INFORMATION FOR THE IGNORANT OR THE APPLICATORY PART OF A LATE PRINTED BOOK, CALLED, A LIGHT FOR THE IGNORANT, containing a few Observations upon the 1 Cor. 10. which do strongly prove it to be absolutely sinful to hear the word Preached in any False State, or Assembly whatsoever. Also a Postscript containing a Challenge (laid down in 9 Propositions) to all the Non-Conformists in Old and New England, and Holland. Made by N. E. JER. 15.19, 20. Therefore thus saith the Lord, if thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me, and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth, let them return unto thee, but return not thou unto them. Printed in the Year of God, 1640. A FEW OBSERVATIONS OUT OF THE 1. CORINTHIANS 10. THE First thing to be observed is this, That God having committed a Kingdom or Kingly state Ecclesiastical to Christ our Mediator who is the King of it; that those that he doth bequeath or commit this Kingly state unto, they are by actual receiving of it, Incorporared into him. This the Scripture calls an engrafting into Christ, Joh. 15.1. Rom. 11.24. it is called a marriage, Reve. 19.7, 8, 9 and divers other phrases it hath to set it forth. Secondly, that this is Simbole-wise set forth by example of Israel; the act that the faithful do, comparing it with theirs; and Moses with Christ, and the Mosaical state, and worship, with the Evangelicall state and worship. Thirdly, that this state and worship, it being Gods, they were only bound to it, and to no other: but straight charged to observe whatsoever he had given them in charge, and to walk uprightly in this state, and in all the ordinances of the Kingdom. So that to this state, must men flow unto, and to no other, and here to abide and not to departed. The straying, of the faithful in matter of Religion in public affairs, is called Idolatry, the which the servants of God must flee from, vers. 14. The faithful must not break the first Table, no more than the second. The Second Observation is this, That as the faithful are incorporated into Christ (that is, tied and knit to him) so that Christ and his appurtenances go together, I mean the privileges of the Mediatorship, the privileges of marriage state, and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, vers. 16. and this food is for all the faithful; so that as they have the true and glorious state of Christ, so they have it filled and adorned with rich and glorious privileges and ornaments, and that as they be spiritual, so they be precious in nature and use. Here is the seat, habitation, and dwelling of the ordinances of God: these and none other are the things commanded to be observed and kept; these and none else-have the promises belonging to them; these and none other have juice and life in them, in this state. And as here be all the ordinances of Gods public worship, so here is the appurtenances belonging to them, as State, Laws, Offices, and administrations, with their glory or blessing on them. First therefore here be the ordinances of Christ. Secondly, they be here in their proper place. Thirdly, they be here in their right use. Fourthly, they stand here in their beauty, with the blessing on them, with all their attendances, and with the lively use of them. The Third Observation is in verse 17. because the faithful are one body, or bread, or cake, they be united and knit together by a spiritual bond, or tie, even their corporation. This one-nes is such that admits not a division in religious acts, they be a religious society or body, it is spiritually one. This respecteth chief those that be a body, or Church (yet it is largely to be understood) for there is no permission given to any to walk contrary to this rule. To this one state of Christ and ordinances, and privileges, with their own appurtenances thereto appertaining, belongs one people or body, or Church, with their adherent matter adhering thereunto. So this one body is partaker of one bread or means of spiritual nourishment, which is spiritual feeding upon the ordinances. So that as the body is one (that is) one in compactness or knitting; one in Charter, one in Laws, one in ordinances, one in offices, and one in administrations; so it must be one in communion, and one in feeding on this bread, or means of spiritual nourishment. They being baptised into one Christ, by one Spirit; partakes of one calling, and of one faith and hope, as Ephes. 4.4, 5, 6. so partakes of one fellowship, 1 Cor. 1.9. So that here is the open house that God doth keep, that whosoever is hungry must come to, for satisfy their hunger, and not seek spiritual food any where else but in this state. The Fouth Observation is out of Verse the 18. where the Apostle lays it down example-wise, that so as in a Table or Glass they might see the point in hand; and the ground that the Apostle layeth against them to disprove, and condemn their judgement, and so their practice in eating of the Idols instituted meats (if any did so) this Verse shows that the aforesaid state and ordinances, and all things pertaining to them, they be unseparable: so that those that partake of the ordinances in a state, partakes of that state, or power and authority, by virtue of which they are administered. So that as every ordinance of that state hath an author, or institutor; so they cannot partake of the ordinance but they must partake of the Altar that sanctifieth the Ordinance to the receiver. By Altar in the New Testament of Christ is to be understood not any material Altar, as that of old: but some spiritual thing or things, as is clear in the Testament of Christ. Now that there is an Altar in the time of the Gospel, aswell as in the time of the Law, is clear by a multitude of places of Scripture, Ezek. 43.14. Heb. 13.13. Reve. 8.3. That this Altar is not Christ himself, is clear to me from this 8. Chapter and 3. Verse, where he is the High Priest that offers up the incense with the prayers of the Saints: And that is not in the heavens properly, but in the heavenly state, appears by the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Chapters, with the whole Revelation. What this Altar is we may gather out of Reve. 11.1. where the Temple, and the Altar, and the worshippers are distinct. The Temple I conceive to be the state, for that compriseth all within it, as the Altar; the several institutions therein, the worshippers, the people, and this appeareth in the text. That this is no worldly Temple, but spiritual, is plain: For as the Altar is, so is the Temple (to wit spiritual) therefore the oblations, and sacrifices be spiritual, the which being offered to God in, and upon this his own institutions or Altar, they become acceptable, as Heb. 10.19, 20, 21, 22. And as it is in this true state, so it is in all false states (that is) there is the same connextion and communion betwixt the things themselves (that is) the state depends upon the Lord of it, and owner of the same (as afterwards may be seen) and the institution depend on the state, and the ordinances depend on the state and institutions. So that without the state no institutions, and without institutions, no ordinances, and so no worship. So also is the matter dependant on the form, and the form or state, on the author of it; so that the matter and form are relatives, and the form and author are relatives also (that is to say) they cannot be separated. So the receipt or partaking of such ordinances that are to be partaked of in a state, the partakers to have communion with the state and King of it, as this example doth show. So that the matter is dependent on the sacrifice; the sacrifice dependant on the Altar, the Altar on the state, the state on the owner of it, and so cometh in here, If this were any thing to reprove the judgement or practice of the Corinthians, than it showeth that by their general communion in eating instituted meat, in that instituted state and Temple, they did partake of it, even of that diabolical state and institutions, though they were not of that body, but were of the Church of Corinth, and come to the Idols Temple but on occasion: yet saith the Apostle, those that eat of the sacrifice of the Altar, partake of the Altar, for it is the Altar that sanctifieth the gift to the receiver, Mat. 23.19, 20, 21. and it is the pollution of it, (that is to say of the Altar) that pollutes the gift or sacrifice, and those that offer it, Hos. 9.1, 2.4. Eating is used for receiving and for feeding, and so for all religious communion, as Act. 10.13, 14. and in this Verse for partaking of the Altar, as well as of the sacrifices, showing that he that partakes of any administration in a state, doth partake of the power, or institution, by virtue of which it is administrated. 5. The Fift Observation, is out of Verse the 19 where the Apostle as he doth mention the ground that their judgement was built upon Chapter the 8 verse the 4. so he also useth their own grounds, in their own phrases, that so he might both reprove their error, and also that he might show the contrary. Now in that the Apostle speaks question-wise, it is not because he made doubt of the unlawfulness of their practice, but to show the vanity of the ground of it; and to show that when it is compared to the truth, and brought to the true touchstone, the revealed will of God it vanisheth away, though it might seem colourable and strong: yet it being but the beam of a Spider's web, in regard of the truth itself, he shows it hath no force norstrength in it: therefore he inclusively affirmeth that the Idol is something, and that that which is offered to Idols is something, because it altars its property to that which it was before, being now set apart for Religious uses, and is not to be understood that he held as they did but the contrary (namely) that it was unlawful for them to go to the Idols Temple to eat of their meat or sacrifice. 6. The Sixth Observation is out of Verse the 20. where the Apostle comes to a full answer affirmatively to their objection laid down Chap. 8.4. that there is but one God. And in it are sundry things to be observed: As First the thing employed in the former Verse (to wit) it was not as it was thought, but as he plainly affirmeth in this 20th Verse (to wit) that the Gentiles did sacrifice to Devils, in which he shows what a near relation there is between the worship, and the worshippers: the near conjunction between the author of their worship (namely the Devil) and the worshippers who had communion with him. And if it be here objected this is meant of none but the Idols worship, and not of those that worship God, and that with some glorious show of truth, as is done in the Antichristian state, it must be remembered, that if we will worship God, it must be tendered up to him, in his own house, and by his own rules and ordinances, or else it is not his, neither doth he accept it: neither can men truly be said to do it to him, if it be done in any false state whatsoever, he being any the author of it, but some other, for he never instituted no state for his people to worship and serve him in, but only one (namely) this heavenly jerusalem which is the mother of us all, Gal. 4.26. therefore though men that walk in false states do pretend that they worship God, even the true God, yet the truth is otherwise; and this I apprehend to be clear in this Verse: for the Corinth's would never have frequented a worship that they had knowledge of it, was done to the Devil; neither had the Apostle said any thing to the purpose in so saying, had it not been so that they did not know that it was so, for they did plead for it upon other terms, even upon moral grounds (as the Professors do for hearing in the Assemblies.) So than it follows undeniably, that men may pretend to worship the true God, though the matter and manner of worship be false. So also that men in religious communion cannot sever at their pleasure, and put difference between the office and administration, and the ordinance and thing administered (that is) they can as they pretend hear the word, and partake of the exercise of the gift, and yet not partake of the office: for they do not (they say) hear him as a man in office, but as a man endued with a gift to preach the word. If these persons are so skilled in this division, let them show their wisdom herein, and compare it with the wisdom of God, which saith that there is no dividing of them; so that as any partakes of the one (that is of the administration) they do partake of the other (that is) of the power or office by virtue of which it is administered. For we must remember that an office, and an administration, is the Chariot wherein the thing administered doth ride, and were it not for the office, neither person, nor gift, nor ordinance, nor administration could be there, to exercise his gift, so that the power puts into office, the office into administration, and they both put forth the ordinance, or thing administered. Here also if any think that those that are not joined into followship, that they are more tolerated in this particular than others that are in a state: The Apostle overthroweth that whilst he showeth, that those of Corinth that went to the Idols Temple, went as those that were not in fellowship with them, for that was not all their sin, that they for the present left their society, but that they had taken up a sinful communion, both with persons, and with things which was unlawful. So that the Apostle urges the foulness of that practice, chief for the unlawfulness of it in itself, which he would never have done, had not that place or state been to have been abandoned of all whatsoever that fear the Lord: Therefore this practice of going to Idolatrous Assemblies, which the Spirit of God calls whores houses, Prov. 5.7.8. & 13.14. is not only unlawful in the Corinthians, but also in all others that be in the order of the Gospel, for what ground or warrant hath persons to come there at all; seeing this is one badge and mark of our Christianity to have our faces towards Zion, and our backs upon Babylon, Jere. 50.5 & 51.9. and in the walking in this way, and on this ground persons are to be held, and judged the people of God, and not otherwise. So that here is a shutting up of the controversy, namely, that there is no more to be said, but that this verdict must be given, even that they that had communion with the Gentiles in their Temples and sacrifices had communion with him that the Gentiles had communion with: But the Gentiles did sacrifice to, and had communion with Devils: Therefore those that had communion with