¶ By the queen, THe queens majesty understanding that certain malicious persons haue of late time caused a report to be made in foreign partes, that a great part of such armor and provisions of war as by her majesty hath of late yeres ben made in Germany for her own use, should be transported into the countries of Russia, whereby the countreys of Christendom adjoining thereto, being at war with the Duke of the said countreys of Russia should take great hurt and damage. And considering that although this rumour be known to be false, vain, and malicious, yet if it should be permitted without contradiction to be carried from place to place, hurt & offence might come to her majesties name and credit amongs Christian Princes: Hath therfore both notified the falseness therof to diuers Princes and common weals in Germany, where the report hath ben made, with request to them to procure knowledge of the first Authors therof, and offer of reward for the same, and by this her present Proclamation doth let it to be known to all maner of persons, that there was never provided, neither ment to be had out of Germany or else where any one piece of armor or thing belonging to war by her majesty, but onely for the use and service of her own countries. And as her majesty never ment otherwise, so thinking surely that none of her subiectes haue done to the contrary at any time: Her straight commandment is, that none shall buy or provide of armor or such like, to be either directly or indirectly sent either into Russia or to any place that is in war with any nation of christendom, vpon pain of forfeiture of as much as by the parties may be forfeited. And for redress of this false report and slander, her majesty is so desirous to haue the Authors thereof known, as whosoever shall presently detect the same, shall haue no small reward of her majesty. given at our Manor of greenwich the .viii. of july, the thyrde year of our reign. 1561. God save the queen. ¶ Imprinted at London in Powles churchyard, by Richard jug and John Cawood, Printers to the queens majesty. Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.