Of the Summer time. ALl Globes (according to the Axiom) whose Axio● of Provolution are parallel in one obliquely one to another: so our or be Axis, inclining to the Spherical body of light, provolueth surface to surface with obliquation and paralax, and now being the xi of june in the nearest point of inclination, shows every part of his superficies to the suns view, with greatest inequalitic and differance; and consequently this his inclination to greatest show of Sunshine, and least shadow on the Sun (after the receive oft opinion) in the greatest Northerly declination, making with us, longest day and shortest night: which either way taken, are usually received for the third part of the Astronomical year, Ifind that will be much disposed to heat and drought, (not much different from his natural inclination) and it will be much disposed to thunder, not much differing from the dispose of Summer 1616. The Infirmities are like to be Sweatings, Apostumes, Inflammations, Hectic, Agues, and other Infirmities proceeding of Choler. In this Season we must eat little and often. (as Galen teacheth) because we need more often Nourishing, and Drink more abundantly Wine, being qualified. Of Autumn. ANy two Orbs having their motion in a perpendicular line one to another, including both their Axis object Plane to Plane, directly each to other: but our dark obscure opacous, and spherical Orb (the xii. of September) provoluing himself in such a habitude to the Globe of Lights convere, objecteth each por●ion of his plane in equal plane, to equal elumination, and so maketh day and night alike-long all this world over. The moment of which habitude, giveth the beginning to the last quarter of the Astronomical year call●d Autumn or Harvest. The Dyscrasit of this time of the year, is the cause of many Diseases, and will be now the occasion of Consumptions, Strangury, Gouts, Colic, and Illiacke passions, Dropsies; besides many other Phlegmatic griefs. 〈◊〉 compendious Table for scriveners; such as are employed in Law causes. 〈◊〉 number of the 〈◊〉 & Queens. The names of the Kings of England. The beginning of their Reigns. The time of their deaths. Anno Domini 1 William ●onqu. October. 14. September. 9 1087 2 William Rufus. September. 9 August. 1. 1100 3 Henry the 1. August. 1. December. 2. 1136 4 Stephen December. 2. October. 25. 1154 5 Henry the 2. October. 25. july. 6. 1189 6 Richard the 1. july. 6. April. 6. 1199 7 john. April. 6. October. 19 1216 8 Henry the 3. October. 19 Novemb. 16. 1227 9 Edward the 1. Novemb. 16. july. 6. 1307 10 Edward the 2. july. 6. january. 25 1327 11 Edward the 3. january. 25. june. 21. 1377 12 Richard the 2. june. 21. Septemb. 16. 1400 13 Henry the 4. Septemb. 16. March. 20. 1413 14 Henry the 5. March. 20. August. 31. 1422 15 Henry the 6. August. 31. March. 4. 1461 16 Edward the 4. March 4. April. 9 1483 17 Edward the 5. April. 9 june. 22. 1484 18 Richard the 3. june. 22. August. 22. 1486 19 Henry the 7. August. 22. April. 22. 150● 20 Henry the 8. April. 22. january. 28. 1547 21 Edward the 6. january. 28. july. 6. 155● 22 Queen Mary. july 6. Novemb. 17. 1519 23 Queen Elizab. Novemb. 17. March. 24. 1603 24 King james. March. 24. Long ●iue Observations Astronomical fo●●●is year .1617. THe true quantity of the Tropical year 365 days 5. hours. 49. minutes. The true Precession of the Equinoxies, 28. degrees, 30. minutes, 40. seconds. The greatest obliquity of the Zodiac, is 23. degrees, 31. minutes, 30. seconds. The Eccentricity of the Sun 3502. such parts, as the Semidiameter of the Excentricke is 100000, or two parts, 9 minutes, such as the Semidiameter is 60. parts. Sanctae Trinitati sit gloria. FINIS.