them in eating of their sacrifice had so too: But it is the mind of God that all those that he called by his name, should not have fellowship with Devils: Therefore of all that fear God it must be avoided, which is done by us when we forsake all false and Antichristian ways, and walk only in God: true ways, without halting, worshipping him in Zion the City or place of his presence, according to his own appointment. The Seaventh Observation is out of Verse the 21. where the Holy Ghost doth show the impossibility of the people of Gods partaking of the administrations both in a true; and false state according to rule, and without wrath it for as the former part of the Chapter doth show in those examples both of the sin of the Israelites, who though they were incorporated into one body unto Moses their Mediator, and type of Christ, whose laws and ordinances they were to observe, yet ran a whoring after their own inventions, and also of the wrath of God manifessed on them that did so, Verse 5.7, 8, 9, 10. for God cannot endure any halting between him and Baal, 1 King. 18.21 neither can a man serve two Masters: but as Christ hath purchased soul and body, with the price of his own precious blood, so he will have us to glorify him in our souls and bodies, 1 Cor. 6.20. & 7.23. which is done by our obedience to the truth; so that the observation of these things themselves be the only things of our wealth: it is therefore the Saints wisdom to keep them in the sight of all the people. The Lord having set before us life and death, it is the wisdom of the Saints to eschew the ways of death, and to have their feet guided in the paths of life; these things being so opposite to each other, that the embracing of the one, is the rejection of the other; for a man cannot walk in the true ways of God, but he must reject, and hate the false ways of the Devil. Besides for these, and like sins (that is) for leaving of the pure ways of God, and imbraceing ways of their own, the Lord removes the Candlestick from, and abhors even his own inheritance; so that for this he forsook the Tabernacle of Shiloh the tent that he had pitched among them, Psal. 78.60. so that they be unfit for communion with him, and uncapable of such heavenly treasures as the Saints are made partakers of, that so do. So that God doth warrant and approve of no such persons walking so; so that if there be an evil heart in any, thus to departed, or draw bacl from the living God, his soul can have no pleasure in them, Heb. 3.12. & 38, 39 And thus I understand this Scripture treats of the communion of the people of God both with him as God, 1 Joh. 3. Heb. 12.23. and also with jesus as Mediator, ver. 24. and to jesus the Mediator of the New Testament. The things that they have with God in jesus Christ is that heavenly state called Mount Zion, the City of God, the heavenly jerusalem, and the drawing near to God in the ways of his worship herein, is the drawing nearer to him in a new and living way, consecrated by the veil of his flesh, Heb. 10.20, 21, 22. This being the state which the Lord hath instituted for the good of the godly, they are here to dwell under the shadow of the Almighty, Psal. 91.1. there to lie town in peace and quietness because the Lord is at one with them, and not to change their habitations; for all ather ways are ways of darkness, Isay 59.8, 9, 10, 11. and he that walks in darkness though he says he hath communion with God, he is a liar (as saith the Apostle, 1 Joh. 1.6.) Seeing the Saints have received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, yea a Kingdom with all the glorious appurtenances thereunto belonging: therefore let all the Lords people have grace, whereby they may serve the Lord with reverence and godly fear, by walking uprightly and unblamably in his ways. Concerning the approved use of God's ordinances we are taught of God, to use them as he hath given commandment and not otherwise: For in Exod 20. God straight forbids the unholy use of any thing that his Name is put unto, the which is done when it is used any other wise then that he hath appointed, as the whole body of the Scripture doth plainly manifest. Now God's Name is largely to be understood, and the command is as large as the name or things: so that by God's Name we are not only to understand God's Essence, as Exod. 3.14 but also his Attributes, as Exod. 3.5, 6. and also his Ordinances, his Word and Gospel, Deut. 33.34. Acts 9.15. as also the Law of Christ, Esay 42.1. is called his Name, Mat. 12.21. also prayer, Gen. 4.26. and Gods whole worship with all his ordinances pertaining to the same, Deut. 21.5. Mal. 1.11, 12. and his Seals, Mat. 28.18, 19 and his Censures, 1 Cor. 5.4, 5. Mat. 18.20. So that God requires the holy use of all whatsoever his Name is put unto; so that as he doth in the first Commandment forbidden any besides himself to be worshipped, so in the second he requires all worship to be performed to himself only, according to his own rules expressed in his word, which contains the only Rules for worship: so that, as we must receive them only, and worship him only by those rules, so we must use them as he hath required, and not after, neither our own wills, nor after any others; but to take heed that we do observe to do them, as he hath given charge to use them, and not otherwise, for he will not hold them guiltless that shall use them otherwise then he requires. So that this Law of his is the ground of all worship, even of that worship that he requires, and it enforceth the same, and perfectly binds even all that will by the word of God manifest themselves to be the people of God to keep close to it, and not to meddle with any other state, ordinance or worship whatsoever, as the tenor of this Law rightly discerned doth manifest: as also the tenor of the New Testament doth plainly show (namely) that the Lord jesus Christ hath removed the Candlestick from the Jews, and given it to the Gentiles, Rom. 9 and 11. Chapters, as also Mat. 22.2.7. and so forward, Mat. 21.43. This state or Kingdom hath divers names in the New Testament, as the stock of a Vine, Joh. 15. it hath the name of an Olive stock, Rom. 11.24. the name of a Kingdom, Mat 21.43. Mat. 22.2. the name Temple, Rev. 11.1. City, Mount Zion, jerusalem, the house of God, Heb. 12.22. a Golden Candlestick, Rev. 2.1. This state so diversely named, and set forth, is the proper seat or being of all Gods public ordinances, and worship (as the Temple of old was, so is this) as the 1 Cor. 10. doth show, and as all the Primitive examples doth plainly prove. So that the ordinances of worship as they be placed, and seated there, so they cannot be lawfully used any where else: so that as Israel of old was tied to the worship and sacrifices, and feasts of all kinds that did belong to God's public worship, so they were strictly tied (as to the worship itself, so to) the place that he had chosen out of all the Tribes to put his Name in, Deut. 12.11. 1 Kin. 8. chap. compared with the 9.2, 3. thither to resort at the time appointed, there to worship and serve the Lord, as also to rejoice before him, and in his presence. Therefore if there were in any a refusal or omission, it was a forsaking of him, and did procure his wrath, as in the 2 Chro. 29.6, 7, 8, 9 So the Apostle exhorts to take heed that there be not in any an evil heart in departing from the living God, Heb. 3.12. but to keep close to the way of his Commandments. Therefore seeing the Lord hath so placed his ordinances that they cannot be lawfully removed out of his own house, and that all those that will manifest themselves to be the Lords people by their obedience to his will, must thither repair for the food of their souls, and not to wander in the way of the strange woman, seeing Wisdom hath a house polished, her table furnished with dainties, the command and call of God to come thither, Pro. 9.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Mat. 22.3. Cant. 1.6. and the right use of them, with the promise of blessing on them, 1 Cor. 10.16. and all the appurtenances, that belong to them, as this 1 Cor. 10. doth show. Therefore as all persons in matters of Religion are straight forbidden to worship any other God but the true God, so also to worship him by any other rules then what he hath laid down: so after no other manner than he hath prescribed, as the Scriptures do jointly drive at, and may be seen in this 10. Cor. The which that we may a little the better understand, for this end, we must consider that we speak of God's public worship, and not otherwise; so we must oppose such acts of Religion as are done in a public state: so that the sequel of my reasoning is not only to prove the administering, and receiving of the seals in a false State to be unlawful, but all other actions (as the preaching and hearing of the word) or of what nature soever they be, being done by that Diabolical opposite power to Christ's, as also by opposite persons to Christ's subjects of Christ's Kingdom: these persons being poured and authorized, not by Christ, but by his adversary, so that they are functioned and officiated by the enemy of Christ, though for some causes to God, and themselves they profanely, theevishly, and usurpedly intermeddle with some ordinances of God, for which sin they may justly fear that he will shortly come in flaming fire, rendering vengeance to them for that their wickedness, that though they preach his word, yet do not know him, as his servants know him: and also for detaining the truth in unrighteousness, 2 Thess. 1.18. Rom. 1.18. So in the second place I will show that whatsoever power Ecclesiastical, and state Ecclesiastical is opposite to Christ's power, and state, that that is a whore, and is by the rule of God's word to be fled from, and none of the servants of God to be found therein; For the Lord calls all his elect ones from them, as from the place where the life of grace cannot breathe in, and as from the Cage that is so unclean, that there can be no building, or abiding there for the Lords clean Fowls, for that's the hold of every unclean and hateful Bird, Rev. 18.2, 3, 4. Therefore seeing the good word of God which is holy in itself, yet it comes to be unclean in the use of it in false states: so that instead of nourishing the souls of them that use it there, it undoes them, and is a two edged sword to slay them in the true, and right sense of it. So that those vain and frothy flourishes which are made by the Subjects of Antichrists Kingdom of those glorious things they have, and possess in these days, are by the Lord reproved in his truth, aswell as the Idols Temple, whose indeed they be and not the Lords So that this is it that I would prove. First, that God hath given a Kingdom, and State Ecclesiastical to his Servants. Secondly, that this Kingdom and State is complete with Laws, and Ordinances, with Officers and Administrations for the execution of the holy things of God. Thirdly, that as all that by rule would be judged to be the Lords people, are commanded of God to seek the place where he hath put his name, there to seek rest for their souls; so also they must manifest themselves to be the Lords by their obedience to the truth, in cleaving to that old, and good way that leadeth to eternal life. Fourthly, that no public worship can be performed to God out of this Kingdom, and state: and that I conceive is clearly manifested out of this 10. Corinht. by the example of Israel of old. Secondly, in that the faithful in time of the Gospel is in an estate more glorious than they were Heb. 10.28, 29-12. 22. Therefore when the Saints come into any other state▪ or are under another institution, performing Religious actions therein, they be by the voice of God pronounced to be Idolaters, as this 10. Cor. 7. doth show. Fiftly, that the Ordinances of God's house must not be removed out their place, which is their own state: for as the vessels of the Sanctuary were profaned by polluted persons; so also in the use of them in any other place then where the Lord had commanded them to be used: for they could not be used holily among the Babylonians who set them in their Temple, because they wanted their proper seat or place of and being all those that had them when they were removed out of the Lords house could not use them but profanely, they being not the persons that God had appointed to use them, nor the place. This is plain if we consider the tenor of God's Book with the third precept. So that he hath compiled state, laws, ordinances, with their offices and administrations together, as may be seen in all the Churches, and in this 10. Cor. Further; that as men must not partake of any of God's ordinances but according to rule: So must they use and frequent none other; for all ways of a man's own are by God condemned, all precepts of men forbidden; therefore the state and ordinances of Christ with all appurtenances must of all God's people be flowed and adhered unto, not to be departed from, they being the only life of the soul, the wells in the right use of them, that the waters of life doth run in. So that by this little that is said, I may be discerned both what I intent, and also the drift of the Scriptures, which is, that God's ordinances cannot be rightly used out of his own spiritual house, or state; and that it is unlawful for us to go any where else to partake of any of them, Cant. 1.6. whether it be the Sacrament or hearing of the word, seeing he that partakes in any administration in a state, partakes of the state itself; and so hath communion with the Devil, the author and king of all false states, as the Apostle against the Corinth's in the 10th Chap. doth strongly prove by many illustrations. So that hearing of the word under an Institution is aswell communion as receiving of the Sacrament: for the sacrifice here spoken of, was part of the Jews worship, and not any of their Sacraments, as the Non-conformists ignorantly and blindly affirm. For they had Circumcision, and the Passeover for their Sacraments, instead of which Christ our King, and ordinance instituter, set up for us under the Gospel's Baptism, and the Supper. Now unto as many as walk according to this rule peace be unto them, and mercy, and unto the whole Israel of God. Amen. POSTSCRIPT. A PUBLIC CHALLENGE MADE BY N.E. to all the Non-conformists or Reformists in Old and New-England, and Holland, in the behalf of the total Separation, but in a special manner made to those persons in London that are convinced that the Church Ministry and worship in England are all of them Antichristian, and yet hold it lawful for themselves to walk in a straggling spiritual way, without joining or uniting of themselves to a true visible Church. But all, and every one of you are Challenged to Answer these 9 ensuing Propositions particularly in writing if you be able. London An. 1640. The first Proposition. THAT the planting of Grace in the soul, is not only a renovation: but it is an instamping engrafting, or creating of a new creature, or a communicating of the divine nature unto the soul, which in no measure it had before, no not in Man's innocence, 1 Cor. 15.45. to the 50. 