By the queen, forasmuch as diverse light, and seditious persons, delytyng in continual alterations, and never contented with the present estate, haue of late much presumed, and yet cease not to invent, spread, and publish many false, untrue, and vain rumors, and brutes, rashly discoursyng vpon the great, and most weighty affairs, touching the queens highness royal person, & state of the realm, contrary to their bound dueties of allegiance, & contrary to al good order, in such outragiouse sort, as( if remedy were not provided in time) great inconvenience might ensue. FOR remedy whereof, her highness considering, that of the sufferance of such lewd liberty of speaking, evil doings, and attempts, haue many times followed, doth therefore straightly charge and command al her loving subiectes, of every sort and degree, from henceforth, not only for their own partes to forbear, to publish any such rumors or tales: but also to declare to the next iustice of peace, or other officer, any person, whatsoever he be that they shal know to be offenders in this behalf, to thintent, they may( by the said officers) be committed to prison, and further punished by pillory, or otherwise, as the quality of the person, and of his offence may seem to deserve. AND her highnes further pleasure is, that yf the hearers of any such light, sediciouse, or naughty talk, spoken in his or their presence, shall not, according to this proclamation, open the same to the next Iustice, or other officer,( as aforesaid,) that then the same person, so hearing, and not declaring the same, and being therof justly convicted, shalbe reputed, and taken for the first author of the said rumours, and haue such punyshmente for the same, as the first author should, yf he were apprehended. REQVIRING, and straightly charging and commanding all iustices of peace, Mayours, bailiffs, Sheriffes, Constables, headboroughs, & al other her highnes officers, and ministers, whatsoever they be, to do their best endeavour, for the effectual execution of this present proclamation, and due punishment of all offend ours in this behalf, as they will answer to the contrary at their perils. God save the queen. Londini in aedibus johannis Cawedi Typographi Regiae Maiestatis excusum. Anno. M. D. L III. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum