¶ The description of a monstrous Pig, the which was farrowed at Hamsted beside London, the. xvi. day of October this present year of our Lord God. M.D.LXII. THis present year of our lord GOD, a thousand, five hundred, three score and two, one Robert Martin of Hamsted, in the county of Mid. beside London, had a Sow the which brought forth. viii. Pigs, the. xvi. day of October, where of. seven. were of right shape and fashion, but the eight was a wondrous Monster, and more monstrous than any that hath been seen before this time, as you may see by this picture. It hath a head contrary to all other of that kind, it hath a face without a nose or eyes, saving a hole standing directly between the two ears which ears be broad and long, like the ears of a blood hound, and a monstrous body, like unto a thing that were ●lean, without hear. It hath feet very monstrous, with the ends of them turning upwards, like unto forked ends, as it is plainly set forth here by these two pictures, the one being the back part, and the other the fort part. This monster lived two hours, and the rest of them lived about half a day. ¶ These strange and monstrous things, almighty GOD sendeth amongst us, that we should not be forgetful of his almighty power, nor unthankful for his great mercies so plentifully powered upon us, and especially for giving unto us his most holy word, whereby our lives ought to be guided: and also his wonderful tokens, whereby we ought to be warned. But if we will not be instructed by his word, nor warned by his wonderful works: then let us be assured that these strange monstrous sights do foreshow unto us, that his heavy indignation will shortly come upon us for our monstrous living. Wherefore let us earnestly pray unto GOD that he will give us grace speedily to repent our wickednesses, faithfully to believe his holy Gospel, and cencerely to frame our lives after the doctrine of the same to whom be all praise, honour, and glory. Amen. ¶ Imprinted at London by ALEXANDER LACIE for GARAT DEWS, dwelling in Paul's church yard, at the East end of the Church.