2 Pet. 1.3, 4 For Adam in his innocence was but a perfect moral man, and had no participation nor divine communion with the divine nature, which if he had had, he had been as perfect as Christ himself, and could not possibly have fallen from his innocency; for it is the Saints communion with the divinity of God which makes them that they cannot lose the truth of the seed of grace which God hath wrought, or bestowed upon their souls, 1 Joh. 3.6.9. & the engrafting of which is the immediate, and alone work of God, Joh. 3.3.5, 6. Ephes., 6. 1 Pet. 1.3.23. 1. Joh. 2.20.29. & 5.20. 1 Cor. 2.12. wrought without the use of means. Rom. 10.14.17. 1 Cor. Act. 27.22. to 25.34. And that all that the Ministry of the word, or any other means doth, is no more but this, namely, to manifest, and declare, that this divine principle or nature is in the soul, Luke or to build up, and strengthen the soul in spiriturll things, or in the ways of God, Acts 20.28. Ephes. 4.12, 13. 1 Pet. 5.2. 2. That the only materials of which a true visible Church of Jeus Christ doth consist, and is made up of, is true matter, and true form, Col. 2.5. that is to say, that all the matter or people ought to be totally Separated from the world, and all Antichrstian Assemblies whatsoever, 2 Cor. 6.15, 16, 17. Rev. 18.4. Seeing God in all ages put a visible and distinct difference betwixt his people, and the men of the World, Leu. 20 29. Deut. 7.6. Act. 2.40. & 19 9 of whom it is required that they be not only believers, but also have a competent measure of knowledge to join, knit, and unite themselves together in the comely order of the Gospel, Deut. 29 9.10.12. Nehe. 10.28.29. Jer. 50.4. Act. 11.23, 24. And the reason why faith only doth not make fit matter, is because that in the working of grace the soul is only passive, and not active in the least, faith being wrought in, or upon the soul by God alone. But in obedience a believer is active, therefore it is required he should be fitted with a measure of knowledge to tender that worship, and service, which he offers up to God aright, and according to his will, otherwise it becomes will-worship, and a lame sacrifice, which is the sacrifice of fools, in which God hath no delight, or pleasure, Eccles. 5.1, 2.4. And the form is that heavenly State, City or Kingdom described in the Book of God, which hath divers, and several Names, as the beauty of holiness, 1 Chro. 16.29. Zion, Psal. 84.7. jerusalem, Esa. 62.6. the Lords holy Mountain, Esa. 65.9.11. his holy or secret place, which the Lord hath chosen to devil in, Psal. 132.13, 14. jerusalem the mother of us all, Gal. 4.26. The City of the living God, Heb. 13.22 Mount Zion, Reve. 14.1. the beloved City, Reve. 20.9. the holy City, or new jerusalem, Reve. 21.1, 2. the Lord is there, Ezek. 48.35. and that we are now as strictly tied to the institutions of jesus Christ under the Gospel, as the Jews were tied to his institutions under the Law, Acts 3.22, 23. Heb. 3.2.5. & 10.28, 29 & 12.25. 3. That Jesus Christ in his new Testament never instituded no Nationall nor Provincial, nor no universal Church, which then must needs have universal Officers, but only particular Churches, or Congregations, many of which may be in one Kingdom or Province, 1 Cor. 16.1. 2 Cor. 8.1. Gal. 1.2.22. 1 Thess. 2.14. and all of them independent bodies, Rev. 1.2, 3 Chapters, and yet every one of them have one and the same state, Gal. 4.26. one and the same King, head, and Lawgiver, one and the same Laws, one and the same manner of government; one and the same ordinance; one and the same institutions, and manner of administrations; having all administeriall power within themselves, depending upon none; but only upon Christ, their only, and alone spiritual, and visible head, 2 Cor. 11.2. Ephes. 1.22, 23. and the 5.23. Col. 1.18.24. & 2.19. who though he be spiritual, as the Subjects, Laws, government, worship, ordinances, and administrations are yet, is he visible, Esay 9.6, 7. Psal. 110.12 Act. 7.55, 56. as well as his Kingdom, and all the Laws, ordinances, and administrations thereof. And that it is altogether sinful, and unlawful for any whatsoever to inflict any bodily or corporal punishment upon any for spiritual things, or matters of conscience (seeing excommunication, or casting out into the world is now in the Gospel put in the place of killing the body under the Law) which wicked practice notwithstanding is not only used by the Diabolical, and Satanical Prelates here in England, but also by the Magistrates and Priests in New- England, who ungodly, wickedly, and sinfully unprison, banish, and take away men's goods, and that even for Conscience sake. 4. That it is the duty of all those that will approve their hearts unto God, and declare unto his people that they are his, Jam. 2 18 to walk in a spiritual total Separation from the men of the world, by joining themselves freely and voluntarily to a true visible Church, there publicly to worship and serve the Lord according to his own Laws, ordinances and appointment, seeing the Lord never promised his presence, blessing, peace, nor protection to any persons whatsoever, but only these that walk in this State, City, or Kingdom, into which all his people are bound in Conscience to enter into it, Esa. 26.20. Mat. 28.20. Cant. 1.6. that desire according to their duty to glorify him in the eyes of the world, by holding forth the public profession of the purity of his truth as so many burning and shining lamps in the midst of a perverse and crooked generation, Mat. 5.26. Phil. 2.15. That it savours of a muddy, earthly, carnal, base, and unsanctified heart, for any man or woman whatsoever, be they high, or low rich, or poor, to plead that the people of God may lawfully walk in a straggling spiritual way, though they join not themselves to a visible Church, 1 Sam. 15.22, 23. Mat. 13.44, 45, 46.6.33. Mark. 10.22, 23. for the servants of God in former ages made no cavils against, (neither needed they any pressing to) this duty, who with loning desires desired to come before God, and meet with him in this his Zion, Psal. 42.1, 2, 3. and 84.10. and who have taken this Kingdom of God by violence, Mat. 11.12. Act. 2.41. and that such pleading doth declare that the chief treasure of such persons are the empty husks, and base things of this evil world, and that their hearts are possessed with self-seeking, and self ends, and covetousness which is Idolatry, Col. 3.5. Ephes. 5.5. and have no regard to God's glory, or honour, for which sin he will plague them, 1 Sam. 2.30. Psal. 2.12. especially in their inward man, 2 Thess. 2.11.12. that they shall not excel in being famous amongst the true children of Zion, for being eminent in the knowledge of the true ways and mysteries of God and godliness, Esa 19 13, 14. and 59 9, 10, 11, 12. Mal. 2 2. 