering untaken away, 2. Cor. 3. 15 for the Veil is laid over their hearts, but when their hearts shall be turned to the Lord, the Veil shall be taken away. So hard and evil it is, to do against the knowledge and conscience, whereof comes a reprobate sense, which is past all-feeling, that sooner a stone shall hear, than they will obey: They were admonished of the subversion of the Temple, and of their City, and that there was no difference now betwixt jew nor Gentile, Gal. 3.28. but the partition wall being demolished, they had ●like communion by faith in jesus Christ. Act. 10.34 The Earth also did tremble whilst the Soul of the Lord separated from his Body, threatening to swallow them up, Num. 16.32. as it had done to other rebellious & obstinate before, which were not worthy that the earth shouldst bear, but either to receive them in her mouth to consume them, or else to spew them out, according to the Lord's commination in his Law. Leu. 20.22 Thus the Earth did preach & groan, Rom. 8.22. and travel in pain, but they hardened their necks, and would no return to be healed. It quaked, & the foundations of the Mountains moved & shaken, Psal. 18.7. because be was angry at their obduration, And should not the Land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein. Amos. 8.8. The Mountains also did cleave to fall on them, which would not suffer the dishonour of their Maker; but they were nothing moved with it; so much were they void of light in their soul. A mighty strong wind rend the Mountains, and broke the Rocks before the Lord; but this people, 1. King 9 11. neither by the word of God, by natural sense, or creatures void of reason will be taught: no, even then, when the Dead did rise, for the Graves did lie open from three a clock afternoon, about which time; the Lord gave up the ghost, all that day, & all that night, the nixt day & the nixt night till that day in the morning, that the Lord did rise; by virtue of whose resurrection, Hos. 13.14. the Saints arose and went into the City, lousing the bands of the Grave; 1. Co. 15.54.55. by his death; but their hearts could not be opened. But it behoveth us all to compeare before his Tribunal Seat & to receive what we have done in the body, 2. Cor. 5.10. Rom. 14.10. good or evil. The Saints (I say) arose, for his glorious resurrection belonged only to them, which being sanctified in Christ, did die in the Lord, and they all shall go into that holy City Dan. 12.25 even that jerusalem, Gal. 4.26. the Mother of us all, which is above, to abide with Christ for ever. 1. Thess. 4.6. The senseless creatures, the Saints departed, the Gentiles, Centurion, and Officers did all testify of Christ, every one in their own degree; but the Pharises, Scribes and Elders, were no whit moved. For this Centurion confessed of a surety, that this man was just. And such as before lacked the fear of God, feared greatly, saying, Truly this man is the Son of God: the poor multitude which cried, Crucify him, went smiting their breasts, but the Priests were not touched, neither by word, nor work: they had judgement and understanding, & had read the Prophets, yet repined against the hol●e Ghost, Act. 7.51. and against their conscience opponing themselves to the known truth. The Centurion was rather pricked in his soul, (as the jews were at Peter's Sermon) and Christ is glorified of him, Act. 2.37. when he appeared to be quite forgotten, and got more friends in his death, than in his life: for this precious Sacrifice hanging on the Cross, did cast such a sweet smell on the earth, that they who were his enemies, went away mourning, & beating their breasts, Luc. 18.13 testifying their dolour, resolving, that if God would deal with them in his judgement, Psal. 143.2. they were worthy of eternal damnation Neither were women ashamed to bear record of the Love, and Faith they had to the Lord jesus; for some stood so near, that he did speak to them from the cross, and they heard him; and when he was dead, Luc. 23.59 they would not departed from him, their hearts were so linked with him, & he who is a sweet perfume, & incense in the nose thirles of the Father, is a fragrant odour and smell unto them: For more of them followed Christ to the Cross, (than men, which were favourers of him) & did minister to him on their own charges. Christ's innocence made them not to shrink, but constantly to fight unto the end against all temptations, 2. Tim. 4.7.8. that they may receive the Crown. They were fed with that Bread of Life, that came out of his mouth, 1. Tim. 5.17.18. and they communicated unto him freely & liberally, that which they had. Christ was poor, 2. Cor. 8.9. to make us rich: john and Peter, had not a farthing to give the cripple; Act. 3.6. and Paul wrought with his hands for his bread. Act. 18.3 That, that thou can not do to Christ in his own person, 1. Cor. 4.10 11. do to his members. But this is remarkable, that these women have the honour to be ey witnesses of the death and resurrection of jesus Christ, Deu. 15. 