The Ploughman's tale compylled by sir Geffray Chaucher knight. The prologue. ¶ Here beginneth the Ploughman's Prologue. THe ploweman plucked up his plough. When midsummer moan was comen in And said his beasts should eat enough And lige in the grass up to the chin They been feeble both ox and cow Of he m●nys left but bone and skin He shaken of shear and coultre o● drew And hung his harness on a pin. ☞ He took his tabard and his state e●e And on his heed he set his hat And said he wolbe saint Thomas seek On pilgrimage he goth forth plat In scrip he bore both breed and leeks He was forswonke and all forswatte Men might have seen through both his cheeks And every wang tooth and where it sat ¶ Our host beheld well about And law this man was sun ybrent He knew well by his senged snout And by his clothes that were to rend He was a man wont to walk about He nas not alway in cloister ypent He could not religeouslyche lout And therefore was he fully shent. ¶ Our host him axed, what man art thou? Sir quod he) I am an hyne For I am wont to go to the plough And earn my meat yet that I dine To sweet and swink I make avow My wife and children therewith to find And serve god and I witted how But we lewd men been full blind. ¶ For clerks say we shullen be fain For her livelihood sweat and swink And they right nought us give again Neither to eat ne yet to drink The mow by law, as they say Us curse and damn to hell brink Thus they putten us to pain With candles quaint and bells clyncke ¶ They make us thralls at her lust And sayne we mow not eyes be saved They have the corn and we the dust Who speaketh there again they say he raved ¶ what man ꝙ our host canst thou preach Come near and tell us some holy thing ¶ Sir quod he, I heard ones teach A priest in pulpit a hood preachnyge ¶ say on quoth our host, I the beseech. Sir I am ready at your bidding I pray you that no man me reproach While that I am my tale telling. ❧ Thus endeth the prologue, & here followeth the first part of the tale. A Stern strife is stired new In many steeds in a stound Of sundry sedes that bene sew It seemeth that some been unsound For some be great grown ungrounde Some been souble, simple and small Whether of hem is falser found The falser foul might him befall ¶ That one side is that I of tell Popes▪ cardinals and prelate's Parsons, monks, and freers fell priors, abbots of great estates Of heaven and hell they keep the years And Peter's successors they been all This is deemed by old dates But falsehood foul mought it befall ¶ The other side been poor and pale And people put out of press And seem caytyffes sore a cale And ever in one without increase I clepeth lollers and londlese Who toteth on 'em they been untall They been arrayed all for the peace, But falsehood foul might it befall. ¶ Many a country have I sought To know the falser of these two But ever my travel was for nought All so f●rre as I have go 〈◊〉 as I wrandred in a wro In a wood beside a wall though fowls saw I set though The falls foul might him befall ❧ That one did plead on the Pope's side A griffon of a grim stature A pelican withouten pride To these lollers laid his lure He mused his matter in measure To counsel Christ ever 'gan he call The griffon showed as sharp as fire But falsehood foul might it befall The Pyllycan began to preach Both of mercy and of meekness And said that Chryst so 'gan us teach And meek and merciable 'gan bless The evangely beareth witness A lamb he likeneth Christ over all In tokening that he meekest was Sith pride was out of heaven fall. ¶ And so should every Christened be priests, Peter'S successourp Beth lowlyche and of low degree. And usen none earthly honours Neither crown, ne curious covetours Ne pylloure, ne other proud pal Ne nought to cofrens up great treasures For falsehood foul might it befall ¶ Preestes should for no cattle plead. But chasten 'em in charity Ne to no battle should men lead For enhancing of her own degree Nat wylne sitings in high see Ne sovereignty in house ne hall All wordly worship defy and flee For who so willeth highness foul shall fall ¶ Alas who may such saints call That willeth wield earthly honour As low as Lucifere such shall fall In baleful blackness ybuylden her bower That eggeth the people to error And maketh them to hem thrall To Chryst I hold such one traitor As low as Lucifer such one shall fall That willeth to be kings peers And higher than the Emperor Some that were but poor freers Now woollen wax a warrior God is not her governor. That holdeth no man his permagall While covetise is her counsellor All such falsehood mote need fall ¶ That high on horse willeth ride In glytterande gold of great array I painted and portrayed all in pride No comen knight may go so gay Change of clothing every day With golden girdles great and small As boistous as it bear at bay All such falsehood moat need fall. ¶ With pride punished the poor And some they sustain with sale Of holy church maketh an hore And filleth her womb with wine and ale With money filleth many a male And chaffren churches when they fall And telleth the people a lewd tale Such false faitors foul them befall ¶ With change of many manner meats With song and solace sitting long And filleth her womb, and fast fretes And from the meat to the gonge And after meat with harp and song And each man moat hem lords call And hot spices ever among Such false faitors foul hem fall ¶ And miters more than one or two I perled as the queens heed A staff of gold, and pyrry lo As heavy as it were made of lead With cloth of gold both new and red With gltterande gold as green as gall By doom will damn men to deed All such faitors foul hem fall ¶ And Christ's people proudly curse With broad book, and b●aying bell To put pennies in her purse They will sell both heaven and hell And in her sentence and thou wilt dwell They wyllen guess in her gay hall And though the soothe thou of 'em tell In great cursing shalt thou fall ❧ That is blessed, that they bless And cursed that they curse will And thus the people they oppress And have their lord ships at full And many be merchants of will And to purse pennies will come thrall The poor people they all to pull Such false faitors full hem fall ¶ lords mote to hem lout obeissant to her broad blessing They riden with her royal rout On a courser, as it were a king With saddle of gold glittering With curious harness quayntly crallyt Styroppes gay of gold mastling All such falsehood foul it befall ¶ Christ's ministers clepe they been And rulen all in robbery But Antichrist they serven clean Attired all in tyranny witness of john's prophecy That Antichrist is her admiral Tyffelers attired in treachery All such faitors foul hem fall. ¶ Who saith that some of hem may sin He shallbe done to be deed Some of 'em will gladly win All against that which god forbid All holiest they clepe her heed That of her rule is regal Alas that ever they eaten breed For all such falsehood will foul fall ❧ Her heed loveth all honour And to be worshipped in word and deed Kings moat to hem kneel and coure To the apostles, that Christ forbid To Pope's hests such taketh more heed Than to keep Christ's commandment Of gold and silver mote been her weed They holdeth him hole omnipotent ❧ He ordaineth by his ordinance To parish priests a power To another a greater advance A greater point to his mister But for he is highest in earth here To him reserveth he many a point But to Christ that hath no peer Reserveth he neither open no joint ❧ So seemeth he above all And Christ above him nothing When he sitteth in his stall damneth and saveth as him think Such pride to fore god doth stink An angel bad john to him not kneel But only to god do his bowing Such willers of worship must need evil feel ¶ hay ne clepe Christ, but sanctus deus And clepe her head Sanctissimus They that such a sect sewys I trow they taken 'em amiss In earth here they have her bliss Her high master is Belyal Christ'S people from 'em wysse For all such false will foul fall ¶ They mow both bind and lose And all is for her holy life To save or damn they mow chose Between 'em now is great strife Many a man is killed with a knife To weet which of hem have lordship shall For such Chryst suffered wounds five For all such falsehood will foul fall ¶ Chryst said: Out gladies percutit W●th sword shall die He had his priests peace and gryth And bad hem not dread for to die And bade them be both simple and sly And cark not for no cattle And trusteth on god that sitteth on high For all false shall foul fall ¶ These woollen make men to swear Against Christ'S commandment And Christ'S members all to tear On rood, as he were new rent Such laws they make by comen assent Each on it choweth as a ball Thus the poor be fully shent But ever falsehood foul it befall. ¶ They usen no simony But sellen churches and priories Ne they usen no envy But cursen all hem contraries And hireth men by days and years With strength to hold 'em in her stall And culleth all her adversaries Therefore falsehood foul thou fall ¶ With purse they purchase parsonage With purse they paynen 'em to plead And men of war they will wage To bring her enemies to the deed And lords lives they will lead And moche take, and give but small But he it so get, from it shall shed And make such false right foul fall ¶ They hallow nothing but for hire Church, font, ne vestment And make orders in every shyr But priests pay for the parchment Of riatours they taken rend Therewith thy smear the ships sakll For many churches been oft suspent All such falsehood yet foul it fall. Some liveth not in lechery But haunten wenches, widows & wives And punisheth the poor for putrye Themself it useth all their lives And but a man to them shrives To heaven come never he shall He shall be cucsed as be captives To hell they say that he shall fall ¶ There was more mercy in Maxemyen And in Nero, that never was good Than is now in some of them When he hath on his furred hood They follow Christ that shed his blood To heaven, as buckette into the wall Such wretches been worse than wode And all such faitors foul hem fall ¶ They give her alms to the rich To maintainers, and to men of law For to lords they will be like In harlots son not worth an haw sooth fastness such han slawe They comb her crokettes with crystal And dread, of god they have down draw All such faitors foul hem fall ¶ They maken parsons for the penny And canons of her cardinals uneaths amongst 'em all any That he ne hath glossed the gospel falls For Christ made never no cathedrals Ne with him was no cardinal With a Red hat as vsyn mynstrals But falsehood foul might it befall ¶ Their tithing, and her offering both The● clemeth it by possession Thereof nill they none forego But robben men as ransom The tithing of Turpe lucrum With these masters is meynall tithing of bribry, and larson Will make falsehood will foul fall ¶ They taken to farm her sompnours To harm the people what they may To pardoners, and false faitors Sell her seals I dare well say And all to holden great array To multiply 'em more metal They dread full little domes day When all such shall foul fall ¶ Such harlots shall men disclander Aor they shullen make her gree And been as proud as alexander ●nd sayne to the poor, woe be ye By year each priest shall pay his fee To increase his lemans call Such heerdes' shall well evil the And all such false shall foul fall ❧ And if a man be falsely famed And would make purgation Than will the officers be agramed And assing him fro town to town So need he must pay ransom Though he be clean, as is crystal And than have an absolution But all such false shall foul fall ¶ Though he be guilty of the deed And that he may money pay All the while his purse will bleed He may use it fro day to day These bishops officers gone full gay And this game they usen over all The poor to pill is all their pray All such false shall foul fall ¶ Alas, god ordained never such law Ne no such craft of covetise He forbade it by his saw Such governors mown of god agrise For all his rules is rightwise These new points been pure papal And god's law they dispyce And all such faitors shall foul fall ¶ They say that Peter had the key Of heaven and hell, to have and hold I trow Peter took no money For no sins that he sold Such successors been to bold In winning all their wit they wrall Here conscience is waren cold And all such faitors foul hem fall ¶ Peter was never so great a fool To leave his key with such a lorell Or to take such cursed such a toll He was advised nothing well I trow they have the key of hell Their master is of that place marshal For there they dressen 'em to dwell And with false Lucifere there to fall ❧ They been as proud as Lucifarre As angry, and as envious From good faith they been full far In covetise they been curious To catch cattles as covetous As hound that for hunger will all ungodly and ungracious And needly such falsehood shall foul fall ❧ The pope and he were Peter's heir ●e think he erreth in this case When chose of bishops is in despair To chosen hem in divers place A lord shall write to him for grace For his clerk ano●e pray he shall So shall he speed his purchase And all such false foul hem fall ❧ Though he can no more good A lords prayer shallbe sped Though he be wild of will or wood Nat understanding what men han red A lend boster and that god forbid As a good bishop is my horse ball Such a Pope is foul be stead And at last will foul fall ❧ He maketh bishops for earthly thank And nothing for Christ's sake Such that been full fate and rank To soil heal none heed they take All is well done what ever they make For they shall answer at one for'rs all For worlds thank, such worch and wake And all such false shall foul fall ¶ Such that can neither Crede With prayer shall be made prelate's Nother can the gospel read Such shall now weld high estates The high gods friendship hem makes They toteth on her some total such bear the kyes of hell yates And all such false shall foul fall ❧ They forsake for Christ's love travail, hunger, thirst, and cold For they been ordered ever all above Out of youth till they been old By the door they go, not in to the fold To help their sheep they nought taravall Hired men all such I hold And all such false foul hem fall ☞ For Christ her king they will forsake And know him nought for his poverty For Christ's love they will wake And drink peyment ale apart Of god they seem nothing afeared As †iusty† liveth, as did Lamuall And driven her sheep in to desert A● such taytours shall foul fall ☞ Chryst hath xii apostles here Now say they, there may be but one That may not err in no manner Who leaveth not this been lost eachone Peter erred, so did not john Why is he cleped the principal? Christ cleped him Peter, but himself chestone All false faitors foul hem fall ☞ Why cursen they the croysery Christ's christian creatures For between hem is now envy To be enhanced in honours And christian livers with her labours For they lived on no man moitall But do to death with dishonnurs And all such false foul hem fall ❧ What knoweth a tylloure at the plough The pope's name and what he hate His creed sufficeth to him enough And knoweth a cardinal by his hat Rough is the poor unryghtly let That knoweth Christ his god royal Such matters be not worth a gnat But such false faitors foul hem fall ¶ A king shall kneel and kiss his show Chryst suffered a sinful to kiss his feet Me thinketh he holdeth him high enough So Lucifer did, that high set Such one me thinketh himself for yet Either to the troth he was not call Christ that suffered wounds wet Shall make such falsehood foul fall ¶ They layeth out her large nets For to take silver and gold F●llen coffers and sacks fetttes There as they souls catch should Her servants be to them unhold But they can doublyn their rental To big 'em castles, and big hem hold And all such false foul hem fall ¶ Here endeth the first part of this tale, and hereafter followeth the second part TO accord with this word fall No more English can I rind Show another now I shall For I have much to say behind How priests han the people pinned As courteous Christ hath me kind And put this matter in my mind To make this manner men amend ☞ Shortly to shend 'em, and show now How wrongfully they work and walk O high god nothing they tell, ne how But in god's word, telleth many a baulk In hernes hold 'em and in baulk And preachin of tithes and offrende And untruly of the gospel talk For his mercy god it amend ☞ What is Antichrist to say But even Christ's adversary Such hath now been many a day To Christ's bidding full contrary That from the troth clean marry Out of the way they been wend And Christ's people untruly carry God for his pity it amend ☞ That liven contrary to Christ's life In high pride against m●kenesse Against sufferance they usen strife And anger against soberness Against wisdom wilfulness To Christ's tales little tend Against measure outrageousness But when god will it may amend ¶ Lordly life against lowliness And demyn all without mercy And covetise against largesse Against truth treachery And against alms envy Against Christ they comprehend For chastity they maintain lechery God for his grace this amend ❧ Against penance they use delights Against sufferance