CHRISTIAN Prayers and Meditations in English French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, and Latin. IMPRINTED at London, by john day. An. 1569. tree of Jesse JESSE. DAVID SALOMOn ABIA 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 JORAM OSIAS JOATAM AHAS ESECHIA Manss● royal blazon or coat of arms E R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE Elizabeth Regina. portrait of Elizabeth I 2. PARALIPOM. 6. Domine Deus Israel, non est similis tui Deus in coelo & in terra qui pacta custodis & misericordiam cum servis tuis, qui ambulant coram te in toto cord suo. ❧ Prayers to be said in the morning: and first when you awake out of your sleep, pray thus. Most merciful God and father of our Saviour Jesus Christ, I most humbly thank thee for the sweet sleep and comfortable rest which thou hast given me this night past: beseeching thee, that like as thou hast now awaked my body from sleep, so thou wouldst awake my soul from the sleep of sin and darkness of this world: and that which thou hast now awaked out of sleep, thou wouldst after death (whereof this sleep is but an image) restore & raise again to life everlasting. O gracious God, make my body (I heartily pray thee) such a companion, or rather a minister of godliness to my soul, this day and all the time of this present life, that in the life to come it may be partaker with the same of everlasting happiness, through Jesus Christ our Lord * Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead, and Christ shall show light unto thee. Eph. 5 ¶ Occasions to meditate. HEre call to mind the great mirth and blessedness of the everlasting resurrection. Also remember to muse upon that most clear light, that bright morning and new clearness of our bodies after the long darkness which they have been in. All then shall be full of unspeakable joys and felicity. ❧ When you behold the day light, pray. O Lord God, thou most glorious & true light, from whence this light of the day & sun doth spring, and shine unto us: O light which lightnest every man that cometh into this world: O light which know'st no night nor evening, but art always a midday most clear and fair: without whom all is most horrible darkness, and by whom all things are most splendent: O thou wisdom of the eternal father of mercies, lighten my mind that I may see those things only which please thee, and may be blinded to all other things. Grant me so to walk in thy ways by the light of thy holy word, that nothing else may be light and pleasant unto me. * Lighten mine eyes (O Lord) that I sleep not in death, lest mine enemies say, I have prevailed against him. Psal. 30. ¶ Occasions to meditate. Muse a while, how much the light and eye of the mind and soul is better than of the body. Also how much more we aught to care for the soul that it may see well, then for the body. Moreover, that beasts have bodily eyes as well as men, but men only have eyes of the mind, and that such as are godly wise. ❧ When you arise, pray. Our first parents cast down themselves from a most excellent, high, & honourable estate, in to shame and misery, and in to the deep sea of all wickedness and mischief: but (o Christ) thou putting forth thy hand, didst raise them up again. Even so we, except we be raised up by thee, shall lie still for ever. O good Christ, our most gracious redeemer, as thou dost mercifully raise up now this my body, even so I beseech thee raise up my mind and heart to the true knowledge and love of thee, that my conversation may be in heaven where thou art. * If you be risen with Christ, think upon those things that be above. Colloss. 3. ¶ Occasions to meditate. Think how foul the fall of Adam was by reason of sin: and so of every one of us from the height of god's grace. Again, think upon the inestimable benefit of Christ, by whose help we daily arise again from our fastings. ❧ When you are made ready, to begin the day withal, pray. O Almighty God & most merciful father, thou knowest & hast taught us also something to know, that the weakness of man and woman is great, & that without thy grace they can neither do nor think any good thing. Have mercy upon me, I humbly beseech thee, thy most weak, frail and unworthy child. Lighten my mind that I may with pleasure look upon good things only. Inflame my heart with the love thereof, that I may carefully covet them, and at the last by thy gracious conducting, may happily attain them, through Jesus Christ our Lord. I distrusting altogether mine own weakness, commend and offer myself both soul and body into thy hands. * Thy loving spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness. Psal. 143. ❧ Cogitations meet to begin the day withal. Think first that man consists of soul & body, and that the soul is from heaven heavenly, firm and immortal: but the body is from the earth earthly, frail and mortal. Again, think that though by reason of sin wherein you are conceived and born, the parts of the soul which do understand and desire, be so corrupt that without special grace to both parts you can neither know nor love any good thing in gods sight, much less then, do that is good: yet this notwithstanding, think that you are regenerate by Christ's resurrection (which your baptism requireth you to believe) and therefore to do also some good in the sight of God through Christ: for whose sake our poor doings are accepted for good, the evil and infirmity cleaving thereunto, not being imputed through faith. Think that by faith, which is god's seed (for they which believe are of God and made Gods children) given to those that be ordained to eternal life: think (I say) that by faith you receive more and more the spirit of sanctification, through the use of God's word and sacraments, and earnest prayer, to illuminate your mind, understanding, judgement, and reason, and to bow, form, frame and inflame your affections with love and power to do that that good is, and therefore use you the means aforesaid accordingly. Think, that by this spirit you are through faith coupled to Christ as a lively member, and so to God, and as it were, made one with him: and by love, which springeth out of this faith you are made one also with all that be of God, and so you have fellowship with God and all good men that ever were or shall be, in all the good that God and all his saints have or shall have. Think, that as by faith and love through the spirit of God you are now entered into this communion (the blessedness whereof no tongue can express) so after this life you shall first in soul, and in the last day in body also, enjoy for ever the same society most perfectly which now is but begun in you. Think, in consideration of your heavenly estate, how your body is the temple of the holy ghost, your members of Christ, the whole world and all things therein are your own. Therefore say unto your soul: O my soul, arise, follow God, contemn this world, purpose well and pursue it, long for the lords coming, be ready and watch that he come not upon thee unwares. And forsomuch as you must live to God's pleasure, see the vocation and state of your life whereunto God hath called you, and pray to god for grace, knowledge, and ability to take the most profitable things in hand, well to begin, better to go on, and best of all to end the same to God's glory and the profit of others, and think that time lost wherein you speak not or do not, or at though lest think not something to God's glory and the commodity of his children. ❧ At the sun going down, pray. HOw unhappy are they (O Lord) on whom thy Sun goeth down and giveth no light, I mean thy grace which is always clear as the midday. Dark night unto them is the midday which departed from thee. In thee is never night, but always day light most clear. This corporal Sun hath his courses, now up, now down: but thou dear Lord, if we love thee, art always one. O that this block and veil of sin were taken away from me, that there might be always clear day in my mind. ¶ Occasion to meditate. Think, that as we are not sorry when the sun goeth down, because we know it will rise again: even so we should not sorrow for death, wherewith the soul and body do part asunder: for they shall eftsoons return and come together again in most glorious wise. ❧ When the candles be light, pray. MOst thick and dark clouds do cover our minds, except thy light (O Lord) do drive them away. Thy Sun (O most wise worker) is as it were a firebrand to this world. Thy wisdom whereby light cometh to both soul and body, is a firebrand to the spiritual world. After day when the night cometh, thou hast given for the remedy of darkness a candle. After sin, for the remedy of ignorance, thou hast given thy doctrine which thy dear son hath brought unto us. O thou that art the author and master of all truth, and art the true light, make us so to see, that the dimness of our minds may be driven clean away. * Thy word is a lantern to my feet & a light unto my paths. Psal. 4. * Lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us and sand joy and gladness into our hearts. ¶ Occasions to meditate. Think that the knowledge which God giveth unto us by the candle light (whereby we see those things in this night of our bodies which are expedient for us) should make us to wish much more for this spiritual light of our souls, this doctrine of our salvation, and when we get it, the more to esteem it, and diligently to embrace it: Again, that as all would be horror without candle light, so there is nothing but mere confusion where God's word taketh not place. ❧ When you make yourself unready, pray. This our life and weak knit body by reason of sin, by little and little shall be dissolved, and so shall be restored to the earth from whence it was taken: then will be an end of this vanity which by our folly we have wrought to ourselves. O most meek father, so do thou untie & lose me (for thou art he that hast knit these my weak members together) that I may perceive myself to be loosed and dissolved, & so may remember both of whom I was made, and also whether I must go, lest I be had unprovided unto thy tribunal seat. * Put of the old man with his lusts and concupiscences. Col. 3 Ephe. 4. ¶ Occasion to meditate. Think that as we do willingly put of our garments because we shall receive them again when the night is past: so we should not unwillingly forsake our bodies when God by death shall call us, because we shall receive them again in the resurrection of the just. ❧ When you enter into your bed, pray. THe day now ended, men give themselves to rest in the night, and so this life finished, we shall rest in death. Nothing is more like this life than every day: nothing more like death than sleep, nothing more like to our grave then our bed. O Lord our keeper and defender, grant that I now laying me down to rest, being unable to keep myself, may be preserved from the crafts and assaults of the wicked enemy. And grant further, that when I have run the race of this life, thou wouldst of thy mercy call me unto thee, that I may live and watch with thee for evermore. And now gracious God, give me to take my rest in thee: and bring to pass that thy goodness may be even in sleep before mine eyes, that sleeping I be not absent from thee, but may have my dreams to draw me unto thee, & so both soul and body may be kept pure and holy for ever. * I will lay me down in peace and take my rest. Psal. 4. ❧ An other prayer. O Lord Jesus Christ, my watchman and keeper, take me to thy care: grant that my body sleeping, my mind may watch in thee, and be made merry by some sight of that celestial and heavenly life, wherein thou art the king & prince, together with the father and the holy ghost, where the Angels and holy spirits be most happy citizens. O purifyings my soul, keep clean my body, that in both I may please thee sleeping & waking, for ever, Amen. ¶ Occasion to meditate. Think, that as this troublesome day is now past and night come, and so rest, quietness, and pleasant sleep, which maketh most excellent princes, and poor wretches alike: even so after the tumults, troubles, temptations and tempests of this life, they that believe in Christ, have prepared for them an haven and rest most pleasant and joyful. As you are not afraid to enter into your bed, and to dispose yourself to sleep, so be not afraid to die, but rather cheerfully prepare yourself thereunto. Think that now you are nearer your end by one days journey, than you were in the morning. ❧ A prayer to God the Father, for the true knowledge of the mystery of our redemption in Christ. O Almighty God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by him also our father, the father of all mercy and God of all consolation, have mercy upon us and hear our prayers. We most humbly beseech thee, for thy dear son Jesus Christ's sake, for his merits and cruel death which he suffered, to deliver us from eternal death and the power of darkness: sand into our hearts thy spirit of truth, to work in us a true, lively, and steadfast faith, that the clear light and brightness of thy gospel, the glory of Christ, may shine unto us, & lighten our minds, that we may learn & understand the wonderful & unspeakable riches of the mystery of our redemption in Christ, and by Christ. O father of glory, give unto us the spirit of wisdom, and bring us into the true knowledge of this thy beloved son Jesus Christ, and the knowledge of thyself. Open and lighten the eyes of our minds and understanding that we may know what the hope is whereunto thou hast called us, and how rich the glory of thy inheritance is upon thy saints, and the exceeding greatness of thy power towards us: that by true faith, by understanding and knowledge of thy eternal wisdom (which is Jesus Christ) we may be in deed as we are called, true christians and unfeigned professoures of thy holy name, to worship thee in spirit and truth, and to set forth the glory of thy grace given unto us in Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen. O dear Father, write in our hearts love of thy law, hate to all sin, thankfulness of heart, and continual heat of thy holy spirit, for thy son Jesus christes sake. To whom with thee and thy holy spirit, be all honour, majesty, glory, thanks, rule, empire, and dominion, for evermore. ❧ A form of thanksgeving for our redemption, and prayer for strength and increase of faith. ETernal praise & thanks be given unto thee dear God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things by Christ, in that thou hast choose us in him before the foundation of the world was laid, that we should be without blame before thee through him: by whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of our sins: In whom, after we herded the word of truth, the Gospel of our salvation, wherein we believed, we were sealed with the holy spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance: which spirit hath and doth bear witness unto our spirits, that we are thy children, and therefore crieth in our hearts, Abba, Father. And thus most gracious father, when thou hast once given the earnest penny of our salvation into our hearts, thou dost not repent of thy gift & calling, neither will't thou at any time, break thy covenant of grace and mercy in Christ thy sons merits, confirmed in us by that seal and love token. For what though we be weak in our belief? shall our unbelief make thy promise of no effect? Not, thou will't always be found true, but all men be liars. And yet Lord, thou dost most graciously behold and accept, be it never so little a spark of faith. We say therefore & cry unto thee with one that wept and said: I believe Lord, help my unbelief. Yea that little, be it never so little, is thy mere gift also. The which as thou hast begun: so (most merciful Lord) increase the same more and more, to the peace and comfort of our conscience, and the glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ. Amen. ❧ A meditation for the exercise of true mortification. HE that will be ready in weighty matters to deny his own will, and to be obedient to the will of God, the same had need to accustom himself to deny his desires in matters of less weight, and to exercise the mortification of his own will in trifles. For if that our affections by this daily custom be not (as it were) half slain, surely, surely, when the plunge shall come, we shall find the more to do. If we cannot watch with Christ one hour, as he saith to Peter, we undoubtedly can much less go to death with him. Wherefore, that in great temptations we may be ready to say with Christ: Not my will but thine be done, (in that this commonly cometh not to pass, but where the roots of our lusts, by thy grace dear father, are almost rotten and rooted out by a daily denial of that they desire) I humbly beseech thee for Christ's sake to help meherein. First pardon me my cherishing and (as it were) watering of mine affections, obeying them in their devices and superfluous desires: wherethrough, in that they have taken deep root, and are to lively in me, I secondly do beseech thee to pull them up by the roots out of my heart, and so henceforth to order me, that I may continually accustom myself to weaken the principal root, that they by roots and branches may lose all their power. Grant me (I beseech thee) that thy grace may daily mortify my concupiscence of pleasure in things, that is, of wealth, riches, glory, liberty, favour of men, meats, drinks, apparel, ease, yea and life itself, that the horror and impatiency of more grievous things, may be weakened, and I made more patient in adversity. Whereunto I further desire and pray thy goodness (dear father) that thou will't add this: namely, that I may for ever, become obedient and ready to do thy good will in all things, heartily and willingly to serve thee, and do whatsoever may pleàse thee. For doubtless, although we accustom ourselves in the pleasant things of this life, to a mortification and denial of ourselves, yet we shall find enough to do when more bitter and weighty crosses come. For if thy son our Saviour (ever wont to obey thy good will) prayed so heartily and often: Not my will but thy will be done, whereby he declareth himself to be very man, how can it be but we, whose nature is corrupt, not only in nativity, but in the rest of our whole life also, shall found both our hands full in great and grievous temptations wholly to resign ourselves unto thee. Grant therefore (dear father) for thy christes sake, I most heartily beseech thee, thy grace and holy spirit, to be effectual in me, that daily I may accustom myself to deny my will in more easy and pleasant things of this life, that when need shall be, I may come unto thee with a resigned will, always steadfastly expecting thy mercy, and in the mean season, continually obeying thee with readiness and willïngnes, doing whatsoever may most please thee, through Christ our lord, which liveth with thee etc ¶ A meditation of the coming of Christ to judgement, and of the reward both of the faithful & unfaithful. O Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the everliving God, by whom all things were made, are ruled and governed, as of thy love, for our redemption thou didst not disdain to be our mediator, and to take upon thee our nature in the womb of a virgin, purely and without sin, by the operation of the holy spirit, that both thou mightest in thy own person wonderfully beautify and exalt our nature, and work the same in us also, first abolishing the guiltiness of sin by remission, than sin itself by death, and last of all, death by raising up again these our bodies, that they may be like unto thine own glorious and immortal body, according to the power wherewith thou art able to subject all things unto thee: as (I say) of thy love for our redemption thou becamest man and that most poor and afflicted upon earth by the space of xxxiii. years at the least, in most humility, and payedst the price of our ransom by thy most bitter death and passion (for the which I most heartily give thanks to thee) so of the same thy love towards us, in thy good time thou will't come again in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, with flaming fire, with thousands of saints, with angels of thy power, with a mighty cry, shout of an Archangel, and blast of a trump, suddenly as a lightning which shines from the East, etc. when men think lest, even as a thief in the night when men be a sleep, thou will't so come (I say) thus suddenly in the twinkling of an eye, all men that ever have been, be and shall be, with women and children, appearing before thy tribunal judgement seat, to tender an account of all things which they have thought, spoken, and done against thy law, openly and before all Angels, saints, and Devils, and so to receive the just reward of thy vengeance, if that they have not repent & obeyed the gospel, and so departed from thee to the Devil & his angels and all the wicked which ever have been, be, or shall be, into hell fire, which is unquenchable, and of pains intolerable, easeles, endless, hopeless, even from the fear of thy glorious & mighty power. But if they have repent and believed thy gospel: if they be found watching with their lamps & oil in their hands: if they be found ready apparelled with the wedding garment of innocency: if they have not hardened their hearts, & hoarded up the treasure of thy vengeance in the day of wrath to be revealed, but have used the time of grace, the acceptable time, the time of salvation, that is, the time of this life, in the which thou stretchest out thy hand, and spreadest thy arms, calling and crying unto us, to come unto thee which art meek in heart and lowly, for thou will't ease all that labour and are heavy laden: if they have visited the sick and prisoners, comforted the comfortless, fed the hungry, clothed the naked, lodged the harbourless, if they have not laden their hearts with gluttony, and surfeiting, and carefulness of this life: if they have not digged and hide their talon in the ground, doing no good therewith, but have been faithful to occupy thy gifts to thy glory, and here washed their garments in thy blood by hearty repentance: then shall thy angels gather them together, not as the wicked which shall be collected as faggots, & cast into the fire, but as the good wheat that is gathered into thy barn: then shall they be caught up to meet thee in the clouds: then shall their corruptible body put on incorruption: then shall they be endued with immortality and glory: then shall they be with thee, and go whether thou goest: then shall they hear, Come blessed of my Father, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning, etc. then shall they be set on seats of majesty judging the whole world: then shall they reign with thee for ever: then shall God be all in all with them and to them: them shall they enter and inherit the heavenly Jerusalem and the glorious restful land of Canaan, where is always day and never night, where is no manner of weeping, tears, infirmity, hunger, cold, sickness, envy, malice, nor sin: but always joy without sorrow, mirth without measure, pleasure without pain, heavenly harmony, most pleasant melody, saying, and singing: holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. etc. Finally the eye hath not seen, the ear hath not herded, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, that they shall then inherit and most surely enjoy, although here they be tormented, prisoned, burned, solicited of Satan, tempted of the flesh, and entangled with the world, wherethrough they are enforced to cry, Thy kingdom come: Come Lord jesus, etc. How amiable are thy tabernacles? Like as the heart desireth the water brooks, etc. Now let thy servant depart in peace: I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ: We mourn in ourselves, waiting for the deliverance of our bodies, etc. O gracious Lord, when shall I found such mercy with thee, that I may repent, believe, hope and look for these things, with the full fruition of those heavenly joys which thou hast prepared for all them that fear thee, and so rest with thee for evermore. ❧ A meditation concerning the life everlasting, the place where it is, and the incomparable joys thereof. THat there is an everlasting life, none will deny but such as will deny God. For if he be true & just (which he must needs be, or else he is not God) then can there not be but an eternal life. That he hath both spoken it and promised it, in Math. 25. 1. Cor. 16. Hebr. 4. 11. 13. 1. Petr. 1. it plainly appeareth, and else where in very many places. So that to deny an everlasting life, is to deny God, to deny Christ and all that ever he did, also to deny all piety & religion, to condemn of foolishness all good men, martyrs, confessors, Evangelists, Prophets, patriarchs. Finally the denial of eternal life is no thing else, but a denial of the immortality of the soul, and so a plain making of man no thing better than beasts. If it be so, let us then eat and drink, for to morrow we shall die. Lord preserve us from this Saduceal and Epicureall impiety, and grant us for thy mercy's sake (dear God) that we may be assuredly persuaded, that there is in deed an eternal life and bliss with thee, for them that put their trust in thee, amongst whom account me for thy mercy's sake. Again, this eternal life, and the place appointed for them that be thy servants, all men do grant to be with thee: Albeit they do not think that because thou art everywhere, therefore eternal life is every where: For they by thy word do know, that in as much as no man can see thee and live, this eternal life and thy blessed presence is most pleasant and had in fruition, after in an other world, where unto by corporal death they do departed and are translated to a place above them, where thou dwellest in a light whereunto no man can approach. Abraham's bosom (they read) was above, as the place for the wicked, was a low and beneath. Helias was caught up into heaven, and thy son our dear saviour prayed, that where he is, those also might be, which thou hadst given him and might see his glory. Now, he (dear father) we learn by thy spirit, was ascended and taken up in his very body into heaven, whether Steven looked up and saw thy Christ standing on thy right hand: to whom he prayed: O Lord jesus receive my spirit. Grant I beseech thee, gracious god and father, that I may have a clean heart, more & more to see thee, and so in spirit to see and look often upon this place: whether bring me at the length in body also, I humbly pray thee. Now, what a thing this everlasting life is, no man is able to conceive, much less able to utter: For the peace of god which is eternal life, passeth all understanding. The eye hath not seen, the ear hath not herded, neither can man's heart conceive those things, which thou (dear God) hast prepared for them that love thee. Whatsoever therefore can be spoken or imagined of thy kingdom, of the clearness, joy and felicity of the same, is nothing in comparison: as we may see by the Prophets, which (because they could not otherwise) under corporal things, have shadowed the same: So that the confidence of eternal life, what a thing it is, can in no wise be told. Howbeit some what we may be brought into some sight of it, by earthly things, to think on this sort. If God hath given here so many things in a strange place, how many are the great good things that be at home? If in a prison are so many mercies, how many are they in the palace? If the wicked have so many benefits, what is the store prepared for thy servants, O Lord? If thy children find such comforts in the day of tears and mourning, what shall they find in the day of the marriage? If with beasts men being, have the use of so innumerable blessings, o how many are the blessings which they shall enjoy with thy Angels, and with thee thyself (O dear God) when they shall see thee, and have the fruition of thee, in whom is fullness without loathing of all good & fair things: so that nothing can be more desired, and that for evermore? This thy children do not so see as they now believe it: I say that even in their bodies they shall see it for ever, as Job said. They heleve that they shall see thee, and their own eyes behold thee, when these our corporal eyes, our bodies being raised, shall do their duties. Such a knowledge of thee they believe to have, as shall not be only intellectual and by faith, as now it is: but even a full sight and fruition, yea a comunction and fellowship with thee. Now they see but in a glass, even in a dark speaking: but then they shall see face to face. For faith, though it be the substance of things hoped for, and a certain dark sight of thee: yet it may not be compared to the reward of faith, & glorious sight which we shall see in the life to come, when faith & hope shall cease. Now, thy children know that they be thy children, though it yet appear not what they shall be. We know (say they) that when our Christ God and man shall appear, then shall we be like unto him: for we shall see him even as he is. O great prerogative, to see Christ as he is. Which is not to be considered so much for the manhood, as for the Godhead itself: as Paul doth also writ, that when all things are subject unto the