1 Cor. 1.19. & 3.19. That jesus Christ did redeem, and save his people from the wrath to come, mainly and principally for this end, that they should glorify him both in their souls and bodies without fear. Luk. 1.74. Joh. 14.21. 23. & 1 Cor. 6.19, 20. Rom. 12.1. which is done when they walk unblamably, and uprightly without any self-respects in his public ways; which it is their duty so to do, Mark 10.30.33. in the worst of times, and amongst the greatest oppositions whatsoever, Reve. 12.11. & 14.1.4. though it be to the spoiling of their goods, and the losing of their lives, Mat. 10. 37, 38, 39 seeing jesus Christ will have his full, and whole price of all those that will truly embrace and entertain him, Zeche. 11.12. which is to part with all for his sake and glory, with willingness, and contentedness, Mat. 16.24, 25. Mark. 8.34 35.38. Luk. 9.23, 24 & 14 16. whose praise and glory ought to be more precious and dear unto them, than all they have, are, or shall be, 1 Sam. 4.21, 22. Dan. 3.16, 17, 18. that is to say, than their own eternal happiness and welfare. And that it is impossible for any of God's people to glorify him aright, as they should and ought to do, till they be entered into, and joined as fellow Citizens with the Saints, Ephe. 2.19. in this heavenly State, City, or Kingdom, which he instituted and appointed principally for the perfecting and building up of the Saints, Ephe. 4.10.12, 13, 14. out of which they cannot possibly worship him aright, nor come to the true knowledge of the naked and pure ways of God: seeing this City cannot be measured by any but those that are within it. Therefore the peole of God according to his promise, Psal. 110.3. Jere. 50.4, 5. ought with all willingness, with longing and striving desires (without any compulsion) to come to worship God within this his Zion, Tabernacle and dwelling place, Psal. 68.16. as his Saints in old time did, Psa. 84.1, 2. & 120.5. seeing here, and no where else he hath promised his presence, with the increase, and growth in grace, Psal. 9.11. & 84.7. & 92.13, 14. & 133.3. Zeche. 8.3.12. and hath tied all his worship thereto, Joh. 4.23, 24. Leu. 17.1.2, 3, 4. 9 Therefore blessed are they that dwell in this his house, that they may be still praising of him, Psal. 84.4. That it is as easy to prove that woman to be an honest woman, that hath had twenty Bastards, as it is to prove the Nationall, or Parishional Church, or Churches in England to be Christ's true Spouse, Reve. 13.16, 17. & 16.19. And that they who by reason of blind and ignorant zeal offered their Children through the fire to the Devil, and Molech, Psal. 101.37. Jer. 32.35. had as much ground and warrant for their so doing: as the members in the Church of England have for their worship and service which they publicly tender up to God, Reve. 9.20, 21. & 13.2.4. And that in the worship and service of God there is nothing indifferent: but his commands doth strictly tie us to punctual obedience in all times, ages, and places; and that we must not in the least have any respect to a misinformed Conscience, 2 Thess. 1.7, 8, 9, 10. which so fare as it falleth short of the word of God, is faithful, seeing it is to be guided by the revealed will of God, Deut. 29.29. Esa. 8.20. 2 Chro. 5.15, 16, 17. and to be measured by it, and not it by a misguided, or erroneous Conscience, Mat. 22.29. That though hearing in itself be a moral thing, and though a false administration cannot destroy, nor annihilate any ordinance of God, seeing the ordinance Maker, is the only, and alone ordinance destroyer, and nullifier, Act. 6.14. yet hearing of the word preached from any false Officer whatsoever, is absolutely unlawful, because it is a sinful communicating, and partaking in his Administration, Office, or Institution, Mat. 23.19, 20, 21, 22. compared with 1 Cor. 10.18. & Mat. 10.40. Luk. 10.16. compared with Reve. 13.2.4. & 1 Cor. 10.14.20, 21. 1 Joh. 5.21. Hos. 9.4. for he that partakes in any administration in a State, whether true, or false, partakes in the State itself: Therefore though the naked truth of God in the purity of it, were taught by false Officers, in false Assemblies, yet it is as unlawful for God's people now to go thither to partake in hearing of it, or to eat any spiritual meat there, as it was for the Israelites to go to the Philistims when the Ark of God was in the house of Dagon, there to seek God's presence: or for the Corinth's to go to the Idols Temple to eat of their sacrifices there (though eating in itself be as moral as hearing is) yet the Corinth's going thither to eat of their set apart, or instituted meat, made them to have communion with Devils, who were the instituters of their institutions and state, 1 Cor. 10.20, 21. and as lawful was it for the Israelites to go to Dan, Bethel or Gilgall, there to sacrifice and do worship unto God (as it is for us to go to hear the word of God in false Assemblies) unto which places the Lord peremtorily commands them they shall not go, Hos. 4.15. & 9.15. Amos 5.5. seeing the Lord had tied all his worship and service to the Temple at jerusalem and there only promised his presence and acceptance of their service and worship, Deut. 12.11. 1 Kin. 8. compared with Chap. 9.2, 3. And that the Lord now under the Gospel hath as strictly tied all his worship and service to be offered up and performed in that heavenly State, City or Kingdom before spoken of, which is called the * Revel. 21. new jerusalem, coming down from heaven; the name of which City is, ‡ Ezek. 〈◊〉 The Lord is there. And therefore out of it to worship the Lord may we not go, lest we sin as the Jews did who left the Temple, and went to sacifice under every green Tree, which though their sacrifice which they offered up there was true sacrifice, yet, it comes under a sharp reproof, as a gross and remarkable sin; because they brought it not to the true State and Altar, where only the Lord had commanded them to offer their sacrifice. Even so though persons go to hear the word of God in a false state, and think they may lawfully so do, yet they come under the same reproof with the Jews, being guilty of the same sin, there being a true parallel betwixt the Jews offering up of sacrifice under the Law, which was part of their worship, and of our hearing of the word preached, which is part of our worship under the Gospel; the material Temple at jerusalem being the type, and our spiritual jerusalem, or heavenly State is the substance of it, in the which only, and alone, and no where else his people are to tender all their worship, and service to him: seeing he hath not declared nor promised that he will own any service whatsoever, but only that which is offered up unto him within this heavenly State or holy City, his dwelling and abiding place, of which glorious and excellent things in Scripture ‡ Psal 87.3. Isay. 60.19.20. Rev. 21. & 22. Chapters. are spoken of. And that betwixt moral things and institutions there is this difference: Moral things are therefore good, because they are so in themselves. Institutions are therefore good because the instituter hath set them apart for a holy use, and ordained them so to be; as the Tree in Paradise; and the Tabernacle, and