11 and themselves to be preachers of it to the Apostles; Esay. 51.7. and to have the names of some of them to be registrated perpetually, to their everlasting praise: yea, and to be written in heaven eternally, for so it falls out often, that the weaker and simpler the sex be, the more spiritually it is disposed and affectionated to heavenly things, for if any man seem to be wise in this world, 1. Cor. 3.18 let him be a fool, that he may be wise. Now the taking down of his Body from the Cross, cometh by a request made by his enemies to Pilate, Deut. 21.23. That there should not be a breach of the Law, for these that were hanged. They strain a gnat, Mat. 23.23 and swallow a camel, they were spoiled of all power, they can neither put on, nor taken off the cross, slaves were they, which would not acknowledge the true King of Glory, who would have made them free. And this petition they sought not for any pity they had on him, but the Lord so appointed it, Exod. 12.46. that he should not lack even the support of his foes, & yet it lay not in their hands to break one bone of him, 1. Cor. 5.7. for he is our Passeover, who, sacrificed for us, died & was pierced with a lance, yet his Legs was not broken. His members may be tossed with many calamities, but shall not be utterly forsaken, for many be the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver him out of them all. Psal. 34.19.20. The Lord would have many witnesses of his death, the executioners, the Soldier with his spear, and the testimony that the creatures gave: For without shedding of blood and death, there had been no remission of sins for us: They were enemies to the Cross of jesus Christ; yet did they record the truth for our well. Neither did this Soldier alone, but m●nie more now, do pierce his side, Rom. 6.9. whilst he sitteth at the right hand of the F●ther by mocking and contemning him in his word, Mal. 3.8. Zach. 2.8. & defrauding him of the means of his glory, Act. 9.4 for he that toucheth his Saints, toucheth the apple of his eye, as it was spoken of Paul, persecuting him. And this was done, to confirm God's power, Zach. 12.10. and providence forespoken, by the Prophet, which which they did accomplish of mere ignorance Therefore out of his heart came Blood, and Water. Blood, for the finest & cleanest, is about the heart: and Water, by the which liquor, the heat of the heart is cooled, and refreshed; for as yet the Body was warm. No man can live, when his heart blood is shed, which is the seat of Life. This signifieth, a power flowing from his death, to the remission of sins, 1. john. 6.6 & washing of our foul nature; which two great blessings are represented unto us in two Sacraments, of Baptism & the Lord's Supper: Num. 20. 11. for as Moses, while he smote the Rock, water did come forth to refresh the people: So Blood and Water did gush out at Christ's side, for the benefit of the whole world, which is that Laver, 1. Cor. 10.4 wherein our souls are purged from their inward spots: 1. john. 1.7 For as in Egypt, when the first begotten was killed, so many as had the posts of their doors marked with the blood, were free; so by this Lamb's Blood that bringeth salvation to the world, Heb. 9.13. are we delivered by Faith from destruction, that we may serve him in righteousness, and holiness. And not presume to be so bold, Tit. 2. 11 as by our profane life, to tread his Blood under foot. Now here is a place for thee, at his very heart (dear Soul,) where thou mayst creep in, and rest thee: for as out of the side Eve was taken, while Adam did sleep, so now is he cleanseing and purifying his Church by redemption, & regeneration in this time of his death. The fift Degree and first Step of the ascension of the Soul unto Heaven, by meditation of the burial of our Lord jesus Christ. Now hath his very enemies procured at Pilate, that he should be taken from the Cross. john. 19.31. That blessed Corpse being laid on the ground, joseph, a rich, just, godly Disciple of Christ, boldly begged the dead Corpse at the hands of Pilate, that as his death was notable, so should his burial be also, & his glorious resurrection, be made famous. He was not taken from the Cross without leave of the Magistrate nor buried with out the same, as he was not condemned but by the Magistrate, that thou mightst be fully fred from all points of the justice of God's wrath for sin. For if this power had been in the jews hands, they would have opponed themselves to heap more shame and ignominy upon him, but the Lord will have a noble man, and a notable fair place appointed to this work, that the honour of the Son, and his glory should begin at the burial, which was shameful in itself, and that he should be instrument, 1 Pet. 3.7. who should be heir with him of that Kingdom of glory, and of that life. All the glory of this world pertaineth to the faithful, howsoever they appear to have least part thereof. joseph is called to this great honour, 1. Cor. 1.26 which is rare to be seen in men of like condition, for the Lord in his death was more mighty, than in his life. For when the corn of wheat lieth in the ground, and dieth (as Christ foretold of the power of his death) it fructifieth, john. 12.24. and bringeth forth much fruit, for where ever the dead Carcase is, thither do the eagle's resort: Of the which number this Counsellor was, who looked for the Kingdom of God, and there is no mention of such another great man, but Nicodemus, john. 7.50. who opponed himself to the death of Christ in the counsel, for God hath his own in every part, 2. King. 19 10. Rom. 11.4 of whom he will be served: & albeit he durst not for fear of the jews openly profess, ●say. 42.3 yet the Lord will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax. To the supplication of joseph Pilate yielded, but wondered that Christ was so seen dead, whose miracles was so many, the shortness of his life upon the Cross, & flourishing time of his age, which was thirty three years, and some odd months, which imported that the death of jesus was extraordinary, john. 10.17. who only had power to lay it down. joseph therefore bought a fine linen cloth, to wrap the Body of jesus in, and Nicodemus an hundreth pound weight of a mixture of Myrrh, & Aloes. The wisdom, the learning, and the riches of these men, were cast at Christ's feet, whereof they counted much of before they had a sight of jesus, now they counted all but dongue. Phil. 1. They felt a sweet savour and odour coming to them from his death; therefore