son, then shall he be subject unto thee (dear Father) also that God may be all in all. And therefore Christ our saviour prayed for us, that we might know thee the only true God. Not that our Christ thy son is not with thee, the true, coequal, and substantial god, but that we might know how that after the judgement such a mystery of his mediatorship shall not be in heaven, as is now in earth. Then thou blessed trinity, God the Father, God the son, and God the holy ghost shalt be all in all: thou shalt be the end of our desires, thou shalt be looked upon without end, thou shalt be loved without loathing, thou shalt be praised without weariness. Although lothsomues be wont to follow fullness, yet our fullness in the contemplation of thy pleasures shall bring with it no kind at all of loathsomeness. Satiety of joys shall be in the beholding of thee. Pleasures are on thy right hand for ever. We shallbe satisfied when we arise after thine image: I mean in the resurrection. O dear father, show thyself unto us, and we ask no more. O grant us with thy Saints in everlasting life, to praise with perpetual praises, thy holy name. Happy then and happy again were we, if that day were come that we might sing with thy angels, elders, and innumerable thousands, a new song & say, thou Christ Jesus which wast slain, art worthy to receive power, and riches: and wisdom, and strength, & honour, and glory, and blessing. In this blessed life all kind of maladies, griefs, sorrows and evils be far away, and all full of all kind of mirth, joy & pleasure. O that we might see now a little with S. John that holy City, new Jerusalem, descending from heaven, prepared of god as a bride trimmed for her husband. O that we might now something hear the great voice speaking out of the throne, behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will devil with them, and they shall be his people, and he shallbe unto them their god: he will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and death shall be no more, nor weeping, nor crying, nor sorrow: for the former things are go. ¶ An other meditation of the blessed state and felicity of the life to come. THis body is but a prison wherein the soul is kept, and that verily, not beautiful nor bright: but most foul and dark, disquiet, frail, and filled up with much vermin and venomous vipers (I mean it concerning our affections) standing in an air most unwholesome, and prospect most loathsome, if a man consider the excrements of it, by the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet, and all the other parts. So that no Bocardo, no Little ease, no Dungeon, no Bishop's prison, no gatehouse, no sink, no pit, may be compared in any point, to be so evil a prison for the body, as the body is for and of the soul: wherethrough the children of God have been occasioned to cry & lament their long being in it. O says David, how long shall I lie in this prison? O wretch that I am (saith Paul) who shall deliver me out of this body of sin? which is an heavy burden unto the soul, as the wise man saith. And therefore the godly cry, now let thy servant departed in peace. O that I were dissolved and had put of this earthly and frail tabernacle. Take me unto thee, and bring my soul out of this prison, that it may give thanks unto thee O Lord For so long as we be in this body, we can not see the Lord: yea it is as an heavy habitation, and depresseth down sore the spirit fro the familiarity which it else should have with God. This world & life is an exile, a vale of misery, a wilderness, of itself being void of all virtues and necessaries for eternal life, full of enemies, sorrows, sighings, sobbing, groanings, miseries, etc: In danger to hunger, cold, heat, thirst, sores, sickness, temptations, trouble, death, and innumerable calamities, being momentany, short, unstable, and nothing but vain, and therefore is compared to a warfare, a woman's travail, a shadow, a smoke, a vapour, a word, a storm, a tempest, in the which Gods people feel great molestations, griefs, & troubles, now of Satan himself, now of the world, now of their own flesh, and that so wonderfully, diversly, dangerously, & contrarily, that they are enforced to cry: O Lord, when shall we come and appear before thee? when shall this misery end? when shall we be delivered out of this vale of misery? out of this wilderness? out of this continual affliction and most perilousseas? But where thou art (Lord and dear father of mercy) there is not only no prison, no dolours, no sorrow, no sighinges, no tears, no sickness, no hunger, no heat, no cold, no pain, no temptations, no displeasure, no malice, no pride, no uncleanness, no contention, no torments, no horror, no sin, no filth, no stinch, no dearth, no death, no weeping, no tears, no misery, nor mischief: there is (I say) not only no such thing, or any e-evill, noisome, or displeasant thing: but all liberty, all light, all pleasantness, all joy, rejoicing, mirth, pleasure, pastime, health, wealth, riches, glory, power, treasure, honour, triumph, comfort, solace, love, unity, peace, concord, wisdom, virtue, melody, meekness, felicity, beatitude, and all that ever can be wished or desired, in most security, eternity, and perpetuity that may be thought, not only of man, but of Angels and Archangels, yea above all thoughts. The eye hath not seen the like, the ear hath not herded it, nor no heart is able to conceive in any point, any part of the blissful beatitude which is with thee most dear God and Father, most dear Lord and Saviour, most gracious good God and comforter. Where thou art, O blessed God, the Archaungels, Angels, Thrones, powers, dominations, Cherubins, Ceraphins, patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Virgins, Confessors, and righteous spirits, cease not to sing, night and day: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts: honour, majesty, glory, power, empire and dominion be unto thee, o God the creator, o Lord Jesus the redeemer, o holy spirit the comforter. In recordation of this, O how thy children rejoice? how contemn they the pleasures of this world? how little esteem they any corporal grief or shame? how desire they to be with thee? How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord God of hosts, say they: my soul hath a desire to enter into the courts of the Lord: my heart and my soul rejoiceth in the living God. Blessed are they that devil in thy house, they that may always be praising thee. For one day in thy courts is better than a thousand else where. I had rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, then to devil in the tents of ungodliness: for the Lord God is a light & defence. And again: like as the Hart desireth the water brooks: so longeth my soul after thee, O God: my soul is a thirst for God, yea even for the living God. When shall I come to appear before the presence of God? My soul thirsteth for thee: my flesh also longeth after thee in a barren and dry land, where no water is. They (thy children I mean O Lord) desire the day of that their redemption: still they cry: let thy kingdom come: they cry: Come Lord Jesus: they lift up their heads looking for thy appearing, O Lord, which will make their vile body like to thy own glorious & immortal body: for when thou shalt appear, they shall be like unto thee. Thy Angels will gather them together, & they shall meet thee in the clouds, and be always with thee. They shall hear this joyful voice: Come you blessed of my father, possess the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning. Then shall they be like to thy angels. Then shall they be like unto the Sun in thy kingdom. Then shall they have crowns of glory, and be endued with white garments of innocency and righteousness, and Palms of victory in their hands. O happy is he that may but see that immortal and incorruptible inheritance, which they shall enjoy for evermore, Amen. ¶ A Meditation of the presence of God. THere is nothing that maketh more to true godliness of life, than the persuasion of thy presence (dear father) and that nothing is hid from thee, but all to thee is open and naked, even the very thoughts, which one day thou will't reveal and open, either to our praise or punishment in this life: as thou didst David's faults which he did secretly. 2. Reg. 12. or in the life to come. Math. 25. for nothing is so hide that shall not be revealed. Therefore doth the Prophet say: Woe to them that keep secret their thoughts to hide their counsel from the Lord, and do their works in darkness, saying who seethe us? Grant to me therefore (dear God) mercy for all my sins, especially, my hid and close sins. Enter not into judgement with me, I humbly beseech thee. give me to believe truly in thy Christ, that I never come into judgement for them: that with David I might so reveal them and confess them unto thee, that thou wouldst cover them. And grant further, that hence forth I always think myself continually conversant before thee, so that if I do well, I pass not of the publishing of it, as hypocrites do: If I do or think any evil, I may forthwith know that the same shall not always be hide from men. Grant me, that I may always have in mind that day wherein hid works of darkness shall be illumined, and also that sentence of thy son, that nothing is so secret which shall not be revealed. So in trouble and wrong I shall find comfort, and otherwise be kept through thy grace from evil: which do thou work I humbly beseech thee, for Christ's sake, Amen. ❧ A Meditation of death, and the commodities it bringeth. WHat other thing do we daily in this present life, then heap sin upon sin, and hoard up trespass upon trespass? so that this day is worse always then yesterday, by increasing as days, so sins, and therefore thy indignation, good Lord, against us: but when we shall be let go out of the prison of this body, and so taken into thy blessed company, then shall we be in most safety of immortality and salvation, them shall come unto us no sickness, no need, no pain, no kind of evil to soul or body: but what soever good we can wish, that shall we have, and what soever we loath, shall be far from us. O dear father, that we had faith, to behold these things accordingly. O that our hearts were persuaded thereof, and our affections inflamed with the desire of them. Then should we live in longing for that which now we most loath. O help us, and grant that we being ignorant of things to come, and of the time of our death, which to thee is certain, may so live and finish our journey here, that we may be ready and then departed, when our departing may make most to thy glory & our comfort through Christ. What is this life but a smoke, a vapour, a shadow, a warfare, a bubble of water, a word, grass, a flower? That we shall die it is most certain: but the time, no man can tell when. The longer in this life we do remain, the more we sin, which will turn to our further pain. By cogitation of death, our minds be often, in a manner, oppressed with darkness, because we do but remember the night of the body, forgetting the light of the mind, and of the resurrection. Hereto remember the good things that after this life shall ensue, in certainty of faith, without wavering, and so shall the passage of death be more desired. It is like a sailing over the sea to your home and country: it is like a medicine or purgation to the health of soul and body: it is the best Physician: it is like a woman's travail. For as the child being delivered, cometh into a more large place then the womb wherein it did lie before, so the soul being delivered out of the body, cometh into a much more larger and fairer place, even into heaven. ❧ A meditation concerning the sober usage of the body, and pleasures in this life. THe beginning of all evil in our kind of living springeth out of the depravation and corruptness of our judgement, because our will always followeth that which reason judgeth to be followed. Now, that which every man taketh to be friendly and agreeing to his nature, the same doth he judge necessarily to be good for him, and to be desired. This is meat, drink, apparel, riches, favour, dignity, rule, knowledge, and such like, because they are thought good & agreeing either to the body, or to the mind, or to both, for they help either to the conservation or to the pleasure of man, accounted of every one amongst good things. Howbeit such is the weakness of our wit on the one part, and the blindness and too much rage of our lusts on the other part, that we being left to ourselves, can not but in the desire of things which we judge good and agreeing to our nature by the judgement of our senses and reason, we cannot (I say) but overpass the bounds whereby they might be profitable unto us, and so we make them hurtful to us, which of themselves are ordained for our health. What is more necessary than meat and drink, or more agreeing to nature? but yet how few be there which do not hurt themselves by them? In like manner it goeth with riches, estimation, friends, learning, etc. Yea although we be in these most temperate, yet when there wanteth the spirit our regeneratour, we are so drowned in them that we utterly neglect to lift up our minds to the good pleasure of God, to the end we might imitate and follow God our maker by yielding ourselves over, duly to use his gifts to the common and private utility of our neighbours. But now, God only is life and eternity, and cannot but demand of us his handiwork, that we should tender ourselves and all we have to the end wherefore we were made, that is, to resemble for our portion, his goodness, as those which be nothing else but witnesses & instruments of his mercy. So that when we wholly do naturally strive against that kind of life whereto he hath created us, by seeking always ourselves, what other thing aught to ensue, but that he should again destroy us & take away his notable gifts, wherewith he therefore endued us that by all kind of well doing we should resemble his image: yea what other thing may ensue but that he should leave us & that eternally, that we might feel and by experience prove how bitter a thing it is to leave the lord in whom is all goodness? O that I might therefore found such favour in thy sight dear father, that thou wouldst work in me by thy holy spirit, a true knowledge of all good things, and hearty love to the same, through Christ Jesus our lord and only Saviour. Amen. ❧ A meditation upon the passion of our Saviour jesus Christ. O Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the almighand everliving God, by whom all things were made, and be ruled and governed: thou the lively image of the substance of the Father, the eternal wisdom of God, the brightness of his glory, god of God, light of light, coequal, coeternal, and consubstancial with the father: thou which of the love thou hadst to mankind when he was fallen from the fellowship of God into the society of Satan and all evil, didst vouchsafe for our redemption to become a Mediator between God & man, taking to the Godhead our nature, as concerning the substance of it, and so becamest man: also the heir of all, and most merciful Messiah: which by the power of thy Godhead & merits of thy manhood, hast made purgation of our sins, even by thy own self, whilst thou wast here on earth, being now set on the right hand of thy father for us, even concerning our nature, in majesty, glory, and power infinite: I pray and humbly beseech thy mercy, to grant me at this present, to rehearse some of thy passions and suffringes for me the last night that thou wast here before thy death, that thy good spirit might thereby be effectual to work in me faith, as well of the pardon of my sins by them, as mortification of mine affections, comfort in my crosses, and patience in afflictions, Amen. In the midst of thy last supper with thy dear Apostles, these things could not but be before thee, namely that they all would leave thee, the most earnest would forswear thee, and one of the xij. should most traitorously betray thee: which were no small crosses unto thee. Judas was admonished of thee to beware, but when he took no heed, but wilfully went out to finish his work, contemning thy admonition and counsel, he could not but vex thy most loving heart. After supper, there was contention amongs thy disciples, who should be greatest after ter thee, yet dreaming carnally of thee and thy kingdom, and having this affection of pride and ambition busy amongs them, notwithstanding thy diligence in reproving and teaching them. After thy admonition to them of the cross that would come, thereby to make them more vigilant: so gross were they that they thought they could with their two sword put away all perils: which was no little grief unto thee. After thy coming to Gethsemane, heaviness oppressed thee, & therefore thou wouldst thy disciples to pray. Thou didst tell to Peter and his fellows, that thy heart was heavy to death. Thou didst will them to pray, being careful for them also, jest they should fall into temptation. After this thou wentest a stones cast from them and didst pray thyself, falling flat and groveling upon the earth: but (alas) thou feltest no comfort, and therefore thou camest to thy disciples (which of all others were most sweet & dear unto thee) but lo to thy further discomfort, they pass neither of thy perils, nor of their own, and therefore sleep apace. After thou hadst awaked them, thou wentest again to pray, but thou foundest no comfort at all, & therefore didst return again for some comfort at thy dearest friends hands. But yet again (alas) they are fast a sleep. Whereupon thou art enforced to go again to thy heavenly father for some sparkle of comfort in these thy wonderful crosses & agonies. Now here thou wast so discouraged and so comfortless, that even streams of blood came running from thy eyes and ears, and other parts of thy body. But who is able to express the infiniteness of thy crosses, even at thy being in the garden? All which thou suffered'st for my sake, as well to satisfy thy father's wrath for my sins, as also to sanctify all my sufferings, the more gladly to be sustained of me. After thy bloody prayer thou camest, and yet again foundest thy disciples a sleep, and before thou canst well awake them, lo, Judas cometh with a great band of men, to apprehended thee as a thief, and so doth, leading thee away bond, to that high Bishop's house Annas, & so from him to Cayphas. Here now to augment this thy misery, behold thy disciples fly from thee: false witnesses be brought against thee: thou art accused and condemned of blasphemy: Peter, even in thy sight forsweareth thee: thou art unjustly stricken for answering lawfully: thou art blindefield, stricken and buffeted all the whole night in the bishop Cayphas house, of their cruel servants. In the morning betimes thou art condemned again of the priests, of blasphemy, & therefore they bring thee before the secular power, to Pilate, by whom thou art openly arraigned as other thieves and malefactors were: and when he see that thou wast accused of malice, yet he did not dismiss thee, but did send thee to Herode where thou wast derided shamefully, in coming and going to him and from him all the way, especially after Herode had apparelled thee as a fool. Afore Pilate again therefore thou wast brought, and accused falsely: no man did take thy part, or speak a good word for thee. Pilate caused thee to be whipped and scourged, and to be handled most pitifully, to see if any pity might appear with the Prelates, but no man at all pitied thee. Barrabas was preferred before thee: all the people, head and tail, was against thee & cried, hung thee up: unjustly to death wast thou judged: thou wast crowned with thorns that pierced thy brains: thou wast made a mocking stock: thou wast reviled, beaten, and most miserably handled. Thou went'st through Jerusalem, to the place of execution, even to the mount calvary: a great cross to hang thee on, was laid upon thy back to bear and draw, as long as thou wast able. Thy body was racked, to be nailed to the tree: thy hands were bored thorough, & thy feet also: nails were put thorough them to fasten thee thereon: thou wast hanged between heaven & earth, as one spewed out of heaven, and vomited out of the earth, unworthy of any place: the high priest laughed thee to scorn: the elders blasphemed thee, and said, God hath no care for thee: the common people laughed and cried out upon thee: thirst oppressed thee, but vinegar only & gall was given thee to drink: heaven shined not on thee: the Sun gave thee no light: the earth was afraid to bear thee: Satan tempted thee, and thy own senses caused thee to cry out: My God my GOD why hast thou forsaken me? O wonderful passions which thou suffered'st. In them thou teachest me, in them thou comfortest me: for by them God is my father, my sins are forgiven. By them I should learn to fear God, to love God, to hope in God, to hate sin, to be patiented, to call upon God, and never to leave him for any temptations, but with thee to cry: Father into thy hands, I commend my spirit. A meditation of God's power, beauty, goodness, etc. BEcause thou lord will dost have us to love thee, not only dost thou will, entice, allure & provoke us, but also dost command us so to do, promising thyself unto such as love thee, and threatening us with damnation if we do otherwise: whereby we may see both our great corruption and naughtiness, and also thy exceeding great mercy towards us. First, concerning our corruption and naughtiness, what a thing is it, that power, riches, authority, beauty, goodness, liberality, truth, justice, (which all thou art good lord) cannot move us to love thee? Whatsoever things we see, fair, good, wise, mighty, are but even sparkles of that power, beauty, goodness, wisdom, which thou art. For to the end thou mightst declare thy riches, beauty, power, wisdom, thou hast not only made, but still dost conserve all creatures to be (as David saith of the heavens) declarers and setters forth of thy glory, and as a book to teach us to know thee. How fair thou art, the beauty of the Sun, Moon, Stars, light, flowers, rivers, fields, hills, birds, beasts, men and all creatures, yea the goodly shape and form of the whole world doth declare. How mighty thou art, we are taught by the creation of this world even of naught, by governing the same, by punishing the wicked mighty Giants thereof, by overthrowing their devices, by repressing the rages of the sea within her bounds, by storms, by tempests, by fires: these and such like declare unto us thy invisible, almighty, and terrible power, whereby thou subduest all things unto thee. How rich thou art, this world, thy great and infinite treasure-house doth well declare. What plenty is there, not only of things, but also of every kind of things? Yea how dost thou yearly and daily multiply these kinds? How many seeds dost thou make of one seed? yea what great increase dost thou bring it unto? These cannot but put us in remembrance of the exceeding riches that thou hast. For if to thine enemies which love thee not (as the most part in this world be) if to them thou givest so plentifully thy riches here, what shall we think that with thyself thou hast laid up for thy friends? How good thou art, all creatures generally and particularly do teach. What creature is there in the world which thou hast not made for our commodity? I will not say how that thou mightst have made us creatures without sense or reason if thou hadst would. But amongst all things, none doth teach us so thy great love towards us, as doth the death of thy most dearly beloved son, who suffered the pains and terrors thereof, yea and hell itself, for our sakes. If this thy love had been but a small love, it would never have lasted so long, nor Christ should never have died. ❧ A prayer to Christ crucified. AS thou O Lord, wast crucified for me, so I beseech thee crucify me with thee, that I may rise again with thee to everlasting life. Thy flesh was crucified for me: crucify with thee (O Christ) the kingdom of the flesh which hath dominion in me, that I may put of the old Adam, and by newness of life, may be transformed into thee that second Adam, sin, infidelity, and the whole tyranny of Satan being vanquished and overcome. Bring to pass, O Lord, that by thy cross and painful suffering, thy yoke may be to me made light, and thy burden easy, that willingly and gladly following thee, I may come whether thou art go: that is, to thy father most blessed and immortal, from whom nothing shall afterwards be able to separate us. * God forbidden that I should rejoice in any thing but in the cross of our Lord jesus Christ, whereby the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. ❧ A prayer to Christ ascended and reigning in glory. O good Christ, our first begotten brother and tender hearted Joseph: o natural son of that Father, to whom we are made children of adoption through thee: o our head reigning on high in glory: forget not us thy poor members here on earth, wherinto abasing thyself, thou camest down and suffered'st for us most cruel death. Out of this thy throne of majesty and glory, thou put test us in assured hope & confidence, that we also shall attain to that blessed place whether thou art go before to take possession for us. O our strong tower of defence and succour, what can hurt us now trusting in thee? Most unhappy are they which are ignorant of thee. Most happy are they which always behold thee. Blessed are they which have known thee here in the days of their mortality: but more blessed are they which see thee in the heavens, and shall see thee reigning with thy father in joys incomparable. O Lord, the only joy and comfort of our souls, show us thy loving countenance: embrace us with the arms of thy mercy: receive us O good Joseph thy younger brethren, with the kiss of comfort: pour into our hearts thy holy spirit: pluck us up from the earth & earthly things: open our eyes and lift them up unto thee: open thy mouth and call us unto thee: open our ears that we may hear thee, so that whatsoever we do speak or think, it may be directed unto thee alone, our redeemer, mediator and advocate. ¶ If you be risen again with Christ, seek the things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right haud of God: set your affection on things that are above, and not on things which are on the earth. ❧ A prayer for the avoiding of God's deserved wrath and vengeance for our sin. WHen we look back & behold our sinful life passed, what a dungeon of errors, vice, and wickedness openeth itself unto us? so that there is no man but he must needs be ashamed of himself when he calleth to mind what he hath been, and tremble when he considereth the wickedness and sinful course of his life to come. For who shall undertake that the rest of our life shall be any better than that is past? How can we then sufficiently magnify & praise thy great mercy, which hast differred thy punishment so long? Beholding therefore this our dangerous and miserable state, we come unto thee (O thou great and mighty judge) in trembling & fear, humbly beseeching thee not to heap upon us thy deserved vengeance, but let thy tender kindness and love thou bearest to Jesus Christ thy dear son our gracious Lord and redeemer, cover our iniquities: for whose sake, though we deserve all extremity, thou dost pardon us. ¶ If thou Lord shalt straightly mark our iniquities (O Lord) who shall be able to abide it? ¶ A prayer to God for his help and protection against the obstinate enemies of the truth. MOst righteous judge, God of all mercy and comfort, which by thy secret judgement and wisdom dost suffer the wicked to triumph and increase for a time, for trial of the faith of thy well-beloved little flock, and the mortifying of their lusts, but at length to the utter confulion of the enemies, and joyful deliverance of thy people: look down, we beseech thee, on thy dispersed sheep out of thy holy habitation in heaven, and strengthen our weakness against their furious rages: abate their pride: assuage their malice: confounded their devices, wherewith they lift up themselves against Christ Jesus thy son our Lord and Saviour, to deface his glory and set up Antichrist. We be not able of ourselves to think a good thought, much less to stand against their assaults, except thy undeserved grace and mighty arm defend and deliver us. Perform thy promises made to Jacob, and stop the mouths of the cursed Edomites. Call them to repentance whom thou hast appoin-to salvation, bring home them that run astray, lighten the blind, and teach the ignorant: forgive all those that wilfully and obstinately rebel not against thy holy will, let thy fearful threatenings pierce our stony hearts, and make us tremble at thy judgements. Make the examples of them whom thou hast overthrown in their own devices, as Cain, Cham, Nemrod, Esau, Pharaoh, Saul, Achitophel, Judas, & such other to be a warning for us, that we set not up ourselves against thy holy will. Grant free passage to thy holy word, that it may work effectually in us the work of life and blessed hope of our salvation, to the eternal praise of thy majesty, through our mediator Christ Jesus: to whom with thee and the holy