Temple, and all the things thereunto belonging, and all the institutions under the Gospel; as the Temple, Altar, and worshippers, all of which are institutions and therefore holy. That that Learning of Curious Arts and Sciences, which men attain unto at the Schools, is but Humane and not of God, the attaining unto which is no way necessary to the making of a man fit to bear office in the Church of * See for this, A late printed Book, called. The Sufficiency of the Spirits Teaching without Humane-Learning. By Sam. How. Christ, but that man that wants them, may be every way as fit as he that hath them. For they puff men up with pride and worldly wisdom which is § 1 Cor. 1.19.20 27.28. & & 3.19.20. foolishness, and enmity against God. And therefore those that have these humane Arts, and earthly learning are not more unfit than others that want them, to be chosen by the Church of God officially to officiate therein, but Because they cannot easily be tried according to those rules which the Apostle Paul lays down to Timothy for that end. For without grace they will, and do cheat, cousin, and deceive the Saints many times with their Arts, by making that seem to be a spiritual gift from God, which is nothing else but a humane Art. But that learning which chief makes the Saints fit to bear office in, and take care of the Church of God, is divine and spiritual learning, of which God is the * 1 Cor. 12.6.7 Author, without which none are truly able to know, and interpret the holy ‡ 1 Cor. Scripture. Therefore woe, wo. to all those that follow, and are guided, and led by Antichrists ignorant, and spiritual drunken Priests, whose souls are so infatuated, and besotted with the abominable fornications of the Scarlet whore, that they are not able rightly to know the will of God, and therefore do they feed you with ashes, froth, and scum, and these you take for famous truths, their hearts being so exceedingly deceived, that they are not able to deliver their souls from their gross abominable Idolatry, and wickedness, nor say is there not a lie in our right hand: for as the Prophet ‡ Isay. 44.18. Esay speaks, they have no knowledge nor heavenly understanding, for God hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see, & their hearts that they cannot understand. Answer these 9 Propositions O all ye Non-conformists, or Reformists, if your much boasted of abilities, have any reality or substance in them besides windy and cowardly brags, (who think you are separated away frow Babylon and Antichrist, and yet you are in midst of it and have communion with him) and by God's assistance you shall be punctually replied unto. But look to it, if you go to your cowardly fugitive, and runaway Priests to get them to answer it, that you charge them not to stuff their Books full with citations of their rotten, putrified and empty Fathers, and Authors, and Heathenish Poets, and Philosophers, which usually they do, giving us three of them, for one well applied place of Scripture. But if now they thus do, of their Authority I shall no more esteem, then of the dirt in the kennel: The most of whose Books are fit for no other use, or place, then to be burnt in the fire, as the Books of those that used curious Arts in the § Act. 19.19. Apostles time were, and so shall the word of God grow, flourish, and prevail as then it did. Neither let their answer be with tricks and quillets by the cunning of their deceivable humane Arts, with which they can make black seem white, just Juggler like; Nor yet with their rotten and false Scholastical distinctions, as hearing the word of God from an officer, and yet they do not hear him as an Officer) which is but a Sophistical distinction serving to no purpose. And all these humane devises I esteem of no more use in matters of controversy to find out the naked truth of God, than pitch, rosin and flax is to quench fire, which will much more increase and aggravate it: even so will they, though things now should be very dark, yet the making use of them to make them more obvious and clear, will make them more misty and obscure. Therefore I desire him, whosoever he be that answers me, to weigh things in the balance of the sanctuary (I mean the unerring word of God) and to go to the Law and the Testimony, and speak according to that, otherwise I shall tell him (and that in the words of the Spirit of God) * Isay. 8.20. there is no light of truth in him. Therefore let it be answered by the Authority of the Scripture, for it is that which testifies of ‡ joh. 5.39. Christ. And the want of the true knowledge of this is the ground of all error and ‡ Mat. 22.29 ignorance, which your Priests by their rotten filthy Diabolical arts, and inventions do obscure, darken, and eclipse. Therefore I do verily think and believe that for this cause God will never honour them to do him any special or singular piece of service, for he taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and disappointeth the devises of the crafty, and sets up on high, those that below, § joh. 5.11.12. and maketh the wise men to perish, † Isay. 29.14. and frustrateth the tokens of liars as they are) and maketh diviners mad, and turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge" foolish, which by daily, and large experience we see manifested, and made good, nor never make use of them, for principal instruments to pull down and destroy the filthy black: Soddomitist Babylonian Kingdom of Antichrist; for as fast as any of them by the word of God do labour to pull it down with one hand, they by making use of their humane arts, and learning, build it up with both hands: and more stregthen the enemy with these their wicked weapons, than they weaken him with any other they can make use of. Therefore let all God's people that desire with all their might to pull down the whore, and make her desolate, and naked; cry down all these wicked Arts, and human-learning, and all worldly wisdom to the pit of hell from whence they came, and only make use of the two-edged sword of God's word, as the very chief weapon to pierce and run through the very heart of the scarlet whore, and her upholders, for this will pierce even to the dividing asunder of the soul and Spirit, * Heb. 4.12. and of the joints and marrow, For the word of God is that two-edged sword that comes out of the mouth of the Lamb our Captain Christ Jesus, who sits upon the white Horse, who in righteousness and truth doth judge, and make war; and with this he goes forth conquering, and to conquer, and to smite the Nations and people that do not, nor will not obey his truth, for he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of ‡ Rev. 19 ● Almighty God. And with this spiritual, overcoming, unresistable conquering weapon are we his Soldiers, or Armies, that are in heaven, or stand upon Mount Zion (that is, in the true Church, or state of God) ready to do our Father's will and pleasure, to fight courageously against our spiritual Babylonian enemies, in following the Lamb whither soever he goeth, and to do him what service soever he pleaseth to call us to, and not to love our lives unto the death; seeing he hath redeemed us from among men, and made us Kings and Priests unto God our Father. Therefore O my Brethren, be exhorted to courage, and zeal, for the