By the queen. THe queens majesty being informed, that where the last year in the month of August, by her special proclamation given at Otelande, her majesty directed sundry good orders to her ports, for the remouyng and expelling of all Pirates out of the narrow Seas vpon the coasts of her realms, whereupon it followed that sundry evil persons having ben apprehended in her ports, by means of the said Proclamation, haue ben( as it is notorious) of late time executed as Pirates, so as though no manifest Pirates are known at this present to resort to any her majesties ports, yet it is supposed that by the fraud and greediness of some negligent officers in some small ports or creeks of the realm, certain goods & merchandise are secretly brought into the said ports( as it is said) from some ships of war of other countreys, being vpon the high Seas, and out of the danger of her majesties Castles or bulwarks to be stayed, and are thought to be there taken by the said ships of war by force of arms from merchants passing through the narrow Seas: a matter much mislyked by her majesty. For remedy whereof, her majesty doth eftsoons most straightly charge & command al maner persons, to haue a more earnest regard to the observation of all things contained in the foresaid Proclamation, vpon the several pains therein contained: and that the same Proclamation be in every Port of her realm newly published & observed. And thereunto this her majesty presently addeth, that yf any officer in any Port or Creeke, shall haue any knowledge or information given of any person, that directly or indirectly shall bye, or any wise attain to any maner goods or merchandise brought in, otherwise then ordinarily and publicly by merchants ships, as lawfully trading merchandise: that the said officers for not apprehendyng the offenders, and for not withstanding such fraudes, shal be both deprived of their offices, and committed to prison without bail, yf their offices be of her majesties gift. And yf they haue continuance of their offices or jurisdictions by grant of corporation, the whole liberties of the corporation for such misuses shalbe seized into her majesties hands, and be extinguished. And whosoever shall give any true information to her majesties privy counsel against any such officers so offending, the same shal be duly and largely rewarded to his comfort and satisfaction, and to the encouragyng of others to detect such offences and fraudes. given at Hampton Court the sixth day of june. 1570. in the twelfth year of her majesties reign. God save the queen. ❧ Imprinted at London in Powles churchyard by richard jug and John Cawood, Printers to the queens majesty. Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.