strong defence Against god they usen evil rights Against pity punishments Open evil against continence Her wicked winning worse dispend soberness they set in to dispense But god for his goodness it amend ❧ Why cleymen thy holy his power And wranglen against all his histes His living followen they nothing here But liven worse than witless beasts Of fish and flesh they loven feasts As lords they been broad ykende Of gods poor they haten gests God for his mercy this amend ¶ With divers such shall have her doom That sayne that they be Christ's friends And do nothing as they should done All such been falser than been fiends On the people they lay such bends As god is in earth they han offend Succour for such Christ now send us And for his mercy this amend ¶ A token of antichrist they be His careckes been now wide yknow received to preach shall no man be Without token of him I trow Each christian priest, to prechyn own From god above they been send God's word to all folk for to show Sinful man for to amend ❧ Christ sent the poor for to preach The royal rich he did not so Now dare no poor the people teach For antichrist is over all her foe Among the people he moat go He hath bidden, all such suspend Some hath he hent, and thinketh yet more But all this god may well amend ❧ All though that han the world forsake And liven loly, as god bad In to her prison shullen be take Betyn and bounden, and forth lad Hereof I read no man be dread Christ said, his should be shend Each man ought hereof be glad For god full well it will amend ☞ They took on 'em royal power And say they have swords two One curse to hell, one slay men here For at this taking Christ had no more Yet Peter had one of though But Christ, to Peter smite 'gan defend And in to sheath bad put it in tho And all such mischiefs god amend ☞ Christ bad Peter keep his sheep And with his sword forbade him smite Sword is no toll with sheep to keep But to shepherds that sheep will bite Me thinketh such sheperdes been to wite Again her sheep with sword that contend They drive her sheep with great despite But all this god may well amend ☞ So successors to Peter be they nought Whom Christ made chief pastor answered no shepherd usen aught But he would slay, as a bochoure For who so were Peter's successor Sulde bear his sheep till his back bend And shadow 'em from every shower And all this god may well amend ☞ Successors to Peter been these In that, that Peter Christ's forsook That ●ad liefer the love of god lose Than a shepherd had to lose his hock He culleth the sheep as doth the coke Of hem taken the will untrende And falsely gloze the gospel book God for his mercy them amend ¶ After Christ had take Peter the key Christ said he must die for man That Peter to Christ 'gan with say Christ bad him go behind sathan Such coūs●ylours many of these men han For worlds weal, god to offend Peter's successors they been for than But all such god may well amend ¶ For sathan is to say no more But he that contrary to Christ is In this they learn Peter's lore They sewen him when he did miss They follow Peter forsooth in this In all that Christ would Peter reprehend But not in that, that longeth so heaven bliss for for his mercy hem amend ¶ Some of the apostles they sewen in case Of aught that I can understand Him that betrayed Christ, judas That bore the purse in every land And all that he might set on hone ●e hid and stolen, and mispend his rule these traitors han in hand almighty god hem amend ☞ And at the last his lord 'gan tray Cursedly through his false covetise So would these train him for money And they wisten in what wise They be seket of the self ensyse From all soothness they been friend And covetise chaungen with quaintise Almighty god all such amend ☞ Where Chryst on earth here eft soon These would damn him to die All his beasts they han fordone And sayne his saws been heresy And against his commandments they cry And damn all his to be made For it liketh not hem such losenserye God almighty it amend These han more might in England here Than hath the king and all his law They han purchased 'em such power To take 'em whom list not gnaw And say that heresy is her saw And so to prison will him send It was not so by elder daw God for his mercy it amend ❧ The kings law will no man dame Angerlyshe withouten answer But if any man these mysqueme He shallbe bayghteh as a bear And yet well worse they will him tear And in prison will hem pend In gives, and in other gear When god will, it may mend ¶ The king taxeth not his men But by assent of the commonalty But these each year will ransom 'em Maysterfullye, more than doth he Her seals by year better be Than is the kings in extend Her officers han greater fee But this mischief god amend ¶ For who so will prove a testament That is not all worth ten pound He shall pay for the parchment The third part of the money all round Thus the people is raunsounde They say such part to hem should apende There as they grypen it goth to groude God for his mercy it amend A simple fornication Twenty shillings he shall pay And than have an absolution And all the year usen it forth he may Thus they let 'em go a stray They reck not though the soul be brende These keepen evil Peter's key And all such shepherd's god amend Wonder is, that the parliament And all the lords of this land Here to taken so little intent To help the people out of her hand For they been harder in their bond Worse beat, and better brende Than to the king is understand God him help this to amend ¶ What bishops, what religions Han in this land as much lay fee Lordshyppers and possessions More than the lords, it seemeth me That maketh 'em lose charity They mow not to god attend In earth they have so high degree God for his mercy it amend ¶ The Emperor gave the pope sometime So high lordyshp him about That at last the silly kyme The prude Pope put him out So of this realm is in doubt But lords be ware and them defend For now these folk be wonder stout The king and lords now this amend. ¶ Thus endeth the second part of this tale, and hereafter followeth the third Moyses' law forbade it to That priests should no lordshppes weld Christ's gospel biddeth also That they should no lordship held Ne Christ's apostles were never so bold No such lordships to them embrace But smerens her sheep and keep her fold God emend hem for his grace ¶ For they ne been but counterfeit Men may know 'em by her fruit Her greatness maketh 'em god forget And take his meekness in despite And they were poor and had but light They nold not deemen after the face But nourish her sheep, and hem not bite God amend 'em for his grace ¶ Gyfon, ¶ What canst thou preach against canons That men clepe seculere? Peli. They been curates of many towns On earth they have great power They have great prebends and dear Some two or three, and some more A parsonage to been a playing fere And yet they learn the king also ¶ And let to feruie all that far To whom that will most give therefore Some will spend, and some will spare And some will lay it up in store A cure of soul they care not for So they mow money take Whether her souls be won or lore Her profits they will not forsake ¶ They have a gedering procurator That can the poor people enplede And robben him sa a ravynour And to his lord they money lead And catch of quick and eke of deed And richen him and his lord eke And to rob the poor can give good rede Of old and young, of hole and sick ¶ Therewith they purchase 'em lay fee In loud there hem liketh best And b●ylde also broad as a city Both in the East, and eke in the west To purchase thus they been full priest But on the poor they will nought spend Ne no good give to god's gest Ne send him some that all hath send ☞ By her service such will live And trust that other in to treasur Though all her parish die unshrive They will not give a rose flower Her life should be as a mirror Both to lered and to lewd also And teach the people her lele labour Such mister men been all mysgo. ❧ Some of 'em been hard nygges And some of 'em been proud and gay Some spend her good upon gygges' 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hem of great array Alas, what think these men to say That thus dispended gods good At the dreadful domes day Such wretch's shall be worse than wood ¶ Some her churces never ne sye Ne never openye, thither ne send Though the poor parishens for hungers die O penny on hem will they not spend Have they receiving of the rent They reck never of the remanant Alas, the devil hath clean hem blent Such one is Sathanas soiournante ¶ And usen whoredom and harlotry covetise, pomp, and pride sloth, wrath, and eke envy And sewen sin by every side Alas, where think such tab●de How will they accounts yield From high god they mow 'em not hide Such willer's wit is not worth a nelde ¶ They been so rooted in richesses Hhat Christ's poverty is for yet Served with so many mess Hempskirk thinketh that Manna is no meet All is good that they mow get They ween to live evermore But when god at doom is set Such treasure is a feeble store ❧ uneath moat they matins say For counting and courtholding And yet he jangleth as a jay And ynd●rstont himself nothing He will serve both earl and king For his finding and his fee And hide his tithing and his offering This is a feeble charity ❧ Other they been proud, or covetous Or th●y been hard, or hungry Or they been liberal or lecherous Or else meddlers with marchadry Or maintainers of men with mastery Or stewards▪ countours, or pledours And serve god in hypocrisy Such priests been Christ's false traitors ❧ They been false, they been vengeable And begilen men in Christ's name They been unsteadfast and unstable To tray her lord, hem thinketh no shame To serve god they be full lame Gods thieves, and falsely steel And falsely goddess word defame In wenning is her worlds we'll ☞ Antichrist these serve all I pray the who may say nay? With Antichrist such shall fall They followen him in deed and faith They serven 'em in rich array To serve Christ such falsely fain Why, at the dreadful domes day Full they not follow him to pain? ☞ That known 'em self that they done ill Against Christ's commandment And amend 'em never ne will But serve satan by one assent Who saith sooth he shallbe shent Or speaketh against her false living Who so well liveth shallbe brent For such been greater than the king ☞ Pope, bishops, and Chardinals Canons, Persons, and vycaire In god's service I trove been false That sacraments sellen here And been as proud as Lucifere Each man look whether that I lie Who so speaketh against her power It shall be holden heresy Look how many orders take Only o● Christ, for his service That the worlds gods forsake Who so taketh orders, or other wise I trow that they shall sore agrise For all the gloze that they con All sewen not this assize In evil time they thus begun ¶ Look how many among 'em all Holden not this high way With Antichrist they shullen fall For they woollen god betray God amend 'em that best may For many men they maken shend They weren well the sooth I say But the devyel hath foul hem blend ¶ Some on her churches dwell Appparailled poorly proud of port The seven sacraments they done sell In cattle catching is her comfort Of each matter they woollen mell And done 'em wrong is her disport To afray the people they been fell And hold 'em lower than doth the lord ¶ For the tiding of a duck Or of an apple, or an aye They make men swore upon a book Thus they foulen Christ'S say such bearen evil heaven key They mown assoil, they mow shrive With men's wives strongly play With true tillers sturte and strive ¶ At the wrestling, and at the wake And chief chauntours at the nail Market beaters, and meddling make Hoppen and houten with have and hale At fair fresh, and at wine stolen dine and drink, and make debate The seven sacraments set at sail How keep such the keys of heaven gate? ¶ men's wives they woollen hold And though that they been right sorry To speak they shall nor be so bold For sompnenge to the consistory And make 'em say mouth I lie Though they it saw with her eye His leman holden openly No man so hardy to axe why ¶ He will have tithing and offering Maugre whosoever it gruche And twice on the day he will sing Gods priests near none such He mote on hunting with dog and biche And blown his horn, and cryen hay And sorcery usen as a witch such keepen evil Peter's key ¶ Yet they moat have some stock or stone jail painted, and proudly dight To maken men liven upon And say that it is full of might About such, men set up great light Other such stocks shall stand thereby As dark as it were midnight For it may make no mastery ¶ That it lewd people see mow Thou Mary, thou worchest wonder things About that, men offren to now Hongen broochs, ouches, and tynges The priest purchaseth the offerings But he nill offer to none image Woe is the soul that he for sings That preacheth for such a pilgrimage ¶ To men and women that been poor That been Christ's own likeness Men shullen offer at her door That suffer hunger and distress And to such images offer less That mow not feel thirst ne cold The poor in spirit 'gan Christ bless Therefore offereth to feeble and old ☞ Buckelers' broad, and swords long Baudrke, with baselardes keen Such tolls about her neck they hung With Antichrist such priests been Upon her deeds it is well seen Whom they serven, whom they honoren Antichristes' they been clean And gods goods falsely devouren ¶ Of scarlet and green gay gowns That moat be shape for the new To clyppen and kyssen counten in towns The damoseles that to the dance sew Cutted clothes to sew her hew With long● pikes on her shone Our god's gospel is not true Either they serven the devil or none ¶ Now been priests pokes so wide That men must enlarge the vestement The holy gospel they done hide For they contraryen in raiment Such priests of Lucifer been sent Like conquetours they been arrayed The p●ude pendants at her arse ypent Falsely the truth they han betrayed ¶ shrift silver such woollen ask is And will men creep to the crouch None of the sacraments save asks Without meed shall no man touch On her bishop their warrant vouch That is law of the deche With meed and money thus they much And thus they sayne is charity ¶ In the mids of her mass The nill have no man but for hire And full shortly let forth pass Such shall men find in every shire That personages for profit desire To live in liking and in lusts I dare not sayne, Sans ose ●eo dire That such been antichristes priests ❧ Or they yef the bishops why Or they moat been in his service And holden forth her harlotry Such prelate's been of feeble emprise Of god's grame such men agrise For such matters that taken meed How they excuse 'em, and in what wise Me thinketh, they ought greatly dread ☞ They say that it to no man longeth To reprove them though they err But falsely god's goddess they fongeth And therewith maintain woe and were Her deeds should be as bright as star Her living, lewd man's light They say the pope may not err Need must that pass man's might ☞ Though a priest lie with his leman all night And tell his fellow, and he him He goth to mass anon right And sayeth he singeth out of sin His bird abideth him at his in And hyghteth his dinner the mean while He singeth his mass for he would win And so he weeneth god beguile ☞ Him thinketh long till they be met And that they usen forth all the year Among the folk when he is set He holdeth no man half his peer Of the bishop he hath power To soil men or else they been lore His absolution may make them skere And woe is the soul that he singeth for ¶ The griffon began for to threat And said, of monks canst thou ought The Pyllycan said, they been full great And in this world much woe hath wrought Saint benet, that her order brought Ne made 'em never on such manner I trow it came never in his thought That they should use so great power ❧ That a man should a monk lord call Ne serve on knees, as a king He is as proud as prince in pall In meat and drink, and all thing Some weareu mitre and ring With double worsted well ydight With royal meat and rich drink And rideth on a courser as a knight ☞ With hawk and with hundes eke With broochs or ouches on his hood Some say no mass in all a week Of dainties is her most food With lordships and with bondmen This is a royal religion Saint Benet made never none of 'em To have lordship of man ne town ¶ Now they been quaint and curious With fine cloth clad and served clean Proud angry, and envious Malice is much that they mean In catching crafty and covetous Lordly liven in great liking This living is not religious According to Benette in his living ¶ The●●ē clerks, her courts they over see Her poor tenance fully they slyte The hire that a man amerced be The gladlier they will it write This is far from Christ's poverty For all with covetise they indite On the poor they have no pity Ne never hem cleryshe but ever him bite ☞ And commonly such been common Of poor people, and of 'em beget That this perfection han ynomen Her fathers riden not but one her feet And travaylen sore for that they eat In poverty lydeth young and old H●r fathers suffereth drought and wet Many hungry meals, thirst, and cold ¶ And all this the monks han forsake For Christ's love and saint Benette To pride and ease have 'em take This religion is evil beseate Had they been out of religion They must have hanged at the plough Threshing & dykinge fro town to town Wyht sorry meet, and not half enough ☞ Therefore they han this all forsake And taken to riches, pride, and ease Full sew for god will monks hem make little is such order for to praise Saint Benet ordained it not so But bad 'em be cherelyche In churlyche manner live and go Boisterous in earth, and not lordlysh ¶ They disclander saint Benette Therefore they have his holy curse Saint Benet with hem never meet But if they thought to rob his purse I can no more hereof tell But they been like though before And clean serve the devil of hell And been his treasure and his store ❧ And all such other counterfaitours Chanhus, Canons, and such dysgysed Ben god's enemies and traitors His true religion han foul despised Of Freres I have told before In a making of a Crede And yet I could tell worse and more But men would werien it to read ☞ As god's goodness no man tell might Write ne speak ne think in thought To her falsehood, and her untyght May no man tell that ever god wrought The griffon said, thou canst no good Thou came never of no gentle kind Other I trow thou waxest wood Or else thou hast lost thy mind ❧ Should holy church have no heed Who should be her governail Who should her rute, who should her reed Who should her forthren, who should avail Each man shall live by his travail Who best doth shall have most need With strength if men the church assail With strength men must defend her need ☞ And the pope were purely poor Needy, and nothing ne had He should be driven from door to door The wicked of him nold not be dread Of such and heed men would be sad And sinfully liven as hem lust With strength, amends such be made With weepen wolves from sheep be wust ¶ If the pope and prelate's would To beg, and bid, bow and borrow Holy church should stand full cold Her servants sit and soup sorrow And they were naughty foul and horowe To worship god men would wlate Both on even and on morrow Such harlotry men would hate ☞ Therefore men of holy church Should been honest in all thing worshipfully goddess works werche So seemeth it to serve Christ her king In honest and en clean clothing With vessels of gold and clothes rich To god honestly to make offering To his lordship none is liche ¶ The Pelican cast an huge cry And said alas, why sayest thou so Christ is our heed that sitteth on high Hedde● ne ought we have no more We been his members both also And father he taught us to call him als masters to be called defended he though Of other masters been wicked and falls ☞ That taketh mastery in his name ghostly, and for earthly good Kings and lords should lordship have And rule the people with mild mode Christ for us that shed his blood Bad his priests no mastership have Ne cark not for cloth ne food From every mischief he will hem save ¶ Her rich clothing shallbe rightwiseness Her treasure, true life shallbe charity shallbe her richesse Her lordship shallbe unite Hope in god, her honest Her vessel clean conscience Poor in spirit, and humility shallbe holy church's defence ¶ What said the griffon may the grieve That other folks faren we'll What haste thou to done with her live Thy falsehood each man may feel For thou canst no cattles get But lyveh in land as a lorel With glozing gettest thou thy meet He fareth the devil that wonnethe in hell ¶ He would that each man there should dwell For he liveth in clean enuey So with the tales that thou dost tell Thou wouldest other peopl destry With your gloze, and your heresy For ye can live no better life But clean in hypocrisy And bringest the in woe and strife ❧ And therewith have not to done For ye ne have here no cure Ye serve the devil, neither god ne man And he shall pay you your hire For ye will far well at feasts And warm clothed for the cold Therefore ye gloze god's heestes And beguile the people young and old ❧ And all the seven sacraments Ye speak against as ye were sly Against tythinges, offerings which your intents And on our lords body falslylye And all this ye done to live in ease As who saith, there been none such And say the pope is not worth a pease To make the people again him gruche ¶ And this cometh in by friends To bring the christian in distance For they would that no man were fiends Leave thy chattering with mischance If thou live well, what wilt thou more Let other men live as hem list Spend in good, or keep in store Other men's conscience never thou nist ¶ Ye han no cure to answer fore What meddle ye, that han not to done Let men live as they han done yore For thou shalt answer for no man The Pelican said, Sir, nay I despised not the pope Ne no sacrament, soothe to say But speak in charity and good hope ¶ But I despise her high pride Her richesse, that should be poor in spirit Her wickedness is know so wide They serve god in false habit And turnen meekness in to pride And lowliness in to high degree And god's word turn and hide And that am I moved by charity ¶ To let men to live so With all my cunning and all my might And to warn men of her woe And to tell 'em troth and right The sacraments be soul hele If they been used in good use Against that speak I never a deal For then were I nothing wise But they that usen him in miss manner Or set 'em up to any sale I trow they shall abye 'em dear This is my reason, this is my tale Who so taketh 'em unryghtfullyche Against the ten commandments Or by gloze wretched like Selleth any of the sacraments I trow they do the devil homage In that they weten they to wrong And thereto I dare well wage They serven Satan for all her song To tythen and offren in wholesome life So it be done in dew manner