royal blazon or coat of arms ¶ provision made by the king highness and his counsel for putting a parte thercessyue fare & redusynge the same to such moderation as folowyngly ensueth thobseruaunce whereof to begin the last day of May the .ix. year of the reign of the king now our sovereign lord Henry the .viii. first that a cardinal man haue nine dishes at his own mess at one meal besides pottages to be served in courses at his pleasure. ¶ Item an Archebysshoppe and a Duke may haue .viii. dishes at their own messes at a meal besides pottages to be served in courses at their own pleasure. ¶ Item Marques Erlys and bishops m●ye haue .vii. dishes at their own messes at a meal besides pottages to be served in courses at their pleasure. ¶ Item all lords temporal under the degree of an earl abbots being lords of the parliament Mayres of the city of London for the time being knights of the garter ▪ to haue .vi. dishes at their own messes at a meal besides pottages to be served in courses at their pleasure. ¶ Item wretches the chief Baron of thexchequer the kings counsel the Sheryffes of that said city for the time being & all other both spiritual & temporal that may dispend in l●nde● or fees to the yearly value of. CC. li. may haue .v. dishes at their own mess at a meal besides pottages to be served as they will. ¶ Item all {per}sones spiritual and temporal that may dispend. C. li. by year and nat. CC. li. may haue .iiii. dishes at their own mess at a meal besides pottages. ¶ Item all persons spiritual and temporal that may dispend .xl. li. by year and nat. C. li. may haue .iii. dishes at their own mess at a meal besides pottages. ¶ Item all persons spiritual and temporal having goods to the value of. MM. li. may haue like dishes / as he that may dispend in lands to the value of. by year. ¶ Item all persons spiritual & temporal having goods to the value of. M. li. may haue like dishes / as he that may dispend in lands. C. li. by year. ¶ Item all persons spiritual and temporal having goods to the value of v. C. li. may haue as many dishes as he that may dispend .xl. li. by year. ¶ Item if .ii. meats of one kind be diversly dressed / or .ii. meats of diverse kinds be served in a dish ▪ every of the● a● shall stand for one dish after the rate aboue●ayd. ¶ Item crane swain buzzard peycoke and all other fowles of like greatness / but one in a dish. ¶ Item par●riche plouers wodcok and all other wyldefowle of like greatness / but .vi. in a dish for a cardinal only / and .iiii. in a dish for all other lords. ¶ Item quails / dottrelles ▪ snytes / and all other fowles of like greatness but .viii. in a dish. ¶ Item fesaundes gulls and all other fowles of like greatness but .ii. in a dish. ¶ Item larks and all other fowles of like greatness but .xii. in a dish. ¶ Item all {per}sones aforesaid may haue less dishes at their pleasure but no more at one meal than is afore limited / not otherwise than is afore rehersayd ¶ provided always that at the day of marriage of my {per}sone he or she after their degrees above the said rate may haue iii. dishes more at a meal than is above limited after the rate. ¶ provided also that brawn and other entrails of bestes and portenaunces of bestes and fowles oysters cockles / muscles all white meats not altered out of their kind shall not be taken for any dish. ¶ Item .iii. Saltfysshes of any kind to be accounted for one dish and having any mo kind of saltfysshes / every of them to be accounted for one dysshe. ¶ Item at the Receuynge & festynge of Ambassarours / and noble men of outward parties every man to be at his liberty the rate before ranted natwithstandynge / And in semblable maner the knight of the garter to be at their liberties on saint Georges day only. ¶ Item it is ordered that in case any of the estate or other before rehersayd shall fortune to dine or sup with any other of a lower degree / it shalbe lawful to the {per}sone or persons with whom the said Estates or other shall so dine or sup to serve them and every of them according to their degrees / after the rates before ●pecified. ¶ finally it is determined that if any person or {per}sones shall otherwise order themself than is contained in the foresaid Rate and provision And so following their sensual appetite shall violate the same / he or they so doing shall not only be reputed & taken as a man of evil order contemptuously disobeyinge the direction of the kings highness & his counsel But also to be sent for to be corrected and punished at the kings pleasure to the example of other that shal enterpresse any such folyous and sensual appetites hereafter. ¶ imprinted at the commandment of out sovereign lord the king and his counsel by richard Pynson printer unto his noble grace. ¶ God save the king.