would they meet it with a sweet savour. But there needed no odours to preserve it, being filled with the presence of God. Wherefore with one concord, constantly they accomplished his burial after the custom of the jews (that is) honourably, Act. 9.37. for never was a more honourable Man than Christ, and all these were ceremonies, & the rest of their washings were figurs of him to come, who is the earnest of our resurrection, For he shall raise all these which do sleep in monuments. In a new grave therefore hewn out of a stone, by joseph, to his own use was he laid in a Garden, near by jerusalem, that Christ's burial might be the more honourable, in how much as he was above all the kings of the world, separated from sinners, and made higher, than the heavens. The Father had his loving care of him, albeit he appeared to have forsaken him on the Cross: He is buried in another man's Sepulchre, for he died for the sins and salvation of others, that he might sanctify our burials, by coming unto them, and from them, to ascend to the heavens. But remember (poor Soul) it is a new burial place, that he will be laid in; so a renewed heart by the Spirit, is his dwelling place, for he can not rest in the ludging of that soul, that hath sold itself to sin: as he will have also a clean & a pure body as a winding-sheete, to be wrapped in as sweetly smelling savours of Virtues, Faith, Repentance, Love, Patience, etc. joined thereto. To the mouth of this Burial do they roll a great stone, by the Lord's providence, to stop the mouths of his enemies: Eph. 1.19. for it was he that raised him from death to life, wherein, most of all things, his power did appear: And this was done in the preparation to the Sabbath: For as God the Father perfected the work of creation then, so the Son hath accomplished the work of redemption; and did rest the Sabbath from his work, 1. Cor. 15.24 & shall give sweet security and peace to our bodies and souls. Now hast thou (woeful Soul) the accomplishment of the Prophets concerning his burial, Psal. 16.9. that his flesh should rest in peace: and the type of jonah perfected. ●●y. 53.9 And therefore seeing in Christ & by Christ our sins are buried; let us not dig them up again of new, Math. 12.39. but since we are buried with him by Baptism, unto his death, Rom. 6.4. that like as Christ raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, so, we also should walk in newness of life, And albeit our burial was a part of the punishment inflicted to Adam, Gen. 3.19. that he should turn to dust, yet now they are not filthy prison houses of the body, but glorious Bedchambers of the Son of God, from whence he shall raise us to that heavenly inheritance, Esay. 57.2. after that we have sleeped a little while therein for he hath sanctified them by the virtue and power of his burial. Dan. 12.2. For as he carried our sins in his Body upon the tree, so hath he hid them in the grave with himself; to the which place we must ever send Satan, when he shall trouble and assault our weak consciences with the terrible face of Sinne. For jonas being cast in the sea, it was quieted: So Christ's resting in the womb of the earth, as in a whales belly, doth mitigate the Lord's anger. For as Death now hath been pursued by Christ to the utermost, yea, even unto the grave, and bowels of the earth, so can it not hurt, john. 5.24. but greatly benefit the believers to eternal life. And therefore, now mayst thou boldly say, Phil. 1.23. I desire to be dissolved, and be with Christ. The second Step of the fift Degree, of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, on the burial of Christ jesus our Saviour. WHile joseph and Nicodemus thus handled the glorious Body of jesus, & laid it in the Grave; the women that followed him, heavy hearted, looking on that spectacle, yet had they great hope to see him rise again, when the grave was closed; with sadness & joy mixed together, prepared for embalming of him: The third day following, the morrow was the Sabbath, wherein they rested, & the third day, Christ did rise before they came, & they disappointed of their commendable intention, wherein shined their godliness, Liberality, Love, Diligence, Ability, and more than manly fortitude, 1. Cor. 1.17 whereby, God to his glory, out of the weakest instruments doth effectuate great things. For as they were going to the Grave, the Lord of glory sent an Angel to tell the resurrection to these women. An Angel was a witness before the women, and the women before the men, which rolled away the stone from the door of the Grave: For neither in death, nor in burial, the Godhead had uttered itself, but in the resurrection it broke out: And therefore the Lord, having respect to the weakness of these women, which were not so able to remove the stone; did send an Angel, that when they came, they should see that Christ was risen from the dead: They heard before, that the third day he should rise, but they being weak in Faith, were supplied by the Angel, who testified of his resurrection. The Lord did promise to make an everlasting Covenant with his people of the sure mercies of David: Esay. 55.3. Therefore said he, Act. 13.34 It behoved the Lord to rise from death, for mercy had never continued, if Christ had not risen, For all the promises of God are in him, Yea, and Amen, 2. Cor. 1.20. For he would not suffer his holy One to see corruption. ●sal. 16.10. Had he not risen, his Body behoved to rot, but God did raise him up, who said, Psal. 2.7. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten Thee. Esay. 538. And who is able to count his Generation? for he is that everlasting Essence, & albeit he died, he arose to live without end. And now (my Soul) since thou art dead with Christ, Col. 2.20. and risen with him: Seek these things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God: Set thy affections on things which are above, Col. 3. 