ghost, three people and one God, be praise & thanksgeving in all congregations world without end. So be it. ¶ A Prayer for the afflicted and persecuted under the tyranny of Antichrist. O Merciful father, who never dost forsake such as put their trust in thee: stretch forth thy mighty arm to the defence of our brethren, by the rage of enemies persecuted and grievously tormented in sundry places for the true profes1ion of thy holy Gospel, who in their extreme necessity cry for comfort unto thee. Let not thy long suffering O Lord, be an occasion either to increase the tyranny of thy enemies, or to discourage thy children, but with speed O Lord, consider their great miseries and afflictions. Prevent the cruel devise of Aman: stay the rage of Holophernes: break of the counsel of Achitophel. Let not the wicked say: Where is now their God? Let thy afflicted flock feel present aid and relief from thee O Lord: look down upon them with thy pitiful eye from thy holy habitation: sand terror and trembling among their enemies: make an end of their outrageous tyranny: beat back their boldness in suppressing thy truth, in destroying thy true servants, in defacing thy glory, & in setting up Antichrist. Let them not thus proudly advance themselves against thee and thy Christ, but let them understand and feel that against thee they fight. Preserve and defend the vine which thy right hand hath planted, and let all nations see the glory of thy anointed, Amen. ¶ A Prayer to be said before the receiving of the Communion. O Father of mercy and God of all consolation, seeing all creatures do knowledge and confess thee to be their governor & Lord, it becometh us the workmanship of thy own hands, at all times to reverence & magnify thy godly majesty: First, for that thou hast created us to thy own Image and similitude, but chief because thou hast delivered us from that everlasting death and damnation, into the which Satan drawn mankind by the means of sin: from the bondage whereof neither man, nor Angel was able to make us free, but thou (O Lord) rich in mercy, and infinite in goodness, hast provided our redemption to stand in thy only and well-beloved son: whom of very love, thou didst give to be made man like unto us in all things, sin excepted, that in his body he might receive the punishment of our transgression, by his death to make satisfaction to thy justice, and by his resurrection to destroy him that was author of death, and so to bring again life to the world, from which the whole offspring of Adam was most justly exiled. O Lord, we acknowledge that no creature was able to comprehend the length and breadth, the deepness and height of that thy most excellent love which moved thee to show mercy where none was deserved, to promise' and give life where death had got victory, to receive us into thy grace when we could do nothing but rebel against thy majesty. O Lord, the blind dullness of our corrupt nature will not suffer us sufficiently to weigh these thy most ample benefits: yet nevertheless at the commandment of Jesus Christ our Lord, we present ourselves to this his table (which he hath left to be used in remembrance of his death until his coming again) to declare and witness before the world, that by him alone we have received liberty and life: that by him alone thou dost acknowledge us to be thy children and heirs: that by him alone we have entrance to the throne of thy grace: that by him alone we are possessed in our spiritual kingdom, to eat and drink at his table, with whom we have our conversation presently in heaven, and by whom our bodies shall be raised up again from the dust, and shall be placed with him in that endless joy, which thou (O father of mercy) hast prepared for thy elect before the foundation of the world was laid, And these most inestimable benefits we acknowledge and confess to have received of thy free mercy and grace, by thy only beloved son Jesus Christ. For the which therefore we thy congregation, moved by thy holy spirit, tender to thee all thanks, praise, and glory, for ever and ever. ¶ A thanksgiving after the receaviug of the holy Communion. Tossed merciful father, we tender unto thee all praise, thanks, honour, & glory, for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies, to grant us miserable sinners, so excellent a gift and treasure, as to receive us into the fellowship & company of thy dear son Jesus Christ our Lord, whom thou hast delivered to death for us, & hast given him unto us as a necessary food and nourishment unto everlasting life. And now we beseech thee also (O heavenly father) to grant us this request, that thou never suffer us to become so unkind, as to forget so worthy benefits, but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hearts, that we may grow & increase daily more and more in true faith, which continually is exercised in all manner of good works: and so much the rather (O Lord) confirm us in these perilous days and rages of Satan, that we may constantly stand and continued in the confession of the same, to the advancement of thy glory, which art God over all things, blessed for ever, So be it. ¶ A Prayer for wisdom to govern the Realm. Almighty God & King of all Kings, Lord of heaven & earth, by whose ordinance Princes have governance of mortal men, whereas the wisest King Solomon plainly confesseth himself unable to govern his kingdom without thy help & assistance: how much less shall I thy handmaid, being by kind a weak woman, have sufficient ability to rule these thy kingdoms of England and Ireland, an innumerable & warlike nation, or how shall I possibly be able to bear the infinite weight of so great a burden, unless thou (O most merciful father) as thou hast of thy own liberality, without my deserving and against the expectation of many, given me a kingdom and made me to reign, do also in my reigning endue and help me with thy heavenly grace, without which, none, even the wisest among the children of men, can once think a right thought. Thou therefore (O endless fountain of all wisdom) sand down from thy holy heaven, and from the sovereign throne of thy majesty, thy wisdom, to be ever with me, and always to assist me, to watch and labour with me in governing the common weal: and that it may so teach and instruct me thy handmaid, that I may discern between good & evil, and between right & wrong, that I may ever have willingness, boldness, & power, to give deserved punishment to the guilty, lovingly to defend the innocent, liberally to cherish the painful and profitable members of the common weal: finally without regard of people, without account of worldly respects take in hand, execute, and perform that which I shall know to please thee alone: that when thou the rightful judge that shalt require many & great things at their hands to whom many and great things are committed, shalt call us all to a strait reckoning, I be not condemned as guilty of evil governance: but if I thy handmaid, by natural frailty, weakness, and want of consideration, shall in any thing have swerved from the right way, it may please thee of thy great mercy (most sovereign king and most loving father) for Jesus Christ thy sons sake, to pardon me, and grant that after this earthly kingdom expired, I may with thee enjoy the heavenly and everlasting kingdom, through the same Jesus Christ thy son, our Lord and Mediator, to whom with thee and with the holy ghost, the only king of all worlds, immortal, invisible, & only wise God, be all honour and glory for ever. ⸫ Domine ne in furore. PSALM. VI ¶ When David by his sins had provoked God's wrath, and now felt not only his hand against him, but also conceived the horrors of death everlasting, he desireth forgiveness, bewailing that if God took him away in his indignation, he should lack occasion to praise him as he was wont to do while he was among men. Then suddenly feeling God's mercy, he sharply rebuketh his enemies which rejoiced in his affliction. O Lord rebuke me not in thy indignation: neither chasten me in thy displeasure. My soul is also sore troubled: but Lord how long will't thou punish me? Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul, O save me for thy mercy's sake. For in death no man remembreth thee, and who will give thee thanks in the pit? I am weary of my groaning, every night wash I my bed and water my couch with tears. My beauty is go for very trouble, and worn away because of all mine enemies. Away from me all that work vanity, for the Lord hath herded the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath herded my petition, the Lord will hear my prayer. All mine enemies shall be confounded & sore vexed: they shall be turned back and put to shame suddenly. ¶ A prayer taken out of the VI Psalm. WE deserve without doubt (O almighty God) for our wicked offences and infinite sins, to be severely chastised of thee: but trusting to thy great mercy, we most humbly beseech thee that thou wilt not punish us in thy wrath, nor in thy heavy displeasure. We tremble, O our good father, and be in manner astonished with fear, when we call to mind our own sins and thy righteousness. Do not therefore, we beseech thee, as we have with our evil deeds deserved, throw us down to hell, for there we shall not be able to sing to thy glory, nor to set forth thy praise. Our enemies do greedily desire to have it so: but thou, O God, look back upon the tears of them that trust in thee, & make the workers of wickedness to departed from us. Finally so hear us, that they all may be ashamed & confounded that are enemies to our safety and to thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. ❧ Beati quorum. PSALM XXXII. ¶ David punished with grievous sickness for his sins, counteth them blessed to whom God doth not impute their transgressions. And after that he had confessed his sins and obtained pardon, he exhorteth the wicked men to live godly, and the good to rejoice. BLessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth no sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile. For while I held my tongue, my bones consumed away, through my daily complaining. For thy hand is heavy upon me day & night, and my moisture is like the drought in summer. I will knowledge my sin unto thee, and mine unrighteousness have I not hide. I said, I will confess my sins unto the Lord, and so thou forgavest the wickedness of my sin. For this shall every one that is godly, make his prayer unto thee, in a time when thou mayst be found: but in the great water floods, they shall not come nigh him. Thou art a place to hide me in, thou shalt preserve me from trouble, thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will inform thee & teach thee in the way wherein thou shaltgo, and I will guide thee with mine eye. Be you not like to horse and mule, which have no understanding, whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle, jest they fall upon thee. Great plagues remain for the ungodly, but who so putteth his trust in the Lord, mercy embraceth him on every side. Be glad O you righteous & rejoice in the Lord, & be joyful all you that are true of heart. ¶ A prayer taken out of the XXXII. Psalm. WE are taught by thee, O our most good and mighty God, that here in standeth the true felicity of those that be thine, that their sins be forgiven, covered, and not laid to their charge in thy judgement. Of the obtaining whereof, if ever there were need, now it appeareth that we have greatest need of it, when the calamities of this present time do set our sins before our eyes. For we feel that thy hand waxeth heavy upon thy church, wherefore we have thought it best for us not to cloak our sins, but to confess them openly before thee, and we distrust not, that thou of thy great goodness will't forth with pardon & forgive us our offences. Wherefore being thy own, we beseech thee at this time, when we doubt not that thou wilt be found, that thou will't not suffer thy people to be overwhelmed of the ungodly which now abound like unto overflowing waters. Be thou to us a place of succour & refuge in these afflictions. Do thou instruct and teach us the ways of salvation, and whatsoever portion of brutish and untamed lust remains in us, do thou with the bit and bridle of thy spirit so subdue and restrain, that we be not for it thrown headlong into everlasting destruction. And at length O Lord let the sorrows and miseries be poured out upon the enemies of thy glory: but let those that trust in thee be fenced and defended with thy singular bountifulness, that they which be zealous lovers of thy name and upright in heart, may rejoice in thee and triumph with perfect gladness, through jesus Christ our Lord ❧ An other out of the same Psalm. THey are undoubtedly blessed (O almighty GOD) to whom of thy mercy thou hast vouchsafed to pardon their sins, and not to impute to them but to cover and forgive all the wickedness and misdoing what so ever it be, that hath heretofore defiled them. We do most certainly know, that it is impossible for us to obtain so great a benefit, unless we do first only see our own evils and bewray them to thee, and pour forth into thy bosom what so ever we have sinfully, wickedly, and shamefully committed against thy law. Wherefore we confess to thee, O our heavenly father, that our unrighteousness is most heinous, and that our consciences are most miserably overburdened with the weight of our wickedness. Thou therefore with thy mercy do now relieve us, and whatsoever misdoing and iniquity remains in us, we beseech thee that thou will't lovingly and mercifully wipe it away from us. Deliver us from the miseries hanging over us, instruct us with true understanding, and with thy prudent care so govern us, that we do not with evil affections run out of kind, and become as most foolish brute beasts: but that being garnished with thy goodness, we may be cheered with true gladness and perfect joy before thee, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. ❧ Domine in. PSALM XXXVIII. ¶ David lying sick of some grievous disease, acknowledgeth himself to be chastised of the Lord for his sins, and therefore prayeth God to turn away his wrath. He uttereth the greatness of his grief by many words and circumstances, as wounded with the arrows of God's ire, forsaken of his friends, evil entreated of his enemies. But in the end with firm confidence he commends his cause to God, and hopeth for speedy help at his hand. PUt me not to rebuke (O Lord) in thy anger, neither chasten me in thy heavy displeasure. For thy arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure, neither is there any rest in my bones, by reason of my sin. For my wickedness are go over my head, and are like a sore burden to heavy for me to bear. My wounds stink and are corrupt through my foolishness. I am brought into so great trouble and misery, that I go mourning all the day long. For my loins are filled with a sore disease, and there is no whole part in my body. I am feeble and sore smitten I have roared for the very disquietness of my heart. Lord thou knowest all my desire, and my groaning is not hide from thee. My heart panteth, my strength hath failed me, and the light of mine eyes is go from me. My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking upon my trouble, and my kinsmen stood a far of. They also that sought after my life laid snares for me, and they that went about to do me evil, talked of wickedness, and imagined deceit all the day long. As for me, I was like a deaf man and herded not, & as one that is dumb, which doth not open his mouth. I become even as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs. For in thee O Lord, have I put my trust: thou shalt answer for me O Lord my God. I have required that they (even mine enemies) should not triumph over me, for when my foot slipped, they rejoiced greatly against me. And I truly am set in the plague, and my heaviness is ever in my sight. For I will consider my wickedness, and be sorry for my sin. But mine enemies live and are mighty, & they that hate me wrongfully are many in number. They also that reward evil for good are against me, because I know the thing that is good. Forsake me not (O Lord my God:) be not thou far fro me. Hast thee to help me O lord (God) my salvation. A prayer taken out of the XXXVIII. Psalm. REbuke and chastise us (O Lord) as children, but withdraw thy wrath and heavy hand from our present distresses. For we feel thy hand and the dangers wherein we be: we perceive them to be past the cure of man's remedy, which happeneth unto us not unworthily for our deserving. For sins and wickednesses have every way overwhelmed us, wherewith we are overburdened and pressed down far more than we be able to bear. Hereof cometh our sorrow and that we be in manner fainted with griefefulnes of heart. We see our neighbours and friends estranged from us, our enemies to lay snares for us, and to attempt all the ways to our destruction. Thou therefore (O God) for thy great mercy, first reconcile us to thyself, in pardoning all those things that we have most wickedly committed against thee, and then make haste to help us. We look for no other refuge but thee, whose wont it is to be at hand to secure them that call upon thee, & to satisfy their petitions. Thou art not ignorant how, while we are thus shaken with adversities, antichristes do triumph against us, and they daily increase in strength & number that do wrongfully hate us. Wherefore we beseech thee, good father, forsake us not in so great afflictions, sith thou art our only safety, make haste (we pray thee) to help thy church, and to succour her now being in extremest peril, for jesus Christ's his sake. Amen. Miserere mei deus. PSALM. LI. ¶ When David was rebuked by the prophet Nathan for his great offences, he did not only acknowledge the same to God with protestation of his natural corruption and iniquity, but also left a memorial thereof to his posterity. Therefore first he desired God to forgive his sins, and to renew in him his holy spirit, with promise that he will not be unmindful of those great graees. Finally fearing lest God would punish the whole church for his fault, he requireth that he would rather increase his graces towards the same. Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness according unto the multitude of thy mercies, do away mine offences. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I knowledge my faults, & my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight, that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, & shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with Jsope, and I shall be clean, thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and blot out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart (O God,) and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy spirit from me. O give me the comfort of thy help again, and establish me with thy free spirit. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall he converted unto thee. Deliver me from bloudgiltines O god, thou that art the God of my health, & my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips O Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee, but thou delightst not in burned offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit, a broken and contrite heart O god shalt thou not despise. O be favourable and gracious unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burned offerings and oblations, then shall they offer young bullocks upon thy altar. A prayer taken out of the LI. Psalm. WE do with one whole consent and with hearty prayers crave of thy mercy (O almighty God) that we may be cleansed, washed, and wiped from our wickednesses, sins and offences. We acknowledge and confess how we have heretofore done evil in thy sight, but our sins shall never be able to make thee unjust or unfaithful. We do well understand that we deserve not, that thou shouldst perform to us the noble and most honourable promises that thou hast made us, but herein we have need to be relieved, and our case to be supplied with thy truth and constancy. Thou seest how we are born into the world, corrupt and defiled even from our birth, which were also before our birth conceived in wickedness. Cleanse therefore our souls, and vouchsafe to beautify them with that cleanness that is pleasant in thy sight. give us a pure heart, & a spirit upright, holy, and courageously well disposed, that we may not be cast away from thee as ungodly people, but may receive true joys and perfect gladness. If thou shalt have delivered us from sins which do accuse us as guilty of eternal death, then shall our lips be opened to praise thee with cheerfulness. Grant we beseech thee that we may come to thee with the sacrifice wherewith thou art principally debated, that is, of a broken spirit, an abased and humbled courage. There both our present sorrows shall be eased, and thou shalt be pleased with the praises wherewith we shall magnify thy name. Show forth thy good will to Zion, that is, to thy church. Thou seest in how great danger she is tossed, she is oppressed both within and without. We beseech thee deliver her not only from outward enemies, but also inwardly so reform and renew her, that she may be accounted worthy of thee her spouse, through jesus Christ our lord Amen ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalm. WE acknowledge (O Almighty God) with how dangerous spot of sins we have defiled our souls, which being most grievous and sorrowful unto us, and we not able with our own power nor by any kind of good works to wash away the same spots, this only refuge is left us, to fly unto thee the fountain of mercy that it may please thee to have pity upon us, to wash away our iniquities to blot out our sins and cleanse the corruptions whereunto we are from our birth and conception subject. For when thou shalt have freely & liberally pardoned the offences and misdoings where with we are laden, then shalt thou appear most true, faithful & constant in thy promises. Vouchsave to sprinkle us with the blood of of thy only son, by which alone our body and soul may be restored to perfect and healthful gladness. We crave to have a new heart created in our bodies, and to have a principal spirit given us, whereby, not as by constraint, but earnestly, heartily, and willingly we may offer to thee the sacrifice of an afflicted and abased courage, which thou art wont never to despise. Finally that so being made clean and purified, by thy favour and mercy, we may always offer to thee sacrifices of praise, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. ❧ Domine exaudi. PSALM. CII. I It seemeth that this prayer was appointed to the faithful to pray in the captivity of Babylon. A consolation for the building of the church, whereof followeth the praise of God to be published unto all posterities. The conversion of the Gentiles, and the stability of the church. Hear my prayer (O Lord) and let my cry come in unto thee. Hide not thy face from me in the time of trouble, incline thine ears unto me when I call, O hear me and that right soon. For my days are consumed away like smoke, & my bones are brent up as with a firebrand. My heart is smitten down and withered like grass: so that I forget to eat my bread. For the voice of my groaning my bones will scant cleave to my flesh. I am become like a Pelican in the wilderness, & like an Owl that is in the desert. I have watched and am even as a sparrow that sitteth alone upon the house top. Mine enemies revile me all the day long, and they that are mad upon me, are sworn together against me. For I have eaten ashes as it were bread, and mingled my tears with weeping. And that because of thine indignation and wrath, for thou hast taken me up and cast me down. My days are go like a shadow, and I am withered like grass. But thou (O Lord) shalt endure for ever, and thy remembrance throughout all generations. Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for it is time that thou have mercy upon her, yea, the time is come. And why: thy servants think upon her stones, and it pitieth them to see her in the dust. The heathen shall fear thy name (O Lord,) and all the kings of the earth thy majesty. When the Lord shall build up Zion, and when his glory shall appear. When he turneth him unto the prayer of the poor destitute, and despiseth not their desire. This shall be written for those that come after, and the people which shall be born, shall praise the Lord For he hath looked down from his sanctuary, out of the heaven did the Lord behold the earth. That he might hear the mournings of such as be in captivity, and deliver the children appointed unto death. That they may declare the name of the lord in Zion: and his worship at Jerusalem. When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms also to serve the Lord He brought down my strength to my journey, and shortened my days. But I said, O my God take me not away in the midst of mine age, as for thy years they endure throughout all generations. Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: they shall all wax old, as doth a garment. And as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. The children of thy servants shall continued: and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight. A prayer taken out of the CII. Psalm. OF ourselves (O almighty God) we are unworthy that our prayers should have access unto thee, forasmuch as we have daily broken thy law and commandments and have lived not according to thy gospel and our vocation. But thou of thy mercifulness, hide not away thy face from our prayers & supplications. For we are grievously vexed and assaulted with great perils. Wherefore bow down thy ear unto us, and speedily grant favour to us that call upon thee. First we crave to be relieved of our sins and offences, that our feeble heart may be strengthened in thy way, and that thou do moisten the consumed strength of our soul with thy holy spirit, that we may live to thee, and being restored & renewed, we may make thy name and thy gospel to be well reported. Then we pray thee to turn thy force and power against those that slander and blaspheme the name of thy son and his holy doctrine. Have mercy now we beseech thee, on Zion, that is, thy church, for now it seems to be time that thou show her thy favour. Look down we pray thee, from thy high habitation, and behold our calamities. Hear the groaning of those that be bond, beaten, and in marvelous wise tormented for thy name's sake. Save thy sheep out of so great dangers, which are not only put to death, but also cursedly threatened with extreme damnation by Antichrist that yet at length thy children may live with rest and quietness in thy presence, through jesus Christ our Lord Amen. ¶ An other out of the same Psalm. OAlmighty father, the company of the faithful craveth thy help, which is cruelly oppressed with the tyranny of sin, so as the oily moisture of godliness is almost dried up in them, their mouth is stopped that it cannot sing thy praises, and there is in a manner in the whole body no one member, that doth his duty to relieve an other. Wherefore thou that art always one, rise up to secure us, for now we think it time for thee to help thy afflicted church. This if we shall obtain, we doubt not that the fear of thy name & true godliness shall be largely spread abroad. For if thou shalt rescue the people from so grievous miseries, thou shalt make men know that thy truth endureth always constant and unremoved, which ever remaneth one toward thy elect, how so ever heaven and earth be tossed with changes, and shaken till they perish. By this thy truth, not of our own strengths and deservings, but by thy loving and merciful working, we pray to be saved and restored, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. ❧ Deprofundis cla. PSALM. CXXX. ¶ The people of God from their bottomless miseries do cry unto God and are herded. They confess their sins and flee unto God's mercy. OUt of the deep have I called unto thee (O Lord:) Lord hear my voice. O let thy ears consider well: the voice of my complaint. If thou Lord will't be extreme & mark what is done amiss: o Lord who may abide it? For there is mercy with thee therefore shalt thou be feared. I look for the Lord, my soul doth wait for him: in his word is my trust. My soul flieth unto the Lord: before the morning watch (I say) before the morning watch. O Israel trust in the Lord for with the lord there is mercy: and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins. ¶ A prayer taken out of the same Psalm. THou art often wont (O almighty God) grievously to afflict thy faithful people, that thereby they may return to thee with fervent and perfect repentance, whereof now in thy church we have experience, in these most troublesome times. For we that heretofore have infinite ways been unthankful to thee, & have daily broken thy law, are oftentimes so vexed with the fierceness of the devil and his servants that we are constrained to cry to thee out of the most deep pit of our miseries, & to pray thee that thou will't not so severely punish our sins. If thou (O God) be determined to mark and punish our iniquities according to their deservings, which of us shall be so clean and holy, that he shall be able to stand before thy righteousness. But sith we know that thou art full of exceeding mercy, we do both morning & evening look up for thy help. Although therefore our offences be many, yet it may please thee of thy most plentiful goodness and mercy to secure us, that being delivered from these instant perils, and from the miseries that oppress us, we may both believe and report that with thee alone is true redemption, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. another prayer taken out of the same psalm. FOrasmuch as (O almighty God) we are continually tossed in the deep sea of temptations▪ and are not able of ourselves to withstand them, we do for our great necessity beseech thee mercifully to relieve us. For if thou being judge and examiner of all our doings, shalt narrowly mark all our offences against thee, and rigorously punish them, who shall be able to stand before thy throne? Wherefore scythe there is with thee great and infinite clemency, as our only trust is therein, so we beseech thee that our iniquities may thereby be redeemed. With this only confidence we are daily & hourly nourished, and do trust that thou will't never forget the true Israel, that is, thy church. Grant therefore we pray thee that we may obtain of thee pardon of our sins as the true and perfect fruit of this affiance, through jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. ❧ Domine exaudi. PSALM. CXLIII. ¶ An earnest prayer for remission of sins, acknowledging that the enemies did thus cruelly persecute him by God's just judgement. He desireth to be restored to grace, to be governed by his holy spirit, that he may spend the remnant of his life in the true fear and service of God. Hear my prayer O lord and consider my desire harken unto me, for thy truth & righteousness sake. And enter not into judgement with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul, he hath smitten my life down to the ground: he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my heart with in me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past, I muse upon all thy works, yea, I exercise myself in the works of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee, my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty land. Hear me (O Lord) and that soon, for my spirit waxeth faint, hide not thy face from me lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. O let me hear thy loving kindness betimes in the morning, for in thee is my trust, show thou me the way that I should walk in, for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me (O Lord) from mine enemies, for I fly unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee, for thou art my god, let thy loving spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness. Quicken me O Lord, for thy name's sake, and for thy righteousness sake bring my soul unto thee. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul, for I am thy servant. ¶ A prayer taken out of the 143. Psalm. WE do earnestly desire (O lord God) that thou will't incline to our common petitions, and for thy truth and mercy's sake hear the prayers that we pour out before thee. And we deny not that the sins wherewith we have grievously offended thee, do not so deserve. But if thou wouldst deal with us by extremity of thy law & judgement, and drive us to severe trial, forasmuch as no mortal man, yea not creature, be the same never so pure and holy, were able to abide it, we also without doubt must needs be condemned and not able to stand before thy judgement seat in thy presence. It may therefore please thee with thy accustomed clemency and pity to behold how vehemently our enemy pursueth our souls, whereby we are so vexed and overcome, that our case seemeth little to differ from the estate of the dead, so sore is our spirit accumbered within us, and our heart astonished. Yet do we well remember of thy former and ancient mercy whereby thou art wont wondrously to secure thy elect when their cases are most despaired. Wherefore now we do not only lift up our hands, but also with all our hearts we cry to thee that thou will't deliver thy church from thine enemies, and so govern us with thy good spirit, that hereafter we may according to thy will & good pleasure faithfully do those things that are upright and holy, being brought out of this distress, & revived by thy strength and help through jesus Christ our Lord Amen. ¶ An other out of the same Psalm. SO great O Lord, is our want of righteousness, that all such as are well in structed with thy spirit, do well know how unable we are to stand before thy judgement. Therefore when we weigh our deservings, our spirit faileth, and our heart is amazed. But by and by we turn to thy mercy, and do confess that our unrighteousness cometh not of ourself, but is thy work. Upholden and encouraged with thee, we fly to thy favour in our perils of this life. For unless thou do help us, we plainly see our salvation past recovery. Show us the way wherein we may safely go, and teach us the manner how to perform thy will, and with thy holy spirit that proceedeth from thee, govern all our doings & thoughts, through jesus Christ our lord, Amen. * §§* ❧ Here beginneth the Litany and Suffrages. O God the father of heaven, have mercy upon us miserable sinners. O God the father of hea. etc. O God the son redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us miserable sinners. O God the son redeemer of. etc. O God the holy Ghost proceeding from the father and the son: have mercy upon us miserable sinners. O God the holy Ghost proceeding. etc. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three people and one God: have mercy upon us miserable sinners. O holy, blessed, and glorious. etc. Remember not Lord our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers, neither take thou vengeance of our sins. Spare us good Lord, spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. Spare us good Lord From all evil and mischief, from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the devil, from thy wrath, and from everlasting damnation. Good Lord deliver us. From all blindness of heart, from pride, vain glory and hypocrisy, from envy, hatred, and malice, & all uncharitableness. Good Lord deliver us. From fornication and all other deadly sin, and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh and the Devil. Good Lord deliver us. From lightnings and tempests, from plague, pestilence and famine, from battle and murder, & from sudden death. Good Lord deliver us. From all sedition and privy conspiracy, from all false doctrine and heresy, from all hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word & commandment. Good Lord deliver us. By the mystery of thy holy incarnation, by thy holy Nativity and circumcision, by thy Baptism fasting and temptation. Good Lord deliver us. By thine agony and bloody sweat, by thy cross and passion, by thy precious death and burial, by thy glorious resurrection and ascension, and by the coming of the holy Ghost. Good Lord deliver us. In all time of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgement. Good Lord deliver us. Me sinners do beseech thee to hear us O Lord God, and that it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church universally in the right way. We beseech thee to hear us good Lord That it may please thee to keep and strengthen in the true worshipping of thee, in righteousness and holiness of life, thy servant Elizabeth our most gracious Queen and governor. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee, to rule her heart in thy faith, fear and love, & that she may evermore have affiance in thee, and ever seek thy honour and glory. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to be her defender and keeper, giving her the victory over all her enemies. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee, to illuminate all Bishops, pastors and ministers of the Church, with true knowledge & understanding of thy word: and that both by their preaching and living they may set it forth and show it accordingly. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Counsel, and all the nobility, with grace, wisdom, and understanding. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee, to bless and keep the Magistrates, giving them grace to execute justice and to maintain truth. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to bless and keep all thy people. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to give to all nations unity peace and concord. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to give all thy people increase of grace, to hear meekly thy word, and to receive it with pure affection, and to bring forth the fruits of the spirit. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to bring into the way of truth, all such as have erred and are deceived. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to strengthen such as do stand, and to comfort and help the weak hearted, and to raise up them that fall, and finally to beat down Satan under our feet. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to secure, help, and comfort all that be in danger, necessity, and tribulation. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to preserve all that travel by land or by water, all women labouring with child, all sick people and young children, and to show thy pity upon all prisoners and captives. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to defend and provide for the fatherless children and widows, and all that be desolate and oppressed. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to forgive our enemies, persecutors and slanderers, and to turn their hearts. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use, the kindly fruits of the earth, so as in due time we may enjoy them. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. That it may please thee to give us true repentance, to forgive us all our sins, negligences and ignorances, and to endue us with the grace of thy holy spirit, to amend our lives according to thy holy word. We beseech thee to hear us. etc. ¶ Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. Son of God we beseech thee to hear us. O lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world. Grant us thy peace. O lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world. Have mercy upon us. O Christ hear us. O Christ hear us. Lord have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. ¶ Our father which art. etc. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen. ¶ The virsicle. O Lord deal not with us after our sins. Answer. Neither reward us after our iniquities. Let us pray. O God, merciful father, that despisest not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowful, mercfully assist our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles & adversities whensoever they oppress us: and graciously hear us, that those evils which the craft and subtlety of the Devil or man worketh against us may be brought to naught, & by the providence of thy goodness they may be dispersed, that we thy servants being hurt by no persecutions, may evermore give thanks unto thee in thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord O Lord arise help us and deliver us for thy name's sake. O God, we have herded with our ears & our Fathers have declared unto us the noble works that thou diddest in their days, and in the old time before them. O Lord arise, help us, and deliver us for thy honour. Glory be to the father, and to the son, and to the holy Ghost: as it was in the beginning, is now. etc. Amen. From our enemies defend us, O Christ. Graciously look upon our afllictions. Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts. Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people. Favourably with mercy hear our prayers. O Son of David, have mercy upon us. Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us O Christ. Graciously hear us O Christ, graciously hear us O Lord Christ. O Lord let thy mercy be sheshed upon us. As we do put our trust in thee. Let us pray. WE humbly beseech thee, O father mercifully to look upon our infirmities, and for the glory of thy names sake, turn from us all those evils that we most righteously have deserved: and grant that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence in thy mercy, and evermore serve thee in holiness and pureness of living to thy honour and glory, through our only mediator and advocate Jesus Christ our lord, Amen. A prayer for the Queen's Majesty. O Lord our heavenly father, high and mighty, king of kings, Lord of Lords, the only ruler of Princes which dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon the earth: most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, & so replenish her with the grace of thy holy spirit, that she may always incline to thy will, & walk in thy way. Endue her plentifully with heavenly gifts. Grant her in health and wealth long to live. Strengthen her that she may vanquish and overcome all her enemies, and finally after this life, she may attain everlasting joy & felicity, through Christ our Lord, Amen. In the time of any common plague or sickness. O Almighty God, which in thy wrath in the time of king David didst slay with the plague of pestilence, three score and ten thousand, and yet remembering thy mercy, didst save the rest: have pity upon us miserable sinners, that now are visited with great sickness and mortality, that like as thou didst then command thine Angel to cease from punishing: So it may please thee to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sickness through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen. A prayer of Chrisostome. ALmighty God which hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto thee, and dost promise, that when two or three be gathered together in thy name thou will't grant their requests: fulfil now (O Lord) the desires and petitions of thy servants, as may be most expedient for them, granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in the world to come, life everlasting, Amen. ¶ In time of sickness. MOst merciful redeemer, thou art always merciful, who art always the Saviour, whether thou dost sand health or sickness, wealth or adversity, joy or sorrow. For it is of great mercy when by outward afflictions (as it were by bitter, but yet wholesome medicines) thou dost heal the inward diseases of the soul: and by temporary troubles, which do last but for a short time, dost prepare us to eternal joys which endure for ever. And thyself, O gracious Saviour, passing into thy glory through the greatest afflictions of this world hast trodden out unto us by thy steps, that way to true and perfect felicity, in the which no humble and true servant aught either to disdain or to shrink, to follow after his Lord and Master so going before him. But for so much as without thee we can do nothing that good is, I beseech thee to endue me with thy heavenly grace, that I may take up willingly & obediently this cross which thou hast appointed unto me, and follow after thee: and that I may drink of, as it were this medicinable cup, though bitter unto the flesh, which thou the heavenly physician dost thus offer unto me, patiently without grndging or murmuring against thee: and that I may with thy faithful servant Job and with unfeigned lips and heart, say: the Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord, so is it come to pass: blessed be the name of the Lord. For if I have received gladly, youth, health, riches, honour, and joy, at thy hands O lord, why should I refuse patiently to take age, sickness, adversity, and sorrow at thy hands also? These things be in deed very grievous unto frail nature and flesh: but thou my Lord, though most perfectly innocent, infinitely hast suffered more grievous things for me, and I have deserved infinitely more grievous things, who have so often deserved hell. But yet thou knowest the frailty of our human condition and nature. Wherefore I beseech thee, as thou pourest sharp wine into our wounds to bite away the corruption of our sins, so after the example of the merciful Samaritane set forth in thy holy Gospel, to resemble thyself, add unto the sharp wine of thy correction, the suppling oil of thy merciful comfort, whereby I may be able to suffer things, which otherwise are intolerable unto me. And if it be thy pleasure to increase sorrow upon me, increase also thy grace and gift of patience in me, and turn these worldly and bodily afflictions to the profit of my soul, by mine acknowledging of thy justice in punishing me worthily, and thy mercy in correcting me graciously, even like as a father hath pity upon his children when he beateth them, and by my submitting of my own will unto thy holy will, & patiently taking of this thy proving and trying of me, whether I love thee or not, may offer that sacrifice of obedience which is acceptable unto thee. And when thy fatherly piety shall be contented with thy meek chastising of me, than I beseech thee sand calm after this tempest, quietness after this trouble, and joy after this sorrow: that I may tender thanks unto thee for double causes, both that thou hast first corrected and amended me an unprofitable servant, and afterward hast taken away the bitterness of affliction with the softness of thy comfort, in the one having regard of necessity, in the other not forgetting my infirmity, and in both as in all things always remembering thy mercy: unto the which I do commend and betake myself both body and soul, now and for ever. Unto thee with the father and the holy ghost, one God of most excellent majesty, be all praise, honour, and thanksgiving, for ever and ever, Amen. ¶ An other in sickness. Almighty God and most merciful father, who dost correct all those whom thou dost receive, bringing even unto the very gates of death, and yet reducing back again: I beseech thee that as thou hast with thy sharp visitation and grievous sickness already corrected me thy disobedient servant, so thou will't also after this thy fatherly correction, mercifully relieve and restore me if it may so stand with thy gracious goodness, even as thy beloved son our Saviour Jesus Christ upon earnest suit and prayer (as in his holy Gospel is mentioned) relieved, and restored unto health the ruler's son, being in extreme sickness and at the very point of death: which my most humble suit I likewise entirely make unto thee most merciful father, in the name of the same thy dearlybeloved son our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost world without end, Amen. ¶ In time of sickness. O Most mighty & most merciful Saviour Jesus Christ, the only son of the living God, who being here upon the earth amongst mortal men, by the healing of all diseases, and pardoning of the sins of such as put their trust in thee, didst declare unto the world that thou art that only heavenly and perfect Physician, as well of our souls as of our bodies: and when such as trusted in their own righteousness did lay it to thy charge as a fault, that thou didst keep company with sinners, thou didst expressly testify, that not such as were in health, but such as were sick had need of the Physician. Behold O heavenly Physician, here in me a matter most worthy of thy divine cure, most meet to show both thy power and mercy upon. Behold a person sore oppressed both with the sickness of my soul and body. Behold me thy handmaiden upon whom from my tender years unto this day, thou hast heaped so great & so many, and almost infinite benefits of thy gracious goodness, whom being born of a king and Queen, thou hast not only endued with gifts of grace, meet for a kingdom, but also hast delivered me from many & great dangers, out of the hands of my enemies, & from the snares of death which they had set for my life, hast exalted me unto the dignity of a Queen, and placed me in the high estate of honour amongst mortal people, and that not through any my deserving, but only of thy free goodness and mere liberality. But now O Lord, either jest too much worldly prosperity should carry my mind astray and 'cause me to forget myself and my bound duty towards thee, or else for that I being by thee made a Queen over thy people, have never as I aught to do from my heart acknowledged and confessed myself to be the subject and handmaiden of thy Majesty, neither behaved myself towards thee accordingly, as become thy bond maiden, neither being thankful towards thee, as my most gracious Saviour, nor obedient unto thee, as my most dreadful Lord, or else for other causes unto thy divine wisdom best known: now I say, either wholesomly to admonish, or most justly to punish thy disobedient servant, and so graciously to correct and amend me, thou hast strike me with a grievous sickness of my body, and very dangerous unto my life, and also troubled & abashed my mind with terrors and anguishes of my soul: and withal thou hast by my danger sore flighted and amazed thy people of England, whose safety & quietness next after thee, seemeth to stay upon me above all other worldly creatures, and upon my life and continuance amongst them. Wherefore as well I as thy people committed▪ unto me, bowing the knees of our hearts before thy majesty, do humbly beseech thee most gracious Saviour, in thy judgement to remember thy mercy, and according to thy accustomed goodness, to deliver me thy handmaiden from this present peril of dangerous sickness. And first O heavenly Physician, I beseech thee heal my soul, pardoning my unkindness towards thee, forgiving my forgetfulness of thee and of myself, & utterly blotting out and putting clean away all other my sins committed against thy Majesty. heal my mind, reforming and instructing me with thy heavenly grace, that I may take this sickness, which thou hast most justly punished me withal, contentedly and patiently, as a bitter, but wholesome medicine of all the diseases of my mind offered unto me by thee, as it were by the hands of the best Physician. And withal heal my body also making it sound and pure from all infirmities, & remnantes of sickness, that I may be thoroughly cured by the having of a whole mind in a whole body: and that I having obtained perfect health of both by thy only benefit, not only myself, but also all thy people of England with me may both be taught by the peril past, hereafter to give due reverence and obedience unto thy majesty, and for the delivery from so great a danger, and benefit of perfect health, may magnify thy goodness and mercy with perpetual praises and continual thanksgiving: who with thy heavenly father, and the holy Ghost are one immortal and most glorious God, to whom belongeth all Empire, power, and majesty world without end. Amen. ¶ A Prayer to be said after sickness or any other kind of cross or affliction. Almighty & most merciful father, I thy poor creature & work of thine hands acknowledge and confess unto thee my manifold sins and offences, which I from my youth up unto this day have committed against thee in thought, word, and deed, & am taught and moved by thy word and grace to be heartily sorry for the same, beseeching thee for Jesus Christ thy dear sons sake, to have mercy upon me, and to forgive me all these mine offences, according to thy great mercy and promise, which hast said: At what time so ever a sinner doth repent him of his sin from the bottom of his heart, I will put all his wickedness out of my remembrance. Ezech. xviij. O Lord, I confess that I was born in sin, and conceived in wickedness, and am by nature a child of wrath: for in my flesh dwelleth no good thing, and of myself I am not able to think a good thought, much less to do that thou in thy law requirest of me, which hast said: Cursed is he that continueth not in all things that are written in the law, to do them. Again, thy law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. Therefore O Lord, I come unto thee for grace, (which hast said: Ask & you shall have, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you) to prevent and draw my will unto all goodness: for none can come unto thee except he be drawn: and except we be born from above we can not see the kingdom of God. Therefore O Lord renew in me a right spirit, that I may receive strength and ableness to do thy righteous will. Assist me with thy grace, that I may be strengthened with power in the inward man, and be armed with thy holy armour, which is the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the hope of salvation for an helmet, and the sword of the spirit, which is thy holy word, that I may stand perfect in all that is thy will, and be found worthy through Christ, to receive the crown of life which thou hast promised to all them that love thee. Grant that I may ever desire & will that which is most pleasing and acceptable to thy will. Thy will be my will, & my will be always to follow thy will. Let there be ever in me one will and one desire with thee, and let me never desire to will or not to will, but as thou will't. Grant me that above all things I may rest in thee, and fully quiet and pacify my heart in thee: for thou Lord art the true peace of the heart, and perfect rest of the soul. Thou knowest Lord what is most profitable and expedient for me: wherefore do with me in all things as it shall seem best unto thee: for it may not be but well that thou dost, which dost most justly and blessedly dispose all things after thy most godly wisdom. Grant unto me O Lord, that I may esteem all things in this world as they be, transitory and soon vanishing away, & myself also with them, drawing towards my end: for nothing under the Sun may long abide, but all is vanity and affliction of spirit. O Lord God which art sweetness unspeakable, turn in to bitterness to me all transitory and earthly delights which may draw me from the love of eternal things. Blessed are they that for the love of thee set not by the pleasures of this world, but crucify the flesh & the lusts thereof, so that in a clean and pure conscience they may offer their prayers unto thee and be accepted to have company with thee and thy blessed Angels. O everlasting light, sand down the beams of thy brightness, and lighten the inward parts of my heart. Open my heart that I may behold thy laws, and teach me to walk in thy commandments. Behold my weakness (O Lord) and consider my frailness best known unto thee. I covet to cleave fast to heavenly things, but worldly affections and temptations pluck me back: they daily rebel and suffer not my soul to live in rest. Which although they draw me not always to consent, yet nevertheless their assaults be very grievous unto me. O what a life may this be called, where no trouble nor misery lacketh? where every place is full of snares of mortal enemies? For one trouble or temptation over passed, an other cometh by and by, and the first conflict yet during, a new battle suddenly ariseth. Tedious it is to me to live in such battle: but I perceive such conflicts are not unprofitable for me, whilst I know myself and mine infirmities the better, and am thereby compelled to seek help at thy hand. It is good for me O Lord, that thou hast thus exercised and humbled me, that I may learn to dread thy secret and terrible judgements, which scourgest every child that thou receivest, which woundest and healest, which bringest down to the gates of hell, & bringest back again. I yield thee thanks therefore that thou hast not spared my sins, but hast punished me with scourges of love, and hast sent affliction & anguish within and without. Of grace and favour it is, O Lord, that thou sufferest thy servants to be troubled and afflicted in this world, because they should not be condemned with the world. Thou wouldst that they should here be broken with affliction, that they may after rise in a new light and be clarified and made glorious in thy kingdom. O holy father thou hast ordained it so to be, & it is done as thou hast appointed. Wherefore O Lord, give me the grace to rest in thee above all things, and to quiet my heart in thee above all creatures, above all glory and honour, above all dignity and power, above all health and beauty, above all riches and treasure, above all joy & pleasure, above all fame and praise, above all mirth and consolation that man's heart may take or feel besides thee. For thou Lord art most good, most wise, most righteous, most holy, most just, most blessed, most high, most mighty, most comfortable, most beautiful, most loving, most glorious, in whom all treasures of goodness most perfectly rest. And therefore what soever I have besides thee, it is nothing unto me: for my heart may not rest nor fully be pacified but only in thee. O Lord Jesus, who shall give me wings of perfect love, that I may fly up from these worldly miseries, and rest with thee? Of Christ the king of everlasting glory, my soul crieth unto thee with continual groanings, and saith: how long tarrieth my Lord God to come to me? O when shall the end come of all these miseries? When shall I be clean delivered from the bondage of sin? When shall I Lord, have my mind only fixed on thee, and be merry in thee with perfect joy and gladness? When shall that blessed hour come that thou shalt visit me and make me glad with thy blessed presence, when thou shalt be to me all in all? When shall I come unto thee and feel and enjoy those sweet consolations, which with thy blessed Saints are always present? When shall I have peace without trouble, peace without and peace within, and on every side steadfast and sure? O Lord Jesus, when shall I stand and behold thee, and have full sight and contemplation of thy glory? When shall I be with thee in thy kingdom that thou hast ordained for thy elect people before the beginning? O blessed mansion of that heavenly City: O most clear day of eternity, whom the night may never darken. This is the day always clear and merry, always sure and never changing. This day shines clearly to thy Saints in heaven (o gracious God) with everlasting brightness: but to us here on earth (so great is the darkness of sin in us) it shines obscurely, & as it were a far of: we see but a glimmering thereof. Would to God this day might shortly appear & shine unto us, and that these worldly vanities were at an end. Thy heavenly Citizens know and feel how joyful this day is: but we the children of Eve, strangers and exiles here on earth, do lament and bewail the bitter tediousness of this present life, short and evil, full of sorrow and anguish: Where man is oftentimes defiled with sin, encumbered with affliction, unquieted with troubles, lapped in cares, busied with vanities, blinded with errors, overcharged with labours, vexed with temptations, overcome with vain delights and pleasures of the world, and miserably wrapped in many kinds of calamities. Wherefore O Lord arise and help me: comfort mine exile: assuage my sorrow: destroy the power of mine enemies, the kingdom of sin, Satan, the world, and my wicked flesh, which always make battle against me, and bring these conflicting days to an end: so shall I sing praises unto thee, O God of my salvation, & magnify thy holy name world without end, Amen. Certain sentences taken out of the scripture. ❧ Of the kingdom of God, and how all kings aught to seek his glory. Psalm. 