¶ By the queen. ❧ A Proclamation for adiournment of part of Michaelmas term. 1592. FOrasmuch as the queens majesty our sovereign lady is credibly informed that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in and about the city of London, and in other places near adjoining to the same: Whereas by the continuance thereof, through the greater repair and resort of her loving subiects, great peril and danger might not onely ensue unto her most royal person, but also to her most loving subiects repairing thither for their suits and causes, and thereby also give occasion of dispersing of the same into other parts of the realm: Her majesty for the said necessary considerations, and hoping that the same will by the goodness of Almighty God, with the coldness of the year, & such wholesome orders as are taken in her ●●d City, the rather cease by the adiournment of part of this next term of S. Michael now at hand, from the utas of the same until the fourth return of the said term called mensae Michaelis next coming: Her majesty therefore of her especial favour and clemency is pleased and contented to adjourn the said term of S. Michael,( that is to say,) from the utas thereof unto the said fourth return of the said term called mensae Michaelis next coming, which her majesty signifieth to all and singular her loving subiects of this her realm, to the intent that they and every of them, which hath cause or commandement to appear in any of her Highnesse Courts at Westminster, in or at any day or time from and after the said utas of S. Michael, may tarry at their dwellings, or where their business otherwise shall lye, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that cause before the said mensae Michaelis next coming, and that without danger of forfeiture, penalty, or contempt to incur towards her highnesse in that behalf. And nevertheless her majesties pleasure is, that two of her Justices( that is to say,) of either Bench one, shall the first day of michaelmas term, called Octabis Michaelis, according to the ancient order of the laws, keep the essoins of the said Octabis Michaelis, at which utas of S. Michael writs of adiournment shall be directed to the said Justices, giuing them authority to adjourn the said term of S. Michael, that is to say) from the utas therof until the fourth return, as before is said: And the said adiournment shal be made in the first day of the said utas, commonly called the day of the essoins. And further her majesties pleasure is, that al matters, causes and suits depending in any of her other Courts between party & party, as in her Highnes Courts of chancery, star-chamber and exchequer, Courts of Wards and liveries, duchy of Lancaster and Court of Requests, shall haue continuance, and the parties shall haue day from the date of these presents, until the fourth return, as before is said. provided alway, and her majesties pleasure and commandement is, that all Collectors, receivers, sheriffs, ●●d other accountants, and all other persons that should or ought to account or pay any sum or sums of money in any of her majesties Courts of exchequer, Court of Wards and liveries, or of her duchy of Lancaster, or in any of them, or to enter into any account in any of the said Courts, shall repair unto her majesties house of Sion, where her Highnesse hath appointed such officers and ministers as for that purpose her majesty hath thought expedient, and there to pay and do in every behalf as though no such Proclamation of adiournment had been had or made. And her Highnesse further pleasure and commandement is, that all sheriffs shal return their Writs & process against all such accountants and debters at the dayes therein appointed: And if any person or persons, who ought to account or pay any sum or sums of money to her majesty in any the Courts and places aforesaid, do make default therein, That then her Highnes Writs, & process, shalbe awarded and sent forth against every such person and persons, and the same to be duly & orderly served and returned by the sheriffs and officers thereunto appointed in such like maner and form as the same should haue been, if this present Proclamation had not been made. And if any sheriff or other officer shall make default or be negligent in serving, executing, or returning of any the writs and process aforesaid, That then every such sheriff and other officer shall incur such pains and penalties, as by the said Courts or any of them shalbe taxed & assessed. Willing and commanding all and every her majesties Shirifes, Officers, ministers and Subiects, to whom it doth, or shall appertain, to observe and keep their assemblies and appearances, with all their returns and certificates in her Highnes said courts at Westminster in mensae Michaelis next coming, then and there to be holden and kept, and there to do their offices and dueties in every behalf, in like maner and form as they should or ought to haue done if this present Proclamation had not been had or made, as they will answer to the contrary at their perils. given at our Mannour of Woodstocke the xviii. day of September 1592. and of our reign the xxxiiii. year. God save the queen. ¶ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the queens most excellent majesty.