1.2.3. & not on things which are on earth, for thou art dead, and thy life is hid with God in Christ: When Christ which is thy life, shall appear, then shalt thou also appear with him in glory. Be careful therefore, to get this excellent knowledge of Christ jesus thy Lord, for whom count all this loss, that thou mayst win Christ, & mayst be found in him, not having thine own righteousness, which is of the Law, Phil. but that which is through Faith of Christ, that thou mayst know him (I say) and the virtue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions, and he made conformable unto his death, if by any means thou mayst attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Let thine heart ●ee filled with the word and promises of salvation, that it may be established by grace. And now seeing Christ is thy riches, thy treasure, & all that thou standest in need of, let thy heart be where he is. Ascend with him, live in this world, as not living here, for thy conversation is in heaven, it is not thou now that livest, Gal. 2.20. but Christ that liveth in thee, and in that, that thou livest in the flesh, until thine appointed time, thou livest by Faith in the Son of God, who loved thee, 1. Cor. 6.17 and hath given himself for thee. Be thou therefore joined to the Lord, that thou mayest be one spirit with him. And behold as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord with open face, and be changed in the same image from glory to glory, 2. Cor. 3.18. as by the Spirit of the Lord. Let all thy understanding, wisdom, cogitation, and memory be bend on him who is risen, and Death shall no more prevail over him. Pour out thy best affections on him. Be sorrowful to offend him. Rejoice in serving of him according to his will, be afraid of his justice, whereby he will surely punish the wicked. Place thine hope in his eternal mercy, bottomless grace and everlasting glory. The third and last Step of the fift Degree, of the ascension of the Soul to Heaven, by contemplation of Christ's entrance there. ANd now (Pilgrim Soul,) wilt thou aspire upward? yea, let me hear (Lord) thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee is my trust: Psal. 143.8.9. Show me the way that I should walk in, for I lift up mine heart unto thee: Deliver me from mine enemies, for I hide me with Thee: Remember me with the favour of thy people: Psal. 106.4.5. Visit me with thy Salvation, that I may see the felicity of thy chosen, and rejoice in the joy of thy people, & glory with thine Inheritance: Pour clean water upon me, & make me clean from my filthiness: Ezek. 36.36.37. Give me a new heart and a new spirit: Take away that stony heart out of my body, and put in an heart of flesh, that I may walk in thy Statutes, and keep thy judgements; For thou art the Pool of Bethesda, john. 5.4. with five porches, within the which whosoever steppeth in, and doth cast the anchor of Faith in the depth of thy wounds, sh●ll be made whole of whatsoever disease he hath. But (alace) whosoever washeth himself because of a dead body, Eccl. 34.26 & toucheth it again, what availeth his washing, for no unclean thing shall enter into thy Kingdom: Such as do return with the Dog to his vomit, & believe but for a season, Pro. 26.11 and in the day of temptation go away But (I) (sorrowful Soul) as the Hart brayeth for the rivers of waters, Luc. 8.13. Psal. 42.1. so do I pant after thee (O God ascended.) But woe is me, sin is a sickness incurable, which none can forgive, but thou O Christ, Luc. 5.21. who putteth away iniquity for thine own sake, Luc. 7.48. and will not remember sins. For this purpose will I (weak Soul) make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, Esay. 43.25. 2. Chro. 29 1●. that he may turn away his face from me: and now will sorrow that I do not feel myself so much sorrowful for the weight, filthiness, & multitude of my sins, whose number doth pass the sand in the Seashore, and do bear me down as a heavy burden, & are grown over mine head. With Peter, not of infirmity, once and again, but infinite times have I denied Thee. With judas, I, even I have betrayed Thee. Heb. 6.10. With jews & Gentiles I crucified Thee: often have I renewed thy wounds, & trod thy precious blood under foot: with my lovers hath my soul gone a whoring, notwithstanding of that promise of marriage in my Baptism, whereinto I was betrothed unto thee, confirmed in thy blessed Supper, ratified on the Cross, in thy blood, to be solemnised in thy glory, whereof I received the first fruits and earnest of the spirit. Now (alas) do I know and behold that it is a bitter and an evil thing, to have forsaken thee my God, jer. 2.19. and that thy fear was not in me. And these displeasures have I (O my Christ) because I dearly love thee, although there were no hell, nor punishment at all. I do acknowledge all the torments of the world can not satisfy for the least imagination of the thought of man's heart, Gen. 6.5. which is only evil continually, yea, my righteousness (if any I have) which is the beauty and flower of all that is best in me, is as a filthy clout. But t●ou promisedst in truth, ●s●y 64.6 & wilt perform in mercy, that thou wilt not the death of a Sinner, but whensoever he shall repent, be shall live. Lord, accept of the desires & groans of my heart. Hear my cries and weeping; forgive my frailty, wipe away the filth and corruption of my soul, furnish me strength and spiritual courage against the life of sin, so pregnant and powerful within me: Inflame mine affections zealously to be disposed to thy glory, grant Perseverance Love, Hope and all Christian virtues, unto my last breath, for I resolve by thy grace (O my God) to walk in thy ways the rest of my days I have to spend; lamenting for by past offences, & promise to shun all occasions of evil hereafter. O of how short continuance is this life! Esay. 40.7. endless is the eternity in that life to come, job. 2.7. & plentiful is that reward: Wisd. it is momentary that pleasureth, everlasting, that annoyeth, yet as the Lord's greatness is, so is his mercy. Rom. 8.28 And therefore do I account that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glory which shall be shown; 2. Cor. 4.17.18. for the light affliction, which is but a moment, causeth a fare more excellent, and an eternal weight of glory, The things which are seen, are temporal, Gal. 3. 