The true form and shape of a disingenuity child / which was born in Stony Stratforde, in North Hampton shire. The year of our Lord, M. CCCCC. LXV. ¶ This is the fore parte. depiction of conjoined twins ¶ This is the back parte. depiction of conjoined twins THis child was born on friday, being the .xxvi. day of january, betwixt .vi. and .vii. of the clock in the morning, and lived two hours, and was christened by the midwife, and are both Women children, having two bodies, joining together With .iiii. arms, and .iiii. legs perfect, & from the navel upward one Face, two Eyes, one Nose, and one Mouth, and three ears, one being vpon the back side of the Head, a little above the nape of the neck, having hear growing vpon the Head. which child was born out of wedlock. The Fathers name is richard Sotherne, who is now fled And the Mother is yet living in the same town. And this child was brought up to London, where it was seen of dyvers worshipful men and women of the city. And also of the country. To witness that it is a Trouth and no Fable, But a warning of God, to move all people to amendment of life. YOu that do see this Clilde disfigured here, Two Babes in one, disguised to behold, think with yourselves, when such things do appear All is not well, as wise heads may be bold: But god that can in secrets show the sign Can bring much more to pas, by poure divine. ¶ And we that live to see this wonder, howe The gaze is given, to make this marvel great, Let one by one that this beholdeth now, Be warned as the wonder gives conceit: To live to mend the wondrous shape we see, contrary much, in all that ought to bee. ¶ For as we find, this figure seemeth strange, Because it shows, proporsion not in ure, So bare in mind. how time can chop and chance, Disguising works, in wills that be unsure: From mean to more, from more to much excess, Where Nature wills, desire should be less. W. Elderton. ¶ Finis. ¶ Imprinted at London in fleetstreet beneath the Conduit: at the sign of S. John evangelist, by Thomas Colwell.