Lord and his truth: for this is it wherein he shall be glorified by us: therefore shake off all base, and carnal fear, and be not afraid of the greatness of our enemies; but let us publicly in an united bond, profess the purity of his truth in sincerity, for we are sure by the word of his ‡ Rev. 12.12. Testimony to overcome all that do oppose us: For the Lord ere long by the spirit of his mouth, and the brightness of his coming, in this his glorious Kingdom (before spoken of) will destroy the man of sin, that so long hath trampled this his holy City under foot, for the prosperity and flourishing of which we are bound in duty to strain for, and hazard all we have. Therefore if I forget thee o jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning; and if I do not remember thee o Zion let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, yea if I prefer not § Psal. 137.6, 7. jerusalem above my chief joy: For my soul longs, yea exceedingly with earnest desires to see jerusalem become (as I am sure when Antichrist is destroyed she shall be) the praise of the whole earth. Therefore all ye choice Speare-men of the Lord, be as valiant for your God now in the days of Babel's tottering, as † 2 Sam. 23.16, 17. David's worthies was for him, and stoutly break through the Hosts of the Babylonians those spiritual Phylistims, and fetch, and take the water of life from out of their polluted hands, which they theevishly have stolen, and usurpedly make use of, that the Lords weak ones may freely drink of it without fear of being poisoned: and let us all, yea every one of us that stand upon Mount Zion with our Father's name written in our “ jere. 50. & 51. Reve. 18. foreheads according to our duty. Let us put our selus in array against Babylon round about, and call together the Lords valiant Spearmen, and Archers against her. Therefore all ye that bend the Bow, Camp against her round about, and let none that belong unto her escape; but recompense her according to her work, according to all that she hath done let us do unto her, for she hath been proud against the Lord, even against the holy one of Israel. Therefore let us cause her young men to fall in the streets, and all her men of war let us (as much as we are able cut off. Now her choice men of war are her officers, whose offices is that great River Euphrates spoken of in the Revelation, which principally we must labour to dry up, because till it be dried up, we the sons of righteousness, and Kings of the East cannot come to take her and destroy her. Now the chief means to dry up her offices, is to refuse all spiritual subjection to them, and not to give to any of them at any time their usurped fees, for this I will maintain, that it is absolutely sinful, and unlawful to pay unto them any money which they demand, as an Ecclesiastical right, or to enter bail unto them: therefore in my judgement those do deny and dishonour God, and his truth, that directly or indirectly fee, or give money to their Diabolical Pursuivants, for their liberty when they are taken by them; sure I am the Apostles and their followers were never so base and cowardly, yet this is a common sin amongst all our Congregations, the Lord amend it: and in after time give us more courage and zeal for his glory, otherwise our condition will be like to Laodicea even to be lukewarm, for which we may shortly fear the Lord will spew us out of his mouth. A Second sort of her Champions, are those that draw nearer to God in many things than others of their Brothers do, and these are called Puritans or Professors, whose vizards I have in part in my foregoing Propositions unmasked; and these by how much the more they seemingly draw nearer to God in their false ways, so much the more hurt and mischief they do, by keeping others more weaker than themselves from a willing stooping entirely to the Sceptre of Christ, for which sin the Lord plague's them: for it is daily seen that even Publicans and Harlots enter into the Kingdom before them, to walk in that order which God hath appointed for their building up, therefore against these should we fight, and with all our strength and cunning, take from them their masks, visard's, and figge-leaves, unto whom I may truly say as God by the Prophet * Esay 47. Esay said to the old Babylonians, that your wisdom, and your knowledge hath perverted you, which makes you say in your hearts you are well and need no mending. Therefore shall evil come upon you, and you shall not know from whence it ariseth, and mischief shall fall upon you and you shall not be able to put it off, and desolation shall come upon you suddenly, which you shall not know. Therefore stand now with your enchantments, and with the multitude of your services (that is to say, with your tricks and quillets, and cunning soule-deceiving shifts) wherein you have laboured from your youth, if so be you shall be able to profit, and prevail; you are wearied in the multitude of your Counsels. Let now the Astrologers, the Starre-gazers, the monthly Prognosticaters (that is to say, your famous Priests, those wise and learned men (as you esteem them) whose frothy save, and foolish council by some of you are judged as Oracles; let these I say stand up and save you (if they be able) from those things that shall shortly come upon you, Behold they shall be as stubble, the fire shall burn them, and they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame thereof, and there shall not be a coals for you to warm at, nor fire to set before you. Thus shall it be unto you with whom you have laboured, even your spiritual Merchants from your youth, they shall wander every one to his quarter, none shall save you. O jehovah thou Lord of hosts, and powerful God, that thou wouldst rend the heavens, that thou wouldst in wrath and fury come down, that the Mountains might flow down at thy presence, as when the melting fire burneth, even the fire that causeth the waters to jail, to make thy great, dreadful, and terrible name known to thy Babylonian Antichristian adversaries, that the Nations thereof may * Isay. 64.1.2. tremble at thy presence: and hasten thy coming in thy glorious Kingdom, and cause the brightness thereof to scorch, torment, and torture the very souls and spirits of thy spiritual enemies: and put ‡ Neh. 13. Nehemiahs' courage, and zeal into the hearts of all the Lambs redeemed one's, that they may at once power out the vyals of thy fury and fierce indignation ‡ Rev. 16. upon the very throne of the Beast, to the ruin thereof, that his worshippers may gnaw their tongues for very pain, and cry out with weeping, and wailing for the destruction of their spiritual Babylon, alas, alas; and cause thy servants in all their spiritual battles never to make use of any of the Beasts foolishness, or humane weapons, which are no better than bul-rushes; but make it known unto them that it is their duty to be as unlike unto him in all things whatsoever as ‡ possibly they can, and to keep close to thy Law and Statutes, § For blessed are they that do thy Commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the holy City. And so my opposites I bid you farewell, and rest yours in any service for Christ his truth and glory, to be commanded, and truly desiring the good and welfare of your souls, N. E. FINIS.