1. but the things which are not seen, are eternal. I know (troubled Soul) it beboved Christ (whom thou didst see) suffer, and so enter into his glory, Luc. 24.26 in thy Place to take state and possession, that where he is, thou mayst be also, for he hath married thee unto himself for ever, ●os. 2.19. yea, he did marry thee in righteousness, and judgements, and in mercy, and in compassion, he hath even married thee in faith fullness, and thou shalt know the Lord. ●ant. 2. 16. Therefore thy beloved is thine, and thou art his, it is the voice of thy well-beloved that knocketh, saying. Open to me, my Dove my Sister, ●ant. 5.2. my Love, my wellbeloved, for mine head is full of dew, and my locks are wet with the drops of the night. Say not (deceitful Soul) to thy Christ, Go and come again, ●ro. 3.28. and to morrow I will give thee, if thou now have it. Remember the portion thou shalt have with him in wedlock, who hath acquired unto thee, by his Poverie a Kingdom, by his sorrows thy joy, by his traules, thy rest, by his shame thy glory, by his Death thy life, & who would buy a match at such a dear and costly rate. Return therefore (disobedient Soul) unto the Lord, & he will not let his wrath fall upon thee, for he is merciful, Lam. 3.12. and will not keep his anger. And who is great like unto him? who takes away iniquity, and passeth by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his wrath for ever, because mercy pleaseth him, he will turn again, Micah. 17.18.19. and have compassion, yea, he will subdue thy iniquity, and cast all thy sins in the bottom of the Sea: For thy Christ did come into this world to finish the wickedness, Dan. 9.24 & to seal up the sins, and to reconceale the iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness. Rev. 3.20. And now behold (poor Soul) he standeth at the door, and knocketh, if thou will hear his voice, and open the door, he will come in unto thee, and sup with thee, Esay. 60.19.20. and thou with him, where there shall be no more Sun to shine by day, neither the brightness of the Moon, john. 14.23. to shine to thee, for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory, and the days of thy sorrow shall be ended. Love him therefore, freely (beloved Soul) and keep his word, 2. john. 3.24. and his Father will love thee, he will come unto thee, & dwell with thee, for he that keepeth his commandments, dwelleth in him and Christ in him, and hereby shalt thou know, that he abideth in thee, even by the Spirit, which he hath given thee. I will entreat thee of all favour (poor Soul) to meditate thy omission of good things, commission of evil, and loss of wholesome time, & occasion; which three are passed by: and these three present the shortness of this life, the difficulty to be saved, 1 Pet. 4.17 18. and the fewnes of them that do enter in that straight way: For if judgement begin first at the house of God, what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospel of God, and if the righteous scarcely he saved where shall the ungodly and sinners appear. Do not forget these three things to come, Death, than the which nothing is more terrible: the last judgement, than the which nothing is more horrible: eternal Punishment, than the which nothing is more untolerable. O that thou were wise! then wouldst thou understand this, Deut. 32.29. thou wouldst consider thy letter end. But I (poor Soul) do not know what to do, ●. Chro. 20.12. but mine eyes are towards thee, O Lord, for truly great travel do sinners take to perfect their iniquities: they imagine nothing impossible, so they may aquire their designs. The way of sinners is made plain with stones (so smooth think they i●, Wisd. 5.7. ) but the end thereof is hell, darkness, and pain. Flee from sin, as from a Serpent: the teeth thereof are the teeth of a Lion, Eccl. 21.10 to slay the souls of men, All iniquity is as a two edged sword, the wounds thereof can not be healed. And if thou hast sinned, do so no more, but pray for thy fore-sinnes, that they may be forgiven thee: Eccl. And because thy sin is forgiven, be not without fear, to heap sin upon sin: And say not, The mercy of God is great, he will forgive my manifold sins: for mercy and wrath come from him, & his indignation cometh down upon sinners. Make no tarrying to turn unto Lord, and put not off from day to day, for suddenly shall the wrath of the wrath of the Lord break forth, and in thy security, thou shalt be destroyed: But blessed is that people, whose God is the Lord; for peace shall be upon them, ●●l. 6.16. and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. Unto him therefore, ●h. 3 20. that is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us; be praise in the Church, by Christ jesus, throughout all generations for ever. Amen. THE AGREEMENT OF DIFFERENCES IN THE INCARNATION, PASSION, AND Ascension of our Saviour. THE MYSTERY OF the Incarnation. A Mother and a Virgin bears a Son, The Creature her Creator on her knee, Fron all beginning, yet but now