A man to houselyn and to shryfe Wedding, and all the other in fere ☞ So it be neither sold ne bought Ne take ne give for covetise And it be so taken it is nought Who selleth 'em so meye sore agrise On our lords body I do not lie I say sooth thorough true read His flesh and blood through his mystery Is there, in the form of breed ¶ How it is there, it needeth not strive Whethe it be subject or accident But as Christ was, when he was on live So is he there verament If pope or cardinal live good live As Chryst commanded in his gospel Against that will I not strive But me thinketh they live not well ¶ For if the people lived as god bede Pride and highness he shield despise richesse, covetise, and crown hi● heed meekness and poverty he should use The griffon said he should abye Thou shallbe brent in baleful fire And all thy sect I shall dystrye Ye shall hanged by the swyre ¶ Ye shullen be hanged and to draw Who giveth you leave for to preach Or speak against god's law And the people thus falsely teach Thou shalt be cursed with book and bell And dissevered from holy church And cleney dampened into hell Otherwise but ye will work ¶ The Pellycan said that I ne dread Your cursing is of little value Of god I hope to have my meed For it is falsehood that ye show For ye been out of charity And wylneth vengeance, as did Nero To suffern I will ready be I dread not that thou canst do ¶ Christ bad ones suffer for his love And so he taught all his servants And but thou amend for his sake above I dread not all thy maintenance For if I dread the worlds hate Me thinketh I were little to praise I dread nothing your high estate Ne I dread not your disease ¶ Would ye turn and leave your pride Your high port, and your richesse Your cursing should not go to wide God bring you into rightwiseness For I dread not your tyranny For nothing that ye can done To suffer I am all ready Syker I reck never how soon ¶ The griffon grynned as he were wode And looked lovely as an owl And swore by cook's heart blood He would him tear every doule Holy church thou dysclaundrest foul For thy reasons I will the all to rate And make thy flesh to rote and mole Lo●e●, thou shalt have hard grace ☞ 〈◊〉 griffon slew forth on his way The pelican did sit and weep And to himself he 'gan say God would that any of Christ's sheep And herd, and ytake keep Each a word that here said was And would it write and well it keep God would it were all for his grace Ploughman ☞ I answered, and said I would If for my travel any man would pay Pelycan. He said yes, these that god han sold For they han store of money Ploughman. I said, tell me and thou may Why tellest thou men's trespass? Pelycan. He said, to amend 'em in good faith If God will give me any grace ¶ For Christ himself is likened to me That for his people died on road As far I, right so fareth he He feedeth his birds with his blood But these done evil against god And been his fone under friends face I told 'em how her living stood God amend 'em for his grace Ploughman. what aileth the Griffon, tell why That he holdeth on that other side For they two been likely And with kinds robben wide Pelican. The foul betokeneth pryte As Lucifer, that high flew was And sith he did him an evil hide For he agylted god's grace ❧ As bird flieth up into the air And liveth by birds that been meek So these been flow up into despair And shended silly souls eke The souls that been in sins seek He culleth 'em, kneel therefore alas For brybry gods forbade break God amend it for his grace ❧ The hinder part is a lion A robber and a ravynere That robbeth the people in earth a down And in earth holdeth none his peer So fareth this foul both far and near And with temporal strength their people chase As a lion proud in earth here God amend 'em for his grace Pelican ❧ He slew forth with his wings twain All drooping, dazed, and dull But son the griffon came again Of his fowls the earth was full The Pyllycan he had cast to pull So great a number never seen there was What manner of fowls tell I will If god will give me of his grace ❧ With the griffon comen fowls feel ravens, tokes, crows, and pie Grace fowls, agadred weal I gurde above they would high Gledes and bosardes wherein hem by white molles and puttocks token her place And lap wings, that well cometh lie This fellowship han for gerde her grace ❧ Lange the Pelican was out But at last he cometh again And brought with him the Phoenix stout The Griffon would have flow full feign His fowls that flown as thick as rain The Penyx though began 'em chase To fly from him it was in vain For he did vengeance and no grace ☞ He slew 'em down without mercy There astart neither free ne thrall On him they cast a rueful cry When the griffon down was fall He beat him not, but slew 'em all Whither he hem drove no man may trace Under the earth me thought they yal Alas they had a feeble grace ¶ The Pellycan then axed right For my writing if I have blame Who will for me fight of flight? Who shall shield me from shame He that had a maid to dame And the lamb that slain was ●●al shield me from ghostly blame For earthly harm is god's grace ❧ Therefore I pray every man Of my writing have me excused ●●ys writhing writeth the Pelican That thus these people hath despised For I am fresh fully advised I nill not maintain his menace For the devil is often disguised To bring a man to evil grace ❧ wyteth the Pelican and not me For hereof I nil not avow In high ne in low, ne in no degree But as a fable take it ye mow To holy church I will be bow Each man to amend him Christ send space And for my writing me allow He that is almighty for his grace ❧ Thus endeth the book of Chaunterburye Tales ☞ Imprinted at London in Paul's church yard at the sign of the Hill by William Hill