10. b. 16. GOd is king for ever and ever, but the heathen shall perish out of the land. Psalm. 11. b. 5. 6. 7. God will try the righteous but his soul abhorreth the ungodly, and him that delighteth in wickedness. Upon the ungodly he will rain snares, fire and brimstone, and tempests, storms shallbe their portion and drink. For God most righteous, loveth righteousness, his countenance will behold the just. Micheas. 4. b. 7. The Lord himself shallbe their king upon the mount Zion from this time for evermore. Esay. 33. d. 22. The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our law giver, the Lord is our king, and he himself shallbe our Saviour. Psalm. 47. a. 1. Clap your hands all you people, make a noise unto the Lord with a joyful voice. For God is high and terrible, he is the great king upon all the earth. He will subdue the people under us: and the nations under our feet. He hath choose for us our inheritance, the glory of Jacob, whom he loved. The Lord ascendeth in a triumph (and) God with the sound of a trumpet. Sing Psalms to the Lord, sing Psalms, sing psalms, to our king, sing Psalms. For the Lord is king of all the earth, sing Psalms (all you that have) skill. God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon his holy throne. The Princes of the people are assembled together (for to be) the people of the God of Abraham: for the fields of the earth be Gods, who is highly exalted. Psalm. 146. 6. 10. God thy Lord shall reign O Zion, to the worlds end, throughout all generations. Praise you the Lord Psalm. 68 a. 4. 5. b. 8. 12. c. 17. 18. 19 20. 32. Sing unto the Lord, sing Psalms unto his name: magnify him that rideth upon the heavens as it were upon an horse in his name everlasting and rejoice before his face. He is a father of the fatherless, and the judge of widows (he is) the Lord in his holy habitation. The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the presence of the Lord, even Sinai itself shook at the presence of the Lord, Lord of Israel. Kings with their armies did fly, they did flee, and the ornament of an house divided the spoil. The charettes of the Lord are twenty thousand, even thousands of Angels, and the Lord is among them in holy Sinai. Thou wenst up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, thou hast received gifts for men: yea even (for) those that be disobedient, that God the Lord might devil (among them). Blessed be the Lord, who day by day poureth his (benefits) upon us: and is God of our salvation. The Lord is our Lord for to save us: and all manner of ways for death pertaineth to God the Lord Sing unto the Lord, O you kingdoms of the earth. O sing Psalms unto the Lord, who rideth upon the most highest eternal heavens: lo he sendeth out a mighty voice in his voice. Acknowledge the Lord to be mighty: his majesty is over Israel, and might in the clouds. O Lord thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel giveth might, and strength unto his people. Blessed be the Lord Psalm. 44 a. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Thou art my king O God, command that Jacob be saved. Through thee we will overthrow our enemies: and in thy name we will tread them under that rise against us. For I will not trust in my bow, and it is not my sword that can save me. But it is thou that savest us from our enemies: and thou puttest them to confusion that hate us. We make our boast of God all the day long, and we will confess thy name for ever. Psalm 45. a. 6. b. 7. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Thy throne O Lord endureth for ever and ever, the sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved justice, and hated ungodliness: wherefore the Lord even thy Lord hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness more than thy fellows. hearken O daughter and consider, incline thine ear: forget also thy own people and thy father's house: so shall the king have pleasure in thy beauty: for he is thy Lord, and worship thou him. The king's daughter is all glorious within, her clothing is of wrought gold. She shallbe brought unto the king in raiment of needle work: the virgins that follow her, and her company shallbe brought unto thee. With joy and gladness shall they be brought (and) shall enter into the kings palace. In steed of thy fathers thou shalt have children: whom thou mayst make princes in all lands. I will remember thy name from one generation unto an other: therefore shall the people praise thee, world without end. Psalm 48. b. 9 O Lord according to thy name, so is thy praise unto the worlds end, thy right hand is full of justice. Psalm. 99 God reigneth, the people be in a rage: he sitteth (between) the Cherubins, the earth quaketh. God is great in Zion, and high above all people. They shall praise thy name, great and dreadful (for) it is holy, and a king's power (that) loveth judgement. Thou hast ordained all things according to equity: thou hast caused judgement and justice to be in Jacob. Magnify God our Lord: and kneel down before his foot stool, for it is holy. Moses and Aaron among his Priests, and Samuel among such as call upon his name: these called upon god, and he herded them. He spoke unto them out of the cloudy pillar: for they kept his testimonies, and the law that he gave them. O God our Lord thou heardest them, O Lord thou diddest forbear them: and thou tookest avengement for their own inventions. Magnify God our Lord, and kneel down before his holy hill, for God our Lord is holy. Psalm 100 a. Be you joyful in God all that be in the earth: serve God with gladness, and come before his face with a joyful noise. Be you sure that God is the Lord, it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise, be thankful unto him and bless his name. For God is gracious, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth from generation to generation. Psalm. 101. a. I will sing of mercy and judgement, I will sing unto thee O God Psalms. I will endeavour myself to be fully instructed in the way of perfectues: when thou wilt come unto me, I will go up and down in the midst of my house in the perfectness of my heart. I will never set before mine eyes any devilish thing: I will detest to do the work of transgressors, it shall take no hold of me. A froward heart shall departed from me. I will not once know any evil. I will destroy him who privily slandereth his neighbour: I will not suffer him who hath a proud look, & a great stomach. My eyes shallbe upon such in the land as have a true meaning, that they may sit with me: he that leadeth a perfect life shall minister unto me. There shall no deceitful person have any seat in my house: He that telleth lies shall not tarry long in my sight. I will every morning destroy all the ungodly in the land: that I may root out from the City of God all workers of wickedness. Psalm. 145. I will magnify thee O God my king, and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. I will bless thee every day, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Great is God and most worthy to be praised: and his greatness can not be searched out. One generation shall praise thy works unto an other: and they shall declare thy mighty power. I will set forth in words, the glorious majesty of thy excellentness, and thy wondrous works. I will also declare thy greatness so that men shall speak of the force of thy terrible acts. They shall utter out of their mouth a memorial of thine abundant kindness: and they shall sing of thy righteousness. God is gracious and merciful, loath to be angry, and great in loving kindness. God is good unto every man, and his mercy is above all his works, All thy works shall confess it unto thee O God, and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall show the glory of thy kingdom: and talk of thy power. That they may make known to the children of men his manifold power, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. God upholdeth all such as fall, and lifteth up all those that be bowing downward. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every thing. God is righteous in all his ways: and holy in all his works. God is nigh unto all them that call upon him, unto all such as call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he will also hear their cry, and he will save them. God preserveth all those that love him, but he will bring to nothing such as be ungodly. My mouth shall speak the praise of God: and all flesh shall bless his holy name for ever and ever. Luke. 1. d. Christ shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be none end. §§ ❧ Promises, admonitions and counsels to good kings, with examples of their good success. Deut. 7. d. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. THen thou shalt make him king over thee, whom the lord thy God shall choose. Even one from among thy brethren shalt thou make king over thee, and thou mayst not set a stranger over thee, which is not of thy brethren. But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor bring the people again to Egypt to increase the number of horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, you shall henceforth go no more again that way. Also he aught not to multiply wives to himself, lest his heart turn away, neither shall he gather himself silver, and gold to much. And when he is set upon the seat ofhies kingdom, he shall writ him out a copy of this law in a book before the priests the Levites: And it shall be with him, and he aught to read therein all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, and to keep all the words of this law, and these ordinances for to do them: And that his heart arise not above his brethren, and that he turn not from the commandment to the right hand or to the left: but that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel. The words of josua to the people. josua. 24. c. 14. d. 20. THe Lord hath given unto you a land flowing with milk & honey. Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in perfectness and truth, and put away the Gods which your fathers served on the otherside of the flood, and in Egypt, and serve you the Lord. If you forsake the Lord, & serve strange Gods, he will turn and do you evil, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. And the people said unto Josua: Nay, but we will serve the Lord And Josua said unto the people: you are witnesses against yourselves, that you have choose you the Lord to serve him. And they said we are witnesses. Then put away (said he) the strange Gods which are among you, and bow your hearts unto the Lord God of Israel. The people said unto Josua: The Lord our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey. And Israel served the Lord all the days of Josua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Josua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that he had done for Israel. ¶ Admonitions out of the word of God. ¶ The words of the Lord to his servant josua captain of his people Israel, and by him to all the godly Princes, Kings and Queens. etc. josua. 1. a. 5. b. 6. 7. 8. 9 THere shall not a man be able to withstand thee in all the days of thy. life. For as I was with Moses so will I be with thee, and will not sail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong therefore and bold, for unto this people shalt thou divide the land for inheritance, which I sworn unto their fathers to give them. Only be thou strong, and of a stout courage, that thou mayest observe and do according to all the la which Moses my servant commanded thee. Turn from the same, neither to right hand, nor to the left, that thou mayest do wisely in all that thou takest in hand. Let not the book of this law depart out of thy mouth, but occupy thy mind therein day and night, that thou mayest observe and do according to all that is written therein: For then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt do wisely. Have not I commanded thee that thou shouldst be strong and hardy, and not fear, nor be faint hearted? For I the Lord thy God am with thee whether soever thou goest. Exodus. 15. a. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. &. b. 11. &. 15. c. 18. &. d. 21. I will sing unto the Lord for he hath triumphed gloriously, the horse and him that road upon him hath he overthrown in the sea. The Lord is my strength and praise, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will glorify him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is his name. pharao's charetes, and his host hath he cast into the sea, his choose captains also are drowned in the red sea. The deep waters have covered them, they sunk to the bottom as a stone. Thy right hand Lord is become glorious in power, thy right hand Lord hath all to dashed the enemies. And in thy great glory thou hast overthrown them that rose up against thee: thou sendest forth thy wrath which consumed them even as stubble. Who is like unto thee O Lord amongst Gods? Who is like to thee, so glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, showing wonders. The Lord shall reign for ever & ever. Sing you unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he overthrown in the sea. For sickness. Exodus. 15. d. 26. IF thou will't hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and will't geue ear unto his commandments, and keep all his ordinances, then will I put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that heals thee. 2. Chronicles. 2. a. 5. 6. b. 11. &. 9 b. 8. Great is our God above all Gods. But who is able to build him an house? when that heaven, and heaven above all heavens is not able to receive him, what am I then that should build him an house? nay, but even to burn sacrifice before him shall this building be. The Lord setteth a wise king over the people whom he loveth, that they may long endure and prospero. Blessed be the Lord thy God which hast lust to thee, to set thee (king) on his seat, that thou mightest be king for the Lord thy God, because thy God loveth Israel (and hath delight) to make them continued ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do right and equity. Exodus 18. c. 18. d. 21. d. 23. Thou canst not alone sustain the burden of ruling a whole kingdom, but hear my words and counsel, and the Lord shallbe with thee. Moreover thou shalt seek out among all the people men of activity, and such as fear God, true men, hating covetousness, & place (of these) over the (people) rulers of thousands, rulers of hundrethes, rulers offifties, and rulers of tens. And let them judge the people at all seasons: and every great matter that cometh, let them bring unto thee, but let them judge all small causes themselves, and so shall it be easier for thyself, & they shall bear a burden with thee. If thou shall do this thing and God charge thee withal, thou shalt be able to endure, and yet the people shall come to theyrplace in peace. 1. Reg. 12. b. 13. 14. 15. &. c. 20. &. d. 24. 25. Samuel said unto the people. Behold the king whom you have choose and whom you have desired, lo the Lord hath set a king over you. If you will fear the Lord and serve him and hear his voice, and not disobey the word of the Lord, both you and the king that reigneth over you shall follow the Lord your God. If you will not hearken unto the voice of the Lord but disobey the Lords mouth, then shall the hand of the Lord be upon you and on your fathers. Yet departed not from following of the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your hearts. Therefore fear you the Lord, and serve him in the truth, and with all your hearts: and consider how great things he hath done for you. But if you do wickedly, then shall you perish both you and yourking. The words of Samuel to be truly spoken by all good rulers. 1. Reg. 12. a. 3. 4. 5. Behold here I am, bear record of me before the Lord, and before his anointed: whose Ox have I taken? or whose Ass have I taken? who have I done wrong to? whom have I hurt? or of whose hand have I received any bribe, to blind mine eyes therewith? and I will restore it you. They said. Thou hast done us no wrong, nor hurt us, neither haste thou taken aught of any man's hand. He said unto them again: The Lord is witness against you, and his annomted, is witness this day, that you have found nought in my hands. And they answered: he is witness. 1. Reg. 13. b. 13. 14. Samuel said to Saul: Thou art become a fool, thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee: For at this time would the Lord have established thy king doom upon Israel for ever. But now thy kingddme shall not continued: The Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee. 2. Reg. 14. b. 9 11. c. 17. &. d. 20. The king and his throne should be guiltless, and aught to remember the Lord his God, and not to suffer much bloodshed. The king is as an Angel of God in hearing of the good and bad, therefore the Lord God is with him. The king is wise according to the wisdom of an Angel of God, to understand all things thac are in earth. 2. Paral. 9 b. 7. 8. Happy are the men and people unto whom God giveth a wise king. God maketh one a king that he should do according to right and equity. Esay. 32. a. 12. A good and godly king shall govern after the rule of righteousness, and the princes shall rule according to the balance of equity. And that man shall be unto men as a defence for the wind, and as a refuge for the tempest, like as a river of water in a thirsty place, and the shadow of a great rock in a dry land. jeremy. 22. a. 1. etc. b. 9 Thus saith the Lord: Go down into the house of the king of Juda, & speak there these words, and say: Hear the word of the Lord thou king of Juda that sittest in the kingly seat of David, thou and thy servants, and thy people that goeth in & out at these gates. Thus the Lord commands? keep equity and righteousness, deliver the oppressed from the power of the violent, do not grieve, nor oppress the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow and shed no innocent blood in this place. And if you keep these things faithfully, then shall there come in at the door of this house kings to sit upon David's seat: they shallbe carried in charetes, and ride upon horses, both they and their servants, and their people. But if you will be obedient unto these commandments. I swear by my own self says the Lord, this house shallbe waste. For thus hath the Lord spoken upon the kings of Juda: thou Giliad art unto me the head of Libanus: shall I not make thee so wast as the Cities that no men devil in? I will prepare a destroyer with his weapons for thee, to hue down thy especial Cedar trees, & to cast them in the fire. And all the people that go by this City shall speak one to an other: wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this noble City? Then shall it be answered: because they have broken the covenant of the Lord their God, and have worshipped & served strange Gods. Psalm 18. 48. God hath wonderful often delivered his king, and he hath done mercifully unto David his anointed, and to his seed for evermore. Psalm. 24. a. 1. 2. &. b. 7. The earth is Gods, and all that therein is: the world and they that devil therein. For he hath laid the foundations of it upon the seas, and he hath set it sure upon the floods. Lift up your heads O you gates, and be you lift up you everlasting doors, and the king of glory shall enter in. Who is the king of glory? It is God both strong and mighty, it is God mighty in battle. Lift up your heads (O you gates) and be you lift up you everlasting doors, and the king of glory shall enter in. Who is the king of glory, even the God of hosts, he is the king of glory. Psalm. 21. a. 1. etc. The king aught to rejoice in thy strength, O God, and he aught to be exceeding glad of thy salvation. Thou hast given him his hearts desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips. For thou hast prevented him with good blessings, and hast a crown of pure gold upon his head, He asked life of thee, and thou gavest him long days, even for ever and ever. His honour is great through thy salvation: thou hast laid glory and great worship upon him. For thou hast placed him to be blessings for ever, and hast made him glad with the joy of thy countenance. Because the king trusteth in God, and in the mercy of the most highest: he shall not miscarry. Thine hand will find out all thine enemies: thy right hand will find out them that hate thee. Thou will't make like a burning furnace in time of thy fury: God will destroy them in his wrath, and fire shall consume them. Thou will't root their fruit out of the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. For they intended mischief against thee, and imagined a crafty device: (but) they could not (bring it to pass) Therefore thou will't put them to flight (and) direct thy arrows against their faces. Be thou exalted O God according to thine own might: so we will sing: & with Psalms we will praise thy power. Psalm. 72. O God give unto the king thy judgements: and thy righteousness unto the kings son. Then he will judge thy people according unto justice, and thy afflicted according to equity. The mountains also & hills shall bring peace to the people by the means of righteousness. He will judge the afflicted amongst the people, he will save the children of the poor, and subdue the oppressor. They will fear thee as long as the sun and moon shines from one generation to an other. He will come down like the rain into a fleece of wool, even as the drops that water the earth. In his days the righteous shall flourish▪, and there shall be abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. His dominion also shall be from the one sea to the other, and from the flood unto the end of the earth. They that devil in the wilderness, shall kneel before him, his enemies shall lick the dust. The king of Tharsis and of the Isles shall offer presents: the king of Sheba and Seba shall bring gifts. All kings will worship him, all nations will do him service. For he will deliver the poor when he crieth, and the afflicted, and him that hath no helper. He will have compassion upon the poor and needy: and he will preserve the souls of the poor. He will deliver their souls from deceit and oppression, and their blood shall be in his sight. He will live, and he will give to the poor of the gold of Sheba: and he will pray always for him, and daily he will bless him. A handful of corn shall (be sowed) in the earth, upon the top of hills, and the fruit thereof shall make a noise like Libanus, and shall flourish in the City like grass upon the earth. His name shall endure for ever, his name shall be spread abroad to the world, so long as the sun shall shine, all nations shall be blessed in him, and shall call him blessed. Blessed be God the Lord: the Lord of Israel which only doth wondrous things. And blessed be the name of his majesty for ever: and all the earth shallbe filled with his majesty, Amen, Amen. Psalm. 80. a. 1. Hear O thou shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a sheep: and thou that sittest upon the Cherubins, show thy gracious presence. Romans. 5. d. They shall reign through Jesus Christ, receiving abundance of grace, and gift of righteousness. §*§ ❧ Sentences of threatening to evil kings, and examples of their evil success. 1. Reg. 15. 10. d. 16. 17. THe word of the Lord came unto Samuel saying. It repenteth me that I have made Saul king. For he is turned from me, and hath not performed my commandments. And Samuel was evil paid, and cried unto the Lord all night. And Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the morning, and when he came unto him he said. Let me tell thee what the Lord hath said to me this night. And he said unto him say on. Samuel said when thou wast little in thy own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes of Israel, and the Lord anointed thee king over Israel? jeremy. 13. c. 18. 19 Tell the king & the Queen humble yourselves, sit you down low, for your dignity shall be thrown down, and the crown of your glory shall fall from your head. The Cities towards the south shallbe shut up, and no man shall open them, all Juda shall be carried away captive so that none shall remain. jeremy. 21. d. 11. Unto the house of the king of Juda say thus: Hear the word of the Lord. O thou house of David, thus saith the Lord: Minister righteousness and that soon, deliver the oppressed from violent power, or ever my terrible wrath break out like a fire, and burn so that no man may quench it because of the wickedness of your imaginations. Behold saith the Lord I will come upon thee that dwellest in the valleys rocks and fields, and say, tush who will make us afraid? or who will come into our houses. For I will visit you (saith the Lord) because of the wickedness of your inventions, and will kindle such a fire in your wood, as shall consume all that is about you. proverbs. 28. a. 2. c. 15. 16. 21. For the wickedues of the land the Prince is often changed: but through a man of understanding and wisdom a realm endureth long. As a roaring Lion and an hungry bear, so is an ungodly Prince over the poor people. Where the Prince is without understanding, there is great oppression and wrong: but if he hateth covetousness, he shall long reign. To have respect of people (in judgement) is not good, for that man will do wrong, yea even for a piece of bread. Psalm. 2. a. 2. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12. The kings of the earth stand up and the rulers take counsel together against God and against his anointed. He that dwelleth in heaven will laugh them to scorn, the Lord will have them in derision. Then will he speak unto them in his wrath: and he will astonish them with fear in his sore displeasure. Thou shalt braced them with a rod of iron, and break them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Wherefore be you now well advised, O you kings: be you learned you that are judges of the earth. Serve you God in fear, and rejoice you with trembling. Kiss you the Son lest that he be angry, and so you perish from the way. If his wrath be never so little kindled, blessed are all they that put their trust in him. jeremy. 13. b. 11. 2. Parallepo. 3. ●. Saul, Roboam, Achab, with all their posterity, Sellam, Jehoakim. 4. Reg. 13. c. 24. a. jeremiae. 22. c. 18. came unto an evil end. David, Solomon, Jehosephat, Ezechias, Josias, etc. Godly kings reign prosperously, have victory over their enemies. Lamentation of jeremy. 2. b. 9 The goodly City and temple of Jerusalem are destroyed utterly: the king and Princes are carried away to the Gentiles, they have neither law nor prophets, nor yet any vision from the Lord The Senators of the daughter Zion sit upon the ground in silence: they have strawed ashes upon their heads, and girded themselves with sackcloth: the maidens of Jerusalem hung down their heads to the ground. judicium. 