begun, Servant, to Time, Lord of Eternity. Earth's Weakness, & Heaven's Power in him doth dwell, That is both God and Man, Emanuel. Meekness is here combined with Majesty, The Lion with the Lamb keeps peaceful place, Obedience finds a Seat in Empery, This Earthly substance breeds a heavenly grace, To Poverty, rich Gifts, are brought by Kings, Terrestrial figures, of Celestial things. Who sits in Heaven upon the Throne of State, Sucks here on Earth, the milk of Infancy, Who rules the Stars, & guides the stern of Fate Sustains the yoke of humane Misery, Eats, drinks, wakes, sleeps, & weeps a mortal man, In whom Immortal happiness began. THE MYSTERY OF the Passion. THe judge of Man, by Man is judged to die, He that command's the law, the law obeys Submission hath a Seat in Soveraingn'ty This stormy Night, begets our Halcyon days, The best of Hope springs from the worst of Fears And gives us cause of joy, from cause of Tears. The Lord of Life, is subject unto Death, The Master's power, the Minister obeys: At once inspyring, & expiring breath, Submits to Kings, yet Kings & kingdoms sways Sin upon Virtue, hath imposed a Blame, Honour by Baseness, is exposed to Shame. Thus from the Cross our Blessedness is bred, His suffering made it a triumphant Sign, Our looks are raised, while he bows down the Head, He tasteth Vinegar, to give us Wine, Saves all, by losing all to Tyranny, Helps all, yet cries Lamasabachtani. THE MYSTERY OF THE Resurrection, and Ascension. DEath from the Grave, Life to the Grave is brought Flesh without Sin, sees no coruption By yielding, was this noble Conquest wrought O'er Sin, the World, Death, Hell, & all Pollution, Extensive Weakness, with intensive Power, His Hurts have healed these wounded states of our. ASCENSION. He that the Earth hath for his Footstool laid Makes his Ascens up to his Heavenly Seat; There dwells his Power, which his Mercy made And here his Mercy, which his Power makes great. All glorious in his Sea● he sits upon, All gracious in the Place he treads upon. He which is taken up, is left behind, Unbounded Power doth circumscribe all things He that hath framed the heart, & rules the mind Doth give Himself to Beggars, as to Kings: Mercy remains, whilst Majesty doth tower, And Grace descends, with his ascending Power. Succumbat ratio fidei & captiva quescat A SHORT CONFESsion of our Sins. MY life (O LORD) is a perpetual rebellion against thee, for who can make clean that which is conceived in the filth of sin. My time was a Sea, and flood of sorrow, secluded from all goodness, until thou didst put forth thy hand and pull me into thine Ark, and had I not been made clean in some measure, by the red Sea of the Blood of thy Son in Baptism, I should have lain in the filthy puddle of my vile corruption. Neither hath Satan ceased to bereave me of the love, whereby thou first didst love me: He did not show me, (deceiving Serpent) the wages of Sin: but ●●eeting and turning, did hide thy wrath from me. Amity with him, is enmity with my God. His love is hatred, because the Image of my Saviour is in me, he pursueth at my heals, but if thou be with me, who shall be against me? I can not think a good thought of myself, but shall do all things through thee (O Christ) who strengthenst me, who is my life & resurrection the hope of the afflicted, my light in darkness, the wholesome dew of my dry and withered Soul, my strength in weakness, the Physician of my wounds, & salve for my sores, whose mercies are infinitely more than my detestable sins can be. I have wandered (alace) like a lost sheep, (Good Shepherd) seek me, and bring me home again. O Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, let the light of thy countenance shine on me, and look on me, as thou didst on Peter. By dying thou hast overcome Death, and brought ag●ine Life by rising therefrom. If I had the knowledge of Angels, and all my members were converted into tongs, never should I be able worthily to magnify the boweles of thy compassion extended to me (wretched sinner) which passeth all understanding. Thou didst not take (dear Christ, the Angels, but the seed of Abraham being made like unto me in all things (Sin excepted) which nature thou hast glorified in the heavens. Now since it is humane nature wherein thou raignest, I believe also to reign and be glorified with thee: And albeit my sins hinder me, in the constant course of my Salvation, yet thy love, this Commnuion, and conjunction taketh all lets out of the way. Thou art not so hard (O Lord) as to despise me, since thy Son hath carried my nature unto heaven. Canst thou forget that which thou hast fast by thee? No truly, thou art slow to anger, full of mercy, with thee is plentiful redemption: Most loving art thou, for no man hateth his own flesh at any time, thou (O God) lovest thy Son, and they that are his, which are risen with him, and placed by Faith & hope in heavenly places. I was not worthy to be thy servant, but thou hast made me thy Son and fellow-Heire with my Brother Christ Consider the pains of my Redeemer, and pardon the redeemed his offences. Why did he so obediently suffer the punishment of disobedience, but only to save me, and thine Elect? There was no goodness in me that could induce thee to the same, it was thy bounty, and free mercy, and now thine hand is not shortened, but it can save me. Will thou then try thy power against straw, and stubble, against me who am but a shadow, and lighter than vanity. My sins are always in my sight still representing before me thy anger, I feel the grievous burden of them, & thy judgements against them, but thou will not the death of a Sinner, but that he should turn, and live. Enter not therefore in judgement with me (O Lord) for no flesh shall be justified in thy