9 c. King Abimelech being wickedly choose and wicked, worketh his own destruction, and destruction of those that did choose him. Luke. 19 c. Those Citizens that will not have Christ to reign over them are destroyed. Luke. 19 c. The king asketh an account of his servants. §*§ ❧ A prayer taken out of the book of Wisdom. Cap. 9 O God of my fathees, and Lord of mercies (thou that hast made all things with thy word, and didst ordain man through thy wisdom, that he should have dominion over thy creatures which thou hast made, and that he should order the world according to holiness and righteousness, and that he shoved execute judgement with a true heart) give me wisdom which is ever about thy seat, and put me not out from among thy children: for I thy servant and handmaiden am a feeble person, of a short time, and to weak for the understanding of thy judgements and laws. And though a man be never so perfect among the children of men, yet if thy wisdom be not with him, he shall be of no value. O send her out therefore from thy holy heavens, and from the throne of thy Majesty, that she may be with me, and labour with me, that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight: for she knoweth and understandeth all things, and she shall lead me soberly in my works, and preserve me in her power. So shall my works be acceptable by Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and to the holy ghost, be all honour & glory, world without end. Amen. ⸫ ❧ un bref formulaire d'Oraison. ¶ La Preface. O Seigneur bon Dieu & Pere, que ton nom soit benit à iamais. Dispose mon coeur, owre mes leures, & me conduis par ton saint Esprit, à une uraye recognoissance de toutes mes fautes, à fin que mon Oraison soit exaucée de toy au Nom de ton filz jesus Christ. Ainsi soit-il. ¶ Lafoy Confession des pechez. SEigneur mon Dieu, Pere eternel & tout-puissant, ie recognoy & confess devant ta saint & haute majesty, que ie n'ay cessé depuis ma naissance, & ne cease tous lesiours, estant conceuë & née en iniquité & corruption, de transgresser tes commandemen. Quoy faisant, ie ne puis selon ton just judgment, eviter ruin & perdition: Toutesfois ayant desplaisir de t'auoir offensé, condennant & moy, & mon peché: puis qu'il t'a pleu de nous aymer, lors mesme que nous estions tes ennemis, en tesmoignage decoy tu nous as donné ton filz unique, & bien aymé, pour mediateur & advocate entre toy & nous, nostre Seigneur jesus Christ, avec promise d'obtenir en son Nom, tout ce que nous te demanderons. Vueille donc Dieu tresbenin & pere misericordieux en son Nom & en sa faveur me fair pardon & mercy. Et en repurgeant mon coeur de toute vanité & sovillure, m'addresser & conduire par ton saint Esprit, en toutes mes voyes, à fin que ie chemine selon tes saints & diuins commandments tous les iours de ma vie, à la gloire de ton Non, Par iceluy ton filz bien-aymé. Ainsi soit-il. ¶ L'oraison pour le Matin. MOn DIEV mon Pere & mon Sauueur, come maintenant tu enuoye ton Soleil sur la terre, pour donner la lumiere corporelle à tes creatures, vueille aussi illuminer mon coeur & mon enten dement, par la lumiere celeste de ton saint Esprit: à fin que ie ne pense, ne dise, & ne face rien sinon pour te seruir & complaire. Que durant tout ce iour mon but principal soit de cheminer en ta crainte, te seruir & honourer, attendant tout heur & prosperité de ta seule benediction. Que selon mon corpse & mon ame tu sois mon protecteur, me fortifiant country toutes les temptations du diable, & de la chair, me preseruant des entreprinses & conspirations de tous mes ennemis, leurs complices & adherens. Et d'autant bon Dieu que ce n'est rien de bien commencers● on ne persevere, qu'il te plaise, non seulement pour ce iour me recevoir sous ta conduit & protection, mais pour tout le course de mavie: continuamt & augmentant de iour en iour les dons & graces de ton saint Esprit en moy iusques à ce qu'estant unie & conjointe avec ton filz unique, mon Sauueur, ie puisse iovir de ceste vie bien-heureuse laquelle tu as promise à tous tes eleuz. Pariceluy ton filz, nostre Seigneur jesus-christ. Ainsi soit-il. ¶ Action de Graces. DIeu tout bon & tout sage, Pere celeste, plain de misericorde & clemence, reduisant en memoire les oewres de tes mains, ie ne puis sinon admirer ta grand sapience & bonté infinie, laquelle tu as declarée enuers toutes tes creatures, & singulierement au regard de moy, come de m'auoir donné estre, mowement, & vie: mais aussi outre les benefices infinis, que tu distribue communément à tous hommes de la terre, tu m'as fait tant de graces speciales, qu'il m'est impossible de les reciter, ne mesme les powoir comprendre. Il t'a pleu par la lumiere de ton Euamgile me deliurer des tenebres d'erreur & d'ignorance, voire me retirer des abysms de de mort, & de la confusion horrible, ou i'estoye destinée selon la corruption de ma nature: & ainsi m'as tu transportée au royaume de ton filz bien-aymé, lequel selon ton plaisir & decret eternel, s'est donné soy mesme pour mes pechez. Il ya aussi Seigneur, que m'ayant receuë en ton Eglise au number de tes enfans, tu m'as eleuë & choisie par ta providence admirable pour me decorer sous la majesty de ta grandeur d'vn estate d'honneur & d'excellence, assavoir de la dignité Royal pour le gowernement & conservation de ton peuple. Or maintenant selon la parole de David, quelle choose rendrayie au Seigneur pour tous ses bienfaitz enuers moy? je say que tou te ma vie deuroit estre consacrée à une perpetuelle action de graces; pour annoncer avec la gentleman saint & le peuple acquis, les vertus de celuy qui nous à appellez des tenebres à sa merueilleuse lumiere. Le chalice de deliverance ne deuroit bouger de mes mains, n'y les Cantiques noweaux de ma bouche. Mais Seigneur, fay moy la grace, come iadis tu as faite à David, homme selon ton coeur. Lequel traitant de ce mesme Argument, & recitantles tesmoignages de ta bonté, disoit, Ainsi est-il Seigneur, je suis ton seruiteur, je suis ton seruiteur filz de ta chambriere, tu as rompu mes liens, je te sacrificeray sacrifice d'action de graces reclameray le nom du Seigneur. Ainsi di-ie Seigneur de moymesme, & ce par ta grace, jesuis ta servant, je suis ta servant. Tu as rompu mes liens, & m'as preseruée au milieu des dangers de mort, tu m'as mis au large & en saweté. Au Roy des siecles, immortel & invisible, à Dieu seul bon & seul sage, soit honneur & gloire és siecles des siecles par jesus Christ son filz nostre Seigneur. Ainsi soit-il. Oraison pour tout le Royaume & corps de l'Eglise selon leurs Estas & membres. DIeu tout puissant, Pere celeste, tu as donné commandement à tes fideles de prier les vns pour les autres, avec promise de les exaucer au Nom du mediateur ton filz bien-aymé. Moy donc ton humble servant en confiance de tes promesses, & en consideration des necessitez si grandes & si vrgentes, qui se presentent de toutes pars, Satan faisant tous ses effors pour mettre la terre en confusion, & sur tout pour empescher le cours de ton Euangile. Seigneur bon Dieu auquel est mon refuge & mon esperance, ie te supply & requiers come tu és le Pere des lumieres, qu'il te plaise d'illuminer les coeurs & les entendemens de tous hommes, d'autant que tu veux toutes gens estre sawées, & venir à la cognoissance de verité. Et come specialement tu as ordonné qu'on pry pour les Rois & tous ceux qui sont constituez en dignité, à fin que la societé humaine vive en paix & tranquillité avec toute pieté & honnesteté. Moy donc sachant combien les couronnes & les sceptres sont pesans, & l'administration d'iceux difficile, pour s'en bien acquitter, soit au regard de toy, mon Dieu, ou de mes subiectz, je te requiers de tout mon coeur, tant pour moy, que pour tous autres que tu as constituez en ce mesme degré de prééminence, de nous donner, ce que iadis t'a demandé un Solomon, duquel tu as approwé l'Oraison, come l'ayant mise en son coeur, & en sa bouche par ton saint Esprit, lequel nous apprend de bien prier aydant noz infirmitez. O Seigneur bon Dieu tu m'as fait regner au milieu de ton peuple, tu donneras à ta servant & à tes seruiteurs un coeur entendu pour iuger ton peuple, & pour discerner le bien d'entre le mal, à fin que nous ne soyons point inutiles, ou mesme pernicieux en une vocation si saint. Donne nous aussi des Conseillers prudens sages & vertueux, chassant loing de nous, tous ambitieux, malins, cauteleux, & hypocrites. Donne des judges, hommes veritables haissans avarice, & fuyans l'acception des personnes, à fin que mon peuple soit gowerné en toute equité & droiture, les bons soustenus en leur justice & innocence, les iniques punis & chastiez selon leurs demerits. Fay aussi Seigneur que tous ceux, desquelz tu m'as commis la charge en main, me rendent le devoir d'vne just obeissance, à fin qu'il y ait une bonne & saint union entre le chef & les membres, & que par ce moyen tous cognoissent que de toy seul depend l'Estat des Royaumes & le gowernement des republics. Et que par ainsi ie puisse à iamais chanter à ta louenge le Cantique de David, ou il protest de fair le devoir de bon Prince. PSEAVME. c 1. VOuloir m'est pris de mettre en escriture, Pseaume parlant de bonté & droiture, Et si le veux à toy mon Dieu chanter, Et presenter. ¶ Tenir ie veux la voye non nuisible, Quand viendras-tu me rendre Roy paisible? D'vn coeur tout pur conduiray ma maison. avec raison. ¶ Rien de mawais y voir n'auray envy. Car ie hay trop les meschans & leur vie: un seul d'entr'eux autour de moy adioint. Ne sera point. ¶ Tout coeur ayant pensée desloyale, Deslogera hors de macour royal: Et le nuisant n'y sera bien venu. Non pas cognu. ¶ Qui par mesdire à part son prochain greu● Qui à coeur gros & les sourcils esleue: L'vn mettray bas, l'autre souffrir pour vray. je ne pourray. ¶ Mes yeux seront fort diligens à querre. Les habitans fideles de la terre: Pour estre a moy. Qui droite voyeira. Me seruira. ¶ Qui s'estudie à user de fallace, En ma maison point netrouuera place: De moy n'aura mensonger ne baveur. Bien ne faveur. ¶ Ains du pays chasseray de bonne heur●, Tous les meschans, tant qu'vn seul n'y demeure, Pour du Seigneur nettoyer la Cité, D'iniquité. je te pry aussi Pere veritable & Sauueur pour tous ceux que tu as ordonnez vrays Pasteurs à tes fideles & ausquelz, tu as commis la charge des ames, & la dispensation de ton sacré Euangile que tu les conduise par ton saint Esprit, à fin qu'ilz soyent trowez fideles & diligens en leur saint vocation. D'autrepart que tu chasse les faux Pasteurs, hommes corrompus d'entendement, loups pesans, ambitieux, & avaricieux, qui ne servant qu'à destruire & perdre tes Eglises. Et d'autant que tu requires en tous tes enfans le zeal de ta maison, fay moy la grace de repurger en mon peuple toutes sects, heresies, & superstitions, à fin que tes Eglises soubz ma charge profitent & accroissent de iour en iour en la verité de ton Euangile à toute justice & sainteté. Que generalement il te plaise de fair une deliverance & restoration de tes Eglises par toute la terre, enuoyer owriers à ta moisson, hommes idoines & suffisans pour recueillir les pours brebis esgarées soubz la houlette de ce grand pasteur des ames ton filz jesus Christ. Quant aux auditeurs ceux qui desia font profession de ton Nom que tu leur donne une uraye perseverance en foy, en charity, & en toutes bonnes oewres pour la gloire de ton Nom, & à leur salut. Quant aux autres qui cheminent encore en la vanité de leur sens que tu touch leurs coeurs & leur donne des yeux illuminez, à fin que tous se rengent pour te seruir & complaire. Finalement o Dieu de toute consolation, ie te pry d'auoir pitié des calamitez & afflictions de toutes tes creatures en general. Des peuples que tu visit par pests, guerres ou famines. Des personnes que tu afflige par poureté, prison, malady, bannissement, ou autres tes verges, soit en leurs corpse ou en leurs esprits. Et singulierement que tu aye pitié de tes eleuz qui souffrent & endurent pour le tesmoignage de ton saint Euangile. Et come il t'a pleu me fair ce bien, & cest honneur, de donner repos en ma terre, estans les autres Royaumes en horribles confusions, & que tu m'as enuoyé les entrailles de ton filz jesus Christ, pour leur donner refuge en leurs oppressions: fay moy la grace d'estre uraye nourrissiere & tutrice des tiens selon la parolle de ton Prophet isaiah, pour avoir une uraye compassion tant de ceux qui sont icy, que de tous autres, à fin qu'en l'accomplissement de tes promesses, lors que la parolle sera dite, Venez les benits de mon Pere, possedez le royalme qui vous à estè preparé des la foundation du monde, que lors tu me reçoive. Pere celeste, au number de tes enfans, pour l'amour de ton filz, mon Sauueur jesus Christ. Auquel avec toy & le saint Esprit soit honneur & gloire eternellement. Amen. ¶ L'oraison pour le Soir. SEigneur mon Dieu, mon Pere, & mon Sauueur me prosternant en toute humilité devant ta saint Maiesté, ie te requiers bien affectueusement, come tu m'as fait la grace d'estre paruenuë à la fin de ce iour, d'autant que tu as creé la nuit pour le repos des hommes que tu me face ce bien auectes autres benefices infinis de tellement reposer ceste nuit pour le soulagement de mon infirmité, que mon coeur estant tousiours esleué à toy, mon ame ait aussi bien son repos spirituel, come le corps prend le sien. Que mon dormir ne soit point excessif, pour complaire outre measure à l'aise de ma chair, mais seulement pour la necessité de ma nature, à fin que demain ie soye mieux disposée à ton service. preserve moy aussi de toute sovilleure de corps & d'esprit, & me guard des temptations de l'ennemy, & contre tous dangers qui me pourroyent avenir. Et pource que ce iour n'est point passé que ie ne t'aye offensé en plusieurs sortes & manieres, come tu enuoye maintenātles tenebres en l'absence du Soleil pour cacher toutes choses, ainsi vueille effacer toutes mes offences par ta misericorde infinie, à fin que iamais elles ne viennent en count devant ton judgement. Toutes lesquelles choses ie te requiers & demand au Nom & en faveur de ton filz vnique mon Seigneur & Sauueur jesus Christ, come luy-mesme nous à donné la reigle de te prier. NOstre Pere qui es és cieux. Ton Nom soit sanctifié. Ton regne advienne. Ta volonté soit faicte, en la Terre come au Ciel. Donne nous auiourd'huy, nostre Pain quotidien. Et nous pardonne noz offences, ainsi que nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offencé. Et ne nous induy point en tentation: mais deliure-nous du mal. Car à toy est le regne, la puissance, & la gloire, és siecles des siecles. Ainsi soit il. ¶ Oraison pour fair devant la consultation des affairs du royalme. O Seigneur nostre bon Dieu qui contemple d'enhaut tout ce qui est au Ciel & en la Terre, duquel le throne est admirable & la gloire incomprehensible, devant lequel la congregation des Anges se tient en crainte. Nous ton humble servant & tes seruiteurs estansicy assemblez en ta presence, pour traiter & adviser aux affairs qui concernent la vocation saint à laquelle tu nous as appellez par ta grace, cognoissans que tu soustiens & conserve sous la conduit de ta providence l'estat & government de tous les Royaumes de la terre, & que c'est à toy de presider au milieu des Princes en leur counsel. D'autre part recognoissans que nous sommes enuironnez de tenebres, remplis d'erreurs & d'ignorances', & mesme indignes de ton assistance si tu regards à nos iniquitez. Pour ces causes bon Dieu, nous te prions au nom de ton filz unique nostre Seigneur jesus Christ de nous pardonner toutes nos offences, & pour l'amour d'iceluy nous communiquer les dons & graces de ton saint Esprit, à fin qu'estans poulsez du vray zeal de ta gloire, & d'vn amour paternel enuers le peuple que tu nous as donné en charge. Nous puissions avec prudence & sagesse traitor les choses qui maintenant seront proposées. Dispose donc Seigneur nos bouches, nos coeurs, & nos entendemen, nous faisant cognoistre les choses que tu approuue pour les embrasser, & discerner les mawaises pour les decliner & chasser. d'avantage que tu tienne tellement la main à toutes nos deliberations, que tu nous en face veoir une heureuse issuë, à la gloire de ton Nom, au bien & profit de nostre peuple, & à la descharge de nos consciences. Ce que te demandons humblement en la faveur de ton filz bien-aymé, come par luy sommes enseignez de te prier. Nostre Pere qui es. etc. ¶ Priere. O Gowerneur, de la machine ronde, Toy qui as mis, les fondemen du monde, Et le depars, ainsi que bien tu vois, A tous humains sans recueillir leur voix Tu hausses l'vn, & l'aultre tu rabaisses, Cil qui languit, en pain tu redresses, Et le fais Roy, si tel tu le veulx estre. Ainsi m'as fait: o mon Dieu & mon master, En me tyrant, horse de prison cruelle, Prison du Corpse, & de pain eternelle, L'vne ou i'estoye, pour mes pechez commis Des ma ieunesse, & me less as remis: Et l'aultre estoit, pour avoir verité, En amour prise, & mensonge quitté, Pour suyure Christ, ainsi tu m'as tirée, Par ta main forte, & à toy retirée, En me donnant, ceste grand ' Royaulté, Range moy donc, à ce qu'as decreté, Force, counsel, avec sane doctrine, Pour bien guider, le peuple que domine, Ottroye moy: aussi par ta bonté, Ne prens point guard, à mon iniquité. ❧ Fin des Prieres en Françoys. ¶ I0 T'HO FATTO NOto il mio peccato, e non ho coperto la mia iniquità: ho detto, ●o confesserò le mie trasgressioni all Signore, etu hai levata l'iniquità del mio peccato. SALMO. 32. ❧ Confession de'peccati, all Signore. IDdio et Signior mio. Humilmentè, & con animo pieno d'infinito dispiacere d'hauerti offeso, & d'offenderti tutto di, io humil serva tua, et pecca trice, mi presento dinanzi la tua divina maestà per confessare ingenuament, & liberamente i miei peccati, et chiedertene perdono. Sono, come say, concetta, & nata in peccato, dall'istessa massa di corruttione venuta, onde è tolto tutto l'human lignaggio: trovomi sempre piena di cattivi affetti, & non fo mai cosa che buona sia, ove il tuo santo spirito mi guidi, ma ogni hora piego alla terra, & all male, ove mi tira il peso grave di questa carne. Le occasioni d'offenderti per l'altezza del luogo ove m'hai posto, per le ricchezze, per gli agi, et per gli honori, sono molte, & molte, Infiinitè le tentationi, continued, & urgentissime: la mia carne è fragile si, che non fo altro che errori, & gravi peccati dinanzi à te Dio mio, onde sento sopra di me l'ira tua giusta insino allultima condennatione. Dall'altra part havendomi mi tu piantato, per infinita tua misericordia una viva fede nel cuore, che Cristo è la mia vera e certa salute, & che per lui è ricewta ogni anima lavata nel suo sangue, dalla tua pietà: echo che vengo con sicurta, et certa fede a trovar perdono appresso il tribunal della misericordia tua per esso Giesu Cristo. Ricevi dun que ti prego padre benigno questa tua figlivola, che viene all' ubidienza paterna: raccogli pastore amorevole questa pecorella errant, che torna al' tuoovile, & guarisci medico celeste, tutte le piaghe dell'anima mia con la medicina della tua gratia: assicurandomi prima nella conscientia mia, che tutti ï peccati essen domi rimessi, io sia pacificata con esso te, & appresso con lo spirito tuo rinovandomi, & sanctificandomi ogni di, meni questa vita, che mi resta in santità, & giustitia nel tuo cospet to, e della tua chiesa, fin che mi chiami alla gloria di vita eterna, la quale aspetto, & attendo sicurament per Giesu Cristo Signior mio, cui sia honore & gloria perpetuament. Amen. * §§* ¶ CHIUNQUE ADOra Iddio con diletto, sarà ricewto, & la sua preghiera s'anuicinerà in sino all nwole. L'oratione di chi si humilia penetrerà le nwole. ECCLESIASTICO. 32. ❧ Oration prima come creatura di Dio. RIconoscendo Signore, com'io sono tua creatura, creata ad imagine & Somiglianza tua, opera eccellente delle tue many sopra tutte l'altre creature, io te ne rendo gratie infinite, e ti prego humilmen te, che ti piaccia far ch'io habbia con tinuament cura & riguardo di non isuilire, nè imbratare questa tua santissima imagine, ristoratami per Giesu Cristo: anzi conseruandola pura & sincera d'ogni affetto carnale, riluca innanzi gli occhi di tutti lo splendore del tuo volto, c'hai spar so sopra di me, alla gloria tua, per Giesu Christo. Amen. ❧ Oration seconda, come Cristiana, e Regina. IDdio padre, et pro tetter mio, Grandement mi sento debitrice alla tua clementia, havendomi à buon'hora chiamata per la predication dell evangelio di Giesu Cristo alla vera pietà, & sincerità della tua religione, affine che con l'autorità, che m'hai dato, & co'l zelo, di che ti sono debitrice, fossi istrumento tuo di ripiantare, e stabilire in questa part del mondo, ove t'è piaciuto ch'io à nome tuo regni, la tua pietà et santissima religione. Pregoti Dio mio, & buon padre, che si come in part con la gratia tua ho seruito in questo alla tua santa volontà, cosi ti piaccia di torre ogni impedimento, e resistenza d'infideltà dal mio papolo, et à me di bene in meglio inspirar buona volontà, & ardente zelo, dan domi mezzi efficaci, istrumenti atti & sufficienti, accio possa, si come desidero, spiantando ogni maluagio seem d'empietà, spargere, seminare, & radicare il tuo santo evangelio in tutti i cuori, aggrandendo per tutto questo regno tuo terreno, quel celeste di Giesu Cristo, all quale sia sempre honore & gloria. Cosi sia. ❧ Oration terza per l'amministratione della Giustitia. Vltimament Iddio supremo Re, & Signior mio: Io confesso, che molto grand fra le grandezze terrene, è l'honore, & la dignità in che tu m'hai posta, et posta, & mantenutamici miracolosament, conseruandomi, et liberandomi da molti mali, & pericoli d'huomini cattivi. Riconosco che se fin qui con alcuna prudenza, vigilanza, giustitia equità, misericordia & in pace ho amministrato l'ufficio, che tu mi hai imposto, tutto è stato dono della tua paterna bontà con esso me. Or'io ti prego carament, che tipiaccia perseverare, tenendomi le mani di sopra, humiliandomi sotto il tuo imperio, à cui io sono serva, & dammi che questa corona, che mi hai posto in capo, io la tenga sempe sotto i tuoi piedi: e lo scettro regale postomi nelle mani serva alla gloria tua, alla giustitia & equità del tuo popolo, alla pace, et concordia del Regno. Sia l'intelletto della tua serva chiaro & giusto, la volontà sincera, i giudici equi, & pij. Dammi Signore aiuti, consegli, & ministri abbastanti, retti, & sufficienti, pieni di pietà, & del tuo santissimo timore, sieno i popoli fideli, e disciplinabili. Perche io, e tutto il mio gregge vivendo in tranquillità, & pace, habbiamo agio, & tempo quieto di servire alla tua maestà: pregandoti, & supplicandoti di tutto cio per Giesu Cristo Signior mio, e tuo unigenito figlivolo, all quale con esso te, & con lo spirito santo sia honore & gloria eternament. Cosi sia. ❧ Primera oration. * MUCHAS SON LAS tribulaciones de los justos, pero el Senor los libra de todas ellas. PSAL. 34. DIos mio y Padre mio dulcissimo, cuya bondad es infinita, cuya misericordia nunca se puede agotar, y cuya boca siempre dize verdad: porque tu eres la mesma verdad que has prometido a los que en ti creen, à los que en ti confian y ponen su esperança libraros, ampararlos y ser les Padre en todas sus necessidades assi temporales common espirituales: y esto lo has cumplido con la obra ni mas ni menos que tu lo has prometido de palabra: common lo testifican muy muchos testimonios de tu sagrada Escriptura. Assi libraste à No del diluuio, à Abrahan de los Chaldeos, à Lot de Sodoma, à jacob de las sangrientas manos de su proprio hermano Esau, à Daniel del lago de los Leones y d Sufanna deal falso testimonio de aquellos dos malditos viejos y iniquos iuezes. Yo tu humilde sierua me prostro, O Dios mio, O Padre mio delante del throno de tu divina Magestad, y te doy gracias infinitas, gracias quan grandes yo puedo, porque me has hecho una del numero de aquellos que tu libraste de grandes afliciones: que me libraste de 'las crueles manos de mis enemigos, los quales como lobos hambrientos me pretendian chupar la sangre y tragar me biua. Tenian me vn tal odio, porque yo ponia en ti solo toda mi esperança, porque yo not me avergonçava del evangelio de tu amantissimo Hijo: mas ants me honrava del, common aquella que tenia por cierto el evangelio ser potentia tuya para dare salved à todos los que creen. Plegate O Dios mio, dare me gracia que yo no me oluide de un tan ensign beneficio y merced: no permitas que la buena yerua de gratitude y agradescimiento que tu Magestad ha' plantado en el jardin de mi anima, la ahoguen las espinas: las quales son la solicitud y cuydado de las cosas temporales, y el engan̄o de las riquezas. Has Senor, que de tal manera yo las possea, que yo sea senora dellas, y no ellas de mi, que yo siempre estè aparejada para 'las emplear en tu seruicio. Todo esto te demando en el number de tu Hijo jesu Christo: el qual es mi Dios, mi Senor y mi Redemptor. Amen. ❧ Segunda oration. * DA ATV SIERVA un coraçon entendido para iuzgar à tu Pueblo, y para discernir lo bueno de lo malo: Porque quien podra iuzgar este tu pueblo el quales tan grand en multitude? 1. REG. 3. Sennor Dios todo poderoso y Padre mio amantissimo, que por tu admirable bondad y immensa misericordia has querido hazer à mi pobre pecadora hija de Adan, instrumento de tu gloria, instrumento con que tu seas glorificado constituyendo me por cabeça y governadora deste tu opulentissimo Reyno en estos tan infelicissimos tiempos, en que tu yglesia unica espo sa tuya es en tan gran manera oprimida de la tyrania de Satanas y de sus ministros, ten por bien assistir me con tu sancto Espiritu, el quales Espiritu de sabiduria y de inteligencia, Espiritu de consejo y de fortaleza, Espiritu de sciencia y de temor tuyo, para que yo tu sierua tenga coraçon entendido que pueda discernir entre lo bueno y lo malo: y desta manera sea en este tu Reyno administrada justicia, sea lo bueno aprouado y remunerado: y por el contrario lo malo condenado y castigado. Pues que para esto tu has constituido el Magistrado y le has puesto el cuchillo en la mano. Esto te pido O Senor y Dios mio en number de tu unigenito Hijo jesus Christo mi Redemptor y intercessor. Amen. §§ ❧ Tercera oration. * LOS INIUSTOS PEreceran sin quedar ninguno, y el paradero de los malos es perdition. PSAL. 37. O Senor Dios mio y Padre mio, immortales gracias hago à tu divina Magestad con mi boca, con mi coraçon y con quanto yo soy, por las infinitas misericordias de que has usado con migo: que not solament me has hecho criatura tuya, hechura de tus manos formada à la imagen y semejançatuya, me has por la muerte y passion de tu unico Hijo jesus Christo reconciliado contigo, adoptado me y hecho hija tuya, hermana de jesu Christo tu primogenito y de todos aquellos que en ti creen, en ti esperan y confian: mas aun porque me has hecho esta tan senalada y tan rara merced, que siendo yo una muger de mi naturaleza flaca, timida y delicada, common lo son todas las demas, me has querido hazer robusta, animosa y fuerte para resistir à tanta multitude de Idumeos, Ismaelitas, Moabitas, Agarenos y otra infinidad de gentes y naciones que se auian juntado, conjurado, conspirado y hecho liga, contra ti, contra tu hijo y contra todos aquellos que confiessan tu number y tienen por unica regla de salved a tu sancta palabra. O Dios mio, O Padre mio, cuya bondad es infinita y cuya potencia es immensa, que sueles escoger las cosas flacas deste mundo para confundir y destruir las fuertes, persevera, persevera por la gloria de tu number, por la honra de tu Hijo, por el descanso y quie tud de tu yglesia afligida en dare me fuerças para que yo common otra Deborah, common otra judith, common otra Esther libre à tu pueblo de Israel de las manos de tus enemigos, levantate Senor iuz ga tu causa. Derrama tu ira sober 'las gentes que note conoscen y sober los Reynos que no invocan tu Number. Sea conoscida entre las naciones delante de nuestros ojos la vengança de la sangre de tus sieruos que es derramada. Entre de lante tu acatamiento el gemido de los presos, y segun tu gran potencia reserua los que estan ya deputadoes para morir. Scene Senor los que persiguen à tu yglesia auergonçados y conturbados perpetuamente, y scene confundidos y perezcan. Conoscan que tu, cuyo number es jehovah, eres solo el Altissimo sober toda la tierra. O Senor concede esto à tu yglesia por aquel unico intercessor y abogado nuestro que siempre està delante de tu Magestad intercediendo por ella, que es jesu Christo tu eterno Hijo: el qual contigo y con el Espiritu sancto es un solo Dios y Senor nuestro. Amen. § § ❧ Precatio Reginae. ADmirabilis est, deus opt. Max. iudiciorum tuorum abyssus. Tu rex regum, Dominator dominantium. Tu imperia quibus visum est aufers & transfers, evellis & plantas, destruis & aedificas. Tu, quae tua est singularis benignitas, ancillam tuam mortis penè filiam liberasti: me, me captivam in patrio & regali solio collocasti. Tibi igitur gratias ago, tibi laudes & hymnos cano, tuum nomen dies & noctes celebrabo. Per te patriae libertas, doctrinae veritas, ecclesiae tranquillitas restituta sunt. Beneficium tuum, tuum solius fuit, ministerium meum. Onus certè humero muliebri grave, te Levant leave. Adiwa obsecro clementissime pater, necscelera mea, aut merita parentum, aut populi mei respice, quia mala & infinita sunt: sed misericordiae tuae memineris, quia antiqua & aeterna et omnibus nibus miseris exposita est. Serua regnum, tuere religionem, defend causam tuam, reginam tuam, populum tuum & meum. Dissipentur hostes tui qui bella volunt: qui adorant sculptilia pudefiant & convertantur. Ne simus praeda gentibus quae te non norunt, & nomen tuum non invocant. Confirma ô Deus opus quod caepisti, affla spiritum principalem seruulae tuae, & pusillo gregi tuo, ut religionis castitatem cum morum puritate coniungamus, ut vuas non labruscas, & fructus dignos resipiscentia, dignos evangelio proferamus, quò immortali hoc thesauro immortaliter fruamur, quò hic tibi viventes & morientes regni tui caelestis haereditatem aliquando cernamus, per Christum jesum Dominum nostrum. Si quidem tuum est regnum, potentia, & gloria in omnem perpetuitatem. Amen. ❧ Precatio ad deum pro foelici regni administratione & populi incolumitate. sum rerum opifex & seruator deus, quum hic ad maiestatis tuae pedes humilis iaceo, mecūque●eriò reputo quàm indigna sim cui aurem benignus praebeas, undique suffusa pudore vix audeo ad te oculos attollere. Cum enim iam olim in ipso matris utero peccati labes me infecisset, ob idque (ut reliqui Adami nepotes) abortu dignissima essem, me tamen hinc tua paterna manus eduxit atque in lucem edi permisit, editam cum Christo mori, & mortuam ut aeterna vita fruerer, renasci. Et tamen (miseram me) juventus mea, immo mea incunabula nihil nisi prioris illius vitae fecem spirarunt. unde iterum iam me judicem iratum exspectare te debui. At tu pro infinita tua bonitate me indignissimam ab aulicis voluptatibus ad regni tui delitias, per Sanctorum communionem & vocem evangelii tui etiam tum vocasti. Cumque verbis tuis non satis attentè & diligenter auscultarē, etsi me unà cum alijs huius regni ingratis virga tua percussisti, tamen vicit tua hic quoque bonitas genuinam malitiam. Ecce enim dum me loco filiae, qualem me in Christo adoptaras, detrudere debeat tua justitia: infinitae clementiae cedens, & novo me beneficio cumulans, è carcere & custodia, atque adeo è faucibus leonun solutam ad regnum evexisti, aureo diademate immeritum caput cingens, & regali sceptro dextram ornans. Addo & illud (quod ex omnibus non minimum esse censeo) quòd christum ex regno Angliae exulantem, quasi postliminio redeuntem ministerio meo restituendum concesseris. Haec sunt benignissime pater, praecipua tuorum in me beneficiorum capita: quae quanto excellentiora sunt, tanto indignius erga te me gessi, dum vitam meam novis subinde vitijs corrumpo. unde fit ut horum consideratione de mea salute planè desperem. Sed rursum cum luculenta tua in Christi sanguine sancta promissa memoria repeto, tota reficior & recreor, & recuperata pristina spe tuum thronum securior accedo, non quidem oblatura aliquid quod meis peccatis expiationi esse possit: sed tantum ut Christi tui oblationem, qua semel perfectos effecit qui sanctificantur, mihi sanctificationem & expiationem esse patiare, supplicatura, meque in tuam clientelam ita suscipias, ut quando ovium adipi obsequium, pecudum carni & sanguini virtutes labiorum anteponis, tuis laudibus efferendis & mandatis tuis exequendis reliquum vitae cursum transigam. Nominatim vero cum me faeminum & imbecillem, & solam ad huius regni gubernacula sedere dignatus sis, & huius administrationis (quae omnium difficillima existit) me coràm Christi tui tri bunali rationem reddere oporteat, porrige pater, porrige inquam è sublimi solio filiae tuae, quae illi ad tam arduum munus obeundum necessaria esse iudicas. Dedisti consiliarios, da dextrè eorum uti consilijs: illis autem & piam & aequam & sanam mentem, industriam vero sedulam, ut quae mihi subditoque populo usui sint, & providere sub tuo praesidio, & consulere velint ac queant. Dedisti insuper ut renatus verbo tuo idem populus eodem mecum foveri & ali se patiatur. Da ergo qui eos pascant etfideles pastores, & pios sanosque doctores. Caeterum mercenarios & omne genus luporum ab hoc nostro quantuluscunque est, tibi Christoque dicato grege arce. Quin & gregem ipsum novis tuis beneficijs ita orna, ut tibi tuum supremum honorem, nobis tua in hac part vice fungentibus obsequentiam, sibi inter se mutuam charitatem nusquam deneget. Conserua porro tua bonitate mihi partam pacem, & ab omni belli impetu assere patriam & regnum, potissimum ab intestinis & domesticis tumultibus, quibus bona iam orbis Christiani pars quatitur, immunes nos prolege. Et quoniam pauperrimi cuiusque atque abiectissimae conditionis hominis afflictio ad nos qui tui sumus, attinet: etiam afflictorum omnium qui tua opera promptiori egere videntur, ut te misereat supplex oro & obtestor: Idque meritis & nomine filij tui domini nostri jesu Christi, qui tecum vivit & regnat in omnem aeternitatem. Fiat. Alia precatio. sum Deus, qui me iam ab ineunte aetate, & antequam in lucem essem aedita, admirabili potentia, incredibilique providentia a capitali humani generis inimico, eiusque sceleratis administris hactenus tutam incolumemque conseruasti: concede itidem ut tua singulari benignitate freta, cum ab omnibus clandestinis insidiis, tum etiam a domesticis exterisque hostibus eripiar, & ea libertate mentisque quieto tranquilloque statu consistam, ut populum regnumque meae fidei ac tutelae commendatum, sartum tectum ab omnibus periculis tuearis: & cum ex hac vita migravero, tecum immortali fruar beatitudine, in omnes aevi aeternitates. Amen. § § 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΘΕὸς 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΚΎριε ὁ δεὸς 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ΥΠέρτατε πάτερ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 royal blazon or coat of arms E R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel, etc. Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus betrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Tob. 6 narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was conceived, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Let every man-child among you be circumcised. That is you shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, etc. Gen. 17 narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled. & all Jerusalem, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary Then the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say. we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32. The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc. Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: baptism of Christ And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14 They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon, etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother, and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life. Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. ● typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle. etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth. bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven▪ he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7. typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, their altars, etc, 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37. Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Ruee. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joad took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father of Chanaan see the nakedness of his father, he told his two brethren, etc. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: the release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Joh. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32 Abner said unto David. who art thou that criest to the king. etc. 1. Sam. 26 narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion and Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him in either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side. & forthwith ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocks and water, etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, St. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josue commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea▪ etc. Jonas. 1 narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: the Lord be with us why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirlwind, etc. 2. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel, etc Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus betrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Tob. 6 narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. i typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was conceived, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3 The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great rain, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seeks the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say. we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry. etc. Exo. 32 The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc. Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: baptism of Christ And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Let up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14 They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon. etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother, and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life, Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle, etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25 The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ tried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth, bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he tretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven, he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7. typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, their altars, etc, 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem. many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37. Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37 Do Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them Whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Ruee. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: Whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joad took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father of Chanaan see the naked n●● of his father, he told his two brethren, etc. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 1. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: the release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32. Abner said unto David, who art thou that criest to the king, etc. 1. Sam. 26. narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, & forthwith ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rocks and water. etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it it in a clean linen clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josne commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they script him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea, etc. Jonas. 1 narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: the Lord be with us why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirlwind, etc. 2. Reg. 2 narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel: etc Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus betrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Tob. 6 narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 2. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. i typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was concerned, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3 The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. ●. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna, bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32 The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: baptism of Christ And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with out cluster of grapes, and bear it upon, etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life, Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle. etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering. said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth. bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven▪ he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7 typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, their altats, etc, 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 22 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any oprore, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37. Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: last supper Jesus at his last supper as they did eat, took bread, & when he had given thanks broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat, this is my body, etc. Math. 26. typological diptych Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine, and he, etc. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israel: This is that bread, etc. Exo. 16 narrative triptych: Gethsemane Jesus said: all you shall be offended by me this night, etc. He said moreover unto them, sit you here while I go and pray yonder. And he took Peter and the two sons etc. Math. 26. typological diptych I see all Israel scartred sheep that had no shepherd, etc. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha said: behold thou shalt see it with thy eyes but thou, etc. 4. Reg. 7. narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth▪ Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Ruee. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: Whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joad took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father, of Chanaan see the nakedness of his father, he told his two brethren, etc Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: the release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smoke Job with sore boils fed the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his hand, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32. Abner said unto David, who art thou that criest to the king, etc. 1. Sam. 26. narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side. & forth with ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rock and water, etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it it in a clean linen clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josne commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara for the lord hath given. etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea, etc. Jonas. narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to The women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: the Lord be with us why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirlwind, etc. 2. Reg. 2 narrative triptych: the Canaanite woman Behold a woman a Cananite, came out of the sea coasts, and cried, saying unto him: Have mercy on me O Lord, etc. Math. 15. typological diptych A certain man was diseased 38. years, when Jesus see him lie and known, etc. John. 5. And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea, etc. Math. 14. narrative triptych: the angels at the tomb Marry stood at the sepulchre weeping, and as she wept, she bowed herself into the sepulchre and see two angels in white sitting, the one etc. John. 20. typological diptych Reuben returned to the pit, and behold Joseph was not in the pit, etc. Gen. 37. I will seek him that my soul loveth: I sought him but I found him not, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel, etc. Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus botrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Cob. 6. narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the held of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. i typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him. I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name Was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was concerned, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Let every man-child among you be circumcised. That is, ve shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, etc. Gen. 17 narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32. The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof From two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc. Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother, and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life, Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cartel. etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 1. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: baptism of Jesus And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon, etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of portage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Legarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth, bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight, etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven▪ he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7 typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12. Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong onto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have picie then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, there altats, etc. 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trecs & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37. Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37. So Jeseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: last supper Jesus at his last supper as they did eat, took bread, & when he had given thanks broke it. and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat, this is my body, etc. Math. 26. typological diptych Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine, and he, etc. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israel: This is that bread, etc. Exo. 16. narrative triptych: Gethsemane Jesus said: all you shall be offended by me this night, etc. He said moreover unto them, sit you here while I go and pray yonder. And he took Peter and the two sons etc. Math. 26. typological diptych I see all Israel scattered as sheep that had no shepherd, etc. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha said: behold thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but thou, etc. 4. Reg. 7. narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them Whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgineg came also saying Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Reve. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: Whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and faith: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joab took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father of Chanaan see the nakedness of his father, he told his two brethren, etc. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: the release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. iji. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32. Abner said unto David. who art thou that criest to the king. etc. 1. Sam. 26. narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bear his cross and came into a place named Gol gotha, where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the souldiwith a spear pierced his side, & forth with ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc. Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses. Thou shalt smite the rock and water, etc. Exod. 17. narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it it in a clean linen clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josue commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The nert day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi but call me Mara, for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea, etc. Jonas. 1. narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jovas'. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon aunsuered: If the Lord be with us, why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walked with God and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirl wind, etc. 2. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a sta● of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel, etc. Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of jesus betrothed to joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Tob. 6. narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was conceived, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Let every man-child among you be circumcised. That is, you shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, etc. Gen. 17 narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king▪ of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem etc. Mark. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days or Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32 The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: baptism of Jesus And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Litt up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon. etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life. Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth, bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadnesee answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven, he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7 typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12 Baron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, their altars, etc, 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the propheres came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a denue of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37 Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: last supper Jesus at his last supper as they did eat, took bread, & when he had given thanks broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat, this is my body, etc. Math. 26. typological diptych Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine, and he, etc. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israel: This is that bread, etc. Exo. 16 narrative triptych: Gethsemane Jesus said: all you shall be offended by me this night etc. He said moreover unto them, sit you here while I go and pray yonder. And he took Peter and the two sons etc. Math. 26. typological diptych I see all Israel scad●red sheep that had no shepherd, etc. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha said: behold thou shalt see it with thy eyes but thou, etc. 4. Reg. 7 narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Ruee. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: Whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joab took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father of Chanaan see the nakedness of his father, he told his two brethren, etc Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: the release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knee before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32 Abner said unto David, who art thou that criest to the king, etc. 1. Sam. 26. narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, & forthwith ran there our blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rock and water, etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josne commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara, for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sca, etc. Jonas. narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: he Lord be with us why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych Ano Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirlwind. etc 2. Reg. 2 narrative triptych: the Canaanite woman Behold a woman a Cananite, came out of the sea coasts, and cried, saying unto him: Have mercy on me O Lord, etc. Math. 15. typological diptych A certain man was diseased 38. years, when Jesus see him lie and known, etc. John. 5. And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea, etc Math. 14 narrative triptych: the angels at the tomb Marry stood at the sepulchre weeping, and as she wept, she bowed herself into the sepulchre and see two angels in white sitting, the one etc. John. 20. typological diptych Reuben returned to the pit, and behold Joseph was not in the pit, etc. Gen. 37. I will seek him that my soul loveth: I sought him but I found him not, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: miracle of loaves and fishes And he took the u loaves and two fish and looked up to heaven and blessed, and broke, and gave the loaves to his disciples and the disciples, etc. Math. 14. typological diptych He that is without fault let him cast the first stone, etc. John. 8. Jesus seeing their faith, said to the sick of the palsy, son, etc. Math. 9 narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel: etc Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus betrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be given there to wife. For to thee doth the light of her, etc. Tob. 6 narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6 narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Ero. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was conceived, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Let every man-child among you be circumcised: That is, you shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, etc. Gen. 17 narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have sent his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee, etc. 2. Sam. 3. The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32 The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc. Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: baptism of Jesus And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 1. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hands upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon, etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The Angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life. Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle. etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: the raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth. bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2 typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thy, self this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord▪ and what should a king do to us Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32. The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Ecomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalis saying her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which soughth the babes life, Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle, etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: baptism of Jesus And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon, etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stoves be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esau selleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth, bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 18. Nabuchadneset answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3 narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven. he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7 typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12. Aaron looked upon Miriam and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, there altars, etc, 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 10 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called, a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37. Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Ismalites, etc. Gen. 37. So Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: last supper Jesus at his last supper as they did eat, took bread, & when he had given thanks broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat, this is my body, etc. Math. 26. typological diptych Melchifedeth brought forth bread and wine, and he, etc. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israel? This is that bread, etc. Exo. 16 narrative triptych: Gethsemane Jesus said: all you shall be offended by me this night, etc. He said moreover unto them, sit you here while I go and pray yonder. And he took Peter and the two sons etc. Math. 26. typological diptych I see all Israel scattered as sheep that had no shepherd, etc. 3. Reg. 22. Helisha said: behold thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but thou, etc. 4. Reg. 7. narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them Whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Reve. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away, and as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joad took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe rather of Chanaan see the nakedness of his father, he told his two brethren, etc. Gen. 10. Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come up thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mocking of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of chorne upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32. Abner said unto David, who art thou that criest to the king, etc. 1. Sam. 26 narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people. etc. Math. 27. typological diptych Jezabeli sent a messenger unto Helias saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him. in either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering. and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tre. etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, & forthwith ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rock and water, etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it it in a clean linen clot, and lard it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down. Josue commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara, for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea, etc. Jonas. 1. narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: If the Lord be with us, why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walke●●ith God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. ● There appeared a chariot o● fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirleminde. 2. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: birth of Mary The birth of blessed Mary the virgin the mother of Christ, etc. typological diptych There shall come a rod forth of the stock of Jesse, and a graff, etc. Esay. 11. There shall come a star of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise of Israel, etc. Num. 24. narrative triptych: Mary and Joseph Marry the mother of Jesus betrothed to Joseph her husband, before they came together, was found with child by the holy ghost. Then Joseph her husband being a just man, etc. Math. 1. typological diptych But thou shalt go unto my father's house, and to my kindred, and take a wife, etc. Gen. 24. I will speak for her thac she may be geúen thee to wife. For to thee doth the right of her, etc. Tob. 6 narrative triptych: annunciation And in the vi month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin affianced to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, etc. Luke. 1. typological diptych The seed of the woman shall tread upon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The angel said to him, the Lord is with thee thou valiant man. Judges. 6. narrative triptych: John the Baptist And Mary arose and went with haste into the hilly country to a city of Juda, and entered into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth. And it came to pass, etc. Luke. i typological diptych And Moses returned to Jethro his father in law and said to him, I pray, etc. Exo. 4. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my saviour. Luke. 1. narrative triptych: nativity When the days were accomplished, Mary brought forth her first begotten son and wrapped him in swaddling clotheses, and laid him in the manger because there was no room, etc. Lu. 2. typological diptych Put thy shoes of thy feet for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. Exod. 3. Aaron's rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease etc. Num. 17. narrative triptych: circumcision And when the viii. days were accomplished, that they should circumcise the child, his name was then called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel, before he was conceived, etc. Luke. 2. typological diptych Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him, etc. Gen. 21 Let every man-child among you●● circumcised. That is you shall circumcise the foreskin of your flesh, etc. Gen. 17 narrative triptych: Magi and Herod Where is the king of the Jews that is born, for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. When Herode the king herded this, he was troubled, & all Jerusalem etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Abner said to David, make covenant with me, and behold, mine hand shall be with thee. etc. 2. Sam. 3. The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Jerusalem to Solomon, with a very great train, etc. 3. Reg. 10. narrative triptych: purification of Mary When the days of Purification after the law of Moses, were accomplished, they brought Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the lord, as it is written in the law of the lord, Luke. 2. typological diptych God said to Moses, sanctify unto me all the first born, that open all manner matrices among the children, etc. Exo. 13. Anna bore a son & brought him into the house of the Lord in Siloh, and the child was young, etc. 1. Sam. 1. narrative triptych: flight into Egypt Arise and take the babe and his mother and fly into Egypt, and be there till I bring thee word, for Herode will seek the babe to destroy him. So he arose & took the babe & his mother, etc. Math. 2. typological diptych Behold, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee. Gen. 27. Michael spoke unto David: If thou save not thyself this night to morrow, etc. 1. Sa. 19 narrative triptych He shall break down their altars, he shall destroy their images. For now they shall say, we have no king because we feared not the Lord, and what should a king do to us? Ose. 10. typological diptych Moses cast the tables out of his hands and broke them in pieces because of their idolatry, etc. Exo. 32. The Philistines find Dagon fallen down before the ark of the Lord etc. 1. Sam. 5. narrative triptych: slaying of the innocents Herode caused all male children to be slain that were in Bethlehem and in all the costs thereof from two year old and under, according to the time which he had diligently searched, etc. Mat. 2. typological diptych Saul said to Doeg, turn thou and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, etc. 1. Sa. 22 Athalia seeing her son to be dead, destroyed all the kings seed. But Jehosheba, etc. 4. Reg. 11. narrative triptych: return from Egypt The angel said to Joseph: Arise and take the babe and his mother▪ and go into the land of Israel, for they are dead which sought the babe's life, Then he arose and took the babe etc. Mat. 2 typological diptych God spoke to Jacob, Get thee out of this country. Jacob took all his goods and cattle▪ etc. Gen. 31. David asked counsel of the Lord, saying: Shall I go up into any cities of Judah, etc. 2. Sam. 2. narrative triptych: baptism of Jesus And Jesus when he was baptized, came strait out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and John see the spirit of God descending like a dove, etc. Math. 3. typological diptych Lift up thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the sea, etc. Exodus. 14. They cut down a branch with one cluster of grapes, and bear it upon. etc. Num. 13. narrative triptych: temptation of Christ The tempter came to Christ saying: If thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answering, said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread only, etc. Math. 4. typological diptych Esauselleth his birth right for a mess of pottage, etc. Gen. 25. The woman seeing the tree to be pleasant, took of the fruit, etc. Gen. 3. narrative triptych: raising of Lazarus Christ cried with a loud voice, Lazarus come forth. Then he that was dead came forth▪ bond hand & foot with bands and his face was bond with a napkin. Jesus said unto them, etc. John. 11. typological diptych Helias stretched himself upon the child, and the Lord herded the voice of Helias, etc. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus coming into the house, and behold, the child was dead, and he stretched, etc. 4. Reg. 4. narrative triptych: transfiguration He was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his clotheses were as white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias, etc. Math. 17. typological diptych Abraham said, Lord if I have now found favour in thy sight. etc. Gen. 13. Nabuchadneser answered: Lo I see four men lose walking in the midst of the fire. Dan. 3. narrative triptych: Mary Magdalene Jesus said, Many sins are forgiven her, for she loved much. To whom a little is forgiven, he doth love a little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven thee, etc. Luke. 7. typological diptych David said to Nathan: I have sinned against the Lord, etc. 2. Sam. 12 Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold, she was leprous. Num. 12 narrative triptych: lamentation over Jerusalem When Christ came near Jerusalem he beheld the city and wept for it, saying: O if thou hadst even known at the jest in this thy day those things which belong unto thy peace etc. Luke. 19 typological diptych Who shall have pity then upon thee, O Jerusalem or who, etc. Jere. 15. Their feasts are turned into lamentation, their altars, etc. 1. Macha. 1. narrative triptych: the triumphal entry Christ riding to Jerusalem, many spread their garments in the way, other cut down branches of the trees & strawed them in the way. And they that went before, and they that followed, etc Mark. 11 typological diptych The women sang by course in their play, and said: etc. 1. Sam. 28 The children of the prophets came to meet Helisha, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: cleansing of the temple Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought, saying unto them it is written, Mine house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. Luke. 19 typological diptych Is this house become a den of thieves, whereupon, etc. Jere. 7. Mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people, etc. Esay. 56. narrative triptych: plots against Jesus The chief priests and the Scribes and the Elders of the people, consulted how they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him. But they said, not on the feast day, lest any uproar, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych When joseph's brethren see him a far of, etc. Gen. 37 Absalon rose up early and stood hard by thee, etc. 2. Sam. 15. narrative triptych: thirty pieces of silver They appointed unto him thirty pieces of silver, and from that time Judas sought opportunity to betray Christ his master. Now on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, etc. Math. 26 typological diptych Judas said: Come let us cell him to the Isinalites, etc. Gen. 37 So Joseph was brought down into Egypt, and Potiphar, etc. Gen. 39 narrative triptych: last supper Jesus at his last supper as they did eat, took bread, & when he had given thanks broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, eat, this is my body, etc. Math. 26. typological diptych Melchisedech brought forth bread and wine, and he, etc. Gen. 37. Moses said to the people of Israel: This is that bread, etc. Exo. 16 narrative triptych: Gethsemane Jesus said: all you shall be offended by me this night▪ etc. He said moreover unto them, sit you here while I go and pray yonder. And he took Peter and the two sons etc. Math. 26. typological diptych I see all Israel ●●●●●●ed a● sheep that had no shepherd, etc. 3. Reg. 22. 〈◊〉 said: behold thou shalt see it with thy eyes but thou, etc. 4. Reg. 7 narrative triptych: betrayal of Christ Jesus knowing all things that should come, went forth and said unto them Whom seek you? They answered him Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus answered I am he. Judas also etc. John. 18. typological diptych The foolish virgins came also saying, Lord Lord, etc. Math. 25. The great Dragon that old serpent was cast out, etc. Ruee. 12. narrative triptych: the Judas kiss Judas had given them a token saying: whomsoever I kiss, he it is, take him and lead him away. And as soon as he was come, he goeth to him and says: Master, master, etc. Mark. 14. typological diptych Joab took Abner aside peaceably, and smote him under the rib that he died. etc. 2. Sam. 3. Simon to redeem Jonathan, sendeth money and the children to Triphon etc. 1. Macha. 13. narrative triptych: the scourging of Jesus The Jews spate Christ in his face, and buffeted him saying: Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that smote thee? Peter sat without in the hall, and a maid, etc Math. 26. typological diptych When Chamthe father of Chanaan see the nakedues of his father, he told his two brethren, etc Gen. 10 Heliseus is mocked of little children crying unto him: Come by thou baldhead, etc. 4. Reg. 2. narrative triptych: release of Barabbas Pilate let Barrabas loose unto them and scourged Jesus, and delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus in to the common hall, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych The plowers ploughed upon my back, and furrows long did cast, etc. Psal. 131. Satan smote Job with sore boils from the soul of his foot etc. Job. 2. narrative triptych: mockery of Jesus And the soldiers plaited a crown of thorn upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him and mocked him, saying: God save, etc. Math. 27 typological diptych When thou hast done all thy duty, sit down that thou mayst receive a crown etc. Eccle. 32 Abner said unto David, who art thou that cried to the king, etc. 1. Sam. 26. narrative triptych: Pilate washes his hands Pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying: I am innocent of the death of this just man, look you to it. Then answered all the people, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych jezabel sent a messenger unto Helias; saying The Gods do so to me etc. 3. Reg. 19 Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel and cast, etc. Dan. 6. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And Jesus bore his cross and came into a place named Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other with him on either side one, and Jesus in the midst of them, etc. John. 19 typological diptych Abraham took the wood of the burned offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son, etc. Gene. 22. Behold the widow was there gathering sticks, and Eliah called her, and said, etc. 3. Reg. 17. narrative triptych: the crucifixion And when they were come to the place which is called calvary, there they crucified him and the evil doers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left, etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych Tubultaim wrought cunningly every craft of brass and iron, etc. Gen. 4. Esay the prophet was cut in the midst with a see, and fasted on a tree, etc. narrative triptych: the spear One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, & forth with ran there out blood and water. And he that see it bore record and his record is true. And he that etc. John. 19 typological diptych With the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man, etc Gen. 2. The Lord said to Moses Thou shalt smite the rock and water, etc Exo. 17 narrative triptych: the burial of Jesus Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linten clot, and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out even in the rock and rolled a great stone to the door, & t. Math. 27. typological diptych assoon as the sun was down, Josue commandeth that they, etc. Josu. 8 Then they arose and went all night, and took the body, etc. 1. Sam. 31 narrative triptych: the Maries watch There was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre. The next day that followed the day of preparing, the high priests and Pharisees, etc. Math. 27. typological diptych She weepeth continually in the night, and her tears. etc. Lamen. 1. Call me not Naomi, but call me Mara for the lord hath given, etc. Ruth. 1. narrative triptych: burial of Jesus He laid it in a tomb hewn out of a rock wherein was never man yet laid. And that day was the preparing of the Saboth, & the Saboth drew on. The women that followed after etc. Luke. 23. typological diptych When Joseph was come to his brethren, they stripped him, etc. Gen. 37. So they took up Jonas and cast him into the sea and the sea, etc. Jonas. narrative triptych: resurrection For fear of him the keepers were astonished & become as dead men. But the Angel said to the women: Fear not, for I know you seek Jesus which was crucified, etc. Math. 28. typological diptych Samson arose at midnight and took the doors, etc. Judicum. 16. And the Lord spoke unto the fish and it cast out Jonas, etc. Jonas. 2. narrative triptych: post-resurrection appearance Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven. devils. And she went and told them that had been with him which mourned, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych The king said unto Daniel: O Daniel the servant, etc. Daniel. 6. When I had past a little from them, than I found him, etc. Cant. 3. narrative triptych: doubting Thomas Jesus said to Thomas put thy finger here and see my hands and put forth thy hand, and put it into my side, and be not faithless, etc. John. 20. typological diptych And Jacob called the name of the place peniel, etc. Gen. 32. Gedeon answered: the Lord be with us why then, etc. Jud. 6. narrative triptych: ascension So after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached, etc. Mar. 16 typological diptych And Enoch walked with God, and he was no more seen, for God took him away, etc. Gen. 5. There appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, so Elias went up by a whirlwind. etc 2. Reg. 2 scene from danse macabre ¶ The Emperor Emperor or king: I must thee bring. scene from danse macabre ¶ The King. With rulers & kings: I end all things. memento mori As Emperors and kings, we did reign: But now the earth, doth us detain. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Duke. Duke & Prince I do convince. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Marquis. Marks or state: I am thy mate. memento mori Lords and rulers, have been: But what we are, is to be seen. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Baron. Baron & lord: To me must accord. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Viscount. High & low: with me must go. memento mori Time to live, and time to die: God grant us life, eternally. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Lord galant or gay: Then must away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Knight. Stout and brave: I must thee have. memento mori Behold me here, as in a glass: For as thou art, so I was. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Esquire. For all thy lust Thou shalt to dust. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Gentleman Grave or sad: Thou must be had. memento mori As the hours of the day: So our lives pass away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The captain. In peace and war: I make and mar. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Soldier. Of foe & friend: I make an end. memento mori As we were, so are you: And as we are, so shall you be. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Drum. Cease thy drum: For all is done. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Fife. Cease thy play: And come away. memento mori times do pass, and time it is, To use well time, lest time do miss. scene from danse macabre ¶ The judge. Come on judge: With me to trudge. scene from danse macabre ¶ The justice. Justice I say: Come on thy way. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ Sergeant at law. Leave the laws: & hear my cause. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Attorney. Pled as thou lust: With me thou must. memento mori Christ, for thy bitter passion: Grant us a joyful resurrection. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Mayor. Though Mayor thou be: Come go with me. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Sheriff. Sir Sheriff stand: and give me thy hand. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ The bailiff. Thou Bailie also: With me shalt go. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Constable. Constable be priest: For I thee arrest. memento mori Behold me here, as in a glass: For as thou art, so I was. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Physician. Let Physic alone: And go with me home scene from danse macabre The Astronomer. Look not so high: I am thee by. memento mori Time to live, and time to die: God grant us life, eternally. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Merchant. Neither craft nor trade: Can me persuade. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Citizen. Of town nor city: I have no pity. memento mori Behold me here, as in a glass: For as thou art, so I was. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Rich man. Silver nor gold: cannot thee hold. scene from danse macabre ¶ The aged man. Youth and age Must be my page. memento mori As the hours of the day: So our lives pass away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Atrificer. Leave thy art: And take my part. scene from danse macabre The Husbandman. Labour no more: For I have store. memento mori As we were, so are you: And as we are, so shall you be. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Beggar. Begging is done: For I am come. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Roge. Think I am best: For I bring rest. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ The shepherd. Leave thy sheep And with me creep. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Foole. Of foolish and fond: I break the bond. memento mori Christ, for thy bitter passion: Grant us a joyful resurrection. scene from danse macabre ¶ Of Youth. Young & old: Come to my fold. scene from danse macabre ¶ Of Infancy. Fear not me: though I grisly be. memento mori Time to live, and time to die: God grant us life, eternally. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Emperor. Emperor or king: I must thee bring. scene from danse macabre ¶ The King. With rulers & kings: I end all things. memento mori As Emperors and kings, we did reign: But now the earth, doth us detain. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Duke. Duke & Prince I do convince. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Marquis. Marks or state: I am thy mate. memento mori Lords and rulers, we haven been: But what we are, is to be seen. scene from danse macabre ¶ The baron. Baron & lord: To me must accord. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Viscount. High & low: with me must go. memento mori times do pass, and time it is. To use well time, lest time do miss. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Lord galant or gay: Thou must away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Knight. Stout and brave: I must thee have. memento mori As the hours of the day: So our lives pass away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Esquire. For all thy lust Thou shalt to dust. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Gentleman Grave or sad: Thou must be had. memento mori Behold me here, as in a glass: For as thou art, so I was. scene from danse macabre ¶ The captain. In peace and war: I make and mar. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Soldier. Of foe & friend: I make an end. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ The Drum. Cease thy drum: For all is done. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Fife. Cease thy play: And come away. memento mori As we were, so are you: And as we are, so shall you be. scene from danse macabre ¶ The judge. Come on judge: With me to trudge. scene from danse macabre ¶ The justice. Justice I say: Come on thy way. memento mori As the hours of the day: So our lives pass away. scene from danse macabre ¶ Sergeant at law Leave the laws: & hear my cause. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Attorney. Pled as thou lust: With me thou must. memento mori Behold me here, as in a glass: For as thou art, so I was. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Mayor. Though Mayor thou be: Come with me. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Sheriff. Sir Sheriff stand: and give me thy hand. memento mori Time to live, and time to die: God grant us life, eternally. scene from danse macabre ¶ The bailiff. Thou Bailie also: With me shalt go. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Constable. Constable be priest: For I thee arrest. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ The Physician. Let Physic alone: And go with me home. scene from danse macabre The Astronomer. Look not so high: I am thee by. memento mori times do pass, and time it is, To use well time, lest time do miss. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Merchant. Neither craft nor trade: Can me persuade. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Citizen. Of town nor city: I have no pity. memento mori Christ, for thy bitter passion: Grant us a joyful resurrection. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Rich man. Silver nor gold: Cannot thee hold. scene from danse macabre ¶ The aged man. Youth and age Must be my page. memento mori Christ, for thy bitter passion: Grant us a joyful resurrection. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Atrificer. Leave thy art: And take my part. scene from danse macabre The Husbandman. Labour no more: For I have store. memento mori As we were, so are you: And as we are, so shall you be. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Beggar. Begging is done: For I am come. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Roge. Think I am best: For I bring rest. memento mori times do pass, and time it is, To use well time, lest time do miss. scene from danse macabre ¶ The shepherd. Leave thy sheep And with me ●●epe. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Foole. Of foolish and fond: I break the bond. memento mori From earth to earth, so must it be, From life to death, as thou dost see scene from danse macabre ¶ Of Youth. Young & old: Come to my fold. scene from danse macabre ¶ Of Infancy. Fear not me: though I grisly be. memento mori Time to live, and time to die: God grant us life, eternally. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Empress. Empress though thou be Thou must away with me. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Queen. Queen also thou dost see: As I am, so shalt thou be. memento mori We that were of highest degree: Lie dead here now, as you do see. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Princes. Princes of high estate: content you I am your mate scene from danse macabre ¶ The Duchess, Duchess & princes: Death daily convinces. memento mori We that sat in the highest seat: Are laid here now for worms meat, scene from danse macabre ¶ The Countess. Countess, or what thou art: I strike thee with my dart. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Vicountesse. viscounts I do not spare: For of them I have no care. memento mori Beauty, honour, and riches avail no whit: For death when he cometh, spoileth it. scene from danse macabre ¶ The baroness. baroness brave and high: Prepare thyself to dye. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Lady. Lady's gay & fair: To you I do repair. memento mori No state, no might, neither young nor old: To resist death, dare be bold. scene from danse macabre ¶ The judges wife. Madame or justice wife: I am come to end thy life. scene from danse macabre The Lawyer's wife. Beware thy husband's gain Reward thee not with pain memento mori Death by his might doth convince: Express, Queen, Duchess, and Prince. scene from danse macabre The Gentlewoman Gentles brave & fine: Dance after my line. scene from danse macabre Alderman's wife. Thou art clothed in scarlet: And yet art but my varlet. memento mori Behold us here, that sometime were gay How now we lie here, all lapped in clay. scene from danse macabre Merchants wife. Brave & never so nice: Dance after my device scene from danse macabre ¶ Citizen's wife. Trick & trim, put of your hood I am come to do you good. memento mori Riches nor treasure, avail nothing: For death to earth, all doth bring. scene from danse macabre Rich man's wi●●. Though thou have sil●●● and gold: Yet art thou within my hold. scene from danse macabre ¶ Young woman. Fine & pretty in the waist: Come with me in haste memento mori From earth we came, and to earth we shall: For sin by death, hath made us thrall. scene from danse macabre ¶ The Maid. Fresh, gallant, & gay: All must with me away. scene from danse macabre ¶ The damosel. Fine, proper & neat: And all is but worms meat. memento mori O death, how bitter is thy sting: That poor and rich to earth doth bring. scene from danse macabre ¶ Farmer's wife. Cease thy labour and pain: For I am thy riches and gain scene from danse macabre Husbandman's wife. Toil no more I say: For hence I must away. memento mori The wise, the simple, and every degree: Are by force compelled to obey unto thee scene from danse macabre Countreywoman. Away with butter & cheese. For thy life thou must now lose. scene from danse macabre The Nurse. give suck no more: For I am at the door. memento mori Learn by us that here do lie: For to live well and learn to die. scene from danse macabre shepherds wife. Be thou young or old: Thou must enter into my fold scene from danse macabre ¶ Aged woman. Be the day never so long: At last cometh Evensong. memento mori As death to the just, bringeth advantage: So he to the wicked, doth great damage scene from danse macabre The Cripple, Be thou poor or disesed: Thou must with me be pleased. scene from danse macabre The poor woman. Be thou never so poor: Thou must enter at my door. memento mori As death in this world hath the victory: So by death we hope to enter God's glory. depiction of the resurrection of the blessed at the last trump Come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you. Math. 25. depiction of the damned consigned to hell at the last judgment Departed from me you cursed into everlasting fire, which is prepared for etc. Math. 21.