sight, for thy Christ, whom I embrace by a true Faith, is made unto me righteousness, wisdom, and redemption. To whom with thee, and the holy Ghost, be all glory, and praise for ever, Amen. A PRAYER BEFORE the Communion. WOunderfull must thy love be (O Lord) towards me, poor and miserable Sinner, that thou wouldst have thy dear and only Son, to suffer all torments, and death for me, and to take upon him all my infirmities and miseries: & yet not contented therewith, wouldst have the remembrance of this thy great mercy (lest it should be forgotten, & razed out of mine heart) and that my Faith should not wax faint, (sith thy Son hath ascended up to Heaven) after a strange and wonderful manner fed and nourished me, and distilled in me that spiritual Life, by the means of his Body, making the Cross the winepress, out of the which those grapes & liquor of eternal life are drawn out. Give me thy holy Spirit, that I may have strength against Satan, the World, & the Flesh: Grant spiritual life to abide in me, as the branches hath that natural from the wine; that forsaking myself, loving of myself, I may live in thee, by thee, and for thee, until I come unto thee where I shall see thee face to face. True it is (O Lord) no reason can reach to this spiritual food, but Faith only doth go through, for by those visible Elements I d●e apprehend spiritual and invisible graces, and that not by imagination, for as Bread doth nourish the body, so dost thou (O Christ) the soul: And as Flesh is a substance, so thou Son of God incarnate, is the cause of this substantial nourishment of my soul. As life is in the body, so Christ by his Blood shall give me life, and is my life, the condition & estate of my flesh, my blood, and my whole life was more than miserable: but by, through and in thee (O Christ) all things were restored and made perfect in me. The forebidden blood of beasts in the Law should make me shun a brutish and a beastly life: But thy Blood teacheth me to live a Christian, holy, righteous, and sober life: For it is not now I that liveth, but thou in me, who is only consubstantial with the Father, and holy Ghost, yea, this union I have with thee, by true faith, as the head with the members, an union (I say) of affections, wits, participation of heavenly and eternal blessedness, that I live not to myself, but to thee (O Lord) who loved me, and gave thyself for me. For they that live on sweet meats, have sweet breath, so they have a sweet odour in all their words & works, who taste of this spiritual and heavenly food, in whom Christ doth spiritually dwell by faith. (O Christ) thy manhood was seen on earth, but the Godhead, not at all, yet did great & wonderful things without changing or confounding of natures so in these Symbols Christ's body I see not, which notwithstanding worketh in me a beginning and growth of renovation: The body of the Sun's light above, is in itself whole, albeit it be dispersed here beneath, so thou, (O Christ) is above in heaven whole, yet dost communicate to every believer, to be partaker of thy Body and Blood, but diminution or weakening of thyself, which thou offeredst for me weak, not enclosed in me, when thou is received of me, without any dishonour at all to thy Majesty, when thou cometh unto this my sinful cottage, having mine heart to be thy Temple and dwelling place, who filleth the heavens, and the earth thy Footstool, O happy is he, that doth eat the flesh of my Lord and Saviour, with earnest desire to obey his will, and stayeth on his promises, trusting always on him. In this earth am I partaker of Christ by the help of his word & Sacraments: But in heaven above, without any external means, I shall feed on that heavenly Bread, and drink of that spiritual drink, feeling in effect his presence, and enjoying that glorious life fulfilled in the Kingdom of God, where I shall hunger no more neither thirst any more, neither shall the Sun light on me neither any heat. For thou (O Lamb) which is in the midst of the Throne shall govern me, and lead me unto the lively fountains of waters. And thou (sweet Saviour,) shall wipe away all tears from my eyes (O happy day, when I shall feed on that heavenly Manna, the food of thy holy Angels in that Paradise, and thrice happy am I in Christ, to taste of the sweetness of the life to come: I do refuse the deceitful pleasures of this world, and choose rather to suffer adversity with the people of God, than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. Rejoice thou, one of that flock, on whom it hath pleased the Father, to give a Kingdom. Thou art my good Shepherd who feedeth me with thy own Blood, that I may live by thy life: For they that live by the infected and poisoned blood of old Adam only, are more miserable, than beasts. Prepare (O Lord) in me love and repentance, make me clean, and purify mine heart by Faith, the only receptacle and mansion of thy presence, to receive such a precious Guest: Put on me the wedding Garment; sith thou dear Husband (jesus) will join & unite thyself to me; never hereafter on thy part to be dissevered make me beware of Hypocrisy, and counterfeit dealing, in approaching with my body, but my heart fare off, betraying thee again with a judas kiss. The pure, the contre●te and broken heart, for the sense of Sin laden and weary are here invited by thee, who will not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, such are eased and find rest to their souls. And because none oblation pleaseth thee without reconciliation with my Brother, I make an atonement with him, forget and forgive him, as I hope to be forgiven, for his sake, who hath come under the poor roof of my soul, by participation of his body on earth, beginning already a life in me in heaven: for whom have I there but thee, & whom can I desire on earth, beside thee. The Israelites did eat that Manna, and died, but they that eat this heavenly food, shall never perish: But after thou hast guided me by thy counsel, will receive me to glory. Adam's forbidden tree procured death, but by thee is everlasting life, agreeing heaven with earth, Men with Angels, & as it is the fullness of joy, to behold thy Face, & feel thy presence; so let my soul have a lively feeling of comfort in my Christ, with a growing strength in grace, and in the saving knowledge of thee, my God, and not to loss a good conscience for the trash of this world, and as thou wills me to remember thy Son's death, (O F●ther) be thou as (thou hast promised, and wilt perform,) mindful of me in the riches of thy mercy to the ending of my life in jesus: To whom with thee, and the holy Ghost, be praise and honour for now and ever. So be it. A Prayer and Thanksgiving af●er the receiving of the holy Supper of our LORD. O LORD GOD Father Almighty, I yield thee hearty thankes for thine inestimable love, and favour towards me miserable Sinner; not only for that I have my being, moving, and living in thee, and from thee, but also because it hath pleased thee of thy mere mercy, to redeem me from eternal damnation, wherein I was cast by reason of transgressions, and that by the Blood of thy Son our Lord jesus Christ, as of a Lamb undefiled and without spot, that I might live with thee in that thy Kingdom in the Heaven's. Let not the effusion thereof be in value towards me, but still feed and nourish my soul by participation of the Body of thy Son Christ jesus, as an effectual pawned, & earnest of that glory, which shall follow. And now, what shall I render unto thee for all thy spiritual and temporal blessings thou hast vouchsafed on me? And what doth the Lord (my God) require of me, but to fear thee, to walk in all thy ways, and to love thee, and serve thee, with all mine heart, and with all my soul. Command me (Lord) what thou wilt, and do in me that thou commandest. The most detestable vice is ingratitude, and greater honour can be given to none, than to be called the Child of God. Thou hast the Son of thy delight, with whom thou mightst have contented thyself, and hast thou not the holy Angels, which do readily thy will, yet it hath pleased thee to adopt mankind. O suffer me not (holy Father) to degenerate from thee, and to turn to my former nature: Give me an understanding heart, to do thy will, and preserve me as the apple of thine eye: Remove my sins, which are as a cloud betwixt thee and me, O my God, which art my light, my life, and salvation: albeit I find in myself great temptations, and grievous assaults of Satan, the flesh and the world. Though thou, even thou my dear God, would kill me, yet will I trust in thee, for I know thou canst revive me, and when thou woundest canst heal me. Grant I never doubt of thy promises through unbelief, but being confirmed in Faith, give glory to thee; as fully persuaded, that thou that promisest, art also able to do it. For it is the greatest punishment that can befall man, to forsake thy word, and admonitions, not to rely on thy promises, but harden the heart by obstinacy and rebellion. Take not thy Spirit from me but fasten mine heart to thee: Show me the light of thy countenance, that I wander not from thee, and sleep in sin, but I may gather in this last age of the world, Manna, for that great and everlasting Sabbath in the Heavens, that jerusalem above, the City of the living God, where I shall find peace and rest for ever; having access and entry to that light of Glory, which hath broken and overthrown the kingdom of Satan: For I know as thou strengthenest and fortifiest thy secret ones, thou redoublest their temptations. O● but hard is the combat when thou striu●● against us, and seemest to be our adversary's for how should dust and ashes stand befor● thee. Strengthen & guide me by thy might, that encouraged by thy promises, I may conquer and be conpassed with joyful deliverances: Great infirmity and weakness doth remain in me, I am full of vexation and anguish of mind, but let me never yield no● wax faint, but sustained, and upholded by thy grace and power, that b●eing pressed, I be not oppressed, but rise again, as the Palm tree. For as the seed, dead, and rotten in the earth, bringeth forth greater abundance; so tribulation is the seed of the Church. Assist me therefore, by thy heavenly grace, to try how much more precious the trial of my Faith is, than gold; which bringeth so great a glory, when thou shalt change my tears into joy, my mourning into mirth, my sorrow into solace; my death into life. Make my delight to be always in thy word, which being eternal, can make me also eternal. I choose it to be my Treasure, that mine heart may be always therein, for he that will live, must needs know thee, he that will reign must needs serve thee, & that he will have joy of heart, must needs praise thee, for thou art that Ladder by which Angels come down to us, and w●● ascend up to Heaven to them. Thou art the Way, the Verity and Life, no man cometh to the Father, but by Thee. Quicken ●●e therefore in thy Blood, that I may be of the number of thy Children, and true member of the body of thy Church, and never forget this Covenant, I have now bound up with thee, who hath given me that Inheritance by thy Will and Testament, whereof this holy Supper is a true pledge. Now hence forth I am fully deliberated to obey willingly thy Statutes, and persevere ioyefullie unto the death, and suffer crosses patiently sith thou my Saviour art my life. To thee therefore, with the Father and the holy Ghost, Trini●●e in Unity, be all praise, and glory, and honour for now and ever. Amen.